From: Roland Hieber Date: Wed, 1 Jan 2014 07:25:14 +0000 (+0100) Subject: wilhelm-gym-repo: key rotation X-Git-Url: wilhelm-gym-repo: key rotation --- diff --git a/projects/wilhelm-gym-repo.mdwn b/projects/wilhelm-gym-repo.mdwn index 2e71819..bbbf352 100644 --- a/projects/wilhelm-gym-repo.mdwn +++ b/projects/wilhelm-gym-repo.mdwn @@ -31,9 +31,9 @@ On any recent Debian system, do the following: * Double-check the key fingerprint:
     \# apt-key fingerprint
-    pub   1024D/9DDD734B 2011-02-05
-    Key fingerprint = 9606 1022 48CB D253 4A12  5DE3 9777 CA77 9DDD 734B
-    uid                  Wilhelm-Gymnasium, Braunschweig (Repository Key)
-    sub   2048g/DF8AB114 2011-02-05
+    pub   2048R/0D05ED3E 2014-01-01 [expires: 2017-12-31]
+      Key fingerprint = 50ED 1BAD E0A5 910A 8B26  84B3 0B02 3D2B 0D05 ED3E
+    uid                  Wilhelm-Gymnasium Braunschweig (Repository Key) 
+    sub   2048R/1CCA0A2B 2014-01-01 [expires: 2017-12-31]