while (<CONFIG>) {
/^CONFIG_LOCALMIRROR="(.+)"/ and do {
while (<CONFIG>) {
/^CONFIG_LOCALMIRROR="(.+)"/ and do {
+ my @local_mirrors = split(/;/, $1);
+ push @mlist, @local_mirrors;
if( $mirror =~ /^file:\/\// ) {
my $cache = $mirror;
$cache =~ s/file:\/\///g;
if( $mirror =~ /^file:\/\// ) {
my $cache = $mirror;
$cache =~ s/file:\/\///g;
- print "Checking local cache: $cache\n";
- system("mkdir -p $target/");
- system("cp -f $cache/$filename $target/$filename.dl") == 0 or return;
+ if(system("test -d $cache")) {
+ print STDERR "Wrong local cache directory -$cache-.\n";
+ cleanup();
+ return;
+ }
+ if(! -d $target) {
+ system("mkdir -p $target/");
+ }
+ system("cp -vf $cache/$filename $target/$filename.dl") == 0 or return;
system("$md5cmd $target/$filename.dl > \"$target/$filename.md5sum\" ") == 0 or return;
} else {
open WGET, "wget -t5 --timeout=20 $options -O- \"$mirror/$filename\" |" or die "Cannot launch wget.\n";
system("$md5cmd $target/$filename.dl > \"$target/$filename.md5sum\" ") == 0 or return;
} else {
open WGET, "wget -t5 --timeout=20 $options -O- \"$mirror/$filename\" |" or die "Cannot launch wget.\n";