$PX5G_BIN selfsigned -der \
-days ${days:-730} -newkey rsa:${bits:-1024} -keyout "$UHTTPD_KEY" -out "$UHTTPD_CERT" \
-subj /C=${country:-DE}/ST=${state:-Saxony}/L=${location:-Leipzig}/CN=${commonname:-OpenWrt}
- } || {
- echo "WARNING: the specified certificate and key" \
- "files do not exist and the px5g generator" \
- "is not available, skipping SSL setup."
- }
+ }
local cfg="$1"
local realm="$(uci_get system.@system[0].hostname)"
- local listen http https
+ local listen http https interpreter path
append_arg "$cfg" home "-h"
append_arg "$cfg" realm "-r" "${realm:-OpenWrt}"
append UHTTPD_ARGS "-p $listen"
+ config_get interpreter "$cfg" interpreter
+ for path in $interpreter; do
+ append UHTTPD_ARGS "-i $path"
+ done
config_get https "$cfg" listen_https
config_get UHTTPD_KEY "$cfg" key /etc/uhttpd.key
config_get UHTTPD_CERT "$cfg" cert /etc/uhttpd.crt