added description
[openwrt.git] / obsolete-buildroot / sources / target_skeleton / etc / services
1 # /etc/services:
2 # $Id$
3 #
4 # Network services, Internet style
5 #
6 # Note that it is presently the policy of IANA to assign a single well-known
7 # port number for both TCP and UDP; hence, most entries here have two entries
8 # even if the protocol doesn't support UDP operations.
9 # Updated from RFC 1700, ``Assigned Numbers'' (October 1994). Not all ports
10 # are included, only the more common ones.
12 tcpmux 1/tcp # TCP port service multiplexer
13 echo 7/tcp
14 echo 7/udp
15 discard 9/tcp sink null
16 discard 9/udp sink null
17 systat 11/tcp users
18 daytime 13/tcp
19 daytime 13/udp
20 netstat 15/tcp
21 qotd 17/tcp quote
22 msp 18/tcp # message send protocol
23 msp 18/udp # message send protocol
24 chargen 19/tcp ttytst source
25 chargen 19/udp ttytst source
26 ftp-data 20/tcp
27 ftp 21/tcp
28 fsp 21/udp fspd
29 ssh 22/tcp # SSH Remote Login Protocol
30 ssh 22/udp # SSH Remote Login Protocol
31 telnet 23/tcp
32 # 24 - private
33 smtp 25/tcp mail
34 # 26 - unassigned
35 time 37/tcp timserver
36 time 37/udp timserver
37 rlp 39/udp resource # resource location
38 nameserver 42/tcp name # IEN 116
39 whois 43/tcp nicname
40 re-mail-ck 50/tcp # Remote Mail Checking Protocol
41 re-mail-ck 50/udp # Remote Mail Checking Protocol
42 domain 53/tcp nameserver # name-domain server
43 domain 53/udp nameserver
44 mtp 57/tcp # deprecated
45 bootps 67/tcp # BOOTP server
46 bootps 67/udp
47 bootpc 68/tcp # BOOTP client
48 bootpc 68/udp
49 tftp 69/udp
50 gopher 70/tcp # Internet Gopher
51 gopher 70/udp
52 rje 77/tcp netrjs
53 finger 79/tcp
54 www 80/tcp http # WorldWideWeb HTTP
55 www 80/udp # HyperText Transfer Protocol
56 link 87/tcp ttylink
57 kerberos 88/tcp kerberos5 krb5 # Kerberos v5
58 kerberos 88/udp kerberos5 krb5 # Kerberos v5
59 supdup 95/tcp
60 # 100 - reserved
61 hostnames 101/tcp hostname # usually from sri-nic
62 iso-tsap 102/tcp tsap # part of ISODE.
63 csnet-ns 105/tcp cso-ns # also used by CSO name server
64 csnet-ns 105/udp cso-ns
65 # unfortunately the poppassd (Eudora) uses a port which has already
66 # been assigned to a different service. We list the poppassd as an
67 # alias here. This should work for programs asking for this service.
68 # (due to a bug in inetd the 3com-tsmux line is disabled)
69 #3com-tsmux 106/tcp poppassd
70 #3com-tsmux 106/udp poppassd
71 rtelnet 107/tcp # Remote Telnet
72 rtelnet 107/udp
73 pop-2 109/tcp postoffice # POP version 2
74 pop-2 109/udp
75 pop-3 110/tcp # POP version 3
76 pop-3 110/udp
77 sunrpc 111/tcp portmapper # RPC 4.0 portmapper TCP
78 sunrpc 111/udp portmapper # RPC 4.0 portmapper UDP
79 auth 113/tcp authentication tap ident
80 sftp 115/tcp
81 uucp-path 117/tcp
82 nntp 119/tcp readnews untp # USENET News Transfer Protocol
83 ntp 123/tcp
84 ntp 123/udp # Network Time Protocol
85 netbios-ns 137/tcp # NETBIOS Name Service
86 netbios-ns 137/udp
87 netbios-dgm 138/tcp # NETBIOS Datagram Service
88 netbios-dgm 138/udp
89 netbios-ssn 139/tcp # NETBIOS session service
90 netbios-ssn 139/udp
91 imap2 143/tcp # Interim Mail Access Proto v2
92 imap2 143/udp
93 snmp 161/udp # Simple Net Mgmt Proto
94 snmp-trap 162/udp snmptrap # Traps for SNMP
95 cmip-man 163/tcp # ISO mgmt over IP (CMOT)
96 cmip-man 163/udp
97 cmip-agent 164/tcp
98 cmip-agent 164/udp
99 xdmcp 177/tcp # X Display Mgr. Control Proto
100 xdmcp 177/udp
101 nextstep 178/tcp NeXTStep NextStep # NeXTStep window
102 nextstep 178/udp NeXTStep NextStep # server
103 bgp 179/tcp # Border Gateway Proto.
104 bgp 179/udp
105 prospero 191/tcp # Cliff Neuman's Prospero
106 prospero 191/udp
107 irc 194/tcp # Internet Relay Chat
108 irc 194/udp
109 smux 199/tcp # SNMP Unix Multiplexer
110 smux 199/udp
111 at-rtmp 201/tcp # AppleTalk routing
112 at-rtmp 201/udp
113 at-nbp 202/tcp # AppleTalk name binding
114 at-nbp 202/udp
115 at-echo 204/tcp # AppleTalk echo
116 at-echo 204/udp
117 at-zis 206/tcp # AppleTalk zone information
118 at-zis 206/udp
119 qmtp 209/tcp # The Quick Mail Transfer Protocol
120 qmtp 209/udp # The Quick Mail Transfer Protocol
121 z3950 210/tcp wais # NISO Z39.50 database
122 z3950 210/udp wais
123 ipx 213/tcp # IPX
124 ipx 213/udp
125 imap3 220/tcp # Interactive Mail Access
126 imap3 220/udp # Protocol v3
127 ulistserv 372/tcp # UNIX Listserv
128 ulistserv 372/udp
129 https 443/tcp # MCom
130 https 443/udp # MCom
131 snpp 444/tcp # Simple Network Paging Protocol
132 snpp 444/udp # Simple Network Paging Protocol
133 saft 487/tcp # Simple Asynchronous File Transfer
134 saft 487/udp # Simple Asynchronous File Transfer
135 npmp-local 610/tcp dqs313_qmaster # npmp-local / DQS
136 npmp-local 610/udp dqs313_qmaster # npmp-local / DQS
137 npmp-gui 611/tcp dqs313_execd # npmp-gui / DQS
138 npmp-gui 611/udp dqs313_execd # npmp-gui / DQS
139 hmmp-ind 612/tcp dqs313_intercell# HMMP Indication / DQS
140 hmmp-ind 612/udp dqs313_intercell# HMMP Indication / DQS
141 #
142 # UNIX specific services
143 #
144 exec 512/tcp
145 biff 512/udp comsat
146 login 513/tcp
147 who 513/udp whod
148 shell 514/tcp cmd # no passwords used
149 syslog 514/udp
150 printer 515/tcp spooler # line printer spooler
151 talk 517/udp
152 ntalk 518/udp
153 route 520/udp router routed # RIP
154 timed 525/udp timeserver
155 tempo 526/tcp newdate
156 courier 530/tcp rpc
157 conference 531/tcp chat
158 netnews 532/tcp readnews
159 netwall 533/udp # -for emergency broadcasts
160 uucp 540/tcp uucpd # uucp daemon
161 afpovertcp 548/tcp # AFP over TCP
162 afpovertcp 548/udp # AFP over TCP
163 remotefs 556/tcp rfs_server rfs # Brunhoff remote filesystem
164 klogin 543/tcp # Kerberized `rlogin' (v5)
165 kshell 544/tcp krcmd # Kerberized `rsh' (v5)
166 kerberos-adm 749/tcp # Kerberos `kadmin' (v5)
167 #
168 webster 765/tcp # Network dictionary
169 webster 765/udp
170 #
171 # From ``Assigned Numbers'':
172 #
173 #> The Registered Ports are not controlled by the IANA and on most systems
174 #> can be used by ordinary user processes or programs executed by ordinary
175 #> users.
176 #
177 #> Ports are used in the TCP [45,106] to name the ends of logical
178 #> connections which carry long term conversations. For the purpose of
179 #> providing services to unknown callers, a service contact port is
180 #> defined. This list specifies the port used by the server process as its
181 #> contact port. While the IANA can not control uses of these ports it
182 #> does register or list uses of these ports as a convienence to the
183 #> community.
184 #
185 nfsdstatus 1110/tcp
186 nfsd-keepalive 1110/udp
188 ingreslock 1524/tcp
189 ingreslock 1524/udp
190 prospero-np 1525/tcp # Prospero non-privileged
191 prospero-np 1525/udp
192 datametrics 1645/tcp old-radius # datametrics / old radius entry
193 datametrics 1645/udp old-radius # datametrics / old radius entry
194 sa-msg-port 1646/tcp old-radacct # sa-msg-port / old radacct entry
195 sa-msg-port 1646/udp old-radacct # sa-msg-port / old radacct entry
196 radius 1812/tcp # Radius
197 radius 1812/udp # Radius
198 radacct 1813/tcp # Radius Accounting
199 radacct 1813/udp # Radius Accounting
200 nfsd 2049/tcp nfs
201 nfsd 2049/udp nfs
202 cvspserver 2401/tcp # CVS client/server operations
203 cvspserver 2401/udp # CVS client/server operations
204 mysql 3306/tcp # MySQL
205 mysql 3306/udp # MySQL
206 rfe 5002/tcp # Radio Free Ethernet
207 rfe 5002/udp # Actually uses UDP only
208 cfengine 5308/tcp # CFengine
209 cfengine 5308/udp # CFengine
210 bbs 7000/tcp # BBS service
211 #
212 #
213 # Kerberos (Project Athena/MIT) services
214 # Note that these are for Kerberos v4, and are unofficial. Sites running
215 # v4 should uncomment these and comment out the v5 entries above.
216 #
217 kerberos4 750/udp kerberos-iv kdc # Kerberos (server) udp
218 kerberos4 750/tcp kerberos-iv kdc # Kerberos (server) tcp
219 kerberos_master 751/udp # Kerberos authentication
220 kerberos_master 751/tcp # Kerberos authentication
221 passwd_server 752/udp # Kerberos passwd server
222 krb_prop 754/tcp # Kerberos slave propagation
223 krbupdate 760/tcp kreg # Kerberos registration
224 kpasswd 761/tcp kpwd # Kerberos "passwd"
225 kpop 1109/tcp # Pop with Kerberos
226 knetd 2053/tcp # Kerberos de-multiplexor
227 zephyr-srv 2102/udp # Zephyr server
228 zephyr-clt 2103/udp # Zephyr serv-hm connection
229 zephyr-hm 2104/udp # Zephyr hostmanager
230 eklogin 2105/tcp # Kerberos encrypted rlogin
231 #
232 # Unofficial but necessary (for NetBSD) services
233 #
234 supfilesrv 871/tcp # SUP server
235 supfiledbg 1127/tcp # SUP debugging
236 #
237 # Datagram Delivery Protocol services
238 #
239 rtmp 1/ddp # Routing Table Maintenance Protocol
240 nbp 2/ddp # Name Binding Protocol
241 echo 4/ddp # AppleTalk Echo Protocol
242 zip 6/ddp # Zone Information Protocol
243 #
244 # Services added for the Debian GNU/Linux distribution
245 poppassd 106/tcp # Eudora
246 poppassd 106/udp # Eudora
247 mailq 174/tcp # Mailer transport queue for Zmailer
248 mailq 174/tcp # Mailer transport queue for Zmailer
249 omirr 808/tcp omirrd # online mirror
250 omirr 808/udp omirrd # online mirror
251 rmtcfg 1236/tcp # Gracilis Packeten remote config server
252 xtel 1313/tcp # french minitel
253 coda_opcons 1355/udp # Coda opcons (Coda fs)
254 coda_venus 1363/udp # Coda venus (Coda fs)
255 coda_auth 1357/udp # Coda auth (Coda fs)
256 coda_udpsrv 1359/udp # Coda udpsrv (Coda fs)
257 coda_filesrv 1361/udp # Coda filesrv (Coda fs)
258 codacon 1423/tcp venus.cmu # Coda Console (Coda fs)
259 coda_aux1 1431/tcp # coda auxiliary service (Coda fs)
260 coda_aux1 1431/udp # coda auxiliary service (Coda fs)
261 coda_aux2 1433/tcp # coda auxiliary service (Coda fs)
262 coda_aux2 1433/udp # coda auxiliary service (Coda fs)
263 coda_aux3 1435/tcp # coda auxiliary service (Coda fs)
264 coda_aux3 1435/udp # coda auxiliary service (Coda fs)
265 cfinger 2003/tcp # GNU Finger
266 afbackup 2988/tcp # Afbackup system
267 afbackup 2988/udp # Afbackup system
268 icp 3130/tcp # Internet Cache Protocol (Squid)
269 icp 3130/udp # Internet Cache Protocol (Squid)
270 postgres 5432/tcp # POSTGRES
271 postgres 5432/udp # POSTGRES
272 fax 4557/tcp # FAX transmission service (old)
273 hylafax 4559/tcp # HylaFAX client-server protocol (new)
274 noclog 5354/tcp # noclogd with TCP (nocol)
275 noclog 5354/udp # noclogd with UDP (nocol)
276 hostmon 5355/tcp # hostmon uses TCP (nocol)
277 hostmon 5355/udp # hostmon uses TCP (nocol)
278 ircd 6667/tcp # Internet Relay Chat
279 ircd 6667/udp # Internet Relay Chat
280 webcache 8080/tcp # WWW caching service
281 webcache 8080/udp # WWW caching service
282 tproxy 8081/tcp # Transparent Proxy
283 tproxy 8081/udp # Transparent Proxy
284 mandelspawn 9359/udp mandelbrot # network mandelbrot
285 amanda 10080/udp # amanda backup services
286 amandaidx 10082/tcp # amanda backup services
287 amidxtape 10083/tcp # amanda backup services
288 isdnlog 20011/tcp # isdn logging system
289 isdnlog 20011/udp # isdn logging system
290 vboxd 20012/tcp # voice box system
291 vboxd 20012/udp # voice box system
292 binkp 24554/tcp # Binkley
293 binkp 24554/udp # Binkley
294 asp 27374/tcp # Address Search Protocol
295 asp 27374/udp # Address Search Protocol
296 tfido 60177/tcp # Ifmail
297 tfido 60177/udp # Ifmail
298 fido 60179/tcp # Ifmail
299 fido 60179/udp # Ifmail
301 # Local services
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