hx8347d LCD dirver
authortauon <fr.schmidt@gmx.de>
Wed, 23 May 2012 14:42:41 +0000 (16:42 +0200)
committertauon <fr.schmidt@gmx.de>
Wed, 23 May 2012 14:42:41 +0000 (16:42 +0200)
hx8347d LCD dirver in SPI mode
Testet with https://github.com/watterott/MI0283QT-Adapter

drivers/displays/tft/hw/hx8347d.c [new file with mode: 0644]
drivers/displays/tft/hw/hx8347d.h [new file with mode: 0644]

index 2151859..b3573c5 100644 (file)
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -92,6 +92,7 @@ OBJS += DejaVuSansMono10_AA2.o DejaVuSansMono13_AA2.o DejaVuSansMono14_AA2.o
 # LCD Driver (Only one can be included at a time!)\r
 # OBJS += hx8340b.o\r
+# OBJS += hx8347d.o\r
 OBJS += ILI9328.o\r
 # OBJS += ILI9325.o\r
 # OBJS += ssd1331.o\r
diff --git a/drivers/displays/tft/hw/hx8347d.c b/drivers/displays/tft/hw/hx8347d.c
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..33dccf5
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,706 @@
+    @file     hx8347d.c\r
+    @author   TauonTeilchen\r
+    @section  DESCRIPTION\r
+    Is written for MI0283QT-2 LCD from watterott.com\r
+    More infos: http://www.watterott.com/de/MI0283QT-2-Adapter\r
+    Based on Watterott C Lib for MI0283QT-2\r
+    http://www.watterott.com/index.php?page=product&info=1597&dl_media=3202\r
+    @section  LICENSE\r
+    Software License Agreement (BSD License)\r
+    Copyright (c) 2010, microBuilder SARL\r
+    All rights reserved.\r
+    Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without\r
+    modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:\r
+    1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright\r
+    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.\r
+    2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright\r
+    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the\r
+    documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.\r
+    3. Neither the name of the copyright holders nor the\r
+    names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products\r
+    derived from this software without specific prior written permission.\r
+#include "drivers/displays/tft/hw/hx8347d.h"\r
+#define LCD_ID               (0x00)\r
+#define LCD_DATA             ((0x72)|(LCD_ID<<2))\r
+#define LCD_REGISTER         ((0x70)|(LCD_ID<<2))\r
+#define LCD_BACK_LIGHT       6\r
+#define LCD_RST              5\r
+#define LCD_CS               4\r
+// Macros for control line state\r
+#define LCD_CS_ENABLE()    GPIO_GPIO2DATA &= ~0x10  // gpioSetValue(2, 4, 0)\r
+#define LCD_CS_DISABLE()   GPIO_GPIO2DATA |=  0x10  // gpioSetValue(2, 4, 1)\r
+#define LCD_RST_ENABLE()   GPIO_GPIO2DATA &=  ~0x20 // gpioSetValue(2, 5, 0)\r
+#define LCD_RST_DISABLE()  GPIO_GPIO2DATA |=   0x20 // gpioSetValue(2, 5, 1)\r
+#define Himax ID                                         0x00\r
+#define Display_Mode_Control             0x01\r
+#define Column_Address_Start_2                   0x02\r
+#define Column_Address_Start_1                   0x03\r
+#define Column_Address_End_2             0x04\r
+#define Column_Address_End_1             0x05\r
+#define Row_Address_Start_2              0x06\r
+#define Row_Address_Start_1              0x07\r
+#define Row_Address_End_2                        0x08\r
+#define Row_Address_End_1                        0x09\r
+#define Partial_Area_Start_Row_2         0x0A\r
+#define Partial_Area_Start_Row_1         0x0B\r
+#define Partial_Area_End_Row_2           0x0C\r
+#define Partial_Area_End_Row_1           0x0D\r
+#define TFA_REGISTER                             0x0E\r
+#define VSA_REGISTER                             0x10\r
+#define BFA_REGISTER                     0x12\r
+#define VSP_REGISTER                             0x14\r
+#define COLMOD                                           0x17\r
+#define OSC_Control_1                    0x18\r
+#define OSC_Control_2                    0x19\r
+#define Power_Control_1                  0x1A\r
+#define Power_Control_2                          0x1B\r
+#define Power_Control_3                          0x1C\r
+#define Power_Control_4                          0x1D\r
+#define Power_Control_5                          0x1E\r
+#define Power_Control_6                          0x1F\r
+#define VCOM_Control_1                           0x23\r
+#define VCOM_Control_2                           0x24\r
+#define VCOM_Control_3                           0x25\r
+#define Display_Control_1                        0x26\r
+#define Display_Control_2                        0x27\r
+#define Display_Control_3                0x28\r
+#define Source_OP_Control_Normal      0xE8\r
+#define Source_OP_Control_IDLE        0xE9\r
+#define Power_Control_Internal_1      0xEA\r
+#define Power_Control_Internal_2      0xEB\r
+#define Source_Control_Internal_1     0xEC\r
+#define Source_Control_Internal_2     0xED\r
+#define OSC_Control_2_OSC_EN             0x01\r
+#define Display_Control_3_GON            0x20\r
+#define Display_Control_3_DTE            0x10\r
+#define Display_Control_3_D0             0x04\r
+#define Display_Control_3_D1             0x08\r
+#define Power_Control_6_STB              0x01\r
+#define Display_Mode_Control_DP_STB_S 0x40\r
+#define Display_Mode_Control_DP_STB   0x80\r
+uint16_t offset;\r
+/* Private Methods                               */\r
+void lcd_drawstart(void);\r
+void lcd_cmd(unsigned int reg, unsigned int param);\r
+void lcd_clear(unsigned int color);\r
+void lcd_draw(unsigned int color);\r
+void lcd_drawstart(void);\r
+void lcd_drawstop(void);\r
+void hx8347d_DisplayOnFlow(void);\r
+void hx8347d_DisplayOffFlow(void);\r
+void lcd_area(unsigned int x0, unsigned int y0, unsigned int x1, unsigned int y1);\r
+void hx8347d_Scroll(uint16_t tfa,uint16_t vsa,uint16_t bfa, uint16_t vsp)\r
+       lcd_cmd(TFA_REGISTER    , tfa >> 8);\r
+       lcd_cmd(TFA_REGISTER + 1, tfa & 0xFF);\r
+       lcd_cmd(VSA_REGISTER    , vsa >> 8);\r
+       lcd_cmd(VSA_REGISTER + 1, vsa & 0xFF);\r
+       lcd_cmd(BFA_REGISTER    , bfa >> 8);\r
+       lcd_cmd(BFA_REGISTER + 1, bfa & 0xFF);\r
+       lcd_cmd(VSP_REGISTER    , vsp>> 8);\r
+       lcd_cmd(VSP_REGISTER + 1, vsp & 0xFF);\r
+       lcd_cmd(0x01, 0x08); //scroll on\r
+void displayOnFlow(void)\r
+       lcd_cmd(Display_Control_3, 0x0038);\r
+       systickDelay(4);\r
+       lcd_cmd(Display_Control_3, 0x003C);\r
+void displayOffFlow(void)\r
+       lcd_cmd(Display_Control_3, Display_Control_3_GON | Display_Control_3_DTE | Display_Control_3_D1);\r
+       systickDelay(4);\r
+       lcd_cmd(Display_Control_3, Display_Control_3_D0);\r
+void lcd_cmd(unsigned int reg, unsigned int param)\r
+       uint8_t b_first[2];\r
+       uint8_t b_sec[2];\r
+       LCD_CS_ENABLE();\r
+       b_first[0] = LCD_REGISTER;\r
+       b_first[1] = reg;\r
+       sspSend(0, b_first, 2);\r
+       LCD_CS_DISABLE();\r
+       b_sec[0] = LCD_DATA;\r
+       b_sec[1] = param;\r
+       LCD_CS_ENABLE();\r
+       sspSend(0, b_sec, 2);\r
+       LCD_CS_DISABLE();\r
+  return;\r
+void lcd_clear(unsigned int color)\r
+  unsigned int i;\r
+  lcd_area(0, 0, (hx8347dProperties.width -1), (hx8347dProperties.height-1));\r
+  lcd_drawstart();\r
+  for(i=(hx8347dProperties.width*hx8347dProperties.height/8); i!=0; i--)\r
+  {\r
+    lcd_draw(color); //1\r
+    lcd_draw(color); //2\r
+    lcd_draw(color); //3\r
+    lcd_draw(color); //4\r
+    lcd_draw(color); //5\r
+    lcd_draw(color); //6\r
+    lcd_draw(color); //7\r
+    lcd_draw(color); //8\r
+  }\r
+  lcd_drawstop();\r
+  return;\r
+void lcd_draw(unsigned int color)\r
+       // Writing data in 16Bit mode for saving a lot of time\r
+    /* Move on only if NOT busy and TX FIFO not full. */\r
+    SSP_SSP0DR = color;\r
+    /* Whenever a byte is written, MISO FIFO counter increments, Clear FIFO\r
+    on MISO. Otherwise, when SSP0Receive() is called, previous data byte\r
+    is left in the FIFO. */\r
+    uint8_t Dummy = SSP_SSP0DR;\r
+       return;\r
+void lcd_drawstop(void)\r
+       while ((SSP_SSP0SR &  SSP_SSP0SR_TFE_MASK ) != SSP_SSP0SR_TFE_EMPTY );\r
+       LCD_CS_DISABLE();\r
+       // init 8Bit SPI Mode\r
+       return;\r
+void lcd_drawstart(void)\r
+       LCD_CS_ENABLE();\r
+       uint8_t b_first[2];\r
+       uint8_t b_sec[1];\r
+       b_first[0] = LCD_REGISTER;\r
+       b_first[1] = 0x22;\r
+       sspSend(0, b_first, 2);\r
+       LCD_CS_DISABLE();\r
+       LCD_CS_ENABLE();\r
+       b_sec[0] = LCD_DATA;\r
+       sspSend(0, b_sec, 1);\r
+    // Assign config values to SSP0CR0\r
+       // init 16Bit SPI Mode for fast data transmitting\r
+    SSP_SSP0CR0 |= SSP_SSP0CR0_DSS_16BIT;\r
+       return;\r
+void lcd_area(unsigned int x0, unsigned int y0, unsigned int x1, unsigned int y1)\r
+       y0 = ((320-offset)+ y0) % 320;\r
+       y1 = ((320-offset)+ y1) % 320;\r
+       lcd_cmd(Column_Address_Start_1, (x0>>0)); //set x0\r
+       lcd_cmd(Column_Address_Start_2, (x0>>8)); //set x0\r
+       lcd_cmd(Column_Address_End_1  , (x1>>0)); //set x1\r
+       lcd_cmd(Column_Address_End_2  , (x1>>8)); //set x1\r
+       lcd_cmd(Row_Address_Start_1   , (y0>>0)); //set y0\r
+       lcd_cmd(Row_Address_Start_2   , (y0>>8)); //set y0\r
+       lcd_cmd(Row_Address_End_1     , (y1>>0)); //set y1\r
+       lcd_cmd(Row_Address_End_2     , (y1>>8)); //set y1\r
+  return;\r
+void lcd_cursor(unsigned int x, unsigned int y)\r
+  lcd_area(x, y, x, y);\r
+  return;\r
+void lcd_data(unsigned int c)\r
+       LCD_CS_ENABLE();\r
+       uint8_t b[3];\r
+       b[0] = LCD_DATA;\r
+       b[1] = c>>8;\r
+       b[2] = c;\r
+       sspSend(0, b, 3);\r
+       LCD_CS_DISABLE();\r
+  return;\r
+void fillRect(uint16_t x0, uint16_t y0, uint16_t x1, uint16_t y1, uint16_t color)\r
+  uint32_t size;\r
+  uint16_t tmp, i;\r
+  if(x0 > x1)\r
+  {\r
+    tmp = x0;\r
+    x0  = x1;\r
+    x1  = tmp;\r
+  }\r
+  if(y0 > y1)\r
+  {\r
+    tmp = y0;\r
+    y0  = y1;\r
+    y1  = tmp;\r
+  }\r
+  if(x1 >= hx8347dProperties.width)\r
+  {\r
+    x1 = hx8347dProperties.width-1;\r
+  }\r
+  if(y1 >=  hx8347dProperties.height)\r
+  {\r
+    y1 =  hx8347dProperties.height-1;\r
+  }\r
+  lcd_area(x0, y0, x1, y1);\r
+  lcd_drawstart();\r
+  size = (uint32_t)(1+(x1-x0)) * (uint32_t)(1+(y1-y0));\r
+  tmp  = size/8;\r
+  if(tmp != 0)\r
+  {\r
+    for(i=tmp; i!=0; i--)\r
+    {\r
+       lcd_draw(color); //1\r
+       lcd_draw(color); //2\r
+       lcd_draw(color); //3\r
+       lcd_draw(color); //4\r
+       lcd_draw(color); //5\r
+       lcd_draw(color); //6\r
+       lcd_draw(color); //7\r
+       lcd_draw(color); //8\r
+    }\r
+    for(i=size-tmp; i!=0; i--)\r
+    {\r
+       lcd_draw(color);\r
+    }\r
+  }\r
+  else\r
+  {\r
+    for(i=size; i!=0; i--)\r
+    {\r
+       lcd_draw(color);\r
+    }\r
+  }\r
+  lcd_drawstop();\r
+  return;\r
+/* Public Methods                                */\r
+    @brief  Configures any pins or HW and initialises the LCD controller\r
+void lcdInit(void)\r
+       sspInit(0,0,0);\r
+       gpioSetDir(2, LCD_CS, gpioDirection_Output);\r
+       gpioSetDir(2, LCD_RST, gpioDirection_Output);\r
+       gpioSetDir(2, LCD_BACK_LIGHT, gpioDirection_Output);\r
+       //reset\r
+       LCD_CS_DISABLE();\r
+       systickDelay(1);\r
+       LCD_RST_ENABLE();\r
+       systickDelay(50);\r
+       LCD_RST_DISABLE();\r
+       systickDelay(50);\r
+       //driving ability\r
+       lcd_cmd(Power_Control_Internal_1 , 0x0000);\r
+       lcd_cmd(Power_Control_Internal_2 , 0x0020);\r
+       lcd_cmd(Source_Control_Internal_1, 0x000C);\r
+       lcd_cmd(Source_Control_Internal_2, 0x00C4);\r
+       lcd_cmd(Source_OP_Control_Normal , 0x0040);\r
+       lcd_cmd(Source_OP_Control_IDLE   , 0x0038);\r
+       lcd_cmd(0xF1, 0x0001);\r
+       lcd_cmd(0xF2, 0x0010);\r
+       lcd_cmd(0x27, 0x00A3);\r
+       //power voltage\r
+       lcd_cmd(Power_Control_2, 0x001B);\r
+       lcd_cmd(Power_Control_1, 0x0001);\r
+       lcd_cmd(VCOM_Control_2 , 0x002F);\r
+       lcd_cmd(VCOM_Control_3 , 0x0057);\r
+       //VCOM offset\r
+       lcd_cmd(VCOM_Control_1, 0x008D); //for flicker adjust\r
+       //power on\r
+       lcd_cmd(OSC_Control_1       , 0x0036);\r
+       lcd_cmd(OSC_Control_2       , 0x0001);        //start osc\r
+       lcd_cmd(Display_Mode_Control, 0x0000); //wakeup\r
+       lcd_cmd(Power_Control_6     , 0x0088);\r
+       systickDelay(5);\r
+       lcd_cmd(Power_Control_6, 0x0080);\r
+       systickDelay(5);\r
+       lcd_cmd(Power_Control_6, 0x0090);\r
+       systickDelay(5);\r
+       lcd_cmd(Power_Control_6, 0x00D0);\r
+       systickDelay(5);\r
+       //color selection\r
+       lcd_cmd(COLMOD, 0x0005); //0x0005=65k, 0x0006=262k\r
+       //panel characteristic\r
+       lcd_cmd(0x36, 0x0000);\r
+       //display on\r
+       lcd_cmd(0x28, 0x0038);\r
+       systickDelay(40);\r
+       lcd_cmd(0x28, 0x003C);\r
+       lcdSetOrientation(hx8347dPOrientation);\r
+       return;\r
+    @brief  Enables or disables the LCD backlight\r
+void lcdBacklight(bool state)\r
+       gpioSetValue(2, LCD_BACK_LIGHT, state);\r
+    @brief  Renders a simple test pattern on the LCD\r
+void lcdTest(void)\r
+       lcdFillRGB(COLOR_CYAN);\r
+    @brief  Fills the LCD with the specified 16-bit color\r
+void lcdFillRGB(uint16_t data)\r
+       lcd_clear(data);\r
+    @brief  Draws a single pixel at the specified X/Y location\r
+void lcdDrawPixel(uint16_t x, uint16_t y, uint16_t color)\r
+         if((x >= hx8347dProperties.width) ||\r
+            (y >= hx8347dProperties.height))\r
+         {\r
+           return;\r
+         }\r
+         fillRect(x,y,x,y,color);\r
+         return;\r
+    @brief  Draws an array of consecutive RGB565 pixels (much\r
+            faster than addressing each pixel individually)\r
+void lcdDrawPixels(uint16_t x, uint16_t y, uint16_t *data, uint32_t len)\r
+       lcd_area(x, y, x + len, y);\r
+       int i;\r
+       lcd_drawstart();\r
+       for(i = 0; i < len; i++)\r
+       {\r
+         lcd_draw(*data);\r
+         data++;\r
+       }\r
+       lcd_drawstop();\r
+    @brief  Optimised routine to draw a horizontal line faster than\r
+            setting individual pixels\r
+void lcdDrawHLine(uint16_t x0, uint16_t x1, uint16_t y, uint16_t color)\r
+       if (x1 < x0)\r
+       {\r
+               // Switch x1 and x0\r
+               uint16_t x;\r
+               x = x1;\r
+               x1 = x0;\r
+               x0 = x;\r
+       }\r
+         if(x0 >= hx8347dProperties.width)\r
+         {\r
+           x0 = hx8347dProperties.width-1;\r
+         }\r
+         if(x1 >= hx8347dProperties.width)\r
+         {\r
+           x1 = hx8347dProperties.width-1;\r
+         }\r
+         if(y >= hx8347dProperties.height)\r
+         {\r
+           y = hx8347dProperties.height-1;\r
+         }\r
+       fillRect(x0, y, x1, y, color);\r
+    @brief  Optimised routine to draw a vertical line faster than\r
+            setting individual pixels\r
+void lcdDrawVLine(uint16_t x, uint16_t y0, uint16_t y1, uint16_t color)\r
+       if (y1 < y0)\r
+       {\r
+               // Switch y1 and y0\r
+               uint16_t y;\r
+               y = y1;\r
+               y1 = y0;\r
+               y0 = y;\r
+       }\r
+         if(x >= hx8347dProperties.width)\r
+         {\r
+           x = hx8347dProperties.width-1;\r
+         }\r
+         if(y0 >= hx8347dProperties.height)\r
+         {\r
+           y0 = hx8347dProperties.height-1;\r
+         }\r
+         if(y1 >= hx8347dProperties.height)\r
+         {\r
+           y1 = hx8347dProperties.height-1;\r
+         }\r
+       fillRect(x, y0, x, y1, color);\r
+    @brief  Gets the 16-bit color of the pixel at the specified location\r
+uint16_t lcdGetPixel(uint16_t x, uint16_t y)\r
+    @brief  Sets the LCD orientation to horizontal and vertical\r
+void  lcdSetOrientation(lcdOrientation_t orientation)\r
+       if(orientation == LCD_ORIENTATION_LANDSCAPE)\r
+       {\r
+               lcd_cmd(0x16, 0x00A8); //MY=1 MX=0 MV=1 ML=0 BGR=1\r
+               hx8347dProperties.width  = 320;\r
+               hx8347dProperties.height = 240;\r
+       }\r
+       else\r
+       {\r
+               //lcd_cmd(0x16, 0x0008); //MY=0 MX=0 MV=0 ML=0 BGR=1\r
+               lcd_cmd(0x16, 0x00C8); //MY=1 MX=0 MV=1 ML=0 BGR=1\r
+               hx8347dProperties.width  = 240;\r
+               hx8347dProperties.height = 320;\r
+       }\r
+       hx8347dPOrientation = orientation;\r
+       lcd_area(0, 0, (hx8347dProperties.width-1), (hx8347dProperties.height-1));\r
+    @brief  Gets the current screen orientation (horizontal or vertical)\r
+lcdOrientation_t lcdGetOrientation(void)\r
+       return hx8347dPOrientation;\r
+    @brief  Gets the width in pixels of the LCD screen (varies depending\r
+            on the current screen orientation)\r
+uint16_t lcdGetWidth(void)\r
+       return hx8347dProperties.width;\r
+    @brief  Gets the height in pixels of the LCD screen (varies depending\r
+            on the current screen orientation)\r
+uint16_t lcdGetHeight(void)\r
+       return hx8347dProperties.height;\r
+    @brief  Scrolls the contents of the LCD screen vertically the\r
+            specified number of pixels using a HW optimised routine\r
+void lcdScroll(int16_t pixels, uint16_t fillColor)\r
+       hx8347d_Scroll(0,320,0,(offset + pixels) % 320);\r
+       if(hx8347dPOrientation == LCD_ORIENTATION_PORTRAIT)\r
+       {\r
+               fillRect(0, hx8347dProperties.height-pixels, hx8347dProperties.width, hx8347dProperties.height, fillColor);\r
+       }\r
+       else\r
+       {\r
+               fillRect(hx8347dProperties.width-pixels, 0, hx8347dProperties.width, hx8347dProperties.height, fillColor);\r
+       }\r
+       offset = (offset + pixels) % 320;\r
+    @brief  Set LCD into standby\r
+            In deep standby: LCD has lower power consumption\r
+void hx8347d_Standby(bool deep)\r
+       displayOffFlow();\r
+       lcd_cmd(Power_Control_6     , Power_Control_6_STB);\r
+       if(deep)\r
+       {\r
+               lcd_cmd(Display_Mode_Control,Display_Mode_Control_DP_STB_S);\r
+               lcd_cmd(Display_Mode_Control, Display_Mode_Control_DP_STB);\r
+       }\r
+       lcd_cmd(OSC_Control_2, ~OSC_Control_2_OSC_EN);\r
+    @brief  Wakeup  LCD from standby\r
+            Wakeup from deep standby you need min. 20ms\r
+void hx8347d_Wakeup(bool deep)\r
+       lcd_cmd(OSC_Control_2, OSC_Control_2_OSC_EN);\r
+       if(deep)\r
+       {\r
+               lcd_cmd(Display_Mode_Control,0x0000);\r
+               systickDelay(20);\r
+               lcd_cmd(Display_Mode_Control, 0x0000);\r
+       }\r
+       else\r
+       {\r
+               systickDelay(5);\r
+       }\r
+       lcd_cmd(Power_Control_6, 0x00D0);\r
+       displayOnFlow();\r
+    @brief  Gets the controller's 16-bit (4 hexdigit) ID\r
+uint16_t lcdGetControllerID(void)\r
+       return 0x0;\r
+    @brief  Returns the LCDs 'lcdProperties_t' that describes the LCDs\r
+            generic capabilities and dimensions\r
+lcdProperties_t lcdGetProperties(void)\r
+       return hx8347dProperties;\r
diff --git a/drivers/displays/tft/hw/hx8347d.h b/drivers/displays/tft/hw/hx8347d.h
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..879b253
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
+    @file     hx8347d.h\r
+    @author   TauonTeilchen\r
+    @section  DESCRIPTION\r
+    Is written for MI0283QT-2 LCD from watterott.com\r
+    More infos: http://www.watterott.com/de/MI0283QT-2-Adapter\r
+    http://www.watterott.com/index.php?page=product&info=1597&dl_media=3202\r
+    @section  LICENSE\r
+    Software License Agreement (BSD License)\r
+    Copyright (c) 2010, microBuilder SARL\r
+    All rights reserved.\r
+    Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without\r
+    modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:\r
+    1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright\r
+    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.\r
+    2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright\r
+    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the\r
+    documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.\r
+    3. Neither the name of the copyright holders nor the\r
+    names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products\r
+    derived from this software without specific prior written permission.\r
+// LCD BACK_LIGHT       Pin 6 of Port 2\r
+// LCD CS               Pin 5 of Port 2\r
+// LCD RESET            Pin 4 of Port 2\r
+// Morr infos           https://github.com/watterott/MI0283QT-Adapter/raw/master/img/connecting-uno.jpg\r
+#include "core/systick/systick.h"\r
+#include "drivers/displays/tft/touchscreen.h"\r
+#include "core/ssp/ssp.h"\r
+#include "projectconfig.h"\r
+#include "drivers/displays/tft/lcd.h"\r
+// Screen width, height, has touchscreen, support orientation changes, support hw scrolling\r
+static lcdOrientation_t hx8347dPOrientation = LCD_ORIENTATION_PORTRAIT;\r
+// Screen width, height, has touchscreen, support orientation changes, support hw scrolling\r
+static lcdProperties_t hx8347dProperties = { 320, 240, false, true, true };\r
+/* Private Methods                               */\r
+/* Public Methods                                */\r
+// The following functions add need to be written to match the generic\r
+// lcd interface defined by lcd.h\r
+    @brief  Configures any pins or HW and initialises the LCD controller\r
+uint16_t pwmDutyCycleLCDBacklight = 50;\r
+void lcdInit(void);\r
+void lcdBacklight(bool state);\r
+void lcdTest(void);\r
+void lcdFillRGB(uint16_t data);\r
+void lcdDrawPixel(uint16_t x, uint16_t y, uint16_t color);\r
+void lcdDrawPixels(uint16_t x, uint16_t y, uint16_t *data, uint32_t len);\r
+void lcdDrawHLine(uint16_t x0, uint16_t x1, uint16_t y, uint16_t color);\r
+void lcdDrawVLine(uint16_t x, uint16_t y0, uint16_t y1, uint16_t color);\r
+uint16_t lcdGetPixel(uint16_t x, uint16_t y);\r
+void lcdSetOrientation(lcdOrientation_t orientation);\r
+lcdOrientation_t lcdGetOrientation(void);\r
+uint16_t lcdGetWidth(void);\r
+uint16_t lcdGetHeight(void);\r
+void lcdScroll(int16_t pixels, uint16_t fillColor);\r
+uint16_t lcdGetControllerID(void);\r
+lcdProperties_t lcdGetProperties(void);\r
+void hx8347d_Scroll(uint16_t tfa,uint16_t vsa,uint16_t bfa, uint16_t vsp);\r
+void hx8347d_Standby(bool deep);\r
+void hx8347d_Wakeup(bool deep);\r
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