S A Study in Static || ø | | | | | | | |
I Humanity's Shadow || ø | | | | | | | |
S Future Proof || ø | ø | | | | | | |
+ ------------------||--------------------------------
Opening Moves || ø | | | | | | | |
S Second Thoughts || ø | | | | | | | |
P Mala Tempora || ø | | | | | | | |
I True Colors || ø | ø | | | | | | |
N Fear and Loathing || ø | | | | | | | |
Double Time || ø | | | | | | | |
+ ------------------||--------------------------------
L Upstalk || ø | ø | | | | | | |
U The Spaces Between|| ø | | | | | | | |
N First Contact || ø | ø | | | | | | |
A Up & Over || ø | | | | | | | |
R All That Remains || ø | | | | | | | |
- The Source || ø | | | | | | | |
+ The Source || o | | | | | | | |
+ ------------------||--------------------------------
+S [The Valley] ||
+A [Breaker Bay] ||
+N [Chrome City] ||
+S [The Underway] ||
+A [Old Hollywood] ||
+N [???] || 2015-cycle
+ ------------------||--------------------------------
-ø besitzt
-o will haben
+ø besitzt
+o will haben
+[] unveröffentlicht
<i>Orderwünsche werden von whisp über das ComiCulture umgesetzt.
Unterstützt euren lokalen Einzelhandel! :)</i>