+# Copyright (C) 2007 OpenWrt.org
+# This is free software, licensed under the GNU General Public License v2.
+# See /LICENSE for more information.
+define replace
+ if [ -f "$(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/$(3)$(1)" -a -e "$(2)/$(1)" ]; then \
+ rm -f $(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/$(3)$(1); \
+ ln -s $(2)/$(1) $(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/$(3); \
+ fi
+# replace copies of ltmain.sh with the build system's version
+update_libtool=$(call replace,libtool,$(STAGING_DIR)/host/bin,$(CONFIGURE_PATH)/)$(call replace,ltmain.sh,$(STAGING_DIR)/host/share/libtool,$(CONFIGURE_PATH)/)
+# prevent libtool from linking against host development libraries
+define libtool_fixup_libdir
+ find $(PKG_BUILD_DIR) -name '*.la' | $(XARGS) \
+ $(SED) "s,^libdir='/usr/lib',libdir='$(strip $(1))/usr/lib',g"
+ifneq ($(filter libtool,$(PKG_FIXUP)),)
+ PKG_BUILD_DEPENDS += libtool
+ Hooks/Configure/Pre += update_libtool
+ Hooks/Configure/Post += update_libtool
+ Hooks/Build/Post += libtool_fixup_libdir