#include "core/adc/adc.h"
#include "core/cpu/cpu.h"
#include "core/pmu/pmu.h"
+#include "core/wdt/wdt.h"
#include "core/gpio/gpio.h"
+#include "core/ssp/ssp.h"
#include "core/systick/systick.h"
#include "core/usbhid-rom/usbmsc.h"
#include "core/cmd/cmd.h"
+#include "init.h"
+#include "ui/browser.h"
#include "ui/display.h"
-#include "ui/sprite.h"
#include "ui/event.h"
+#include "ui/font.h"
+#include "ui/menu.h"
+#include "ui/sprite.h"
+#include "ui/vanity.h"
+#include "util/util.h"
#include "jumpnrun/jumpnrun.h"
-#include "r0ketports.h"
+#include "dataflash/at45db041d.h"
#include "drivers/fatfs/ff.h"
-#define ARRAY_SIZE(arr) (sizeof(arr) / sizeof*(arr))
+#include "badge/pinconfig.h"
+#include <funk/nrf24l01p.h>
-void backlightInit(void) {
+#ifdef R0KET
+#include "r0ketports.h"
+void rbBacklightInit(void) {
/* Enable the clock for CT16B1 */
/* Configure PIO1.9 as Timer1_16 MAT0 Output */
/* Set default duty cycle (MR1) */
TMR_TMR16B1MR0 = 0; //(0xFFFF * (100 - brightness)) / 100;
void rbInit() {
struct {
int port;
int pin;
uint32_t volatile *reg;
+ gpioPullupMode_t mode;
} const input_pins[] = {
- { RB_BTN0 , &RB_BTN0_IO },
- { RB_BTN1 , &RB_BTN1_IO },
- { RB_BTN2 , &RB_BTN2_IO },
- { RB_BTN3 , &RB_BTN3_IO },
- { RB_BTN4 , &RB_BTN4_IO },
- { RB_HB3 , &RB_HB3_IO },
- { RB_HB4 , &RB_HB4_IO },
+#ifdef HOB_REV2
+ { RB_BTN0 , &RB_BTN0_IO , gpioPullupMode_PullDown },
+ { RB_BTN1 , &RB_BTN1_IO , gpioPullupMode_PullDown },
+ { RB_BTN2 , &RB_BTN2_IO , gpioPullupMode_PullDown },
+ { RB_BTN3 , &RB_BTN3_IO , gpioPullupMode_PullDown },
+ { RB_BTN4 , &RB_BTN4_IO , gpioPullupMode_PullDown },
+ { RB_HB0 , &RB_HB0_IO , gpioPullupMode_PullDown },
+ { RB_HB1 , &RB_HB1_IO , gpioPullupMode_PullDown },
+ { RB_PWR_CHRG, &RB_PWR_CHRG_IO, gpioPullupMode_PullDown }
+ { RB_BTN0 , &RB_BTN0_IO , gpioPullupMode_PullUp },
+ { RB_BTN1 , &RB_BTN1_IO , gpioPullupMode_PullUp },
+ { RB_BTN2 , &RB_BTN2_IO , gpioPullupMode_PullUp },
+ { RB_BTN3 , &RB_BTN3_IO , gpioPullupMode_PullUp },
+ { RB_BTN4 , &RB_BTN4_IO , gpioPullupMode_PullUp },
+ { RB_HB0 , &RB_HB0_IO , gpioPullupMode_PullUp },
+ { RB_HB1 , &RB_HB1_IO , gpioPullupMode_PullUp },
+ { RB_PWR_CHRG, &RB_PWR_CHRG_IO, gpioPullupMode_PullUp }
for(int i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(input_pins); ++i) {
gpioSetDir(input_pins[i].port, input_pins[i].pin, gpioDirection_Input);
- gpioSetPullup(input_pins[i].reg, gpioPullupMode_PullUp);
+ gpioSetPullup(input_pins[i].reg, input_pins[i].mode);
// LED3 zur Bestimmung der Umgebungshelligkeit.
int pin;
int value;
} const output_pins[] = {
- { RB_PWR_GOOD, 0 },
- { USB_CONNECT, 1 },
- { RB_LED0 , 0 },
- { RB_LED1 , 0 },
- { RB_LED2 , 0 },
+ { RB_PWR_GOOD , 0 },
+ { USB_CONNECT , 1 },
+ { RB_LCD_CS , 1 },
+ { RB_SPI_CS_DF, 1 },
{ RB_SPI_SS2 , 1 },
{ RB_SPI_SS3 , 1 },
{ RB_SPI_SS4 , 1 },
{ RB_SPI_SS5 , 1 },
+ { RB_LED0 , 0 },
+ { RB_LED1 , 0 },
+ { RB_LED2 , 0 },
{ RB_LCD_BL , 0 },
- { RB_HB0 , 1 },
- { RB_HB1 , 1 },
{ RB_HB2 , 1 },
+ { RB_HB3 , 1 },
+ { RB_HB4 , 1 },
{ RB_HB5 , 1 }
gpioSetDir ( RB_PWR_LCDBL , gpioDirection_Input);
gpioSetPullup(&RB_PWR_LCDBL_IO, gpioPullupMode_Inactive);
- backlightInit();
+ rbBacklightInit();
+ badge_display_init();
- Main program entry point. After reset, normal code execution will
- begin here.
-int main(void)
- // Configure cpu and mandatory peripherals
- //systemInit();
+static void usbmode(void) {
+ badge_event_stop();
- cpuInit();
+ badge_framebuffer fb = { { { 0 } } };
-// pmuInit();
-// adcInit();
- rbInit();
+ badge_framebuffer_render_text(&fb, 23, 30, "USB-Modus");
+ badge_framebuffer_render_number(&fb, 23, 50, sizeof(jumpnrun_tile));
+ badge_framebuffer_render_number(&fb, 33, 50, sizeof(jumpnrun_item));
+ badge_framebuffer_render_number(&fb, 48, 50, sizeof(jumpnrun_enemy));
+ badge_framebuffer_flush(&fb);
+ for(;;);
- badge_display_init();
+static void fahrplan(void) {
+ f_chdir("/fahrplan");
+ badge_browse_textfiles("fahrplan.lst");
- gpioSetDir(0, 11, gpioDirection_Output);
- gpioSetValue(0, 11, 0);
- {
- badge_framebuffer fb;
- int res = 0;
- FATFS fatvol;
- if(FR_OK == f_mount(0, &fatvol)) {
- FIL fil;
- if(FR_OK == (res = f_open(&fil, "sshot.dat", FA_OPEN_EXISTING | FA_READ))) {
- UINT readbytes;
- if(FR_OK != f_read(&fil, &fb, sizeof(fb), &readbytes)) {
- gpioSetDir(RB_LED3, gpioDirection_Output);
- gpioSetValue(RB_LED3, 1);
- }
- f_close(&fil);
- } else {
- fb.data[0][0] = res;
- gpioSetDir(RB_LED1, gpioDirection_Output);
- gpioSetValue(RB_LED1, 1);
- }
- } else {
- gpioSetDir(RB_LED2, gpioDirection_Output);
- gpioSetValue(RB_LED2, 1);
- }
+uint8_t main_menu_show(uint8_t selected) {
+ char const menu_buf[][15] = {
+ "Vanity-Screen",
+ "Super Hackio",
+ "Fahrplan",
+ "USB-Modus"
+ };
- badge_framebuffer_flush(&fb);
+ char const *menu[ARRAY_SIZE(menu_buf)];
+ for(uint8_t i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(menu_buf); ++i) {
+ menu[i] = menu_buf[i];
- badge_event_start();
+ f_chdir("/");
+ // first_visible = 0, weil MenĂ¼ so kurz. Ggf. Parameter aus main_menu empfangen und merken.
+ size_t first_visible = 0;
+ return (uint8_t) badge_menu(menu, ARRAY_SIZE(menu), &first_visible, selected);
+void main_menu(void) {
+ uint8_t selected = 0;
for(;;) {
- if(JUMPNRUN_ERROR == jumpnrun_play("smb.lvl")) {
- break;
+ selected = main_menu_show(selected);
+ switch(selected) {
+ case 0: badge_vanity_show(); break;
+ case 1: jumpnrun_play (); break;
+ case 2: fahrplan (); break;
+ case 3: usbmode (); break;
- uint8_t buttons = 0;
+int main(void)
+ cpuInit();
- for(uint8_t i = 0; ; ++i) {
- badge_event_t event = badge_event_wait();
+ // pmuInit();
+ // adcInit();
+#ifdef R0KET
+ rbInit();
+ badge_init();
- switch(badge_event_type(event)) {
- buttons = badge_event_current_input_state();
- break;
- }
- badge_sprite const sp = { 4, 4, (uint8_t const *) "\xff\xff" };
- badge_framebuffer fb = { { { 0 } } };
- if(buttons & BADGE_EVENT_KEY_UP) { badge_framebuffer_blt(&fb, 30, 10, &sp, 0); }
- if(buttons & BADGE_EVENT_KEY_DOWN) { badge_framebuffer_blt(&fb, 30, 50, &sp, 0); }
- if(buttons & BADGE_EVENT_KEY_LEFT) { badge_framebuffer_blt(&fb, 10, 30, &sp, 0); }
- if(buttons & BADGE_EVENT_KEY_RIGHT) { badge_framebuffer_blt(&fb, 50, 30, &sp, 0); }
- if(buttons & BADGE_EVENT_KEY_CENTER){ badge_framebuffer_blt(&fb, 30, 30, &sp, 0); }
- if(buttons & BADGE_EVENT_KEY_BTN_A) { badge_framebuffer_blt(&fb, 70, 10, &sp, 0); }
- if(buttons & BADGE_EVENT_KEY_BTN_B) { badge_framebuffer_blt(&fb, 70, 50, &sp, 0); }
- badge_framebuffer_flush(&fb);
- break;
- }
- }
+ FATFS fs;
+ f_mount(0, &fs);
+ if(badge_input_raw() & BADGE_EVENT_KEY_DOWN) {
+ usbmode();
+ badge_event_start();
+ main_menu();
return 0;