madwifi: make country code and outdoor flag changeable without reloading the driver
authornbd <nbd@3c298f89-4303-0410-b956-a3cf2f4a3e73>
Wed, 6 May 2009 11:52:24 +0000 (11:52 +0000)
committernbd <nbd@3c298f89-4303-0410-b956-a3cf2f4a3e73>
Wed, 6 May 2009 11:52:24 +0000 (11:52 +0000)
git-svn-id: svn:// 3c298f89-4303-0410-b956-a3cf2f4a3e73

package/madwifi/patches/421-channel_handling.patch [new file with mode: 0644]

index 8c4a754..2fe8664 100755 (executable)
@@ -67,15 +67,18 @@ disable_atheros() (
 enable_atheros() {
        local device="$1"
-       # Can only set the country code to one setting for the entire system. The last country code is the one that will be applied.
+       config_get regdomain "$device" regdomain
+       [ -n "$regdomain" ] && echo "$regdomain" > /proc/sys/dev/$device/regdomain
        config_get country "$device" country
        [ -z "$country" ] && country="0"
-       local cc="0"
-       [ -e /proc/sys/dev/$device/countrycode ] && cc="$(cat /proc/sys/dev/$device/countrycode)"
-       if [ ! "$cc" = "$country" ] ; then
-               rmmod ath_pci
-               insmod ath_pci countrycode=$country
-       fi
+       echo "$country" > /proc/sys/dev/$device/countrycode
+       config_get outdoor "$device" outdoor
+       [ -z "$outdoor" ] && outdoor="0"
+       echo "$outdoor" > /proc/sys/dev/$device/outdoor
        config_get channel "$device" channel
        config_get vifs "$device" vifs
        config_get txpower "$device" txpower
diff --git a/package/madwifi/patches/421-channel_handling.patch b/package/madwifi/patches/421-channel_handling.patch
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..781194e
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,1354 @@
+--- a/ath/if_ath.c
++++ b/ath/if_ath.c
+@@ -148,7 +148,6 @@ static int ath_key_set(struct ieee80211v
+ static void ath_key_update_begin(struct ieee80211vap *);
+ static void ath_key_update_end(struct ieee80211vap *);
+ static void ath_mode_init(struct net_device *);
+-static void ath_setslottime(struct ath_softc *);
+ static void ath_updateslot(struct net_device *);
+ static int ath_beaconq_setup(struct ath_softc *);
+ static int ath_beacon_alloc(struct ath_softc *, struct ieee80211_node *);
+@@ -240,7 +239,7 @@ static void ath_setup_stationkey(struct 
+ static void ath_setup_stationwepkey(struct ieee80211_node *);
+ static void ath_setup_keycacheslot(struct ath_softc *, struct ieee80211_node *);
+ static void ath_newassoc(struct ieee80211_node *, int);
+-static int ath_getchannels(struct net_device *, u_int, HAL_BOOL, HAL_BOOL);
++static int ath_getchannels(struct net_device *);
+ static void ath_led_event(struct ath_softc *, int);
+ static void ath_update_txpow(struct ath_softc *);
+@@ -265,7 +264,6 @@ static int ath_change_mtu(struct net_dev
+ static int ath_ioctl(struct net_device *, struct ifreq *, int);
+ static int ath_rate_setup(struct net_device *, u_int);
+-static void ath_setup_subrates(struct net_device *);
+ #ifdef ATH_SUPERG_XR
+ static int ath_xr_rate_setup(struct net_device *);
+ static void ath_grppoll_txq_setup(struct ath_softc *, int, int);
+@@ -387,8 +385,6 @@ static void ath_fetch_idle_time(struct a
+ /* calibrate every 30 secs in steady state but check every second at first. */
+ static int ath_calinterval = ATH_SHORT_CALINTERVAL;
+-static int ath_countrycode = CTRY_DEFAULT;    /* country code */
+-static int ath_outdoor = AH_FALSE;            /* enable outdoor use */
+ static int ath_xchanmode = AH_TRUE;           /* enable extended channels */
+ static int ath_maxvaps = ATH_MAXVAPS_DEFAULT;   /* set default maximum vaps */
+ static int bstuck_thresh = BSTUCK_THRESH;       /* Stuck beacon count required for reset */
+@@ -396,9 +392,7 @@ static char *autocreate = NULL;
+ static char *ratectl = DEF_RATE_CTL;
+ static int rfkill = 0;
+ static int tpc = 1;
+-static int countrycode = -1;
+ static int maxvaps = -1;
+-static int outdoor = -1;
+ static int xchanmode = -1;
+ #include "ath_wprobe.c"
+ static int beacon_cal = 1;
+@@ -437,9 +431,7 @@ static struct notifier_block ath_event_b
+ MODULE_PARM(beacon_cal, "i");
+-MODULE_PARM(countrycode, "i");
+ MODULE_PARM(maxvaps, "i");
+-MODULE_PARM(outdoor, "i");
+ MODULE_PARM(xchanmode, "i");
+ MODULE_PARM(rfkill, "i");
+ #ifdef ATH_CAP_TPC
+@@ -451,9 +443,7 @@ MODULE_PARM(ratectl, "s");
+ #else
+ #include <linux/moduleparam.h>
+ module_param(beacon_cal, int, 0600);
+-module_param(countrycode, int, 0600);
+ module_param(maxvaps, int, 0600);
+-module_param(outdoor, int, 0600);
+ module_param(xchanmode, int, 0600);
+ module_param(rfkill, int, 0600);
+ #ifdef ATH_CAP_TPC
+@@ -463,9 +453,7 @@ module_param(bstuck_thresh, int, 0600);
+ module_param(autocreate, charp, 0600);
+ module_param(ratectl, charp, 0600);
+ #endif
+-MODULE_PARM_DESC(countrycode, "Override default country code");
+ MODULE_PARM_DESC(maxvaps, "Maximum VAPs");
+-MODULE_PARM_DESC(outdoor, "Enable/disable outdoor use");
+ MODULE_PARM_DESC(xchanmode, "Enable/disable extended channel mode");
+ MODULE_PARM_DESC(rfkill, "Enable/disable RFKILL capability");
+ #ifdef ATH_CAP_TPC
+@@ -531,6 +519,50 @@ MODULE_PARM_DESC(ieee80211_debug, "Load-
+                               (bssid)[0] |= (((id) << 2) | 0x02);     \
+               } while (0)
++static inline int ath_chan2mode(struct ieee80211_channel *c)
++      if (IEEE80211_IS_CHAN_HALF(c))
++              return ATH_MODE_HALF;
++      else if (IEEE80211_IS_CHAN_QUARTER(c))
++              return ATH_MODE_QUARTER;
++      else
++              return ieee80211_chan2mode(c);
++static inline int rate_hal2ieee(int dot11Rate, int f)
++      int flag = dot11Rate & ~(IEEE80211_RATE_VAL);
++      dot11Rate &= IEEE80211_RATE_VAL;
++      if (f == 4) { /* Quarter */
++              if (dot11Rate == 4)
++                      return 18 | flag;
++      }
++      return (dot11Rate * f) | flag;
++static inline int rate_factor(int mode)
++      int f;
++      /*
++       * NB: Fix up rates. HAL returns half or quarter dot11Rates,
++       * while the stack deals with full rates only
++       */
++      switch(mode) {
++              case ATH_MODE_HALF:
++                      f = 2;
++                      break;
++              case ATH_MODE_QUARTER:
++                      f = 4;
++                      break;
++              default:
++                      f = 1;
++                      break;
++      }
++      return f;
+ /* Initialize ath_softc structure */
+ int
+@@ -647,14 +679,6 @@ ath_attach(u_int16_t devid, struct net_d
+       for (i = 0; i < sc->sc_keymax; i++)
+               ath_hal_keyreset(ah, i);
+-      /*
+-       * Collect the channel list using the default country
+-       * code and including outdoor channels.  The 802.11 layer
+-       * is responsible for filtering this list based on settings
+-       * like the phy mode.
+-       */
+-      if (countrycode != -1)
+-              ath_countrycode = countrycode;
+       if (maxvaps != -1) {
+               ath_maxvaps = maxvaps;
+               if (ath_maxvaps < ATH_MAXVAPS_MIN)
+@@ -662,17 +686,14 @@ ath_attach(u_int16_t devid, struct net_d
+               else if (ath_maxvaps > ATH_MAXVAPS_MAX)
+                       ath_maxvaps = ATH_MAXVAPS_MAX;
+       }
+-      if (outdoor != -1)
+-              ath_outdoor = outdoor;
+       if (xchanmode != -1)
+               ath_xchanmode = xchanmode;
+-      error = ath_getchannels(dev, ath_countrycode,
+-                      ath_outdoor, ath_xchanmode);
++      error = ath_getchannels(dev);
+       if (error != 0)
+               goto bad;
+-      ic->ic_country_code = ath_countrycode;
+-      ic->ic_country_outdoor = ath_outdoor;
++      ic->ic_country_code = CTRY_DEFAULT;
++      ic->ic_country_outdoor = 0;
+       IPRINTF(sc, "Switching rfkill capability %s\n",
+               rfkill ? "on" : "off");
+@@ -686,9 +707,8 @@ ath_attach(u_int16_t devid, struct net_d
+       ath_rate_setup(dev, IEEE80211_MODE_11G);
+       ath_rate_setup(dev, IEEE80211_MODE_TURBO_A);
+       ath_rate_setup(dev, IEEE80211_MODE_TURBO_G);
+-      /* Setup for half/quarter rates */
+-      ath_setup_subrates(dev);
++      ath_rate_setup(dev, ATH_MODE_HALF);
++      ath_rate_setup(dev, ATH_MODE_QUARTER);
+       /* NB: setup here so ath_rate_update is happy */
+       ath_setcurmode(sc, IEEE80211_MODE_11A);
+@@ -909,10 +929,6 @@ ath_attach(u_int16_t devid, struct net_d
+                       IEEE80211_ATHC_COMP : 0);
+ #endif
+-      ic->ic_ath_cap |= (ath_hal_turboagsupported(ah, ath_countrycode) ? 
+-                      (IEEE80211_ATHC_TURBOP | IEEE80211_ATHC_AR) : 0);
+ #ifdef ATH_SUPERG_XR
+       ic->ic_ath_cap |= (ath_hal_xrsupported(ah) ? IEEE80211_ATHC_XR : 0);
+ #endif
+@@ -4466,17 +4482,17 @@ ath_mode_init(struct net_device *dev)
+  * Set the slot time based on the current setting.
+  */
+ static void
+-ath_setslottime(struct ath_softc *sc)
++ath_settiming(struct ath_softc *sc)
+ {
+-      struct ieee80211com *ic = &sc->sc_ic;
+       struct ath_hal *ah = sc->sc_ah;
++      u_int offset = getTimingOffset(sc);
+-      if (sc->sc_slottimeconf > 0) /* manual override */
+-              ath_hal_setslottime(ah, sc->sc_slottimeconf);
+-      else if (ic->ic_flags & IEEE80211_F_SHSLOT)
+-              ath_hal_setslottime(ah, HAL_SLOT_TIME_9);
+-      else
+-              ath_hal_setslottime(ah, HAL_SLOT_TIME_20);
++      if (sc->sc_slottimeconf > 0)
++              ath_hal_setslottime(ah, offset + sc->sc_slottimeconf);
++      if (sc->sc_acktimeconf > 0)
++              ath_hal_setacktimeout(ah, 2 * offset + sc->sc_acktimeconf);
++      if (sc->sc_ctstimeconf > 0)
++              ath_hal_setctstimeout(ah, 2 * offset + sc->sc_ctstimeconf);
+       sc->sc_updateslot = OK;
+ }
+@@ -4498,7 +4514,7 @@ ath_updateslot(struct net_device *dev)
+       if (ic->ic_opmode == IEEE80211_M_HOSTAP)
+               sc->sc_updateslot = UPDATE;
+       else if (dev->flags & IFF_RUNNING)
+-              ath_setslottime(sc);
++              ath_settiming(sc);
+ }
+@@ -5342,7 +5358,7 @@ ath_beacon_send(struct ath_softc *sc, in
+               sc->sc_updateslot = COMMIT;     /* commit next beacon */
+               sc->sc_slotupdate = slot;
+       } else if ((sc->sc_updateslot == COMMIT) && (sc->sc_slotupdate == slot))
+-              ath_setslottime(sc);            /* commit change to hardware */
++              ath_settiming(sc);              /* commit change to hardware */
+       if (bfaddr != 0) {
+               /*
+@@ -7796,12 +7812,14 @@ ath_get_ivlen(struct ieee80211_key *k)
+  * Get transmit rate index using rate in Kbps
+  */
+ static __inline int
+-ath_tx_findindex(const HAL_RATE_TABLE *rt, int rate)
++ath_tx_findindex(struct ath_softc *sc, const HAL_RATE_TABLE *rt, int rate)
+ {
+       unsigned int i, ndx = 0;
++      int f;
++      f = rate_factor(sc->sc_curmode);
+       for (i = 0; i < rt->rateCount; i++) {
+-              if (rt->info[i].rateKbps == rate) {
++              if ((rt->info[i].rateKbps * f) == rate) {
+                       ndx = i;
+                       break;
+               }
+@@ -8094,7 +8112,7 @@ ath_tx_start(struct net_device *dev, str
+               atype = HAL_PKT_TYPE_NORMAL;            /* default */
+               if (ismcast) {
+-                      rix = ath_tx_findindex(rt, vap->iv_mcast_rate);
++                      rix = ath_tx_findindex(sc, rt, vap->iv_mcast_rate);
+                       txrate = rt->info[rix].rateCode;
+                       if (shortPreamble)
+                               txrate |= rt->info[rix].shortPreamble;
+@@ -9061,7 +9079,7 @@ ath_chan_change(struct ath_softc *sc, st
+       struct net_device *dev = sc->sc_dev;
+       enum ieee80211_phymode mode;
+-      mode = ieee80211_chan2mode(chan);
++      mode = ath_chan2mode(chan);
+       ath_rate_setup(dev, mode);
+       ath_setcurmode(sc, mode);
+@@ -10110,8 +10128,7 @@ ath_newassoc(struct ieee80211_node *ni, 
+ }
+ static int
+-ath_getchannels(struct net_device *dev, u_int cc,
+-      HAL_BOOL outdoor, HAL_BOOL xchanmode)
++ath_getchannels(struct net_device *dev)
+ {
+       struct ath_softc *sc = dev->priv;
+       struct ieee80211com *ic = &sc->sc_ic;
+@@ -10125,17 +10142,31 @@ ath_getchannels(struct net_device *dev, 
+               EPRINTF(sc, "Insufficient memory for channel table!\n");
+               return -ENOMEM;
+       }
+       if (!ath_hal_init_channels(ah, chans, IEEE80211_CHAN_MAX, &nchan,
+           ic->ic_regclassids, IEEE80211_REGCLASSIDS_MAX, &ic->ic_nregclass,
+-          cc, HAL_MODE_ALL, outdoor, xchanmode)) {
++          ic->ic_country_code, HAL_MODE_ALL, ic->ic_country_outdoor, ath_xchanmode)) {
+               u_int32_t rd;
+               ath_hal_getregdomain(ah, &rd);
+               EPRINTF(sc, "Unable to collect channel list from HAL; "
+-                      "regdomain likely %u country code %u\n", rd, cc);
++                      "regdomain likely %u country code %u\n", rd, ic->ic_country_code);
++              if ((ic->ic_country_code != CTRY_DEFAULT) ||
++                      (ic->ic_country_outdoor != 0)) {
++                      EPRINTF(sc, "Reverting to defaults\n");
++                      ic->ic_country_code = CTRY_DEFAULT;
++                      ic->ic_country_outdoor = 0;
++                      goto restart;
++              }
+               kfree(chans);
+               return -EINVAL;
+       }
++      ic->ic_ath_cap &= ~(IEEE80211_ATHC_TURBOP | IEEE80211_ATHC_AR);
++      ic->ic_ath_cap |= (ath_hal_turboagsupported(ah, ic->ic_country_code) ?
++                      (IEEE80211_ATHC_TURBOP | IEEE80211_ATHC_AR) : 0);
+       /*
+        * Convert HAL channels to ieee80211 ones.
+        */
+@@ -10379,7 +10410,7 @@ ath_xr_rate_setup(struct net_device *dev
+       struct ieee80211com *ic = &sc->sc_ic;
+       const HAL_RATE_TABLE *rt;
+       struct ieee80211_rateset *rs;
+-      unsigned int i, maxrates;
++      unsigned int i, j, maxrates;
+       sc->sc_xr_rates = ath_hal_getratetable(ah, HAL_MODE_XR);
+       rt = sc->sc_xr_rates;
+       if (rt == NULL)
+@@ -10392,57 +10423,16 @@ ath_xr_rate_setup(struct net_device *dev
+       } else
+               maxrates = rt->rateCount;
+       rs = &ic->ic_sup_xr_rates;
+-      for (i = 0; i < maxrates; i++)
+-              rs->rs_rates[i] = rt->info[i].dot11Rate;
+-      rs->rs_nrates = maxrates;
++      for (j = 0, i = 0; i < maxrates; i++) {
++              if (!rt->info[i].valid)
++                      continue;
++              rs->rs_rates[j++] = rt->info[i].dot11Rate;
++      }
++      rs->rs_nrates = j;
+       return 1;
+ }
+ #endif
+-/* Setup half/quarter rate table support */
+-static void
+-ath_setup_subrates(struct net_device *dev)
+-      struct ath_softc *sc = dev->priv;
+-      struct ath_hal *ah = sc->sc_ah;
+-      struct ieee80211com *ic = &sc->sc_ic;
+-      const HAL_RATE_TABLE *rt;
+-      struct ieee80211_rateset *rs;
+-      unsigned int i, maxrates;
+-      sc->sc_half_rates = ath_hal_getratetable(ah, HAL_MODE_11A_HALF_RATE);
+-      rt = sc->sc_half_rates;
+-      if (rt != NULL) {
+-              if (rt->rateCount > IEEE80211_RATE_MAXSIZE) {
+-                      DPRINTF(sc, ATH_DEBUG_ANY,
+-                              "The rate table is too small (%u > %u)\n",
+-                             rt->rateCount, IEEE80211_RATE_MAXSIZE);
+-                      maxrates = IEEE80211_RATE_MAXSIZE;
+-              } else
+-                      maxrates = rt->rateCount;
+-              rs = &ic->ic_sup_half_rates;
+-              for (i = 0; i < maxrates; i++)
+-                      rs->rs_rates[i] = rt->info[i].dot11Rate;
+-              rs->rs_nrates = maxrates;
+-      }
+-      sc->sc_quarter_rates = ath_hal_getratetable(ah, HAL_MODE_11A_QUARTER_RATE);
+-      rt = sc->sc_quarter_rates;
+-      if (rt != NULL) {
+-              if (rt->rateCount > IEEE80211_RATE_MAXSIZE) {
+-                      DPRINTF(sc, ATH_DEBUG_ANY,
+-                              "The rate table is too small (%u > %u)\n",
+-                             rt->rateCount, IEEE80211_RATE_MAXSIZE);
+-                      maxrates = IEEE80211_RATE_MAXSIZE;
+-              } else
+-                      maxrates = rt->rateCount;
+-              rs = &ic->ic_sup_quarter_rates;
+-              for (i = 0; i < maxrates; i++)
+-                      rs->rs_rates[i] = rt->info[i].dot11Rate;
+-              rs->rs_nrates = maxrates;
+-      }
+ static int
+ ath_rate_setup(struct net_device *dev, u_int mode)
+ {
+@@ -10451,7 +10441,7 @@ ath_rate_setup(struct net_device *dev, u
+       struct ieee80211com *ic = &sc->sc_ic;
+       const HAL_RATE_TABLE *rt;
+       struct ieee80211_rateset *rs;
+-      unsigned int i, maxrates;
++      unsigned int i, j, maxrates, f;
+       switch (mode) {
+       case IEEE80211_MODE_11A:
+@@ -10469,6 +10459,12 @@ ath_rate_setup(struct net_device *dev, u
+       case IEEE80211_MODE_TURBO_G:
+               sc->sc_rates[mode] = ath_hal_getratetable(ah, HAL_MODE_108G);
+               break;
++      case ATH_MODE_HALF:
++              sc->sc_rates[mode] = ath_hal_getratetable(ah, HAL_MODE_11A_HALF_RATE);
++              break;
++      case ATH_MODE_QUARTER:
++              sc->sc_rates[mode] = ath_hal_getratetable(ah, HAL_MODE_11A_QUARTER_RATE);
++              break;
+       default:
+               DPRINTF(sc, ATH_DEBUG_ANY, "Invalid mode %u\n", mode);
+               return 0;
+@@ -10483,10 +10479,16 @@ ath_rate_setup(struct net_device *dev, u
+               maxrates = IEEE80211_RATE_MAXSIZE;
+       } else
+               maxrates = rt->rateCount;
++      /* NB: quarter/half rate channels hijack the 11A rateset */
++      if (mode >= IEEE80211_MODE_MAX)
++              return 1;
+       rs = &ic->ic_sup_rates[mode];
+       for (i = 0; i < maxrates; i++)
+               rs->rs_rates[i] = rt->info[i].dot11Rate;
+       rs->rs_nrates = maxrates;
+       return 1;
+ }
+@@ -10515,13 +10517,18 @@ ath_setcurmode(struct ath_softc *sc, enu
+               {   0, 500, 130 },
+       };
+       const HAL_RATE_TABLE *rt;
+-      unsigned int i, j;
++      unsigned int i, j, f;
++      /*
++       * NB: Fix up rixmap. HAL returns half or quarter dot11Rates,
++       * while the stack deals with full rates only
++       */
++      f = rate_factor(mode);
+       memset(sc->sc_rixmap, 0xff, sizeof(sc->sc_rixmap));
+       rt = sc->sc_rates[mode];
+       KASSERT(rt != NULL, ("no h/w rate set for phy mode %u", mode));
+       for (i = 0; i < rt->rateCount; i++)
+-              sc->sc_rixmap[rt->info[i].dot11Rate & IEEE80211_RATE_VAL] = i;
++              sc->sc_rixmap[rate_hal2ieee(rt->info[i].dot11Rate, f) & IEEE80211_RATE_VAL] = i;
+       memset(sc->sc_hwmap, 0, sizeof(sc->sc_hwmap));
+       for (i = 0; i < 32; i++) {
+               u_int8_t ix = rt->rateCodeToIndex[i];
+@@ -10531,7 +10538,7 @@ ath_setcurmode(struct ath_softc *sc, enu
+                       continue;
+               }
+               sc->sc_hwmap[i].ieeerate =
+-                      rt->info[ix].dot11Rate & IEEE80211_RATE_VAL;
++                      rate_hal2ieee(rt->info[ix].dot11Rate, f) & IEEE80211_RATE_VAL;
+               if (rt->info[ix].shortPreamble ||
+                   rt->info[ix].phy == IEEE80211_T_OFDM)
+                       sc->sc_hwmap[i].flags |= IEEE80211_RADIOTAP_F_SHORTPRE;
+@@ -10932,9 +10939,115 @@ enum {
+       ATH_MAXVAPS             = 26,
+       ATH_INTMIT                      = 27,
+       ATH_NOISE_IMMUNITY      = 28,
+-      ATH_OFDM_WEAK_DET       = 29
++      ATH_OFDM_WEAK_DET       = 29,
++      ATH_CHANBW              = 30,
++      ATH_OUTDOOR             = 31,
+ };
++ * perform the channel related sysctl, reload the channel list
++ * and try to stay on the current frequency
++ */
++static int ath_sysctl_setchanparam(struct ath_softc *sc, unsigned long ctl, u_int val)
++      struct ieee80211com *ic = &sc->sc_ic;
++      struct ath_hal *ah = sc->sc_ah;
++      struct ieee80211_channel *c = NULL;
++      struct ieee80211vap *vap;
++      u_int16_t freq = 0;
++      struct ifreq ifr;
++      void *ptr;
++      u32 *reg;
++      if (ic->ic_curchan != IEEE80211_CHAN_ANYC)
++              freq = ic->ic_curchan->ic_freq;
++      switch(ctl) {
++      case ATH_REGDOMAIN:
++              ptr = ah;
++              ptr += sizeof(struct ath_hal);
++              ptr += 116;
++              reg = ptr;
++              *reg = val;
++              return 0;
++      case ATH_COUNTRYCODE:
++              ic->ic_country_code = val;
++              break;
++      case ATH_OUTDOOR:
++              ic->ic_country_outdoor = val;
++              break;
++      case ATH_CHANBW:
++              switch(val) {
++              case 0:
++              case 5:
++              case 10:
++              case 20:
++              case 40:
++                      if (ath_hal_setcapability(ah, HAL_CAP_CHANBW, 1, val, NULL) == AH_TRUE) {
++                              sc->sc_chanbw = val;
++                              break;
++                      }
++              default:
++                      return -EINVAL;
++              }
++              break;
++      }
++      if (ic->ic_curchan != IEEE80211_CHAN_ANYC)
++              freq = ic->ic_curchan->ic_freq;
++      /* clear out any old state */
++      TAILQ_FOREACH(vap, &ic->ic_vaps, iv_next) {
++              vap->iv_des_mode = IEEE80211_MODE_AUTO;
++              vap->iv_des_chan = IEEE80211_CHAN_ANYC;
++      }
++      ieee80211_scan_flush(ic);
++      IEEE80211_LOCK_IRQ(ic);
++      ath_getchannels(sc->sc_dev);
++      ieee80211_update_channels(ic, 0);
++      if (freq)
++              c = ieee80211_find_channel(ic, freq, IEEE80211_MODE_AUTO);
++      if (!c)
++              c = &ic->ic_channels[0];
++      ic->ic_curchan = c;
++      ic->ic_bsschan = c;
++      ic->ic_curmode = IEEE80211_MODE_AUTO;
++      IEEE80211_UNLOCK_IRQ(ic);
++      if (!(sc->sc_dev->flags & IFF_RUNNING)) {
++              ic->ic_bsschan = IEEE80211_CHAN_ANYC;
++              return 0;
++      }
++#ifndef ifr_media
++#define    ifr_media       ifr_ifru.ifru_ivalue
++      memset(&ifr, 0, sizeof(ifr));
++      ifr.ifr_media = ic->ic_media.ifm_cur->ifm_media & ~IFM_MMASK;
++      ifr.ifr_media |= IFM_MAKEMODE(IEEE80211_MODE_AUTO);
++      ifmedia_ioctl(ic->ic_dev, &ifr, &ic->ic_media, SIOCSIFMEDIA);
++      /* apply the channel to the hw */
++      ath_set_channel(ic);
++      TAILQ_FOREACH(vap, &ic->ic_vaps, iv_next) {
++              struct net_device *dev = vap->iv_dev;
++              /* reactivate all active vaps */
++              vap->iv_state = IEEE80211_S_SCAN;
++              if ((vap->iv_opmode == IEEE80211_M_HOSTAP) ||
++                      (vap->iv_opmode == IEEE80211_M_MONITOR) ||
++                      (vap->iv_opmode == IEEE80211_M_WDS))
++                      ieee80211_new_state(vap, IEEE80211_S_RUN, 0);
++              else
++                      ieee80211_new_state(vap, IEEE80211_S_INIT, -1);
++      }
++      return 0;
+ static int
+ ath_sysctl_set_intmit(struct ath_softc *sc, long ctl, u_int val)
+ {
+@@ -11013,6 +11126,7 @@ static int
+ ATH_SYSCTL_DECL(ath_sysctl_halparam, ctl, write, filp, buffer, lenp, ppos)
+ {
+       struct ath_softc *sc = ctl->extra1;
++      struct ieee80211com *ic = &sc->sc_ic;
+       struct ath_hal *ah = sc->sc_ah;
+       u_int val;
+       u_int tab_3_val[3];
+@@ -11036,25 +11150,31 @@ ATH_SYSCTL_DECL(ath_sysctl_halparam, ctl
+                               lenp, ppos);
+               if (ret == 0) {
+                       switch ((long)ctl->extra2) {
++                      case ATH_REGDOMAIN:
++                      case ATH_COUNTRYCODE:
++                      case ATH_CHANBW:
++                              ret = ath_sysctl_setchanparam(sc, (long) ctl->extra2, val);
++                              break;
+                       case ATH_SLOTTIME:
+-                              if (val > 0) {
+-                                      if (!ath_hal_setslottime(ah, val))
+-                                              ret = -EINVAL;
+-                                      else
+-                                              sc->sc_slottimeconf = val;
+-                              } else {
+-                                      /* disable manual override */
++                              if (val > 0)
++                                      sc->sc_slottimeconf = val;
++                              else
+                                       sc->sc_slottimeconf = 0;
+-                                      ath_setslottime(sc);
+-                              }
++                              ath_settiming(sc);
+                               break;
+                       case ATH_ACKTIMEOUT:
+-                              if (!ath_hal_setacktimeout(ah, val))
+-                                      ret = -EINVAL;
++                              if (val > 0)
++                                      sc->sc_acktimeconf = val;
++                              else
++                                      sc->sc_acktimeconf = 0;
++                              ath_settiming(sc);
+                               break;
+                       case ATH_CTSTIMEOUT:
+-                              if (!ath_hal_setctstimeout(ah, val))
+-                                      ret = -EINVAL;
++                              if (val > 0)
++                                      sc->sc_ctstimeconf = val;
++                              else
++                                      sc->sc_ctstimeconf = 0;
++                              ath_settiming(sc);
+                               break;
+                       case ATH_SOFTLED:
+                               if (val != sc->sc_softled) {
+@@ -11206,7 +11326,12 @@ ATH_SYSCTL_DECL(ath_sysctl_halparam, ctl
+                       }
+               }
+       } else {
++              void *ptr;
++              u32 *reg;
+               switch ((long)ctl->extra2) {
++              case ATH_CHANBW:
++                      val = sc->sc_chanbw ?: 20;
++                      break;
+               case ATH_SLOTTIME:
+                       val = ath_hal_getslottime(ah);
+                       break;
+@@ -11225,11 +11350,18 @@ ATH_SYSCTL_DECL(ath_sysctl_halparam, ctl
+               case ATH_COUNTRYCODE:
+                       ath_hal_getcountrycode(ah, &val);
+                       break;
++              case ATH_OUTDOOR:
++                      val = ic->ic_country_outdoor;
++                      break;
+               case ATH_MAXVAPS:
+                       val = ath_maxvaps;
+                       break;
+               case ATH_REGDOMAIN:
+-                      ath_hal_getregdomain(ah, &val);
++                      ptr = ah;
++                      ptr += sizeof(struct ath_hal);
++                      ptr += 116;
++                      reg = ptr;
++                      val = *reg;
+                       break;
+               case ATH_DEBUG:
+                       val = sc->sc_debug | ath_debug_global;
+@@ -11338,11 +11470,17 @@ static const ctl_table ath_sysctl_templa
+       },
+       { .ctl_name     = CTL_AUTO,
+         .procname     = "countrycode",
+-        .mode         = 0444,
++        .mode         = 0644,
+         .proc_handler = ath_sysctl_halparam,
+         .extra2       = (void *)ATH_COUNTRYCODE,
+       },
+       { .ctl_name     = CTL_AUTO,
++        .procname     = "outdoor",
++        .mode         = 0644,
++        .proc_handler = ath_sysctl_halparam,
++        .extra2       = (void *)ATH_OUTDOOR,
++      },
++      { .ctl_name     = CTL_AUTO,
+         .procname     = "maxvaps",
+         .mode         = 0444,
+         .proc_handler = ath_sysctl_halparam,
+@@ -11350,7 +11488,7 @@ static const ctl_table ath_sysctl_templa
+       },
+       { .ctl_name     = CTL_AUTO,
+         .procname     = "regdomain",
+-        .mode         = 0444,
++        .mode         = 0644,
+         .proc_handler = ath_sysctl_halparam,
+         .extra2       = (void *)ATH_REGDOMAIN,
+       },
+@@ -11413,6 +11551,12 @@ static const ctl_table ath_sysctl_templa
+         .extra2       = (void *)ATH_ACKRATE,
+       },
+       { .ctl_name     = CTL_AUTO,
++        .procname     = "channelbw",
++        .mode         = 0644,
++        .proc_handler = ath_sysctl_halparam,
++        .extra2       = (void *)ATH_CHANBW,
++      },
++      { .ctl_name     = CTL_AUTO,
+         .procname     = "rp",
+         .mode         = 0200,
+         .proc_handler = ath_sysctl_halparam,
+@@ -11653,13 +11797,6 @@ static ctl_table ath_static_sysctls[] = 
+       },
+ #endif
+       { .ctl_name     = CTL_AUTO,
+-        .procname     = "countrycode",
+-        .mode         = 0444,
+-        .data         = &ath_countrycode,
+-        .maxlen       = sizeof(ath_countrycode),
+-        .proc_handler = proc_dointvec
+-      },
+-      { .ctl_name     = CTL_AUTO,
+         .procname     = "maxvaps",
+         .mode         = 0444,
+         .data         = &ath_maxvaps,
+@@ -11667,13 +11804,6 @@ static ctl_table ath_static_sysctls[] = 
+         .proc_handler = proc_dointvec
+       },
+       { .ctl_name     = CTL_AUTO,
+-        .procname     = "outdoor",
+-        .mode         = 0444,
+-        .data         = &ath_outdoor,
+-        .maxlen       = sizeof(ath_outdoor),
+-        .proc_handler = proc_dointvec
+-      },
+-      { .ctl_name     = CTL_AUTO,
+         .procname     = "xchanmode",
+         .mode         = 0444,
+         .data         = &ath_xchanmode,
+--- a/ath/if_athvar.h
++++ b/ath/if_athvar.h
+@@ -689,16 +689,17 @@ struct ath_softc {
+       int8_t sc_ofdm_weak_det; /* OFDM weak frames detection, -1 == auto */
+       /* rate tables */
+-      const HAL_RATE_TABLE *sc_rates[IEEE80211_MODE_MAX];
++#define ATH_MODE_HALF         (IEEE80211_MODE_MAX)
++#define ATH_MODE_QUARTER      (IEEE80211_MODE_MAX + 1)
++      const HAL_RATE_TABLE *sc_rates[IEEE80211_MODE_MAX + 2];
+       const HAL_RATE_TABLE *sc_currates;      /* current rate table */
+       const HAL_RATE_TABLE *sc_xr_rates;      /* XR rate table */
+-      const HAL_RATE_TABLE *sc_half_rates;    /* half rate table */
+-      const HAL_RATE_TABLE *sc_quarter_rates; /* quarter rate table */
+       HAL_OPMODE sc_opmode;                   /* current hal operating mode */
+       enum ieee80211_phymode sc_curmode;      /* current phy mode */
+       u_int16_t sc_curtxpow;                  /* current tx power limit */
+       u_int16_t sc_curaid;                    /* current association id */
+       HAL_CHANNEL sc_curchan;                 /* current h/w channel */
++      u_int8_t sc_chanbw;                             /* channel bandwidth */
+       u_int8_t sc_curbssid[IEEE80211_ADDR_LEN];
+       u_int8_t        sc_rixmap[256];                 /* IEEE to h/w rate table ix */
+       struct {
+@@ -809,6 +810,8 @@ struct ath_softc {
+       u_int32_t sc_dturbo_bw_turbo;           /* bandwidth threshold */
+ #endif
+       u_int sc_slottimeconf;                  /* manual override for slottime */
++      u_int sc_acktimeconf;                   /* manual override for acktime */
++      u_int sc_ctstimeconf;                   /* manual override for ctstime */
+       struct timer_list sc_dfs_excl_timer;    /* mark expiration timer task */
+       struct timer_list sc_dfs_cac_timer;     /* dfs wait timer */
+@@ -827,6 +830,7 @@ struct ath_softc {
+       int sc_rp_num;
+       int sc_rp_min;
+       HAL_BOOL (*sc_rp_analyse)(struct ath_softc *sc);
++      struct ATH_TQ_STRUCT sc_refresh_tq;
+       struct ATH_TQ_STRUCT sc_rp_tq;
+       int sc_rp_ignored;                      /* if set, we ignored all 
+@@ -942,6 +946,48 @@ int ar_device(int devid);
+         DEV_NAME(_v->iv_ic->ic_dev))
+ void ath_radar_detected(struct ath_softc *sc, const char* message);
++static inline u_int getTimingOffset(struct ath_softc *sc)
++      struct ieee80211com *ic = &sc->sc_ic;
++      u_int usec = 9;
++      if (IEEE80211_IS_CHAN_ANYG(ic->ic_curchan)) {
++              usec = 20;
++              if (ic->ic_flags & IEEE80211_F_SHSLOT)
++                      usec = 9;
++      } else if (IEEE80211_IS_CHAN_A(ic->ic_curchan))
++              usec = 9;
++      if (IEEE80211_IS_CHAN_TURBO(ic->ic_curchan))
++              usec = 6;
++      if (IEEE80211_IS_CHAN_HALF(ic->ic_curchan))
++              usec = 13;
++      else if (IEEE80211_IS_CHAN_QUARTER(ic->ic_curchan))
++              usec = 21;
++      return usec;
++static inline void ath_get_timings(struct ath_softc *sc, u_int *t_slot, u_int *t_sifs, u_int *t_difs)
++      struct ieee80211_channel *c = sc->sc_ic.ic_curchan;
++      *t_slot = getTimingOffset(sc) + sc->sc_slottimeconf;
++      if (IEEE80211_IS_CHAN_HALF(c)) {
++              *t_sifs = 32;
++              *t_difs = 56;
++      } else if (IEEE80211_IS_CHAN_QUARTER(c)) {
++              *t_sifs = 64;
++              *t_difs = 112;
++      } else if (IEEE80211_IS_CHAN_TURBO(c)) {
++              *t_sifs = 8;
++              *t_difs = 28;
++      } else {
++              *t_sifs = 16;
++              *t_difs = 28;
++      }
+ struct ath_hw_detect {
+       const char *vendor_name;
+--- a/tools/athctrl.c
++++ b/tools/athctrl.c
+@@ -118,7 +118,7 @@ CMD(athctrl)(int argc, char *argv[])
+       }
+       if (distance >= 0) {
+-              int slottime = 9 + (distance / 300) + ((distance % 300) ? 1 : 0);
++              int slottime = (distance / 300) + ((distance % 300) ? 1 : 0);
+               int acktimeout = slottime * 2 + 3;
+               int ctstimeout = slottime * 2 + 3;
+--- a/net80211/ieee80211.c
++++ b/net80211/ieee80211.c
+@@ -243,34 +243,17 @@ static const  struct country_code_to_str
+       {CTRY_ZIMBABWE,             "ZW"}
+ };
+-ieee80211_ifattach(struct ieee80211com *ic)
++void ieee80211_update_channels(struct ieee80211com *ic, int init)
+ {
+-      struct net_device *dev = ic->ic_dev;
+       struct ieee80211_channel *c;
++      struct ieee80211vap *vap;
+       struct ifmediareq imr;
++      int ext = 0;
+       int i;
+-      _MOD_INC_USE(THIS_MODULE, return -ENODEV);
+-      /*
+-       * Pick an initial operating mode until we have a vap
+-       * created to lock it down correctly.  This is only
+-       * drivers have something defined for configuring the
+-       * hardware at startup.
+-       */
+-      ic->ic_opmode = IEEE80211_M_STA;        /* everyone supports this */
+-      /*
+-       * Fill in 802.11 available channel set, mark
+-       * all available channels as active, and pick
+-       * a default channel if not already specified.
+-       */
+-      KASSERT(0 < ic->ic_nchans && ic->ic_nchans < IEEE80211_CHAN_MAX,
+-              ("invalid number of channels specified: %u", ic->ic_nchans));
+       memset(ic->ic_chan_avail, 0, sizeof(ic->ic_chan_avail));
+-      ic->ic_modecaps |= 1 << IEEE80211_MODE_AUTO;
+       ic->ic_max_txpower = IEEE80211_TXPOWER_MIN;
++      ic->ic_modecaps = 1 << IEEE80211_MODE_AUTO;
+       for (i = 0; i < ic->ic_nchans; i++) {
+               c = &ic->ic_channels[i];
+@@ -298,6 +281,8 @@ ieee80211_ifattach(struct ieee80211com *
+                       ic->ic_modecaps |= 1 << IEEE80211_MODE_TURBO_A;
+               if (IEEE80211_IS_CHAN_108G(c))
+                       ic->ic_modecaps |= 1 << IEEE80211_MODE_TURBO_G;
++              if (IEEE80211_IS_CHAN_HALF(c) || IEEE80211_IS_CHAN_QUARTER(c))
++                      ext = 1;
+       }
+       /* Initialize candidate channels to all available */
+       memcpy(ic->ic_chan_active, ic->ic_chan_avail,
+@@ -311,11 +296,58 @@ ieee80211_ifattach(struct ieee80211com *
+        * When 11g is supported, force the rate set to
+        * include basic rates suitable for a mixed b/g bss.
+        */
+-      if (ic->ic_modecaps & (1 << IEEE80211_MODE_11G))
++      if ((ic->ic_modecaps & (1 << IEEE80211_MODE_11G)) && !ext)
+               ieee80211_set11gbasicrates(
+                       &ic->ic_sup_rates[IEEE80211_MODE_11G],
+                       IEEE80211_MODE_11G);
++      if (init)
++              return;
++      ieee80211_media_setup(ic, &ic->ic_media, ic->ic_caps, NULL, NULL);
++      ieee80211com_media_status(ic->ic_dev, &imr);
++      ifmedia_set(&ic->ic_media, imr.ifm_active);
++      TAILQ_FOREACH(vap, &ic->ic_vaps, iv_next) {
++              struct ieee80211vap *avp;
++              TAILQ_FOREACH(avp, &vap->iv_wdslinks, iv_wdsnext) {
++                      (void) ieee80211_media_setup(ic, &vap->iv_media, vap->iv_caps, NULL, NULL);
++                      ieee80211_media_status(vap->iv_dev, &imr);
++                      ifmedia_set(&vap->iv_media, imr.ifm_active);
++              }
++              (void) ieee80211_media_setup(ic, &vap->iv_media, vap->iv_caps, NULL, NULL);
++              ieee80211_media_status(vap->iv_dev, &imr);
++              ifmedia_set(&vap->iv_media, imr.ifm_active);
++      }
++ieee80211_ifattach(struct ieee80211com *ic)
++      struct net_device *dev = ic->ic_dev;
++      struct ieee80211_channel *c;
++      struct ifmediareq imr;
++      _MOD_INC_USE(THIS_MODULE, return -ENODEV);
++      /*
++       * Pick an initial operating mode until we have a vap
++       * created to lock it down correctly.  This is only
++       * drivers have something defined for configuring the
++       * hardware at startup.
++       */
++      ic->ic_opmode = IEEE80211_M_STA;        /* everyone supports this */
++      /*
++       * Fill in 802.11 available channel set, mark
++       * all available channels as active, and pick
++       * a default channel if not already specified.
++       */
++      KASSERT(0 < ic->ic_nchans && ic->ic_nchans < IEEE80211_CHAN_MAX,
++              ("invalid number of channels specified: %u", ic->ic_nchans));
++      ieee80211_update_channels(ic, 1);
+       /* Setup initial channel settings */
+       ic->ic_bsschan = IEEE80211_CHAN_ANYC;
+       /* Arbitrarily pick the first channel */
+@@ -327,6 +359,7 @@ ieee80211_ifattach(struct ieee80211com *
+       /* Enable WME by default, if we're capable. */
+       if (ic->ic_caps & IEEE80211_C_WME)
+               ic->ic_flags |= IEEE80211_F_WME;
+       (void) ieee80211_setmode(ic, ic->ic_curmode);
+       /* Store default beacon interval, as nec. */
+@@ -763,7 +796,8 @@ ieee80211_media_setup(struct ieee80211co
+       struct ieee80211_rateset allrates;
+       /* Fill in media characteristics. */
+-      ifmedia_init(media, 0, media_change, media_stat);
++      if (media_change || media_stat)
++              ifmedia_init(media, 0, media_change, media_stat);
+       maxrate = 0;
+       memset(&allrates, 0, sizeof(allrates));
+@@ -793,7 +827,7 @@ ieee80211_media_setup(struct ieee80211co
+                       ADD(media, IFM_AUTO, mopt | IFM_IEEE80211_WDS);
+               if (mode == IEEE80211_MODE_AUTO)
+                       continue;
+-              rs = &ic->ic_sup_rates[mode];
++              rs = &ic->ic_sup_rates[ieee80211_chan2ratemode(ic->ic_curchan, mode)];
+               for (i = 0; i < rs->rs_nrates; i++) {
+                       rate = rs->rs_rates[i];
+@@ -1207,7 +1241,7 @@ ieee80211_announce(struct ieee80211com *
+               if ((ic->ic_modecaps & (1 << mode)) == 0)
+                       continue;
+               if_printf(dev, "%s rates: ", ieee80211_phymode_name[mode]);
+-              rs = &ic->ic_sup_rates[mode];
++              rs = &ic->ic_sup_rates[ieee80211_chan2ratemode(ic->ic_curchan, mode)];
+               for (i = 0; i < rs->rs_nrates; i++) {
+                       rate = rs->rs_rates[i];
+                       mword = ieee80211_rate2media(ic, rate, mode);
+@@ -1417,7 +1451,7 @@ ieee80211com_media_change(struct net_dev
+                        * now so drivers have a consistent state.
+                        */
+                       KASSERT(vap->iv_bss != NULL, ("no bss node"));
+-                      vap->iv_bss->ni_rates = ic->ic_sup_rates[newphymode];
++                      vap->iv_bss->ni_rates = ic->ic_sup_rates[ieee80211_chan2ratemode(ic->ic_curchan, newphymode)];
+               }
+               error = -ENETRESET;
+       }
+@@ -1435,7 +1469,7 @@ findrate(struct ieee80211com *ic, enum i
+ {
+ #define       IEEERATE(_ic,_m,_i) \
+       ((_ic)->ic_sup_rates[_m].rs_rates[_i] & IEEE80211_RATE_VAL)
+-      int i, nrates = ic->ic_sup_rates[mode].rs_nrates;
++      int i, nrates = ic->ic_sup_rates[ieee80211_chan2ratemode(ic->ic_curchan, mode)].rs_nrates;
+       for (i = 0; i < nrates; i++)
+               if (IEEERATE(ic, mode, i) == rate)
+                       return i;
+@@ -1881,11 +1915,6 @@ ieee80211_build_countryie(struct ieee802
+                       if (ieee80211_chan2mode(c) != curmode_noturbo)
+                               continue;
+-                      /* Skip half/quarter rate channels */
+-                      if (IEEE80211_IS_CHAN_HALF(c) ||
+-                          IEEE80211_IS_CHAN_QUARTER(c))
+-                              continue;
+                       if (*cur_runlen == 0) {
+                               (*cur_runlen)++;
+                               *cur_pow = c->ic_maxregpower;
+@@ -1919,7 +1948,7 @@ void
+ ieee80211_build_sc_ie(struct ieee80211com *ic)
+ {
+       struct ieee80211_ie_sc *ie = &ic->ic_sc_ie;
+-      int i, j;
++      int i, j, k;
+       struct ieee80211_channel *c;
+       u_int8_t prevchan;
+--- a/net80211/ieee80211_var.h
++++ b/net80211/ieee80211_var.h
+@@ -336,8 +336,6 @@ struct ieee80211com {
+       u_int8_t ic_nopened;                    /* VAPs been opened */
+       struct ieee80211_rateset ic_sup_rates[IEEE80211_MODE_MAX];
+       struct ieee80211_rateset ic_sup_xr_rates;
+-      struct ieee80211_rateset ic_sup_half_rates;
+-      struct ieee80211_rateset ic_sup_quarter_rates;
+       u_int16_t ic_modecaps;                  /* set of mode capabilities */
+       u_int16_t ic_curmode;                   /* current mode */
+       u_int16_t ic_lintval;                   /* beacon interval */
+@@ -715,6 +713,7 @@ MALLOC_DECLARE(M_80211_VAP);
+ int ieee80211_ifattach(struct ieee80211com *);
+ void ieee80211_ifdetach(struct ieee80211com *);
++void ieee80211_update_channels(struct ieee80211com *ic, int);
+ int ieee80211_vap_setup(struct ieee80211com *, struct net_device *,
+       const char *, int, int, struct ieee80211vap *);
+ int ieee80211_vap_attach(struct ieee80211vap *, ifm_change_cb_t, ifm_stat_cb_t);
+@@ -794,6 +793,23 @@ ieee80211_anyhdrspace(struct ieee80211co
+       return size;
+ }
++static __inline int
++ieee80211_chan2ratemode(struct ieee80211_channel *c, int mode)
++      if (mode == -1)
++              mode = ieee80211_chan2mode(c);
++      /*
++       * Use 11a rateset for half/quarter to restrict things
++       * to pure OFDM
++       */
++      if (IEEE80211_IS_CHAN_HALF(c) ||
++              IEEE80211_IS_CHAN_QUARTER(c))
++              return IEEE80211_MODE_11A;
++      return mode;
+ /* Macros to print MAC address used in 802.11 headers */
+ #define MAC_FMT "%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x"
+--- a/net80211/ieee80211_node.c
++++ b/net80211/ieee80211_node.c
+@@ -287,7 +287,7 @@ ieee80211_node_set_chan(struct ieee80211
+               ni->ni_rates = ic->ic_sup_xr_rates;
+       else
+ #endif
+-      ni->ni_rates = ic->ic_sup_rates[ieee80211_chan2mode(chan)];
++      ni->ni_rates = ic->ic_sup_rates[ieee80211_chan2ratemode(chan, -1)];
+ }
+ static __inline void
+@@ -387,6 +387,8 @@ ieee80211_create_ibss(struct ieee80211va
+       ic->ic_bsschan = chan;
+       ieee80211_node_set_chan(ic, ni);
+       ic->ic_curmode = ieee80211_chan2mode(chan);
++      ni->ni_rates = ic->ic_sup_rates[ieee80211_chan2ratemode(chan, -1)];
+       spin_lock_irqsave(&channel_lock, flags);
+       ieee80211_scan_set_bss_channel(ic, ic->ic_bsschan);
+       spin_unlock_irqrestore(&channel_lock, flags);
+@@ -394,14 +396,8 @@ ieee80211_create_ibss(struct ieee80211va
+       /* Update country ie information */
+       ieee80211_build_countryie(ic);
+-      if (IEEE80211_IS_CHAN_HALF(chan)) {
+-              ni->ni_rates = ic->ic_sup_half_rates;
+-      } else if (IEEE80211_IS_CHAN_QUARTER(chan)) {
+-              ni->ni_rates = ic->ic_sup_quarter_rates;
+-      }
+-      if ((vap->iv_flags & IEEE80211_F_PUREG) &&
+-              IEEE80211_IS_CHAN_ANYG(chan)) {
++      if ((ieee80211_chan2ratemode(chan, -1) != IEEE80211_MODE_11A) &&
++              IEEE80211_IS_CHAN_ANYG(chan) && (vap->iv_flags & IEEE80211_F_PUREG)) {
+               ieee80211_setpuregbasicrates(&ni->ni_rates);
+       }
+--- a/net80211/ieee80211_scan_sta.c
++++ b/net80211/ieee80211_scan_sta.c
+@@ -490,12 +490,7 @@ check_rate(struct ieee80211vap *vap, con
+       okrate = badrate = fixedrate = 0;
+-      if (IEEE80211_IS_CHAN_HALF(se->se_chan))
+-              srs = &ic->ic_sup_half_rates;
+-      else if (IEEE80211_IS_CHAN_QUARTER(se->se_chan))
+-              srs = &ic->ic_sup_quarter_rates;
+-      else
+-              srs = &ic->ic_sup_rates[ieee80211_chan2mode(se->se_chan)];
++      srs = &ic->ic_sup_rates[ieee80211_chan2ratemode(ic->ic_curchan, -1)];
+       nrs = se->se_rates[1];
+       rs = se->se_rates + 2;
+       fixedrate = IEEE80211_FIXED_RATE_NONE;
+--- a/net80211/ieee80211_output.c
++++ b/net80211/ieee80211_output.c
+@@ -1676,8 +1676,8 @@ ieee80211_send_probereq(struct ieee80211
+       frm = ieee80211_add_ssid(frm, ssid, ssidlen);
+       mode = ieee80211_chan2mode(ic->ic_curchan);
+-      frm = ieee80211_add_rates(frm, &ic->ic_sup_rates[mode]);
+-      frm = ieee80211_add_xrates(frm, &ic->ic_sup_rates[mode]);
++      frm = ieee80211_add_rates(frm, &ic->ic_sup_rates[ieee80211_chan2ratemode(ic->ic_curchan, mode)]);
++      frm = ieee80211_add_xrates(frm, &ic->ic_sup_rates[ieee80211_chan2ratemode(ic->ic_curchan, mode)]);
+       if (optie != NULL) {
+               memcpy(frm, optie, optielen);
+--- a/net80211/ieee80211_proto.c
++++ b/net80211/ieee80211_proto.c
+@@ -404,7 +404,7 @@ ieee80211_fix_rate(struct ieee80211_node
+       error = 0;
+       okrate = badrate = fixedrate = 0;
+-      srs = &ic->ic_sup_rates[ieee80211_chan2mode(ni->ni_chan)];
++      srs = &ic->ic_sup_rates[ieee80211_chan2ratemode(ic->ic_curchan, -1)];
+       nrs = &ni->ni_rates;
+       fixedrate = IEEE80211_FIXED_RATE_NONE;
+       for (i = 0; i < nrs->rs_nrates;) {
+@@ -1401,6 +1401,7 @@ ieee80211_new_state(struct ieee80211vap 
+       IEEE80211_VAPS_UNLOCK_IRQ(ic);
+       return rc;
+ }
+ static int
+ __ieee80211_newstate(struct ieee80211vap *vap, enum ieee80211_state nstate, int arg)
+--- a/ath_rate/minstrel/minstrel.c
++++ b/ath_rate/minstrel/minstrel.c
+@@ -195,31 +195,7 @@ calc_usecs_unicast_packet(struct ath_sof
+                       return 0;
+               }
+-              /* XXX: Getting MAC/PHY level timings should be fixed for turbo
+-               * rates, and there is probably a way to get this from the
+-               * HAL... */
+-              switch (rt->info[rix].phy) {
+-              case IEEE80211_T_OFDM:
+-#if 0
+-                      t_slot = 9;
+-                      t_sifs = 16;
+-                      t_difs = 28;
+-                      /* fall through */
+-              case IEEE80211_T_TURBO:
+-                      t_slot = 9;
+-                      t_sifs = 8;
+-                      t_difs = 28;
+-                      break;
+-              case IEEE80211_T_DS:
+-                      /* Fall through to default */
+-              default:
+-                      /* pg. 205 ieee.802.11.pdf */
+-                      t_slot = 20;
+-                      t_difs = 50;
+-                      t_sifs = 10;
+-              }
++              ath_get_timings(sc, &t_slot, &t_sifs, &t_difs);
+               if ((ic->ic_flags & IEEE80211_F_USEPROT) &&
+               (rt->info[rix].phy == IEEE80211_T_OFDM)) {
+                       if (ic->ic_protmode == IEEE80211_PROT_RTSCTS)
+--- a/ath_rate/sample/sample.c
++++ b/ath_rate/sample/sample.c
+@@ -172,26 +172,7 @@ calc_usecs_unicast_packet(struct ath_sof
+        * rates, and there is probably a way to get this from the
+        * hal...
+        */
+-      switch (rt->info[rix].phy) {
+-      case IEEE80211_T_OFDM:
+-              t_slot = 9;
+-              t_sifs = 16;
+-              t_difs = 28;
+-              /* fall through */
+-      case IEEE80211_T_TURBO:
+-              t_slot = 9;
+-              t_sifs = 8;
+-              t_difs = 28;
+-              break;
+-      case IEEE80211_T_DS:
+-              /* fall through to default */
+-      default:
+-              /* pg 205 ieee.802.11.pdf */
+-              t_slot = 20;
+-              t_difs = 50;
+-              t_sifs = 10;
+-      }
++      ath_get_timings(sc, &t_slot, &t_sifs, &t_difs);
+       rts = cts = 0;
+       if ((ic->ic_flags & IEEE80211_F_USEPROT) &&
+--- a/net80211/ieee80211_wireless.c
++++ b/net80211/ieee80211_wireless.c
+@@ -2133,7 +2133,7 @@ ieee80211_ioctl_setmode(struct net_devic
+               vap->iv_des_mode = mode;
+               if (IS_UP_AUTO(vap))
+-                      ieee80211_new_state(vap, IEEE80211_S_SCAN, 0);
++                      ieee80211_init(vap->iv_dev, 0);
+               retv = 0;
+       }
+@@ -4081,46 +4081,60 @@ ieee80211_ioctl_getchanlist(struct net_d
+       return 0;
+ }
++static int alreadyListed(struct ieee80211req_chaninfo *chans, u_int16_t mhz)
++      int i;
++      for (i = 0; i < chans->ic_nchans; i++) {
++              if (chans->ic_chans[i].ic_freq == mhz)
++                      return 1;
++      }
++      return 0;
+ static int
+ ieee80211_ioctl_getchaninfo(struct net_device *dev,
+-      struct iw_request_info *info, void *w, char *extra)
++                          struct iw_request_info *info, void *w, char *extra)
+ {
+       struct ieee80211vap *vap = dev->priv;
+       struct ieee80211com *ic = vap->iv_ic;
+-      struct ieee80211req_chaninfo chans;
++      struct ieee80211req_chaninfo *chans =
++          (struct ieee80211req_chaninfo *)extra;
+       u_int8_t reported[IEEE80211_CHAN_BYTES];        /* XXX stack usage? */
+       int i;
+-      memset(&chans, 0, sizeof(chans));
+-      memset(&reported, 0, sizeof(reported));
++      memset(chans, 0, sizeof(*chans));
++      memset(reported, 0, sizeof(reported));
+       for (i = 0; i < ic->ic_nchans; i++) {
+               const struct ieee80211_channel *c = &ic->ic_channels[i];
+               const struct ieee80211_channel *c1 = c;
+-              if (isclr(reported, c->ic_ieee)) {
++              if (!alreadyListed(chans, c->ic_freq)) {
+                       setbit(reported, c->ic_ieee);
+-                      /* pick turbo channel over non-turbo channel, and
+-                       * 11g channel over 11b channel */
+                       if (IEEE80211_IS_CHAN_A(c))
+-                              c1 = findchannel(ic, c->ic_ieee, IEEE80211_MODE_TURBO_A);
++                              c1 = findchannel(ic, c->ic_freq,
++                                               IEEE80211_MODE_TURBO_A);
+                       if (IEEE80211_IS_CHAN_ANYG(c))
+-                              c1 = findchannel(ic, c->ic_ieee, IEEE80211_MODE_TURBO_G);
++                              c1 = findchannel(ic, c->ic_freq,
++                                               IEEE80211_MODE_TURBO_G);
+                       else if (IEEE80211_IS_CHAN_B(c)) {
+-                              c1 = findchannel(ic, c->ic_ieee, IEEE80211_MODE_TURBO_G);
++                              c1 = findchannel(ic, c->ic_freq,
++                                               IEEE80211_MODE_TURBO_G);
+                               if (!c1)
+-                                      c1 = findchannel(ic, c->ic_ieee, IEEE80211_MODE_11G);
++                                      c1 = findchannel(ic, c->ic_freq,
++                                                       IEEE80211_MODE_11G);
+                       }
+                       if (c1)
+                               c = c1;
+-                      /* Copy the entire structure, whereas it used to just copy a few fields */
+-                      memcpy(&chans.ic_chans[chans.ic_nchans], c, sizeof(struct ieee80211_channel));
+-                      if (++chans.ic_nchans >= IEEE80211_CHAN_MAX)
++                      chans->ic_chans[chans->ic_nchans].ic_ieee = c->ic_ieee;
++                      chans->ic_chans[chans->ic_nchans].ic_freq = c->ic_freq;
++                      chans->ic_chans[chans->ic_nchans].ic_flags = c->ic_flags;
++                      if (++chans->ic_nchans >= IEEE80211_CHAN_MAX)
+                               break;
+               }
+       }
+-      memcpy(extra, &chans, sizeof(struct ieee80211req_chaninfo));
+       return 0;
+ }
+--- a/net80211/ieee80211_scan_ap.c
++++ b/net80211/ieee80211_scan_ap.c
+@@ -518,12 +518,13 @@ pick_channel(struct ieee80211_scan_state
+       int ss_last = ss->ss_last;
+       struct ieee80211_channel *best;
+       struct ap_state *as = ss->ss_priv;
+-      struct channel chans[ss_last]; /* actually ss_last-1 is required */
++      struct channel *chans; /* actually ss_last-1 is required */
+       struct channel *c = NULL;
+       struct pc_params params = { vap, ss, flags };
+       int benefit = 0;
+       int sta_assoc = 0;
++      chans = (struct channel *)kmalloc(ss_last*sizeof(struct channel),GFP_ATOMIC);
+       for (i = 0; i < ss_last; i++) {
+               chans[i].chan = ss->ss_chans[i];
+               chans[i].orig = i;
+@@ -612,6 +613,7 @@ pick_channel(struct ieee80211_scan_state
+                               "%s: best: channel %u rssi %d\n",
+                               __func__, i, as->as_maxrssi[i]);
+       }
++      kfree(chans);
+       return best;
+ }
+@@ -647,6 +649,7 @@ ap_end(struct ieee80211_scan_state *ss, 
+               res = 1; /* Do NOT restart scan */
+       } else {
+               struct ieee80211_scan_entry se;
++              int i;
+               /* XXX: notify all VAPs? */
+               /* if this is a dynamic turbo frequency , start with normal 
+                * mode first */
+@@ -661,6 +664,11 @@ ap_end(struct ieee80211_scan_state *ss, 
+                               return 0;
+                       }
+               }
++              for (i = (bestchan - &ic->ic_channels[0])/sizeof(*bestchan) + 1; i < ic->ic_nchans; i++) {
++                      if ((ic->ic_channels[i].ic_freq == bestchan->ic_freq) &&
++                              IEEE80211_IS_CHAN_ANYG(&ic->ic_channels[i]))
++                              bestchan = &ic->ic_channels[i];
++              }
+               memset(&se, 0, sizeof(se));
+               se.se_chan = bestchan;
+--- a/tools/wlanconfig.c
++++ b/tools/wlanconfig.c
+@@ -737,7 +737,7 @@ list_channels(const char *ifname, int al
+       if (get80211priv(ifname, IEEE80211_IOCTL_GETCHANINFO, &chans, sizeof(chans)) < 0)
+               errx(1, "unable to get channel information");
+       if (!allchans) {
+-              uint8_t active[32];
++              uint8_t active[IEEE80211_CHAN_BYTES];
+               if (get80211priv(ifname, IEEE80211_IOCTL_GETCHANLIST, &active, sizeof(active)) < 0)
+                       errx(1, "unable to get active channel list");
+--- a/net80211/ieee80211_scan.c
++++ b/net80211/ieee80211_scan.c
+@@ -1044,6 +1044,7 @@ ieee80211_scan_assoc_fail(struct ieee802
+               ss->ss_ops->scan_assoc_fail(ss, mac, reason);
+       }
+ }
+ /*
+  * Iterate over the contents of the scan cache.
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