[package] base-files: fix error reporting for unsupported protocols on virtual interfaces
[openwrt.git] / package / base-files / files / lib / network / config.sh
1 #!/bin/sh
2 # Copyright (C) 2006 OpenWrt.org
4 # DEBUG="echo"
6 do_sysctl() {
7 [ -n "$2" ] && \
8 sysctl -n -e -w "$1=$2" >/dev/null || \
9 sysctl -n -e "$1"
10 }
12 find_config() {
13 local iftype device iface ifaces ifn
14 for ifn in $interfaces; do
15 config_get iftype "$ifn" type
16 config_get iface "$ifn" ifname
17 case "$iftype" in
18 bridge) config_get ifaces "$ifn" ifnames;;
19 esac
20 config_get device "$ifn" device
21 for ifc in $device $iface $ifaces; do
22 [ ."$ifc" = ."$1" ] && {
23 echo "$ifn"
24 return 0
25 }
26 done
27 done
29 return 1;
30 }
32 scan_interfaces() {
33 local cfgfile="${1:-network}"
34 interfaces=
35 config_cb() {
36 case "$1" in
37 interface)
38 config_set "$2" auto 1
39 ;;
40 esac
41 local iftype ifname device proto
42 config_get iftype "$CONFIG_SECTION" TYPE
43 case "$iftype" in
44 interface)
45 append interfaces "$CONFIG_SECTION"
46 config_get proto "$CONFIG_SECTION" proto
47 config_get iftype "$CONFIG_SECTION" type
48 config_get ifname "$CONFIG_SECTION" ifname
49 config_get device "$CONFIG_SECTION" device "$ifname"
50 config_set "$CONFIG_SECTION" device "$device"
51 case "$iftype" in
52 bridge)
53 config_set "$CONFIG_SECTION" ifnames "$device"
54 config_set "$CONFIG_SECTION" ifname br-"$CONFIG_SECTION"
55 ;;
56 esac
57 ( type "scan_$proto" ) >/dev/null 2>/dev/null && eval "scan_$proto '$CONFIG_SECTION'"
58 ;;
59 esac
60 }
61 config_load "${cfgfile}"
62 }
64 add_vlan() {
65 local vif="${1%\.*}"
67 [ "$1" = "$vif" ] || ifconfig "$1" >/dev/null 2>/dev/null || {
68 ifconfig "$vif" up 2>/dev/null >/dev/null || add_vlan "$vif"
69 $DEBUG vconfig add "$vif" "${1##*\.}"
70 return 0
71 }
72 return 1
73 }
75 # add dns entries if they are not in resolv.conf yet
76 add_dns() {
77 local cfg="$1"; shift
79 remove_dns "$cfg"
81 # We may be called by pppd's ip-up which has a nonstandard umask set.
82 # Create an empty file here and force its permission to 0644, otherwise
83 # dnsmasq will not be able to re-read the resolv.conf.auto .
84 [ ! -f /tmp/resolv.conf.auto ] && {
85 touch /tmp/resolv.conf.auto
86 chmod 0644 /tmp/resolv.conf.auto
87 }
89 local dns
90 local add
91 for dns in "$@"; do
92 grep -qsF "nameserver $dns" /tmp/resolv.conf.auto || {
93 add="${add:+$add }$dns"
94 echo "nameserver $dns" >> /tmp/resolv.conf.auto
95 }
96 done
98 [ -n "$cfg" ] && {
99 uci_set_state network "$cfg" dns "$add"
100 uci_set_state network "$cfg" resolv_dns "$add"
101 }
102 }
104 # remove dns entries of the given iface
105 remove_dns() {
106 local cfg="$1"
108 [ -n "$cfg" ] && {
109 [ -f /tmp/resolv.conf.auto ] && {
110 local dns=$(uci_get_state network "$cfg" resolv_dns)
111 for dns in $dns; do
112 sed -i -e "/^nameserver $dns$/d" /tmp/resolv.conf.auto
113 done
114 }
116 uci_revert_state network "$cfg" dns
117 uci_revert_state network "$cfg" resolv_dns
118 }
119 }
121 # sort the device list, drop duplicates
122 sort_list() {
123 local arg="$*"
124 (
125 for item in $arg; do
126 echo "$item"
127 done
128 ) | sort -u
129 }
131 # Create the interface, if necessary.
132 # Return status 0 indicates that the setup_interface() call should continue
133 # Return status 1 means that everything is set up already.
135 prepare_interface() {
136 local iface="$1"
137 local config="$2"
138 local vifmac="$3"
140 # if we're called for the bridge interface itself, don't bother trying
141 # to create any interfaces here. The scripts have already done that, otherwise
142 # the bridge interface wouldn't exist.
143 [ "br-$config" = "$iface" -o -e "$iface" ] && return 0;
145 ifconfig "$iface" 2>/dev/null >/dev/null && {
146 local proto
147 config_get proto "$config" proto
149 # make sure the interface is removed from any existing bridge and deconfigured,
150 # (deconfigured only if the interface is not set to proto=none)
151 unbridge "$iface"
152 [ "$proto" = none ] || ifconfig "$iface"
154 # Change interface MAC address if requested
155 [ -n "$vifmac" ] && {
156 ifconfig "$iface" down
157 ifconfig "$iface" hw ether "$vifmac" up
158 }
159 }
161 # Setup VLAN interfaces
162 add_vlan "$iface" && return 1
163 ifconfig "$iface" 2>/dev/null >/dev/null || return 0
165 # Setup bridging
166 local iftype
167 config_get iftype "$config" type
168 case "$iftype" in
169 bridge)
170 local macaddr
171 config_get macaddr "$config" macaddr
172 [ -x /usr/sbin/brctl ] && {
173 ifconfig "br-$config" 2>/dev/null >/dev/null && {
174 local newdevs devices
175 config_get devices "$config" device
176 for dev in $(sort_list "$devices" "$iface"); do
177 append newdevs "$dev"
178 done
179 uci_set_state network "$config" device "$newdevs"
180 $DEBUG ifconfig "$iface"
181 $DEBUG do_sysctl "net.ipv6.conf.$iface.disable_ipv6" 1
182 $DEBUG brctl addif "br-$config" "$iface"
183 # Bridge existed already. No further processing necesary
184 } || {
185 local stp
186 config_get_bool stp "$config" stp 0
187 $DEBUG brctl addbr "br-$config"
188 $DEBUG brctl setfd "br-$config" 0
189 $DEBUG ifconfig "$iface"
190 $DEBUG do_sysctl "net.ipv6.conf.$iface.disable_ipv6" 1
191 $DEBUG brctl addif "br-$config" "$iface"
192 $DEBUG brctl stp "br-$config" $stp
193 [ -z "$macaddr" ] && macaddr="$(cat /sys/class/net/$iface/address)"
194 $DEBUG ifconfig "br-$config" hw ether $macaddr up
195 # Creating the bridge here will have triggered a hotplug event, which will
196 # result in another setup_interface() call, so we simply stop processing
197 # the current event at this point.
198 }
199 ifconfig "$iface" ${macaddr:+hw ether "${macaddr}"} up 2>/dev/null >/dev/null
200 return 1
201 }
202 ;;
203 esac
204 return 0
205 }
207 set_interface_ifname() {
208 local config="$1"
209 local ifname="$2"
211 local device
212 config_get device "$1" device
213 uci_set_state network "$config" ifname "$ifname"
214 uci_set_state network "$config" device "$device"
215 }
217 setup_interface_none() {
218 env -i ACTION="ifup" INTERFACE="$2" DEVICE="$1" PROTO=none /sbin/hotplug-call "iface" &
219 }
221 setup_interface_static() {
222 local iface="$1"
223 local config="$2"
225 local ipaddr netmask ip6addr
226 config_get ipaddr "$config" ipaddr
227 config_get netmask "$config" netmask
228 config_get ip6addr "$config" ip6addr
229 [ -z "$ipaddr" -o -z "$netmask" ] && [ -z "$ip6addr" ] && return 1
231 local gateway ip6gw dns bcast metric
232 config_get gateway "$config" gateway
233 config_get ip6gw "$config" ip6gw
234 config_get dns "$config" dns
235 config_get bcast "$config" broadcast
236 config_get metric "$config" metric
238 [ -z "$ipaddr" ] || $DEBUG ifconfig "$iface" "$ipaddr" netmask "$netmask" broadcast "${bcast:-+}"
239 [ -z "$ip6addr" ] || $DEBUG ifconfig "$iface" add "$ip6addr"
240 [ -z "$gateway" ] || $DEBUG route add default gw "$gateway" ${metric:+metric $metric} dev "$iface"
241 [ -z "$ip6gw" ] || $DEBUG route -A inet6 add default gw "$ip6gw" ${metric:+metric $metric} dev "$iface"
242 [ -z "$dns" ] || add_dns "$config" $dns
244 config_get type "$config" TYPE
245 [ "$type" = "alias" ] && return 0
247 env -i ACTION="ifup" INTERFACE="$config" DEVICE="$iface" PROTO=static /sbin/hotplug-call "iface" &
248 }
250 setup_interface_alias() {
251 local config="$1"
252 local parent="$2"
253 local iface="$3"
255 local cfg
256 config_get cfg "$config" interface
257 [ "$parent" == "$cfg" ] || return 0
259 # parent device and ifname
260 local p_device p_type
261 config_get p_device "$cfg" device
262 config_get p_type "$cfg" type
264 # select alias ifname
265 local layer use_iface
266 config_get layer "$config" layer 2
267 case "$layer:$p_type" in
268 # layer 3: e.g. pppoe-wan or pptp-vpn
269 3:*) use_iface="$iface" ;;
271 # layer 2 and parent is bridge: e.g. br-wan
272 2:bridge) use_iface="br-$cfg" ;;
274 # layer 1: e.g. eth0 or ath0
275 *) use_iface="$p_device" ;;
276 esac
278 # alias counter
279 local ctr
280 config_get ctr "$parent" alias_count 0
281 ctr="$(($ctr + 1))"
282 config_set "$parent" alias_count "$ctr"
284 # alias list
285 local list
286 config_get list "$parent" aliases
287 append list "$config"
288 config_set "$parent" aliases "$list"
290 use_iface="$use_iface:$ctr"
291 set_interface_ifname "$config" "$use_iface"
293 local proto
294 config_get proto "$config" proto "static"
295 case "${proto}" in
296 static)
297 setup_interface_static "$use_iface" "$config"
298 ;;
299 *)
300 echo "Unsupported type '$proto' for alias config '$config'"
301 return 1
302 ;;
303 esac
304 }
306 setup_interface() {
307 local iface="$1"
308 local config="$2"
309 local proto="$3"
310 local vifmac="$4"
312 [ -n "$config" ] || {
313 config=$(find_config "$iface")
314 [ "$?" = 0 ] || return 1
315 }
317 prepare_interface "$iface" "$config" "$vifmac" || return 0
319 [ "$iface" = "br-$config" ] && {
320 # need to bring up the bridge and wait a second for
321 # it to switch to the 'forwarding' state, otherwise
322 # it will lose its routes...
323 ifconfig "$iface" up
324 sleep 1
325 }
327 # Interface settings
328 grep -qE "^ *$iface:" /proc/net/dev && {
329 local mtu macaddr txqueuelen
330 config_get mtu "$config" mtu
331 config_get macaddr "$config" macaddr
332 config_get txqueuelen "$config" txqueuelen
333 [ -n "$macaddr" ] && $DEBUG ifconfig "$iface" down
334 $DEBUG ifconfig "$iface" ${macaddr:+hw ether "$macaddr"} ${mtu:+mtu $mtu} ${txqueuelen:+txqueuelen $txqueuelen} up
335 }
336 set_interface_ifname "$config" "$iface"
338 [ -n "$proto" ] || config_get proto "$config" proto
339 case "$proto" in
340 static)
341 setup_interface_static "$iface" "$config"
342 ;;
343 dhcp)
344 # kill running udhcpc instance
345 local pidfile="/var/run/dhcp-${iface}.pid"
346 service_kill udhcpc "$pidfile"
348 local ipaddr netmask hostname proto1 clientid vendorid broadcast reqopts
349 config_get ipaddr "$config" ipaddr
350 config_get netmask "$config" netmask
351 config_get hostname "$config" hostname
352 config_get proto1 "$config" proto
353 config_get clientid "$config" clientid
354 config_get vendorid "$config" vendorid
355 config_get_bool broadcast "$config" broadcast 0
356 config_get reqopts "$config" reqopts
358 [ -z "$ipaddr" ] || \
359 $DEBUG ifconfig "$iface" "$ipaddr" ${netmask:+netmask "$netmask"}
361 # additional request options
362 local opt dhcpopts
363 for opt in $reqopts; do
364 append dhcpopts "-O $opt"
365 done
367 # don't stay running in background if dhcp is not the main proto on the interface (e.g. when using pptp)
368 [ "$proto1" != "$proto" ] && append dhcpopts "-n -q" || append dhcpopts "-O rootpath -R &"
369 [ "$broadcast" = 1 ] && broadcast="-O broadcast" || broadcast=
371 $DEBUG eval udhcpc -t 0 -i "$iface" \
372 ${ipaddr:+-r $ipaddr} \
373 ${hostname:+-H $hostname} \
374 ${clientid:+-c $clientid} \
375 ${vendorid:+-V $vendorid} \
376 -b -p "$pidfile" $broadcast \
377 ${dhcpopts}
378 ;;
379 none)
380 setup_interface_none "$iface" "$config"
381 ;;
382 *)
383 if ( eval "type setup_interface_$proto" ) >/dev/null 2>/dev/null; then
384 eval "setup_interface_$proto '$iface' '$config' '$proto'"
385 else
386 echo "Interface type $proto not supported."
387 return 1
388 fi
389 ;;
390 esac
391 }
393 stop_interface_dhcp() {
394 local config="$1"
396 local ifname
397 config_get ifname "$config" ifname
399 local lock="/var/lock/dhcp-${ifname}"
400 [ -f "$lock" ] && lock -u "$lock"
402 remove_dns "$config"
404 local pidfile="/var/run/dhcp-${ifname}.pid"
405 service_kill udhcpc "$pidfile"
407 uci -P /var/state revert "network.$config"
408 }
410 unbridge() {
411 local dev="$1"
412 local brdev
414 [ -x /usr/sbin/brctl ] || return 0
415 brctl show 2>/dev/null | grep "$dev" >/dev/null && {
416 # interface is still part of a bridge, correct that
418 for brdev in $(brctl show | awk '$2 ~ /^[0-9].*\./ { print $1 }'); do
419 brctl delif "$brdev" "$dev" 2>/dev/null >/dev/null
420 do_sysctl "net.ipv6.conf.$dev.disable_ipv6" 0
421 done
422 }
423 }
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