# The membership fee for regular members amounts to 20€ per month. Supporting members pay an arbitrary fee of at least 30€ per year. The amount has to be a multiple of 12 cents.
# Pupils, students, trainees, recipients of social assistance or unemployment assistance including benefits within the meaning of §22 without surcharges or §24 to SGB II, as well as recipients to BAföG are eligible to become a regular member at the reduced fee of 12€ per month. Verification has to be presented to the board on demand.
# The membership fee for regular members amounts to 20€ per month. Supporting members pay an arbitrary fee of at least 30€ per year. The amount has to be a multiple of 12 cents.
# Pupils, students, trainees, recipients of social assistance or unemployment assistance including benefits within the meaning of §22 without surcharges or §24 to SGB II, as well as recipients to BAföG are eligible to become a regular member at the reduced fee of 12€ per month. Verification has to be presented to the board on demand.