openssl: uclibc $(TARGET_DIR)/usr/lib/
-$(LIBSSL_IPK): uclibc $(STAGING_DIR)/usr/lib/
+$(LIBSSL_IPK): uclibc $(STAGING_DIR)/usr/lib/libcrypto.a
cp $(SOURCE_DIR)/libssl.control $(OPENSSL_IPK_DIR)/CONTROL/control
mkdir -p $(OPENSSL_IPK_DIR)/usr/lib
Architecture: mipsel
Maintainer: below0
Section: net
-Depends: zlib openssl
+Depends: zlib libssl
Source: Embedded in the main OpenWrt buildroot
Description: The OpenSSH client. Allows for access to remote systems via the SSH protocol.
Includes: ssh, scp
Architecture: mipsel
Maintainer: below0
Section: net
-Depends: zlib openssl
+Depends: zlib libssl
Source: Embedded in the main OpenWrt buildroot
Description: The OpenSSH server daemon.
Allows for access to the system via the SSH client.