[adm5120] enable CAS-630/630W support
[openwrt.git] / scripts / flashing / jungo-image.py
1 #!/usr/bin/env python
2 #
3 # Copyright 2008, 2009 (C) Jose Vasconcellos <jvasco@verizon.net>
4 #
5 # A script that can communicate with jungo-based routers
6 # (such as MI424-WR, USR8200 and WRV54G) to backup the installed
7 # firmware and replace the boot loader.
8 #
9 # Tested with Python 2.5 on Linux and Windows
10 #
11 """Usage: %s [options] <IP_address> [image.bin | url]
12 Valid options:
13 \t-h | --help: usage statement
14 \t-d | --dump: create a flash dump
15 \t-f | --file: use <filename> to store dump contents
16 \t-u | --user: provide username (default admin)
17 \t-p | --pass: provide password (default password1)
18 \t --port: set port for http (default 8080)
19 \t-q | --quiet: don't display unnecessary information
20 \t-r | --reboot: reboot target on successful transfer
21 \t-V | --version: display version information
23 If no image (or url) is given, a flash dump is created.
24 A built-in http server is used when an image file is provided.
25 """
27 import os
28 import sys
29 import getopt
30 import getpass
31 import telnetlib
32 import string
33 import binascii
34 import socket
35 import thread
36 import SocketServer
37 import SimpleHTTPServer
39 reboot = 0
40 HOST = ""
41 PORT = 8080
42 user = "admin"
43 #password = getpass.getpass()
44 password = "password1"
45 proto = "http"
46 url = ""
47 imagefile = ""
48 dumpfile = ""
49 verbose = 1
50 do_dump = 0
51 dumplen = 0x10000
52 flashsize=4*1024*1024
53 #device="br0"
54 device="ixp0"
56 ####################
58 def start_server(server):
59 httpd = SocketServer.TCPServer((server,PORT),SimpleHTTPServer.SimpleHTTPRequestHandler)
60 thread.start_new_thread(httpd.serve_forever,())
62 ####################
64 def get_flash_size():
65 tn.write("cat /proc/mtd\n")
66 # wait for prompt
67 buf = tn.read_until("Returned 0", 3)
68 if buf:
69 i = buf.find('mtd0:')
70 if i > 0:
71 return int(buf[i+6:].split()[0],16)
72 # use different command
73 tn.write("flash_layout\n")
74 buf = tn.read_until("Returned 0", 3)
75 i = buf.rfind('Range ')
76 if i > 0:
77 return int(buf[i+17:].split()[0],16)
78 print "Can't determine flash size!"
79 else:
80 print "Unable to obtain flash size!"
81 sys.exit(2)
83 def image_dump(tn, dumpfile):
84 if not dumpfile:
85 tn.write("ver\n");
86 buf = tn.read_until("Returned 0",2)
87 i = buf.find("Platform:")
88 if i < 0:
89 platform="jungo"
90 else:
91 line=buf[i+9:]
92 i=line.find('\n')
93 platform=line[:i].split()[-1]
95 tn.write("rg_conf_print /dev/%s/mac\n" % device);
96 buf = tn.read_until("Returned 0",3)
98 i = buf.find("mac(")
99 if i > 0:
100 i += 4
101 else:
102 print "No MAC address found! (use -f option)"
103 sys.exit(1)
104 dumpfile = "%s-%s.bin" % (platform, buf[i:i+17].replace(':',''))
105 else:
106 tn.write("\n")
108 print "Dumping flash contents (%dMB) to %s" % (flashsize/1048576, dumpfile)
109 f = open(dumpfile, "wb")
111 t=flashsize/dumplen
112 for addr in range(t):
113 if verbose:
114 sys.stdout.write('\r%d%%'%(100*addr/t))
115 sys.stdout.flush()
117 tn.write("flash_dump -r 0x%x -l %d -4\n" % (addr*dumplen, dumplen))
118 tn.read_until("\n")
120 count = addr*dumplen
121 while 1:
122 buf = tn.read_until("\n")
123 if buf.strip() == "Returned 0":
124 break
125 s = buf.split()
126 if s and s[0][-1] == ':':
127 a=int(s[0][:-1],16)
128 if a != count:
129 print "Format error: %x != %x"%(a,count)
130 sys.exit(2)
131 count += 16
132 f.write(binascii.a2b_hex(string.join(s[1:],'')))
133 tn.read_until(">",1)
135 f.close()
136 if verbose:
137 print ""
139 def telnet_option(sock,cmd,option):
140 #print "Option: %d %d" % (ord(cmd), ord(option))
141 if cmd == telnetlib.DO:
142 c=telnetlib.WILL
143 elif cmd == telnetlib.WILL:
144 c=telnetlib.DO
145 sock.sendall(telnetlib.IAC + c + option)
147 def telnet_timeout():
148 print "Fatal error: telnet timeout!"
149 sys.exit(1)
151 def usage():
152 print __doc__ % os.path.basename(sys.argv[0])
154 ####################
156 try:
157 opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "hdf:qp:P:rvV", \
158 ["help", "dump", "file=", "user=", "pass=", "port=",
159 "quiet=", "reboot", "verbose", "version"])
160 except getopt.GetoptError:
161 # print help information and exit:
162 usage()
163 sys.exit(1)
165 for o, a in opts:
166 if o in ("-h", "--help"):
167 usage()
168 sys.exit(1)
169 elif o in ("-V", "--version"):
170 print "%s: 0.10" % sys.argv[0]
171 sys.exit(1)
172 elif o in ("-d", "--no-dump"):
173 do_dump = 1
174 elif o in ("-f", "--file"):
175 dumpfile = a
176 elif o in ("-u", "--user"):
177 user = a
178 elif o in ("-p", "--pass"):
179 password = a
180 elif o == "--port":
181 PORT = int(a)
182 elif o in ("-q", "--quiet"):
183 verbose = 0
184 elif o in ("-r", "--reboot"):
185 reboot = 1
186 elif o in ("-v", "--verbose"):
187 verbose = 1
189 # make sure we have enough arguments
190 if len(args) > 0:
191 HOST = args[0]
193 if len(args) == 2:
194 if args[1].split(':')[0] in ("tftp", "http", "ftp"):
195 url = args[1]
196 else:
197 imagefile = args[1]
198 else:
199 do_dump = 1;
201 ####################
202 # create a telnet session to the router
203 try:
204 tn = telnetlib.Telnet(HOST)
205 except socket.error, msg:
206 print "Unable to establish telnet session to %s: %s" % (HOST, msg)
207 sys.exit(1)
209 tn.set_option_negotiation_callback(telnet_option)
211 buf = tn.read_until("Username: ", 3)
212 if not buf:
213 telnet_timeout()
214 tn.write(user+"\n")
215 if password:
216 buf = tn.read_until("Password: ", 3)
217 if not buf:
218 telnet_timeout()
219 tn.write(password+"\n")
221 # wait for prompt
222 buf = tn.read_until("> ", 3)
223 if not buf:
224 telnet_timeout()
226 flashsize = get_flash_size()
228 if do_dump:
229 image_dump(tn, dumpfile)
231 if imagefile or url:
232 splitpath = os.path.split(imagefile)
234 # create load command
235 if url:
236 cmd = "load -u %s -r 0\n" % (url)
237 else:
238 server = tn.get_socket().getsockname()[0]
239 cmd = "load -u http://%s:%d/%s -r 0\n" % (server, PORT, splitpath[1])
241 if not os.access(imagefile, os.R_OK):
242 print "File access error: %s" % (imagefile)
243 sys.exit(3)
245 # make sure we're in the directory where the image is located
246 if splitpath[0]:
247 os.chdir(splitpath[0])
249 start_server(server)
251 if verbose:
252 print "Unlocking flash..."
253 tn.write("unlock 0 0x%x\n" % flashsize)
254 buf = tn.read_until("Returned 0",5)
256 if verbose:
257 print "Writing new image..."
258 print cmd,
259 tn.write(cmd)
260 buf = tn.read_until("Returned 0",10)
262 # wait till the transfer completed
263 buf = tn.read_until("Download completed successfully",20)
264 if buf:
265 print "Flash update complete!"
266 if reboot:
267 tn.write("reboot\n")
268 print "Rebooting..."
270 tn.write("exit\n")
271 tn.close()
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