move compile-time package dependencies in a separate file (sdk-compatible)
[openwrt.git] / openwrt / package / kismet / files / kismet.conf
1 # Kismet config file
2 # Most of the "static" configs have been moved to here -- the command line
3 # config was getting way too crowded and cryptic. We want functionality,
4 # not continually reading --help!
6 # Version of Kismet config
7 version=2005.01.R1
9 # Name of server (Purely for organiational purposes)
10 servername=Kismet
12 # User to setid to (should be your normal user)
13 suiduser=nobody
15 # Sources are defined as:
16 # source=cardtype,interface,name[,initialchannel]
17 # Card types and required drivers are listed in the README.
18 # The initial channel is optional, if hopping is not enabled it can be used
19 # to set the channel the interface listens on.
21 source=wrt54g,eth1,wireless
22 # For v1 hardware uncomment this:
23 # source=wrt54g,eth2,wireless
25 # Comma-separated list of sources to enable. This is only needed if you defined
26 # multiple sources and only want to enable some of them. By default, all defined
27 # sources are enabled.
28 # For example:
29 # enablesources=prismsource,ciscosource
31 # Do we channelhop?
32 channelhop=true
34 # How many channels per second do we hop? (1-10)
35 channelvelocity=5
37 # By setting the dwell time for channel hopping we override the channelvelocity
38 # setting above and dwell on each channel for the given number of seconds.
39 #channeldwell=10
41 # Do we split channels between cards on the same spectrum? This means if
42 # multiple 802.11b capture sources are defined, they will be offset to cover
43 # the most possible spectrum at a given time. This also controls splitting
44 # fine-tuned sourcechannels lines which cover multiple interfaces (see below)
45 channelsplit=true
47 # Basic channel hopping control:
48 # These define the channels the cards hop through for various frequency ranges
49 # supported by Kismet. More finegrain control is available via the
50 # "sourcechannels" configuration option.
51 #
52 # Don't change the IEEE80211<x> identifiers or channel hopping won't work.
54 # Users outside the US might want to use this list:
55 # defaultchannels=IEEE80211b:1,7,13,2,8,3,14,9,4,10,5,11,6,12
56 defaultchannels=IEEE80211b:1,6,11,2,7,3,8,4,9,5,10
58 # 802.11g uses the same channels as 802.11b...
59 defaultchannels=IEEE80211g:1,6,11,2,7,3,8,4,9,5,10
61 # 802.11a channels are non-overlapping so sequential is fine. You may want to
62 # adjust the list depending on the channels your card actually supports.
63 # defaultchannels=IEEE80211a:36,40,44,48,52,56,60,64,100,104,108,112,116,120,124,128,132,136,140,149,153,157,161,184,188,192,196,200,204,208,212,216
64 defaultchannels=IEEE80211a:36,40,44,48,52,56,60,64
66 # Combo cards like Atheros use both 'a' and 'b/g' channels. Of course, you
67 # can also explicitly override a given source. You can use the script
68 # extras/ to extract all the channels your card supports.
69 defaultchannels=IEEE80211ab:1,6,11,2,7,3,8,4,9,5,10,36,40,44,48,52,56,60,64
71 # Fine-tuning channel hopping control:
72 # The sourcechannels option can be used to set the channel hopping for
73 # specific interfaces, and to control what interfaces share a list of
74 # channels for split hopping. This can also be used to easily lock
75 # one card on a single channel while hopping with other cards.
76 # Any card without a sourcechannel definition will use the standard hopping
77 # list.
78 # sourcechannels=sourcename[,sourcename]:ch1,ch2,ch3,...chN
80 # ie, for us channels on the source 'prism2source' (same as normal channel
81 # hopping behavior):
82 # sourcechannels=prism2source:1,6,11,2,7,3,8,4,9,5,10
84 # Given two capture sources, "prism2a" and "prism2b", we want prism2a to stay
85 # on channel 6 and prism2b to hop normally. By not setting a sourcechannels
86 # line for prism2b, it will use the standard hopping.
87 # sourcechannels=prism2a:6
89 # To assign the same custom hop channel to multiple sources, or to split the
90 # same custom hop channel over two sources (if splitchannels is true), list
91 # them all on the same sourcechannels line:
92 # sourcechannels=prism2a,prism2b,prism2c:1,6,11
94 # Port to serve GUI data
95 tcpport=2501
96 # People allowed to connect, comma seperated IP addresses or network/mask
97 # blocks. Netmasks can be expressed as dotted quad (/ or as
98 # numbers (/24)
99 allowedhosts=
100 # Maximum number of concurrent GUI's
101 maxclients=5
103 # Do we have a GPS?
104 gps=false
105 # Host:port that GPSD is running on. This can be localhost OR remote!
106 gpshost=localhost:2947
107 # Do we lock the mode? This overrides coordinates of lock "0", which will
108 # generate some bad information until you get a GPS lock, but it will
109 # fix problems with GPS units with broken NMEA that report lock 0
110 gpsmodelock=false
112 # Packet filtering options:
113 # filter_tracker - Packets filtered from the tracker are not processed or
114 # recorded in any way.
115 # filter_dump - Packets filtered at the dump level are tracked, displayed,
116 # and written to the csv/xml/network/etc files, but not
117 # recorded in the packet dump
118 # filter_export - Controls what packets influence the exported CSV, network,
119 # xml, gps, etc files.
120 # All filtering options take arguments containing the type of address and
121 # addresses to be filtered. Valid address types are 'ANY', 'BSSID',
122 # 'SOURCE', and 'DEST'. Filtering can be inverted by the use of '!' before
123 # the address. For example,
124 # filter_tracker=ANY(!00:00:DE:AD:BE:EF)
125 # has the same effect as the previous mac_filter config file option.
126 # filter_tracker=...
127 # filter_dump=...
128 # filter_export=...
130 # Alerts to be reported and the throttling rates.
131 # alert=name,throttle/unit,burst
132 # The throttle/unit describes the number of alerts of this type that are
133 # sent per time unit. Valid time units are second, minute, hour, and day.
134 # Burst describes the number of alerts sent before throttling takes place.
135 # For example:
136 # alert=FOO,10/min,5
137 # Would allow 5 alerts through before throttling is enabled, and will then
138 # limit the number of alerts to 10 per minute.
139 # A throttle rate of 0 disables throttling of the alert.
140 # See the README for a list of alert types.
141 alert=NETSTUMBLER,5/min,2
142 alert=WELLENREITER,5/min,2
143 alert=LUCENTTEST,5/min,2
144 alert=DEAUTHFLOOD,5/min,4
145 alert=BCASTDISCON,5/min,4
146 alert=CHANCHANGE,5/min,4
147 alert=AIRJACKSSID,5/min,2
148 alert=PROBENOJOIN,5/min,2
149 alert=DISASSOCTRAFFIC,5/min,2
150 alert=NULLPROBERESP,5/min,5
151 alert=BSSTIMESTAMP,5/min,5
153 # Known WEP keys to decrypt, bssid,hexkey. This is only for networks where
154 # the keys are already known, and it may impact throughput on slower hardware.
155 # Multiple wepkey lines may be used for multiple BSSIDs.
156 # wepkey=00:DE:AD:C0:DE:00,FEEDFACEDEADBEEF01020304050607080900
158 # Is transmission of the keys to the client allowed? This may be a security
159 # risk for some. If you disable this, you will not be able to query keys from
160 # a client.
161 allowkeytransmit=true
163 # How often (in seconds) do we write all our data files (0 to disable)
164 writeinterval=300
166 # Where do we get our manufacturer fingerprints from? Assumed to be in the
167 # default config directory if an absolute path is not given.
168 ap_manuf=ap_manuf
169 client_manuf=client_manuf
171 # Use metric measurements in the output?
172 metric=false
174 # Do we write waypoints for gpsdrive to load? Note: This is NOT related to
175 # recent versions of GPSDrive's native support of Kismet.
176 waypoints=false
177 # GPSMap waypoint file. This WILL be truncated.
178 waypointdata=%h/.gpsdrive/way_kismet.txt
180 # How many alerts do we backlog for new clients? Only change this if you have
181 # a -very- low memory system and need those extra bytes, or if you have a high
182 # memory system and a huge number of alert conditions.
183 alertbacklog=50
185 # File types to log, comma seperated
186 # dump - raw packet dump
187 # network - plaintext detected networks
188 # csv - plaintext detected networks in CSV format
189 # xml - XML formatted network and cisco log
190 # weak - weak packets (in airsnort format)
191 # cisco - cisco equipment CDP broadcasts
192 # gps - gps coordinates
193 logtypes=dump,network,csv,xml,weak,cisco,gps
195 # Do we track probe responses and merge probe networks into their owners?
196 # This isn't always desireable, depending on the type of monitoring you're
197 # trying to do.
198 trackprobenets=true
200 # Do we log "noise" packets that we can't decipher? I tend to not, since
201 # they don't have anything interesting at all in them.
202 noiselog=false
204 # Do we log corrupt packets? Corrupt packets have enough header information
205 # to see what they are, but someting is wrong with them that prevents us from
206 # completely dissecting them. Logging these is usually not a bad idea.
207 corruptlog=true
209 # Do we log beacon packets or do we filter them out of the dumpfile
210 beaconlog=true
212 # Do we log PHY layer packets or do we filter them out of the dumpfile
213 phylog=true
215 # Do we mangle packets if we can decrypt them or if they're fuzzy-detected
216 mangledatalog=true
218 # Do we do "fuzzy" crypt detection? (byte-based detection instead of 802.11
219 # frame headers)
220 # valid option: Comma seperated list of card types to perform fuzzy detection
221 # on, or 'all'
222 fuzzycrypt=wtapfile,wlanng,wlanng_legacy,wlanng_avs,hostap,wlanng_wext
224 # What type of dump do we generate?
225 # valid option: "wiretap"
226 dumptype=wiretap
227 # Do we limit the size of dump logs? Sometimes ethereal can't handle big ones.
228 # 0 = No limit
229 # Anything else = Max number of packets to log to a single file before closing
230 # and opening a new one.
231 dumplimit=0
233 # Do we write data packets to a FIFO for an external data-IDS (such as Snort)?
234 # See the docs before enabling this.
235 #fifo=/tmp/kismet_dump
237 # Default log title
238 logdefault=Kismet
240 # logtemplate - Filename logging template.
241 # This is, at first glance, really nasty and ugly, but you'll hardly ever
242 # have to touch it so don't complain too much.
243 #
244 # %n is replaced by the logging instance name
245 # %d is replaced by the current date as Mon-DD-YYYY
246 # %D is replaced by the current date as YYYYMMDD
247 # %t is replaced by the starting log time
248 # %i is replaced by the increment log in the case of multiple logs
249 # %l is replaced by the log type (dump, status, crypt, etc)
250 # %h is replaced by the home directory
251 # ie, "netlogs/%n-%d-%i.dump" called with a logging name of "Pok" could expand
252 # to something like "netlogs/Pok-Dec-20-01-1.dump" for the first instance and
253 # "netlogs/Pok-Dec-20-01-2.%l" for the second logfile generated.
254 # %h/netlots/%n-%d-%i.dump could expand to
255 # /home/foo/netlogs/Pok-Dec-20-01-2.dump
256 #
257 # Other possibilities: Sorting by directory
258 # logtemplate=%l/%n-%d-%i
259 # Would expand to, for example,
260 # dump/Pok-Dec-20-01-1
261 # crypt/Pok-Dec-20-01-1
262 # and so on. The "dump", "crypt", etc, dirs must exist before kismet is run
263 # in this case.
264 logtemplate=%n-%d-%i.%l
266 # Where do we store the pid file of the server?
267 piddir=/var/run/
269 # Where state info, etc, is stored. You shouldnt ever need to change this.
270 # This is a directory.
271 configdir=%h/.kismet/
273 # cloaked SSID file. You shouldn't ever need to change this.
274 ssidmap=ssid_map
276 # Group map file. You shouldn't ever need to change this.
277 groupmap=group_map
279 # IP range map file. You shouldn't ever need to change this.
280 ipmap=ip_map
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