echo "${hostname:-OpenWrt}" > /proc/sys/kernel/hostname
echo "${hostname:-OpenWrt}" > /proc/sys/kernel/hostname
+apply_uci_config() {(
+ include /lib/config
+ uci_apply_defaults
start() {
[ -f /proc/mounts ] || /sbin/mount_root
[ -f /proc/jffs2_bbc ] && echo "S" > /proc/jffs2_bbc
vconfig set_name_type DEV_PLUS_VID_NO_PAD
start() {
[ -f /proc/mounts ] || /sbin/mount_root
[ -f /proc/jffs2_bbc ] && echo "S" > /proc/jffs2_bbc
vconfig set_name_type DEV_PLUS_VID_NO_PAD
config_load system
config_foreach system_config system
config_load system
config_foreach system_config system
ln -s /tmp/ /tmp/resolv.conf
[ "$FAILSAFE" = "true" ] && touch /tmp/.failsafe
ln -s /tmp/ /tmp/resolv.conf
[ "$FAILSAFE" = "true" ] && touch /tmp/.failsafe
+ /sbin/hotplug2 --persistent --max-children 1 &
# the coldplugging of network interfaces needs to happen later, so we do it manually here
for iface in $(awk -F: '/:/ {print $1}' /proc/net/dev); do
/usr/bin/env -i ACTION=add INTERFACE="$iface" /sbin/hotplug-call net
# the coldplugging of network interfaces needs to happen later, so we do it manually here
for iface in $(awk -F: '/:/ {print $1}' /proc/net/dev); do
/usr/bin/env -i ACTION=add INTERFACE="$iface" /sbin/hotplug-call net
- /sbin/hotplug2 --persistent --max-children 1 &
# create /dev/root if it doesn't exist
[ -e /dev/root ] || {
# create /dev/root if it doesn't exist
[ -e /dev/root ] || {
+++ /dev/null
-#!/bin/sh /etc/rc.common
-# Copyright (C) 2006
-start() {
- include /lib/config
- uci_apply_defaults