#include "core/systick/systick.h"
#include "drivers/lcd/tft/touchscreen.h"
+// Uncomment this to use faster inline methods, but requires more flash
+// #define ILI9235_USE_INLINE_METHODS (1)
static lcdOrientation_t lcdOrientation = LCD_ORIENTATION_PORTRAIT;
static lcdProperties_t ili9325Properties = { 240, 320, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE };
@brief Causes a brief delay (10 ticks per unit)
+#if !defined ILI9235_USE_INLINE_METHODS
void ili9325Delay(unsigned int t)
unsigned char t1;
+static inline uint32_t ili9325Delay(unsigned int t) { unsigned char t1; while(t--) for ( t1=10; t1 > 0; t1-- ) { __asm("nop"); } }
@brief Writes the supplied 16-bit command using an 8-bit interface
+#if !defined ILI9238_USE_INLINE_METHODS
void ili9325WriteCmd(uint16_t command)
// Compiled with -Os on GCC 4.4 this works out to 25 cycles
SET_WR_CS; // Saves 7 commands compared to "SET_WR; SET_CS;"
+static inline void ili9325WriteCmd(uint16_t command) { CLR_CS_CD_SET_RD_WR; ILI9325_GPIO2DATA_DATA = (command >> (8 - ILI9325_DATA_OFFSET)); CLR_WR; SET_WR; ILI9325_GPIO2DATA_DATA = command << ILI9325_DATA_OFFSET; CLR_WR; SET_WR_CS; }
@brief Writes the supplied 16-bit data using an 8-bit interface
+#if !defined ILI9238_USE_INLINE_METHODS
void ili9325WriteData(uint16_t data)
CLR_CS_SET_CD_RD_WR; // Saves 18 commands compared to SET_CD; SET_RD; SET_WR; CLR_CS"
SET_WR_CS; // Saves 7 commands compared to "SET_WR, SET_CS;"
+static inline void ili9325WriteData(uint16_t data) { CLR_CS_SET_CD_RD_WR; ILI9325_GPIO2DATA_DATA = (data >> (8 - ILI9325_DATA_OFFSET)); CLR_WR; SET_WR; ILI9325_GPIO2DATA_DATA = data << ILI9325_DATA_OFFSET; CLR_WR; SET_WR_CS; }
@brief Sets the cursor to the specified X/Y position
+#if !defined ILI9238_USE_INLINE_METHODS
void ili9325SetCursor(uint16_t x, uint16_t y)
uint16_t al, ah;
+static inline void ili9325SetCursor(uint16_t x, uint16_t y) { uint16_t al, ah; if (lcdOrientation == LCD_ORIENTATION_LANDSCAPE) { al = y; ah = x; } else { al = x; ah = y; }; ili9325WriteCmd(ILI9325_COMMANDS_HORIZONTALGRAMADDRESSSET); ili9325WriteData(al); ili9325WriteCmd(ILI9325_COMMANDS_VERTICALGRAMADDRESSSET); ili9325WriteData(ah); }