+On the connection, there is a certain latency between the time the command is
+sent to the Roomba and the time the Roomba receives this command and carries out
+the motion. At 19,200 baud, mode \ac{8N1}, the transfer of a 5-byte \cmd{Drive}
+command needs $(5 \times 9) \div 19200 = 2.3$~ms. The time the Roomba
+logic needs to process the command is not mentioned in the \ac{ROI}
+Specification, and there was no way to measure it sufficiently. It is however
+short enough that a human would describe it as ``instant''.
+The same latency of course also exists in the opposite directions when the
+Roomba is sending sensor data to the user. However, the sensor data are sent by
+the Roomba every 15~ms (which is the internal speed at which the data is
+updated from the sensors) and according to the wheel's maximum velocity of
+500~mm/s (which means that a sensor data packet is received every $0.03$~mm when
+driving at this speed), this is acceptible for real-time evaluation of the data.