-* [Mercurial Repositories](/hg) (very outdated since I have moved to Git)
-* [Git Repositories](/git)
- Most of these can be accessed read-only over
- `git://rohieb.name/$projectname.git`
-* Various [[projects]]:
- - [GeoJackal](/trac/geojackal) (kept only for reference, development moved
- to [SourceForge](https://sourceforge.net/apps/trac/geojackal/))
- - [[Infopoint HTML Viewer|projects/infopoint-html]], maintained on
- [GitHub](http://github.com/rohieb/infopoint-html)
- - My bachelor thesis: [Error Modeling of an Autonomous, Mobile
- Robot](/uni/bachelor-thesis.pdf)
- Source: <code>git clone git://rohieb.name/<!--
- -->[bachelor-thesis/written-stuff.git](/git/bachelor-thesis/written-stuff.git)</code>
+* [Personal Git Repositories](https://git.rohieb.name/)
+ - also see my [GitHub](https://github.com/rohieb) profile
+* [[Personal Debian repository|projects/rohieb-name-repo]], where I publish
+ packages I have built
+* [Talks I have given](https://github.com/rohieb/talks) (most of them including LaTeX sources)
+* Various [[projects]] that are not on GitHub