add SoC support to madwifi
authornbd <nbd@3c298f89-4303-0410-b956-a3cf2f4a3e73>
Sat, 16 Dec 2006 00:39:57 +0000 (00:39 +0000)
committernbd <nbd@3c298f89-4303-0410-b956-a3cf2f4a3e73>
Sat, 16 Dec 2006 00:39:57 +0000 (00:39 +0000)
git-svn-id: svn:// 3c298f89-4303-0410-b956-a3cf2f4a3e73

package/madwifi/patches/108-soc_init_r1714.patch [new file with mode: 0644]
package/madwifi/patches/109-soc_platform.patch [new file with mode: 0644]

index 8bd6bc1..7657f8d 100644 (file)
@@ -43,6 +43,7 @@ endif
 ifneq ($(CONFIG_LINUX_2_6_AR531X),)
+  HAL_TARGET:=ap51
 ifneq ($(CONFIG_LINUX_2_6_ARUBA),)
   BUS:=PCI AHB # no suitable HAL for AHB yet.
@@ -105,16 +106,20 @@ MADWIFI_MAKEOPTS= -C $(PKG_BUILD_DIR) \
 ifeq ($(findstring AHB,$(BUS)),AHB)
   define Build/Compile/ahb
-       $(MAKE) $(MADWIFI_MAKEOPTS) BUS="AHB" modules
+       $(MAKE) $(MADWIFI_MAKEOPTS) BUS="AHB" LDOPTS="--no-warn-mismatch" modules
 ifeq ($(findstring PCI,$(BUS)),PCI)
   define Build/Compile/pci
-       $(MAKE) $(MADWIFI_MAKEOPTS) BUS="PCI" modules
+       $(MAKE) $(MADWIFI_MAKEOPTS) BUS="PCI" LDOPTS="--no-warn-mismatch" modules
+define Build/Configure
+       $(SED) 's,-E[LB] ,,g' $(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/hal/public/*.inc
 define Build/Compile
        $(call Build/Compile/ahb)
        $(call Build/Compile/pci)
diff --git a/package/madwifi/patches/108-soc_init_r1714.patch b/package/madwifi/patches/108-soc_init_r1714.patch
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..a289c26
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,196 @@
+diff -ur madwifi.old/ath/if_ath_ahb.c
+--- madwifi.old/ath/if_ath_ahb.c       2006-12-16 00:56:39.000000000 +0100
++++       2006-12-16 00:57:08.000000000 +0100
+@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@
+ #include "if_athvar.h"
+ #include "ah_devid.h"
+ #include "if_ath_ahb.h"
++#include "ah_soc.h"
+ struct ath_ahb_softc {
+       struct ath_softc        aps_sc;
+@@ -176,6 +177,9 @@
+ int
+ ahb_enable_wmac(u_int16_t devid, u_int16_t wlanNum)
+ {
++      u_int32_t reset;
++      u_int32_t enable;
+       if ((devid & AR5315_REV_MAJ_M) == AR5315_REV_MAJ) {
+               u_int32_t reg;
+               u_int32_t *en = (u_int32_t *) AR5315_AHB_ARB_CTL;
+@@ -203,17 +207,32 @@
+               /* wait for the MAC to wakeup */
+               while (REG_READ(AR5315_PCI_MAC_PCICFG) & AR5315_PCI_MAC_PCICFG_SPWR_DN);
+       } else {
+-              u_int32_t *en = (u_int32_t *)AR531X_ENABLE;
+               switch (wlanNum) {
+               case AR531X_WLAN0_NUM:
+-                      *en |= AR531X_ENABLE_WLAN0;
++                      reset = (AR531X_RESET_WLAN0 |
++                              AR531X_RESET_WARM_WLAN0_MAC |
++                              AR531X_RESET_WARM_WLAN0_BB);
++                      enable = AR531X_ENABLE_WLAN0;
+                       break;
+               case AR531X_WLAN1_NUM:
+-                      *en |= AR531X_ENABLE_WLAN1;
++                      reset = (AR531X_RESET_WLAN1 |
++                              AR531X_RESET_WARM_WLAN1_MAC |
++                              AR531X_RESET_WARM_WLAN1_BB);
++                      enable = AR531X_ENABLE_WLAN1;
+                       break;
+               default:
+                       return -ENODEV;
+               }
++              /* reset the MAC or suffer lots of AHB PROC errors */
++              REG_WRITE(AR531X_RESETCTL, REG_READ(AR531X_RESETCTL) | reset);
++              mdelay(15);
++              /* take it out of reset */
++              REG_WRITE(AR531X_RESETCTL, REG_READ(AR531X_RESETCTL) & ~reset);
++              udelay(25);
++              /* enable it */
++              REG_WRITE(AR531X_ENABLE, REG_READ(AR531X_ENABLE) | enable);
+       }
+       return 0;
+ }
+@@ -221,6 +240,7 @@
+ int
+ ahb_disable_wmac(u_int16_t devid, u_int16_t wlanNum)
+ {
++      u_int32_t enable;
+       if ((devid & AR5315_REV_MAJ_M) == AR5315_REV_MAJ) {
+               u_int32_t *en = (u_int32_t *) AR5315_AHB_ARB_CTL;
+@@ -229,17 +249,17 @@
+               /* Enable Arbitration for WLAN */
+               *en &= ~AR5315_ARB_WLAN;
+       } else { 
+-              u_int32_t *en = (u_int32_t *)AR531X_ENABLE;
+               switch (wlanNum) {
+               case AR531X_WLAN0_NUM:
+-                      *en &= ~AR531X_ENABLE_WLAN0;
++                      enable = AR531X_ENABLE_WLAN0;
+                       break;
+               case AR531X_WLAN1_NUM:
+-                      *en &= ~AR531X_ENABLE_WLAN1;
++                      enable = AR531X_ENABLE_WLAN1;
+                       break;
+               default:
+                       return -ENODEV;
+               }
++              REG_WRITE(AR531X_ENABLE, REG_READ(AR531X_ENABLE) & ~enable);
+       }
+       return 0;
+ }
+@@ -326,13 +346,18 @@
+       }
+       dev->mem_end = dev->mem_start + AR531X_WLANX_LEN;
+       sc->aps_sc.sc_bdev = NULL;
+       if (request_irq(dev->irq, ath_intr, SA_SHIRQ, dev->name, dev)) {
+               printk(KERN_WARNING "%s: request_irq failed\n", dev->name);
+               goto bad3;
+       }
+-      if (ath_attach(devid, dev) != 0)
++      struct ar531x_config config;
++      config.board = ar5312_boardConfig;
++ = radioConfig;
++      config.unit = wlanNum;
++      config.tag = NULL;
++      if (ath_attach(devid, dev, &config) != 0)
+               goto bad4;
+       athname = ath_hal_probe(ATHEROS_VENDOR_ID, devid);
+       printk(KERN_INFO "%s: %s: mem=0x%lx, irq=%d\n",
+diff -ur madwifi.old/ath/if_ath_ahb.h
+--- madwifi.old/ath/if_ath_ahb.h       2006-12-16 00:56:39.000000000 +0100
++++       2006-12-16 00:57:08.000000000 +0100
+@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
+ #include <asm/io.h>
+ #include <asm/uaccess.h>
+ #define AR531X_WLAN0_NUM       0
+ #define AR531X_WLAN1_NUM       1
+@@ -70,9 +71,18 @@
+ #define AR531X_WLAN1          0xb8500000
+ #define AR531X_WLANX_LEN      0x000ffffc
++#define       AR531X_RESETCTL         0xbc003020
++#define       AR531X_RESET_WLAN0                      0x00000004      /* mac & bb */
++#define       AR531X_RESET_WLAN1                      0x00000200      /* mac & bb */
++#define       AR531X_RESET_WARM_WLAN0_MAC             0x00002000
++#define       AR531X_RESET_WARM_WLAN0_BB              0x00004000
++#define       AR531X_RESET_WARM_WLAN1_MAC             0x00020000
++#define       AR531X_RESET_WARM_WLAN1_BB              0x00040000
+ #define AR531X_ENABLE         0xbc003080
+-#define AR531X_ENABLE_WLAN1   0x8
+-#define AR531X_ENABLE_WLAN0   0x1
++#define       AR531X_ENABLE_WLAN0                     0x0001
++#define       AR531X_ENABLE_WLAN1                     0x0018  /* both DMA and PIO */
+ #define AR531X_RADIO_MASK_OFF 0xc8
+ #define AR531X_RADIO0_MASK    0x0003
+ #define AR531X_RADIO1_MASK    0x000c
+diff -ur madwifi.old/ath/if_ath.c
+--- madwifi.old/ath/if_ath.c   2006-12-16 00:56:39.000000000 +0100
++++   2006-12-16 00:57:08.000000000 +0100
+@@ -380,7 +380,7 @@
+       } while(0)
+ int
+-ath_attach(u_int16_t devid, struct net_device *dev)
++ath_attach(u_int16_t devid, struct net_device *dev, HAL_BUS_TAG tag)
+ {
+       struct ath_softc *sc = dev->priv;
+       struct ieee80211com *ic = &sc->sc_ic;
+@@ -421,7 +421,7 @@
+        * built with an ah.h that does not correspond to the hal
+        * module loaded in the kernel.
+        */
+-      ah = _ath_hal_attach(devid, sc, NULL, (void *) dev->mem_start, &status);
++      ah = _ath_hal_attach(devid, sc, tag, (void *) dev->mem_start, &status);
+       if (ah == NULL) {
+               printk(KERN_ERR "%s: unable to attach hardware: '%s' (HAL status %u)\n",
+                       dev->name, ath_get_hal_status_desc(status), status);
+diff -ur madwifi.old/ath/if_ath_pci.c
+--- madwifi.old/ath/if_ath_pci.c       2006-12-16 00:56:39.000000000 +0100
++++       2006-12-16 00:57:08.000000000 +0100
+@@ -218,7 +218,7 @@
+                       break;
+               }
+       }
+-      if (ath_attach(vdevice, dev) != 0)
++      if (ath_attach(vdevice, dev, NULL) != 0)
+               goto bad4;
+       athname = ath_hal_probe(id->vendor, vdevice);
+diff -ur madwifi.old/ath/if_athvar.h
+--- madwifi.old/ath/if_athvar.h        2006-12-16 00:56:39.000000000 +0100
++++        2006-12-16 00:57:08.000000000 +0100
+@@ -681,7 +681,7 @@
+ #define       ATH_LOCK(_sc)                   down(&(_sc)->sc_lock)
+ #define       ATH_UNLOCK(_sc)                 up(&(_sc)->sc_lock)
+-int ath_attach(u_int16_t, struct net_device *);
++int ath_attach(u_int16_t, struct net_device *, HAL_BUS_TAG);
+ int ath_detach(struct net_device *);
+ void ath_resume(struct net_device *);
+ void ath_suspend(struct net_device *);
+diff -ur madwifi.old/THANKS
+--- madwifi.old/THANKS 2006-12-16 00:56:39.000000000 +0100
++++ 2006-12-16 00:58:33.000000000 +0100
+@@ -102,6 +102,7 @@
+ Joe Parks
+ Pavel Novak
+ Wade Mealing
++Mats Hojlund
+ Apologies to anyone whose name was unintentionally left off.
+ Please let us know if you think your name should be mentioned here!
diff --git a/package/madwifi/patches/109-soc_platform.patch b/package/madwifi/patches/109-soc_platform.patch
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..d677c04
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,162 @@
+diff -ur madwifi.old/ath/if_ath_ahb.c
+--- madwifi.old/ath/if_ath_ahb.c       2006-12-16 00:57:08.000000000 +0100
++++       2006-12-16 01:29:38.000000000 +0100
+@@ -17,6 +17,9 @@
+ #include <linux/if.h>
+ #include <linux/netdevice.h>
+ #include <linux/cache.h>
++#include <linux/platform_device.h>
+ #include <asm/io.h>
+ #include <asm/uaccess.h>
+@@ -39,6 +42,7 @@
+ static struct ath_ahb_softc *sclist[2] = {NULL, NULL};
+ static u_int8_t num_activesc = 0;
+ static struct ar531x_boarddata *ar5312_boardConfig = NULL;
+ static char *radioConfig = NULL;
+@@ -136,6 +140,8 @@
+               data[i] = eepromAddr[off];
+ }
+ /* set bus cachesize in 4B word units */
+ void
+ bus_read_cachesize(struct ath_softc *sc, u_int8_t *csz)
+@@ -295,7 +301,7 @@
+ }
+ int
+-init_ath_wmac(u_int16_t devid, u_int16_t wlanNum)
++init_ath_wmac(u_int16_t devid, u_int16_t wlanNum, struct ar531x_config *config)
+ {
+       const char *athname;
+       struct net_device *dev;
+@@ -352,12 +358,7 @@
+               goto bad3;
+       }
+-      struct ar531x_config config;
+-      config.board = ar5312_boardConfig;
+- = radioConfig;
+-      config.unit = wlanNum;
+-      config.tag = NULL;
+-      if (ath_attach(devid, dev, &config) != 0)
++      if (ath_attach(devid, dev, config) != 0)
+               goto bad4;
+       athname = ath_hal_probe(ATHEROS_VENDOR_ID, devid);
+       printk(KERN_INFO "%s: %s: mem=0x%lx, irq=%d\n",
+@@ -379,13 +380,55 @@
+       return -ENODEV;
+ }
++static int ahb_wmac_probe(struct platform_device *pdev)
++      u32 devid;
++      struct ar531x_config *config;
++      config = (struct ar531x_config *) pdev->dev.platform_data;
++      devid = (u32) config->tag;
++      config->tag = NULL;
++      return init_ath_wmac((u_int16_t) devid, pdev->id, config);
++static int ahb_wmac_remove(struct platform_device *pdev)
++      exit_ath_wmac(pdev->id);
++      return 0;
++struct platform_driver ahb_wmac_driver = {
++ = "ar531x-wmac",
++      .probe = ahb_wmac_probe,
++      .remove = ahb_wmac_remove
+ int
+ init_ahb(void)
+ {
+       int ret;
+       u_int16_t devid, radioMask;
+       const char *sysType;
++      struct ar531x_config config;
+       sysType = get_system_type();
++      /* Probe to find out the silicon revision and enable the
++         correct number of macs */
++      if (!ar5312SetupFlash())
++              return -ENODEV;
++      config.board = ar5312_boardConfig;
++ = radioConfig;
++      config.unit = wlanNum;
++      config.tag = NULL;
+       if (!strcmp(sysType,"Atheros AR5315")) {
+               devid = (u_int16_t) (sysRegRead(AR5315_SREV) &
+                       (AR5315_REV_MAJ_M | AR5315_REV_MIN_M));
+@@ -393,10 +436,6 @@
+                       return init_ath_wmac(devid, 0);
+       }
+-      /* Probe to find out the silicon revision and enable the
+-         correct number of macs */
+-      if (!ar5312SetupFlash())
+-              return -ENODEV;
+       devid = (u_int16_t) ((sysRegRead(AR531X_REV) >>8) &
+               (AR531X_REV_MAJ | AR531X_REV_MIN));
+       switch (devid) {
+@@ -420,6 +459,7 @@
+       return 0;
+ }
+ /*
+  * Module glue.
+@@ -460,13 +500,19 @@
+ {
+       printk(KERN_INFO "%s: %s\n", dev_info, version);
++      platform_driver_register(&ahb_wmac_driver);
+       if (init_ahb() != 0) {
+               printk("ath_ahb: No devices found, driver not installed.\n");
+               return (-ENODEV);
+       }
+       ath_sysctl_register();
+ #endif
+       return 0;
+ }
+ module_init(init_ath_ahb);
+@@ -477,8 +523,13 @@
+       ath_sysctl_unregister();
+ #endif
++      platform_driver_register(&ahb_wmac_driver);
+       exit_ath_wmac(AR531X_WLAN0_NUM);
+       exit_ath_wmac(AR531X_WLAN1_NUM);
+       printk(KERN_INFO "%s: driver unloaded\n", dev_info);
+ }
This page took 0.035916 seconds and 4 git commands to generate.