How to Use the Resin Printer:<br>
-Please do not use the resin printer without prior instruction.<br>
+Please do not use the resin printer without prior instruction. If you want instructions, ask Frauke.<br>
Prepare an .stl Model. (3D-printer page...)<br>
[[Datei:0,25.jpg|thumb|chitubox 0,25]]
-Resin settings for Elegoo resins:<br>
Resin settings for other resins:<br>
Set the clear tank containing bioethanol (or isopropanol) on the base of the wash and cure station. Put your print into the metal cage and place both into the tank.<br>
-Turn on the wash and cure station, choose the circular arrows for cleaning, and set the timer to ~2 minutes (depends on the model and freshness of the isopropanol), then start the cleaning process.<br>
+Turn on the wash and cure station, choose the circular arrows for cleaning, and set the timer to ~2 minutes (depends on the model and freshness of the isopropanol)<br>
+Sometimes its more practical to clean your model over the sink by using the spray bottel witch contains spirit. <br>
Remove the tank and put in the little turntable.<br>
You can carefully (model and supports are soft now) try to remove supports now. Otherwise, supports can be removed later by snapping them off.<br>
Set your model on the turntable and switch the station to the little light bulb.<br>
Put on the cover and set the timer to ~3 minutes (depends on your model), then press start.<br>
+Prior to curing it is recommended to let your model dry.
The print is finished.<br>
'''Now, please clean everything!'''
+While you're in the lab you can turn on the ventilation, especially if you have sprayed spirit around. Another way to get rid of bad smell might be to flush the toilette. <br>
+Since the lab is rarely convertet to a bathroom, the drain sometimes dries out. When you leave the lab, please turn of the ventilation.<br>
+It is mandatory to clean the clearing tank from time to time. Therfore you can put it in its station an activate the curing mode for a few minutes. The hardened resin seperates from the alcohol and sinks to the bottom. After that you can put the liquid back into its orignal containers using funnel and filter. (Thats why those usually empty containers should be kept) <br>
+The bottom foil of the printing tank is a wearing part. After faild prints for example it can partially lose its transperancy and shoud be replaced. New foils and tools are also <br> found in the lab.