[package] openssl: update OCF userspace part to version 20100325
authorjow <jow@3c298f89-4303-0410-b956-a3cf2f4a3e73>
Tue, 4 May 2010 21:02:24 +0000 (21:02 +0000)
committerjow <jow@3c298f89-4303-0410-b956-a3cf2f4a3e73>
Tue, 4 May 2010 21:02:24 +0000 (21:02 +0000)
git-svn-id: svn://svn.openwrt.org/openwrt/trunk@21359 3c298f89-4303-0410-b956-a3cf2f4a3e73

package/openssl/patches/200-ocf-20080917.patch [deleted file]
package/openssl/patches/200-ocf-20100325.patch [new file with mode: 0644]

index bdeb897..f0bcd1d 100644 (file)
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ include $(TOPDIR)/rules.mk
 PKG_SOURCE_URL:=http://www.openssl.org/source/ \
diff --git a/package/openssl/patches/200-ocf-20080917.patch b/package/openssl/patches/200-ocf-20080917.patch
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 2c6c04a..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1309 +0,0 @@
---- a/Configure
-+++ b/Configure
-@@ -36,6 +36,8 @@ my $usage="Usage: Configure [no-<cipher>
- #             (Default: KRB5_DIR/include)
- # --with-krb5-flavor  Declare what flavor of Kerberos 5 is used.  Currently
- #             supported values are "MIT" and "Heimdal".  A value is required.
-+# --with-cryptodev Force support for cryptodev (ie., ocf-linux)
-+# --with-cryptodev-digests Force support for cryptodev digests (generally slow)
- #
- # --test-sanity Make a number of sanity checks on the data in this file.
- #               This is a debugging tool for OpenSSL developers.
-@@ -554,6 +556,9 @@ my %table=(
- ##### Compaq Non-Stop Kernel (Tandem)
-+# uClinux
-+"uClinux-dist","$ENV{'CC'}:\$(CFLAGS)::-D_REENTRANT::\$(LDFLAGS) \$(LDLIBS):BN_LLONG::::::::::::\$(LIBSSL_dlfcn):linux-shared:-fPIC:-shared:.so.\$(SHLIB_MAJOR).\$(SHLIB_MINOR):$ENV{'RANLIB'}",
- );
- my @MK1MF_Builds=qw(VC-WIN64I VC-WIN64A
-@@ -610,6 +615,8 @@ my $montasm=1;   # but "no-montasm" is d
- my $no_asm=0;
- my $no_dso=0;
- my $no_gmp=0;
-+my $have_cryptodev=0;
-+my $use_cryptodev_digests=0;
- my @skip=();
- my $Makefile="Makefile";
- my $des_locl="crypto/des/des_locl.h";
-@@ -762,6 +769,14 @@ PROCESS_ARGS:
-                       {
-                       $strict_warnings = 1;
-                       }
-+              elsif (/^--with-cryptodev$/)
-+                      {
-+                              $have_cryptodev = 1;
-+                      }
-+              elsif (/^--with-cryptodev-digests$/)
-+                      {
-+                              $use_cryptodev_digests = 1;
-+                      }
-               elsif (/^reconfigure/ || /^reconf/)
-                       {
-                       if (open(IN,"<$Makefile"))
-@@ -1055,6 +1070,7 @@ foreach (sort (keys %disabled))
-                       print " OPENSSL_NO_$ALGO";
-                       if (/^err$/)    { $flags .= "-DOPENSSL_NO_ERR "; }
-+                      elsif (/^hw$/)  { $flags .= "-DOPENSSL_NO_HW "; }
-                       elsif (/^asm$/) { $no_asm = 1; }
-                       }
-               else
-@@ -1184,6 +1200,16 @@ if (!$no_krb5)
-                  $withargs{"krb5-dir"} ne "";
-       }
-+# enable the linux cryptodev (ocf-linux) support
-+if ($have_cryptodev)
-+      {
-+      if ($use_cryptodev_digests)
-+              {
-+              $cflags = "-DUSE_CRYPTODEV_DIGESTS $cflags";
-+              }
-+      $cflags = "-DHAVE_CRYPTODEV $cflags";
-+      }
- # The DSO code currently always implements all functions so that no
- # applications will have to worry about that from a compilation point
- # of view. However, the "method"s may return zero unless that platform
---- a/INSTALL
-+++ b/INSTALL
-@@ -103,6 +103,12 @@
-                 define preprocessor symbols, specify additional libraries,
-                 library directories or other compiler options.
-+  --with-cryptodev Enabled the BSD cryptodev engine even if we are not using
-+              BSD.  Useful if you are running ocf-linux or something
-+              similar.  Once enabled you can also enable the use of
-+              cryptodev digests,  with is usually slower unless you have
-+              large amounts data.  Use --with-cryptodev-digests to force
-+              it.
-  Installation in Detail
-  ----------------------
---- a/Makefile.org
-+++ b/Makefile.org
-@@ -504,7 +504,7 @@ files:
- links:
-       @$(PERL) $(TOP)/util/mkdir-p.pl include/openssl
--      @$(PERL) $(TOP)/util/mklink.pl include/openssl $(EXHEADER)
-+      @$(PERL) $(TOP)/util/mklink.pl include/openssl $(HEADER) $(EXHEADER)
-       @set -e; target=links; $(RECURSIVE_BUILD_CMD)
-       @if [ -z "$(FIPSCANLIB)" ]; then \
-               set -e; target=links; dir=fips ; $(BUILD_CMD) ; \
---- a/Makefile.shared
-+++ b/Makefile.shared
-@@ -6,13 +6,13 @@
- # properly
- # CC contains the current compiler.  This one MUST be defined
- # LDFLAGS contains flags to be used when temporary object files (when building
- # shared libraries) are created, or when an application is linked.
- # SHARED_LDFLAGS contains flags to be used when the shared library is created.
- # LIBNAME contains just the name of the library, without prefix ("lib"
- # on Unix, "cyg" for certain forms under Cygwin...) or suffix (.a, .so,
---- a/config
-+++ b/config
-@@ -270,7 +270,7 @@ case "${SYSTEM}:${RELEASE}:${VERSION}:${
-               echo "ppc-apple-darwin${VERSION}"
-               ;;
-           *)
--              echo "i386-apple-darwin${VERSION}"
-+              echo "${MACHINE}-apple-darwin${VERSION}"
-               ;;
-       esac
-       exit 0
-@@ -399,7 +399,8 @@ exit 0
- # this is where the translation occurs into SSLeay terms
- # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
--GCCVER=`(gcc -dumpversion) 2>/dev/null`
-+GCCVER=`(${CC} -dumpversion) 2>/dev/null`
- if [ "$GCCVER" != "" ]; then
-   # then strip off whatever prefix egcs prepends the number with...
-   # Hopefully, this will work for any future prefixes as well.
-@@ -409,6 +410,8 @@ if [ "$GCCVER" != "" ]; then
-   # major and minor version numbers.
-   # peak single digit before and after first dot, e.g. 2.95.1 gives 29
-   GCCVER=`echo $GCCVER | sed 's/\([0-9]\)\.\([0-9]\).*/\1\2/'`
-+  CC="${CC:-cc}"
- fi
- # Only set CC if not supplied already
-@@ -488,6 +491,9 @@ echo Operating system: $GUESSOS
- # script above so we end up with values in vars but that would take
- # more time that I want to waste at the moment
- case "$GUESSOS" in
-+  uClinux*)
-+    OUT=uClinux-dist
-+      ;;
-   mips2-sgi-irix)
-       CPU=`(hinv -t cpu) 2>/dev/null | head -1 | sed 's/^CPU:[^R]*R\([0-9]*\).*/\1/'`
-       CPU=${CPU:-0}
---- /dev/null
-+++ b/makefile-uclinuxdist
-@@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
-+# this makefile gets recursed through by various bits of the build
-+# so we need to only setup some things when invoked from outside
-+# this directory.
-+# davidm@snapgear.com
-+IN_LIBSSL := true
-+export IN_LIBSSL
-+CONFIG_OPTS  := --prefix=// --install_prefix=$(shell pwd)/build/install
-+CONFIG_OPTS += --openssldir=/etc/config
-+CONFIG_OPTS += --openssldir=/etc
-+CONFIG_OPTS += no-shared
-+CONFIG_OPTS += shared
-+CONFIG_OPTS += no-rc2
-+CONFIG_OPTS += no-krb5
-+CONFIG_OPTS += no-rc5
-+CONFIG_OPTS += no-md2
-+CONFIG_OPTS += no-idea
-+#CONFIG_OPTS += no-pem
-+#CONFIG_OPTS += no-md5
-+#CONFIG_OPTS += no-sha
-+#CONFIG_OPTS += no-hmac
-+#CONFIG_OPTS += no-des
-+#CONFIG_OPTS += no-aes
-+#CONFIG_OPTS += no-bn
-+CONFIG_OPTS += no-ec
-+#CONFIG_OPTS += no-rsa
-+#CONFIG_OPTS += no-dsa
-+CONFIG_OPTS += no-ecdsa
-+#CONFIG_OPTS += no-dh
-+CONFIG_OPTS += no-ecdh
-+CONFIG_OPTS += no-dso
-+#CONFIG_OPTS += no-engine
-+#CONFIG_OPTS += no-buffer
-+#CONFIG_OPTS += no-bio
-+#CONFIG_OPTS += no-stack
-+#CONFIG_OPTS += no-lhash
-+#CONFIG_OPTS += no-rand
-+CONFIG_OPTS += no-err
-+#CONFIG_OPTS += no-evp
-+#CONFIG_OPTS += no-asn1
-+#CONFIG_OPTS += no-x509
-+#CONFIG_OPTS += no-x509v3
-+#CONFIG_OPTS += no-txt_db
-+#CONFIG_OPTS += no-pkcs7
-+#CONFIG_OPTS += no-pkcs12
-+#CONFIG_OPTS += no-comp
-+#CONFIG_OPTS += no-ocsp
-+#CONFIG_OPTS += no-ui
-+#CONFIG_OPTS += no-store
-+CONFIG_OPTS += no-pqueue
-+# REVISIT: It would be better to have OPENSSL config options
-+# which turn on this support as needed
-+CONFIG_OPTS += no-ripemd
-+CONFIG_OPTS += no-cast
-+CONFIG_OPTS += no-rc4
-+CONFIG_OPTS += no-bf
-+CONFIG_OPTS += no-md4
-+CONFIG_OPTS += --with-cryptodev
-+#CONFIG_OPTS += --with-cryptodev-digests
-+# if you want engines (they are dl loaded),  a few things
-+# need to be setup,  you will also need to mod everything
-+# to link against -ldl if it uses libcrypto.  By default we
-+# disable it (cryptodev suport is still included).
-+LIBSSL_dlfcn = dlfcn
-+CONFIG_OPTS += no-hw
-+LIBSSL_dlfcn =
-+# our libs aren't in the default location yet
-+LDFLAGS += -L$(ROOTDIR)/lib/libssl/build
-+export LDFLAGS
-+all: build/configured
-+      $(MAKE) -C build
-+      $(MAKE) -C build install_sw
-+build/configured: makefile config Configure
-+      rm -rf build
-+      find . -type d > .dirs
-+      find . ! -type d | grep -v ./makefile > .files
-+      while read t; do mkdir -p build/$$t; done < .dirs
-+      while read t; do ln -s `pwd`/$$t build/$$t; done < .files
-+      rm -f .dirs .files
-+      chmod +x build/config
-+      cd build; MACHINE=uClinux-dist ./config $(CONFIG_OPTS)
-+      $(MAKE) -C build depend
-+      $(MAKE) -C build links
-+      touch build/configured
-+      -rm -rf build
-+      cd build/install/lib; \
-+      for i in *.so*; do \
-+              if [ -L $$i ]; then \
-+                      $(ROMFSINST) -s `find $$i -printf %l` /lib/$$i; \
-+              elif [ -f $$i ]; then \
-+                      $(ROMFSINST) /lib/$$i; \
-+              fi; \
-+      done
-+      $(ROMFSINST) -e CONFIG_USER_OPENSSL_APPS build/install/bin/openssl /bin/openssl
-+      # $(ROMFSINST) -e CONFIG_USER_OPENSSL_APPS build/install/bin/c_rehash /bin/c_rehash
---- a/apps/apps.h
-+++ b/apps/apps.h
-@@ -112,7 +112,7 @@
- #ifndef HEADER_APPS_H
- #define HEADER_APPS_H
--#include "e_os.h"
-+#include <openssl/e_os.h>
- #include <openssl/bio.h>
- #include <openssl/x509.h>
---- a/apps/progs.h
-+++ b/apps/progs.h
-@@ -129,7 +129,9 @@ FUNCTION functions[] = {
-       {FUNC_TYPE_GENERAL,"engine",engine_main},
- #endif
-       {FUNC_TYPE_GENERAL,"ocsp",ocsp_main},
-       {FUNC_TYPE_GENERAL,"prime",prime_main},
- #ifndef OPENSSL_NO_MD2
-       {FUNC_TYPE_MD,"md2",dgst_main},
---- a/apps/speed.c
-+++ b/apps/speed.c
-@@ -296,7 +296,7 @@ static const char *names[ALGOR_NUM]={
-   "evp","sha256","sha512",
-   "aes-128 ige","aes-192 ige","aes-256 ige"};
- static double results[ALGOR_NUM][SIZE_NUM];
--static int lengths[SIZE_NUM]={16,64,256,1024,8*1024};
-+static int lengths[SIZE_NUM]={16,64,256,1024,2*1024,4*1024};
- #ifndef OPENSSL_NO_RSA
- static double rsa_results[RSA_NUM][2];
- #endif
-@@ -336,6 +336,79 @@ static SIGRETTYPE sig_done(int sig)
- #define START 0
- #define STOP  1
-+#ifdef __linux__
-+ * record CPU usage as well
-+ */
-+static int do_cpu = 0;
-+struct cpu_stat {
-+      unsigned int    user;
-+      unsigned int    nice;
-+      unsigned int    system;
-+      unsigned int    idle;
-+      unsigned int    total;
-+static unsigned int cpu_usage[ALGOR_NUM][SIZE_NUM];
-+static unsigned int rsa_cpu_usage[RSA_NUM][2];
-+static unsigned int dsa_cpu_usage[DSA_NUM][2];
-+static struct cpu_stat cpu_start, cpu_finish;
-+static void
-+get_cpu(int s)
-+      FILE *fp = NULL;
-+      unsigned char   buf[80];
-+      struct cpu_stat *st = s == START ? &cpu_start : &cpu_finish;
-+      memset(st, 0, sizeof(*st));
-+      if (fp == NULL)
-+              fp = fopen("/proc/stat", "r");
-+      if (!fp)
-+              return;
-+      if (fseek(fp, 0, SEEK_SET) == -1) {
-+              fclose(fp);
-+              return;
-+      }
-+      fscanf(fp, "%s %d %d %d %d", &buf[0], &st->user, &st->nice,
-+              &st->system, &st->idle);
-+      st->total = st->user + st->nice + st->system + st->idle;
-+      fclose(fp);
-+static unsigned int
-+      unsigned int total, res;
-+      total  = cpu_finish.total - cpu_start.total;
-+      if (total <= 0)
-+              return 0;
-+#if 1 // busy
-+      res   = ((cpu_finish.system + cpu_finish.user + cpu_finish.nice) -
-+                       (cpu_start.system + cpu_start.user + cpu_start.nice)) *
-+                       100 / total;
-+#if 0 // system
-+      res   = (cpu_finish.system - cpu_start.system) * 100 / total;
-+#if 0 // user
-+      res   = (cpu_finish.user   - cpu_start.user)   * 100 / total;
-+#if 0 // nice
-+      res   = (cpu_finish.nice   - cpu_start.nice)   * 100 / total;
-+#if 0 // idle
-+      res   = (cpu_finish.idle   - cpu_start.idle)   * 100 / total;
-+      return(res);
- #if defined(OPENSSL_SYS_NETWARE)
-    /* for NetWare the best we can do is use clock() which returns the
-@@ -366,6 +439,11 @@ static double Time_F(int s)
-       {
-       double ret;
-+#ifdef __linux__
-+      if (do_cpu)
-+              get_cpu(s);
- #ifdef USE_TOD
-       if(usertime)
-               {
-@@ -840,6 +918,14 @@ int MAIN(int argc, char **argv)
-                       j--;    /* Otherwise, -elapsed gets confused with
-                                  an algorithm. */
-                       }
-+#ifdef __linux__
-+              else if ((argc > 0) && (strcmp(*argv,"-cpu") == 0))
-+                      {
-+                      do_cpu = 1;
-+                      j--;    /* Otherwise, -cpu gets confused with
-+                                 an algorithm. */
-+                      }
-               else if ((argc > 0) && (strcmp(*argv,"-evp") == 0))
-                       {
-                       argc--;
-@@ -1268,6 +1354,9 @@ int MAIN(int argc, char **argv)
- #ifndef NO_FORK
-                       BIO_printf(bio_err,"-multi n        run n benchmarks in parallel.\n");
- #endif
-+#ifdef __linux__
-+                      BIO_printf(bio_err,"-cpu            calculate cpu utilisation.\n");
-                       goto end;
-                       }
-               argc--;
-@@ -1275,11 +1364,6 @@ int MAIN(int argc, char **argv)
-               j++;
-               }
--#ifndef NO_FORK
--      if(multi && do_multi(multi))
--              goto show_res;
-       if (j == 0)
-               {
-               for (i=0; i<ALGOR_NUM; i++)
-@@ -1612,6 +1696,11 @@ int MAIN(int argc, char **argv)
-       signal(SIGALRM,sig_done);
- #endif /* SIGALRM */
-+#ifdef HAVE_FORK /* DM */
-+      if(multi && do_multi(multi))
-+              goto show_res;
- #ifndef OPENSSL_NO_MD2
-       if (doit[D_MD2])
-               {
-@@ -2041,8 +2130,6 @@ int MAIN(int argc, char **argv)
-                               /* -O3 -fschedule-insns messes up an
-                                * optimization here!  names[D_EVP]
-                                * somehow becomes NULL */
--                              print_message(names[D_EVP],save_count,
--                                      lengths[j]);
-                               EVP_CIPHER_CTX_init(&ctx);
-                               if(decrypt)
-@@ -2051,6 +2138,9 @@ int MAIN(int argc, char **argv)
-                                       EVP_EncryptInit_ex(&ctx,evp_cipher,NULL,key16,iv);
-                               EVP_CIPHER_CTX_set_padding(&ctx, 0);
-+                              print_message(names[D_EVP],save_count,
-+                                      lengths[j]);
-                               Time_F(START);
-                               if(decrypt)
-                                       for (count=0,run=1; COND(save_count*4*lengths[0]/lengths[j]); count++)
-@@ -2115,6 +2205,8 @@ int MAIN(int argc, char **argv)
-                                       }
-                               }
-                       d=Time_F(STOP);
-+                      if (do_cpu)
-+                              rsa_cpu_usage[j][0] = calc_cpu();
-                       BIO_printf(bio_err,mr ? "+R1:%ld:%d:%.2f\n"
-                                  : "%ld %d bit private RSA's in %.2fs\n",
-                                  count,rsa_bits[j],d);
-@@ -2150,6 +2242,8 @@ int MAIN(int argc, char **argv)
-                                       }
-                               }
-                       d=Time_F(STOP);
-+                      if (do_cpu)
-+                              rsa_cpu_usage[j][1] = calc_cpu();
-                       BIO_printf(bio_err,mr ? "+R2:%ld:%d:%.2f\n"
-                                  : "%ld %d bit public RSA's in %.2fs\n",
-                                  count,rsa_bits[j],d);
-@@ -2209,6 +2303,8 @@ int MAIN(int argc, char **argv)
-                                       }
-                               }
-                       d=Time_F(STOP);
-+                      if (do_cpu)
-+                              dsa_cpu_usage[j][0] = calc_cpu();
-                       BIO_printf(bio_err,mr ? "+R3:%ld:%d:%.2f\n"
-                                  : "%ld %d bit DSA signs in %.2fs\n",
-                                  count,dsa_bits[j],d);
-@@ -2244,6 +2340,8 @@ int MAIN(int argc, char **argv)
-                                       }
-                               }
-                       d=Time_F(STOP);
-+                      if (do_cpu)
-+                              dsa_cpu_usage[j][1] = calc_cpu();
-                       BIO_printf(bio_err,mr ? "+R4:%ld:%d:%.2f\n"
-                                  : "%ld %d bit DSA verify in %.2fs\n",
-                                  count,dsa_bits[j],d);
-@@ -2538,14 +2636,23 @@ show_res:
-                       fprintf(stdout,"The 'numbers' are in 1000s of bytes per second processed.\n"); 
-                       fprintf(stdout,"type        ");
-                       }
--              for (j=0;  j<SIZE_NUM; j++)
-+              for (j=0;  j<SIZE_NUM; j++) {
-                       fprintf(stdout,mr ? ":%d" : "%7d bytes",lengths[j]);
-+                      if (do_cpu && !mr)
-+                              fprintf(stdout, " /cpu");
-+              }
-               fprintf(stdout,"\n");
-               }
-       for (k=0; k<ALGOR_NUM; k++)
-               {
-               if (!doit[k]) continue;
-+              if (k == D_EVP) {
-+                      if (evp_cipher)
-+                              names[D_EVP]=OBJ_nid2ln(evp_cipher->nid);
-+                      else
-+                              names[D_EVP]=OBJ_nid2ln(evp_md->type);
-+              }
-               if(mr)
-                       fprintf(stdout,"+F:%d:%s",k,names[k]);
-               else
-@@ -2556,6 +2663,8 @@ show_res:
-                               fprintf(stdout," %11.2fk",results[k][j]/1e3);
-                       else
-                               fprintf(stdout,mr ? ":%.2f" : " %11.2f ",results[k][j]);
-+                      if (do_cpu)
-+                              fprintf(stdout, mr ? "/%d" : "/%%%-3d", cpu_usage[k][j]);
-                       }
-               fprintf(stdout,"\n");
-               }
-@@ -2570,13 +2679,18 @@ show_res:
-                       j=0;
-                       }
-               if(mr)
--                      fprintf(stdout,"+F2:%u:%u:%f:%f\n",
--                              k,rsa_bits[k],rsa_results[k][0],
--                              rsa_results[k][1]);
--              else
--                      fprintf(stdout,"rsa %4u bits %8.6fs %8.6fs %8.1f %8.1f\n",
--                              rsa_bits[k],rsa_results[k][0],rsa_results[k][1],
--                              1.0/rsa_results[k][0],1.0/rsa_results[k][1]);
-+                      fprintf(stdout,"+F2:%u:%u:%f", k,rsa_bits[k],rsa_results[k][0]);
-+              else
-+                      fprintf(stdout,"rsa %4u bits %8.6fs",rsa_bits[k],rsa_results[k][0]);
-+              if (do_cpu)
-+                      fprintf(stdout, mr ? "/%d": "/%%%-3d", rsa_cpu_usage[k][0]);
-+              fprintf(stdout, mr ? ":%f" : " %8.6fs", rsa_results[k][1]);
-+              if (do_cpu)
-+                      fprintf(stdout, mr ? "/%d": "/%%%-3d", rsa_cpu_usage[k][1]);
-+              if(!mr)
-+                      fprintf(stdout, " %8.1f %8.1f",
-+                                      1.0/rsa_results[k][0],1.0/rsa_results[k][1]);
-+              fprintf(stdout, "\n");
-               }
- #endif
- #ifndef OPENSSL_NO_DSA
-@@ -2590,12 +2704,18 @@ show_res:
-                       j=0;
-                       }
-               if(mr)
--                      fprintf(stdout,"+F3:%u:%u:%f:%f\n",
--                              k,dsa_bits[k],dsa_results[k][0],dsa_results[k][1]);
-+                      fprintf(stdout,"+F3:%u:%u:%f", k,dsa_bits[k],dsa_results[k][0]);
-               else
--                      fprintf(stdout,"dsa %4u bits %8.6fs %8.6fs %8.1f %8.1f\n",
--                              dsa_bits[k],dsa_results[k][0],dsa_results[k][1],
--                              1.0/dsa_results[k][0],1.0/dsa_results[k][1]);
-+                      fprintf(stdout,"dsa %4u bits %8.6fs",dsa_bits[k],dsa_results[k][0]);
-+              if (do_cpu)
-+                      fprintf(stdout, mr ? "/%d": "/%%%-3d", dsa_cpu_usage[k][0]);
-+              fprintf(stdout, mr ? ":%f" : " %8.6fs", dsa_results[k][1]);
-+              if (do_cpu)
-+                      fprintf(stdout, mr ? "/%d": "/%%%-3d", dsa_cpu_usage[k][1]);
-+              if(!mr)
-+                      fprintf(stdout, " %8.1f %8.1f",
-+                                      1.0/dsa_results[k][0],1.0/dsa_results[k][1]);
-+              fprintf(stdout, "\n");
-               }
- #endif
-@@ -2720,8 +2840,10 @@ static void pkey_print_message(const cha
- static void print_result(int alg,int run_no,int count,double time_used)
-       {
--      BIO_printf(bio_err,mr ? "+R:%d:%s:%f\n"
--                 : "%d %s's in %.2fs\n",count,names[alg],time_used);
-+      if (do_cpu)
-+          cpu_usage[alg][run_no] = calc_cpu();
-+      BIO_printf(bio_err,mr ? "+R:%ld:%s:%f\n"
-+                 : "%ld %s's in %.2fs\n",count,names[alg],time_used);
-       results[alg][run_no]=((double)count)/time_used*lengths[run_no];
-       }
-@@ -2816,29 +2938,11 @@ static int do_multi(int multi)
-                               p=buf+3;
-                               alg=atoi(sstrsep(&p,sep));
-                               sstrsep(&p,sep);
--                              for(j=0 ; j < SIZE_NUM ; ++j)
-+                              for(j=0 ; j < SIZE_NUM ; ++j) {
-+                                      if (do_cpu && strchr(p, '/'))
-+                                              cpu_usage[alg][j] = atoi(strchr(p, '/') + 1);
-                                       results[alg][j]+=atof(sstrsep(&p,sep));
-                               }
--                      else if(!strncmp(buf,"+F2:",4))
--                              {
--                              int k;
--                              double d;
--                              p=buf+4;
--                              k=atoi(sstrsep(&p,sep));
--                              sstrsep(&p,sep);
--                              d=atof(sstrsep(&p,sep));
--                              if(n)
--                                      rsa_results[k][0]=1/(1/rsa_results[k][0]+1/d);
--                              else
--                                      rsa_results[k][0]=d;
--                              d=atof(sstrsep(&p,sep));
--                              if(n)
--                                      rsa_results[k][1]=1/(1/rsa_results[k][1]+1/d);
--                              else
--                                      rsa_results[k][1]=d;
-                               }
-                       else if(!strncmp(buf,"+F2:",4))
-                               {
-@@ -2849,12 +2953,18 @@ static int do_multi(int multi)
-                               k=atoi(sstrsep(&p,sep));
-                               sstrsep(&p,sep);
-+                              /* before we move the token along */
-+                              if (do_cpu && strchr(p, '/'))
-+                                      rsa_cpu_usage[k][0] = atoi(strchr(p, '/') + 1);
-                               d=atof(sstrsep(&p,sep));
-                               if(n)
-                                       rsa_results[k][0]=1/(1/rsa_results[k][0]+1/d);
-                               else
-                                       rsa_results[k][0]=d;
-+                              /* before we move the token along */
-+                              if (do_cpu && strchr(p, '/'))
-+                                      rsa_cpu_usage[k][1] = atoi(strchr(p, '/') + 1);
-                               d=atof(sstrsep(&p,sep));
-                               if(n)
-                                       rsa_results[k][1]=1/(1/rsa_results[k][1]+1/d);
-@@ -2870,12 +2980,18 @@ static int do_multi(int multi)
-                               k=atoi(sstrsep(&p,sep));
-                               sstrsep(&p,sep);
-+                              /* before we move the token along */
-+                              if (do_cpu && strchr(p, '/'))
-+                                      dsa_cpu_usage[k][0] = atoi(strchr(p, '/') + 1);
-                               d=atof(sstrsep(&p,sep));
-                               if(n)
-                                       dsa_results[k][0]=1/(1/dsa_results[k][0]+1/d);
-                               else
-                                       dsa_results[k][0]=d;
-+                              /* before we move the token along */
-+                              if (do_cpu && strchr(p, '/'))
-+                                      dsa_cpu_usage[k][1] = atoi(strchr(p, '/') + 1);
-                               d=atof(sstrsep(&p,sep));
-                               if(n)
-                                       dsa_results[k][1]=1/(1/dsa_results[k][1]+1/d);
---- a/crypto/cryptlib.h
-+++ b/crypto/cryptlib.h
-@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <string.h>
--#include "e_os.h"
-+#include <openssl/e_os.h>
- #define BIO_FLAGS_UPLINK 0x8000
---- a/crypto/engine/eng_all.c
-+++ b/crypto/engine/eng_all.c
-@@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ void ENGINE_load_builtin_engines(void)
- #endif
- #endif
- #ifndef OPENSSL_NO_HW
--#if defined(__OpenBSD__) || defined(__FreeBSD__)
-+#if defined(__OpenBSD__) || defined(__FreeBSD__) || defined(HAVE_CRYPTODEV)
-       ENGINE_load_cryptodev();
- #endif
- #if defined(OPENSSL_SYS_WIN32) && !defined(OPENSSL_NO_CAPIENG)
-@@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ void ENGINE_load_builtin_engines(void)
- #endif
-       }
--#if defined(__OpenBSD__) || defined(__FreeBSD__)
-+#if defined(__OpenBSD__) || defined(__FreeBSD__) || defined(HAVE_CRYPTODEV)
- void ENGINE_setup_bsd_cryptodev(void) {
-       static int bsd_cryptodev_default_loaded = 0;
-       if (!bsd_cryptodev_default_loaded) {
---- a/crypto/engine/eng_cryptodev.c
-+++ b/crypto/engine/eng_cryptodev.c
-@@ -72,6 +72,16 @@ ENGINE_load_cryptodev(void)
- struct dev_crypto_state {
-       struct session_op d_sess;
-       int d_fd;
-+      char dummy_mac_key[20];
-+      unsigned char digest_res[20];
-+      char *mac_data;
-+      int mac_len;
-+      int copy;
- };
- static u_int32_t cryptodev_asymfeat = 0;
-@@ -79,9 +89,11 @@ static u_int32_t cryptodev_asymfeat = 0;
- static int get_asym_dev_crypto(void);
- static int open_dev_crypto(void);
- static int get_dev_crypto(void);
-+#if 0
- static int cryptodev_max_iv(int cipher);
- static int cryptodev_key_length_valid(int cipher, int len);
- static int cipher_nid_to_cryptodev(int nid);
- static int get_cryptodev_ciphers(const int **cnids);
- /*static int get_cryptodev_digests(const int **cnids);*/
- static int cryptodev_usable_ciphers(const int **nids);
-@@ -134,9 +146,12 @@ static struct {
-       int     ivmax;
-       int     keylen;
- } ciphers[] = {
-+      { CRYPTO_ARC4,                  NID_rc4,                0,      16, },
-       { CRYPTO_DES_CBC,               NID_des_cbc,            8,       8, },
-       { CRYPTO_3DES_CBC,              NID_des_ede3_cbc,       8,      24, },
-       { CRYPTO_AES_CBC,               NID_aes_128_cbc,        16,     16, },
-+      { CRYPTO_AES_CBC,               NID_aes_192_cbc,        16,     24, },
-+      { CRYPTO_AES_CBC,               NID_aes_256_cbc,        16,     32, },
-       { CRYPTO_BLF_CBC,               NID_bf_cbc,             8,      16, },
-       { CRYPTO_CAST_CBC,              NID_cast5_cbc,          8,      16, },
-       { CRYPTO_SKIPJACK_CBC,          NID_undef,              0,       0, },
-@@ -147,14 +162,15 @@ static struct {
- static struct {
-       int     id;
-       int     nid;
-+      int     keylen;
- } digests[] = {
--      { CRYPTO_SHA1_HMAC,             NID_hmacWithSHA1,       },
--      { CRYPTO_RIPEMD160_HMAC,        NID_ripemd160,          },
--      { CRYPTO_MD5_KPDK,              NID_undef,              },
--      { CRYPTO_SHA1_KPDK,             NID_undef,              },
--      { CRYPTO_MD5,                   NID_md5,                },
--      { CRYPTO_SHA1,                  NID_undef,              },
--      { 0,                            NID_undef,              },
-+      { CRYPTO_SHA1_HMAC,             NID_hmacWithSHA1,       20},
-+      { CRYPTO_RIPEMD160_HMAC,        NID_ripemd160,          16/*?*/},
-+      { CRYPTO_MD5_KPDK,              NID_undef,              0},
-+      { CRYPTO_SHA1_KPDK,             NID_undef,              0},
-+      { CRYPTO_MD5,                   NID_md5,                16},
-+      { CRYPTO_SHA1,                  NID_sha1,               20},
-+      { 0,                            NID_undef,              0},
- };
- #endif
-@@ -182,10 +198,17 @@ open_dev_crypto(void)
- static int
- get_dev_crypto(void)
- {
--      int fd, retfd;
-+      static int fd = -1;
-+      int retfd;
--      if ((fd = open_dev_crypto()) == -1)
--              return (-1);
-+      if (fd == -1) {
-+              if ((fd = open_dev_crypto()) == -1)
-+                      return (-1);
-+              if (fcntl(fd, F_SETFD, 1) == -1) {
-+                      close(fd);
-+                      return (-1);
-+              }
-+      }
-       if (ioctl(fd, CRIOGET, &retfd) == -1)
-               return (-1);
-@@ -208,6 +231,7 @@ get_asym_dev_crypto(void)
-       return fd;
- }
-+#if 0
- /*
-  * XXXX this needs to be set for each alg - and determined from
-  * a running card.
-@@ -251,6 +275,7 @@ cipher_nid_to_cryptodev(int nid)
-                       return (ciphers[i].id);
-       return (0);
- }
- /*
-  * Find out what ciphers /dev/crypto will let us have a session for.
-@@ -270,7 +295,7 @@ get_cryptodev_ciphers(const int **cnids)
-               return (0);
-       }
-       memset(&sess, 0, sizeof(sess));
--      sess.key = (caddr_t)"123456781234567812345678";
-+      sess.key = (caddr_t)"123456789abcdefghijklmno";
-       for (i = 0; ciphers[i].id && count < CRYPTO_ALGORITHM_MAX; i++) {
-               if (ciphers[i].nid == NID_undef)
-@@ -310,10 +335,12 @@ get_cryptodev_digests(const int **cnids)
-               return (0);
-       }
-       memset(&sess, 0, sizeof(sess));
-+      sess.mackey = (caddr_t)"123456789abcdefghijklmno";
-       for (i = 0; digests[i].id && count < CRYPTO_ALGORITHM_MAX; i++) {
-               if (digests[i].nid == NID_undef)
-                       continue;
-               sess.mac = digests[i].id;
-+              sess.mackeylen = digests[i].keylen;
-               sess.cipher = 0;
-               if (ioctl(fd, CIOCGSESSION, &sess) != -1 &&
-                   ioctl(fd, CIOCFSESSION, &sess.ses) != -1)
-@@ -360,6 +387,9 @@ cryptodev_usable_ciphers(const int **nid
- static int
- cryptodev_usable_digests(const int **nids)
- {
-+      return (get_cryptodev_digests(nids));
-       /*
-        * XXXX just disable all digests for now, because it sucks.
-        * we need a better way to decide this - i.e. I may not
-@@ -374,6 +404,7 @@ cryptodev_usable_digests(const int **nid
-        */
-       *nids = NULL;
-       return (0);
- }
- static int
-@@ -436,16 +467,20 @@ cryptodev_init_key(EVP_CIPHER_CTX *ctx, 
- {
-       struct dev_crypto_state *state = ctx->cipher_data;
-       struct session_op *sess = &state->d_sess;
--      int cipher;
-+      int cipher, i;
--      if ((cipher = cipher_nid_to_cryptodev(ctx->cipher->nid)) == NID_undef)
--              return (0);
--      if (ctx->cipher->iv_len > cryptodev_max_iv(cipher))
--              return (0);
-+      for (i = 0; ciphers[i].id; i++)
-+              if (ctx->cipher->nid == ciphers[i].nid &&
-+                  ctx->cipher->iv_len <= ciphers[i].ivmax &&
-+                  ctx->key_len == ciphers[i].keylen) {
-+                      cipher = ciphers[i].id;
-+                      break;
-+              }
--      if (!cryptodev_key_length_valid(cipher, ctx->key_len))
-+      if (!ciphers[i].id) {
-+              state->d_fd = -1;
-               return (0);
-+      }
-       memset(sess, 0, sizeof(struct session_op));
-@@ -505,6 +540,20 @@ cryptodev_cleanup(EVP_CIPHER_CTX *ctx)
-  * gets called when libcrypto requests a cipher NID.
-  */
-+/* RC4 */
-+const EVP_CIPHER cryptodev_rc4 = {
-+      NID_rc4,
-+      1, 16, 0,
-+      cryptodev_init_key,
-+      cryptodev_cipher,
-+      cryptodev_cleanup,
-+      sizeof(struct dev_crypto_state),
-+      NULL,
-+      NULL,
-+      NULL
- /* DES CBC EVP */
- const EVP_CIPHER cryptodev_des_cbc = {
-       NID_des_cbc,
-@@ -572,6 +621,32 @@ const EVP_CIPHER cryptodev_aes_cbc = {
-       NULL
- };
-+const EVP_CIPHER cryptodev_aes_192_cbc = {
-+      NID_aes_192_cbc,
-+      16, 24, 16,
-+      cryptodev_init_key,
-+      cryptodev_cipher,
-+      cryptodev_cleanup,
-+      sizeof(struct dev_crypto_state),
-+      EVP_CIPHER_set_asn1_iv,
-+      EVP_CIPHER_get_asn1_iv,
-+      NULL
-+const EVP_CIPHER cryptodev_aes_256_cbc = {
-+      NID_aes_256_cbc,
-+      16, 32, 16,
-+      cryptodev_init_key,
-+      cryptodev_cipher,
-+      cryptodev_cleanup,
-+      sizeof(struct dev_crypto_state),
-+      EVP_CIPHER_set_asn1_iv,
-+      EVP_CIPHER_get_asn1_iv,
-+      NULL
- /*
-  * Registered by the ENGINE when used to find out how to deal with
-  * a particular NID in the ENGINE. this says what we'll do at the
-@@ -585,6 +660,9 @@ cryptodev_engine_ciphers(ENGINE *e, cons
-               return (cryptodev_usable_ciphers(nids));
-       switch (nid) {
-+      case NID_rc4:
-+              *cipher = &cryptodev_rc4;
-+              break;
-       case NID_des_ede3_cbc:
-               *cipher = &cryptodev_3des_cbc;
-               break;
-@@ -600,6 +678,12 @@ cryptodev_engine_ciphers(ENGINE *e, cons
-       case NID_aes_128_cbc:
-               *cipher = &cryptodev_aes_cbc;
-               break;
-+      case NID_aes_192_cbc:
-+              *cipher = &cryptodev_aes_192_cbc;
-+              break;
-+      case NID_aes_256_cbc:
-+              *cipher = &cryptodev_aes_256_cbc;
-+              break;
-       default:
-               *cipher = NULL;
-               break;
-@@ -607,6 +691,234 @@ cryptodev_engine_ciphers(ENGINE *e, cons
-       return (*cipher != NULL);
- }
-+/* convert digest type to cryptodev */
-+static int
-+digest_nid_to_cryptodev(int nid)
-+      int i;
-+      for (i = 0; digests[i].id; i++)
-+              if (digests[i].nid == nid)
-+                      return (digests[i].id);
-+      return (0);
-+static int
-+digest_key_length(int nid)
-+      int i;
-+      for (i = 0; digests[i].id; i++)
-+              if (digests[i].nid == nid)
-+                      return digests[i].keylen;
-+      return (0);
-+static int cryptodev_digest_init(EVP_MD_CTX *ctx)
-+      struct dev_crypto_state *state = ctx->md_data;
-+      struct session_op *sess = &state->d_sess;
-+      int digest;
-+      if ((digest = digest_nid_to_cryptodev(ctx->digest->type)) == NID_undef){
-+              printf("cryptodev_digest_init: Can't get digest \n");
-+              return (0);
-+      }
-+      memset(state, 0, sizeof(struct dev_crypto_state));
-+      if ((state->d_fd = get_dev_crypto()) < 0) {
-+              printf("cryptodev_digest_init: Can't get Dev \n");
-+              return (0);
-+      }
-+      sess->mackey = state->dummy_mac_key;
-+      sess->mackeylen = digest_key_length(ctx->digest->type);
-+      sess->mac = digest;
-+      if (ioctl(state->d_fd, CIOCGSESSION, sess) < 0) {
-+              close(state->d_fd);
-+              state->d_fd = -1;
-+              printf("cryptodev_digest_init: Open session failed\n");
-+              return (0);
-+      }
-+      return (1);
-+static int cryptodev_digest_update(EVP_MD_CTX *ctx, const void *data,
-+              size_t count)
-+      struct crypt_op cryp;
-+      struct dev_crypto_state *state = ctx->md_data;
-+      struct session_op *sess = &state->d_sess;
-+      if (!data || state->d_fd < 0) {
-+              printf("cryptodev_digest_update: illegal inputs \n");
-+              return (0);
-+      }
-+      if (!count) {
-+              return (0);
-+      }
-+      if (!(ctx->flags & EVP_MD_CTX_FLAG_ONESHOT)) {
-+              /* if application doesn't support one buffer */
-+              state->mac_data = OPENSSL_realloc(state->mac_data, state->mac_len + count);
-+              if (!state->mac_data) {
-+                      printf("cryptodev_digest_update: realloc failed\n");
-+                      return (0);
-+              }
-+              memcpy(state->mac_data + state->mac_len, data, count);
-+              state->mac_len += count;
-+              return (1);
-+      }
-+      memset(&cryp, 0, sizeof(cryp));
-+      cryp.ses = sess->ses;
-+      cryp.flags = 0;
-+      cryp.len = count;
-+      cryp.src = (caddr_t) data;
-+      cryp.dst = NULL;
-+      cryp.mac = state->digest_res;
-+      if (ioctl(state->d_fd, CIOCCRYPT, &cryp) < 0) {
-+              printf("cryptodev_digest_update: digest failed\n");
-+              return (0);
-+      }
-+      return (1);
-+static int cryptodev_digest_final(EVP_MD_CTX *ctx, unsigned char *md)
-+      struct crypt_op cryp;
-+      struct dev_crypto_state *state = ctx->md_data;
-+      struct session_op *sess = &state->d_sess;
-+      int ret = 1;
-+      if (!md || state->d_fd < 0) {
-+              printf("cryptodev_digest_final: illegal input\n");
-+              return(0);
-+      }
-+      if (! (ctx->flags & EVP_MD_CTX_FLAG_ONESHOT) ) {
-+              /* if application doesn't support one buffer */
-+              memset(&cryp, 0, sizeof(cryp));
-+              cryp.ses = sess->ses;
-+              cryp.flags = 0;
-+              cryp.len = state->mac_len;
-+              cryp.src = state->mac_data;
-+              cryp.dst = NULL;
-+              cryp.mac = md;
-+              if (ioctl(state->d_fd, CIOCCRYPT, &cryp) < 0) {
-+                      printf("cryptodev_digest_final: digest failed\n");
-+                      return (0);
-+              }
-+              return 1;
-+      }
-+      memcpy(md, state->digest_res, ctx->digest->md_size);
-+      return (ret);
-+static int cryptodev_digest_cleanup(EVP_MD_CTX *ctx)
-+      int ret = 1;
-+      struct dev_crypto_state *state = ctx->md_data;
-+      struct session_op *sess = &state->d_sess;
-+      if (state->d_fd < 0) {
-+              printf("cryptodev_digest_cleanup: illegal input\n");
-+              return (0);
-+      }
-+      if (state->mac_data) {
-+              OPENSSL_free(state->mac_data);
-+              state->mac_data = NULL;
-+              state->mac_len = 0;
-+      }
-+      if (state->copy)
-+              return 1;
-+      if (ioctl(state->d_fd, CIOCFSESSION, &sess->ses) < 0) {
-+              printf("cryptodev_digest_cleanup: failed to close session\n");
-+              ret = 0;
-+      } else {
-+              ret = 1;
-+      }
-+      close(state->d_fd);     
-+      state->d_fd = -1;
-+      return (ret);
-+static int cryptodev_digest_copy(EVP_MD_CTX *to,const EVP_MD_CTX *from)
-+      struct dev_crypto_state *fstate = from->md_data;
-+      struct dev_crypto_state *dstate = to->md_data;
-+      memcpy(dstate, fstate, sizeof(struct dev_crypto_state));
-+      if (fstate->mac_len != 0) {
-+              dstate->mac_data = OPENSSL_malloc(fstate->mac_len);
-+              memcpy(dstate->mac_data, fstate->mac_data, fstate->mac_len);
-+      }
-+      dstate->copy = 1;
-+      return 1;
-+const EVP_MD cryptodev_sha1 = {
-+      NID_sha1,
-+      NID_undef, 
-+      cryptodev_digest_init,
-+      cryptodev_digest_update,
-+      cryptodev_digest_final,
-+      cryptodev_digest_copy,
-+      cryptodev_digest_cleanup,
-+      EVP_PKEY_NULL_method,
-+      SHA_CBLOCK,
-+      sizeof(struct dev_crypto_state),
-+const EVP_MD cryptodev_md5 = {
-+      NID_md5,
-+      NID_undef, 
-+      16 /* MD5_DIGEST_LENGTH */, 
-+      cryptodev_digest_init,
-+      cryptodev_digest_update,
-+      cryptodev_digest_final,
-+      cryptodev_digest_copy,
-+      cryptodev_digest_cleanup,
-+      EVP_PKEY_NULL_method,
-+      64 /* MD5_CBLOCK */,
-+      sizeof(struct dev_crypto_state),
- static int
- cryptodev_engine_digests(ENGINE *e, const EVP_MD **digest,
-     const int **nids, int nid)
-@@ -615,10 +927,15 @@ cryptodev_engine_digests(ENGINE *e, cons
-               return (cryptodev_usable_digests(nids));
-       switch (nid) {
-       case NID_md5:
--              *digest = NULL; /* need to make a clean md5 critter */
-+              *digest = &cryptodev_md5; 
-               break;
-+      case NID_sha1:
-+              *digest = &cryptodev_sha1;
-+              break;
-       default:
-               *digest = NULL;
-               break;
-       }
-@@ -646,6 +963,7 @@ bn2crparam(const BIGNUM *a, struct crpar
-       b = malloc(bytes);
-       if (b == NULL)
-               return (1);
-+      memset(b, 0, bytes);
-       crp->crp_p = (char *)b;
-       crp->crp_nbits = bits;
-@@ -690,7 +1008,7 @@ zapparams(struct crypt_kop *kop)
- {
-       int i;
--      for (i = 0; i <= kop->crk_iparams + kop->crk_oparams; i++) {
-+      for (i = 0; i < kop->crk_iparams + kop->crk_oparams; i++) {
-               if (kop->crk_param[i].crp_p)
-                       free(kop->crk_param[i].crp_p);
-               kop->crk_param[i].crp_p = NULL;
---- a/crypto/engine/engine.h
-+++ b/crypto/engine/engine.h
-@@ -705,7 +705,7 @@ typedef int (*dynamic_bind_engine)(ENGIN
-  * values. */
- void *ENGINE_get_static_state(void);
--#if defined(__OpenBSD__) || defined(__FreeBSD__)
-+#if defined(__OpenBSD__) || defined(__FreeBSD__) || defined(HAVE_CRYPTODEV)
- void ENGINE_setup_bsd_cryptodev(void);
- #endif
---- a/crypto/evp/c_all.c
-+++ b/crypto/evp/c_all.c
-@@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ void OPENSSL_add_all_algorithms_noconf(v
-       OpenSSL_add_all_ciphers();
-       OpenSSL_add_all_digests();
--# if defined(__OpenBSD__) || defined(__FreeBSD__)
-+# if defined(__OpenBSD__) || defined(__FreeBSD__) || defined(HAVE_CRYPTODEV)
-       ENGINE_setup_bsd_cryptodev();
- # endif
- #endif
---- a/crypto/evp/c_alld.c
-+++ b/crypto/evp/c_alld.c
-@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ void OpenSSL_add_all_digests(void)
-       EVP_add_digest(EVP_dss());
- #endif
- #endif
--#ifndef OPENSSL_NO_SHA
-+#if !defined(OPENSSL_NO_SHA) && !defined(OPENSSL_NO_SHA1)
-       EVP_add_digest(EVP_sha1());
-       EVP_add_digest_alias(SN_sha1,"ssl3-sha1");
-       EVP_add_digest_alias(SN_sha1WithRSAEncryption,SN_sha1WithRSA);
---- a/engines/Makefile
-+++ b/engines/Makefile
-@@ -97,6 +97,7 @@ install:
-                       ( echo installing $$l; \
-                         if [ "$(PLATFORM)" != "Cygwin" ]; then \
-                               case "$(CFLAGS)" in \
-+                              *OPENSSL_NO_HW*)        continue;;      \
-                               *DSO_DLFCN*)    sfx="so";;      \
-                               *DSO_DL*)       sfx="sl";;      \
-                               *)              sfx="bad";;     \
---- a/util/domd
-+++ b/util/domd
-@@ -22,13 +22,17 @@ if expr "$MAKEDEPEND" : '.*gcc$' > /dev/
-     done
-     sed -e '/^# DO NOT DELETE.*/,$d' < Makefile > Makefile.tmp
-     echo '# DO NOT DELETE THIS LINE -- make depend depends on it.' >> Makefile.tmp
--    ${MAKEDEPEND} -D OPENSSL_DOING_MAKEDEPEND -M $args >> Makefile.tmp
-+    ${MAKEDEPEND} -D OPENSSL_DOING_MAKEDEPEND -M $args >> Makefile.tmp && \
-     ${PERL} $TOP/util/clean-depend.pl < Makefile.tmp > Makefile.new
-+      RC=$?
-     rm -f Makefile.tmp
- else
-     ${PERL} $TOP/util/clean-depend.pl < Makefile > Makefile.new
-+      RC=$?
- fi
- mv Makefile.new Makefile
- # unfake the presence of Kerberos
- rm $TOP/krb5.h
-+exit $RC
diff --git a/package/openssl/patches/200-ocf-20100325.patch b/package/openssl/patches/200-ocf-20100325.patch
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..da941b3
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,1255 @@
+--- a/Configure
++++ b/Configure
+@@ -36,6 +36,8 @@ my $usage="Usage: Configure [no-<cipher>
+ #             (Default: KRB5_DIR/include)
+ # --with-krb5-flavor  Declare what flavor of Kerberos 5 is used.  Currently
+ #             supported values are "MIT" and "Heimdal".  A value is required.
++# --with-cryptodev Force support for cryptodev (ie., ocf-linux)
++# --with-cryptodev-digests Force support for cryptodev digests (generally slow)
+ #
+ # --test-sanity Make a number of sanity checks on the data in this file.
+ #               This is a debugging tool for OpenSSL developers.
+@@ -554,6 +556,10 @@ my %table=(
+ ##### Compaq Non-Stop Kernel (Tandem)
++# uClinux
++"uClinux-dist","$ENV{'CC'}:\$(CFLAGS)::-D_REENTRANT::\$(LDFLAGS) \$(LDLIBS):BN_LLONG::::::::::::\$(LIBSSL_dlfcn):linux-shared:-fPIC:-shared:.so.\$(SHLIB_MAJOR).\$(SHLIB_MINOR):$ENV{'RANLIB'}",
++"uClinux-dist64","$ENV{'CC'}:\$(CFLAGS)::-D_REENTRANT::\$(LDFLAGS) \$(LDLIBS):SIXTY_FOUR_BIT_LONG::::::::::::\$(LIBSSL_dlfcn):linux-shared:-fPIC:-shared:.so.\$(SHLIB_MAJOR).\$(SHLIB_MINOR):$ENV{'RANLIB'}",
+ );
+ my @MK1MF_Builds=qw(VC-WIN64I VC-WIN64A
+@@ -610,6 +616,8 @@ my $montasm=1;   # but "no-montasm" is d
+ my $no_asm=0;
+ my $no_dso=0;
+ my $no_gmp=0;
++my $have_cryptodev=0;
++my $use_cryptodev_digests=0;
+ my @skip=();
+ my $Makefile="Makefile";
+ my $des_locl="crypto/des/des_locl.h";
+@@ -758,6 +766,14 @@ PROCESS_ARGS:
+                       {
+                       exit(&test_sanity());
+                       }
++              elsif (/^--with-cryptodev$/)
++                      {
++                              $have_cryptodev = 1;
++                      }
++              elsif (/^--with-cryptodev-digests$/)
++                      {
++                              $use_cryptodev_digests = 1;
++                      }
+               elsif (/^--strict-warnings/)
+                       {
+                       $strict_warnings = 1;
+@@ -1055,6 +1071,7 @@ foreach (sort (keys %disabled))
+                       print " OPENSSL_NO_$ALGO";
+                       if (/^err$/)    { $flags .= "-DOPENSSL_NO_ERR "; }
++                      elsif (/^hw$/)  { $flags .= "-DOPENSSL_NO_HW "; }
+                       elsif (/^asm$/) { $no_asm = 1; }
+                       }
+               else
+@@ -1184,6 +1201,16 @@ if (!$no_krb5)
+                  $withargs{"krb5-dir"} ne "";
+       }
++# enable the linux cryptodev (ocf-linux) support
++if ($have_cryptodev)
++      {
++      if ($use_cryptodev_digests)
++              {
++              $cflags = "-DUSE_CRYPTODEV_DIGESTS $cflags";
++              }
++      $cflags = "-DHAVE_CRYPTODEV $cflags";
++      }
+ # The DSO code currently always implements all functions so that no
+ # applications will have to worry about that from a compilation point
+ # of view. However, the "method"s may return zero unless that platform
+--- a/INSTALL
++++ b/INSTALL
+@@ -103,6 +103,12 @@
+                 define preprocessor symbols, specify additional libraries,
+                 library directories or other compiler options.
++  --with-cryptodev Enabled the BSD cryptodev engine even if we are not using
++              BSD.  Useful if you are running ocf-linux or something
++              similar.  Once enabled you can also enable the use of
++              cryptodev digests,  with is usually slower unless you have
++              large amounts data.  Use --with-cryptodev-digests to force
++              it.
+  Installation in Detail
+  ----------------------
+--- a/Makefile.org
++++ b/Makefile.org
+@@ -499,7 +499,7 @@ files:
+ links:
+       @$(PERL) $(TOP)/util/mkdir-p.pl include/openssl
+-      @$(PERL) $(TOP)/util/mklink.pl include/openssl $(EXHEADER)
++      @$(PERL) $(TOP)/util/mklink.pl include/openssl $(HEADER) $(EXHEADER)
+       @set -e; target=links; $(RECURSIVE_BUILD_CMD)
+       @if [ -z "$(FIPSCANLIB)" ]; then \
+               set -e; target=links; dir=fips ; $(BUILD_CMD) ; \
+--- a/Makefile.shared
++++ b/Makefile.shared
+@@ -6,13 +6,13 @@
+ # properly
+ # CC contains the current compiler.  This one MUST be defined
+ # LDFLAGS contains flags to be used when temporary object files (when building
+ # shared libraries) are created, or when an application is linked.
+ # SHARED_LDFLAGS contains flags to be used when the shared library is created.
+ # LIBNAME contains just the name of the library, without prefix ("lib"
+ # on Unix, "cyg" for certain forms under Cygwin...) or suffix (.a, .so,
+--- a/config
++++ b/config
+@@ -270,7 +270,7 @@ case "${SYSTEM}:${RELEASE}:${VERSION}:${
+               echo "ppc-apple-darwin${VERSION}"
+               ;;
+           *)
+-              echo "i386-apple-darwin${VERSION}"
++              echo "${MACHINE}-apple-darwin${VERSION}"
+               ;;
+       esac
+       exit 0
+@@ -399,7 +399,7 @@ exit 0
+ # this is where the translation occurs into SSLeay terms
+ # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-GCCVER=`(gcc -dumpversion) 2>/dev/null`
++GCCVER=`(${CC:-gcc} -dumpversion) 2>/dev/null`
+ if [ "$GCCVER" != "" ]; then
+   # then strip off whatever prefix egcs prepends the number with...
+   # Hopefully, this will work for any future prefixes as well.
+@@ -488,6 +488,12 @@ echo Operating system: $GUESSOS
+ # script above so we end up with values in vars but that would take
+ # more time that I want to waste at the moment
+ case "$GUESSOS" in
++  uClinux*64*)
++    OUT=uClinux-dist64
++      ;;
++  uClinux*)
++    OUT=uClinux-dist
++      ;;
+   mips2-sgi-irix)
+       CPU=`(hinv -t cpu) 2>/dev/null | head -1 | sed 's/^CPU:[^R]*R\([0-9]*\).*/\1/'`
+       CPU=${CPU:-0}
+--- a/apps/apps.h
++++ b/apps/apps.h
+@@ -112,7 +112,7 @@
+ #ifndef HEADER_APPS_H
+ #define HEADER_APPS_H
+-#include "e_os.h"
++#include <openssl/e_os.h>
+ #include <openssl/bio.h>
+ #include <openssl/x509.h>
+--- a/apps/progs.h
++++ b/apps/progs.h
+@@ -129,7 +129,9 @@ FUNCTION functions[] = {
+       {FUNC_TYPE_GENERAL,"engine",engine_main},
+ #endif
+       {FUNC_TYPE_GENERAL,"ocsp",ocsp_main},
+       {FUNC_TYPE_GENERAL,"prime",prime_main},
+ #ifndef OPENSSL_NO_MD2
+       {FUNC_TYPE_MD,"md2",dgst_main},
+--- a/apps/speed.c
++++ b/apps/speed.c
+@@ -296,7 +296,7 @@ static const char *names[ALGOR_NUM]={
+   "evp","sha256","sha512",
+   "aes-128 ige","aes-192 ige","aes-256 ige"};
+ static double results[ALGOR_NUM][SIZE_NUM];
+-static int lengths[SIZE_NUM]={16,64,256,1024,8*1024};
++static int lengths[SIZE_NUM]={16,64,256,1024,2*1024,4*1024};
+ #ifndef OPENSSL_NO_RSA
+ static double rsa_results[RSA_NUM][2];
+ #endif
+@@ -336,6 +336,82 @@ static SIGRETTYPE sig_done(int sig)
+ #define START 0
+ #define STOP  1
++static int do_cpu = 0;
++#ifdef __linux__
++#define HAVE_CPU_USAGE        1
++ * record CPU usage as well
++ */
++struct cpu_stat {
++      unsigned int    user;
++      unsigned int    nice;
++      unsigned int    system;
++      unsigned int    idle;
++      unsigned int    total;
++static unsigned int cpu_usage[ALGOR_NUM][SIZE_NUM];
++static unsigned int rsa_cpu_usage[RSA_NUM][2];
++static unsigned int dsa_cpu_usage[DSA_NUM][2];
++static struct cpu_stat cpu_start, cpu_finish;
++static void
++get_cpu(int s)
++      FILE *fp = NULL;
++      unsigned char   buf[80];
++      struct cpu_stat *st = s == START ? &cpu_start : &cpu_finish;
++      memset(st, 0, sizeof(*st));
++      if (fp == NULL)
++              fp = fopen("/proc/stat", "r");
++      if (!fp)
++              return;
++      if (fseek(fp, 0, SEEK_SET) == -1) {
++              fclose(fp);
++              return;
++      }
++      fscanf(fp, "%s %d %d %d %d", &buf[0], &st->user, &st->nice,
++              &st->system, &st->idle);
++      st->total = st->user + st->nice + st->system + st->idle;
++      fclose(fp);
++static unsigned int
++      unsigned int total, res;
++      total  = cpu_finish.total - cpu_start.total;
++      if (total <= 0)
++              return 0;
++#if 1 // busy
++      res   = ((cpu_finish.system + cpu_finish.user + cpu_finish.nice) -
++                       (cpu_start.system + cpu_start.user + cpu_start.nice)) *
++                       100 / total;
++#if 0 // system
++      res   = (cpu_finish.system - cpu_start.system) * 100 / total;
++#if 0 // user
++      res   = (cpu_finish.user   - cpu_start.user)   * 100 / total;
++#if 0 // nice
++      res   = (cpu_finish.nice   - cpu_start.nice)   * 100 / total;
++#if 0 // idle
++      res   = (cpu_finish.idle   - cpu_start.idle)   * 100 / total;
++      return(res);
+ #if defined(OPENSSL_SYS_NETWARE)
+    /* for NetWare the best we can do is use clock() which returns the
+@@ -366,6 +442,9 @@ static double Time_F(int s)
+       {
+       double ret;
++      if (do_cpu)
++              get_cpu(s);
+ #ifdef USE_TOD
+       if(usertime)
+               {
+@@ -840,6 +919,14 @@ int MAIN(int argc, char **argv)
+                       j--;    /* Otherwise, -elapsed gets confused with
+                                  an algorithm. */
+                       }
++              else if ((argc > 0) && (strcmp(*argv,"-cpu") == 0))
++                      {
++                      do_cpu = 1;
++                      j--;    /* Otherwise, -cpu gets confused with
++                                 an algorithm. */
++                      }
+               else if ((argc > 0) && (strcmp(*argv,"-evp") == 0))
+                       {
+                       argc--;
+@@ -1268,6 +1355,9 @@ int MAIN(int argc, char **argv)
+ #ifndef NO_FORK
+                       BIO_printf(bio_err,"-multi n        run n benchmarks in parallel.\n");
+ #endif
++                      BIO_printf(bio_err,"-cpu            calculate cpu utilisation.\n");
+                       goto end;
+                       }
+               argc--;
+@@ -1275,11 +1365,6 @@ int MAIN(int argc, char **argv)
+               j++;
+               }
+-#ifndef NO_FORK
+-      if(multi && do_multi(multi))
+-              goto show_res;
+       if (j == 0)
+               {
+               for (i=0; i<ALGOR_NUM; i++)
+@@ -1612,6 +1697,11 @@ int MAIN(int argc, char **argv)
+       signal(SIGALRM,sig_done);
+ #endif /* SIGALRM */
++#ifndef NO_FORK /* Do this a late as possible to give better CPU readings */
++      if(multi && do_multi(multi))
++              goto show_res;
+ #ifndef OPENSSL_NO_MD2
+       if (doit[D_MD2])
+               {
+@@ -2041,8 +2131,6 @@ int MAIN(int argc, char **argv)
+                               /* -O3 -fschedule-insns messes up an
+                                * optimization here!  names[D_EVP]
+                                * somehow becomes NULL */
+-                              print_message(names[D_EVP],save_count,
+-                                      lengths[j]);
+                               EVP_CIPHER_CTX_init(&ctx);
+                               if(decrypt)
+@@ -2051,6 +2139,9 @@ int MAIN(int argc, char **argv)
+                                       EVP_EncryptInit_ex(&ctx,evp_cipher,NULL,key16,iv);
+                               EVP_CIPHER_CTX_set_padding(&ctx, 0);
++                              print_message(names[D_EVP],save_count,
++                                      lengths[j]);
+                               Time_F(START);
+                               if(decrypt)
+                                       for (count=0,run=1; COND(save_count*4*lengths[0]/lengths[j]); count++)
+@@ -2115,6 +2206,8 @@ int MAIN(int argc, char **argv)
+                                       }
+                               }
+                       d=Time_F(STOP);
++                      if (do_cpu)
++                              rsa_cpu_usage[j][0] = calc_cpu();
+                       BIO_printf(bio_err,mr ? "+R1:%ld:%d:%.2f\n"
+                                  : "%ld %d bit private RSA's in %.2fs\n",
+                                  count,rsa_bits[j],d);
+@@ -2150,6 +2243,8 @@ int MAIN(int argc, char **argv)
+                                       }
+                               }
+                       d=Time_F(STOP);
++                      if (do_cpu)
++                              rsa_cpu_usage[j][1] = calc_cpu();
+                       BIO_printf(bio_err,mr ? "+R2:%ld:%d:%.2f\n"
+                                  : "%ld %d bit public RSA's in %.2fs\n",
+                                  count,rsa_bits[j],d);
+@@ -2209,6 +2304,8 @@ int MAIN(int argc, char **argv)
+                                       }
+                               }
+                       d=Time_F(STOP);
++                      if (do_cpu)
++                              dsa_cpu_usage[j][0] = calc_cpu();
+                       BIO_printf(bio_err,mr ? "+R3:%ld:%d:%.2f\n"
+                                  : "%ld %d bit DSA signs in %.2fs\n",
+                                  count,dsa_bits[j],d);
+@@ -2244,6 +2341,8 @@ int MAIN(int argc, char **argv)
+                                       }
+                               }
+                       d=Time_F(STOP);
++                      if (do_cpu)
++                              dsa_cpu_usage[j][1] = calc_cpu();
+                       BIO_printf(bio_err,mr ? "+R4:%ld:%d:%.2f\n"
+                                  : "%ld %d bit DSA verify in %.2fs\n",
+                                  count,dsa_bits[j],d);
+@@ -2538,14 +2637,23 @@ show_res:
+                       fprintf(stdout,"The 'numbers' are in 1000s of bytes per second processed.\n"); 
+                       fprintf(stdout,"type        ");
+                       }
+-              for (j=0;  j<SIZE_NUM; j++)
++              for (j=0;  j<SIZE_NUM; j++) {
+                       fprintf(stdout,mr ? ":%d" : "%7d bytes",lengths[j]);
++                      if (do_cpu && !mr)
++                              fprintf(stdout, " /cpu");
++              }
+               fprintf(stdout,"\n");
+               }
+       for (k=0; k<ALGOR_NUM; k++)
+               {
+               if (!doit[k]) continue;
++              if (k == D_EVP) {
++                      if (evp_cipher)
++                              names[D_EVP]=OBJ_nid2ln(evp_cipher->nid);
++                      else
++                              names[D_EVP]=OBJ_nid2ln(evp_md->type);
++              }
+               if(mr)
+                       fprintf(stdout,"+F:%d:%s",k,names[k]);
+               else
+@@ -2556,6 +2664,8 @@ show_res:
+                               fprintf(stdout," %11.2fk",results[k][j]/1e3);
+                       else
+                               fprintf(stdout,mr ? ":%.2f" : " %11.2f ",results[k][j]);
++                      if (do_cpu)
++                              fprintf(stdout, mr ? "/%d" : "/%%%-3d", cpu_usage[k][j]);
+                       }
+               fprintf(stdout,"\n");
+               }
+@@ -2570,13 +2680,18 @@ show_res:
+                       j=0;
+                       }
+               if(mr)
+-                      fprintf(stdout,"+F2:%u:%u:%f:%f\n",
+-                              k,rsa_bits[k],rsa_results[k][0],
+-                              rsa_results[k][1]);
+-              else
+-                      fprintf(stdout,"rsa %4u bits %8.6fs %8.6fs %8.1f %8.1f\n",
+-                              rsa_bits[k],rsa_results[k][0],rsa_results[k][1],
+-                              1.0/rsa_results[k][0],1.0/rsa_results[k][1]);
++                      fprintf(stdout,"+F2:%u:%u:%f", k,rsa_bits[k],rsa_results[k][0]);
++              else
++                      fprintf(stdout,"rsa %4u bits %8.6fs",rsa_bits[k],rsa_results[k][0]);
++              if (do_cpu)
++                      fprintf(stdout, mr ? "/%d": "/%%%-3d", rsa_cpu_usage[k][0]);
++              fprintf(stdout, mr ? ":%f" : " %8.6fs", rsa_results[k][1]);
++              if (do_cpu)
++                      fprintf(stdout, mr ? "/%d": "/%%%-3d", rsa_cpu_usage[k][1]);
++              if(!mr)
++                      fprintf(stdout, " %8.1f %8.1f",
++                                      1.0/rsa_results[k][0],1.0/rsa_results[k][1]);
++              fprintf(stdout, "\n");
+               }
+ #endif
+ #ifndef OPENSSL_NO_DSA
+@@ -2590,12 +2705,18 @@ show_res:
+                       j=0;
+                       }
+               if(mr)
+-                      fprintf(stdout,"+F3:%u:%u:%f:%f\n",
+-                              k,dsa_bits[k],dsa_results[k][0],dsa_results[k][1]);
++                      fprintf(stdout,"+F3:%u:%u:%f", k,dsa_bits[k],dsa_results[k][0]);
+               else
+-                      fprintf(stdout,"dsa %4u bits %8.6fs %8.6fs %8.1f %8.1f\n",
+-                              dsa_bits[k],dsa_results[k][0],dsa_results[k][1],
+-                              1.0/dsa_results[k][0],1.0/dsa_results[k][1]);
++                      fprintf(stdout,"dsa %4u bits %8.6fs",dsa_bits[k],dsa_results[k][0]);
++              if (do_cpu)
++                      fprintf(stdout, mr ? "/%d": "/%%%-3d", dsa_cpu_usage[k][0]);
++              fprintf(stdout, mr ? ":%f" : " %8.6fs", dsa_results[k][1]);
++              if (do_cpu)
++                      fprintf(stdout, mr ? "/%d": "/%%%-3d", dsa_cpu_usage[k][1]);
++              if(!mr)
++                      fprintf(stdout, " %8.1f %8.1f",
++                                      1.0/dsa_results[k][0],1.0/dsa_results[k][1]);
++              fprintf(stdout, "\n");
+               }
+ #endif
+@@ -2720,8 +2841,10 @@ static void pkey_print_message(const cha
+ static void print_result(int alg,int run_no,int count,double time_used)
+       {
+-      BIO_printf(bio_err,mr ? "+R:%d:%s:%f\n"
+-                 : "%d %s's in %.2fs\n",count,names[alg],time_used);
++      if (do_cpu)
++          cpu_usage[alg][run_no] = calc_cpu();
++      BIO_printf(bio_err,mr ? "+R:%ld:%s:%f\n"
++                 : "%ld %s's in %.2fs\n",count,names[alg],time_used);
+       results[alg][run_no]=((double)count)/time_used*lengths[run_no];
+       }
+@@ -2816,29 +2939,11 @@ static int do_multi(int multi)
+                               p=buf+3;
+                               alg=atoi(sstrsep(&p,sep));
+                               sstrsep(&p,sep);
+-                              for(j=0 ; j < SIZE_NUM ; ++j)
++                              for(j=0 ; j < SIZE_NUM ; ++j) {
++                                      if (do_cpu && strchr(p, '/'))
++                                              cpu_usage[alg][j] = atoi(strchr(p, '/') + 1);
+                                       results[alg][j]+=atof(sstrsep(&p,sep));
+                               }
+-                      else if(!strncmp(buf,"+F2:",4))
+-                              {
+-                              int k;
+-                              double d;
+-                              p=buf+4;
+-                              k=atoi(sstrsep(&p,sep));
+-                              sstrsep(&p,sep);
+-                              d=atof(sstrsep(&p,sep));
+-                              if(n)
+-                                      rsa_results[k][0]=1/(1/rsa_results[k][0]+1/d);
+-                              else
+-                                      rsa_results[k][0]=d;
+-                              d=atof(sstrsep(&p,sep));
+-                              if(n)
+-                                      rsa_results[k][1]=1/(1/rsa_results[k][1]+1/d);
+-                              else
+-                                      rsa_results[k][1]=d;
+                               }
+                       else if(!strncmp(buf,"+F2:",4))
+                               {
+@@ -2849,12 +2954,18 @@ static int do_multi(int multi)
+                               k=atoi(sstrsep(&p,sep));
+                               sstrsep(&p,sep);
++                              /* before we move the token along */
++                              if (do_cpu && strchr(p, '/'))
++                                      rsa_cpu_usage[k][0] = atoi(strchr(p, '/') + 1);
+                               d=atof(sstrsep(&p,sep));
+                               if(n)
+                                       rsa_results[k][0]=1/(1/rsa_results[k][0]+1/d);
+                               else
+                                       rsa_results[k][0]=d;
++                              /* before we move the token along */
++                              if (do_cpu && strchr(p, '/'))
++                                      rsa_cpu_usage[k][1] = atoi(strchr(p, '/') + 1);
+                               d=atof(sstrsep(&p,sep));
+                               if(n)
+                                       rsa_results[k][1]=1/(1/rsa_results[k][1]+1/d);
+@@ -2870,12 +2981,18 @@ static int do_multi(int multi)
+                               k=atoi(sstrsep(&p,sep));
+                               sstrsep(&p,sep);
++                              /* before we move the token along */
++                              if (do_cpu && strchr(p, '/'))
++                                      dsa_cpu_usage[k][0] = atoi(strchr(p, '/') + 1);
+                               d=atof(sstrsep(&p,sep));
+                               if(n)
+                                       dsa_results[k][0]=1/(1/dsa_results[k][0]+1/d);
+                               else
+                                       dsa_results[k][0]=d;
++                              /* before we move the token along */
++                              if (do_cpu && strchr(p, '/'))
++                                      dsa_cpu_usage[k][1] = atoi(strchr(p, '/') + 1);
+                               d=atof(sstrsep(&p,sep));
+                               if(n)
+                                       dsa_results[k][1]=1/(1/dsa_results[k][1]+1/d);
+--- a/crypto/cryptlib.h
++++ b/crypto/cryptlib.h
+@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@
+ #include <stdlib.h>
+ #include <string.h>
+-#include "e_os.h"
++#include <openssl/e_os.h>
+ #define BIO_FLAGS_UPLINK 0x8000
+--- a/crypto/engine/eng_all.c
++++ b/crypto/engine/eng_all.c
+@@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ void ENGINE_load_builtin_engines(void)
+ #endif
+       }
+-#if defined(__OpenBSD__) || defined(__FreeBSD__)
++#if defined(__OpenBSD__) || defined(__FreeBSD__) || defined(HAVE_CRYPTODEV)
+ void ENGINE_setup_bsd_cryptodev(void) {
+       static int bsd_cryptodev_default_loaded = 0;
+       if (!bsd_cryptodev_default_loaded) {
+--- a/crypto/engine/eng_cryptodev.c
++++ b/crypto/engine/eng_cryptodev.c
+@@ -72,6 +72,16 @@ ENGINE_load_cryptodev(void)
+ struct dev_crypto_state {
+       struct session_op d_sess;
+       int d_fd;
++      char dummy_mac_key[20];
++      unsigned char digest_res[20];
++      char *mac_data;
++      int mac_len;
++      int copy;
+ };
+ static u_int32_t cryptodev_asymfeat = 0;
+@@ -79,9 +89,6 @@ static u_int32_t cryptodev_asymfeat = 0;
+ static int get_asym_dev_crypto(void);
+ static int open_dev_crypto(void);
+ static int get_dev_crypto(void);
+-static int cryptodev_max_iv(int cipher);
+-static int cryptodev_key_length_valid(int cipher, int len);
+-static int cipher_nid_to_cryptodev(int nid);
+ static int get_cryptodev_ciphers(const int **cnids);
+ /*static int get_cryptodev_digests(const int **cnids);*/
+ static int cryptodev_usable_ciphers(const int **nids);
+@@ -134,9 +141,12 @@ static struct {
+       int     ivmax;
+       int     keylen;
+ } ciphers[] = {
++      { CRYPTO_ARC4,                  NID_rc4,                0,      16, },
+       { CRYPTO_DES_CBC,               NID_des_cbc,            8,       8, },
+       { CRYPTO_3DES_CBC,              NID_des_ede3_cbc,       8,      24, },
+       { CRYPTO_AES_CBC,               NID_aes_128_cbc,        16,     16, },
++      { CRYPTO_AES_CBC,               NID_aes_192_cbc,        16,     24, },
++      { CRYPTO_AES_CBC,               NID_aes_256_cbc,        16,     32, },
+       { CRYPTO_BLF_CBC,               NID_bf_cbc,             8,      16, },
+       { CRYPTO_CAST_CBC,              NID_cast5_cbc,          8,      16, },
+       { CRYPTO_SKIPJACK_CBC,          NID_undef,              0,       0, },
+@@ -147,14 +157,16 @@ static struct {
+ static struct {
+       int     id;
+       int     nid;
++      int     keylen;
+ } digests[] = {
+-      { CRYPTO_SHA1_HMAC,             NID_hmacWithSHA1,       },
+-      { CRYPTO_RIPEMD160_HMAC,        NID_ripemd160,          },
+-      { CRYPTO_MD5_KPDK,              NID_undef,              },
+-      { CRYPTO_SHA1_KPDK,             NID_undef,              },
+-      { CRYPTO_MD5,                   NID_md5,                },
+-      { CRYPTO_SHA1,                  NID_undef,              },
+-      { 0,                            NID_undef,              },
++      { CRYPTO_MD5_HMAC,              NID_hmacWithMD5,        16},
++      { CRYPTO_SHA1_HMAC,             NID_hmacWithSHA1,       20},
++      { CRYPTO_RIPEMD160_HMAC,        NID_ripemd160,          16/*?*/},
++      { CRYPTO_MD5_KPDK,              NID_undef,              0},
++      { CRYPTO_SHA1_KPDK,             NID_undef,              0},
++      { CRYPTO_MD5,                   NID_md5,                16},
++      { CRYPTO_SHA1,                  NID_sha1,               20},
++      { 0,                            NID_undef,              0},
+ };
+ #endif
+@@ -182,10 +194,17 @@ open_dev_crypto(void)
+ static int
+ get_dev_crypto(void)
+ {
+-      int fd, retfd;
++      static int fd = -1;
++      int retfd;
+-      if ((fd = open_dev_crypto()) == -1)
+-              return (-1);
++      if (fd == -1) {
++              if ((fd = open_dev_crypto()) == -1)
++                      return (-1);
++              if (fcntl(fd, F_SETFD, 1) == -1) {
++                      close(fd);
++                      return (-1);
++              }
++      }
+       if (ioctl(fd, CRIOGET, &retfd) == -1)
+               return (-1);
+@@ -209,50 +228,6 @@ get_asym_dev_crypto(void)
+ }
+ /*
+- * XXXX this needs to be set for each alg - and determined from
+- * a running card.
+- */
+-static int
+-cryptodev_max_iv(int cipher)
+-      int i;
+-      for (i = 0; ciphers[i].id; i++)
+-              if (ciphers[i].id == cipher)
+-                      return (ciphers[i].ivmax);
+-      return (0);
+- * XXXX this needs to be set for each alg - and determined from
+- * a running card. For now, fake it out - but most of these
+- * for real devices should return 1 for the supported key
+- * sizes the device can handle.
+- */
+-static int
+-cryptodev_key_length_valid(int cipher, int len)
+-      int i;
+-      for (i = 0; ciphers[i].id; i++)
+-              if (ciphers[i].id == cipher)
+-                      return (ciphers[i].keylen == len);
+-      return (0);
+-/* convert libcrypto nids to cryptodev */
+-static int
+-cipher_nid_to_cryptodev(int nid)
+-      int i;
+-      for (i = 0; ciphers[i].id; i++)
+-              if (ciphers[i].nid == nid)
+-                      return (ciphers[i].id);
+-      return (0);
+  * Find out what ciphers /dev/crypto will let us have a session for.
+  * XXX note, that some of these openssl doesn't deal with yet!
+  * returning them here is harmless, as long as we return NULL
+@@ -270,7 +245,7 @@ get_cryptodev_ciphers(const int **cnids)
+               return (0);
+       }
+       memset(&sess, 0, sizeof(sess));
+-      sess.key = (caddr_t)"123456781234567812345678";
++      sess.key = (caddr_t)"123456789abcdefghijklmno";
+       for (i = 0; ciphers[i].id && count < CRYPTO_ALGORITHM_MAX; i++) {
+               if (ciphers[i].nid == NID_undef)
+@@ -310,10 +285,12 @@ get_cryptodev_digests(const int **cnids)
+               return (0);
+       }
+       memset(&sess, 0, sizeof(sess));
++      sess.mackey = (caddr_t)"123456789abcdefghijklmno";
+       for (i = 0; digests[i].id && count < CRYPTO_ALGORITHM_MAX; i++) {
+               if (digests[i].nid == NID_undef)
+                       continue;
+               sess.mac = digests[i].id;
++              sess.mackeylen = digests[i].keylen;
+               sess.cipher = 0;
+               if (ioctl(fd, CIOCGSESSION, &sess) != -1 &&
+                   ioctl(fd, CIOCFSESSION, &sess.ses) != -1)
+@@ -360,6 +337,9 @@ cryptodev_usable_ciphers(const int **nid
+ static int
+ cryptodev_usable_digests(const int **nids)
+ {
++      return (get_cryptodev_digests(nids));
+       /*
+        * XXXX just disable all digests for now, because it sucks.
+        * we need a better way to decide this - i.e. I may not
+@@ -374,6 +354,7 @@ cryptodev_usable_digests(const int **nid
+        */
+       *nids = NULL;
+       return (0);
+ }
+ static int
+@@ -436,16 +417,20 @@ cryptodev_init_key(EVP_CIPHER_CTX *ctx, 
+ {
+       struct dev_crypto_state *state = ctx->cipher_data;
+       struct session_op *sess = &state->d_sess;
+-      int cipher;
+-      if ((cipher = cipher_nid_to_cryptodev(ctx->cipher->nid)) == NID_undef)
+-              return (0);
++      int cipher, i;
+-      if (ctx->cipher->iv_len > cryptodev_max_iv(cipher))
+-              return (0);
++      for (i = 0; ciphers[i].id; i++)
++              if (ctx->cipher->nid == ciphers[i].nid &&
++                  ctx->cipher->iv_len <= ciphers[i].ivmax &&
++                  ctx->key_len == ciphers[i].keylen) {
++                      cipher = ciphers[i].id;
++                      break;
++              }
+-      if (!cryptodev_key_length_valid(cipher, ctx->key_len))
++      if (!ciphers[i].id) {
++              state->d_fd = -1;
+               return (0);
++      }
+       memset(sess, 0, sizeof(struct session_op));
+@@ -505,6 +490,20 @@ cryptodev_cleanup(EVP_CIPHER_CTX *ctx)
+  * gets called when libcrypto requests a cipher NID.
+  */
++/* RC4 */
++const EVP_CIPHER cryptodev_rc4 = {
++      NID_rc4,
++      1, 16, 0,
++      cryptodev_init_key,
++      cryptodev_cipher,
++      cryptodev_cleanup,
++      sizeof(struct dev_crypto_state),
++      NULL,
++      NULL,
++      NULL
+ /* DES CBC EVP */
+ const EVP_CIPHER cryptodev_des_cbc = {
+       NID_des_cbc,
+@@ -572,6 +571,32 @@ const EVP_CIPHER cryptodev_aes_cbc = {
+       NULL
+ };
++const EVP_CIPHER cryptodev_aes_192_cbc = {
++      NID_aes_192_cbc,
++      16, 24, 16,
++      cryptodev_init_key,
++      cryptodev_cipher,
++      cryptodev_cleanup,
++      sizeof(struct dev_crypto_state),
++      EVP_CIPHER_set_asn1_iv,
++      EVP_CIPHER_get_asn1_iv,
++      NULL
++const EVP_CIPHER cryptodev_aes_256_cbc = {
++      NID_aes_256_cbc,
++      16, 32, 16,
++      cryptodev_init_key,
++      cryptodev_cipher,
++      cryptodev_cleanup,
++      sizeof(struct dev_crypto_state),
++      EVP_CIPHER_set_asn1_iv,
++      EVP_CIPHER_get_asn1_iv,
++      NULL
+ /*
+  * Registered by the ENGINE when used to find out how to deal with
+  * a particular NID in the ENGINE. this says what we'll do at the
+@@ -585,6 +610,9 @@ cryptodev_engine_ciphers(ENGINE *e, cons
+               return (cryptodev_usable_ciphers(nids));
+       switch (nid) {
++      case NID_rc4:
++              *cipher = &cryptodev_rc4;
++              break;
+       case NID_des_ede3_cbc:
+               *cipher = &cryptodev_3des_cbc;
+               break;
+@@ -600,6 +628,12 @@ cryptodev_engine_ciphers(ENGINE *e, cons
+       case NID_aes_128_cbc:
+               *cipher = &cryptodev_aes_cbc;
+               break;
++      case NID_aes_192_cbc:
++              *cipher = &cryptodev_aes_192_cbc;
++              break;
++      case NID_aes_256_cbc:
++              *cipher = &cryptodev_aes_256_cbc;
++              break;
+       default:
+               *cipher = NULL;
+               break;
+@@ -607,6 +641,234 @@ cryptodev_engine_ciphers(ENGINE *e, cons
+       return (*cipher != NULL);
+ }
++/* convert digest type to cryptodev */
++static int
++digest_nid_to_cryptodev(int nid)
++      int i;
++      for (i = 0; digests[i].id; i++)
++              if (digests[i].nid == nid)
++                      return (digests[i].id);
++      return (0);
++static int
++digest_key_length(int nid)
++      int i;
++      for (i = 0; digests[i].id; i++)
++              if (digests[i].nid == nid)
++                      return digests[i].keylen;
++      return (0);
++static int cryptodev_digest_init(EVP_MD_CTX *ctx)
++      struct dev_crypto_state *state = ctx->md_data;
++      struct session_op *sess = &state->d_sess;
++      int digest;
++      if ((digest = digest_nid_to_cryptodev(ctx->digest->type)) == NID_undef){
++              fprintf(stderr, "cryptodev_digest_init: Can't get digest \n");
++              return (0);
++      }
++      memset(state, 0, sizeof(struct dev_crypto_state));
++      if ((state->d_fd = get_dev_crypto()) < 0) {
++              fprintf(stderr, "cryptodev_digest_init: Can't get Dev \n");
++              return (0);
++      }
++      sess->mackey = state->dummy_mac_key;
++      sess->mackeylen = digest_key_length(ctx->digest->type);
++      sess->mac = digest;
++      if (ioctl(state->d_fd, CIOCGSESSION, sess) < 0) {
++              close(state->d_fd);
++              state->d_fd = -1;
++              fprintf(stderr, "cryptodev_digest_init: Open session failed\n");
++              return (0);
++      }
++      return (1);
++static int cryptodev_digest_update(EVP_MD_CTX *ctx, const void *data,
++              size_t count)
++      struct crypt_op cryp;
++      struct dev_crypto_state *state = ctx->md_data;
++      struct session_op *sess = &state->d_sess;
++      if (!data || state->d_fd < 0) {
++              fprintf(stderr, "cryptodev_digest_update: illegal inputs \n");
++              return (0);
++      }
++      if (!count) {
++              return (0);
++      }
++      if (!(ctx->flags & EVP_MD_CTX_FLAG_ONESHOT)) {
++              /* if application doesn't support one buffer */
++              state->mac_data = OPENSSL_realloc(state->mac_data, state->mac_len + count);
++              if (!state->mac_data) {
++                      fprintf(stderr, "cryptodev_digest_update: realloc failed\n");
++                      return (0);
++              }
++              memcpy(state->mac_data + state->mac_len, data, count);
++              state->mac_len += count;
++              return (1);
++      }
++      memset(&cryp, 0, sizeof(cryp));
++      cryp.ses = sess->ses;
++      cryp.flags = 0;
++      cryp.len = count;
++      cryp.src = (caddr_t) data;
++      cryp.dst = NULL;
++      cryp.mac = state->digest_res;
++      if (ioctl(state->d_fd, CIOCCRYPT, &cryp) < 0) {
++              fprintf(stderr, "cryptodev_digest_update: digest failed\n");
++              return (0);
++      }
++      return (1);
++static int cryptodev_digest_final(EVP_MD_CTX *ctx, unsigned char *md)
++      struct crypt_op cryp;
++      struct dev_crypto_state *state = ctx->md_data;
++      struct session_op *sess = &state->d_sess;
++      int ret = 1;
++      if (!md || state->d_fd < 0) {
++              fprintf(stderr, "cryptodev_digest_final: illegal input\n");
++              return(0);
++      }
++      if (! (ctx->flags & EVP_MD_CTX_FLAG_ONESHOT) ) {
++              /* if application doesn't support one buffer */
++              memset(&cryp, 0, sizeof(cryp));
++              cryp.ses = sess->ses;
++              cryp.flags = 0;
++              cryp.len = state->mac_len;
++              cryp.src = state->mac_data;
++              cryp.dst = NULL;
++              cryp.mac = md;
++              if (ioctl(state->d_fd, CIOCCRYPT, &cryp) < 0) {
++                      fprintf(stderr, "cryptodev_digest_final: digest failed\n");
++                      return (0);
++              }
++              return 1;
++      }
++      memcpy(md, state->digest_res, ctx->digest->md_size);
++      return (ret);
++static int cryptodev_digest_cleanup(EVP_MD_CTX *ctx)
++      int ret = 1;
++      struct dev_crypto_state *state = ctx->md_data;
++      struct session_op *sess = &state->d_sess;
++      if (state->d_fd < 0) {
++              fprintf(stderr, "cryptodev_digest_cleanup: illegal input\n");
++              return (0);
++      }
++      if (state->mac_data) {
++              OPENSSL_free(state->mac_data);
++              state->mac_data = NULL;
++              state->mac_len = 0;
++      }
++      if (state->copy)
++              return 1;
++      if (ioctl(state->d_fd, CIOCFSESSION, &sess->ses) < 0) {
++              fprintf(stderr, "cryptodev_digest_cleanup: failed to close session\n");
++              ret = 0;
++      } else {
++              ret = 1;
++      }
++      close(state->d_fd);     
++      state->d_fd = -1;
++      return (ret);
++static int cryptodev_digest_copy(EVP_MD_CTX *to,const EVP_MD_CTX *from)
++      struct dev_crypto_state *fstate = from->md_data;
++      struct dev_crypto_state *dstate = to->md_data;
++      memcpy(dstate, fstate, sizeof(struct dev_crypto_state));
++      if (fstate->mac_len != 0) {
++              dstate->mac_data = OPENSSL_malloc(fstate->mac_len);
++              memcpy(dstate->mac_data, fstate->mac_data, fstate->mac_len);
++      }
++      dstate->copy = 1;
++      return 1;
++const EVP_MD cryptodev_sha1 = {
++      NID_sha1,
++      NID_undef, 
++      cryptodev_digest_init,
++      cryptodev_digest_update,
++      cryptodev_digest_final,
++      cryptodev_digest_copy,
++      cryptodev_digest_cleanup,
++      EVP_PKEY_NULL_method,
++      SHA_CBLOCK,
++      sizeof(struct dev_crypto_state),
++const EVP_MD cryptodev_md5 = {
++      NID_md5,
++      NID_undef, 
++      16 /* MD5_DIGEST_LENGTH */, 
++      cryptodev_digest_init,
++      cryptodev_digest_update,
++      cryptodev_digest_final,
++      cryptodev_digest_copy,
++      cryptodev_digest_cleanup,
++      EVP_PKEY_NULL_method,
++      64 /* MD5_CBLOCK */,
++      sizeof(struct dev_crypto_state),
+ static int
+ cryptodev_engine_digests(ENGINE *e, const EVP_MD **digest,
+     const int **nids, int nid)
+@@ -615,10 +877,15 @@ cryptodev_engine_digests(ENGINE *e, cons
+               return (cryptodev_usable_digests(nids));
+       switch (nid) {
+       case NID_md5:
+-              *digest = NULL; /* need to make a clean md5 critter */
++              *digest = &cryptodev_md5; 
+               break;
++      case NID_sha1:
++              *digest = &cryptodev_sha1;
++              break;
+       default:
+               *digest = NULL;
+               break;
+       }
+@@ -646,6 +913,7 @@ bn2crparam(const BIGNUM *a, struct crpar
+       b = malloc(bytes);
+       if (b == NULL)
+               return (1);
++      memset(b, 0, bytes);
+       crp->crp_p = (char *)b;
+       crp->crp_nbits = bits;
+@@ -690,7 +958,7 @@ zapparams(struct crypt_kop *kop)
+ {
+       int i;
+-      for (i = 0; i <= kop->crk_iparams + kop->crk_oparams; i++) {
++      for (i = 0; i < kop->crk_iparams + kop->crk_oparams; i++) {
+               if (kop->crk_param[i].crp_p)
+                       free(kop->crk_param[i].crp_p);
+               kop->crk_param[i].crp_p = NULL;
+@@ -757,6 +1025,9 @@ cryptodev_bn_mod_exp(BIGNUM *r, const BI
+       if (cryptodev_asym(&kop, BN_num_bytes(m), r, 0, NULL) == -1) {
+               const RSA_METHOD *meth = RSA_PKCS1_SSLeay();
++              fprintf(stderr, "cryptodev_asym: CRK_MOD_EXP %s failed, "
++                      "Running in software\n", errno==kop.crk_status ?
++                      "hardware operation" : "asym process");
+               ret = meth->bn_mod_exp(r, a, p, m, ctx, in_mont);
+       }
+ err:
+@@ -768,7 +1039,6 @@ static int
+ cryptodev_rsa_nocrt_mod_exp(BIGNUM *r0, const BIGNUM *I, RSA *rsa, BN_CTX *ctx)
+ {
+       int r;
+       r = cryptodev_bn_mod_exp(r0, I, rsa->d, rsa->n, ctx, NULL);
+       return (r);
+ }
+@@ -803,6 +1073,9 @@ cryptodev_rsa_mod_exp(BIGNUM *r0, const 
+       if (cryptodev_asym(&kop, BN_num_bytes(rsa->n), r0, 0, NULL) == -1) {
+               const RSA_METHOD *meth = RSA_PKCS1_SSLeay();
++              fprintf(stderr, "cryptodev_asym: CRK_MOD_EXP_CRT %s failed, "
++                      "Running in software\n", errno==kop.crk_status ?
++                      "hardware operation" : "asym process");
+               ret = (*meth->rsa_mod_exp)(r0, I, rsa, ctx);
+       }
+ err:
+@@ -904,6 +1177,9 @@ cryptodev_dsa_do_sign(const unsigned cha
+               const DSA_METHOD *meth = DSA_OpenSSL();
+               BN_free(r);
+               BN_free(s);
++              fprintf(stderr, "cryptodev_asym: CRK_DSA_SIGN %s failed, "
++                      "Running in software\n", errno==kop.crk_status ?
++                      "hardware operation" : "asym process");
+               dsaret = (meth->dsa_do_sign)(dgst, dlen, dsa);
+       }
+ err:
+@@ -944,6 +1220,9 @@ cryptodev_dsa_verify(const unsigned char
+       } else {
+               const DSA_METHOD *meth = DSA_OpenSSL();
++              fprintf(stderr, "cryptodev_asym: CRK_DSA_VERIFY %s failed, "
++                      "Running in software\n", errno==kop.crk_status ?
++                      "hardware operation" : "asym process");
+               dsaret = (meth->dsa_do_verify)(dgst, dlen, sig, dsa);
+       }
+ err:
+@@ -977,8 +1256,8 @@ static int
+ cryptodev_dh_compute_key(unsigned char *key, const BIGNUM *pub_key, DH *dh)
+ {
+       struct crypt_kop kop;
+-      int dhret = 1;
+-      int fd, keylen;
++      int dhret = -1;
++      int fd, keybits;
+       if ((fd = get_asym_dev_crypto()) < 0) {
+               const DH_METHOD *meth = DH_OpenSSL();
+@@ -986,7 +1265,7 @@ cryptodev_dh_compute_key(unsigned char *
+               return ((meth->compute_key)(key, pub_key, dh));
+       }
+-      keylen = BN_num_bits(dh->p);
++      keybits = BN_num_bits(dh->p);
+       memset(&kop, 0, sizeof kop);
+       kop.crk_op = CRK_DH_COMPUTE_KEY;
+@@ -1001,14 +1280,18 @@ cryptodev_dh_compute_key(unsigned char *
+       kop.crk_iparams = 3;
+       kop.crk_param[3].crp_p = (char *)key;
+-      kop.crk_param[3].crp_nbits = keylen * 8;
++      kop.crk_param[3].crp_nbits = keybits;
+       kop.crk_oparams = 1;
+       if (ioctl(fd, CIOCKEY, &kop) == -1) {
+               const DH_METHOD *meth = DH_OpenSSL();
++              fprintf(stderr, "cryptodev_asym: CRK_DH_COMPUTE_KEY %s failed, "
++                      "Running in software\n", errno==kop.crk_status ?
++                      "hardware operation" : "asym process");
+               dhret = (meth->compute_key)(key, pub_key, dh);
+-      }
++      } else
++              dhret = (keybits + 7) / 8;
+ err:
+       kop.crk_param[3].crp_p = NULL;
+       zapparams(&kop);
+--- a/crypto/engine/engine.h
++++ b/crypto/engine/engine.h
+@@ -705,7 +705,7 @@ typedef int (*dynamic_bind_engine)(ENGIN
+  * values. */
+ void *ENGINE_get_static_state(void);
+-#if defined(__OpenBSD__) || defined(__FreeBSD__)
++#if defined(__OpenBSD__) || defined(__FreeBSD__) || defined(HAVE_CRYPTODEV)
+ void ENGINE_setup_bsd_cryptodev(void);
+ #endif
+--- a/crypto/evp/c_all.c
++++ b/crypto/evp/c_all.c
+@@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ void OPENSSL_add_all_algorithms_noconf(v
+       OpenSSL_add_all_ciphers();
+       OpenSSL_add_all_digests();
+-# if defined(__OpenBSD__) || defined(__FreeBSD__)
++# if defined(__OpenBSD__) || defined(__FreeBSD__) || defined(HAVE_CRYPTODEV)
+       ENGINE_setup_bsd_cryptodev();
+ # endif
+ #endif
+--- a/crypto/evp/c_alld.c
++++ b/crypto/evp/c_alld.c
+@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ void OpenSSL_add_all_digests(void)
+       EVP_add_digest(EVP_dss());
+ #endif
+ #endif
+-#ifndef OPENSSL_NO_SHA
++#if !defined(OPENSSL_NO_SHA) && !defined(OPENSSL_NO_SHA1)
+       EVP_add_digest(EVP_sha1());
+       EVP_add_digest_alias(SN_sha1,"ssl3-sha1");
+       EVP_add_digest_alias(SN_sha1WithRSAEncryption,SN_sha1WithRSA);
+--- a/engines/Makefile
++++ b/engines/Makefile
+@@ -97,6 +97,7 @@ install:
+                       ( echo installing $$l; \
+                         if [ "$(PLATFORM)" != "Cygwin" ]; then \
+                               case "$(CFLAGS)" in \
++                              *OPENSSL_NO_HW*)        continue;;      \
+                               *DSO_DLFCN*)    sfx="so";;      \
+                               *DSO_DL*)       sfx="sl";;      \
+                               *)              sfx="bad";;     \
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