/** @todo document */
class mod_roomReservationConfigPage extends mod_roomReservationPage {
protected $bPostShowWeekend;
protected $bPostShowLessons;
protected $asMessages = array();
+ protected $otlb;
+ protected $orwlb;
public function __construct(mod_roomReservationConfig &$oCfg) {
+ $this->otlb = new mod_roomReservationTimesliceListBox($this->oCfg);
+ $this->orwlb = new mod_roomReservationRoomWhitelistListBox($this->oCfg);
printf("<p>%s</p>", nl2br(q(join("\n", $this->asMessages))));
+ // first column
echo "<table border='0' cellspacing='10' cellpadding='0'><tr>".
- "<td style='width:50%;'>\n"; // two rows
+ "<td style='width:50%;'>\n";
+ GroupBox(_c("room-reservation:Available rooms"), "host");
+ printf("<p>%s</p>", _c("room-reservation:The following rooms are ".
+ "available for booking:"));
+ echo "<div style='margin:8px;'>";
+ $this->orwlb->show();
+ echo "</div>\n";
+ _GroupBox();
GroupBox(_("Privileges"), "keys");
$asAdminGroups = rrPrivilegedGroups("mod_roomreservation_admin");
echo "</tr></table></p>\n";
+ // second column
+ echo "</td><td><!--second row-->\n";
+ GroupBox(_c("room-reservation:Periods"), "mod_room-reservation_timeslice");
+ printf("<p>%s</p>", _c("room-reservation:Here you can fill in the ".
+ "periods where bookings can be undertaken. A booking period can ".
+ "e. g. correspond to a lesson."));
+ echo "<div style='margin:8px;'>";
+ $this->otlb->show();
+ echo "</div>\n";
+ _GroupBox();
GroupBox(_c("room-reservation:Further options"), "manage");
printf("<div style='margin:8px;'><form action='%s' method='post'>".
"<table><tr>\n", $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]);
"[submit]' value='%s' /></td>", $GLOBALS["stdbtn"], _("OK"));
echo "</tr></table></form></div>\n";
- // second row
- echo "</td><td><!--second row-->\n";
- GroupBox(_c("room-reservation:Periods"), "mod_room-reservation_timeslice");
- printf("<p>%s</p>", _c("room-reservation:Here you can fill in the ".
- "periods where bookings can be undertaken. A booking period can ".
- "e. g. correspond to a lesson."));
- echo "<div style='margin:8px;'>";
- $otlb = new mod_roomReservationTimesliceListBox($this->oCfg);
- $otlb->show();
- echo "</div>";
- _GroupBox();
echo "</td></tr></table>\n";