+'''Termine: Jeweils Donnerstags ab 19:30 alle 2 Wochen''' (im Wechsel mit [[Anime Referat]])
+Unter ''Captain's Log'' verstehen wir unsere regelmäßigen Treffen, zu denen wir gemeinsam Science Fiction gucken. Begonnen haben wir damit am Donnerstag, 16.04.2015.
+Wir gucken, sofern nichts anderweitiges sinnvoller erscheint, auf Englisch.
+== Bisherige Logbucheinträge ==
+{| border="1" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0" style="text-align:center;"
+! Titel !! Status !! Links !! Jahr !! Jahr !! Länge !! noteworthy
+| The Expanse
+| {{Composition bar|03|10|#C0C0C0}}
+| [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Expanse_(TV_series) The Expanse]
+| 2015
+| 2300
+| 42-44 min
+| Andromeda
+| {{Composition bar|008|110|#C0C0C0}}
+| [http://andromeda.wikia.com/wiki/Main_Page Andromeda Wikia]
+| 2000-2005
+| 5167
+| 45 min
+| Star Trek - The Original Series
+| {{Composition bar|17|79|#f8ce3c}}
+| [http://en.memory-alpha.wikia.com/wiki/Star_Trek:_The_Original_Series#Episode_list Memory Alpha] ([http://de.memory-alpha.wikia.com/wiki/Star_Trek:_The_Original_Series#Episodenliste de])
+| 1966-1969
+| 2254-2269
+| 44 min
+| Keine Kontinuität, wir gucken beliebige Folgen + die "Besten", aber nicht alle
+| Bravest Warriors
+| {{Composition bar|11|11|#04fe01}}{{Composition bar|03|12|#04fe01}}
+| [https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL54sf3M635Xlm4LGmm8aVuk2AiZ3kILLD YouTube]
+| 2012-
+| 3085
+| 6 min
+| Firefly
+| {{Composition bar|14|14|#FFD700}}
+| 2002
+| 2517
+| 44 min
+| +Serenity zum Abschluss
+* 2015-06-11 Matrix
+* 2015-06-25 Star Trek: The Motion Picture
+* 2016-02-14 Serenity
+== Mögliche zukünftige Logbucheinträge ==
+''Siehe hierzu auch im [https://pad.stratum0.org/p/captainslog Pad]''
+== Prolog ==
*beep beep*
The emulated sun on the lighting panels had started to set some time ago, it was getting late.
*beep beep*
- "Ugh, come in!"
+ "Ugh, come in!"
- The impatient intruder revealed to be a young man in a lab coat, more a tribute to his profession than a necessity, really. In his hand a tablet he was clinging to almost as much as to the concerned expression on his face.
+ The impatient intruder revealed to be a young man in a lab coat, more a tribute to his profession than a necessity, really.
+ In his hand a tablet he was clinging to almost as much as to the concerned expression on his face.
- "Doctor? To what do owe the house call?"
+ "Doctor? To what do owe the house call?"
- "I've got the crew exams you asked for, Captain."
+ "I've got the crew exams you asked for, Captain."
- "You could have just sent them, is something not right?"
+ "You could have just sent them, is something not right?"
- "Physically, they're all fine, but there's something I wanted to discuss with you in person. During the tests, I talked to them and noticed something strange. At first I thought it was only a few of them, but it seems everyone is affected. Even me and - I went though your medical history - you!"
+ "Physically, they're all fine, but there's something I wanted to discuss with you in person.
+ During the tests, I talked to them and noticed something strange. At first I thought it was only a few of them,
+ but it seems everyone is affected. Even me and – I went though your medical history – you!"
- "Doctor…?"
+ "Doctor…?"
- "The entire crew shows a significant lack of Science Fiction, we need to act immediately!"
+ "The entire crew shows a significant lack of Science Fiction, we need to act immediately!"