+ #include "drivers/displays/tft/drawing.h"
#include "drivers/displays/tft/colors.h"
uint16_t newColor;
Background color (rgb565)
@param[in] foreColor
Forground color (rgb565)
- @param[in] intensity
- Intensity of the fore color for alpha-blending (0..100)
+ @param[in] fadePercent
+ Visibility of the background color in percent (0..100).
+ The higher the number, the more visible the back color
+ becomes. 100% signifies that the back color is entirely
+ visible (only the BG color is shown), 0% signifies
+ that only the fore color is shown, and 25% would
+ indicate that the background is visible at approximately
+ 25% intensity (combined with 75% of the fore color).
@section Example
+ #include "drivers/displays/tft/drawing.h"
#include "drivers/displays/tft/colors.h"
- uint16_t mixedColor;
+ uint16_t bg = COLOR_GREEN;
+ uint16_t fore = COLOR_WHITE;
+ // Calculate the intermediate color with 25% bg blending
+ uint16_t result = colorsAlphaBlend(bg, fore, 25);
- // Alpha-blend white onto a black background at 50% intensity
- mixedColor = colorsBlend(COLOR_BLACK, COLOR_WHITE, 50);
+ drawRectangleFilled(10, 10, 50, 50, bg);
+ drawRectangleFilled(60, 10, 100, 50, fore);
+ drawRectangleFilled(35, 60, 75, 100, result);
-uint16_t colorsBlend(uint16_t bgColor, uint16_t foreColor, uint8_t intensity)
+uint16_t colorsAlphaBlend(uint16_t bgColor, uint16_t foreColor, uint8_t fadePercent)
- // Note: This algorithm is buggy and needs to be redone!
uint16_t br, bg, bb; // Background component colors
uint16_t fr, fg, fb; // Foreground component colors
uint16_t newr, newg, newb; // Blended component colors
- if (intensity > 100)
+ if (fadePercent > 100)
- intensity = 100;
+ fadePercent = 100;
// Short cut if the color is full intensity
- if (intensity == 100)
- return foreColor;
+ if (fadePercent == 100)
+ return bgColor;
+ // Note: This algorithm can definately be optimised!
// Break out component colors
br = ((bgColor >> 11) & 0x1F);
bb = (bgColor & 0x1F);
fb = (foreColor & 0x1F);
- newr = (((fr-br) * intensity) / 100 + br) & 0x1F;
- newg = (((fg-bg) * intensity) / 100 + bg) & 0x3F;
- newb = (((fb-bb) * intensity) / 100 + bb) & 0x1F;
+ // Z = intensity * bgcolor + (100 - intensity) * forecolor
+ newr = (fadePercent * br + (100 - fadePercent) * fr) / 100;
+ newg = (fadePercent * bg + (100 - fadePercent) * fg) / 200; // Need to use 5-bit green for accurate colors :(
+ newb = (fadePercent * bb + (100 - fadePercent) * fb) / 100;
return (newr << 11) | (newg << 6) | newb;