+++ /dev/null
-Project Folder
-All project-specific files should be stored in the /project folder to try to
-keep the generic HW-level code and drivers seperate from the business logic
-of your individual project. This makes it easier to reuse your code in other
-projects, and also update the drivers and HW-level code if newer version of
-these common-files become available.
-commands/ Code to implements specific commands for the
- command-line interface. Requires CFG_INTERFACE
- to be enabled in projectconfig.h. Generally,
- each command will be stored in a seperate file
- (ex.: "command/cmd_hello.c"), though this isn't
- a strict requirement and you may wish to store
- multiple related commands in one .c file, such
- as 'cmds_graphics.c' etc.
-documentation/ Project-specific documentation is stored here
-cmd_tbl.h Contains the master command list for the
- command-line interface if CFG_INTERFACE is
- enabled in projectconfig.h. All commands
- must be present in this list to be properly
- handled by the CLI.
-commands.c Common helper functions for the command-line
- interface.
--- /dev/null
+# Tools
+This folder contains a number of tools that may be useful when developing with
+the LPC1343 Reference Board:
+## codelite_debug
+ A beta version of a plugin that allows you to program the LPC1343 from
+ CodeLite using GDB Server and a Segger J-Link for ARM (still a work in
+ progress). Created by AC Verbeck.
+## dotfactory
+ An open-source (GPL) Windows-based program to convert TTF fonts to .c
+ source files. This application is included here for convenience sake and
+ can be used to convert TTF fonts for use with the TFT LCD display with
+ minor modifications to the generated source files. See the existing fonts
+ in 'drivers/displays/tft/fonts' for an example.
+## examples
+ Example software showing how to use the LPC1343 to accomplish certain tasks
+ or how to use it with external devices, such as communicating with the PC
+ using USB HID, etc.
+## lpcrc
+ This utility fixes the CRC of any .bin files generated with GCC from the
+ command line. You must use this utility to patch any compiled firmware that
+ will be deployed via the USB bootloader.
+ The GCC src is included in the root folder and should build on any platform
+ where a native GCC toolchain is available. A pre=compiled windows binary is
+ included in /bin for convenience sake, as well as in the root folder of the
+ LPC1343 Code Base.
+ If you are using the provided CodeLite project files, lpcrc will
+ automatically be executed after every build. You only need to run lpcrc if
+ you are building directly from the command=line.
+## schematics
+ Schematics showing the pin connections that are assumed to be used by the
+ LPC1343 Code Base.
+## testfirmware
+ Various pre-compiled binaires files that can be used to test the
+ functionality of the LPC1343. This firmware assumes that the board follows
+ the layout show in 'tools/schematics'
+## wsbridge
+ A utility to allow you to pipe 802.15.4 traffic (via Chibi) out to Wireshark
+ on the PC, so that you can use Chibi as an inexpensive wireless sniffer to
+ capture and analyse any local 802.15.4 wireless traffic.
+++ /dev/null
-This folder contains a number of tools that may be useful when developing with
-the LPC1343 Reference Board:
- /dotfactory
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- An open-source (GPL) Windows-based program to convert TTF fonts to .c
- source files. This application is included here for convenience sake and
- can be used to convert TTF fonts for use with the TFT LCD display with
- minor modifications to the generated source files. See the existing fonts
- in 'drivers/displays/tft/fonts' for an example.
- /examples
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Example software showing how to use the LPC1343 to accomplish certain tasks
- or how to use it with external devices, such as communicating with the PC
- using USB HID, etc.
- /lpcrc
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- This utility fixes the CRC of any .bin files generated with GCC from the
- command line. You must use this utility to patch any compiled firmware that
- will be deployed via the USB bootloader.
- The GCC src is included in the root folder and should build on any platform
- where a native GCC toolchain is available. A pre=compiled windows binary is
- included in /bin for convenience sake, as well as in the root folder of the
- LPC1343 Code Base.
- If you are using the provided CodeLite project files, lpcrc will
- automatically be executed after every build. You only need to run lpcrc if
- you are building directly from the command=line.
- /schematics
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Schematics showing the pin connections that are assumed to be used by the
- LPC1343 Code Base.
- /testfirmware
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Various pre-compiled binaires files that can be used to test the
- functionality of the LPC1343. This firmware assumes that the board follows
- the layout show in 'tools/schematics'