+ @brief Sets up the comparator to operate in basic mode, causing the
+ ALERT/RDY pin to assert (go from high to low) when the ADC
+ value exceeds the specified threshold.
+ This will also set the ADC in continuous conversion mode.
+ @section EXAMPLE
+ @code
+ ads1015Init();
+ // Setup 3V comparator on channel 0
+ ads1015StartComparator_SingleEnded(0, 1000);
+ int16_t results;
+ while(1)
+ {
+ // Need to read to clear com bit once it's set
+ ads1015GetLastConversionResults(&results);
+ printf("%d\r\n", results);
+ }
+ @endcode
+ads1015Error_t ads1015StartComparator_SingleEnded(uint8_t channel, int16_t threshold)
+ uint16_t value;
+ ads1015Error_t error = ADS1015_ERROR_OK;
+ if (!(_ads1015Initialised))
+ {
+ ads1015Init();
+ }
+ // Start with default values
+ uint16_t config = ADS1015_REG_CONFIG_CQUE_1CONV | // Comparator enabled and asserts on 1 match
+ ADS1015_REG_CONFIG_CLAT_LATCH | // Latching mode
+ ADS1015_REG_CONFIG_CPOL_ACTVLOW | // Alert/Rdy active low (default val)
+ ADS1015_REG_CONFIG_CMODE_TRAD | // Traditional comparator (default val)
+ ADS1015_REG_CONFIG_DR_1600SPS | // 1600 samples per second (default)
+ ADS1015_REG_CONFIG_MODE_CONTIN | // Continuous conversion mode
+ ADS1015_REG_CONFIG_PGA_6_144V | // +/- 6.144V range (limited to VDD +0.3V max!)
+ ADS1015_REG_CONFIG_MODE_CONTIN; // Continuous conversion mode
+ // Set single-ended input channel
+ switch (channel)
+ {
+ case (0):
+ config |= ADS1015_REG_CONFIG_MUX_SINGLE_0;
+ break;
+ case (1):
+ config |= ADS1015_REG_CONFIG_MUX_SINGLE_1;
+ break;
+ case (2):
+ config |= ADS1015_REG_CONFIG_MUX_SINGLE_2;
+ break;
+ case (3):
+ config |= ADS1015_REG_CONFIG_MUX_SINGLE_3;
+ break;
+ }
+ // Set the high threshold register
+ error = ads1015WriteRegister(ADS1015_REG_POINTER_HITHRESH, threshold << 4);
+ if (error) return error;
+ // Write config register to the ADC
+ error = ads1015WriteRegister(ADS1015_REG_POINTER_CONFIG, config);
+ if (error) return error;
+ @brief In order to clear the comparator, we need to read the
+ conversion results. This function reads the last conversion
+ results without changing the config value.
+ads1015Error_t ads1015GetLastConversionResults(int16_t *value)
+ ads1015Error_t error = ADS1015_ERROR_OK;
+ if (!(_ads1015Initialised))
+ {
+ ads1015Init();
+ }
+ // Wait for the conversion to complete
+ systickDelay(1);
+ // Read the conversion results
+ error = ina219Read16(ADS1015_REG_POINTER_CONVERT, value);
+ if (error) return error;
+ // Shift results 4-bits to the right
+ *value = *value >> 4;
+ return error;