-speed of 19,200 baud in mode 8N1 (8 data bits, no parity, 1 start/stop bit), the
-maximum size of a data packet is $19,200 \div (66.67 \times 9) = 32$ byte,
-so at the moment only the sensor packets \emph{encoder counts left/right}
-(IDs~\magicnumber{0x2b}, \magicnumber{0x2c}, 2+2 bytes), \emph{battery
-voltage/current/charge/capacity} (IDs~\magicnumber{0x16}, \magicnumber{0x17},
-\magicnumber{0x19}, \magicnumber{0x1a}, 2+2+2+2 bytes) are streamed, which add
-up to 18 data bytes + 3 header/checksum bytes. There has currently been no
-success yet in communicating at the higher speed of 115,200 baud.
+speed of 19,200 baud in mode \ac{8N1}, the maximum size of a data packet is
+$19,200 \div (66.67 \times 9) = 32$ byte, so at the moment only the sensor
+packets \emph{encoder counts left/right} (IDs~\magicnumber{0x2b},
+\magicnumber{0x2c}, 2+2 bytes), \emph{battery voltage/current/charge/capacity}
+(IDs~\magicnumber{0x16}, \magicnumber{0x17}, \magicnumber{0x19},
+\magicnumber{0x1a}, 2+2+2+2 bytes) are streamed, which add up to 18 data bytes +
+3 header/checksum bytes. There has currently been no success yet in
+communicating at the higher speed of 115,200 baud.