+The measuring implementation is a set of programs running on a x86-compatible
+Linux system which uses the Wiselib to control a Roomba attached to the system
+over a serial interface. It features a graphical user interface using the
+Qt application framework. Basically, it carries out a movement with specified
+parameters (velocity, and destination or angle, depending on the experiment),
+then prompts the user to measure and input the actual destination or angle the
+Roomba has moved after it has finished the movement. In this context, the user
+can choose between two operation modes. In the manual mode, the user can control
+the target values for the Roomba movement himself, in automatic mode, the
+application uses a list of pre-programmed values for the target values, so the
+user only has to input the measured data.
+All measured data is written to a log file in the current directory whose name
+is based on the type of experiment performed. Every line in that log file
+describes one measurement made by the user, and consists of pairs of the form
+\code{key=value}, separated by white space. In particular, the data on each
+line are (with key name, in the order of appearance on the line):
+ \item\texttt{svn:} the \ac{SVN} or Git revision the program was compiled from
+ (statically compiled into the program)
+ \item\texttt{roomba\_id:} the ID of the Roomba the measurement was performed
+ with (given by the user)
+ \item\texttt{ground\_type:} the ground type used for measurement:
+ \magicvalue{iz250flur} for laminated floor, \magicvalue{seminarraum}
+ for carpet floor (given by the user)
+ \item\texttt{diff\_ticks\_left:} the difference of encoder counts between the
+ beginning and the end of the movement, on the Roomba's left wheel
+ (packet~ID \magicvalue{0x2b} in the \ac{ROI} Specification)
+ \item\texttt{diff\_ticks\_right:} the difference of encoder counts between the
+ beginning and the end of the movement, on the Roomba's right wheel
+ (packet~ID \magicvalue{0x2c} in the \ac{ROI} Specification)
+ \item\texttt{raw\_ticks\_left:} the absolute value of the encoder count of the
+ Roomba's left wheel (packet~ID \magicvalue{0x2b})
+ \item\texttt{raw\_ticks\_right:} the absolute value of the encoder count of
+ the Roomba's right wheel (packet~ID \magicvalue{0x2c})
+ \item\texttt{batt\_charge:} the charge of the Roomba's battery in mAh
+ (packet~ID~\magicvalue{0x19})
+ \item\texttt{batt\_capacity:} the capacity of the Roomba's battery in mAh
+ (packet~ID~\magicvalue{0x1a})
+ \item\texttt{batt\_voltage:} the voltage of the Roomba's battery in mV
+ (packet~ID~\magicvalue{0x16})
+ \item\texttt{batt\_voltage:} the current of the Roomba's battery in mA
+ (packet~ID~\magicvalue{0x17})
+ \item\texttt{move:} movement type; \magicvalue{straight} for straight moves,
+ \magicvalue{turn} for turn moves (given by the user while selecting the
+ experiment type)
+ \newcounter{logitems}\setcounter{logitems}{\value{enumi}+1}
+For straight moves (\magicvalue{move=straight}) follow:
+ \item\texttt{input\_distance}: the target distance in mm sent to the Roomba
+ via the \ac{ROI} \cmd{Drive} command (given by the user in manual mode,
+ or determined by the program in automatic mode)
+ \item\texttt{velocity:} (the velocity in mm/s sent to the Roomba via the
+ \ac{ROI} \cmd{Drive} command (given by the user in manual mode, or
+ determined by the program in automatic mode)
+ \item\texttt{measured\_x:} the actual covered distance in mm in the Roomba's
+ original viewing direction (measured by the user)
+ \item\texttt{measured\_y:} originally, the distance shift perpendicular to the
+ viewing direction of the Roomba. Not used anymore.
+ \item\texttt{deviation\_orientation:} originally, the shift in orientation of
+ the Roomba. Not used anymore.
+For turn moves (\magicvalue{move=turn}) follow:
+ \item\texttt{turn\_angle:} the turn angle in degree sent to the Roomba via the
+ \ac{ROI} \cmd{Drive} command (given by the user in manual mode, or
+ determined by the program in automatic mode)
+ \item\texttt{measured\_angle:} the actual turned angle of the Roomba in degree
+ (measured by the user)
+ \item\texttt{velocity:} the velocity in mm/s sent to the Roomba via the
+ \ac{ROI} \cmd{Drive} command (given by the user in manual mode, or
+ determined by the program in automatic mode)
+ \centering
+ \includegraphics[width=0.9\textwidth]{images/Implementation-Diagram.pdf}
+ \caption[File structure of the measuring implementation]{Simplified file
+ structure of the measuring implementation\label{fig:impl:struct}\\
+ yellow: common files used for all three experiments; \\
+ green: files for Experiment~1; blue: files for Experiment~2; \\red: files
+ for Experiment~3.\\
+ An arrow from node $x$ to node $y$ is to be read as ``$y$ depends from
+ $x$''.}
+Figure~\ref{fig:impl:struct} shows the file layout of the measuring
+implementation. It reuses components where ever possible, and therefore
+consists of three parts (green, blue, red) specific for the three performed
+experiments (see Sections~\ref{sec:exp1}, \ref{sec:exp2} and~\ref{sec:exp3}), as
+well as a common part (yellow), which contains the elements of the
+implementation shared by the other three parts.
+\subsection{Common part}
+% no \file{} here please, we don't want "stuff.{cc,h}" in index...
+The files \filefont{stuff.\{cc,h\}} and
+\filefont{target\_value\_input\_dialog.\{cc,h\}} build up the general part of
+the implementation (shown with a yellow background in
+Figure~\ref{fig:impl:struct}). These are included in all other three parts of
+the implementation.
+\paragraph{Global declarations}
+These files \file{stuff.cc} and \file{stuff.h} contain global helper functions
+and variables, data structures specific to the implementation, and all kinds of
+convenient typedefs. In particular, there are functions for formatting and
+logging messages to a log file, according to the format described above. While
+\file{stuff.h} contains the declarations and typedefs, \file{stuff.cc} contains
+the appropriate definitions. Besides, since \file{stuff.h} is included
+indirectly in most other source files, it also includes the Wiselib headers
+needed for Roomba control.