- @brief Draws a string using the supplied font
- @param[in] x
- Starting x co-ordinate
- @param[in] y
- Starting y co-ordinate
- @param[in] color
- Color to use when rendering the font
- @param[in] fontInfo
- Pointer to the FONT_INFO to use when drawing the string
- @param[in] str
- The string to render
- @section Example
- @code
- #include "drivers/displays/tft/fonts/dejavusans9.h"
- drawString(0, 90, COLOR_BLACK, &dejaVuSans9ptFontInfo, "DejaVu Sans 9");
- drawString(0, 105, COLOR_BLACK, &dejaVuSans9ptFontInfo, "123456789012345678901234567890");
- @endcode
-void drawString(uint16_t x, uint16_t y, uint16_t color, const FONT_INFO *fontInfo, char *str)
- uint16_t currentX, charWidth, characterToOutput;
- const FONT_CHAR_INFO *charInfo;
- uint16_t charOffset;
- // set current x, y to that of requested
- currentX = x;
- // while not NULL
- while (*str != '\0')
- {
- // get character to output
- characterToOutput = *str;
- // get char info
- charInfo = fontInfo->charInfo;
- // some fonts have character descriptors, some don't
- if (charInfo != NULL)
- {
- // get correct char offset
- charInfo += (characterToOutput - fontInfo->startChar);
- // get width from char info
- charWidth = charInfo->widthBits;
- // get offset from char info
- charOffset = charInfo->offset;
- }
- else
- {
- // if no char info, char width is always 5
- charWidth = 5;
- // char offset - assume 5 * letter offset
- charOffset = (characterToOutput - fontInfo->startChar) * 5;
- }
- // Send individual characters
- // We need to manually calculate width in pages since this is screwy with variable width fonts
- //uint8_t heightPages = charWidth % 8 ? charWidth / 8 : charWidth / 8 + 1;
- drawCharBitmap(currentX, y, color, (const char *)(&fontInfo->data[charOffset]), charWidth, fontInfo->height);
- // next char X
- currentX += charWidth + 1;
- // next char
- str++;
- }
- @brief Returns the width in pixels of a string when it is rendered
- This method can be used to determine whether a string will fit
- inside a specific area, or if it needs to be broken up into multiple
- lines to be properly rendered on the screen.
- This function only applied to bitmap fonts (which can have variable
- widths). All smallfonts (if available) are fixed width and can
- easily have their width calculated without costly functions like
- this one.
- @param[in] fontInfo
- Pointer to the FONT_INFO for the font that will be used
- @param[in] str
- The string that will be rendered
-uint16_t drawGetStringWidth(const FONT_INFO *fontInfo, char *str)
- uint16_t width = 0;
- uint32_t currChar;
- uint32_t startChar = fontInfo->startChar;
- // until termination
- for (currChar = *str; currChar; currChar = *(++str))
- {
- // if char info exists for the font, use width from there
- if (fontInfo->charInfo != NULL)
- {
- width += fontInfo->charInfo[currChar - startChar].widthBits + 1;
- }
- else
- {
- width += 5 + 1;
- }
- }
- /* return the width */
- return width > 0 ? width - 1 : width;