2016-01-14 |
Daniel Bohrer | +Namensherkunft |
commit | commitdiff | tree | snapshot |
2016-01-14 |
Shoragan | *Empty MediaWiki Message* |
commit | commitdiff | tree | snapshot |
2016-01-11 |
Baemsche | Profil angepasst |
commit | commitdiff | tree | snapshot |
2016-01-08 |
Comawill | Wird bestimmt mal wieder Vorträge geben ;) |
commit | commitdiff | tree | snapshot |
2016-01-08 |
Chrissi^ | /* Talks am Donnerstag, 14. Januar 2015, ab 19:00 ... |
commit | commitdiff | tree | snapshot |
2016-01-08 |
Hashier | Removed TOC |
commit | commitdiff | tree | snapshot |
2016-01-08 |
Hashier | Fix link to German page |
commit | commitdiff | tree | snapshot |
2016-01-08 |
Hashier | Fixed formatting |
commit | commitdiff | tree | snapshot |
2016-01-07 |
Larsan | /* Bisherige Logbucheinträge */ +The Expanse |
commit | commitdiff | tree | snapshot |
2016-01-04 |
NoikK | *Empty MediaWiki Message* |
commit | commitdiff | tree | snapshot |
2016-01-03 |
Chrissi^ | /* BOM: */ Spannungsregler hinzu |
commit | commitdiff | tree | snapshot |
2016-01-03 |
Chrissi^ | Aufbau V2 dokumentiert. |
commit | commitdiff | tree | snapshot |
2016-01-03 |
Chrissi^ | /* Hardware V1: hand made */ Typo korrigiert |
commit | commitdiff | tree | snapshot |
2016-01-03 |
Kasalehlia | +v3 u. Nutzung v1 aktualisiert |
commit | commitdiff | tree | snapshot |
2016-01-03 |
Chrissi^ | Fuses setzen |
commit | commitdiff | tree | snapshot |
2015-12-30 |
Daniel Bohrer | {{pro}} Heißkleber, +UB 2015-12-21-01 ''Mitgliedsangele... |
commit | commitdiff | tree | snapshot |
2015-12-23 |
Daniel Bohrer | /* Motiv-Erstellung */ inkscape-hpgl-magic und zusammen... |
commit | commitdiff | tree | snapshot |
2015-12-19 |
Larsan | /* Freifunk */ Freifunktreffenwinterschlaf |
commit | commitdiff | tree | snapshot |
2015-12-18 |
Daniel Bohrer | /* Log */ [x] use preview |
commit | commitdiff | tree | snapshot |
2015-12-18 |
Daniel Bohrer | /* Log */ recordings jetzt unter /srv/www/webroot/recor... |
commit | commitdiff | tree | snapshot |
2015-12-18 |
Daniel Bohrer | Recording-Mirror auf https://stratum0.org/recordings... |
commit | commitdiff | tree | snapshot |
2015-12-18 |
Daniel Bohrer | /* Log */ Patch mediawiki-1.25.4 |
commit | commitdiff | tree | snapshot |
2015-12-18 |
Daniel Bohrer | /* Pads löschen */ it's complicated since the update |
commit | commitdiff | tree | snapshot |
2015-12-16 |
Larsan | /* Captain's Log */ Am 24.12. wohl eher kein [[Captain... |
commit | commitdiff | tree | snapshot |
2015-12-14 |
Larsan | /* Talks am Montag, 14. Dezember 2015, ab 19:00 */... |
commit | commitdiff | tree | snapshot |
2015-12-14 |
Larsan | /* 2015 */ Vorträge vorbei |
commit | commitdiff | tree | snapshot |
2015-12-14 |
Larsan | /* Talks am Montag, 14. Dezember 2015, ab 19:00 */... |
commit | commitdiff | tree | snapshot |
2015-12-14 |
Larsan | /* Vorträge */ Warum standen die noch nicht drin? wah |
commit | commitdiff | tree | snapshot |
2015-12-14 |
Lulu | nur aufgeräumt |
commit | commitdiff | tree | snapshot |
2015-12-13 |
Daniel Bohrer | /* Talks am Montag, 14. Dezember 2015, ab 19:00 */... |
commit | commitdiff | tree | snapshot |
2015-12-13 |
Daniel Bohrer | neues template mit bisherigen UBs |
commit | commitdiff | tree | snapshot |
2015-12-12 |
Pecca | /* Software */ sry |
commit | commitdiff | tree | snapshot |
2015-12-12 |
Pecca | /* Software */ |
commit | commitdiff | tree | snapshot |
2015-12-12 |
Lulu | /* Talks am Montag, 14. Dezember 2015, ab 19:00 */... |
commit | commitdiff | tree | snapshot |
2015-12-11 |
Lassejulius | /* Talks am Montag, 14. Dezember 2015, ab 19:00 */ |
commit | commitdiff | tree | snapshot |
2015-12-11 |
Larsan | /* Externes */ Richtiges Jahr |
commit | commitdiff | tree | snapshot |
2015-12-11 |
DooMMasteR | /* Externes */ |
commit | commitdiff | tree | snapshot |
2015-12-11 |
Lulu | /* Externes */ Maker Faire 2016 |
commit | commitdiff | tree | snapshot |
2015-12-09 |
Daniel Bohrer | new portal pics |
commit | commitdiff | tree | snapshot |
2015-12-09 |
Daniel Bohrer | neues spacetürbild |
commit | commitdiff | tree | snapshot |
2015-12-09 |
Daniel Bohrer | /* Log */ |
commit | commitdiff | tree | snapshot |
2015-12-09 |
Chrissi^ | *Empty MediaWiki Message* |
commit | commitdiff | tree | snapshot |
2015-12-09 |
Chrissi^ | Kodak i65 angelegt |
commit | commitdiff | tree | snapshot |
2015-12-09 |
Lulu | /* Lightning Talks */ Internen Link ergänzt: Gegenstand... |
commit | commitdiff | tree | snapshot |
2015-12-09 |
Lulu | /* Lightning Talks */ |
commit | commitdiff | tree | snapshot |
2015-12-09 |
Lulu | Vortragsvorschläge sind mit den Vortragenden abgestimmt... |
commit | commitdiff | tree | snapshot |
2015-12-09 |
Drahflow | Mehr Elymas-Werbung |
commit | commitdiff | tree | snapshot |
2015-12-09 |
Drahflow | Wunsch in die Wunschliste |
commit | commitdiff | tree | snapshot |
2015-12-09 |
Lulu | Beantwortet |
commit | commitdiff | tree | snapshot |
2015-12-09 |
Lulu | /* Sonstiges */ |
commit | commitdiff | tree | snapshot |
2015-12-08 |
Larsan | +pic, text angepasst, sind jetzt im neuen Space |
commit | commitdiff | tree | snapshot |
2015-12-08 |
Larsan | /* Space-Events */ +Spacebauabend |
commit | commitdiff | tree | snapshot |
2015-12-07 |
DooMMasteR | UKV statt USK |
commit | commitdiff | tree | snapshot |
2015-12-07 |
Daniel Bohrer | *Empty MediaWiki Message* |
commit | commitdiff | tree | snapshot |
2015-12-07 |
Lulu | Chauvinistische Kackscheiße |
commit | commitdiff | tree | snapshot |
2015-12-07 |
Daniel Bohrer | +[[Old Hardware]], ordentlich umgebrochen |
commit | commitdiff | tree | snapshot |
2015-12-07 |
Daniel Bohrer | 1+1+1 != 2 (in 1-based counting) |
commit | commitdiff | tree | snapshot |
2015-12-07 |
DooMMasteR | DooMKey |
commit | commitdiff | tree | snapshot |
2015-12-07 |
Lulu | Geantwortet |
commit | commitdiff | tree | snapshot |
2015-12-07 |
Daniel Bohrer | *Empty MediaWiki Message* |
commit | commitdiff | tree | snapshot |
2015-12-07 |
DooMMasteR | *Empty MediaWiki Message* |
commit | commitdiff | tree | snapshot |
2015-12-07 |
Lulu | /* Sonstiges */ Wenn hier lieber selbst gekauft wird... |
commit | commitdiff | tree | snapshot |
2015-12-07 |
Lulu | Ohne Fleiß kein Preis. |
commit | commitdiff | tree | snapshot |
2015-12-07 |
Larsan | Vorstand aktualisiert, Vertrauensperson hinzugefügt |
commit | commitdiff | tree | snapshot |
2015-12-07 |
Larsan | /* Vorstände des Stratum 0 e.V. */ Vorstandskonstellati... |
commit | commitdiff | tree | snapshot |
2015-12-06 |
Larsan | /* Space-Events */ MV 2016 wird hoffentlich 2016 sein |
commit | commitdiff | tree | snapshot |
2015-12-06 |
Chrissi^ | /* Space-Events */ MV 2016 hinzu |
commit | commitdiff | tree | snapshot |
2015-12-06 |
Daniel Bohrer | /* auf der Versammlung selbst */ quoren konkretisiert |
commit | commitdiff | tree | snapshot |
2015-12-06 |
DooMMasteR | *Empty MediaWiki Message* |
commit | commitdiff | tree | snapshot |
2015-12-06 |
Lichtfeind | update Beisitzende Entitäten |
commit | commitdiff | tree | snapshot |
2015-12-06 |
Daniel Bohrer | überschrift ging verloren |
commit | commitdiff | tree | snapshot |
2015-12-06 |
Daniel Bohrer | öffentliches protokoll nochmal schöner aus der pdf... |
commit | commitdiff | tree | snapshot |
2015-12-06 |
Daniel Bohrer | öffentliches protokoll |
commit | commitdiff | tree | snapshot |
2015-12-06 |
Tnias | *Empty MediaWiki Message* |
commit | commitdiff | tree | snapshot |
2015-12-06 |
Daniel Bohrer | *Empty MediaWiki Message* |
commit | commitdiff | tree | snapshot |
2015-12-06 |
Daniel Bohrer | /* auf der Versammlung selbst */ ref für Satzungsänderung |
commit | commitdiff | tree | snapshot |
2015-12-06 |
Daniel Bohrer | +protokoll-pad |
commit | commitdiff | tree | snapshot |
2015-12-05 |
Daniel Bohrer | /* Themen */ shoragan kandidiert als Rechnungsprüfer |
commit | commitdiff | tree | snapshot |
2015-12-05 |
Larsan | /* Themen */ Kandidat für Versammlungsleitung |
commit | commitdiff | tree | snapshot |
2015-12-04 |
Kasalehlia | /* 2015 */ Folien zu Hashpump Vortrag hinzugefügt |
commit | commitdiff | tree | snapshot |
2015-12-04 |
Larsan | /* Sonstiges */ Spacemouse erklärung verlinkt, was... |
commit | commitdiff | tree | snapshot |
2015-12-04 |
Lulu | /* Variante Eigene Referenzmessung */ |
commit | commitdiff | tree | snapshot |
2015-12-04 |
Lulu | /* Lightning Talks */ |
commit | commitdiff | tree | snapshot |
2015-12-04 |
Lulu | Die Seite wurde neu angelegt: „Es geht um Lego Mindstor... |
commit | commitdiff | tree | snapshot |
2015-12-04 |
Lulu | /* Sonstiges */ |
commit | commitdiff | tree | snapshot |
2015-12-04 |
Lulu | /* Sonstiges */ |
commit | commitdiff | tree | snapshot |
2015-12-03 |
Kah | ergänzt: Kah als Kandidat für die Wahlleitung |
commit | commitdiff | tree | snapshot |
2015-12-03 |
DooMMasteR | *Empty MediaWiki Message* |
commit | commitdiff | tree | snapshot |
2015-12-03 |
DooMMasteR | *Empty MediaWiki Message* |
commit | commitdiff | tree | snapshot |
2015-12-02 |
Larsan | /* Sonstiges */ Wofür braucht der Kühlschrank eine... |
commit | commitdiff | tree | snapshot |
2015-12-02 |
Lulu | /* Sonstiges */ |
commit | commitdiff | tree | snapshot |
2015-12-02 |
Lulu | /* Sonstiges */ |
commit | commitdiff | tree | snapshot |
2015-12-02 |
Daniel Bohrer | /* Externes */ 32c3linkfix |
commit | commitdiff | tree | snapshot |
2015-12-02 |
Larsan | /* Sonstiges */ Wunschzettel erweitert. |
commit | commitdiff | tree | snapshot |
2015-12-01 |
Daniel Bohrer | /* Sonstiges */ +overlock und nähmaschine |
commit | commitdiff | tree | snapshot |
2015-12-01 |
Daniel Bohrer | /* Themen */ Termin Nächste Mitgliederversammlung |
commit | commitdiff | tree | snapshot |
2015-12-01 |
Drahflow | /* Lightning Talks */ |
commit | commitdiff | tree | snapshot |
2015-12-01 |
Drahflow | /* Lightning Talks */ |
commit | commitdiff | tree | snapshot |
2015-12-01 |
Daniel Bohrer | /* Log */ |
commit | commitdiff | tree | snapshot |
2015-12-01 |
Daniel Bohrer | /* Log */ logrotate nach vollem filesystem |
commit | commitdiff | tree | snapshot |
next |