Migrate rt2x00 to the compat-wireless version
authorflorian <florian@3c298f89-4303-0410-b956-a3cf2f4a3e73>
Mon, 7 Apr 2008 07:29:37 +0000 (07:29 +0000)
committerflorian <florian@3c298f89-4303-0410-b956-a3cf2f4a3e73>
Mon, 7 Apr 2008 07:29:37 +0000 (07:29 +0000)
git-svn-id: svn://svn.openwrt.org/openwrt/trunk@10753 3c298f89-4303-0410-b956-a3cf2f4a3e73

35 files changed:
package/rt2x00/Makefile [deleted file]
package/rt2x00/src/COPYING [deleted file]
package/rt2x00/src/Makefile [deleted file]
package/rt2x00/src/README [deleted file]
package/rt2x00/src/THANKS [deleted file]
package/rt2x00/src/rt2400pci.c [deleted file]
package/rt2x00/src/rt2400pci.h [deleted file]
package/rt2x00/src/rt2500pci.c [deleted file]
package/rt2x00/src/rt2500pci.h [deleted file]
package/rt2x00/src/rt2500usb.c [deleted file]
package/rt2x00/src/rt2500usb.h [deleted file]
package/rt2x00/src/rt2x00.h [deleted file]
package/rt2x00/src/rt2x00_compat.h [deleted file]
package/rt2x00/src/rt2x00config.c [deleted file]
package/rt2x00/src/rt2x00debug.c [deleted file]
package/rt2x00/src/rt2x00debug.h [deleted file]
package/rt2x00/src/rt2x00dev.c [deleted file]
package/rt2x00/src/rt2x00dev.h [deleted file]
package/rt2x00/src/rt2x00firmware.c [deleted file]
package/rt2x00/src/rt2x00firmware.h [deleted file]
package/rt2x00/src/rt2x00lib.h [deleted file]
package/rt2x00/src/rt2x00mac.c [deleted file]
package/rt2x00/src/rt2x00pci.c [deleted file]
package/rt2x00/src/rt2x00pci.h [deleted file]
package/rt2x00/src/rt2x00reg.h [deleted file]
package/rt2x00/src/rt2x00rfkill.c [deleted file]
package/rt2x00/src/rt2x00rfkill.h [deleted file]
package/rt2x00/src/rt2x00ring.h [deleted file]
package/rt2x00/src/rt2x00usb.c [deleted file]
package/rt2x00/src/rt2x00usb.h [deleted file]
package/rt2x00/src/rt61pci.c [deleted file]
package/rt2x00/src/rt61pci.h [deleted file]
package/rt2x00/src/rt73usb.c [deleted file]
package/rt2x00/src/rt73usb.h [deleted file]

index b8008d7..12a177b 100644 (file)
@@ -33,12 +33,128 @@ define KernelPackage/mac80211/description
 Linux 802.11 Wireless Networking Stack
+# Ralink rt2x00 drivers
+define Download/rt61
+  FILE:=$(RT61FW)
+  URL:=http://www.ralinktech.com.tw/data/
+  MD5SUM:=d4c690c93b470bc9a681297c2adc6281
+$(eval $(call Download,rt61))
+define Download/rt71w
+  FILE:=$(RT71FW)
+  URL:=http://www.ralinktech.com.tw/data/
+  MD5SUM:=1e7a5dc574e0268574fcda3fd5cf52f7
+$(eval $(call Download,rt71w))
+define KernelPackage/rt2x00/Default
+  SUBMENU:=Wireless Drivers
+  TITLE:=Ralink Drivers for RT2x00 cards
+  DEPENDS:=@LINUX_2_6_24 @!TARGET_atheros @!TARGET_uml
+define KernelPackage/rt2x00-lib
+$(call KernelPackage/rt2x00/Default)
+  TITLE+= (LIB)
+  FILES:=$(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/drivers/net/wireless/rt2x00/rt2x00lib.$(LINUX_KMOD_SUFFIX)
+  AUTOLOAD:=$(call AutoLoad,25,blkcipher ecb arc4 rt2x00lib)
+define KernelPackage/rt2x00-pci
+$(call KernelPackage/rt2x00/Default)
+  DEPENDS+= @PCI_SUPPORT +kmod-rt2x00-lib +kmod-eeprom-93cx6
+  TITLE+= (PCI)
+  FILES:=$(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/drivers/net/wireless/rt2x00/rt2x00pci.$(LINUX_KMOD_SUFFIX)
+  AUTOLOAD:=$(call AutoLoad,26,rt2x00pci)
+define KernelPackage/rt2x00-usb
+$(call KernelPackage/rt2x00/Default)
+  DEPENDS+= @USB_SUPPORT +kmod-rt2x00-lib +kmod-usb-core
+  TITLE+= (USB)
+  FILES:=$(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/drivers/net/wireless/rt2x00/rt2x00usb.$(LINUX_KMOD_SUFFIX)
+  AUTOLOAD:=$(call AutoLoad,26,rt2x00usb)
+define KernelPackage/rt2400-pci
+$(call KernelPackage/rt2x00/Default)
+  DEPENDS+= @PCI_SUPPORT +kmod-rt2x00-pci
+  TITLE+= (RT2400 PCI)
+  FILES:=$(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/drivers/net/wireless/rt2x00/rt2400pci.$(LINUX_KMOD_SUFFIX)
+  AUTOLOAD:=$(call AutoLoad,27,rt2400pci)
+define KernelPackage/rt2500-pci
+$(call KernelPackage/rt2x00/Default)
+  DEPENDS+= @PCI_SUPPORT +kmod-rt2x00-pci
+  TITLE+= (RT2500 PCI)
+  FILES:=$(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/drivers/net/wireless/rt2x00/rt2500pci.$(LINUX_KMOD_SUFFIX)
+  AUTOLOAD:=$(call AutoLoad,27,rt2500pci)
+define KernelPackage/rt2500-usb
+$(call KernelPackage/rt2x00/Default)
+  DEPENDS+= @USB_SUPPORT +kmod-rt2x00-usb +kmod-crc-itu-t
+  TITLE+= (RT2500 USB)
+  FILES:=$(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/drivers/net/wireless/rt2x00/rt2500usb.$(LINUX_KMOD_SUFFIX)
+  AUTOLOAD:=$(call AutoLoad,27,rt2500usb)
+define KernelPackage/rt61-pci
+$(call KernelPackage/rt2x00/Default)
+  DEPENDS+= @PCI_SUPPORT +kmod-rt2x00-pci +kmod-crc-itu-t
+  TITLE+= (RT2x61 PCI)
+  FILES:=$(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/drivers/net/wireless/rt2x00/rt61pci.$(LINUX_KMOD_SUFFIX)
+  AUTOLOAD:=$(call AutoLoad,27,rt61pci)
+define KernelPackage/rt73-usb
+  $(call KernelPackage/rt2x00/Default)
+  DEPENDS+= @USB_SUPPORT +kmod-rt2x00-usb
+  TITLE+= (RT73 USB)
+  FILES:=$(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/drivers/net/wireless/rt2x00/rt73usb.$(LINUX_KMOD_SUFFIX)
+  AUTOLOAD:=$(call AutoLoad,27,rt73usb)
+               CONFIG_RT2X00_DEBUG=y \
+               CONFIG_RT2X00_LIB_FIRMWARE=y \
+               CONFIG_RT2X00_LIB_LEDS=y
+ifneq ($(CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-rt2x00-pci),)
+ifneq ($(CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-rt2x00-usb),)
+ifneq ($(CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-rt2400-pci),)
+ifneq ($(CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-rt2500-pci),)
+ifneq ($(CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-rt2500-usb),)
+ifneq ($(CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-rt61-pci),)
+ifneq ($(CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-rt73-usb),)
+CONFOPTS:=MAC80211 CFG80211 NL80211 MAC80211_RC_DEFAULT_PID MAC80211_RC_PID \
        $(foreach opt,$(CONFOPTS),-DCONFIG_$(opt)) \
-       -D__CONFIG_MAC80211_RC_DEFAULT=pid
+       -D__CONFIG_MAC80211_RC_DEFAULT=pid \
@@ -56,6 +172,8 @@ define Build/Prepare
        mkdir -p $(PKG_BUILD_DIR)
        $(if $(QUILT),touch $(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/.quilt_used)
+       unzip -jod $(PKG_BUILD_DIR) $(DL_DIR)/$(RT61FW)
+       unzip -jod $(PKG_BUILD_DIR) $(DL_DIR)/$(RT71FW)
 define Build/Compile
@@ -72,4 +190,23 @@ define KernelPackage/mac80211/install
        $(INSTALL_DATA) ./files/lib/wifi/mac80211.sh $(1)/lib/wifi
+define KernelPackage/rt61-pci/install
+       $(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/lib/firmware
+       $(INSTALL_DATA) $(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/rt2?61*.bin $(1)/lib/firmware/
+define KernelPackage/rt73-usb/install
+       $(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/lib/firmware
+       $(INSTALL_DATA) $(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/rt73.bin $(1)/lib/firmware/
 $(eval $(call KernelPackage,mac80211))
+$(eval $(call KernelPackage,rt2x00-lib))
+$(eval $(call KernelPackage,rt2x00-pci))
+$(eval $(call KernelPackage,rt2x00-usb))
+$(eval $(call KernelPackage,rt2400-pci))
+$(eval $(call KernelPackage,rt2500-pci))
+$(eval $(call KernelPackage,rt2500-usb))
+$(eval $(call KernelPackage,rt61-pci))
+$(eval $(call KernelPackage,rt73-usb))
diff --git a/package/rt2x00/Makefile b/package/rt2x00/Makefile
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 940ef9b..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,180 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2007 OpenWrt.org
-# This is free software, licensed under the GNU General Public License v2.
-# See /LICENSE for more information.
-# $Id: $
-include $(TOPDIR)/rules.mk
-include $(INCLUDE_DIR)/kernel.mk
-include $(INCLUDE_DIR)/package.mk
-define Download/rt61
-  FILE:=$(RT61FW)
-  URL:=http://www.ralinktech.com.tw/data/
-  MD5SUM:=d4c690c93b470bc9a681297c2adc6281
-$(eval $(call Download,rt61))
-define Download/rt71w
-  FILE:=$(RT71FW)
-  URL:=http://www.ralinktech.com.tw/data/
-  MD5SUM:=1e7a5dc574e0268574fcda3fd5cf52f7
-$(eval $(call Download,rt71w))
-# XXX: remove @!TARGET_* later when we have PCI & USB support properly detected on all targets
-define KernelPackage/rt2x00/Default
-  SUBMENU:=Wireless Drivers
-  TITLE:=Ralink Drivers for RT2x00 cards
-  DEPENDS:=@LINUX_2_6_24 @!TARGET_atheros @!TARGET_uml
-define KernelPackage/rt2x00-lib
-$(call KernelPackage/rt2x00/Default)
-  TITLE+= (LIB)
-  AUTOLOAD:=$(call AutoLoad,25,blkcipher ecb arc4 rt2x00lib)
-define KernelPackage/rt2x00-pci
-$(call KernelPackage/rt2x00/Default)
-  DEPENDS+= @PCI_SUPPORT +kmod-rt2x00-lib +kmod-eeprom-93cx6
-  TITLE+= (PCI)
-  AUTOLOAD:=$(call AutoLoad,26,rt2x00pci)
-define KernelPackage/rt2x00-usb
-$(call KernelPackage/rt2x00/Default)
-  DEPENDS+= @USB_SUPPORT +kmod-rt2x00-lib +kmod-usb-core
-  TITLE+= (USB)
-  AUTOLOAD:=$(call AutoLoad,26,rt2x00usb)
-define KernelPackage/rt2400-pci
-$(call KernelPackage/rt2x00/Default)
-  DEPENDS+= @PCI_SUPPORT +kmod-rt2x00-pci
-  TITLE+= (RT2400 PCI)
-  AUTOLOAD:=$(call AutoLoad,27,rt2400pci)
-define KernelPackage/rt2500-pci
-$(call KernelPackage/rt2x00/Default)
-  DEPENDS+= @PCI_SUPPORT +kmod-rt2x00-pci
-  TITLE+= (RT2500 PCI)
-  AUTOLOAD:=$(call AutoLoad,27,rt2500pci)
-define KernelPackage/rt2500-usb
-$(call KernelPackage/rt2x00/Default)
-  DEPENDS+= @USB_SUPPORT +kmod-rt2x00-usb +kmod-crc-itu-t
-  TITLE+= (RT2500 USB)
-  AUTOLOAD:=$(call AutoLoad,27,rt2500usb)
-define KernelPackage/rt61-pci
-$(call KernelPackage/rt2x00/Default)
-  DEPENDS+= @PCI_SUPPORT +kmod-rt2x00-pci +kmod-crc-itu-t
-  TITLE+= (RT2x61 PCI)
-  AUTOLOAD:=$(call AutoLoad,27,rt61pci)
-define KernelPackage/rt73-usb
-  $(call KernelPackage/rt2x00/Default)
-  DEPENDS+= @USB_SUPPORT +kmod-rt2x00-usb
-  TITLE+= (RT73 USB)
-  AUTOLOAD:=$(call AutoLoad,27,rt73usb)
-       CONFIG_MAC80211=y \
-       CONFIG_RT2X00=y \
-       CONFIG_RT2X00_DEBUG=y \
-ifneq ($(CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-rt2x00-pci),)
-ifneq ($(CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-rt2x00-usb),)
-ifneq ($(CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-rt2400-pci),)
-ifneq ($(CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-rt2500-pci),)
-ifneq ($(CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-rt2500-usb),)
-ifneq ($(CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-rt61-pci),)
-ifneq ($(CONFIG_PACKAGE_kmod-rt73-usb),)
-       -I$(STAGING_DIR)/usr/include/mac80211 \
-       $(patsubst CONFIG_%, -DCONFIG_%=1, $(patsubst %=m,%,$(filter %=m,$(PKG_EXTRA_KCONFIG)))) \
-       $(patsubst CONFIG_%, -DCONFIG_%=1, $(patsubst %=y,%,$(filter %=y,$(PKG_EXTRA_KCONFIG)))) \
-define Build/Prepare
-       $(call Build/Prepare/Default)
-       $(CP) src/* $(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/
-       unzip -jod $(PKG_BUILD_DIR) $(DL_DIR)/$(RT61FW)
-       unzip -jod $(PKG_BUILD_DIR) $(DL_DIR)/$(RT71FW)
-define Build/Configure
-       touch $(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/rt2x00_config.h
-define Build/Compile
-       $(MAKE) -C "$(LINUX_DIR)" \
-               ARCH="$(LINUX_KARCH)" \
-               CROSS_COMPILE="$(TARGET_CROSS)" \
-               SUBDIRS="$(PKG_BUILD_DIR)" \
-               $(PKG_EXTRA_KCONFIG) \
-               EXTRA_CFLAGS="$(PKG_EXTRA_CFLAGS)" \
-               V="$(V)" \
-               modules
-define KernelPackage/rt61-pci/install
-       $(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/lib/firmware
-       $(INSTALL_DATA) $(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/rt2?61*.bin $(1)/lib/firmware/
-define KernelPackage/rt73-usb/install
-       $(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/lib/firmware
-       $(INSTALL_DATA) $(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/rt73.bin $(1)/lib/firmware/
-$(eval $(call KernelPackage,rt2x00-lib))
-$(eval $(call KernelPackage,rt2x00-pci))
-$(eval $(call KernelPackage,rt2x00-usb))
-$(eval $(call KernelPackage,rt2400-pci))
-$(eval $(call KernelPackage,rt2500-pci))
-$(eval $(call KernelPackage,rt2500-usb))
-$(eval $(call KernelPackage,rt61-pci))
-$(eval $(call KernelPackage,rt73-usb))
diff --git a/package/rt2x00/src/COPYING b/package/rt2x00/src/COPYING
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 5b6e7c6..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,340 +0,0 @@
-                   GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE
-                      Version 2, June 1991
- Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-                       59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
- Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
- of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
-                           Preamble
-  The licenses for most software are designed to take away your
-freedom to share and change it.  By contrast, the GNU General Public
-License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free
-software--to make sure the software is free for all its users.  This
-General Public License applies to most of the Free Software
-Foundation's software and to any other program whose authors commit to
-using it.  (Some other Free Software Foundation software is covered by
-the GNU Library General Public License instead.)  You can apply it to
-your programs, too.
-  When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not
-price.  Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you
-have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for
-this service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it
-if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it
-in new free programs; and that you know you can do these things.
-  To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid
-anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights.
-These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you
-distribute copies of the software, or if you modify it.
-  For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether
-gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that
-you have.  You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the
-source code.  And you must show them these terms so they know their
-  We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the software, and
-(2) offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy,
-distribute and/or modify the software.
-  Also, for each author's protection and ours, we want to make certain
-that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free
-software.  If the software is modified by someone else and passed on, we
-want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original, so
-that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on the original
-authors' reputations.
-  Finally, any free program is threatened constantly by software
-patents.  We wish to avoid the danger that redistributors of a free
-program will individually obtain patent licenses, in effect making the
-program proprietary.  To prevent this, we have made it clear that any
-patent must be licensed for everyone's free use or not licensed at all.
-  The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and
-modification follow.
-                   GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE
-  0. This License applies to any program or other work which contains
-a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it may be distributed
-under the terms of this General Public License.  The "Program", below,
-refers to any such program or work, and a "work based on the Program"
-means either the Program or any derivative work under copyright law:
-that is to say, a work containing the Program or a portion of it,
-either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated into another
-language.  (Hereinafter, translation is included without limitation in
-the term "modification".)  Each licensee is addressed as "you".
-Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not
-covered by this License; they are outside its scope.  The act of
-running the Program is not restricted, and the output from the Program
-is covered only if its contents constitute a work based on the
-Program (independent of having been made by running the Program).
-Whether that is true depends on what the Program does.
-  1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's
-source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you
-conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate
-copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the
-notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any warranty;
-and give any other recipients of the Program a copy of this License
-along with the Program.
-You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and
-you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee.
-  2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion
-of it, thus forming a work based on the Program, and copy and
-distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1
-above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions:
-    a) You must cause the modified files to carry prominent notices
-    stating that you changed the files and the date of any change.
-    b) You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in
-    whole or in part contains or is derived from the Program or any
-    part thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third
-    parties under the terms of this License.
-    c) If the modified program normally reads commands interactively
-    when run, you must cause it, when started running for such
-    interactive use in the most ordinary way, to print or display an
-    announcement including an appropriate copyright notice and a
-    notice that there is no warranty (or else, saying that you provide
-    a warranty) and that users may redistribute the program under
-    these conditions, and telling the user how to view a copy of this
-    License.  (Exception: if the Program itself is interactive but
-    does not normally print such an announcement, your work based on
-    the Program is not required to print an announcement.)
-These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole.  If
-identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Program,
-and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in
-themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those
-sections when you distribute them as separate works.  But when you
-distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based
-on the Program, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of
-this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the
-entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote it.
-Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest
-your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to
-exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or
-collective works based on the Program.
-In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Program
-with the Program (or with a work based on the Program) on a volume of
-a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under
-the scope of this License.
-  3. You may copy and distribute the Program (or a work based on it,
-under Section 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of
-Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following:
-    a) Accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable
-    source code, which must be distributed under the terms of Sections
-    1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or,
-    b) Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three
-    years, to give any third party, for a charge no more than your
-    cost of physically performing source distribution, a complete
-    machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code, to be
-    distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium
-    customarily used for software interchange; or,
-    c) Accompany it with the information you received as to the offer
-    to distribute corresponding source code.  (This alternative is
-    allowed only for noncommercial distribution and only if you
-    received the program in object code or executable form with such
-    an offer, in accord with Subsection b above.)
-The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for
-making modifications to it.  For an executable work, complete source
-code means all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any
-associated interface definition files, plus the scripts used to
-control compilation and installation of the executable.  However, as a
-special exception, the source code distributed need not include
-anything that is normally distributed (in either source or binary
-form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the
-operating system on which the executable runs, unless that component
-itself accompanies the executable.
-If distribution of executable or object code is made by offering
-access to copy from a designated place, then offering equivalent
-access to copy the source code from the same place counts as
-distribution of the source code, even though third parties are not
-compelled to copy the source along with the object code.
-  4. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Program
-except as expressly provided under this License.  Any attempt
-otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Program is
-void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License.
-However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under
-this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such
-parties remain in full compliance.
-  5. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not
-signed it.  However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or
-distribute the Program or its derivative works.  These actions are
-prohibited by law if you do not accept this License.  Therefore, by
-modifying or distributing the Program (or any work based on the
-Program), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and
-all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying
-the Program or works based on it.
-  6. Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the
-Program), the recipient automatically receives a license from the
-original licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to
-these terms and conditions.  You may not impose any further
-restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein.
-You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to
-this License.
-  7. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent
-infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues),
-conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or
-otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not
-excuse you from the conditions of this License.  If you cannot
-distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this
-License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you
-may not distribute the Program at all.  For example, if a patent
-license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Program by
-all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then
-the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to
-refrain entirely from distribution of the Program.
-If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under
-any particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to
-apply and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other
-It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any
-patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any
-such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the
-integrity of the free software distribution system, which is
-implemented by public license practices.  Many people have made
-generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed
-through that system in reliance on consistent application of that
-system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing
-to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot
-impose that choice.
-This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to
-be a consequence of the rest of this License.
-  8. If the distribution and/or use of the Program is restricted in
-certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the
-original copyright holder who places the Program under this License
-may add an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding
-those countries, so that distribution is permitted only in or among
-countries not thus excluded.  In such case, this License incorporates
-the limitation as if written in the body of this License.
-  9. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions
-of the General Public License from time to time.  Such new versions will
-be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to
-address new problems or concerns.
-Each version is given a distinguishing version number.  If the Program
-specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and "any
-later version", you have the option of following the terms and conditions
-either of that version or of any later version published by the Free
-Software Foundation.  If the Program does not specify a version number of
-this License, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software
-  10. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Program into other free
-programs whose distribution conditions are different, write to the author
-to ask for permission.  For software which is copyrighted by the Free
-Software Foundation, write to the Free Software Foundation; we sometimes
-make exceptions for this.  Our decision will be guided by the two goals
-of preserving the free status of all derivatives of our free software and
-of promoting the sharing and reuse of software generally.
-                           NO WARRANTY
-                    END OF TERMS AND CONDITIONS
-           How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs
-  If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest
-possible use to the public, the best way to achieve this is to make it
-free software which everyone can redistribute and change under these terms.
-  To do so, attach the following notices to the program.  It is safest
-to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively
-convey the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least
-the "copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found.
-    <one line to give the program's name and a brief idea of what it does.>
-    Copyright (C) <year>  <name of author>
-    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-    (at your option) any later version.
-    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-    GNU General Public License for more details.
-    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-    along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-    Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
-Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail.
-If the program is interactive, make it output a short notice like this
-when it starts in an interactive mode:
-    Gnomovision version 69, Copyright (C) year name of author
-    Gnomovision comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show w'.
-    This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
-    under certain conditions; type `show c' for details.
-The hypothetical commands `show w' and `show c' should show the appropriate
-parts of the General Public License.  Of course, the commands you use may
-be called something other than `show w' and `show c'; they could even be
-mouse-clicks or menu items--whatever suits your program.
-You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or your
-school, if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the program, if
-necessary.  Here is a sample; alter the names:
-  Yoyodyne, Inc., hereby disclaims all copyright interest in the program
-  `Gnomovision' (which makes passes at compilers) written by James Hacker.
-  <signature of Ty Coon>, 1 April 1989
-  Ty Coon, President of Vice
-This General Public License does not permit incorporating your program into
-proprietary programs.  If your program is a subroutine library, you may
-consider it more useful to permit linking proprietary applications with the
-library.  If this is what you want to do, use the GNU Library General
-Public License instead of this License.
diff --git a/package/rt2x00/src/Makefile b/package/rt2x00/src/Makefile
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 3aeb405..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,150 +0,0 @@
-#      Copyright (C) 2004 - 2007 rt2x00 SourceForge Project
-#      <http://rt2x00.serialmonkey.com>
-#      This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-#      it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-#      the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-#      (at your option) any later version.
-#      This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-#      but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-#      GNU General Public License for more details.
-#      You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-#      along with this program; if not, write to the
-#      Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
-#      59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.
-#      Module: Makefile
-#      Abstract: Makefile for rt2x00 kernel module
-# Set the enviroment variables.
-ifndef SUBDIRS
-       SUBDIRS=$(shell pwd)
-ifdef KERNDIR
-       KERNEL_SOURCES := /lib/modules/$(shell uname -r)/build
-ifdef KERNOUT
-       KERNEL_OUTPUT :=
-# Determine if and with what options the rt2x00 drivers should be build
-rt2x00lib-objs := rt2x00dev.o rt2x00mac.o rt2x00config.o rt2x00firmware.o
-ifeq ($(CONFIG_RT2X00),y)
-       obj-m += rt2x00lib.o
-ifeq ($(CONFIG_RT2X00PCI),y)
-       obj-m += rt2x00pci.o
-ifeq ($(CONFIG_RT2X00USB),y)
-       obj-m += rt2x00usb.o
-ifeq ($(CONFIG_RT2X00_LIB_DEBUGFS),y)
-       rt2x00lib-objs += rt2x00debug.o
-ifeq ($(CONFIG_RT2400PCI),y)
-       obj-m += rt2400pci.o
-ifeq ($(CONFIG_RT2400PCI_RFKILL),y)
-       rt2x00lib-objs += rt2x00rfkill.o
-ifeq ($(CONFIG_RT2500PCI),y)
-       obj-m += rt2500pci.o
-ifeq ($(CONFIG_RT2500PCI_RFKILL),y)
-       rt2x00lib-objs += rt2x00rfkill.o
-ifeq ($(CONFIG_RT2500USB),y)
-       obj-m += rt2500usb.o
-ifeq ($(CONFIG_RT61PCI),y)
-       rt2x00lib-objs += rt2x00firmware.o
-       obj-m += rt61pci.o
-ifeq ($(CONFIG_RT61PCI_RFKILL),y)
-       rt2x00lib-objs += rt2x00rfkill.o
-ifeq ($(CONFIG_RT73USB),y)
-       rt2x00lib-objs += rt2x00firmware.o
-       obj-m += rt73usb.o
-MAKEFLAGS += --no-print-directory
-EXTRA_CFLAGS := -include $(SUBDIRS)/rt2x00_compat.h $(CFLAGS)
-all: default
-       @if [ ! -f "rt2x00_config.h" ] || [ "rt2x00_config.h" -ot "config" ]; \
-       then \
-               awk -F = > rt2x00_config.h < config '/^CONFIG.*$\/ \
-               { \
-                       if($$2 == "y") { \
-                               print "#ifndef " $$1; \
-                               print "#define " $$1; \
-                               print "#endif"; \
-                               print "" \
-                       } else { \
-                               print "#undef " $$1; \
-                               print ""; \
-                       } \
-               }'; \
-       fi
-default: config_header
-               modules
-sparse: config_header
-               modules C=1 CF=-D__CHECK_ENDIAN__
-install: config_header
-               INSTALL_MOD_DIR=rt2x00 $(KERNEL_OUTPUT) modules_install
-       /sbin/depmod -a
-       @rm -f rt2x00_config.h
-       @rm -f Modules.symvers Module.symvers
-       @for folder in $(EXTMODDIRS); \
-       do \
-               rm -f $${folder}/*.o \
-               rm -f $${folder}/*.ko \
-               rm -f $${folder}/*.s \
-               rm -f $${folder}/*.mod.c \
-               rm -f $${folder}/.*.cmd \
-               rm -f $${folder}/.*.flags \
-               rm -f $${folder}/.*.o.d \
-               rm -f $${folder}/.*.s.d \
-               rm -f $${folder}/.#* \
-               rm -f $${folder}/*~ \
-               rm -fr $${folder}/.tmp_versions; \
-       done
diff --git a/package/rt2x00/src/README b/package/rt2x00/src/README
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 7f3f448..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,548 +0,0 @@
- Installation and configuration instructions for the rt2x00 Modules
- Table of contents:
- - 1: Minimal requirements
-   - 1.1: kernel
-   - 1.2: gcc
-   - 1.3: make
- - 2: Hardware
-   - 2.1: Chipsets
-   - 2.2: RF button
- -  3: Module building & Installation
-   - 3.1: Introduction
-   - 3.2: Configure
-   - 3.3: Build
-   - 3.4: Installation
- - 4: Firmware
-   - 4.1: Firmware files
-   - 4.2: Firmware installation
-   - 4.3: Firmware requirements
- - 5: Module loading
-   - 5.1: Module load order
-   - 5.2: Module load options
- - 6: Interfaces
-   - 6.1: Wireless interfaces
-   - 6.2: Input interface
- - 7: Interface configuration
-   - 7.1: Minimal configuration
-   - 7.2: Configuration tools
- - 8: Distribution specific notes
-   - 8.1: Debian & derivatives
-   - 8.2: Fedora
-   - 8.3: Gentoo
-   - 8.4: Mandriva
- - 9: Problems & Troubleshooting
-   - 9.1: Debug information
-   - 9.2: Debugfs
-   - 9.3: Bug reporting
- - 10: Problems & Workarounds
-   - 10.1: udev interface naming
-   - 10.2: BUG - ifdown & ifup radio failure
- - 11: TODO list
- - 12: Contact us
- 1: Minimal requirements:
- 1.1: kernel
- - The minimal required kernel version is 2.6.22-rc1
- - It is important that the installed kernel sources match
-   the running kernel. Unless you are crosscompiling and you
-   know what you are doing.
- - Depending on what rt2x00 components will be built,
-   some kernel configuration options are mandatory.
-   It does however not matter if these options are compiled
-   into the kernel or compiled as module.
-       Kernel config option    Required for component
-       ------------------------------------------------------------------
-       # CONFIG_NET_RADIO      all
-       # CONFIG_MAC80211       all
-       # CONFIG_WLAN_80211     all
-       # CONFIG_PCI            rt2400pci, rt2500pci, rt61pci
-       # CONFIG_USB            rt2500usb, rt73usb
-       # CONFIG_HOTPLUG        rt61pci, rt73usb
-       # CONFIG_FW_LOADER      rt61pci, rt73usb
-       # CONFIG_CRC_ITU_T      rt61pci, rt73usb
-       # CONFIG_DEBUG_FS       rt2x00 (optional, only for debug)
-       # CONFIG_RFKILL         rt2400pci, rt2500pci, rt61pci (optional,
-                                                       only for button support)
- 1.2: GCC
- - For building the rt2x00 components the same gcc version is required
-   as was used to build your target kernel.
- 1.3: make
- - The program 'make' needs to be installed on the system. There are no
-   further special requirements for this program.
- 2: Hardware
- 2.1: Chipsets
- Support for each Ralink wireless chipset has been split into separate drivers.
-       # rt2400pci
-               - chipset: rt2400
-               - supports: rt2460
-               - bus type: PCI/PCMCIA/miniPCI
-       # rt2500pci
-               - chipset: rt2500
-               - supports: rt2560
-               - bus type: PCI/PCMCIA/miniPCI
-       # rt2500usb
-               - chipset: rt2570
-               - supports: rt2570
-               - bus type: USB
-       # rt61pci
-               - chipset: rt61 (or rt2600)
-               - supports: rt2561, rt2561s, rt2661
-               - bus type: PCI/PCMCIA/miniPCI
-       # rt73usb
-               - chipset: rt73
-               - supports: rt2571(w), rt2573, rt2671
-               - bus type: USB
- 2.2: RF button
- On some occasions the Ralink chipset has been built into a laptop.
- If that is the case, there usually is a hardware button that controls the
- radio of the wireless interface.
- If you have such a hardware device, make sure you enable hardware button
- support for your device in the configuration before building the rt2x00
- components.
- Note: This feature requires the enabling of the rfkill driver in the kernel.
- 3: Module building & Installation
- 3.1: Introduction
- The following steps in this chapter concerning module building and
- installation need to be performed for each kernel. This means that
- after each kernel upgrade the modules need to be rebuild and
- reinstalled in order to make them work with the new kernel.
- 3.2: Configure
- Before starting to build the rt2x00 components it is recommended to look into
- the 'config' file first. In this file you can configure which components of
- rt2x00 should be built. And even more importantly, you can configure with
- what options the components will be built.
- To build all the rt2x00 drivers (with debug capabilities enabled) no changes
- in the configuration file are required. For most users this would be
- sufficient to start working with rt2x00.
- 3.3: Build
- To build all rt2x00 components which were enabled in the configuration file
- simply run (root privileges not required):
-       # $ make
- All modules (.ko files) will be created in the current directory.
- 3.4: Installation
- All rt2x00 modules can be installed by doing (with root privileges):
-        # $ make install
- With this command all rt2x00 modules (including rfkill and d80211) will be
- created in a newly created folder named 'rt2x00' inside the kernel modules
- directory (usually '/lib/modules/$(uname -r)/').
- 4: Firmware
- 4.1: Firmware files
- rt61pci and rt73usb require firmware to be available while loading the module.
- The following firmware files are available for each driver:
-       # rt61pci
-               - rt2561.bin
-               - rt2561s.bin
-               - rt2661.bin
-       # rt73usb
-               - rt73.bin
- 4.2: Firmware installation
- The latest firmware files are available in a separate .zip archive and can be
- downloaded from the support page on the Ralink website at
- http://www.ralinktech.com.
- Note that by a high level of logic, Ralink has named their firmware for rt73
- chipsets "rt71W" with a comment that it is for the rt2571W and rt2671 devices.
- For rt61pci 3 seperate firmware files are available, which one is used depends
- on which RT chip is on the device. Usually it is best to install all files.
- To install the firmware the firmware files need to be manually copied to the
- systems firmware folder (usually '/lib/firmware/') the exact folder depends
- on the distribution. When in doubt consult the distributions documentation.
- 4.3: Firmware requirements
- To load firmware when the module is loaded the hotplug daemon should be
- running. Make sure you either enable hotplugging manually before loading the
- module, or make sure hotplugging is enabled during the system boot process.
- 5: Module loading
- 5.1: Module load order
- When the modules have been properly installed by following the installation
- instructions from the previous section, the module handlers (i.e. modprobe)
- will automaticly resolve all module dependencies when loading the device
- specific driver.
- When loading the modules manually with insmod, you should load them in the
- following order:
-       # eeprom_93cx6.ko (optional, only required for pci devices)
-       # rt2x00lib.ko
-       # rt2x00pci.ko (optional, only required for pci devices)
-       # rt2x00usb.ko (optional, only required for usb devices)
-       # rt2400pci.ko (optional, only required for rt2400 support)
-       # rt2500pci.ko (optional, only required for rt2500 support)
-       # rt2500usb.ko (optional, only required for rt2570 support)
-       # rt61pci.ko (optional, only required for rt61 support)
-       # rt73usb.ko (optional, only required for rt73 support)
- 5.2: Module load options
- None.
- 6: Interfaces
- 6.1: Wireless interfaces
- After loading the modules two interfaces will now be visible in ifconfig and
- iwconfig, namely wmaster0 and wlan0. The first device is the so called master
- device which is can be used by some userspace tools, but normally can be
- ignored by the user. The second interface wlan0 is the client interface which
- the user can configure.
- With rt2x00 it is possible to run multiple client interfaces with
- only a single device. 1 client interface can run in adhoc, managed or master
- mode while a second interface can run in monitor mode at the same time.
- More client interfaces can be added by issuing the following command
- (with root privileges):
-       # $ echo -n <name> > /sys/class/ieee80211/<dev>/add_iface
- where the variable <name> is the name of the client interface that should be
- added (i.e. wlan1), and <dev> is the physical device where the new client
- interface should be attached to (i.e. phy0).
- 6.2: Input interface
- When the rfkill driver is being used a new input device with the name of the
- device specific module where the button belongs to will have been created.
- Whenever the user presses the hardware button the rfkill driver will
- automatically make sure the hardware radio is being disabled or enabled
- accordingly. When the user has opened the input device the radio will
- not be automatically controlled, but instead the input device will
- report all button events (KEY_RFKILL) to userspace where the user
- could have setup script to do all the work that has to be executed.
- This means that while the input device is opened, the user is responsible
- for the correct behaviour.
- 7: Interface configuration
- 7.1: Minimal configuration
- - After loading the modules the interface should be configured to start
-   an association or work in monitor mode. The following steps are required
-   for a minimal configuration to associate with a non-encrypted access point.
- - Before bringing the client interface up, the working mode should be set:
-       # $ iwconfig wlan0 mode managed
- - Configuration parts like essid and channel can be set before or after the
-   client interface has been brought up.
- - It is usually a good idea to set the essid:
-       # $ iwconfig wlan0 essid myessid
- - In some situations the device also requires the channel to be manually set:
-       # $ iwconfig wlan0 channel mychannel
- - To bring the client interface up:
-       # $ ifconfig wlan0 up
- - After the client interface has been brought up, scanning can be performed
-   to check if the desired AP is being detected.
-       # $ iwlist wlan0 scan
- - To start an association attempt, the AP address should be set:
-       # $ iwconfig wlan0 ap mybssid
- 7.2: Configuration tools
- To configure the interface several tools are possible, the most basic tools
- are the wireless-tools that provide the iwconfig, iwpriv and iwlist commands.
- For WPA connections the wireless-tools are not sufficient, to configure the
- interface for WPA wireless network wpa_supplicant is required.
- For master mode functionality it is possible to only use the wireless-tools,
- but it is recommended to use hostapd instead. This tool offers the best
- functionality.
- For all configuration tools (wireless-tools, wpa_supplicant and hostapd) are
- manuals and howto's present in the manpages or on the internet. It is adviced
- to have at least read the manpages before using the tools for a better
- understanding on configuring the interface.
- 8: Distribution specific notes
- 8.1: Debian & derivatives
- In some instances installing the rt2x00 drivers on debian will result
- in the problem that the files are being copied into the wrong folder,
- which results in the fact that the driver cannot be loaded.
- Installing the drivers should be done manually in this case,
- please refer to the distributions documentation regarding the proper
- location of the kernel modules.
- 8.2: Fedora
- Although rt2x00 contains many backward compatibility fixes to ensure
- that all rt2x00 components will be able to compile and run on all
- systems that meet the minimal requirements, this does not work in all
- situations when the Fedora kernels are being used.
- The problem lies in the fact that Fedora (like most other distributions)
- heavily patch their kernel for better stability and more features.
- Unlike the other distributions however, Fedora does not pay attention to
- compatibility for external kernel drivers. This means that compiling rt2x00
- while using a Fedora kernel will result in compile errors regarding unknown
- fields in structures or problems with function arguments.
- For rt2x00 it is impossible to make all checks to support all Fedora kernel
- releases. This means that when rt2x00 compilation is failing while using a
- Fedora kernel we cannot give support for the compilation steps.
- We recommend the user to complain to the Fedora developers when this problem
- occurs.
- If the user has managed to compile rt2x00 for a Fedora kernel we will
- give support for possible problems while working with rt2x00. So the only
- part we do not support is the building of rt2x00.
- Please note that when you have edited the rt2x00 code to make it compile,
- it is advised to state those changes in bugreports while reporting other
- problems with rt2x00.
- 8.3: Gentoo
- rt2x00 can also be found in portage, both the beta releases and the cvs tree.
- Because rt2x00 is still experimental these ebuild are still masked, this means
- that before you can emerge them they first have to be unmasked.
- Gentoo provides various instructions on how this can be done on their website.
- 8.4: Mandriva
- In some instances installing the rt2x00 drivers on Mandriva will result
- in the problem that the files are being copied into the wrong folder,
- which results in the fact that the driver cannot be loaded.
- Installing the drivers should be done manually in this case,
- please refer to the distributions documentation regarding the proper
- location of the kernel modules.
- 9: Problems & Troubleshooting
- 9.1: Debug information
- When reporting problems make sure the driver has been compiled with debug
- enabled.
- If you have done so, the debug output can be found in the output
- of 'dmesg' and also in /var/log/messages and /var/log/syslog.
- 9.2: Debugfs
- rt2x00 provides several debugfs entries which can be used to help
- provide more information about the interface.
- To see the rt2x00 debugfs entries, debugfs should first be mounted,
- to do this you should issue the following command:
-        # $ mount -t debugfs none /debug
- Where /debug is the directy on which the debugfs entries should appear,
- make sure this directory exists when mounting debugfs.
- With the debugfs folder, the rt2x00 folder with the rt2x00 debugfs entries
- will be created. Within the rt2x00 folder, each physical device will be
- represented by a folder named after the interface which belongs to this
- device. Within the folder the following files can be found:
-       # register
-               - This file contains the register contents of the interface.
-       # eeprom
-               - This file contains the eeprom contents of the interface.
- 9.3: Bug reporting
- When reporting a bug or problem with the rt2x00 module,
- make sure you report the following information:
-       # How to reproduce
-       # RT2x00 debug output, usually found in /var/log/messages
-       # Module version
-       # Wireless card chipset, model and manufacturer
-       # Kernel version (i.e. 2.6.17)
-       # Hardware architecture (i.e. x86, AMD64, Sparc)
-       # rt2x00 code changes done by the user
-       # Anything else you may think will help us resolve the issue
- 10: Problems & Workarounds
- 10.1: udev interface naming
- In some cases when loading the rt2x00 drivers the interface names are
- different from the names used in this README. This is usually caused by the
- udev handler who has set some rules regarding the interface. These rules
- are usually set up by the distribution and have been created especially for
- for the legacy driver and their strange behavior.
- To change the rules udev applies to your interface you should edit the udev
- rules stored in /etc/udev/rules.d/ (exact location might be different
- depending on distribution).
- When editing this file, search for the line that contains something like this:
-       # ACTION=="add", SUBSYSTEM=="net", DRIVERS=="?*",
-       #       SYSFS{address}=="<mac address>", NAME="<interface>"
-       (line has been wrapped due to max line length limit)
- Where <mac address> is the hardware address of your wireless networkcard,
- and <interface> is the interface name the interface takes as soon as the
- rt2x00 modules are loaded.
- This line should be changed to look like:
-       # ACTION=="add", SUBSYSTEM=="net", DRIVERS=="?*",
-       #       SYSFS{address}=="<mac address>", SYSFS{type}=="801",
-       #       NAME="wmaster0"
-       # ACTION=="add", SUBSYSTEM=="net", DRIVERS=="?*",
-       #       SYSFS{address}=="<mac address>", NAME="wlan0"
-       (the 2 lines have been wrapped due to max line length limit)
- Where <mac address> is the hardware address of your wireless networkcard,
- and thus should be the same as on the original line.
- 10.2: BUG - ifdown & ifup radio failure
- It is a known issue (and BUG) that the driver will fail to correctly resume
- its radio operations after the interface has been brought down and up again.
- It is still unknown what the cause for this issue could be, besides the fact
- that for some reason the device's registers have been incorrectly initialized.
- This issue also has impact on the device status after a suspend/resume
- operation. There is no known workaround for this yet.
- 11: TODO list
- See http://rt2x00.serialmonkey.com/wiki/index.php/Rt2x00_beta
- 12: Contact us
- - Website
-       # http://rt2x00.serialmonkey.com/
-       # http://rt2x00.serialmonkey.com/wiki/index.php/Rt2x00_beta
- - Forums:
-       # http://rt2x00.serialmonkey.com/phpBB2/
- - Mailing list:
-       # general: rt2400-general@lists.sourceforge.net
-       # developers: rt2400-devel@lists.sourceforge.net
- - Sourceforge:
-       # http://sourceforge.net/projects/rt2400
diff --git a/package/rt2x00/src/THANKS b/package/rt2x00/src/THANKS
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 81b88d2..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
-A big thanks to all the developers, testers and supporters of
-the rt2x00 Linux source code.
-Thanks to the projects main developers:
-* Mark Wallis - mwallis@serialmonkey.com
-* Ivo van Doorn - IvDoorn@gmail.com
-* Luis Correia - lfcorreia@users.sf.net
-* Robin Cornelius - robin.cornelius@gmail.com
-* Gertjan van Wingerde - gwingerde@kpnplanet.nl
-* Romain - spy84464@hotmail.com
-Special thanks to the contributors of this project:
-* Adisorn Ermongkonchai - moo7822-wlan@yahoo.com
-* Amir Shalem - amir@boom.org.il
-* Bernd Petrovitsch - bernd@firmix.at
-* Bruno - bruno123@users.sf.net
-* Chris Houston - chris.houston@atterotech.com
-* Defekt - defekt@liquid-nexus.net
-* Edvard - eaglenest@users.sourceforge.net
-* Flavio Stanchina - flavio@stanchina.net
-* Gregor Glomm - gg@seh.de
-* Heikki Pernu - heikki.pernu@nekonet.fi
-* Jerzy Kozera - nordom@tlen.pl
-* Joachim Gleißner - jg@suse.de
-* John Coppens - john@jcoppens.com
-* Jonathan Hudson
-* KrissN - krissn@op.pl
-* Luca Tettamanti - kronos.it@gmail.com
-* Magnus Damm - magnus.damm@gmail.com
-* Mags
-* Mathias Klien - ma_klein@gmx.de
-* Meelis Roos - mroos@linux.ee
-* Michal Ludvig - michal@logix.cz
-* Miguel - miguel.marte2@verizon.net
-* Mike Skinner
-* Olivier Cornu - o.cornu@gmail.com
-* Paul Hampson - Paul.Hampson@anu.edu.au
-* Philippe Rousselot - amazilia@users.sourceforge.net
-* Remco - remco@d-compu.dyndns.org
-* Sergey Vlasov - vsu@altlinux.ru
-* Stephen Warren - SWarren@nvidia.com
-* Stuart Rackham - srackham@methods.co.nz
-* Thor Harald Johansen - thorhajo@gmail.com
-* Tor Petterson - 2r@manowar.dk
-Special thanks:
-* Ralink - http://www.ralinktech.com.tw
-  For releasing their rt2400/rt2500/rt2570 drivers under the GPL,
-  and their assistance in providing documentation to help development.
-* Minitar - www.minitar.com
-  For working together with Ralink on releasing the
-  rt2400/rt2500/rt2570 drivers under the GPL.
-* All the people that have assisted with the rt2400/rt2500/rt2570 source
-  and hence progressed the rt2x00 along the way.
diff --git a/package/rt2x00/src/rt2400pci.c b/package/rt2x00/src/rt2400pci.c
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 31c1dd2..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1664 +0,0 @@
-       Copyright (C) 2004 - 2007 rt2x00 SourceForge Project
-       <http://rt2x00.serialmonkey.com>
-       This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-       it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-       the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-       (at your option) any later version.
-       This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-       but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-       GNU General Public License for more details.
-       You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-       along with this program; if not, write to the
-       Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
-       59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
- */
-       Module: rt2400pci
-       Abstract: rt2400pci device specific routines.
-       Supported chipsets: RT2460.
- */
- * Set enviroment defines for rt2x00.h
- */
-#define DRV_NAME "rt2400pci"
-#include <linux/delay.h>
-#include <linux/etherdevice.h>
-#include <linux/init.h>
-#include <linux/kernel.h>
-#include <linux/module.h>
-#include <linux/pci.h>
-#include <linux/eeprom_93cx6.h>
-#include "rt2x00.h"
-#include "rt2x00pci.h"
-#include "rt2400pci.h"
- * Register access.
- * All access to the CSR registers will go through the methods
- * rt2x00pci_register_read and rt2x00pci_register_write.
- * BBP and RF register require indirect register access,
- * and use the CSR registers BBPCSR and RFCSR to achieve this.
- * These indirect registers work with busy bits,
- * and we will try maximal REGISTER_BUSY_COUNT times to access
- * the register while taking a REGISTER_BUSY_DELAY us delay
- * between each attampt. When the busy bit is still set at that time,
- * the access attempt is considered to have failed,
- * and we will print an error.
- */
-static u32 rt2400pci_bbp_check(const struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev)
-       u32 reg;
-       unsigned int i;
-       for (i = 0; i < REGISTER_BUSY_COUNT; i++) {
-               rt2x00pci_register_read(rt2x00dev, BBPCSR, &reg);
-               if (!rt2x00_get_field32(reg, BBPCSR_BUSY))
-                       break;
-               udelay(REGISTER_BUSY_DELAY);
-       }
-       return reg;
-static void rt2400pci_bbp_write(const struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev,
-                               const unsigned int word, const u8 value)
-       u32 reg;
-       /*
-        * Wait until the BBP becomes ready.
-        */
-       reg = rt2400pci_bbp_check(rt2x00dev);
-       if (rt2x00_get_field32(reg, BBPCSR_BUSY)) {
-               ERROR(rt2x00dev, "BBPCSR register busy. Write failed.\n");
-               return;
-       }
-       /*
-        * Write the data into the BBP.
-        */
-       reg = 0;
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, BBPCSR_VALUE, value);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, BBPCSR_REGNUM, word);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, BBPCSR_BUSY, 1);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, BBPCSR_WRITE_CONTROL, 1);
-       rt2x00pci_register_write(rt2x00dev, BBPCSR, reg);
-static void rt2400pci_bbp_read(const struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev,
-                              const unsigned int word, u8 *value)
-       u32 reg;
-       /*
-        * Wait until the BBP becomes ready.
-        */
-       reg = rt2400pci_bbp_check(rt2x00dev);
-       if (rt2x00_get_field32(reg, BBPCSR_BUSY)) {
-               ERROR(rt2x00dev, "BBPCSR register busy. Read failed.\n");
-               return;
-       }
-       /*
-        * Write the request into the BBP.
-        */
-       reg = 0;
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, BBPCSR_REGNUM, word);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, BBPCSR_BUSY, 1);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, BBPCSR_WRITE_CONTROL, 0);
-       rt2x00pci_register_write(rt2x00dev, BBPCSR, reg);
-       /*
-        * Wait until the BBP becomes ready.
-        */
-       reg = rt2400pci_bbp_check(rt2x00dev);
-       if (rt2x00_get_field32(reg, BBPCSR_BUSY)) {
-               ERROR(rt2x00dev, "BBPCSR register busy. Read failed.\n");
-               *value = 0xff;
-               return;
-       }
-       *value = rt2x00_get_field32(reg, BBPCSR_VALUE);
-static void rt2400pci_rf_write(const struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev,
-                              const unsigned int word, const u32 value)
-       u32 reg;
-       unsigned int i;
-       if (!word)
-               return;
-       for (i = 0; i < REGISTER_BUSY_COUNT; i++) {
-               rt2x00pci_register_read(rt2x00dev, RFCSR, &reg);
-               if (!rt2x00_get_field32(reg, RFCSR_BUSY))
-                       goto rf_write;
-               udelay(REGISTER_BUSY_DELAY);
-       }
-       ERROR(rt2x00dev, "RFCSR register busy. Write failed.\n");
-       return;
-       reg = 0;
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, RFCSR_VALUE, value);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, RFCSR_NUMBER_OF_BITS, 20);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, RFCSR_IF_SELECT, 0);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, RFCSR_BUSY, 1);
-       rt2x00pci_register_write(rt2x00dev, RFCSR, reg);
-       rt2x00_rf_write(rt2x00dev, word, value);
-static void rt2400pci_eepromregister_read(struct eeprom_93cx6 *eeprom)
-       struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev = eeprom->data;
-       u32 reg;
-       rt2x00pci_register_read(rt2x00dev, CSR21, &reg);
-       eeprom->reg_data_in = !!rt2x00_get_field32(reg, CSR21_EEPROM_DATA_IN);
-       eeprom->reg_data_out = !!rt2x00_get_field32(reg, CSR21_EEPROM_DATA_OUT);
-       eeprom->reg_data_clock =
-           !!rt2x00_get_field32(reg, CSR21_EEPROM_DATA_CLOCK);
-       eeprom->reg_chip_select =
-           !!rt2x00_get_field32(reg, CSR21_EEPROM_CHIP_SELECT);
-static void rt2400pci_eepromregister_write(struct eeprom_93cx6 *eeprom)
-       struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev = eeprom->data;
-       u32 reg = 0;
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, CSR21_EEPROM_DATA_IN, !!eeprom->reg_data_in);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, CSR21_EEPROM_DATA_OUT, !!eeprom->reg_data_out);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, CSR21_EEPROM_DATA_CLOCK,
-                          !!eeprom->reg_data_clock);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, CSR21_EEPROM_CHIP_SELECT,
-                          !!eeprom->reg_chip_select);
-       rt2x00pci_register_write(rt2x00dev, CSR21, reg);
-#define CSR_OFFSET(__word)     ( CSR_REG_BASE + ((__word) * sizeof(u32)) )
-static void rt2400pci_read_csr(const struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev,
-                              const unsigned int word, u32 *data)
-       rt2x00pci_register_read(rt2x00dev, CSR_OFFSET(word), data);
-static void rt2400pci_write_csr(const struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev,
-                               const unsigned int word, u32 data)
-       rt2x00pci_register_write(rt2x00dev, CSR_OFFSET(word), data);
-static const struct rt2x00debug rt2400pci_rt2x00debug = {
-       .owner  = THIS_MODULE,
-       .csr    = {
-               .read           = rt2400pci_read_csr,
-               .write          = rt2400pci_write_csr,
-               .word_size      = sizeof(u32),
-               .word_count     = CSR_REG_SIZE / sizeof(u32),
-       },
-       .eeprom = {
-               .read           = rt2x00_eeprom_read,
-               .write          = rt2x00_eeprom_write,
-               .word_size      = sizeof(u16),
-               .word_count     = EEPROM_SIZE / sizeof(u16),
-       },
-       .bbp    = {
-               .read           = rt2400pci_bbp_read,
-               .write          = rt2400pci_bbp_write,
-               .word_size      = sizeof(u8),
-               .word_count     = BBP_SIZE / sizeof(u8),
-       },
-       .rf     = {
-               .read           = rt2x00_rf_read,
-               .write          = rt2400pci_rf_write,
-               .word_size      = sizeof(u32),
-               .word_count     = RF_SIZE / sizeof(u32),
-       },
-#endif /* CONFIG_RT2X00_LIB_DEBUGFS */
-static int rt2400pci_rfkill_poll(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev)
-       u32 reg;
-       rt2x00pci_register_read(rt2x00dev, GPIOCSR, &reg);
-       return rt2x00_get_field32(reg, GPIOCSR_BIT0);
-#define rt2400pci_rfkill_poll  NULL
-#endif /* CONFIG_RT2400PCI_RFKILL */
- * Configuration handlers.
- */
-static void rt2400pci_config_mac_addr(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev,
-                                     __le32 *mac)
-       rt2x00pci_register_multiwrite(rt2x00dev, CSR3, mac,
-                                     (2 * sizeof(__le32)));
-static void rt2400pci_config_bssid(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev,
-                                  __le32 *bssid)
-       rt2x00pci_register_multiwrite(rt2x00dev, CSR5, bssid,
-                                     (2 * sizeof(__le32)));
-static void rt2400pci_config_type(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev, const int type,
-                                 const int tsf_sync)
-       u32 reg;
-       rt2x00pci_register_write(rt2x00dev, CSR14, 0);
-       /*
-        * Enable beacon config
-        */
-       rt2x00pci_register_read(rt2x00dev, BCNCSR1, &reg);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, BCNCSR1_PRELOAD,
-                          PREAMBLE + get_duration(IEEE80211_HEADER, 20));
-       rt2x00pci_register_write(rt2x00dev, BCNCSR1, reg);
-       /*
-        * Enable synchronisation.
-        */
-       rt2x00pci_register_read(rt2x00dev, CSR14, &reg);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, CSR14_TSF_COUNT, 1);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, CSR14_TBCN, 1);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, CSR14_BEACON_GEN, 0);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, CSR14_TSF_SYNC, tsf_sync);
-       rt2x00pci_register_write(rt2x00dev, CSR14, reg);
-static void rt2400pci_config_preamble(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev,
-                                     const int short_preamble,
-                                     const int ack_timeout,
-                                     const int ack_consume_time)
-       int preamble_mask;
-       u32 reg;
-       /*
-        * When short preamble is enabled, we should set bit 0x08
-        */
-       preamble_mask = short_preamble << 3;
-       rt2x00pci_register_read(rt2x00dev, TXCSR1, &reg);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, TXCSR1_ACK_TIMEOUT, ack_timeout);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, TXCSR1_ACK_CONSUME_TIME, ack_consume_time);
-       rt2x00pci_register_write(rt2x00dev, TXCSR1, reg);
-       rt2x00pci_register_read(rt2x00dev, ARCSR2, &reg);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, ARCSR2_SIGNAL, 0x00 | preamble_mask);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, ARCSR2_SERVICE, 0x04);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, ARCSR2_LENGTH, get_duration(ACK_SIZE, 10));
-       rt2x00pci_register_write(rt2x00dev, ARCSR2, reg);
-       rt2x00pci_register_read(rt2x00dev, ARCSR3, &reg);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, ARCSR3_SIGNAL, 0x01 | preamble_mask);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, ARCSR3_SERVICE, 0x04);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, ARCSR2_LENGTH, get_duration(ACK_SIZE, 20));
-       rt2x00pci_register_write(rt2x00dev, ARCSR3, reg);
-       rt2x00pci_register_read(rt2x00dev, ARCSR4, &reg);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, ARCSR4_SIGNAL, 0x02 | preamble_mask);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, ARCSR4_SERVICE, 0x04);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, ARCSR2_LENGTH, get_duration(ACK_SIZE, 55));
-       rt2x00pci_register_write(rt2x00dev, ARCSR4, reg);
-       rt2x00pci_register_read(rt2x00dev, ARCSR5, &reg);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, ARCSR5_SIGNAL, 0x03 | preamble_mask);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, ARCSR5_SERVICE, 0x84);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, ARCSR2_LENGTH, get_duration(ACK_SIZE, 110));
-       rt2x00pci_register_write(rt2x00dev, ARCSR5, reg);
-static void rt2400pci_config_phymode(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev,
-                                    const int basic_rate_mask)
-       rt2x00pci_register_write(rt2x00dev, ARCSR1, basic_rate_mask);
-static void rt2400pci_config_channel(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev,
-                                    struct rf_channel *rf)
-       /*
-        * Switch on tuning bits.
-        */
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&rf->rf1, RF1_TUNER, 1);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&rf->rf3, RF3_TUNER, 1);
-       rt2400pci_rf_write(rt2x00dev, 1, rf->rf1);
-       rt2400pci_rf_write(rt2x00dev, 2, rf->rf2);
-       rt2400pci_rf_write(rt2x00dev, 3, rf->rf3);
-       /*
-        * RF2420 chipset don't need any additional actions.
-        */
-       if (rt2x00_rf(&rt2x00dev->chip, RF2420))
-               return;
-       /*
-        * For the RT2421 chipsets we need to write an invalid
-        * reference clock rate to activate auto_tune.
-        * After that we set the value back to the correct channel.
-        */
-       rt2400pci_rf_write(rt2x00dev, 1, rf->rf1);
-       rt2400pci_rf_write(rt2x00dev, 2, 0x000c2a32);
-       rt2400pci_rf_write(rt2x00dev, 3, rf->rf3);
-       msleep(1);
-       rt2400pci_rf_write(rt2x00dev, 1, rf->rf1);
-       rt2400pci_rf_write(rt2x00dev, 2, rf->rf2);
-       rt2400pci_rf_write(rt2x00dev, 3, rf->rf3);
-       msleep(1);
-       /*
-        * Switch off tuning bits.
-        */
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&rf->rf1, RF1_TUNER, 0);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&rf->rf3, RF3_TUNER, 0);
-       rt2400pci_rf_write(rt2x00dev, 1, rf->rf1);
-       rt2400pci_rf_write(rt2x00dev, 3, rf->rf3);
-       /*
-        * Clear false CRC during channel switch.
-        */
-       rt2x00pci_register_read(rt2x00dev, CNT0, &rf->rf1);
-static void rt2400pci_config_txpower(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev, int txpower)
-       rt2400pci_bbp_write(rt2x00dev, 3, TXPOWER_TO_DEV(txpower));
-static void rt2400pci_config_antenna(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev,
-                                    int antenna_tx, int antenna_rx)
-       u8 r1;
-       u8 r4;
-       rt2400pci_bbp_read(rt2x00dev, 4, &r4);
-       rt2400pci_bbp_read(rt2x00dev, 1, &r1);
-       /*
-        * Configure the TX antenna.
-        */
-       switch (antenna_tx) {
-               rt2x00_set_field8(&r1, BBP_R1_TX_ANTENNA, 1);
-               break;
-       case ANTENNA_A:
-               rt2x00_set_field8(&r1, BBP_R1_TX_ANTENNA, 0);
-               break;
-       case ANTENNA_B:
-               rt2x00_set_field8(&r1, BBP_R1_TX_ANTENNA, 2);
-               break;
-       }
-       /*
-        * Configure the RX antenna.
-        */
-       switch (antenna_rx) {
-               rt2x00_set_field8(&r4, BBP_R4_RX_ANTENNA, 1);
-               break;
-       case ANTENNA_A:
-               rt2x00_set_field8(&r4, BBP_R4_RX_ANTENNA, 0);
-               break;
-       case ANTENNA_B:
-               rt2x00_set_field8(&r4, BBP_R4_RX_ANTENNA, 2);
-               break;
-       }
-       rt2400pci_bbp_write(rt2x00dev, 4, r4);
-       rt2400pci_bbp_write(rt2x00dev, 1, r1);
-static void rt2400pci_config_duration(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev,
-                                     struct rt2x00lib_conf *libconf)
-       u32 reg;
-       rt2x00pci_register_read(rt2x00dev, CSR11, &reg);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, CSR11_SLOT_TIME, libconf->slot_time);
-       rt2x00pci_register_write(rt2x00dev, CSR11, reg);
-       rt2x00pci_register_read(rt2x00dev, CSR18, &reg);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, CSR18_SIFS, libconf->sifs);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, CSR18_PIFS, libconf->pifs);
-       rt2x00pci_register_write(rt2x00dev, CSR18, reg);
-       rt2x00pci_register_read(rt2x00dev, CSR19, &reg);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, CSR19_DIFS, libconf->difs);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, CSR19_EIFS, libconf->eifs);
-       rt2x00pci_register_write(rt2x00dev, CSR19, reg);
-       rt2x00pci_register_read(rt2x00dev, TXCSR1, &reg);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, TXCSR1_TSF_OFFSET, IEEE80211_HEADER);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, TXCSR1_AUTORESPONDER, 1);
-       rt2x00pci_register_write(rt2x00dev, TXCSR1, reg);
-       rt2x00pci_register_read(rt2x00dev, CSR12, &reg);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, CSR12_BEACON_INTERVAL,
-                          libconf->conf->beacon_int * 16);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, CSR12_CFP_MAX_DURATION,
-                          libconf->conf->beacon_int * 16);
-       rt2x00pci_register_write(rt2x00dev, CSR12, reg);
-static void rt2400pci_config(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev,
-                            const unsigned int flags,
-                            struct rt2x00lib_conf *libconf)
-       if (flags & CONFIG_UPDATE_PHYMODE)
-               rt2400pci_config_phymode(rt2x00dev, libconf->basic_rates);
-       if (flags & CONFIG_UPDATE_CHANNEL)
-               rt2400pci_config_channel(rt2x00dev, &libconf->rf);
-       if (flags & CONFIG_UPDATE_TXPOWER)
-               rt2400pci_config_txpower(rt2x00dev,
-                                        libconf->conf->power_level);
-       if (flags & CONFIG_UPDATE_ANTENNA)
-               rt2400pci_config_antenna(rt2x00dev,
-                                        libconf->conf->antenna_sel_tx,
-                                        libconf->conf->antenna_sel_rx);
-               rt2400pci_config_duration(rt2x00dev, libconf);
-static void rt2400pci_config_cw(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev,
-                               struct ieee80211_tx_queue_params *params)
-       u32 reg;
-       rt2x00pci_register_read(rt2x00dev, CSR11, &reg);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, CSR11_CWMIN, params->cw_min);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, CSR11_CWMAX, params->cw_max);
-       rt2x00pci_register_write(rt2x00dev, CSR11, reg);
- * LED functions.
- */
-static void rt2400pci_enable_led(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev)
-       u32 reg;
-       rt2x00pci_register_read(rt2x00dev, LEDCSR, &reg);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, LEDCSR_ON_PERIOD, 70);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, LEDCSR_OFF_PERIOD, 30);
-       if (rt2x00dev->led_mode == LED_MODE_TXRX_ACTIVITY) {
-               rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, LEDCSR_LINK, 1);
-               rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, LEDCSR_ACTIVITY, 0);
-       } else if (rt2x00dev->led_mode == LED_MODE_ASUS) {
-               rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, LEDCSR_LINK, 0);
-               rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, LEDCSR_ACTIVITY, 1);
-       } else {
-               rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, LEDCSR_LINK, 1);
-               rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, LEDCSR_ACTIVITY, 1);
-       }
-       rt2x00pci_register_write(rt2x00dev, LEDCSR, reg);
-static void rt2400pci_disable_led(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev)
-       u32 reg;
-       rt2x00pci_register_read(rt2x00dev, LEDCSR, &reg);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, LEDCSR_LINK, 0);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, LEDCSR_ACTIVITY, 0);
-       rt2x00pci_register_write(rt2x00dev, LEDCSR, reg);
- * Link tuning
- */
-static void rt2400pci_link_stats(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev)
-       u32 reg;
-       u8 bbp;
-       /*
-        * Update FCS error count from register.
-        */
-       rt2x00pci_register_read(rt2x00dev, CNT0, &reg);
-       rt2x00dev->link.rx_failed = rt2x00_get_field32(reg, CNT0_FCS_ERROR);
-       /*
-        * Update False CCA count from register.
-        */
-       rt2400pci_bbp_read(rt2x00dev, 39, &bbp);
-       rt2x00dev->link.false_cca = bbp;
-static void rt2400pci_reset_tuner(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev)
-       rt2400pci_bbp_write(rt2x00dev, 13, 0x08);
-       rt2x00dev->link.vgc_level = 0x08;
-static void rt2400pci_link_tuner(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev)
-       u8 reg;
-       /*
-        * The link tuner should not run longer then 60 seconds,
-        * and should run once every 2 seconds.
-        */
-       if (rt2x00dev->link.count > 60 || !(rt2x00dev->link.count & 1))
-               return;
-       /*
-        * Base r13 link tuning on the false cca count.
-        */
-       rt2400pci_bbp_read(rt2x00dev, 13, &reg);
-       if (rt2x00dev->link.false_cca > 512 && reg < 0x20) {
-               rt2400pci_bbp_write(rt2x00dev, 13, ++reg);
-               rt2x00dev->link.vgc_level = reg;
-       } else if (rt2x00dev->link.false_cca < 100 && reg > 0x08) {
-               rt2400pci_bbp_write(rt2x00dev, 13, --reg);
-               rt2x00dev->link.vgc_level = reg;
-       }
- * Initialization functions.
- */
-static void rt2400pci_init_rxring(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev)
-       struct data_ring *ring = rt2x00dev->rx;
-       struct data_desc *rxd;
-       unsigned int i;
-       u32 word;
-       memset(ring->data_addr, 0x00, rt2x00_get_ring_size(ring));
-       for (i = 0; i < ring->stats.limit; i++) {
-               rxd = ring->entry[i].priv;
-               rt2x00_desc_read(rxd, 2, &word);
-               rt2x00_set_field32(&word, RXD_W2_BUFFER_LENGTH,
-                                  ring->data_size);
-               rt2x00_desc_write(rxd, 2, word);
-               rt2x00_desc_read(rxd, 1, &word);
-               rt2x00_set_field32(&word, RXD_W1_BUFFER_ADDRESS,
-                                  ring->entry[i].data_dma);
-               rt2x00_desc_write(rxd, 1, word);
-               rt2x00_desc_read(rxd, 0, &word);
-               rt2x00_set_field32(&word, RXD_W0_OWNER_NIC, 1);
-               rt2x00_desc_write(rxd, 0, word);
-       }
-       rt2x00_ring_index_clear(rt2x00dev->rx);
-static void rt2400pci_init_txring(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev, const int queue)
-       struct data_ring *ring = rt2x00lib_get_ring(rt2x00dev, queue);
-       struct data_desc *txd;
-       unsigned int i;
-       u32 word;
-       memset(ring->data_addr, 0x00, rt2x00_get_ring_size(ring));
-       for (i = 0; i < ring->stats.limit; i++) {
-               txd = ring->entry[i].priv;
-               rt2x00_desc_read(txd, 1, &word);
-               rt2x00_set_field32(&word, TXD_W1_BUFFER_ADDRESS,
-                                  ring->entry[i].data_dma);
-               rt2x00_desc_write(txd, 1, word);
-               rt2x00_desc_read(txd, 2, &word);
-               rt2x00_set_field32(&word, TXD_W2_BUFFER_LENGTH,
-                                  ring->data_size);
-               rt2x00_desc_write(txd, 2, word);
-               rt2x00_desc_read(txd, 0, &word);
-               rt2x00_set_field32(&word, TXD_W0_VALID, 0);
-               rt2x00_set_field32(&word, TXD_W0_OWNER_NIC, 0);
-               rt2x00_desc_write(txd, 0, word);
-       }
-       rt2x00_ring_index_clear(ring);
-static int rt2400pci_init_rings(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev)
-       u32 reg;
-       /*
-        * Initialize rings.
-        */
-       rt2400pci_init_rxring(rt2x00dev);
-       rt2400pci_init_txring(rt2x00dev, IEEE80211_TX_QUEUE_DATA0);
-       rt2400pci_init_txring(rt2x00dev, IEEE80211_TX_QUEUE_DATA1);
-       rt2400pci_init_txring(rt2x00dev, IEEE80211_TX_QUEUE_AFTER_BEACON);
-       rt2400pci_init_txring(rt2x00dev, IEEE80211_TX_QUEUE_BEACON);
-       /*
-        * Initialize registers.
-        */
-       rt2x00pci_register_read(rt2x00dev, TXCSR2, &reg);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, TXCSR2_TXD_SIZE,
-                          rt2x00dev->tx[IEEE80211_TX_QUEUE_DATA0].desc_size);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, TXCSR2_NUM_TXD,
-                          rt2x00dev->tx[IEEE80211_TX_QUEUE_DATA1].stats.limit);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, TXCSR2_NUM_ATIM,
-                          rt2x00dev->bcn[1].stats.limit);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, TXCSR2_NUM_PRIO,
-                          rt2x00dev->tx[IEEE80211_TX_QUEUE_DATA0].stats.limit);
-       rt2x00pci_register_write(rt2x00dev, TXCSR2, reg);
-       rt2x00pci_register_read(rt2x00dev, TXCSR3, &reg);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, TXCSR3_TX_RING_REGISTER,
-                          rt2x00dev->tx[IEEE80211_TX_QUEUE_DATA1].data_dma);
-       rt2x00pci_register_write(rt2x00dev, TXCSR3, reg);
-       rt2x00pci_register_read(rt2x00dev, TXCSR5, &reg);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, TXCSR5_PRIO_RING_REGISTER,
-                          rt2x00dev->tx[IEEE80211_TX_QUEUE_DATA0].data_dma);
-       rt2x00pci_register_write(rt2x00dev, TXCSR5, reg);
-       rt2x00pci_register_read(rt2x00dev, TXCSR4, &reg);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, TXCSR4_ATIM_RING_REGISTER,
-                          rt2x00dev->bcn[1].data_dma);
-       rt2x00pci_register_write(rt2x00dev, TXCSR4, reg);
-       rt2x00pci_register_read(rt2x00dev, TXCSR6, &reg);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, TXCSR6_BEACON_RING_REGISTER,
-                          rt2x00dev->bcn[0].data_dma);
-       rt2x00pci_register_write(rt2x00dev, TXCSR6, reg);
-       rt2x00pci_register_read(rt2x00dev, RXCSR1, &reg);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, RXCSR1_RXD_SIZE, rt2x00dev->rx->desc_size);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, RXCSR1_NUM_RXD, rt2x00dev->rx->stats.limit);
-       rt2x00pci_register_write(rt2x00dev, RXCSR1, reg);
-       rt2x00pci_register_read(rt2x00dev, RXCSR2, &reg);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, RXCSR2_RX_RING_REGISTER,
-                          rt2x00dev->rx->data_dma);
-       rt2x00pci_register_write(rt2x00dev, RXCSR2, reg);
-       return 0;
-static int rt2400pci_init_registers(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev)
-       u32 reg;
-       rt2x00pci_register_write(rt2x00dev, PSCSR0, 0x00020002);
-       rt2x00pci_register_write(rt2x00dev, PSCSR1, 0x00000002);
-       rt2x00pci_register_write(rt2x00dev, PSCSR2, 0x00023f20);
-       rt2x00pci_register_write(rt2x00dev, PSCSR3, 0x00000002);
-       rt2x00pci_register_read(rt2x00dev, TIMECSR, &reg);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, TIMECSR_US_COUNT, 33);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, TIMECSR_US_64_COUNT, 63);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, TIMECSR_BEACON_EXPECT, 0);
-       rt2x00pci_register_write(rt2x00dev, TIMECSR, reg);
-       rt2x00pci_register_read(rt2x00dev, CSR9, &reg);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, CSR9_MAX_FRAME_UNIT,
-                          (rt2x00dev->rx->data_size / 128));
-       rt2x00pci_register_write(rt2x00dev, CSR9, reg);
-       rt2x00pci_register_write(rt2x00dev, CNT3, 0x3f080000);
-       rt2x00pci_register_read(rt2x00dev, ARCSR0, &reg);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, ARCSR0_AR_BBP_DATA0, 133);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, ARCSR0_AR_BBP_ID0, 134);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, ARCSR0_AR_BBP_DATA1, 136);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, ARCSR0_AR_BBP_ID1, 135);
-       rt2x00pci_register_write(rt2x00dev, ARCSR0, reg);
-       rt2x00pci_register_read(rt2x00dev, RXCSR3, &reg);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, RXCSR3_BBP_ID0, 3); /* Tx power.*/
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, RXCSR3_BBP_ID0_VALID, 1);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, RXCSR3_BBP_ID1, 32); /* Signal */
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, RXCSR3_BBP_ID1_VALID, 1);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, RXCSR3_BBP_ID2, 36); /* Rssi */
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, RXCSR3_BBP_ID2_VALID, 1);
-       rt2x00pci_register_write(rt2x00dev, RXCSR3, reg);
-       rt2x00pci_register_write(rt2x00dev, PWRCSR0, 0x3f3b3100);
-       if (rt2x00dev->ops->lib->set_device_state(rt2x00dev, STATE_AWAKE))
-               return -EBUSY;
-       rt2x00pci_register_write(rt2x00dev, MACCSR0, 0x00217223);
-       rt2x00pci_register_write(rt2x00dev, MACCSR1, 0x00235518);
-       rt2x00pci_register_read(rt2x00dev, MACCSR2, &reg);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, MACCSR2_DELAY, 64);
-       rt2x00pci_register_write(rt2x00dev, MACCSR2, reg);
-       rt2x00pci_register_read(rt2x00dev, RALINKCSR, &reg);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, RALINKCSR_AR_BBP_DATA0, 17);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, RALINKCSR_AR_BBP_ID0, 154);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, RALINKCSR_AR_BBP_DATA1, 0);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, RALINKCSR_AR_BBP_ID1, 154);
-       rt2x00pci_register_write(rt2x00dev, RALINKCSR, reg);
-       rt2x00pci_register_read(rt2x00dev, CSR1, &reg);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, CSR1_SOFT_RESET, 1);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, CSR1_BBP_RESET, 0);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, CSR1_HOST_READY, 0);
-       rt2x00pci_register_write(rt2x00dev, CSR1, reg);
-       rt2x00pci_register_read(rt2x00dev, CSR1, &reg);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, CSR1_SOFT_RESET, 0);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, CSR1_HOST_READY, 1);
-       rt2x00pci_register_write(rt2x00dev, CSR1, reg);
-       /*
-        * We must clear the FCS and FIFO error count.
-        * These registers are cleared on read,
-        * so we may pass a useless variable to store the value.
-        */
-       rt2x00pci_register_read(rt2x00dev, CNT0, &reg);
-       rt2x00pci_register_read(rt2x00dev, CNT4, &reg);
-       return 0;
-static int rt2400pci_init_bbp(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev)
-       unsigned int i;
-       u16 eeprom;
-       u8 reg_id;
-       u8 value;
-       for (i = 0; i < REGISTER_BUSY_COUNT; i++) {
-               rt2400pci_bbp_read(rt2x00dev, 0, &value);
-               if ((value != 0xff) && (value != 0x00))
-                       goto continue_csr_init;
-               NOTICE(rt2x00dev, "Waiting for BBP register.\n");
-               udelay(REGISTER_BUSY_DELAY);
-       }
-       ERROR(rt2x00dev, "BBP register access failed, aborting.\n");
-       return -EACCES;
-       rt2400pci_bbp_write(rt2x00dev, 1, 0x00);
-       rt2400pci_bbp_write(rt2x00dev, 3, 0x27);
-       rt2400pci_bbp_write(rt2x00dev, 4, 0x08);
-       rt2400pci_bbp_write(rt2x00dev, 10, 0x0f);
-       rt2400pci_bbp_write(rt2x00dev, 15, 0x72);
-       rt2400pci_bbp_write(rt2x00dev, 16, 0x74);
-       rt2400pci_bbp_write(rt2x00dev, 17, 0x20);
-       rt2400pci_bbp_write(rt2x00dev, 18, 0x72);
-       rt2400pci_bbp_write(rt2x00dev, 19, 0x0b);
-       rt2400pci_bbp_write(rt2x00dev, 20, 0x00);
-       rt2400pci_bbp_write(rt2x00dev, 28, 0x11);
-       rt2400pci_bbp_write(rt2x00dev, 29, 0x04);
-       rt2400pci_bbp_write(rt2x00dev, 30, 0x21);
-       rt2400pci_bbp_write(rt2x00dev, 31, 0x00);
-       DEBUG(rt2x00dev, "Start initialization from EEPROM...\n");
-       for (i = 0; i < EEPROM_BBP_SIZE; i++) {
-               rt2x00_eeprom_read(rt2x00dev, EEPROM_BBP_START + i, &eeprom);
-               if (eeprom != 0xffff && eeprom != 0x0000) {
-                       reg_id = rt2x00_get_field16(eeprom, EEPROM_BBP_REG_ID);
-                       value = rt2x00_get_field16(eeprom, EEPROM_BBP_VALUE);
-                       DEBUG(rt2x00dev, "BBP: 0x%02x, value: 0x%02x.\n",
-                             reg_id, value);
-                       rt2400pci_bbp_write(rt2x00dev, reg_id, value);
-               }
-       }
-       DEBUG(rt2x00dev, "...End initialization from EEPROM.\n");
-       return 0;
- * Device state switch handlers.
- */
-static void rt2400pci_toggle_rx(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev,
-                               enum dev_state state)
-       u32 reg;
-       rt2x00pci_register_read(rt2x00dev, RXCSR0, &reg);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, RXCSR0_DISABLE_RX,
-                          state == STATE_RADIO_RX_OFF);
-       rt2x00pci_register_write(rt2x00dev, RXCSR0, reg);
-static void rt2400pci_toggle_irq(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev,
-                                enum dev_state state)
-       int mask = (state == STATE_RADIO_IRQ_OFF);
-       u32 reg;
-       /*
-        * When interrupts are being enabled, the interrupt registers
-        * should clear the register to assure a clean state.
-        */
-       if (state == STATE_RADIO_IRQ_ON) {
-               rt2x00pci_register_read(rt2x00dev, CSR7, &reg);
-               rt2x00pci_register_write(rt2x00dev, CSR7, reg);
-       }
-       /*
-        * Only toggle the interrupts bits we are going to use.
-        * Non-checked interrupt bits are disabled by default.
-        */
-       rt2x00pci_register_read(rt2x00dev, CSR8, &reg);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, CSR8_TBCN_EXPIRE, mask);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, CSR8_TXDONE_TXRING, mask);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, CSR8_TXDONE_ATIMRING, mask);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, CSR8_TXDONE_PRIORING, mask);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, CSR8_RXDONE, mask);
-       rt2x00pci_register_write(rt2x00dev, CSR8, reg);
-static int rt2400pci_enable_radio(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev)
-       /*
-        * Initialize all registers.
-        */
-       if (rt2400pci_init_rings(rt2x00dev) ||
-           rt2400pci_init_registers(rt2x00dev) ||
-           rt2400pci_init_bbp(rt2x00dev)) {
-               ERROR(rt2x00dev, "Register initialization failed.\n");
-               return -EIO;
-       }
-       /*
-        * Enable interrupts.
-        */
-       rt2400pci_toggle_irq(rt2x00dev, STATE_RADIO_IRQ_ON);
-       /*
-        * Enable LED
-        */
-       rt2400pci_enable_led(rt2x00dev);
-       return 0;
-static void rt2400pci_disable_radio(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev)
-       u32 reg;
-       /*
-        * Disable LED
-        */
-       rt2400pci_disable_led(rt2x00dev);
-       rt2x00pci_register_write(rt2x00dev, PWRCSR0, 0);
-       /*
-        * Disable synchronisation.
-        */
-       rt2x00pci_register_write(rt2x00dev, CSR14, 0);
-       /*
-        * Cancel RX and TX.
-        */
-       rt2x00pci_register_read(rt2x00dev, TXCSR0, &reg);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, TXCSR0_ABORT, 1);
-       rt2x00pci_register_write(rt2x00dev, TXCSR0, reg);
-       /*
-        * Disable interrupts.
-        */
-       rt2400pci_toggle_irq(rt2x00dev, STATE_RADIO_IRQ_OFF);
-static int rt2400pci_set_state(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev,
-                              enum dev_state state)
-       u32 reg;
-       unsigned int i;
-       char put_to_sleep;
-       char bbp_state;
-       char rf_state;
-       put_to_sleep = (state != STATE_AWAKE);
-       rt2x00pci_register_read(rt2x00dev, PWRCSR1, &reg);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, PWRCSR1_SET_STATE, 1);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, PWRCSR1_BBP_DESIRE_STATE, state);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, PWRCSR1_RF_DESIRE_STATE, state);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, PWRCSR1_PUT_TO_SLEEP, put_to_sleep);
-       rt2x00pci_register_write(rt2x00dev, PWRCSR1, reg);
-       /*
-        * Device is not guaranteed to be in the requested state yet.
-        * We must wait until the register indicates that the
-        * device has entered the correct state.
-        */
-       for (i = 0; i < REGISTER_BUSY_COUNT; i++) {
-               rt2x00pci_register_read(rt2x00dev, PWRCSR1, &reg);
-               bbp_state = rt2x00_get_field32(reg, PWRCSR1_BBP_CURR_STATE);
-               rf_state = rt2x00_get_field32(reg, PWRCSR1_RF_CURR_STATE);
-               if (bbp_state == state && rf_state == state)
-                       return 0;
-               msleep(10);
-       }
-       NOTICE(rt2x00dev, "Device failed to enter state %d, "
-              "current device state: bbp %d and rf %d.\n",
-              state, bbp_state, rf_state);
-       return -EBUSY;
-static int rt2400pci_set_device_state(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev,
-                                     enum dev_state state)
-       int retval = 0;
-       switch (state) {
-       case STATE_RADIO_ON:
-               retval = rt2400pci_enable_radio(rt2x00dev);
-               break;
-       case STATE_RADIO_OFF:
-               rt2400pci_disable_radio(rt2x00dev);
-               break;
-       case STATE_RADIO_RX_ON:
-       case STATE_RADIO_RX_OFF:
-               rt2400pci_toggle_rx(rt2x00dev, state);
-               break;
-       case STATE_DEEP_SLEEP:
-       case STATE_SLEEP:
-       case STATE_STANDBY:
-       case STATE_AWAKE:
-               retval = rt2400pci_set_state(rt2x00dev, state);
-               break;
-       default:
-               retval = -ENOTSUPP;
-               break;
-       }
-       return retval;
- * TX descriptor initialization
- */
-static void rt2400pci_write_tx_desc(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev,
-                                   struct data_desc *txd,
-                                   struct txdata_entry_desc *desc,
-                                   struct ieee80211_hdr *ieee80211hdr,
-                                   unsigned int length,
-                                   struct ieee80211_tx_control *control)
-       u32 word;
-       u32 signal = 0;
-       u32 service = 0;
-       u32 length_high = 0;
-       u32 length_low = 0;
-       /*
-        * The PLCP values should be treated as if they
-        * were BBP values.
-        */
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&signal, BBPCSR_VALUE, desc->signal);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&signal, BBPCSR_REGNUM, 5);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&signal, BBPCSR_BUSY, 1);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&service, BBPCSR_VALUE, desc->service);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&service, BBPCSR_REGNUM, 6);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&service, BBPCSR_BUSY, 1);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&length_high, BBPCSR_VALUE, desc->length_high);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&length_high, BBPCSR_REGNUM, 7);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&length_high, BBPCSR_BUSY, 1);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&length_low, BBPCSR_VALUE, desc->length_low);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&length_low, BBPCSR_REGNUM, 8);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&length_low, BBPCSR_BUSY, 1);
-       /*
-        * Start writing the descriptor words.
-        */
-       rt2x00_desc_read(txd, 2, &word);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&word, TXD_W2_DATABYTE_COUNT, length);
-       rt2x00_desc_write(txd, 2, word);
-       rt2x00_desc_read(txd, 3, &word);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&word, TXD_W3_PLCP_SIGNAL, signal);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&word, TXD_W3_PLCP_SERVICE, service);
-       rt2x00_desc_write(txd, 3, word);
-       rt2x00_desc_read(txd, 4, &word);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&word, TXD_W4_PLCP_LENGTH_LOW, length_low);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&word, TXD_W4_PLCP_LENGTH_HIGH, length_high);
-       rt2x00_desc_write(txd, 4, word);
-       rt2x00_desc_read(txd, 0, &word);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&word, TXD_W0_OWNER_NIC, 1);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&word, TXD_W0_VALID, 1);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&word, TXD_W0_MORE_FRAG,
-                          test_bit(ENTRY_TXD_MORE_FRAG, &desc->flags));
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&word, TXD_W0_ACK,
-                          !(control->flags & IEEE80211_TXCTL_NO_ACK));
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&word, TXD_W0_TIMESTAMP,
-                          test_bit(ENTRY_TXD_REQ_TIMESTAMP, &desc->flags));
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&word, TXD_W0_RTS,
-                          test_bit(ENTRY_TXD_RTS_FRAME, &desc->flags));
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&word, TXD_W0_IFS, desc->ifs);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&word, TXD_W0_RETRY_MODE,
-                          !!(control->flags &
-                             IEEE80211_TXCTL_LONG_RETRY_LIMIT));
-       rt2x00_desc_write(txd, 0, word);
- * TX data initialization
- */
-static void rt2400pci_kick_tx_queue(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev,
-                                   unsigned int queue)
-       u32 reg;
-       if (queue == IEEE80211_TX_QUEUE_BEACON) {
-               rt2x00pci_register_read(rt2x00dev, CSR14, &reg);
-               if (!rt2x00_get_field32(reg, CSR14_BEACON_GEN)) {
-                       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, CSR14_BEACON_GEN, 1);
-                       rt2x00pci_register_write(rt2x00dev, CSR14, reg);
-               }
-               return;
-       }
-       rt2x00pci_register_read(rt2x00dev, TXCSR0, &reg);
-       if (queue == IEEE80211_TX_QUEUE_DATA0)
-               rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, TXCSR0_KICK_PRIO, 1);
-       else if (queue == IEEE80211_TX_QUEUE_DATA1)
-               rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, TXCSR0_KICK_TX, 1);
-       else if (queue == IEEE80211_TX_QUEUE_AFTER_BEACON)
-               rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, TXCSR0_KICK_ATIM, 1);
-       rt2x00pci_register_write(rt2x00dev, TXCSR0, reg);
- * RX control handlers
- */
-static void rt2400pci_fill_rxdone(struct data_entry *entry,
-                                 struct rxdata_entry_desc *desc)
-       struct data_desc *rxd = entry->priv;
-       u32 word0;
-       u32 word2;
-       rt2x00_desc_read(rxd, 0, &word0);
-       rt2x00_desc_read(rxd, 2, &word2);
-       desc->flags = 0;
-       if (rt2x00_get_field32(word0, RXD_W0_CRC_ERROR))
-               desc->flags |= RX_FLAG_FAILED_FCS_CRC;
-       if (rt2x00_get_field32(word0, RXD_W0_PHYSICAL_ERROR))
-               desc->flags |= RX_FLAG_FAILED_PLCP_CRC;
-       /*
-        * Obtain the status about this packet.
-        */
-       desc->signal = rt2x00_get_field32(word2, RXD_W2_SIGNAL);
-       desc->rssi = rt2x00_get_field32(word2, RXD_W2_RSSI) -
-           entry->ring->rt2x00dev->rssi_offset;
-       desc->ofdm = 0;
-       desc->size = rt2x00_get_field32(word0, RXD_W0_DATABYTE_COUNT);
- * Interrupt functions.
- */
-static void rt2400pci_txdone(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev, const int queue)
-       struct data_ring *ring = rt2x00lib_get_ring(rt2x00dev, queue);
-       struct data_entry *entry;
-       struct data_desc *txd;
-       u32 word;
-       int tx_status;
-       int retry;
-       while (!rt2x00_ring_empty(ring)) {
-               entry = rt2x00_get_data_entry_done(ring);
-               txd = entry->priv;
-               rt2x00_desc_read(txd, 0, &word);
-               if (rt2x00_get_field32(word, TXD_W0_OWNER_NIC) ||
-                   !rt2x00_get_field32(word, TXD_W0_VALID))
-                       break;
-               /*
-                * Obtain the status about this packet.
-                */
-               tx_status = rt2x00_get_field32(word, TXD_W0_RESULT);
-               retry = rt2x00_get_field32(word, TXD_W0_RETRY_COUNT);
-               rt2x00lib_txdone(entry, tx_status, retry);
-               /*
-                * Make this entry available for reuse.
-                */
-               entry->flags = 0;
-               rt2x00_set_field32(&word, TXD_W0_VALID, 0);
-               rt2x00_desc_write(txd, 0, word);
-               rt2x00_ring_index_done_inc(ring);
-       }
-       /*
-        * If the data ring was full before the txdone handler
-        * we must make sure the packet queue in the mac80211 stack
-        * is reenabled when the txdone handler has finished.
-        */
-       entry = ring->entry;
-       if (!rt2x00_ring_full(ring))
-               ieee80211_wake_queue(rt2x00dev->hw,
-                                    entry->tx_status.control.queue);
-static irqreturn_t rt2400pci_interrupt(int irq, void *dev_instance)
-       struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev = dev_instance;
-       u32 reg;
-       /*
-        * Get the interrupt sources & saved to local variable.
-        * Write register value back to clear pending interrupts.
-        */
-       rt2x00pci_register_read(rt2x00dev, CSR7, &reg);
-       rt2x00pci_register_write(rt2x00dev, CSR7, reg);
-       if (!reg)
-               return IRQ_NONE;
-       if (!test_bit(DEVICE_ENABLED_RADIO, &rt2x00dev->flags))
-               return IRQ_HANDLED;
-       /*
-        * Handle interrupts, walk through all bits
-        * and run the tasks, the bits are checked in order of
-        * priority.
-        */
-       /*
-        * 1 - Beacon timer expired interrupt.
-        */
-       if (rt2x00_get_field32(reg, CSR7_TBCN_EXPIRE))
-               rt2x00lib_beacondone(rt2x00dev);
-       /*
-        * 2 - Rx ring done interrupt.
-        */
-       if (rt2x00_get_field32(reg, CSR7_RXDONE))
-               rt2x00pci_rxdone(rt2x00dev);
-       /*
-        * 3 - Atim ring transmit done interrupt.
-        */
-       if (rt2x00_get_field32(reg, CSR7_TXDONE_ATIMRING))
-               rt2400pci_txdone(rt2x00dev, IEEE80211_TX_QUEUE_AFTER_BEACON);
-       /*
-        * 4 - Priority ring transmit done interrupt.
-        */
-       if (rt2x00_get_field32(reg, CSR7_TXDONE_PRIORING))
-               rt2400pci_txdone(rt2x00dev, IEEE80211_TX_QUEUE_DATA0);
-       /*
-        * 5 - Tx ring transmit done interrupt.
-        */
-       if (rt2x00_get_field32(reg, CSR7_TXDONE_TXRING))
-               rt2400pci_txdone(rt2x00dev, IEEE80211_TX_QUEUE_DATA1);
-       return IRQ_HANDLED;
- * Device probe functions.
- */
-static int rt2400pci_validate_eeprom(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev)
-       struct eeprom_93cx6 eeprom;
-       u32 reg;
-       u16 word;
-       u8 *mac;
-       rt2x00pci_register_read(rt2x00dev, CSR21, &reg);
-       eeprom.data = rt2x00dev;
-       eeprom.register_read = rt2400pci_eepromregister_read;
-       eeprom.register_write = rt2400pci_eepromregister_write;
-       eeprom.width = rt2x00_get_field32(reg, CSR21_TYPE_93C46) ?
-           PCI_EEPROM_WIDTH_93C46 : PCI_EEPROM_WIDTH_93C66;
-       eeprom.reg_data_in = 0;
-       eeprom.reg_data_out = 0;
-       eeprom.reg_data_clock = 0;
-       eeprom.reg_chip_select = 0;
-       eeprom_93cx6_multiread(&eeprom, EEPROM_BASE, rt2x00dev->eeprom,
-                              EEPROM_SIZE / sizeof(u16));
-       /*
-        * Start validation of the data that has been read.
-        */
-       mac = rt2x00_eeprom_addr(rt2x00dev, EEPROM_MAC_ADDR_0);
-       if (!is_valid_ether_addr(mac)) {
-               DECLARE_MAC_BUF(macbuf);
-               random_ether_addr(mac);
-               EEPROM(rt2x00dev, "MAC: %s\n", print_mac(macbuf, mac));
-       }
-       rt2x00_eeprom_read(rt2x00dev, EEPROM_ANTENNA, &word);
-       if (word == 0xffff) {
-               ERROR(rt2x00dev, "Invalid EEPROM data detected.\n");
-               return -EINVAL;
-       }
-       return 0;
-static int rt2400pci_init_eeprom(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev)
-       u32 reg;
-       u16 value;
-       u16 eeprom;
-       /*
-        * Read EEPROM word for configuration.
-        */
-       rt2x00_eeprom_read(rt2x00dev, EEPROM_ANTENNA, &eeprom);
-       /*
-        * Identify RF chipset.
-        */
-       value = rt2x00_get_field16(eeprom, EEPROM_ANTENNA_RF_TYPE);
-       rt2x00pci_register_read(rt2x00dev, CSR0, &reg);
-       rt2x00_set_chip(rt2x00dev, RT2460, value, reg);
-       if (!rt2x00_rf(&rt2x00dev->chip, RF2420) &&
-           !rt2x00_rf(&rt2x00dev->chip, RF2421)) {
-               ERROR(rt2x00dev, "Invalid RF chipset detected.\n");
-               return -ENODEV;
-       }
-       /*
-        * Identify default antenna configuration.
-        */
-       rt2x00dev->hw->conf.antenna_sel_tx =
-           rt2x00_get_field16(eeprom, EEPROM_ANTENNA_TX_DEFAULT);
-       rt2x00dev->hw->conf.antenna_sel_rx =
-           rt2x00_get_field16(eeprom, EEPROM_ANTENNA_RX_DEFAULT);
-       /*
-        * Store led mode, for correct led behaviour.
-        */
-       rt2x00dev->led_mode =
-           rt2x00_get_field16(eeprom, EEPROM_ANTENNA_LED_MODE);
-       /*
-        * Detect if this device has an hardware controlled radio.
-        */
-       if (rt2x00_get_field16(eeprom, EEPROM_ANTENNA_HARDWARE_RADIO))
-               __set_bit(CONFIG_SUPPORT_HW_BUTTON, &rt2x00dev->flags);
-#endif /* CONFIG_RT2400PCI_RFKILL */
-       /*
-        * Check if the BBP tuning should be enabled.
-        */
-       if (!rt2x00_get_field16(eeprom, EEPROM_ANTENNA_RX_AGCVGC_TUNING))
-               __set_bit(CONFIG_DISABLE_LINK_TUNING, &rt2x00dev->flags);
-       return 0;
- * RF value list for RF2420 & RF2421
- * Supports: 2.4 GHz
- */
-static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg[] = {
-       { 1,  0x00022058, 0x000c1fda, 0x00000101, 0 },
-       { 2,  0x00022058, 0x000c1fee, 0x00000101, 0 },
-       { 3,  0x00022058, 0x000c2002, 0x00000101, 0 },
-       { 4,  0x00022058, 0x000c2016, 0x00000101, 0 },
-       { 5,  0x00022058, 0x000c202a, 0x00000101, 0 },
-       { 6,  0x00022058, 0x000c203e, 0x00000101, 0 },
-       { 7,  0x00022058, 0x000c2052, 0x00000101, 0 },
-       { 8,  0x00022058, 0x000c2066, 0x00000101, 0 },
-       { 9,  0x00022058, 0x000c207a, 0x00000101, 0 },
-       { 10, 0x00022058, 0x000c208e, 0x00000101, 0 },
-       { 11, 0x00022058, 0x000c20a2, 0x00000101, 0 },
-       { 12, 0x00022058, 0x000c20b6, 0x00000101, 0 },
-       { 13, 0x00022058, 0x000c20ca, 0x00000101, 0 },
-       { 14, 0x00022058, 0x000c20fa, 0x00000101, 0 },
-static void rt2400pci_probe_hw_mode(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev)
-       struct hw_mode_spec *spec = &rt2x00dev->spec;
-       u8 *txpower;
-       unsigned int i;
-       /*
-        * Initialize all hw fields.
-        */
-       rt2x00dev->hw->flags = IEEE80211_HW_HOST_BROADCAST_PS_BUFFERING;
-       rt2x00dev->hw->extra_tx_headroom = 0;
-       rt2x00dev->hw->max_signal = MAX_SIGNAL;
-       rt2x00dev->hw->max_rssi = MAX_RX_SSI;
-       rt2x00dev->hw->queues = 2;
-       SET_IEEE80211_DEV(rt2x00dev->hw, &rt2x00dev_pci(rt2x00dev)->dev);
-       SET_IEEE80211_PERM_ADDR(rt2x00dev->hw,
-                               rt2x00_eeprom_addr(rt2x00dev,
-                                                  EEPROM_MAC_ADDR_0));
-       /*
-        * Convert tx_power array in eeprom.
-        */
-       txpower = rt2x00_eeprom_addr(rt2x00dev, EEPROM_TXPOWER_START);
-       for (i = 0; i < 14; i++)
-               txpower[i] = TXPOWER_FROM_DEV(txpower[i]);
-       /*
-        * Initialize hw_mode information.
-        */
-       spec->num_modes = 1;
-       spec->num_rates = 4;
-       spec->tx_power_a = NULL;
-       spec->tx_power_bg = txpower;
-       spec->tx_power_default = DEFAULT_TXPOWER;
-       spec->num_channels = ARRAY_SIZE(rf_vals_bg);
-       spec->channels = rf_vals_bg;
-static int rt2400pci_probe_hw(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev)
-       int retval;
-       /*
-        * Allocate eeprom data.
-        */
-       retval = rt2400pci_validate_eeprom(rt2x00dev);
-       if (retval)
-               return retval;
-       retval = rt2400pci_init_eeprom(rt2x00dev);
-       if (retval)
-               return retval;
-       /*
-        * Initialize hw specifications.
-        */
-       rt2400pci_probe_hw_mode(rt2x00dev);
-       /*
-        * This device requires the beacon ring
-        */
-       __set_bit(DRIVER_REQUIRE_BEACON_RING, &rt2x00dev->flags);
-       /*
-        * Set the rssi offset.
-        */
-       rt2x00dev->rssi_offset = DEFAULT_RSSI_OFFSET;
-       return 0;
- * IEEE80211 stack callback functions.
- */
-static void rt2400pci_configure_filter(struct ieee80211_hw *hw,
-                                      unsigned int changed_flags,
-                                      unsigned int *total_flags,
-                                      int mc_count,
-                                      struct dev_addr_list *mc_list)
-       struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev = hw->priv;
-       struct interface *intf = &rt2x00dev->interface;
-       u32 reg;
-       /*
-        * Mask off any flags we are going to ignore from
-        * the total_flags field.
-        */
-       *total_flags &=
-           FIF_ALLMULTI |
-           FIF_FCSFAIL |
-           FIF_PLCPFAIL |
-           FIF_CONTROL |
-           FIF_OTHER_BSS |
-           FIF_PROMISC_IN_BSS;
-       /*
-        * Apply some rules to the filters:
-        * - Some filters imply different filters to be set.
-        * - Some things we can't filter out at all.
-        * - Some filters are set based on interface type.
-        */
-       *total_flags |= FIF_ALLMULTI;
-       if (*total_flags & FIF_OTHER_BSS ||
-           *total_flags & FIF_PROMISC_IN_BSS)
-               *total_flags |= FIF_PROMISC_IN_BSS | FIF_OTHER_BSS;
-       if (is_interface_type(intf, IEEE80211_IF_TYPE_AP))
-               *total_flags |= FIF_PROMISC_IN_BSS;
-       /*
-        * Check if there is any work left for us.
-        */
-       if (intf->filter == *total_flags)
-               return;
-       intf->filter = *total_flags;
-       /*
-        * Start configuration steps.
-        * Note that the version error will always be dropped
-        * since there is no filter for it at this time.
-        */
-       rt2x00pci_register_read(rt2x00dev, RXCSR0, &reg);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, RXCSR0_DROP_CRC,
-                          !(*total_flags & FIF_FCSFAIL));
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, RXCSR0_DROP_PHYSICAL,
-                          !(*total_flags & FIF_PLCPFAIL));
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, RXCSR0_DROP_CONTROL,
-                          !(*total_flags & FIF_CONTROL));
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, RXCSR0_DROP_NOT_TO_ME,
-                          !(*total_flags & FIF_PROMISC_IN_BSS));
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, RXCSR0_DROP_TODS,
-                          !(*total_flags & FIF_PROMISC_IN_BSS));
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, RXCSR0_DROP_VERSION_ERROR, 1);
-       rt2x00pci_register_write(rt2x00dev, RXCSR0, reg);
-static int rt2400pci_set_retry_limit(struct ieee80211_hw *hw,
-                                    u32 short_retry, u32 long_retry)
-       struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev = hw->priv;
-       u32 reg;
-       rt2x00pci_register_read(rt2x00dev, CSR11, &reg);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, CSR11_LONG_RETRY, long_retry);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, CSR11_SHORT_RETRY, short_retry);
-       rt2x00pci_register_write(rt2x00dev, CSR11, reg);
-       return 0;
-static int rt2400pci_conf_tx(struct ieee80211_hw *hw,
-                            int queue,
-                            const struct ieee80211_tx_queue_params *params)
-       struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev = hw->priv;
-       /*
-        * We don't support variating cw_min and cw_max variables
-        * per queue. So by default we only configure the TX queue,
-        * and ignore all other configurations.
-        */
-       if (queue != IEEE80211_TX_QUEUE_DATA0)
-               return -EINVAL;
-       if (rt2x00mac_conf_tx(hw, queue, params))
-               return -EINVAL;
-       /*
-        * Write configuration to register.
-        */
-       rt2400pci_config_cw(rt2x00dev, &rt2x00dev->tx->tx_params);
-       return 0;
-static u64 rt2400pci_get_tsf(struct ieee80211_hw *hw)
-       struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev = hw->priv;
-       u64 tsf;
-       u32 reg;
-       rt2x00pci_register_read(rt2x00dev, CSR17, &reg);
-       tsf = (u64) rt2x00_get_field32(reg, CSR17_HIGH_TSFTIMER) << 32;
-       rt2x00pci_register_read(rt2x00dev, CSR16, &reg);
-       tsf |= rt2x00_get_field32(reg, CSR16_LOW_TSFTIMER);
-       return tsf;
-static void rt2400pci_reset_tsf(struct ieee80211_hw *hw)
-       struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev = hw->priv;
-       rt2x00pci_register_write(rt2x00dev, CSR16, 0);
-       rt2x00pci_register_write(rt2x00dev, CSR17, 0);
-static int rt2400pci_tx_last_beacon(struct ieee80211_hw *hw)
-       struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev = hw->priv;
-       u32 reg;
-       rt2x00pci_register_read(rt2x00dev, CSR15, &reg);
-       return rt2x00_get_field32(reg, CSR15_BEACON_SENT);
-static const struct ieee80211_ops rt2400pci_mac80211_ops = {
-       .tx                     = rt2x00mac_tx,
-       .start                  = rt2x00mac_start,
-       .stop                   = rt2x00mac_stop,
-       .add_interface          = rt2x00mac_add_interface,
-       .remove_interface       = rt2x00mac_remove_interface,
-       .config                 = rt2x00mac_config,
-       .config_interface       = rt2x00mac_config_interface,
-       .configure_filter       = rt2400pci_configure_filter,
-       .get_stats              = rt2x00mac_get_stats,
-       .set_retry_limit        = rt2400pci_set_retry_limit,
-       .erp_ie_changed         = rt2x00mac_erp_ie_changed,
-       .conf_tx                = rt2400pci_conf_tx,
-       .get_tx_stats           = rt2x00mac_get_tx_stats,
-       .get_tsf                = rt2400pci_get_tsf,
-       .reset_tsf              = rt2400pci_reset_tsf,
-       .beacon_update          = rt2x00pci_beacon_update,
-       .tx_last_beacon         = rt2400pci_tx_last_beacon,
-static const struct rt2x00lib_ops rt2400pci_rt2x00_ops = {
-       .irq_handler            = rt2400pci_interrupt,
-       .probe_hw               = rt2400pci_probe_hw,
-       .initialize             = rt2x00pci_initialize,
-       .uninitialize           = rt2x00pci_uninitialize,
-       .set_device_state       = rt2400pci_set_device_state,
-       .rfkill_poll            = rt2400pci_rfkill_poll,
-       .link_stats             = rt2400pci_link_stats,
-       .reset_tuner            = rt2400pci_reset_tuner,
-       .link_tuner             = rt2400pci_link_tuner,
-       .write_tx_desc          = rt2400pci_write_tx_desc,
-       .write_tx_data          = rt2x00pci_write_tx_data,
-       .kick_tx_queue          = rt2400pci_kick_tx_queue,
-       .fill_rxdone            = rt2400pci_fill_rxdone,
-       .config_mac_addr        = rt2400pci_config_mac_addr,
-       .config_bssid           = rt2400pci_config_bssid,
-       .config_type            = rt2400pci_config_type,
-       .config_preamble        = rt2400pci_config_preamble,
-       .config                 = rt2400pci_config,
-static const struct rt2x00_ops rt2400pci_ops = {
-       .name           = DRV_NAME,
-       .rxd_size       = RXD_DESC_SIZE,
-       .txd_size       = TXD_DESC_SIZE,
-       .eeprom_size    = EEPROM_SIZE,
-       .rf_size        = RF_SIZE,
-       .lib            = &rt2400pci_rt2x00_ops,
-       .hw             = &rt2400pci_mac80211_ops,
-       .debugfs        = &rt2400pci_rt2x00debug,
-#endif /* CONFIG_RT2X00_LIB_DEBUGFS */
- * RT2400pci module information.
- */
-static struct pci_device_id rt2400pci_device_table[] = {
-       { PCI_DEVICE(0x1814, 0x0101), PCI_DEVICE_DATA(&rt2400pci_ops) },
-       { 0, }
-MODULE_DESCRIPTION("Ralink RT2400 PCI & PCMCIA Wireless LAN driver.");
-MODULE_SUPPORTED_DEVICE("Ralink RT2460 PCI & PCMCIA chipset based cards");
-MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE(pci, rt2400pci_device_table);
-static struct pci_driver rt2400pci_driver = {
-       .name           = DRV_NAME,
-       .id_table       = rt2400pci_device_table,
-       .probe          = rt2x00pci_probe,
-       .remove         = __devexit_p(rt2x00pci_remove),
-       .suspend        = rt2x00pci_suspend,
-       .resume         = rt2x00pci_resume,
-static int __init rt2400pci_init(void)
-       return pci_register_driver(&rt2400pci_driver);
-static void __exit rt2400pci_exit(void)
-       pci_unregister_driver(&rt2400pci_driver);
diff --git a/package/rt2x00/src/rt2400pci.h b/package/rt2x00/src/rt2400pci.h
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index ae22501..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,943 +0,0 @@
-       Copyright (C) 2004 - 2007 rt2x00 SourceForge Project
-       <http://rt2x00.serialmonkey.com>
-       This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-       it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-       the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-       (at your option) any later version.
-       This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-       but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-       GNU General Public License for more details.
-       You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-       along with this program; if not, write to the
-       Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
-       59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
- */
-       Module: rt2400pci
-       Abstract: Data structures and registers for the rt2400pci module.
-       Supported chipsets: RT2460.
- */
-#ifndef RT2400PCI_H
-#define RT2400PCI_H
- * RF chip defines.
- */
-#define RF2420                         0x0000
-#define RF2421                         0x0001
- * Signal information.
- * Defaul offset is required for RSSI <-> dBm conversion.
- */
-#define MAX_SIGNAL                     100
-#define MAX_RX_SSI                     -1
-#define DEFAULT_RSSI_OFFSET            100
- * Register layout information.
- */
-#define CSR_REG_BASE                   0x0000
-#define CSR_REG_SIZE                   0x014c
-#define EEPROM_BASE                    0x0000
-#define EEPROM_SIZE                    0x0100
-#define BBP_SIZE                       0x0020
-#define RF_SIZE                                0x0010
- * Control/Status Registers(CSR).
- * Some values are set in TU, whereas 1 TU == 1024 us.
- */
- * CSR0: ASIC revision number.
- */
-#define CSR0                           0x0000
- * CSR1: System control register.
- * SOFT_RESET: Software reset, 1: reset, 0: normal.
- * BBP_RESET: Hardware reset, 1: reset, 0, release.
- * HOST_READY: Host ready after initialization.
- */
-#define CSR1                           0x0004
-#define CSR1_SOFT_RESET                        FIELD32(0x00000001)
-#define CSR1_BBP_RESET                 FIELD32(0x00000002)
-#define CSR1_HOST_READY                        FIELD32(0x00000004)
- * CSR2: System admin status register (invalid).
- */
-#define CSR2                           0x0008
- * CSR3: STA MAC address register 0.
- */
-#define CSR3                           0x000c
-#define CSR3_BYTE0                     FIELD32(0x000000ff)
-#define CSR3_BYTE1                     FIELD32(0x0000ff00)
-#define CSR3_BYTE2                     FIELD32(0x00ff0000)
-#define CSR3_BYTE3                     FIELD32(0xff000000)
- * CSR4: STA MAC address register 1.
- */
-#define CSR4                           0x0010
-#define CSR4_BYTE4                     FIELD32(0x000000ff)
-#define CSR4_BYTE5                     FIELD32(0x0000ff00)
- * CSR5: BSSID register 0.
- */
-#define CSR5                           0x0014
-#define CSR5_BYTE0                     FIELD32(0x000000ff)
-#define CSR5_BYTE1                     FIELD32(0x0000ff00)
-#define CSR5_BYTE2                     FIELD32(0x00ff0000)
-#define CSR5_BYTE3                     FIELD32(0xff000000)
- * CSR6: BSSID register 1.
- */
-#define CSR6                           0x0018
-#define CSR6_BYTE4                     FIELD32(0x000000ff)
-#define CSR6_BYTE5                     FIELD32(0x0000ff00)
- * CSR7: Interrupt source register.
- * Write 1 to clear interrupt.
- * TBCN_EXPIRE: Beacon timer expired interrupt.
- * TWAKE_EXPIRE: Wakeup timer expired interrupt.
- * TATIMW_EXPIRE: Timer of atim window expired interrupt.
- * TXDONE_TXRING: Tx ring transmit done interrupt.
- * TXDONE_ATIMRING: Atim ring transmit done interrupt.
- * TXDONE_PRIORING: Priority ring transmit done interrupt.
- * RXDONE: Receive done interrupt.
- */
-#define CSR7                           0x001c
-#define CSR7_TBCN_EXPIRE               FIELD32(0x00000001)
-#define CSR7_TWAKE_EXPIRE              FIELD32(0x00000002)
-#define CSR7_TATIMW_EXPIRE             FIELD32(0x00000004)
-#define CSR7_TXDONE_TXRING             FIELD32(0x00000008)
-#define CSR7_TXDONE_ATIMRING           FIELD32(0x00000010)
-#define CSR7_TXDONE_PRIORING           FIELD32(0x00000020)
-#define CSR7_RXDONE                    FIELD32(0x00000040)
- * CSR8: Interrupt mask register.
- * Write 1 to mask interrupt.
- * TBCN_EXPIRE: Beacon timer expired interrupt.
- * TWAKE_EXPIRE: Wakeup timer expired interrupt.
- * TATIMW_EXPIRE: Timer of atim window expired interrupt.
- * TXDONE_TXRING: Tx ring transmit done interrupt.
- * TXDONE_ATIMRING: Atim ring transmit done interrupt.
- * TXDONE_PRIORING: Priority ring transmit done interrupt.
- * RXDONE: Receive done interrupt.
- */
-#define CSR8                           0x0020
-#define CSR8_TBCN_EXPIRE               FIELD32(0x00000001)
-#define CSR8_TWAKE_EXPIRE              FIELD32(0x00000002)
-#define CSR8_TATIMW_EXPIRE             FIELD32(0x00000004)
-#define CSR8_TXDONE_TXRING             FIELD32(0x00000008)
-#define CSR8_TXDONE_ATIMRING           FIELD32(0x00000010)
-#define CSR8_TXDONE_PRIORING           FIELD32(0x00000020)
-#define CSR8_RXDONE                    FIELD32(0x00000040)
- * CSR9: Maximum frame length register.
- * MAX_FRAME_UNIT: Maximum frame length in 128b unit, default: 12.
- */
-#define CSR9                           0x0024
-#define CSR9_MAX_FRAME_UNIT            FIELD32(0x00000f80)
- * CSR11: Back-off control register.
- * CWMIN: CWmin. Default cwmin is 31 (2^5 - 1).
- * CWMAX: CWmax. Default cwmax is 1023 (2^10 - 1).
- * SLOT_TIME: Slot time, default is 20us for 802.11b.
- * LONG_RETRY: Long retry count.
- * SHORT_RETRY: Short retry count.
- */
-#define CSR11                          0x002c
-#define CSR11_CWMIN                    FIELD32(0x0000000f)
-#define CSR11_CWMAX                    FIELD32(0x000000f0)
-#define CSR11_SLOT_TIME                        FIELD32(0x00001f00)
-#define CSR11_LONG_RETRY               FIELD32(0x00ff0000)
-#define CSR11_SHORT_RETRY              FIELD32(0xff000000)
- * CSR12: Synchronization configuration register 0.
- * All units in 1/16 TU.
- * BEACON_INTERVAL: Beacon interval, default is 100 TU.
- * CFPMAX_DURATION: Cfp maximum duration, default is 100 TU.
- */
-#define CSR12                          0x0030
-#define CSR12_BEACON_INTERVAL          FIELD32(0x0000ffff)
-#define CSR12_CFP_MAX_DURATION         FIELD32(0xffff0000)
- * CSR13: Synchronization configuration register 1.
- * All units in 1/16 TU.
- * ATIMW_DURATION: Atim window duration.
- * CFP_PERIOD: Cfp period, default is 0 TU.
- */
-#define CSR13                          0x0034
-#define CSR13_ATIMW_DURATION           FIELD32(0x0000ffff)
-#define CSR13_CFP_PERIOD               FIELD32(0x00ff0000)
- * CSR14: Synchronization control register.
- * TSF_COUNT: Enable tsf auto counting.
- * TSF_SYNC: Tsf sync, 0: disable, 1: infra, 2: ad-hoc/master mode.
- * TBCN: Enable tbcn with reload value.
- * TCFP: Enable tcfp & cfp / cp switching.
- * TATIMW: Enable tatimw & atim window switching.
- * BEACON_GEN: Enable beacon generator.
- * CFP_COUNT_PRELOAD: Cfp count preload value.
- * TBCM_PRELOAD: Tbcn preload value in units of 64us.
- */
-#define CSR14                          0x0038
-#define CSR14_TSF_COUNT                        FIELD32(0x00000001)
-#define CSR14_TSF_SYNC                 FIELD32(0x00000006)
-#define CSR14_TBCN                     FIELD32(0x00000008)
-#define CSR14_TCFP                     FIELD32(0x00000010)
-#define CSR14_TATIMW                   FIELD32(0x00000020)
-#define CSR14_BEACON_GEN               FIELD32(0x00000040)
-#define CSR14_CFP_COUNT_PRELOAD                FIELD32(0x0000ff00)
-#define CSR14_TBCM_PRELOAD             FIELD32(0xffff0000)
- * CSR15: Synchronization status register.
- * CFP: ASIC is in contention-free period.
- * ATIMW: ASIC is in ATIM window.
- * BEACON_SENT: Beacon is send.
- */
-#define CSR15                          0x003c
-#define CSR15_CFP                      FIELD32(0x00000001)
-#define CSR15_ATIMW                    FIELD32(0x00000002)
-#define CSR15_BEACON_SENT              FIELD32(0x00000004)
- * CSR16: TSF timer register 0.
- */
-#define CSR16                          0x0040
-#define CSR16_LOW_TSFTIMER             FIELD32(0xffffffff)
- * CSR17: TSF timer register 1.
- */
-#define CSR17                          0x0044
-#define CSR17_HIGH_TSFTIMER            FIELD32(0xffffffff)
- * CSR18: IFS timer register 0.
- * SIFS: Sifs, default is 10 us.
- * PIFS: Pifs, default is 30 us.
- */
-#define CSR18                          0x0048
-#define CSR18_SIFS                     FIELD32(0x0000ffff)
-#define CSR18_PIFS                     FIELD32(0xffff0000)
- * CSR19: IFS timer register 1.
- * DIFS: Difs, default is 50 us.
- * EIFS: Eifs, default is 364 us.
- */
-#define CSR19                          0x004c
-#define CSR19_DIFS                     FIELD32(0x0000ffff)
-#define CSR19_EIFS                     FIELD32(0xffff0000)
- * CSR20: Wakeup timer register.
- * DELAY_AFTER_TBCN: Delay after tbcn expired in units of 1/16 TU.
- * TBCN_BEFORE_WAKEUP: Number of beacon before wakeup.
- * AUTOWAKE: Enable auto wakeup / sleep mechanism.
- */
-#define CSR20                          0x0050
-#define CSR20_DELAY_AFTER_TBCN         FIELD32(0x0000ffff)
-#define CSR20_TBCN_BEFORE_WAKEUP       FIELD32(0x00ff0000)
-#define CSR20_AUTOWAKE                 FIELD32(0x01000000)
- * CSR21: EEPROM control register.
- * RELOAD: Write 1 to reload eeprom content.
- * TYPE_93C46: 1: 93c46, 0:93c66.
- */
-#define CSR21                          0x0054
-#define CSR21_RELOAD                   FIELD32(0x00000001)
-#define CSR21_EEPROM_DATA_CLOCK                FIELD32(0x00000002)
-#define CSR21_EEPROM_CHIP_SELECT       FIELD32(0x00000004)
-#define CSR21_EEPROM_DATA_IN           FIELD32(0x00000008)
-#define CSR21_EEPROM_DATA_OUT          FIELD32(0x00000010)
-#define CSR21_TYPE_93C46               FIELD32(0x00000020)
- * CSR22: CFP control register.
- * CFP_DURATION_REMAIN: Cfp duration remain, in units of TU.
- * RELOAD_CFP_DURATION: Write 1 to reload cfp duration remain.
- */
-#define CSR22                          0x0058
-#define CSR22_CFP_DURATION_REMAIN      FIELD32(0x0000ffff)
-#define CSR22_RELOAD_CFP_DURATION      FIELD32(0x00010000)
- * Transmit related CSRs.
- * Some values are set in TU, whereas 1 TU == 1024 us.
- */
- * TXCSR0: TX Control Register.
- * KICK_TX: Kick tx ring.
- * KICK_ATIM: Kick atim ring.
- * KICK_PRIO: Kick priority ring.
- * ABORT: Abort all transmit related ring operation.
- */
-#define TXCSR0                         0x0060
-#define TXCSR0_KICK_TX                 FIELD32(0x00000001)
-#define TXCSR0_KICK_ATIM               FIELD32(0x00000002)
-#define TXCSR0_KICK_PRIO               FIELD32(0x00000004)
-#define TXCSR0_ABORT                   FIELD32(0x00000008)
- * TXCSR1: TX Configuration Register.
- * ACK_TIMEOUT: Ack timeout, default = sifs + 2*slottime + acktime @ 1mbps.
- * ACK_CONSUME_TIME: Ack consume time, default = sifs + acktime @ 1mbps.
- * TSF_OFFSET: Insert tsf offset.
- * AUTORESPONDER: Enable auto responder which include ack & cts.
- */
-#define TXCSR1                         0x0064
-#define TXCSR1_ACK_TIMEOUT             FIELD32(0x000001ff)
-#define TXCSR1_ACK_CONSUME_TIME                FIELD32(0x0003fe00)
-#define TXCSR1_TSF_OFFSET              FIELD32(0x00fc0000)
-#define TXCSR1_AUTORESPONDER           FIELD32(0x01000000)
- * TXCSR2: Tx descriptor configuration register.
- * TXD_SIZE: Tx descriptor size, default is 48.
- * NUM_TXD: Number of tx entries in ring.
- * NUM_ATIM: Number of atim entries in ring.
- * NUM_PRIO: Number of priority entries in ring.
- */
-#define TXCSR2                         0x0068
-#define TXCSR2_TXD_SIZE                        FIELD32(0x000000ff)
-#define TXCSR2_NUM_TXD                 FIELD32(0x0000ff00)
-#define TXCSR2_NUM_ATIM                        FIELD32(0x00ff0000)
-#define TXCSR2_NUM_PRIO                        FIELD32(0xff000000)
- * TXCSR3: TX Ring Base address register.
- */
-#define TXCSR3                         0x006c
-#define TXCSR3_TX_RING_REGISTER                FIELD32(0xffffffff)
- * TXCSR4: TX Atim Ring Base address register.
- */
-#define TXCSR4                         0x0070
-#define TXCSR4_ATIM_RING_REGISTER      FIELD32(0xffffffff)
- * TXCSR5: TX Prio Ring Base address register.
- */
-#define TXCSR5                         0x0074
-#define TXCSR5_PRIO_RING_REGISTER      FIELD32(0xffffffff)
- * TXCSR6: Beacon Base address register.
- */
-#define TXCSR6                         0x0078
-#define TXCSR6_BEACON_RING_REGISTER    FIELD32(0xffffffff)
- * TXCSR7: Auto responder control register.
- * AR_POWERMANAGEMENT: Auto responder power management bit.
- */
-#define TXCSR7                         0x007c
-#define TXCSR7_AR_POWERMANAGEMENT      FIELD32(0x00000001)
- * Receive related CSRs.
- * Some values are set in TU, whereas 1 TU == 1024 us.
- */
- * RXCSR0: RX Control Register.
- * DISABLE_RX: Disable rx engine.
- * DROP_CRC: Drop crc error.
- * DROP_PHYSICAL: Drop physical error.
- * DROP_CONTROL: Drop control frame.
- * DROP_NOT_TO_ME: Drop not to me unicast frame.
- * DROP_TODS: Drop frame tods bit is true.
- * DROP_VERSION_ERROR: Drop version error frame.
- * PASS_CRC: Pass all packets with crc attached.
- */
-#define RXCSR0                         0x0080
-#define RXCSR0_DISABLE_RX              FIELD32(0x00000001)
-#define RXCSR0_DROP_CRC                        FIELD32(0x00000002)
-#define RXCSR0_DROP_PHYSICAL           FIELD32(0x00000004)
-#define RXCSR0_DROP_CONTROL            FIELD32(0x00000008)
-#define RXCSR0_DROP_NOT_TO_ME          FIELD32(0x00000010)
-#define RXCSR0_DROP_TODS               FIELD32(0x00000020)
-#define RXCSR0_DROP_VERSION_ERROR      FIELD32(0x00000040)
-#define RXCSR0_PASS_CRC                        FIELD32(0x00000080)
- * RXCSR1: RX descriptor configuration register.
- * RXD_SIZE: Rx descriptor size, default is 32b.
- * NUM_RXD: Number of rx entries in ring.
- */
-#define RXCSR1                         0x0084
-#define RXCSR1_RXD_SIZE                        FIELD32(0x000000ff)
-#define RXCSR1_NUM_RXD                 FIELD32(0x0000ff00)
- * RXCSR2: RX Ring base address register.
- */
-#define RXCSR2                         0x0088
-#define RXCSR2_RX_RING_REGISTER                FIELD32(0xffffffff)
- * RXCSR3: BBP ID register for Rx operation.
- * BBP_ID#: BBP register # id.
- * BBP_ID#_VALID: BBP register # id is valid or not.
- */
-#define RXCSR3                         0x0090
-#define RXCSR3_BBP_ID0                 FIELD32(0x0000007f)
-#define RXCSR3_BBP_ID0_VALID           FIELD32(0x00000080)
-#define RXCSR3_BBP_ID1                 FIELD32(0x00007f00)
-#define RXCSR3_BBP_ID1_VALID           FIELD32(0x00008000)
-#define RXCSR3_BBP_ID2                 FIELD32(0x007f0000)
-#define RXCSR3_BBP_ID2_VALID           FIELD32(0x00800000)
-#define RXCSR3_BBP_ID3                 FIELD32(0x7f000000)
-#define RXCSR3_BBP_ID3_VALID           FIELD32(0x80000000)
- * RXCSR4: BBP ID register for Rx operation.
- * BBP_ID#: BBP register # id.
- * BBP_ID#_VALID: BBP register # id is valid or not.
- */
-#define RXCSR4                         0x0094
-#define RXCSR4_BBP_ID4                 FIELD32(0x0000007f)
-#define RXCSR4_BBP_ID4_VALID           FIELD32(0x00000080)
-#define RXCSR4_BBP_ID5                 FIELD32(0x00007f00)
-#define RXCSR4_BBP_ID5_VALID           FIELD32(0x00008000)
- * ARCSR0: Auto Responder PLCP config register 0.
- * ARCSR0_AR_BBP_DATA#: Auto responder BBP register # data.
- * ARCSR0_AR_BBP_ID#: Auto responder BBP register # Id.
- */
-#define ARCSR0                         0x0098
-#define ARCSR0_AR_BBP_DATA0            FIELD32(0x000000ff)
-#define ARCSR0_AR_BBP_ID0              FIELD32(0x0000ff00)
-#define ARCSR0_AR_BBP_DATA1            FIELD32(0x00ff0000)
-#define ARCSR0_AR_BBP_ID1              FIELD32(0xff000000)
- * ARCSR1: Auto Responder PLCP config register 1.
- * ARCSR0_AR_BBP_DATA#: Auto responder BBP register # data.
- * ARCSR0_AR_BBP_ID#: Auto responder BBP register # Id.
- */
-#define ARCSR1                         0x009c
-#define ARCSR1_AR_BBP_DATA2            FIELD32(0x000000ff)
-#define ARCSR1_AR_BBP_ID2              FIELD32(0x0000ff00)
-#define ARCSR1_AR_BBP_DATA3            FIELD32(0x00ff0000)
-#define ARCSR1_AR_BBP_ID3              FIELD32(0xff000000)
- * Miscellaneous Registers.
- * Some values are set in TU, whereas 1 TU == 1024 us.
- */
- * PCICSR: PCI control register.
- * BIG_ENDIAN: 1: big endian, 0: little endian.
- * RX_TRESHOLD: Rx threshold in dw to start pci access
- * 0: 16dw (default), 1: 8dw, 2: 4dw, 3: 32dw.
- * TX_TRESHOLD: Tx threshold in dw to start pci access
- * 0: 0dw (default), 1: 1dw, 2: 4dw, 3: forward.
- * BURST_LENTH: Pci burst length 0: 4dw (default, 1: 8dw, 2: 16dw, 3:32dw.
- * ENABLE_CLK: Enable clk_run, pci clock can't going down to non-operational.
- */
-#define PCICSR                         0x008c
-#define PCICSR_BIG_ENDIAN              FIELD32(0x00000001)
-#define PCICSR_RX_TRESHOLD             FIELD32(0x00000006)
-#define PCICSR_TX_TRESHOLD             FIELD32(0x00000018)
-#define PCICSR_BURST_LENTH             FIELD32(0x00000060)
-#define PCICSR_ENABLE_CLK              FIELD32(0x00000080)
- * CNT0: FCS error count.
- * FCS_ERROR: FCS error count, cleared when read.
- */
-#define CNT0                           0x00a0
-#define CNT0_FCS_ERROR                 FIELD32(0x0000ffff)
- * Statistic Register.
- * CNT1: PLCP error count.
- * CNT2: Long error count.
- * CNT3: CCA false alarm count.
- * CNT4: Rx FIFO overflow count.
- * CNT5: Tx FIFO underrun count.
- */
-#define TIMECSR2                       0x00a8
-#define CNT1                           0x00ac
-#define CNT2                           0x00b0
-#define TIMECSR3                       0x00b4
-#define CNT3                           0x00b8
-#define CNT4                           0x00bc
-#define CNT5                           0x00c0
- * Baseband Control Register.
- */
- * PWRCSR0: Power mode configuration register.
- */
-#define PWRCSR0                                0x00c4
- * Power state transition time registers.
- */
-#define PSCSR0                         0x00c8
-#define PSCSR1                         0x00cc
-#define PSCSR2                         0x00d0
-#define PSCSR3                         0x00d4
- * PWRCSR1: Manual power control / status register.
- * Allowed state: 0 deep_sleep, 1: sleep, 2: standby, 3: awake.
- * SET_STATE: Set state. Write 1 to trigger, self cleared.
- * BBP_DESIRE_STATE: BBP desired state.
- * RF_DESIRE_STATE: RF desired state.
- * BBP_CURR_STATE: BBP current state.
- * RF_CURR_STATE: RF current state.
- * PUT_TO_SLEEP: Put to sleep. Write 1 to trigger, self cleared.
- */
-#define PWRCSR1                                0x00d8
-#define PWRCSR1_SET_STATE              FIELD32(0x00000001)
-#define PWRCSR1_BBP_DESIRE_STATE       FIELD32(0x00000006)
-#define PWRCSR1_RF_DESIRE_STATE                FIELD32(0x00000018)
-#define PWRCSR1_BBP_CURR_STATE         FIELD32(0x00000060)
-#define PWRCSR1_RF_CURR_STATE          FIELD32(0x00000180)
-#define PWRCSR1_PUT_TO_SLEEP           FIELD32(0x00000200)
- * TIMECSR: Timer control register.
- * US_COUNT: 1 us timer count in units of clock cycles.
- * US_64_COUNT: 64 us timer count in units of 1 us timer.
- * BEACON_EXPECT: Beacon expect window.
- */
-#define TIMECSR                                0x00dc
-#define TIMECSR_US_COUNT               FIELD32(0x000000ff)
-#define TIMECSR_US_64_COUNT            FIELD32(0x0000ff00)
-#define TIMECSR_BEACON_EXPECT          FIELD32(0x00070000)
- * MACCSR0: MAC configuration register 0.
- */
-#define MACCSR0                                0x00e0
- * MACCSR1: MAC configuration register 1.
- * KICK_RX: Kick one-shot rx in one-shot rx mode.
- * ONESHOT_RXMODE: Enable one-shot rx mode for debugging.
- * BBPRX_RESET_MODE: Ralink bbp rx reset mode.
- * AUTO_TXBBP: Auto tx logic access bbp control register.
- * AUTO_RXBBP: Auto rx logic access bbp control register.
- * LOOPBACK: Loopback mode. 0: normal, 1: internal, 2: external, 3:rsvd.
- * INTERSIL_IF: Intersil if calibration pin.
- */
-#define MACCSR1                                0x00e4
-#define MACCSR1_KICK_RX                        FIELD32(0x00000001)
-#define MACCSR1_ONESHOT_RXMODE         FIELD32(0x00000002)
-#define MACCSR1_BBPRX_RESET_MODE       FIELD32(0x00000004)
-#define MACCSR1_AUTO_TXBBP             FIELD32(0x00000008)
-#define MACCSR1_AUTO_RXBBP             FIELD32(0x00000010)
-#define MACCSR1_LOOPBACK               FIELD32(0x00000060)
-#define MACCSR1_INTERSIL_IF            FIELD32(0x00000080)
- * RALINKCSR: Ralink Rx auto-reset BBCR.
- * AR_BBP_DATA#: Auto reset BBP register # data.
- * AR_BBP_ID#: Auto reset BBP register # id.
- */
-#define RALINKCSR                      0x00e8
-#define RALINKCSR_AR_BBP_DATA0         FIELD32(0x000000ff)
-#define RALINKCSR_AR_BBP_ID0           FIELD32(0x0000ff00)
-#define RALINKCSR_AR_BBP_DATA1         FIELD32(0x00ff0000)
-#define RALINKCSR_AR_BBP_ID1           FIELD32(0xff000000)
- * BCNCSR: Beacon interval control register.
- * CHANGE: Write one to change beacon interval.
- * DELTATIME: The delta time value.
- * NUM_BEACON: Number of beacon according to mode.
- * MODE: Please refer to asic specs.
- * PLUS: Plus or minus delta time value.
- */
-#define BCNCSR                         0x00ec
-#define BCNCSR_CHANGE                  FIELD32(0x00000001)
-#define BCNCSR_DELTATIME               FIELD32(0x0000001e)
-#define BCNCSR_NUM_BEACON              FIELD32(0x00001fe0)
-#define BCNCSR_MODE                    FIELD32(0x00006000)
-#define BCNCSR_PLUS                    FIELD32(0x00008000)
- * BBP / RF / IF Control Register.
- */
- * BBPCSR: BBP serial control register.
- * VALUE: Register value to program into BBP.
- * REGNUM: Selected BBP register.
- * BUSY: 1: asic is busy execute BBP programming.
- * WRITE_CONTROL: 1: write BBP, 0: read BBP.
- */
-#define BBPCSR                         0x00f0
-#define BBPCSR_VALUE                   FIELD32(0x000000ff)
-#define BBPCSR_REGNUM                  FIELD32(0x00007f00)
-#define BBPCSR_BUSY                    FIELD32(0x00008000)
-#define BBPCSR_WRITE_CONTROL           FIELD32(0x00010000)
- * RFCSR: RF serial control register.
- * VALUE: Register value + id to program into rf/if.
- * NUMBER_OF_BITS: Number of bits used in value (i:20, rfmd:22).
- * IF_SELECT: Chip to program: 0: rf, 1: if.
- * PLL_LD: Rf pll_ld status.
- * BUSY: 1: asic is busy execute rf programming.
- */
-#define RFCSR                          0x00f4
-#define RFCSR_VALUE                    FIELD32(0x00ffffff)
-#define RFCSR_NUMBER_OF_BITS           FIELD32(0x1f000000)
-#define RFCSR_IF_SELECT                        FIELD32(0x20000000)
-#define RFCSR_PLL_LD                   FIELD32(0x40000000)
-#define RFCSR_BUSY                     FIELD32(0x80000000)
- * LEDCSR: LED control register.
- * ON_PERIOD: On period, default 70ms.
- * OFF_PERIOD: Off period, default 30ms.
- * LINK: 0: linkoff, 1: linkup.
- * ACTIVITY: 0: idle, 1: active.
- */
-#define LEDCSR                         0x00f8
-#define LEDCSR_ON_PERIOD               FIELD32(0x000000ff)
-#define LEDCSR_OFF_PERIOD              FIELD32(0x0000ff00)
-#define LEDCSR_LINK                    FIELD32(0x00010000)
-#define LEDCSR_ACTIVITY                        FIELD32(0x00020000)
- * ASIC pointer information.
- * RXPTR: Current RX ring address.
- * TXPTR: Current Tx ring address.
- * PRIPTR: Current Priority ring address.
- * ATIMPTR: Current ATIM ring address.
- */
-#define RXPTR                          0x0100
-#define TXPTR                          0x0104
-#define PRIPTR                         0x0108
-#define ATIMPTR                                0x010c
- * GPIO and others.
- */
- * GPIOCSR: GPIO control register.
- */
-#define GPIOCSR                                0x0120
-#define GPIOCSR_BIT0                   FIELD32(0x00000001)
-#define GPIOCSR_BIT1                   FIELD32(0x00000002)
-#define GPIOCSR_BIT2                   FIELD32(0x00000004)
-#define GPIOCSR_BIT3                   FIELD32(0x00000008)
-#define GPIOCSR_BIT4                   FIELD32(0x00000010)
-#define GPIOCSR_BIT5                   FIELD32(0x00000020)
-#define GPIOCSR_BIT6                   FIELD32(0x00000040)
-#define GPIOCSR_BIT7                   FIELD32(0x00000080)
- * BBPPCSR: BBP Pin control register.
- */
-#define BBPPCSR                                0x0124
- * BCNCSR1: Tx BEACON offset time control register.
- * PRELOAD: Beacon timer offset in units of usec.
- */
-#define BCNCSR1                                0x0130
-#define BCNCSR1_PRELOAD                        FIELD32(0x0000ffff)
- * MACCSR2: TX_PE to RX_PE turn-around time control register
- * DELAY: RX_PE low width, in units of pci clock cycle.
- */
-#define MACCSR2                                0x0134
-#define MACCSR2_DELAY                  FIELD32(0x000000ff)
- * ARCSR2: 1 Mbps ACK/CTS PLCP.
- */
-#define ARCSR2                         0x013c
-#define ARCSR2_SIGNAL                  FIELD32(0x000000ff)
-#define ARCSR2_SERVICE                 FIELD32(0x0000ff00)
-#define ARCSR2_LENGTH_LOW              FIELD32(0x00ff0000)
-#define ARCSR2_LENGTH                  FIELD32(0xffff0000)
- * ARCSR3: 2 Mbps ACK/CTS PLCP.
- */
-#define ARCSR3                         0x0140
-#define ARCSR3_SIGNAL                  FIELD32(0x000000ff)
-#define ARCSR3_SERVICE                 FIELD32(0x0000ff00)
-#define ARCSR3_LENGTH                  FIELD32(0xffff0000)
- * ARCSR4: 5.5 Mbps ACK/CTS PLCP.
- */
-#define ARCSR4                         0x0144
-#define ARCSR4_SIGNAL                  FIELD32(0x000000ff)
-#define ARCSR4_SERVICE                 FIELD32(0x0000ff00)
-#define ARCSR4_LENGTH                  FIELD32(0xffff0000)
- * ARCSR5: 11 Mbps ACK/CTS PLCP.
- */
-#define ARCSR5                         0x0148
-#define ARCSR5_SIGNAL                  FIELD32(0x000000ff)
-#define ARCSR5_SERVICE                 FIELD32(0x0000ff00)
-#define ARCSR5_LENGTH                  FIELD32(0xffff0000)
- * BBP registers.
- * The wordsize of the BBP is 8 bits.
- */
- * R1: TX antenna control
- */
-#define BBP_R1_TX_ANTENNA              FIELD8(0x03)
- * R4: RX antenna control
- */
-#define BBP_R4_RX_ANTENNA              FIELD8(0x06)
- * RF registers
- */
- * RF 1
- */
-#define RF1_TUNER                      FIELD32(0x00020000)
- * RF 3
- */
-#define RF3_TUNER                      FIELD32(0x00000100)
-#define RF3_TXPOWER                    FIELD32(0x00003e00)
- * EEPROM content.
- * The wordsize of the EEPROM is 16 bits.
- */
- * HW MAC address.
- */
-#define EEPROM_MAC_ADDR_0              0x0002
-#define EEPROM_MAC_ADDR_BYTE0          FIELD16(0x00ff)
-#define EEPROM_MAC_ADDR_BYTE1          FIELD16(0xff00)
-#define EEPROM_MAC_ADDR1               0x0003
-#define EEPROM_MAC_ADDR_BYTE2          FIELD16(0x00ff)
-#define EEPROM_MAC_ADDR_BYTE3          FIELD16(0xff00)
-#define EEPROM_MAC_ADDR_2              0x0004
-#define EEPROM_MAC_ADDR_BYTE4          FIELD16(0x00ff)
-#define EEPROM_MAC_ADDR_BYTE5          FIELD16(0xff00)
- * EEPROM antenna.
- * ANTENNA_NUM: Number of antenna's.
- * TX_DEFAULT: Default antenna 0: diversity, 1: A, 2: B.
- * RX_DEFAULT: Default antenna 0: diversity, 1: A, 2: B.
- * RF_TYPE: Rf_type of this adapter.
- * LED_MODE: 0: default, 1: TX/RX activity,2: Single (ignore link), 3: rsvd.
- * RX_AGCVGC: 0: disable, 1:enable BBP R13 tuning.
- * HARDWARE_RADIO: 1: Hardware controlled radio. Read GPIO0.
- */
-#define EEPROM_ANTENNA                 0x0b
-#define EEPROM_ANTENNA_NUM             FIELD16(0x0003)
-#define EEPROM_ANTENNA_TX_DEFAULT      FIELD16(0x000c)
-#define EEPROM_ANTENNA_RX_DEFAULT      FIELD16(0x0030)
-#define EEPROM_ANTENNA_RF_TYPE         FIELD16(0x0040)
-#define EEPROM_ANTENNA_LED_MODE                FIELD16(0x0180)
- */
-#define EEPROM_BBP_START               0x0c
-#define EEPROM_BBP_SIZE                        7
-#define EEPROM_BBP_VALUE               FIELD16(0x00ff)
-#define EEPROM_BBP_REG_ID              FIELD16(0xff00)
- */
-#define EEPROM_TXPOWER_START           0x13
-#define EEPROM_TXPOWER_SIZE            7
-#define EEPROM_TXPOWER_1               FIELD16(0x00ff)
-#define EEPROM_TXPOWER_2               FIELD16(0xff00)
- * DMA descriptor defines.
- */
-#define TXD_DESC_SIZE                  ( 8 * sizeof(struct data_desc) )
-#define RXD_DESC_SIZE                  ( 8 * sizeof(struct data_desc) )
- * TX descriptor format for TX, PRIO, ATIM and Beacon Ring.
- */
- * Word0
- */
-#define TXD_W0_OWNER_NIC               FIELD32(0x00000001)
-#define TXD_W0_VALID                   FIELD32(0x00000002)
-#define TXD_W0_RESULT                  FIELD32(0x0000001c)
-#define TXD_W0_RETRY_COUNT             FIELD32(0x000000e0)
-#define TXD_W0_MORE_FRAG               FIELD32(0x00000100)
-#define TXD_W0_ACK                     FIELD32(0x00000200)
-#define TXD_W0_TIMESTAMP               FIELD32(0x00000400)
-#define TXD_W0_RTS                     FIELD32(0x00000800)
-#define TXD_W0_IFS                     FIELD32(0x00006000)
-#define TXD_W0_RETRY_MODE              FIELD32(0x00008000)
-#define TXD_W0_AGC                     FIELD32(0x00ff0000)
-#define TXD_W0_R2                      FIELD32(0xff000000)
- * Word1
- */
-#define TXD_W1_BUFFER_ADDRESS          FIELD32(0xffffffff)
- * Word2
- */
-#define TXD_W2_BUFFER_LENGTH           FIELD32(0x0000ffff)
-#define TXD_W2_DATABYTE_COUNT          FIELD32(0xffff0000)
- * Word3 & 4: PLCP information
- */
-#define TXD_W3_PLCP_SIGNAL             FIELD32(0x0000ffff)
-#define TXD_W3_PLCP_SERVICE            FIELD32(0xffff0000)
-#define TXD_W4_PLCP_LENGTH_LOW         FIELD32(0x0000ffff)
-#define TXD_W4_PLCP_LENGTH_HIGH                FIELD32(0xffff0000)
- * Word5
- */
-#define TXD_W5_BBCR4                   FIELD32(0x0000ffff)
-#define TXD_W5_AGC_REG                 FIELD32(0x007f0000)
-#define TXD_W5_AGC_REG_VALID           FIELD32(0x00800000)
-#define TXD_W5_XXX_REG                 FIELD32(0x7f000000)
-#define TXD_W5_XXX_REG_VALID           FIELD32(0x80000000)
- * Word6
- */
-#define TXD_W6_SK_BUFF                 FIELD32(0xffffffff)
- * Word7
- */
-#define TXD_W7_RESERVED                        FIELD32(0xffffffff)
- * RX descriptor format for RX Ring.
- */
- * Word0
- */
-#define RXD_W0_OWNER_NIC               FIELD32(0x00000001)
-#define RXD_W0_UNICAST_TO_ME           FIELD32(0x00000002)
-#define RXD_W0_MULTICAST               FIELD32(0x00000004)
-#define RXD_W0_BROADCAST               FIELD32(0x00000008)
-#define RXD_W0_MY_BSS                  FIELD32(0x00000010)
-#define RXD_W0_CRC_ERROR               FIELD32(0x00000020)
-#define RXD_W0_PHYSICAL_ERROR          FIELD32(0x00000080)
-#define RXD_W0_DATABYTE_COUNT          FIELD32(0xffff0000)
- * Word1
- */
-#define RXD_W1_BUFFER_ADDRESS          FIELD32(0xffffffff)
- * Word2
- */
-#define RXD_W2_BUFFER_LENGTH           FIELD32(0x0000ffff)
-#define RXD_W2_SIGNAL                  FIELD32(0x00ff0000)
-#define RXD_W2_RSSI                    FIELD32(0xff000000)
- * Word3
- */
-#define RXD_W3_BBR2                    FIELD32(0x000000ff)
-#define RXD_W3_BBR3                    FIELD32(0x0000ff00)
-#define RXD_W3_BBR4                    FIELD32(0x00ff0000)
-#define RXD_W3_BBR5                    FIELD32(0xff000000)
- * Word4
- */
-#define RXD_W4_RX_END_TIME             FIELD32(0xffffffff)
- * Word5 & 6 & 7: Reserved
- */
-#define RXD_W5_RESERVED                        FIELD32(0xffffffff)
-#define RXD_W6_RESERVED                        FIELD32(0xffffffff)
-#define RXD_W7_RESERVED                        FIELD32(0xffffffff)
- * Macro's for converting txpower from EEPROM to dscape value
- * and from dscape value to register value.
- * NOTE: Logics in rt2400pci for txpower are reversed
- * compared to the other rt2x00 drivers. A higher txpower
- * value means that the txpower must be lowered. This is
- * important when converting the value coming from the
- * dscape stack to the rt2400 acceptable value.
- */
-#define MIN_TXPOWER    31
-#define MAX_TXPOWER    62
-#define DEFAULT_TXPOWER        39
-#define TXPOWER_FROM_DEV(__txpower)                                    \
-({                                                                     \
-       ((__txpower) > MAX_TXPOWER) ? DEFAULT_TXPOWER - MIN_TXPOWER :   \
-       ((__txpower) < MIN_TXPOWER) ? DEFAULT_TXPOWER - MIN_TXPOWER :   \
-       (((__txpower) - MAX_TXPOWER) + MIN_TXPOWER);                    \
-#define TXPOWER_TO_DEV(__txpower)                      \
-({                                                     \
-       (__txpower) += MIN_TXPOWER;                     \
-       ((__txpower) <= MIN_TXPOWER) ? MAX_TXPOWER :    \
-       (((__txpower) >= MAX_TXPOWER) ? MIN_TXPOWER :   \
-       (MAX_TXPOWER - ((__txpower) - MIN_TXPOWER)));   \
-#endif /* RT2400PCI_H */
diff --git a/package/rt2x00/src/rt2500pci.c b/package/rt2x00/src/rt2500pci.c
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 702321c..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1971 +0,0 @@
-       Copyright (C) 2004 - 2007 rt2x00 SourceForge Project
-       <http://rt2x00.serialmonkey.com>
-       This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-       it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-       the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-       (at your option) any later version.
-       This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-       but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-       GNU General Public License for more details.
-       You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-       along with this program; if not, write to the
-       Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
-       59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
- */
-       Module: rt2500pci
-       Abstract: rt2500pci device specific routines.
-       Supported chipsets: RT2560.
- */
- * Set enviroment defines for rt2x00.h
- */
-#define DRV_NAME "rt2500pci"
-#include <linux/delay.h>
-#include <linux/etherdevice.h>
-#include <linux/init.h>
-#include <linux/kernel.h>
-#include <linux/module.h>
-#include <linux/pci.h>
-#include <linux/eeprom_93cx6.h>
-#include "rt2x00.h"
-#include "rt2x00pci.h"
-#include "rt2500pci.h"
- * Register access.
- * All access to the CSR registers will go through the methods
- * rt2x00pci_register_read and rt2x00pci_register_write.
- * BBP and RF register require indirect register access,
- * and use the CSR registers BBPCSR and RFCSR to achieve this.
- * These indirect registers work with busy bits,
- * and we will try maximal REGISTER_BUSY_COUNT times to access
- * the register while taking a REGISTER_BUSY_DELAY us delay
- * between each attampt. When the busy bit is still set at that time,
- * the access attempt is considered to have failed,
- * and we will print an error.
- */
-static u32 rt2500pci_bbp_check(const struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev)
-       u32 reg;
-       unsigned int i;
-       for (i = 0; i < REGISTER_BUSY_COUNT; i++) {
-               rt2x00pci_register_read(rt2x00dev, BBPCSR, &reg);
-               if (!rt2x00_get_field32(reg, BBPCSR_BUSY))
-                       break;
-               udelay(REGISTER_BUSY_DELAY);
-       }
-       return reg;
-static void rt2500pci_bbp_write(const struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev,
-                               const unsigned int word, const u8 value)
-       u32 reg;
-       /*
-        * Wait until the BBP becomes ready.
-        */
-       reg = rt2500pci_bbp_check(rt2x00dev);
-       if (rt2x00_get_field32(reg, BBPCSR_BUSY)) {
-               ERROR(rt2x00dev, "BBPCSR register busy. Write failed.\n");
-               return;
-       }
-       /*
-        * Write the data into the BBP.
-        */
-       reg = 0;
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, BBPCSR_VALUE, value);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, BBPCSR_REGNUM, word);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, BBPCSR_BUSY, 1);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, BBPCSR_WRITE_CONTROL, 1);
-       rt2x00pci_register_write(rt2x00dev, BBPCSR, reg);
-static void rt2500pci_bbp_read(const struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev,
-                              const unsigned int word, u8 *value)
-       u32 reg;
-       /*
-        * Wait until the BBP becomes ready.
-        */
-       reg = rt2500pci_bbp_check(rt2x00dev);
-       if (rt2x00_get_field32(reg, BBPCSR_BUSY)) {
-               ERROR(rt2x00dev, "BBPCSR register busy. Read failed.\n");
-               return;
-       }
-       /*
-        * Write the request into the BBP.
-        */
-       reg = 0;
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, BBPCSR_REGNUM, word);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, BBPCSR_BUSY, 1);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, BBPCSR_WRITE_CONTROL, 0);
-       rt2x00pci_register_write(rt2x00dev, BBPCSR, reg);
-       /*
-        * Wait until the BBP becomes ready.
-        */
-       reg = rt2500pci_bbp_check(rt2x00dev);
-       if (rt2x00_get_field32(reg, BBPCSR_BUSY)) {
-               ERROR(rt2x00dev, "BBPCSR register busy. Read failed.\n");
-               *value = 0xff;
-               return;
-       }
-       *value = rt2x00_get_field32(reg, BBPCSR_VALUE);
-static void rt2500pci_rf_write(const struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev,
-                              const unsigned int word, const u32 value)
-       u32 reg;
-       unsigned int i;
-       if (!word)
-               return;
-       for (i = 0; i < REGISTER_BUSY_COUNT; i++) {
-               rt2x00pci_register_read(rt2x00dev, RFCSR, &reg);
-               if (!rt2x00_get_field32(reg, RFCSR_BUSY))
-                       goto rf_write;
-               udelay(REGISTER_BUSY_DELAY);
-       }
-       ERROR(rt2x00dev, "RFCSR register busy. Write failed.\n");
-       return;
-       reg = 0;
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, RFCSR_VALUE, value);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, RFCSR_NUMBER_OF_BITS, 20);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, RFCSR_IF_SELECT, 0);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, RFCSR_BUSY, 1);
-       rt2x00pci_register_write(rt2x00dev, RFCSR, reg);
-       rt2x00_rf_write(rt2x00dev, word, value);
-static void rt2500pci_eepromregister_read(struct eeprom_93cx6 *eeprom)
-       struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev = eeprom->data;
-       u32 reg;
-       rt2x00pci_register_read(rt2x00dev, CSR21, &reg);
-       eeprom->reg_data_in = !!rt2x00_get_field32(reg, CSR21_EEPROM_DATA_IN);
-       eeprom->reg_data_out = !!rt2x00_get_field32(reg, CSR21_EEPROM_DATA_OUT);
-       eeprom->reg_data_clock =
-           !!rt2x00_get_field32(reg, CSR21_EEPROM_DATA_CLOCK);
-       eeprom->reg_chip_select =
-           !!rt2x00_get_field32(reg, CSR21_EEPROM_CHIP_SELECT);
-static void rt2500pci_eepromregister_write(struct eeprom_93cx6 *eeprom)
-       struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev = eeprom->data;
-       u32 reg = 0;
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, CSR21_EEPROM_DATA_IN, !!eeprom->reg_data_in);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, CSR21_EEPROM_DATA_OUT, !!eeprom->reg_data_out);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, CSR21_EEPROM_DATA_CLOCK,
-                          !!eeprom->reg_data_clock);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, CSR21_EEPROM_CHIP_SELECT,
-                          !!eeprom->reg_chip_select);
-       rt2x00pci_register_write(rt2x00dev, CSR21, reg);
-#define CSR_OFFSET(__word)     ( CSR_REG_BASE + ((__word) * sizeof(u32)) )
-static void rt2500pci_read_csr(const struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev,
-                              const unsigned int word, u32 *data)
-       rt2x00pci_register_read(rt2x00dev, CSR_OFFSET(word), data);
-static void rt2500pci_write_csr(const struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev,
-                               const unsigned int word, u32 data)
-       rt2x00pci_register_write(rt2x00dev, CSR_OFFSET(word), data);
-static const struct rt2x00debug rt2500pci_rt2x00debug = {
-       .owner  = THIS_MODULE,
-       .csr    = {
-               .read           = rt2500pci_read_csr,
-               .write          = rt2500pci_write_csr,
-               .word_size      = sizeof(u32),
-               .word_count     = CSR_REG_SIZE / sizeof(u32),
-       },
-       .eeprom = {
-               .read           = rt2x00_eeprom_read,
-               .write          = rt2x00_eeprom_write,
-               .word_size      = sizeof(u16),
-               .word_count     = EEPROM_SIZE / sizeof(u16),
-       },
-       .bbp    = {
-               .read           = rt2500pci_bbp_read,
-               .write          = rt2500pci_bbp_write,
-               .word_size      = sizeof(u8),
-               .word_count     = BBP_SIZE / sizeof(u8),
-       },
-       .rf     = {
-               .read           = rt2x00_rf_read,
-               .write          = rt2500pci_rf_write,
-               .word_size      = sizeof(u32),
-               .word_count     = RF_SIZE / sizeof(u32),
-       },
-#endif /* CONFIG_RT2X00_LIB_DEBUGFS */
-static int rt2500pci_rfkill_poll(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev)
-       u32 reg;
-       rt2x00pci_register_read(rt2x00dev, GPIOCSR, &reg);
-       return rt2x00_get_field32(reg, GPIOCSR_BIT0);
-#define rt2500pci_rfkill_poll  NULL
-#endif /* CONFIG_RT2500PCI_RFKILL */
- * Configuration handlers.
- */
-static void rt2500pci_config_mac_addr(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev,
-                                     __le32 *mac)
-       rt2x00pci_register_multiwrite(rt2x00dev, CSR3, mac,
-                                     (2 * sizeof(__le32)));
-static void rt2500pci_config_bssid(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev,
-                                  __le32 *bssid)
-       rt2x00pci_register_multiwrite(rt2x00dev, CSR5, bssid,
-                                     (2 * sizeof(__le32)));
-static void rt2500pci_config_type(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev, const int type,
-                                 const int tsf_sync)
-       u32 reg;
-       rt2x00pci_register_write(rt2x00dev, CSR14, 0);
-       /*
-        * Enable beacon config
-        */
-       rt2x00pci_register_read(rt2x00dev, BCNCSR1, &reg);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, BCNCSR1_PRELOAD,
-                          PREAMBLE + get_duration(IEEE80211_HEADER, 20));
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, BCNCSR1_BEACON_CWMIN,
-                          rt2x00lib_get_ring(rt2x00dev,
-                                             IEEE80211_TX_QUEUE_BEACON)
-                          ->tx_params.cw_min);
-       rt2x00pci_register_write(rt2x00dev, BCNCSR1, reg);
-       /*
-        * Enable synchronisation.
-        */
-       rt2x00pci_register_read(rt2x00dev, CSR14, &reg);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, CSR14_TSF_COUNT, 1);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, CSR14_TBCN, 1);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, CSR14_BEACON_GEN, 0);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, CSR14_TSF_SYNC, tsf_sync);
-       rt2x00pci_register_write(rt2x00dev, CSR14, reg);
-static void rt2500pci_config_preamble(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev,
-                                     const int short_preamble,
-                                     const int ack_timeout,
-                                     const int ack_consume_time)
-       int preamble_mask;
-       u32 reg;
-       /*
-        * When short preamble is enabled, we should set bit 0x08
-        */
-       preamble_mask = short_preamble << 3;
-       rt2x00pci_register_read(rt2x00dev, TXCSR1, &reg);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, TXCSR1_ACK_TIMEOUT, ack_timeout);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, TXCSR1_ACK_CONSUME_TIME, ack_consume_time);
-       rt2x00pci_register_write(rt2x00dev, TXCSR1, reg);
-       rt2x00pci_register_read(rt2x00dev, ARCSR2, &reg);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, ARCSR2_SIGNAL, 0x00 | preamble_mask);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, ARCSR2_SERVICE, 0x04);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, ARCSR2_LENGTH, get_duration(ACK_SIZE, 10));
-       rt2x00pci_register_write(rt2x00dev, ARCSR2, reg);
-       rt2x00pci_register_read(rt2x00dev, ARCSR3, &reg);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, ARCSR3_SIGNAL, 0x01 | preamble_mask);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, ARCSR3_SERVICE, 0x04);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, ARCSR2_LENGTH, get_duration(ACK_SIZE, 20));
-       rt2x00pci_register_write(rt2x00dev, ARCSR3, reg);
-       rt2x00pci_register_read(rt2x00dev, ARCSR4, &reg);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, ARCSR4_SIGNAL, 0x02 | preamble_mask);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, ARCSR4_SERVICE, 0x04);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, ARCSR2_LENGTH, get_duration(ACK_SIZE, 55));
-       rt2x00pci_register_write(rt2x00dev, ARCSR4, reg);
-       rt2x00pci_register_read(rt2x00dev, ARCSR5, &reg);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, ARCSR5_SIGNAL, 0x03 | preamble_mask);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, ARCSR5_SERVICE, 0x84);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, ARCSR2_LENGTH, get_duration(ACK_SIZE, 110));
-       rt2x00pci_register_write(rt2x00dev, ARCSR5, reg);
-static void rt2500pci_config_phymode(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev,
-                                    const int basic_rate_mask)
-       rt2x00pci_register_write(rt2x00dev, ARCSR1, basic_rate_mask);
-static void rt2500pci_config_channel(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev,
-                                    struct rf_channel *rf, const int txpower)
-       u8 r70;
-       /*
-        * Set TXpower.
-        */
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&rf->rf3, RF3_TXPOWER, TXPOWER_TO_DEV(txpower));
-       /*
-        * Switch on tuning bits.
-        * For RT2523 devices we do not need to update the R1 register.
-        */
-       if (!rt2x00_rf(&rt2x00dev->chip, RF2523))
-               rt2x00_set_field32(&rf->rf1, RF1_TUNER, 1);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&rf->rf3, RF3_TUNER, 1);
-       /*
-        * For RT2525 we should first set the channel to half band higher.
-        */
-       if (rt2x00_rf(&rt2x00dev->chip, RF2525)) {
-               static const u32 vals[] = {
-                       0x00080cbe, 0x00080d02, 0x00080d06, 0x00080d0a,
-                       0x00080d0e, 0x00080d12, 0x00080d16, 0x00080d1a,
-                       0x00080d1e, 0x00080d22, 0x00080d26, 0x00080d2a,
-                       0x00080d2e, 0x00080d3a
-               };
-               rt2500pci_rf_write(rt2x00dev, 1, rf->rf1);
-               rt2500pci_rf_write(rt2x00dev, 2, vals[rf->channel - 1]);
-               rt2500pci_rf_write(rt2x00dev, 3, rf->rf3);
-               if (rf->rf4)
-                       rt2500pci_rf_write(rt2x00dev, 4, rf->rf4);
-       }
-       rt2500pci_rf_write(rt2x00dev, 1, rf->rf1);
-       rt2500pci_rf_write(rt2x00dev, 2, rf->rf2);
-       rt2500pci_rf_write(rt2x00dev, 3, rf->rf3);
-       if (rf->rf4)
-               rt2500pci_rf_write(rt2x00dev, 4, rf->rf4);
-       /*
-        * Channel 14 requires the Japan filter bit to be set.
-        */
-       r70 = 0x46;
-       rt2x00_set_field8(&r70, BBP_R70_JAPAN_FILTER, rf->channel == 14);
-       rt2500pci_bbp_write(rt2x00dev, 70, r70);
-       msleep(1);
-       /*
-        * Switch off tuning bits.
-        * For RT2523 devices we do not need to update the R1 register.
-        */
-       if (!rt2x00_rf(&rt2x00dev->chip, RF2523)) {
-               rt2x00_set_field32(&rf->rf1, RF1_TUNER, 0);
-               rt2500pci_rf_write(rt2x00dev, 1, rf->rf1);
-       }
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&rf->rf3, RF3_TUNER, 0);
-       rt2500pci_rf_write(rt2x00dev, 3, rf->rf3);
-       /*
-        * Clear false CRC during channel switch.
-        */
-       rt2x00pci_register_read(rt2x00dev, CNT0, &rf->rf1);
-static void rt2500pci_config_txpower(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev,
-                                    const int txpower)
-       u32 rf3;
-       rt2x00_rf_read(rt2x00dev, 3, &rf3);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&rf3, RF3_TXPOWER, TXPOWER_TO_DEV(txpower));
-       rt2500pci_rf_write(rt2x00dev, 3, rf3);
-static void rt2500pci_config_antenna(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev,
-                                    const int antenna_tx, const int antenna_rx)
-       u32 reg;
-       u8 r14;
-       u8 r2;
-       rt2x00pci_register_read(rt2x00dev, BBPCSR1, &reg);
-       rt2500pci_bbp_read(rt2x00dev, 14, &r14);
-       rt2500pci_bbp_read(rt2x00dev, 2, &r2);
-       /*
-        * Configure the TX antenna.
-        */
-       switch (antenna_tx) {
-               rt2x00_set_field8(&r2, BBP_R2_TX_ANTENNA, 2);
-               rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, BBPCSR1_CCK, 2);
-               rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, BBPCSR1_OFDM, 2);
-               break;
-       case ANTENNA_A:
-               rt2x00_set_field8(&r2, BBP_R2_TX_ANTENNA, 0);
-               rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, BBPCSR1_CCK, 0);
-               rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, BBPCSR1_OFDM, 0);
-               break;
-       case ANTENNA_B:
-               rt2x00_set_field8(&r2, BBP_R2_TX_ANTENNA, 2);
-               rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, BBPCSR1_CCK, 2);
-               rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, BBPCSR1_OFDM, 2);
-               break;
-       }
-       /*
-        * Configure the RX antenna.
-        */
-       switch (antenna_rx) {
-               rt2x00_set_field8(&r14, BBP_R14_RX_ANTENNA, 2);
-               break;
-       case ANTENNA_A:
-               rt2x00_set_field8(&r14, BBP_R14_RX_ANTENNA, 0);
-               break;
-       case ANTENNA_B:
-               rt2x00_set_field8(&r14, BBP_R14_RX_ANTENNA, 2);
-               break;
-       }
-       /*
-        * RT2525E and RT5222 need to flip TX I/Q
-        */
-       if (rt2x00_rf(&rt2x00dev->chip, RF2525E) ||
-           rt2x00_rf(&rt2x00dev->chip, RF5222)) {
-               rt2x00_set_field8(&r2, BBP_R2_TX_IQ_FLIP, 1);
-               rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, BBPCSR1_CCK_FLIP, 1);
-               rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, BBPCSR1_OFDM_FLIP, 1);
-               /*
-                * RT2525E does not need RX I/Q Flip.
-                */
-               if (rt2x00_rf(&rt2x00dev->chip, RF2525E))
-                       rt2x00_set_field8(&r14, BBP_R14_RX_IQ_FLIP, 0);
-       } else {
-               rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, BBPCSR1_CCK_FLIP, 0);
-               rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, BBPCSR1_OFDM_FLIP, 0);
-       }
-       rt2x00pci_register_write(rt2x00dev, BBPCSR1, reg);
-       rt2500pci_bbp_write(rt2x00dev, 14, r14);
-       rt2500pci_bbp_write(rt2x00dev, 2, r2);
-static void rt2500pci_config_duration(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev,
-                                     struct rt2x00lib_conf *libconf)
-       u32 reg;
-       rt2x00pci_register_read(rt2x00dev, CSR11, &reg);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, CSR11_SLOT_TIME, libconf->slot_time);
-       rt2x00pci_register_write(rt2x00dev, CSR11, reg);
-       rt2x00pci_register_read(rt2x00dev, CSR18, &reg);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, CSR18_SIFS, libconf->sifs);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, CSR18_PIFS, libconf->pifs);
-       rt2x00pci_register_write(rt2x00dev, CSR18, reg);
-       rt2x00pci_register_read(rt2x00dev, CSR19, &reg);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, CSR19_DIFS, libconf->difs);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, CSR19_EIFS, libconf->eifs);
-       rt2x00pci_register_write(rt2x00dev, CSR19, reg);
-       rt2x00pci_register_read(rt2x00dev, TXCSR1, &reg);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, TXCSR1_TSF_OFFSET, IEEE80211_HEADER);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, TXCSR1_AUTORESPONDER, 1);
-       rt2x00pci_register_write(rt2x00dev, TXCSR1, reg);
-       rt2x00pci_register_read(rt2x00dev, CSR12, &reg);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, CSR12_BEACON_INTERVAL,
-                          libconf->conf->beacon_int * 16);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, CSR12_CFP_MAX_DURATION,
-                          libconf->conf->beacon_int * 16);
-       rt2x00pci_register_write(rt2x00dev, CSR12, reg);
-static void rt2500pci_config(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev,
-                            const unsigned int flags,
-                            struct rt2x00lib_conf *libconf)
-       if (flags & CONFIG_UPDATE_PHYMODE)
-               rt2500pci_config_phymode(rt2x00dev, libconf->basic_rates);
-       if (flags & CONFIG_UPDATE_CHANNEL)
-               rt2500pci_config_channel(rt2x00dev, &libconf->rf,
-                                        libconf->conf->power_level);
-       if ((flags & CONFIG_UPDATE_TXPOWER) && !(flags & CONFIG_UPDATE_CHANNEL))
-               rt2500pci_config_txpower(rt2x00dev,
-                                        libconf->conf->power_level);
-       if (flags & CONFIG_UPDATE_ANTENNA)
-               rt2500pci_config_antenna(rt2x00dev,
-                                        libconf->conf->antenna_sel_tx,
-                                        libconf->conf->antenna_sel_rx);
-               rt2500pci_config_duration(rt2x00dev, libconf);
- * LED functions.
- */
-static void rt2500pci_enable_led(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev)
-       u32 reg;
-       rt2x00pci_register_read(rt2x00dev, LEDCSR, &reg);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, LEDCSR_ON_PERIOD, 70);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, LEDCSR_OFF_PERIOD, 30);
-       if (rt2x00dev->led_mode == LED_MODE_TXRX_ACTIVITY) {
-               rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, LEDCSR_LINK, 1);
-               rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, LEDCSR_ACTIVITY, 0);
-       } else if (rt2x00dev->led_mode == LED_MODE_ASUS) {
-               rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, LEDCSR_LINK, 0);
-               rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, LEDCSR_ACTIVITY, 1);
-       } else {
-               rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, LEDCSR_LINK, 1);
-               rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, LEDCSR_ACTIVITY, 1);
-       }
-       rt2x00pci_register_write(rt2x00dev, LEDCSR, reg);
-static void rt2500pci_disable_led(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev)
-       u32 reg;
-       rt2x00pci_register_read(rt2x00dev, LEDCSR, &reg);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, LEDCSR_LINK, 0);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, LEDCSR_ACTIVITY, 0);
-       rt2x00pci_register_write(rt2x00dev, LEDCSR, reg);
- * Link tuning
- */
-static void rt2500pci_link_stats(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev)
-       u32 reg;
-       /*
-        * Update FCS error count from register.
-        */
-       rt2x00pci_register_read(rt2x00dev, CNT0, &reg);
-       rt2x00dev->link.rx_failed = rt2x00_get_field32(reg, CNT0_FCS_ERROR);
-       /*
-        * Update False CCA count from register.
-        */
-       rt2x00pci_register_read(rt2x00dev, CNT3, &reg);
-       rt2x00dev->link.false_cca = rt2x00_get_field32(reg, CNT3_FALSE_CCA);
-static void rt2500pci_reset_tuner(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev)
-       rt2500pci_bbp_write(rt2x00dev, 17, 0x48);
-       rt2x00dev->link.vgc_level = 0x48;
-static void rt2500pci_link_tuner(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev)
-       int rssi = rt2x00_get_link_rssi(&rt2x00dev->link);
-       u8 r17;
-       /*
-        * To prevent collisions with MAC ASIC on chipsets
-        * up to version C the link tuning should halt after 20
-        * seconds.
-        */
-       if (rt2x00_rev(&rt2x00dev->chip) < RT2560_VERSION_D &&
-           rt2x00dev->link.count > 20)
-               return;
-       rt2500pci_bbp_read(rt2x00dev, 17, &r17);
-       /*
-        * Chipset versions C and lower should directly continue
-        * to the dynamic CCA tuning.
-        */
-       if (rt2x00_rev(&rt2x00dev->chip) < RT2560_VERSION_D)
-               goto dynamic_cca_tune;
-       /*
-        * A too low RSSI will cause too much false CCA which will
-        * then corrupt the R17 tuning. To remidy this the tuning should
-        * be stopped (While making sure the R17 value will not exceed limits)
-        */
-       if (rssi < -80 && rt2x00dev->link.count > 20) {
-               if (r17 >= 0x41) {
-                       r17 = rt2x00dev->link.vgc_level;
-                       rt2500pci_bbp_write(rt2x00dev, 17, r17);
-               }
-               return;
-       }
-       /*
-        * Special big-R17 for short distance
-        */
-       if (rssi >= -58) {
-               if (r17 != 0x50)
-                       rt2500pci_bbp_write(rt2x00dev, 17, 0x50);
-               return;
-       }
-       /*
-        * Special mid-R17 for middle distance
-        */
-       if (rssi >= -74) {
-               if (r17 != 0x41)
-                       rt2500pci_bbp_write(rt2x00dev, 17, 0x41);
-               return;
-       }
-       /*
-        * Leave short or middle distance condition, restore r17
-        * to the dynamic tuning range.
-        */
-       if (r17 >= 0x41) {
-               rt2500pci_bbp_write(rt2x00dev, 17, rt2x00dev->link.vgc_level);
-               return;
-       }
-       /*
-        * R17 is inside the dynamic tuning range,
-        * start tuning the link based on the false cca counter.
-        */
-       if (rt2x00dev->link.false_cca > 512 && r17 < 0x40) {
-               rt2500pci_bbp_write(rt2x00dev, 17, ++r17);
-               rt2x00dev->link.vgc_level = r17;
-       } else if (rt2x00dev->link.false_cca < 100 && r17 > 0x32) {
-               rt2500pci_bbp_write(rt2x00dev, 17, --r17);
-               rt2x00dev->link.vgc_level = r17;
-       }
- * Initialization functions.
- */
-static void rt2500pci_init_rxring(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev)
-       struct data_ring *ring = rt2x00dev->rx;
-       struct data_desc *rxd;
-       unsigned int i;
-       u32 word;
-       memset(ring->data_addr, 0x00, rt2x00_get_ring_size(ring));
-       for (i = 0; i < ring->stats.limit; i++) {
-               rxd = ring->entry[i].priv;
-               rt2x00_desc_read(rxd, 1, &word);
-               rt2x00_set_field32(&word, RXD_W1_BUFFER_ADDRESS,
-                                  ring->entry[i].data_dma);
-               rt2x00_desc_write(rxd, 1, word);
-               rt2x00_desc_read(rxd, 0, &word);
-               rt2x00_set_field32(&word, RXD_W0_OWNER_NIC, 1);
-               rt2x00_desc_write(rxd, 0, word);
-       }
-       rt2x00_ring_index_clear(rt2x00dev->rx);
-static void rt2500pci_init_txring(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev, const int queue)
-       struct data_ring *ring = rt2x00lib_get_ring(rt2x00dev, queue);
-       struct data_desc *txd;
-       unsigned int i;
-       u32 word;
-       memset(ring->data_addr, 0x00, rt2x00_get_ring_size(ring));
-       for (i = 0; i < ring->stats.limit; i++) {
-               txd = ring->entry[i].priv;
-               rt2x00_desc_read(txd, 1, &word);
-               rt2x00_set_field32(&word, TXD_W1_BUFFER_ADDRESS,
-                                  ring->entry[i].data_dma);
-               rt2x00_desc_write(txd, 1, word);
-               rt2x00_desc_read(txd, 0, &word);
-               rt2x00_set_field32(&word, TXD_W0_VALID, 0);
-               rt2x00_set_field32(&word, TXD_W0_OWNER_NIC, 0);
-               rt2x00_desc_write(txd, 0, word);
-       }
-       rt2x00_ring_index_clear(ring);
-static int rt2500pci_init_rings(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev)
-       u32 reg;
-       /*
-        * Initialize rings.
-        */
-       rt2500pci_init_rxring(rt2x00dev);
-       rt2500pci_init_txring(rt2x00dev, IEEE80211_TX_QUEUE_DATA0);
-       rt2500pci_init_txring(rt2x00dev, IEEE80211_TX_QUEUE_DATA1);
-       rt2500pci_init_txring(rt2x00dev, IEEE80211_TX_QUEUE_AFTER_BEACON);
-       rt2500pci_init_txring(rt2x00dev, IEEE80211_TX_QUEUE_BEACON);
-       /*
-        * Initialize registers.
-        */
-       rt2x00pci_register_read(rt2x00dev, TXCSR2, &reg);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, TXCSR2_TXD_SIZE,
-                          rt2x00dev->tx[IEEE80211_TX_QUEUE_DATA0].desc_size);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, TXCSR2_NUM_TXD,
-                          rt2x00dev->tx[IEEE80211_TX_QUEUE_DATA1].stats.limit);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, TXCSR2_NUM_ATIM,
-                          rt2x00dev->bcn[1].stats.limit);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, TXCSR2_NUM_PRIO,
-                          rt2x00dev->tx[IEEE80211_TX_QUEUE_DATA0].stats.limit);
-       rt2x00pci_register_write(rt2x00dev, TXCSR2, reg);
-       rt2x00pci_register_read(rt2x00dev, TXCSR3, &reg);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, TXCSR3_TX_RING_REGISTER,
-                          rt2x00dev->tx[IEEE80211_TX_QUEUE_DATA1].data_dma);
-       rt2x00pci_register_write(rt2x00dev, TXCSR3, reg);
-       rt2x00pci_register_read(rt2x00dev, TXCSR5, &reg);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, TXCSR5_PRIO_RING_REGISTER,
-                          rt2x00dev->tx[IEEE80211_TX_QUEUE_DATA0].data_dma);
-       rt2x00pci_register_write(rt2x00dev, TXCSR5, reg);
-       rt2x00pci_register_read(rt2x00dev, TXCSR4, &reg);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, TXCSR4_ATIM_RING_REGISTER,
-                          rt2x00dev->bcn[1].data_dma);
-       rt2x00pci_register_write(rt2x00dev, TXCSR4, reg);
-       rt2x00pci_register_read(rt2x00dev, TXCSR6, &reg);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, TXCSR6_BEACON_RING_REGISTER,
-                          rt2x00dev->bcn[0].data_dma);
-       rt2x00pci_register_write(rt2x00dev, TXCSR6, reg);
-       rt2x00pci_register_read(rt2x00dev, RXCSR1, &reg);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, RXCSR1_RXD_SIZE, rt2x00dev->rx->desc_size);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, RXCSR1_NUM_RXD, rt2x00dev->rx->stats.limit);
-       rt2x00pci_register_write(rt2x00dev, RXCSR1, reg);
-       rt2x00pci_register_read(rt2x00dev, RXCSR2, &reg);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, RXCSR2_RX_RING_REGISTER,
-                          rt2x00dev->rx->data_dma);
-       rt2x00pci_register_write(rt2x00dev, RXCSR2, reg);
-       return 0;
-static int rt2500pci_init_registers(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev)
-       u32 reg;
-       rt2x00pci_register_write(rt2x00dev, PSCSR0, 0x00020002);
-       rt2x00pci_register_write(rt2x00dev, PSCSR1, 0x00000002);
-       rt2x00pci_register_write(rt2x00dev, PSCSR2, 0x00020002);
-       rt2x00pci_register_write(rt2x00dev, PSCSR3, 0x00000002);
-       rt2x00pci_register_read(rt2x00dev, TIMECSR, &reg);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, TIMECSR_US_COUNT, 33);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, TIMECSR_US_64_COUNT, 63);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, TIMECSR_BEACON_EXPECT, 0);
-       rt2x00pci_register_write(rt2x00dev, TIMECSR, reg);
-       rt2x00pci_register_read(rt2x00dev, CSR9, &reg);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, CSR9_MAX_FRAME_UNIT,
-                          rt2x00dev->rx->data_size / 128);
-       rt2x00pci_register_write(rt2x00dev, CSR9, reg);
-       /*
-        * Always use CWmin and CWmax set in descriptor.
-        */
-       rt2x00pci_register_read(rt2x00dev, CSR11, &reg);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, CSR11_CW_SELECT, 0);
-       rt2x00pci_register_write(rt2x00dev, CSR11, reg);
-       rt2x00pci_register_write(rt2x00dev, CNT3, 0);
-       rt2x00pci_register_read(rt2x00dev, TXCSR8, &reg);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, TXCSR8_BBP_ID0, 10);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, TXCSR8_BBP_ID0_VALID, 1);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, TXCSR8_BBP_ID1, 11);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, TXCSR8_BBP_ID1_VALID, 1);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, TXCSR8_BBP_ID2, 13);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, TXCSR8_BBP_ID2_VALID, 1);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, TXCSR8_BBP_ID3, 12);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, TXCSR8_BBP_ID3_VALID, 1);
-       rt2x00pci_register_write(rt2x00dev, TXCSR8, reg);
-       rt2x00pci_register_read(rt2x00dev, ARTCSR0, &reg);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, ARTCSR0_ACK_CTS_1MBS, 112);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, ARTCSR0_ACK_CTS_2MBS, 56);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, ARTCSR0_ACK_CTS_5_5MBS, 20);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, ARTCSR0_ACK_CTS_11MBS, 10);
-       rt2x00pci_register_write(rt2x00dev, ARTCSR0, reg);
-       rt2x00pci_register_read(rt2x00dev, ARTCSR1, &reg);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, ARTCSR1_ACK_CTS_6MBS, 45);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, ARTCSR1_ACK_CTS_9MBS, 37);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, ARTCSR1_ACK_CTS_12MBS, 33);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, ARTCSR1_ACK_CTS_18MBS, 29);
-       rt2x00pci_register_write(rt2x00dev, ARTCSR1, reg);
-       rt2x00pci_register_read(rt2x00dev, ARTCSR2, &reg);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, ARTCSR2_ACK_CTS_24MBS, 29);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, ARTCSR2_ACK_CTS_36MBS, 25);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, ARTCSR2_ACK_CTS_48MBS, 25);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, ARTCSR2_ACK_CTS_54MBS, 25);
-       rt2x00pci_register_write(rt2x00dev, ARTCSR2, reg);
-       rt2x00pci_register_read(rt2x00dev, RXCSR3, &reg);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, RXCSR3_BBP_ID0, 47); /* CCK Signal */
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, RXCSR3_BBP_ID0_VALID, 1);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, RXCSR3_BBP_ID1, 51); /* Rssi */
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, RXCSR3_BBP_ID1_VALID, 1);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, RXCSR3_BBP_ID2, 42); /* OFDM Rate */
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, RXCSR3_BBP_ID2_VALID, 1);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, RXCSR3_BBP_ID3, 51); /* RSSI */
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, RXCSR3_BBP_ID3_VALID, 1);
-       rt2x00pci_register_write(rt2x00dev, RXCSR3, reg);
-       rt2x00pci_register_read(rt2x00dev, PCICSR, &reg);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, PCICSR_BIG_ENDIAN, 0);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, PCICSR_RX_TRESHOLD, 0);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, PCICSR_TX_TRESHOLD, 3);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, PCICSR_BURST_LENTH, 1);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, PCICSR_ENABLE_CLK, 1);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, PCICSR_READ_MULTIPLE, 1);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, PCICSR_WRITE_INVALID, 1);
-       rt2x00pci_register_write(rt2x00dev, PCICSR, reg);
-       rt2x00pci_register_write(rt2x00dev, PWRCSR0, 0x3f3b3100);
-       rt2x00pci_register_write(rt2x00dev, GPIOCSR, 0x0000ff00);
-       rt2x00pci_register_write(rt2x00dev, TESTCSR, 0x000000f0);
-       if (rt2x00dev->ops->lib->set_device_state(rt2x00dev, STATE_AWAKE))
-               return -EBUSY;
-       rt2x00pci_register_write(rt2x00dev, MACCSR0, 0x00213223);
-       rt2x00pci_register_write(rt2x00dev, MACCSR1, 0x00235518);
-       rt2x00pci_register_read(rt2x00dev, MACCSR2, &reg);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, MACCSR2_DELAY, 64);
-       rt2x00pci_register_write(rt2x00dev, MACCSR2, reg);
-       rt2x00pci_register_read(rt2x00dev, RALINKCSR, &reg);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, RALINKCSR_AR_BBP_DATA0, 17);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, RALINKCSR_AR_BBP_ID0, 26);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, RALINKCSR_AR_BBP_VALID0, 1);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, RALINKCSR_AR_BBP_DATA1, 0);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, RALINKCSR_AR_BBP_ID1, 26);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, RALINKCSR_AR_BBP_VALID1, 1);
-       rt2x00pci_register_write(rt2x00dev, RALINKCSR, reg);
-       rt2x00pci_register_write(rt2x00dev, BBPCSR1, 0x82188200);
-       rt2x00pci_register_write(rt2x00dev, TXACKCSR0, 0x00000020);
-       rt2x00pci_register_read(rt2x00dev, CSR1, &reg);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, CSR1_SOFT_RESET, 1);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, CSR1_BBP_RESET, 0);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, CSR1_HOST_READY, 0);
-       rt2x00pci_register_write(rt2x00dev, CSR1, reg);
-       rt2x00pci_register_read(rt2x00dev, CSR1, &reg);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, CSR1_SOFT_RESET, 0);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, CSR1_HOST_READY, 1);
-       rt2x00pci_register_write(rt2x00dev, CSR1, reg);
-       /*
-        * We must clear the FCS and FIFO error count.
-        * These registers are cleared on read,
-        * so we may pass a useless variable to store the value.
-        */
-       rt2x00pci_register_read(rt2x00dev, CNT0, &reg);
-       rt2x00pci_register_read(rt2x00dev, CNT4, &reg);
-       return 0;
-static int rt2500pci_init_bbp(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev)
-       unsigned int i;
-       u16 eeprom;
-       u8 reg_id;
-       u8 value;
-       for (i = 0; i < REGISTER_BUSY_COUNT; i++) {
-               rt2500pci_bbp_read(rt2x00dev, 0, &value);
-               if ((value != 0xff) && (value != 0x00))
-                       goto continue_csr_init;
-               NOTICE(rt2x00dev, "Waiting for BBP register.\n");
-               udelay(REGISTER_BUSY_DELAY);
-       }
-       ERROR(rt2x00dev, "BBP register access failed, aborting.\n");
-       return -EACCES;
-       rt2500pci_bbp_write(rt2x00dev, 3, 0x02);
-       rt2500pci_bbp_write(rt2x00dev, 4, 0x19);
-       rt2500pci_bbp_write(rt2x00dev, 14, 0x1c);
-       rt2500pci_bbp_write(rt2x00dev, 15, 0x30);
-       rt2500pci_bbp_write(rt2x00dev, 16, 0xac);
-       rt2500pci_bbp_write(rt2x00dev, 18, 0x18);
-       rt2500pci_bbp_write(rt2x00dev, 19, 0xff);
-       rt2500pci_bbp_write(rt2x00dev, 20, 0x1e);
-       rt2500pci_bbp_write(rt2x00dev, 21, 0x08);
-       rt2500pci_bbp_write(rt2x00dev, 22, 0x08);
-       rt2500pci_bbp_write(rt2x00dev, 23, 0x08);
-       rt2500pci_bbp_write(rt2x00dev, 24, 0x70);
-       rt2500pci_bbp_write(rt2x00dev, 25, 0x40);
-       rt2500pci_bbp_write(rt2x00dev, 26, 0x08);
-       rt2500pci_bbp_write(rt2x00dev, 27, 0x23);
-       rt2500pci_bbp_write(rt2x00dev, 30, 0x10);
-       rt2500pci_bbp_write(rt2x00dev, 31, 0x2b);
-       rt2500pci_bbp_write(rt2x00dev, 32, 0xb9);
-       rt2500pci_bbp_write(rt2x00dev, 34, 0x12);
-       rt2500pci_bbp_write(rt2x00dev, 35, 0x50);
-       rt2500pci_bbp_write(rt2x00dev, 39, 0xc4);
-       rt2500pci_bbp_write(rt2x00dev, 40, 0x02);
-       rt2500pci_bbp_write(rt2x00dev, 41, 0x60);
-       rt2500pci_bbp_write(rt2x00dev, 53, 0x10);
-       rt2500pci_bbp_write(rt2x00dev, 54, 0x18);
-       rt2500pci_bbp_write(rt2x00dev, 56, 0x08);
-       rt2500pci_bbp_write(rt2x00dev, 57, 0x10);
-       rt2500pci_bbp_write(rt2x00dev, 58, 0x08);
-       rt2500pci_bbp_write(rt2x00dev, 61, 0x6d);
-       rt2500pci_bbp_write(rt2x00dev, 62, 0x10);
-       DEBUG(rt2x00dev, "Start initialization from EEPROM...\n");
-       for (i = 0; i < EEPROM_BBP_SIZE; i++) {
-               rt2x00_eeprom_read(rt2x00dev, EEPROM_BBP_START + i, &eeprom);
-               if (eeprom != 0xffff && eeprom != 0x0000) {
-                       reg_id = rt2x00_get_field16(eeprom, EEPROM_BBP_REG_ID);
-                       value = rt2x00_get_field16(eeprom, EEPROM_BBP_VALUE);
-                       DEBUG(rt2x00dev, "BBP: 0x%02x, value: 0x%02x.\n",
-                             reg_id, value);
-                       rt2500pci_bbp_write(rt2x00dev, reg_id, value);
-               }
-       }
-       DEBUG(rt2x00dev, "...End initialization from EEPROM.\n");
-       return 0;
- * Device state switch handlers.
- */
-static void rt2500pci_toggle_rx(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev,
-                               enum dev_state state)
-       u32 reg;
-       rt2x00pci_register_read(rt2x00dev, RXCSR0, &reg);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, RXCSR0_DISABLE_RX,
-                          state == STATE_RADIO_RX_OFF);
-       rt2x00pci_register_write(rt2x00dev, RXCSR0, reg);
-static void rt2500pci_toggle_irq(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev,
-                                enum dev_state state)
-       int mask = (state == STATE_RADIO_IRQ_OFF);
-       u32 reg;
-       /*
-        * When interrupts are being enabled, the interrupt registers
-        * should clear the register to assure a clean state.
-        */
-       if (state == STATE_RADIO_IRQ_ON) {
-               rt2x00pci_register_read(rt2x00dev, CSR7, &reg);
-               rt2x00pci_register_write(rt2x00dev, CSR7, reg);
-       }
-       /*
-        * Only toggle the interrupts bits we are going to use.
-        * Non-checked interrupt bits are disabled by default.
-        */
-       rt2x00pci_register_read(rt2x00dev, CSR8, &reg);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, CSR8_TBCN_EXPIRE, mask);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, CSR8_TXDONE_TXRING, mask);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, CSR8_TXDONE_ATIMRING, mask);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, CSR8_TXDONE_PRIORING, mask);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, CSR8_RXDONE, mask);
-       rt2x00pci_register_write(rt2x00dev, CSR8, reg);
-static int rt2500pci_enable_radio(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev)
-       /*
-        * Initialize all registers.
-        */
-       if (rt2500pci_init_rings(rt2x00dev) ||
-           rt2500pci_init_registers(rt2x00dev) ||
-           rt2500pci_init_bbp(rt2x00dev)) {
-               ERROR(rt2x00dev, "Register initialization failed.\n");
-               return -EIO;
-       }
-       /*
-        * Enable interrupts.
-        */
-       rt2500pci_toggle_irq(rt2x00dev, STATE_RADIO_IRQ_ON);
-       /*
-        * Enable LED
-        */
-       rt2500pci_enable_led(rt2x00dev);
-       return 0;
-static void rt2500pci_disable_radio(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev)
-       u32 reg;
-       /*
-        * Disable LED
-        */
-       rt2500pci_disable_led(rt2x00dev);
-       rt2x00pci_register_write(rt2x00dev, PWRCSR0, 0);
-       /*
-        * Disable synchronisation.
-        */
-       rt2x00pci_register_write(rt2x00dev, CSR14, 0);
-       /*
-        * Cancel RX and TX.
-        */
-       rt2x00pci_register_read(rt2x00dev, TXCSR0, &reg);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, TXCSR0_ABORT, 1);
-       rt2x00pci_register_write(rt2x00dev, TXCSR0, reg);
-       /*
-        * Disable interrupts.
-        */
-       rt2500pci_toggle_irq(rt2x00dev, STATE_RADIO_IRQ_OFF);
-static int rt2500pci_set_state(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev,
-                              enum dev_state state)
-       u32 reg;
-       unsigned int i;
-       char put_to_sleep;
-       char bbp_state;
-       char rf_state;
-       put_to_sleep = (state != STATE_AWAKE);
-       rt2x00pci_register_read(rt2x00dev, PWRCSR1, &reg);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, PWRCSR1_SET_STATE, 1);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, PWRCSR1_BBP_DESIRE_STATE, state);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, PWRCSR1_RF_DESIRE_STATE, state);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, PWRCSR1_PUT_TO_SLEEP, put_to_sleep);
-       rt2x00pci_register_write(rt2x00dev, PWRCSR1, reg);
-       /*
-        * Device is not guaranteed to be in the requested state yet.
-        * We must wait until the register indicates that the
-        * device has entered the correct state.
-        */
-       for (i = 0; i < REGISTER_BUSY_COUNT; i++) {
-               rt2x00pci_register_read(rt2x00dev, PWRCSR1, &reg);
-               bbp_state = rt2x00_get_field32(reg, PWRCSR1_BBP_CURR_STATE);
-               rf_state = rt2x00_get_field32(reg, PWRCSR1_RF_CURR_STATE);
-               if (bbp_state == state && rf_state == state)
-                       return 0;
-               msleep(10);
-       }
-       NOTICE(rt2x00dev, "Device failed to enter state %d, "
-              "current device state: bbp %d and rf %d.\n",
-              state, bbp_state, rf_state);
-       return -EBUSY;
-static int rt2500pci_set_device_state(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev,
-                                     enum dev_state state)
-       int retval = 0;
-       switch (state) {
-       case STATE_RADIO_ON:
-               retval = rt2500pci_enable_radio(rt2x00dev);
-               break;
-       case STATE_RADIO_OFF:
-               rt2500pci_disable_radio(rt2x00dev);
-               break;
-       case STATE_RADIO_RX_ON:
-       case STATE_RADIO_RX_OFF:
-               rt2500pci_toggle_rx(rt2x00dev, state);
-               break;
-       case STATE_DEEP_SLEEP:
-       case STATE_SLEEP:
-       case STATE_STANDBY:
-       case STATE_AWAKE:
-               retval = rt2500pci_set_state(rt2x00dev, state);
-               break;
-       default:
-               retval = -ENOTSUPP;
-               break;
-       }
-       return retval;
- * TX descriptor initialization
- */
-static void rt2500pci_write_tx_desc(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev,
-                                   struct data_desc *txd,
-                                   struct txdata_entry_desc *desc,
-                                   struct ieee80211_hdr *ieee80211hdr,
-                                   unsigned int length,
-                                   struct ieee80211_tx_control *control)
-       u32 word;
-       /*
-        * Start writing the descriptor words.
-        */
-       rt2x00_desc_read(txd, 2, &word);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&word, TXD_W2_IV_OFFSET, IEEE80211_HEADER);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&word, TXD_W2_AIFS, desc->aifs);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&word, TXD_W2_CWMIN, desc->cw_min);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&word, TXD_W2_CWMAX, desc->cw_max);
-       rt2x00_desc_write(txd, 2, word);
-       rt2x00_desc_read(txd, 3, &word);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&word, TXD_W3_PLCP_SIGNAL, desc->signal);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&word, TXD_W3_PLCP_SERVICE, desc->service);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&word, TXD_W3_PLCP_LENGTH_LOW, desc->length_low);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&word, TXD_W3_PLCP_LENGTH_HIGH, desc->length_high);
-       rt2x00_desc_write(txd, 3, word);
-       rt2x00_desc_read(txd, 10, &word);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&word, TXD_W10_RTS,
-                          test_bit(ENTRY_TXD_RTS_FRAME, &desc->flags));
-       rt2x00_desc_write(txd, 10, word);
-       rt2x00_desc_read(txd, 0, &word);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&word, TXD_W0_OWNER_NIC, 1);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&word, TXD_W0_VALID, 1);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&word, TXD_W0_MORE_FRAG,
-                          test_bit(ENTRY_TXD_MORE_FRAG, &desc->flags));
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&word, TXD_W0_ACK,
-                          !(control->flags & IEEE80211_TXCTL_NO_ACK));
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&word, TXD_W0_TIMESTAMP,
-                          test_bit(ENTRY_TXD_REQ_TIMESTAMP, &desc->flags));
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&word, TXD_W0_OFDM,
-                          test_bit(ENTRY_TXD_OFDM_RATE, &desc->flags));
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&word, TXD_W0_CIPHER_OWNER, 1);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&word, TXD_W0_IFS, desc->ifs);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&word, TXD_W0_RETRY_MODE,
-                          !!(control->flags &
-                             IEEE80211_TXCTL_LONG_RETRY_LIMIT));
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&word, TXD_W0_DATABYTE_COUNT, length);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&word, TXD_W0_CIPHER_ALG, CIPHER_NONE);
-       rt2x00_desc_write(txd, 0, word);
- * TX data initialization
- */
-static void rt2500pci_kick_tx_queue(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev,
-                                   unsigned int queue)
-       u32 reg;
-       if (queue == IEEE80211_TX_QUEUE_BEACON) {
-               rt2x00pci_register_read(rt2x00dev, CSR14, &reg);
-               if (!rt2x00_get_field32(reg, CSR14_BEACON_GEN)) {
-                       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, CSR14_BEACON_GEN, 1);
-                       rt2x00pci_register_write(rt2x00dev, CSR14, reg);
-               }
-               return;
-       }
-       rt2x00pci_register_read(rt2x00dev, TXCSR0, &reg);
-       if (queue == IEEE80211_TX_QUEUE_DATA0)
-               rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, TXCSR0_KICK_PRIO, 1);
-       else if (queue == IEEE80211_TX_QUEUE_DATA1)
-               rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, TXCSR0_KICK_TX, 1);
-       else if (queue == IEEE80211_TX_QUEUE_AFTER_BEACON)
-               rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, TXCSR0_KICK_ATIM, 1);
-       rt2x00pci_register_write(rt2x00dev, TXCSR0, reg);
- * RX control handlers
- */
-static void rt2500pci_fill_rxdone(struct data_entry *entry,
-                                 struct rxdata_entry_desc *desc)
-       struct data_desc *rxd = entry->priv;
-       u32 word0;
-       u32 word2;
-       rt2x00_desc_read(rxd, 0, &word0);
-       rt2x00_desc_read(rxd, 2, &word2);
-       desc->flags = 0;
-       if (rt2x00_get_field32(word0, RXD_W0_CRC_ERROR))
-               desc->flags |= RX_FLAG_FAILED_FCS_CRC;
-       if (rt2x00_get_field32(word0, RXD_W0_PHYSICAL_ERROR))
-               desc->flags |= RX_FLAG_FAILED_PLCP_CRC;
-       desc->signal = rt2x00_get_field32(word2, RXD_W2_SIGNAL);
-       desc->rssi = rt2x00_get_field32(word2, RXD_W2_RSSI) -
-           entry->ring->rt2x00dev->rssi_offset;
-       desc->ofdm = rt2x00_get_field32(word0, RXD_W0_OFDM);
-       desc->size = rt2x00_get_field32(word0, RXD_W0_DATABYTE_COUNT);
- * Interrupt functions.
- */
-static void rt2500pci_txdone(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev, const int queue)
-       struct data_ring *ring = rt2x00lib_get_ring(rt2x00dev, queue);
-       struct data_entry *entry;
-       struct data_desc *txd;
-       u32 word;
-       int tx_status;
-       int retry;
-       while (!rt2x00_ring_empty(ring)) {
-               entry = rt2x00_get_data_entry_done(ring);
-               txd = entry->priv;
-               rt2x00_desc_read(txd, 0, &word);
-               if (rt2x00_get_field32(word, TXD_W0_OWNER_NIC) ||
-                   !rt2x00_get_field32(word, TXD_W0_VALID))
-                       break;
-               /*
-                * Obtain the status about this packet.
-                */
-               tx_status = rt2x00_get_field32(word, TXD_W0_RESULT);
-               retry = rt2x00_get_field32(word, TXD_W0_RETRY_COUNT);
-               rt2x00lib_txdone(entry, tx_status, retry);
-               /*
-                * Make this entry available for reuse.
-                */
-               entry->flags = 0;
-               rt2x00_set_field32(&word, TXD_W0_VALID, 0);
-               rt2x00_desc_write(txd, 0, word);
-               rt2x00_ring_index_done_inc(ring);
-       }
-       /*
-        * If the data ring was full before the txdone handler
-        * we must make sure the packet queue in the mac80211 stack
-        * is reenabled when the txdone handler has finished.
-        */
-       entry = ring->entry;
-       if (!rt2x00_ring_full(ring))
-               ieee80211_wake_queue(rt2x00dev->hw,
-                                    entry->tx_status.control.queue);
-static irqreturn_t rt2500pci_interrupt(int irq, void *dev_instance)
-       struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev = dev_instance;
-       u32 reg;
-       /*
-        * Get the interrupt sources & saved to local variable.
-        * Write register value back to clear pending interrupts.
-        */
-       rt2x00pci_register_read(rt2x00dev, CSR7, &reg);
-       rt2x00pci_register_write(rt2x00dev, CSR7, reg);
-       if (!reg)
-               return IRQ_NONE;
-       if (!test_bit(DEVICE_ENABLED_RADIO, &rt2x00dev->flags))
-               return IRQ_HANDLED;
-       /*
-        * Handle interrupts, walk through all bits
-        * and run the tasks, the bits are checked in order of
-        * priority.
-        */
-       /*
-        * 1 - Beacon timer expired interrupt.
-        */
-       if (rt2x00_get_field32(reg, CSR7_TBCN_EXPIRE))
-               rt2x00lib_beacondone(rt2x00dev);
-       /*
-        * 2 - Rx ring done interrupt.
-        */
-       if (rt2x00_get_field32(reg, CSR7_RXDONE))
-               rt2x00pci_rxdone(rt2x00dev);
-       /*
-        * 3 - Atim ring transmit done interrupt.
-        */
-       if (rt2x00_get_field32(reg, CSR7_TXDONE_ATIMRING))
-               rt2500pci_txdone(rt2x00dev, IEEE80211_TX_QUEUE_AFTER_BEACON);
-       /*
-        * 4 - Priority ring transmit done interrupt.
-        */
-       if (rt2x00_get_field32(reg, CSR7_TXDONE_PRIORING))
-               rt2500pci_txdone(rt2x00dev, IEEE80211_TX_QUEUE_DATA0);
-       /*
-        * 5 - Tx ring transmit done interrupt.
-        */
-       if (rt2x00_get_field32(reg, CSR7_TXDONE_TXRING))
-               rt2500pci_txdone(rt2x00dev, IEEE80211_TX_QUEUE_DATA1);
-       return IRQ_HANDLED;
- * Device probe functions.
- */
-static int rt2500pci_validate_eeprom(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev)
-       struct eeprom_93cx6 eeprom;
-       u32 reg;
-       u16 word;
-       u8 *mac;
-       rt2x00pci_register_read(rt2x00dev, CSR21, &reg);
-       eeprom.data = rt2x00dev;
-       eeprom.register_read = rt2500pci_eepromregister_read;
-       eeprom.register_write = rt2500pci_eepromregister_write;
-       eeprom.width = rt2x00_get_field32(reg, CSR21_TYPE_93C46) ?
-           PCI_EEPROM_WIDTH_93C46 : PCI_EEPROM_WIDTH_93C66;
-       eeprom.reg_data_in = 0;
-       eeprom.reg_data_out = 0;
-       eeprom.reg_data_clock = 0;
-       eeprom.reg_chip_select = 0;
-       eeprom_93cx6_multiread(&eeprom, EEPROM_BASE, rt2x00dev->eeprom,
-                              EEPROM_SIZE / sizeof(u16));
-       /*
-        * Start validation of the data that has been read.
-        */
-       mac = rt2x00_eeprom_addr(rt2x00dev, EEPROM_MAC_ADDR_0);
-       if (!is_valid_ether_addr(mac)) {
-               DECLARE_MAC_BUF(macbuf);
-               random_ether_addr(mac);
-               EEPROM(rt2x00dev, "MAC: %s\n",
-                      print_mac(macbuf, mac));
-       }
-       rt2x00_eeprom_read(rt2x00dev, EEPROM_ANTENNA, &word);
-       if (word == 0xffff) {
-               rt2x00_set_field16(&word, EEPROM_ANTENNA_NUM, 2);
-               rt2x00_set_field16(&word, EEPROM_ANTENNA_TX_DEFAULT, 0);
-               rt2x00_set_field16(&word, EEPROM_ANTENNA_RX_DEFAULT, 0);
-               rt2x00_set_field16(&word, EEPROM_ANTENNA_LED_MODE, 0);
-               rt2x00_set_field16(&word, EEPROM_ANTENNA_DYN_TXAGC, 0);
-               rt2x00_set_field16(&word, EEPROM_ANTENNA_HARDWARE_RADIO, 0);
-               rt2x00_set_field16(&word, EEPROM_ANTENNA_RF_TYPE, RF2522);
-               rt2x00_eeprom_write(rt2x00dev, EEPROM_ANTENNA, word);
-               EEPROM(rt2x00dev, "Antenna: 0x%04x\n", word);
-       }
-       rt2x00_eeprom_read(rt2x00dev, EEPROM_NIC, &word);
-       if (word == 0xffff) {
-               rt2x00_set_field16(&word, EEPROM_NIC_CARDBUS_ACCEL, 0);
-               rt2x00_set_field16(&word, EEPROM_NIC_DYN_BBP_TUNE, 0);
-               rt2x00_set_field16(&word, EEPROM_NIC_CCK_TX_POWER, 0);
-               rt2x00_eeprom_write(rt2x00dev, EEPROM_NIC, word);
-               EEPROM(rt2x00dev, "NIC: 0x%04x\n", word);
-       }
-       rt2x00_eeprom_read(rt2x00dev, EEPROM_CALIBRATE_OFFSET, &word);
-       if (word == 0xffff) {
-               rt2x00_set_field16(&word, EEPROM_CALIBRATE_OFFSET_RSSI,
-                                  DEFAULT_RSSI_OFFSET);
-               rt2x00_eeprom_write(rt2x00dev, EEPROM_CALIBRATE_OFFSET, word);
-               EEPROM(rt2x00dev, "Calibrate offset: 0x%04x\n", word);
-       }
-       return 0;
-static int rt2500pci_init_eeprom(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev)
-       u32 reg;
-       u16 value;
-       u16 eeprom;
-       /*
-        * Read EEPROM word for configuration.
-        */
-       rt2x00_eeprom_read(rt2x00dev, EEPROM_ANTENNA, &eeprom);
-       /*
-        * Identify RF chipset.
-        */
-       value = rt2x00_get_field16(eeprom, EEPROM_ANTENNA_RF_TYPE);
-       rt2x00pci_register_read(rt2x00dev, CSR0, &reg);
-       rt2x00_set_chip(rt2x00dev, RT2560, value, reg);
-       if (!rt2x00_rf(&rt2x00dev->chip, RF2522) &&
-           !rt2x00_rf(&rt2x00dev->chip, RF2523) &&
-           !rt2x00_rf(&rt2x00dev->chip, RF2524) &&
-           !rt2x00_rf(&rt2x00dev->chip, RF2525) &&
-           !rt2x00_rf(&rt2x00dev->chip, RF2525E) &&
-           !rt2x00_rf(&rt2x00dev->chip, RF5222)) {
-               ERROR(rt2x00dev, "Invalid RF chipset detected.\n");
-               return -ENODEV;
-       }
-       /*
-        * Identify default antenna configuration.
-        */
-       rt2x00dev->hw->conf.antenna_sel_tx =
-           rt2x00_get_field16(eeprom, EEPROM_ANTENNA_TX_DEFAULT);
-       rt2x00dev->hw->conf.antenna_sel_rx =
-           rt2x00_get_field16(eeprom, EEPROM_ANTENNA_RX_DEFAULT);
-       /*
-        * Store led mode, for correct led behaviour.
-        */
-       rt2x00dev->led_mode =
-           rt2x00_get_field16(eeprom, EEPROM_ANTENNA_LED_MODE);
-       /*
-        * Detect if this device has an hardware controlled radio.
-        */
-       if (rt2x00_get_field16(eeprom, EEPROM_ANTENNA_HARDWARE_RADIO))
-               __set_bit(CONFIG_SUPPORT_HW_BUTTON, &rt2x00dev->flags);
-#endif /* CONFIG_RT2500PCI_RFKILL */
-       /*
-        * Check if the BBP tuning should be enabled.
-        */
-       rt2x00_eeprom_read(rt2x00dev, EEPROM_NIC, &eeprom);
-       if (rt2x00_get_field16(eeprom, EEPROM_NIC_DYN_BBP_TUNE))
-               __set_bit(CONFIG_DISABLE_LINK_TUNING, &rt2x00dev->flags);
-       /*
-        * Read the RSSI <-> dBm offset information.
-        */
-       rt2x00_eeprom_read(rt2x00dev, EEPROM_CALIBRATE_OFFSET, &eeprom);
-       rt2x00dev->rssi_offset =
-           rt2x00_get_field16(eeprom, EEPROM_CALIBRATE_OFFSET_RSSI);
-       return 0;
- * RF value list for RF2522
- * Supports: 2.4 GHz
- */
-static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg_2522[] = {
-       { 1,  0x00002050, 0x000c1fda, 0x00000101, 0 },
-       { 2,  0x00002050, 0x000c1fee, 0x00000101, 0 },
-       { 3,  0x00002050, 0x000c2002, 0x00000101, 0 },
-       { 4,  0x00002050, 0x000c2016, 0x00000101, 0 },
-       { 5,  0x00002050, 0x000c202a, 0x00000101, 0 },
-       { 6,  0x00002050, 0x000c203e, 0x00000101, 0 },
-       { 7,  0x00002050, 0x000c2052, 0x00000101, 0 },
-       { 8,  0x00002050, 0x000c2066, 0x00000101, 0 },
-       { 9,  0x00002050, 0x000c207a, 0x00000101, 0 },
-       { 10, 0x00002050, 0x000c208e, 0x00000101, 0 },
-       { 11, 0x00002050, 0x000c20a2, 0x00000101, 0 },
-       { 12, 0x00002050, 0x000c20b6, 0x00000101, 0 },
-       { 13, 0x00002050, 0x000c20ca, 0x00000101, 0 },
-       { 14, 0x00002050, 0x000c20fa, 0x00000101, 0 },
- * RF value list for RF2523
- * Supports: 2.4 GHz
- */
-static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg_2523[] = {
-       { 1,  0x00022010, 0x00000c9e, 0x000e0111, 0x00000a1b },
-       { 2,  0x00022010, 0x00000ca2, 0x000e0111, 0x00000a1b },
-       { 3,  0x00022010, 0x00000ca6, 0x000e0111, 0x00000a1b },
-       { 4,  0x00022010, 0x00000caa, 0x000e0111, 0x00000a1b },
-       { 5,  0x00022010, 0x00000cae, 0x000e0111, 0x00000a1b },
-       { 6,  0x00022010, 0x00000cb2, 0x000e0111, 0x00000a1b },
-       { 7,  0x00022010, 0x00000cb6, 0x000e0111, 0x00000a1b },
-       { 8,  0x00022010, 0x00000cba, 0x000e0111, 0x00000a1b },
-       { 9,  0x00022010, 0x00000cbe, 0x000e0111, 0x00000a1b },
-       { 10, 0x00022010, 0x00000d02, 0x000e0111, 0x00000a1b },
-       { 11, 0x00022010, 0x00000d06, 0x000e0111, 0x00000a1b },
-       { 12, 0x00022010, 0x00000d0a, 0x000e0111, 0x00000a1b },
-       { 13, 0x00022010, 0x00000d0e, 0x000e0111, 0x00000a1b },
-       { 14, 0x00022010, 0x00000d1a, 0x000e0111, 0x00000a03 },
- * RF value list for RF2524
- * Supports: 2.4 GHz
- */
-static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg_2524[] = {
-       { 1,  0x00032020, 0x00000c9e, 0x00000101, 0x00000a1b },
-       { 2,  0x00032020, 0x00000ca2, 0x00000101, 0x00000a1b },
-       { 3,  0x00032020, 0x00000ca6, 0x00000101, 0x00000a1b },
-       { 4,  0x00032020, 0x00000caa, 0x00000101, 0x00000a1b },
-       { 5,  0x00032020, 0x00000cae, 0x00000101, 0x00000a1b },
-       { 6,  0x00032020, 0x00000cb2, 0x00000101, 0x00000a1b },
-       { 7,  0x00032020, 0x00000cb6, 0x00000101, 0x00000a1b },
-       { 8,  0x00032020, 0x00000cba, 0x00000101, 0x00000a1b },
-       { 9,  0x00032020, 0x00000cbe, 0x00000101, 0x00000a1b },
-       { 10, 0x00032020, 0x00000d02, 0x00000101, 0x00000a1b },
-       { 11, 0x00032020, 0x00000d06, 0x00000101, 0x00000a1b },
-       { 12, 0x00032020, 0x00000d0a, 0x00000101, 0x00000a1b },
-       { 13, 0x00032020, 0x00000d0e, 0x00000101, 0x00000a1b },
-       { 14, 0x00032020, 0x00000d1a, 0x00000101, 0x00000a03 },
- * RF value list for RF2525
- * Supports: 2.4 GHz
- */
-static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg_2525[] = {
-       { 1,  0x00022020, 0x00080c9e, 0x00060111, 0x00000a1b },
-       { 2,  0x00022020, 0x00080ca2, 0x00060111, 0x00000a1b },
-       { 3,  0x00022020, 0x00080ca6, 0x00060111, 0x00000a1b },
-       { 4,  0x00022020, 0x00080caa, 0x00060111, 0x00000a1b },
-       { 5,  0x00022020, 0x00080cae, 0x00060111, 0x00000a1b },
-       { 6,  0x00022020, 0x00080cb2, 0x00060111, 0x00000a1b },
-       { 7,  0x00022020, 0x00080cb6, 0x00060111, 0x00000a1b },
-       { 8,  0x00022020, 0x00080cba, 0x00060111, 0x00000a1b },
-       { 9,  0x00022020, 0x00080cbe, 0x00060111, 0x00000a1b },
-       { 10, 0x00022020, 0x00080d02, 0x00060111, 0x00000a1b },
-       { 11, 0x00022020, 0x00080d06, 0x00060111, 0x00000a1b },
-       { 12, 0x00022020, 0x00080d0a, 0x00060111, 0x00000a1b },
-       { 13, 0x00022020, 0x00080d0e, 0x00060111, 0x00000a1b },
-       { 14, 0x00022020, 0x00080d1a, 0x00060111, 0x00000a03 },
- * RF value list for RF2525e
- * Supports: 2.4 GHz
- */
-static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg_2525e[] = {
-       { 1,  0x00022020, 0x00081136, 0x00060111, 0x00000a0b },
-       { 2,  0x00022020, 0x0008113a, 0x00060111, 0x00000a0b },
-       { 3,  0x00022020, 0x0008113e, 0x00060111, 0x00000a0b },
-       { 4,  0x00022020, 0x00081182, 0x00060111, 0x00000a0b },
-       { 5,  0x00022020, 0x00081186, 0x00060111, 0x00000a0b },
-       { 6,  0x00022020, 0x0008118a, 0x00060111, 0x00000a0b },
-       { 7,  0x00022020, 0x0008118e, 0x00060111, 0x00000a0b },
-       { 8,  0x00022020, 0x00081192, 0x00060111, 0x00000a0b },
-       { 9,  0x00022020, 0x00081196, 0x00060111, 0x00000a0b },
-       { 10, 0x00022020, 0x0008119a, 0x00060111, 0x00000a0b },
-       { 11, 0x00022020, 0x0008119e, 0x00060111, 0x00000a0b },
-       { 12, 0x00022020, 0x000811a2, 0x00060111, 0x00000a0b },
-       { 13, 0x00022020, 0x000811a6, 0x00060111, 0x00000a0b },
-       { 14, 0x00022020, 0x000811ae, 0x00060111, 0x00000a1b },
- * RF value list for RF5222
- * Supports: 2.4 GHz & 5.2 GHz
- */
-static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_5222[] = {
-       { 1,  0x00022020, 0x00001136, 0x00000101, 0x00000a0b },
-       { 2,  0x00022020, 0x0000113a, 0x00000101, 0x00000a0b },
-       { 3,  0x00022020, 0x0000113e, 0x00000101, 0x00000a0b },
-       { 4,  0x00022020, 0x00001182, 0x00000101, 0x00000a0b },
-       { 5,  0x00022020, 0x00001186, 0x00000101, 0x00000a0b },
-       { 6,  0x00022020, 0x0000118a, 0x00000101, 0x00000a0b },
-       { 7,  0x00022020, 0x0000118e, 0x00000101, 0x00000a0b },
-       { 8,  0x00022020, 0x00001192, 0x00000101, 0x00000a0b },
-       { 9,  0x00022020, 0x00001196, 0x00000101, 0x00000a0b },
-       { 10, 0x00022020, 0x0000119a, 0x00000101, 0x00000a0b },
-       { 11, 0x00022020, 0x0000119e, 0x00000101, 0x00000a0b },
-       { 12, 0x00022020, 0x000011a2, 0x00000101, 0x00000a0b },
-       { 13, 0x00022020, 0x000011a6, 0x00000101, 0x00000a0b },
-       { 14, 0x00022020, 0x000011ae, 0x00000101, 0x00000a1b },
-       /* 802.11 UNI / HyperLan 2 */
-       { 36, 0x00022010, 0x00018896, 0x00000101, 0x00000a1f },
-       { 40, 0x00022010, 0x0001889a, 0x00000101, 0x00000a1f },
-       { 44, 0x00022010, 0x0001889e, 0x00000101, 0x00000a1f },
-       { 48, 0x00022010, 0x000188a2, 0x00000101, 0x00000a1f },
-       { 52, 0x00022010, 0x000188a6, 0x00000101, 0x00000a1f },
-       { 66, 0x00022010, 0x000188aa, 0x00000101, 0x00000a1f },
-       { 60, 0x00022010, 0x000188ae, 0x00000101, 0x00000a1f },
-       { 64, 0x00022010, 0x000188b2, 0x00000101, 0x00000a1f },
-       /* 802.11 HyperLan 2 */
-       { 100, 0x00022010, 0x00008802, 0x00000101, 0x00000a0f },
-       { 104, 0x00022010, 0x00008806, 0x00000101, 0x00000a0f },
-       { 108, 0x00022010, 0x0000880a, 0x00000101, 0x00000a0f },
-       { 112, 0x00022010, 0x0000880e, 0x00000101, 0x00000a0f },
-       { 116, 0x00022010, 0x00008812, 0x00000101, 0x00000a0f },
-       { 120, 0x00022010, 0x00008816, 0x00000101, 0x00000a0f },
-       { 124, 0x00022010, 0x0000881a, 0x00000101, 0x00000a0f },
-       { 128, 0x00022010, 0x0000881e, 0x00000101, 0x00000a0f },
-       { 132, 0x00022010, 0x00008822, 0x00000101, 0x00000a0f },
-       { 136, 0x00022010, 0x00008826, 0x00000101, 0x00000a0f },
-       /* 802.11 UNII */
-       { 140, 0x00022010, 0x0000882a, 0x00000101, 0x00000a0f },
-       { 149, 0x00022020, 0x000090a6, 0x00000101, 0x00000a07 },
-       { 153, 0x00022020, 0x000090ae, 0x00000101, 0x00000a07 },
-       { 157, 0x00022020, 0x000090b6, 0x00000101, 0x00000a07 },
-       { 161, 0x00022020, 0x000090be, 0x00000101, 0x00000a07 },
-static void rt2500pci_probe_hw_mode(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev)
-       struct hw_mode_spec *spec = &rt2x00dev->spec;
-       u8 *txpower;
-       unsigned int i;
-       /*
-        * Initialize all hw fields.
-        */
-       rt2x00dev->hw->flags = IEEE80211_HW_HOST_BROADCAST_PS_BUFFERING;
-       rt2x00dev->hw->extra_tx_headroom = 0;
-       rt2x00dev->hw->max_signal = MAX_SIGNAL;
-       rt2x00dev->hw->max_rssi = MAX_RX_SSI;
-       rt2x00dev->hw->queues = 2;
-       SET_IEEE80211_DEV(rt2x00dev->hw, &rt2x00dev_pci(rt2x00dev)->dev);
-       SET_IEEE80211_PERM_ADDR(rt2x00dev->hw,
-                               rt2x00_eeprom_addr(rt2x00dev,
-                                                  EEPROM_MAC_ADDR_0));
-       /*
-        * Convert tx_power array in eeprom.
-        */
-       txpower = rt2x00_eeprom_addr(rt2x00dev, EEPROM_TXPOWER_START);
-       for (i = 0; i < 14; i++)
-               txpower[i] = TXPOWER_FROM_DEV(txpower[i]);
-       /*
-        * Initialize hw_mode information.
-        */
-       spec->num_modes = 2;
-       spec->num_rates = 12;
-       spec->tx_power_a = NULL;
-       spec->tx_power_bg = txpower;
-       spec->tx_power_default = DEFAULT_TXPOWER;
-       if (rt2x00_rf(&rt2x00dev->chip, RF2522)) {
-               spec->num_channels = ARRAY_SIZE(rf_vals_bg_2522);
-               spec->channels = rf_vals_bg_2522;
-       } else if (rt2x00_rf(&rt2x00dev->chip, RF2523)) {
-               spec->num_channels = ARRAY_SIZE(rf_vals_bg_2523);
-               spec->channels = rf_vals_bg_2523;
-       } else if (rt2x00_rf(&rt2x00dev->chip, RF2524)) {
-               spec->num_channels = ARRAY_SIZE(rf_vals_bg_2524);
-               spec->channels = rf_vals_bg_2524;
-       } else if (rt2x00_rf(&rt2x00dev->chip, RF2525)) {
-               spec->num_channels = ARRAY_SIZE(rf_vals_bg_2525);
-               spec->channels = rf_vals_bg_2525;
-       } else if (rt2x00_rf(&rt2x00dev->chip, RF2525E)) {
-               spec->num_channels = ARRAY_SIZE(rf_vals_bg_2525e);
-               spec->channels = rf_vals_bg_2525e;
-       } else if (rt2x00_rf(&rt2x00dev->chip, RF5222)) {
-               spec->num_channels = ARRAY_SIZE(rf_vals_5222);
-               spec->channels = rf_vals_5222;
-               spec->num_modes = 3;
-       }
-static int rt2500pci_probe_hw(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev)
-       int retval;
-       /*
-        * Allocate eeprom data.
-        */
-       retval = rt2500pci_validate_eeprom(rt2x00dev);
-       if (retval)
-               return retval;
-       retval = rt2500pci_init_eeprom(rt2x00dev);
-       if (retval)
-               return retval;
-       /*
-        * Initialize hw specifications.
-        */
-       rt2500pci_probe_hw_mode(rt2x00dev);
-       /*
-        * This device requires the beacon ring
-        */
-       __set_bit(DRIVER_REQUIRE_BEACON_RING, &rt2x00dev->flags);
-       /*
-        * Set the rssi offset.
-        */
-       rt2x00dev->rssi_offset = DEFAULT_RSSI_OFFSET;
-       return 0;
- * IEEE80211 stack callback functions.
- */
-static void rt2500pci_configure_filter(struct ieee80211_hw *hw,
-                                      unsigned int changed_flags,
-                                      unsigned int *total_flags,
-                                      int mc_count,
-                                      struct dev_addr_list *mc_list)
-       struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev = hw->priv;
-       struct interface *intf = &rt2x00dev->interface;
-       u32 reg;
-       /*
-        * Mask off any flags we are going to ignore from
-        * the total_flags field.
-        */
-       *total_flags &=
-           FIF_ALLMULTI |
-           FIF_FCSFAIL |
-           FIF_PLCPFAIL |
-           FIF_CONTROL |
-           FIF_OTHER_BSS |
-           FIF_PROMISC_IN_BSS;
-       /*
-        * Apply some rules to the filters:
-        * - Some filters imply different filters to be set.
-        * - Some things we can't filter out at all.
-        * - Some filters are set based on interface type.
-        */
-       if (mc_count)
-               *total_flags |= FIF_ALLMULTI;
-       if (*total_flags & FIF_OTHER_BSS ||
-           *total_flags & FIF_PROMISC_IN_BSS)
-               *total_flags |= FIF_PROMISC_IN_BSS | FIF_OTHER_BSS;
-       if (is_interface_type(intf, IEEE80211_IF_TYPE_AP))
-               *total_flags |= FIF_PROMISC_IN_BSS;
-       /*
-        * Check if there is any work left for us.
-        */
-       if (intf->filter == *total_flags)
-               return;
-       intf->filter = *total_flags;
-       /*
-        * Start configuration steps.
-        * Note that the version error will always be dropped
-        * and broadcast frames will always be accepted since
-        * there is no filter for it at this time.
-        */
-       rt2x00pci_register_read(rt2x00dev, RXCSR0, &reg);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, RXCSR0_DROP_CRC,
-                          !(*total_flags & FIF_FCSFAIL));
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, RXCSR0_DROP_PHYSICAL,
-                          !(*total_flags & FIF_PLCPFAIL));
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, RXCSR0_DROP_CONTROL,
-                          !(*total_flags & FIF_CONTROL));
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, RXCSR0_DROP_NOT_TO_ME,
-                          !(*total_flags & FIF_PROMISC_IN_BSS));
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, RXCSR0_DROP_TODS,
-                          !(*total_flags & FIF_PROMISC_IN_BSS));
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, RXCSR0_DROP_VERSION_ERROR, 1);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, RXCSR0_DROP_MCAST,
-                          !(*total_flags & FIF_ALLMULTI));
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, RXCSR0_DROP_BCAST, 0);
-       rt2x00pci_register_write(rt2x00dev, RXCSR0, reg);
-static int rt2500pci_set_retry_limit(struct ieee80211_hw *hw,
-                                    u32 short_retry, u32 long_retry)
-       struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev = hw->priv;
-       u32 reg;
-       rt2x00pci_register_read(rt2x00dev, CSR11, &reg);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, CSR11_LONG_RETRY, long_retry);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, CSR11_SHORT_RETRY, short_retry);
-       rt2x00pci_register_write(rt2x00dev, CSR11, reg);
-       return 0;
-static u64 rt2500pci_get_tsf(struct ieee80211_hw *hw)
-       struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev = hw->priv;
-       u64 tsf;
-       u32 reg;
-       rt2x00pci_register_read(rt2x00dev, CSR17, &reg);
-       tsf = (u64) rt2x00_get_field32(reg, CSR17_HIGH_TSFTIMER) << 32;
-       rt2x00pci_register_read(rt2x00dev, CSR16, &reg);
-       tsf |= rt2x00_get_field32(reg, CSR16_LOW_TSFTIMER);
-       return tsf;
-static void rt2500pci_reset_tsf(struct ieee80211_hw *hw)
-       struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev = hw->priv;
-       rt2x00pci_register_write(rt2x00dev, CSR16, 0);
-       rt2x00pci_register_write(rt2x00dev, CSR17, 0);
-static int rt2500pci_tx_last_beacon(struct ieee80211_hw *hw)
-       struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev = hw->priv;
-       u32 reg;
-       rt2x00pci_register_read(rt2x00dev, CSR15, &reg);
-       return rt2x00_get_field32(reg, CSR15_BEACON_SENT);
-static const struct ieee80211_ops rt2500pci_mac80211_ops = {
-       .tx                     = rt2x00mac_tx,
-       .start                  = rt2x00mac_start,
-       .stop                   = rt2x00mac_stop,
-       .add_interface          = rt2x00mac_add_interface,
-       .remove_interface       = rt2x00mac_remove_interface,
-       .config                 = rt2x00mac_config,
-       .config_interface       = rt2x00mac_config_interface,
-       .configure_filter       = rt2500pci_configure_filter,
-       .get_stats              = rt2x00mac_get_stats,
-       .set_retry_limit        = rt2500pci_set_retry_limit,
-       .erp_ie_changed         = rt2x00mac_erp_ie_changed,
-       .conf_tx                = rt2x00mac_conf_tx,
-       .get_tx_stats           = rt2x00mac_get_tx_stats,
-       .get_tsf                = rt2500pci_get_tsf,
-       .reset_tsf              = rt2500pci_reset_tsf,
-       .beacon_update          = rt2x00pci_beacon_update,
-       .tx_last_beacon         = rt2500pci_tx_last_beacon,
-static const struct rt2x00lib_ops rt2500pci_rt2x00_ops = {
-       .irq_handler            = rt2500pci_interrupt,
-       .probe_hw               = rt2500pci_probe_hw,
-       .initialize             = rt2x00pci_initialize,
-       .uninitialize           = rt2x00pci_uninitialize,
-       .set_device_state       = rt2500pci_set_device_state,
-       .rfkill_poll            = rt2500pci_rfkill_poll,
-       .link_stats             = rt2500pci_link_stats,
-       .reset_tuner            = rt2500pci_reset_tuner,
-       .link_tuner             = rt2500pci_link_tuner,
-       .write_tx_desc          = rt2500pci_write_tx_desc,
-       .write_tx_data          = rt2x00pci_write_tx_data,
-       .kick_tx_queue          = rt2500pci_kick_tx_queue,
-       .fill_rxdone            = rt2500pci_fill_rxdone,
-       .config_mac_addr        = rt2500pci_config_mac_addr,
-       .config_bssid           = rt2500pci_config_bssid,
-       .config_type            = rt2500pci_config_type,
-       .config_preamble        = rt2500pci_config_preamble,
-       .config                 = rt2500pci_config,
-static const struct rt2x00_ops rt2500pci_ops = {
-       .name           = DRV_NAME,
-       .rxd_size       = RXD_DESC_SIZE,
-       .txd_size       = TXD_DESC_SIZE,
-       .eeprom_size    = EEPROM_SIZE,
-       .rf_size        = RF_SIZE,
-       .lib            = &rt2500pci_rt2x00_ops,
-       .hw             = &rt2500pci_mac80211_ops,
-       .debugfs        = &rt2500pci_rt2x00debug,
-#endif /* CONFIG_RT2X00_LIB_DEBUGFS */
- * RT2500pci module information.
- */
-static struct pci_device_id rt2500pci_device_table[] = {
-       { PCI_DEVICE(0x1814, 0x0201), PCI_DEVICE_DATA(&rt2500pci_ops) },
-       { 0, }
-MODULE_DESCRIPTION("Ralink RT2500 PCI & PCMCIA Wireless LAN driver.");
-MODULE_SUPPORTED_DEVICE("Ralink RT2560 PCI & PCMCIA chipset based cards");
-MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE(pci, rt2500pci_device_table);
-static struct pci_driver rt2500pci_driver = {
-       .name           = DRV_NAME,
-       .id_table       = rt2500pci_device_table,
-       .probe          = rt2x00pci_probe,
-       .remove         = __devexit_p(rt2x00pci_remove),
-       .suspend        = rt2x00pci_suspend,
-       .resume         = rt2x00pci_resume,
-static int __init rt2500pci_init(void)
-       return pci_register_driver(&rt2500pci_driver);
-static void __exit rt2500pci_exit(void)
-       pci_unregister_driver(&rt2500pci_driver);
diff --git a/package/rt2x00/src/rt2500pci.h b/package/rt2x00/src/rt2500pci.h
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index d92aa56..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1236 +0,0 @@
-       Copyright (C) 2004 - 2007 rt2x00 SourceForge Project
-       <http://rt2x00.serialmonkey.com>
-       This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-       it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-       the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-       (at your option) any later version.
-       This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-       but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-       GNU General Public License for more details.
-       You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-       along with this program; if not, write to the
-       Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
-       59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
- */
-       Module: rt2500pci
-       Abstract: Data structures and registers for the rt2500pci module.
-       Supported chipsets: RT2560.
- */
-#ifndef RT2500PCI_H
-#define RT2500PCI_H
- * RF chip defines.
- */
-#define RF2522                         0x0000
-#define RF2523                         0x0001
-#define RF2524                         0x0002
-#define RF2525                         0x0003
-#define RF2525E                                0x0004
-#define RF5222                         0x0010
- * RT2560 version
- */
-#define RT2560_VERSION_B               2
-#define RT2560_VERSION_C               3
-#define RT2560_VERSION_D               4
- * Signal information.
- * Defaul offset is required for RSSI <-> dBm conversion.
- */
-#define MAX_SIGNAL                     100
-#define MAX_RX_SSI                     -1
-#define DEFAULT_RSSI_OFFSET            121
- * Register layout information.
- */
-#define CSR_REG_BASE                   0x0000
-#define CSR_REG_SIZE                   0x0174
-#define EEPROM_BASE                    0x0000
-#define EEPROM_SIZE                    0x0200
-#define BBP_SIZE                       0x0040
-#define RF_SIZE                                0x0014
- * Control/Status Registers(CSR).
- * Some values are set in TU, whereas 1 TU == 1024 us.
- */
- * CSR0: ASIC revision number.
- */
-#define CSR0                           0x0000
- * CSR1: System control register.
- * SOFT_RESET: Software reset, 1: reset, 0: normal.
- * BBP_RESET: Hardware reset, 1: reset, 0, release.
- * HOST_READY: Host ready after initialization.
- */
-#define CSR1                           0x0004
-#define CSR1_SOFT_RESET                        FIELD32(0x00000001)
-#define CSR1_BBP_RESET                 FIELD32(0x00000002)
-#define CSR1_HOST_READY                        FIELD32(0x00000004)
- * CSR2: System admin status register (invalid).
- */
-#define CSR2                           0x0008
- * CSR3: STA MAC address register 0.
- */
-#define CSR3                           0x000c
-#define CSR3_BYTE0                     FIELD32(0x000000ff)
-#define CSR3_BYTE1                     FIELD32(0x0000ff00)
-#define CSR3_BYTE2                     FIELD32(0x00ff0000)
-#define CSR3_BYTE3                     FIELD32(0xff000000)
- * CSR4: STA MAC address register 1.
- */
-#define CSR4                           0x0010
-#define CSR4_BYTE4                     FIELD32(0x000000ff)
-#define CSR4_BYTE5                     FIELD32(0x0000ff00)
- * CSR5: BSSID register 0.
- */
-#define CSR5                           0x0014
-#define CSR5_BYTE0                     FIELD32(0x000000ff)
-#define CSR5_BYTE1                     FIELD32(0x0000ff00)
-#define CSR5_BYTE2                     FIELD32(0x00ff0000)
-#define CSR5_BYTE3                     FIELD32(0xff000000)
- * CSR6: BSSID register 1.
- */
-#define CSR6                           0x0018
-#define CSR6_BYTE4                     FIELD32(0x000000ff)
-#define CSR6_BYTE5                     FIELD32(0x0000ff00)
- * CSR7: Interrupt source register.
- * Write 1 to clear.
- * TBCN_EXPIRE: Beacon timer expired interrupt.
- * TWAKE_EXPIRE: Wakeup timer expired interrupt.
- * TATIMW_EXPIRE: Timer of atim window expired interrupt.
- * TXDONE_TXRING: Tx ring transmit done interrupt.
- * TXDONE_ATIMRING: Atim ring transmit done interrupt.
- * TXDONE_PRIORING: Priority ring transmit done interrupt.
- * RXDONE: Receive done interrupt.
- * DECRYPTION_DONE: Decryption done interrupt.
- * ENCRYPTION_DONE: Encryption done interrupt.
- * UART1_TX_TRESHOLD: UART1 TX reaches threshold.
- * UART1_RX_TRESHOLD: UART1 RX reaches threshold.
- * UART1_IDLE_TRESHOLD: UART1 IDLE over threshold.
- * UART1_TX_BUFF_ERROR: UART1 TX buffer error.
- * UART1_RX_BUFF_ERROR: UART1 RX buffer error.
- * UART2_TX_TRESHOLD: UART2 TX reaches threshold.
- * UART2_RX_TRESHOLD: UART2 RX reaches threshold.
- * UART2_IDLE_TRESHOLD: UART2 IDLE over threshold.
- * UART2_TX_BUFF_ERROR: UART2 TX buffer error.
- * UART2_RX_BUFF_ERROR: UART2 RX buffer error.
- * TIMER_CSR3_EXPIRE: TIMECSR3 timer expired (802.1H quiet period).
- */
-#define CSR7                           0x001c
-#define CSR7_TBCN_EXPIRE               FIELD32(0x00000001)
-#define CSR7_TWAKE_EXPIRE              FIELD32(0x00000002)
-#define CSR7_TATIMW_EXPIRE             FIELD32(0x00000004)
-#define CSR7_TXDONE_TXRING             FIELD32(0x00000008)
-#define CSR7_TXDONE_ATIMRING           FIELD32(0x00000010)
-#define CSR7_TXDONE_PRIORING           FIELD32(0x00000020)
-#define CSR7_RXDONE                    FIELD32(0x00000040)
-#define CSR7_DECRYPTION_DONE           FIELD32(0x00000080)
-#define CSR7_ENCRYPTION_DONE           FIELD32(0x00000100)
-#define CSR7_UART1_TX_TRESHOLD         FIELD32(0x00000200)
-#define CSR7_UART1_RX_TRESHOLD         FIELD32(0x00000400)
-#define CSR7_UART1_IDLE_TRESHOLD       FIELD32(0x00000800)
-#define CSR7_UART1_TX_BUFF_ERROR       FIELD32(0x00001000)
-#define CSR7_UART1_RX_BUFF_ERROR       FIELD32(0x00002000)
-#define CSR7_UART2_TX_TRESHOLD         FIELD32(0x00004000)
-#define CSR7_UART2_RX_TRESHOLD         FIELD32(0x00008000)
-#define CSR7_UART2_IDLE_TRESHOLD       FIELD32(0x00010000)
-#define CSR7_UART2_TX_BUFF_ERROR       FIELD32(0x00020000)
-#define CSR7_UART2_RX_BUFF_ERROR       FIELD32(0x00040000)
-#define CSR7_TIMER_CSR3_EXPIRE         FIELD32(0x00080000)
- * CSR8: Interrupt mask register.
- * Write 1 to mask interrupt.
- * TBCN_EXPIRE: Beacon timer expired interrupt.
- * TWAKE_EXPIRE: Wakeup timer expired interrupt.
- * TATIMW_EXPIRE: Timer of atim window expired interrupt.
- * TXDONE_TXRING: Tx ring transmit done interrupt.
- * TXDONE_ATIMRING: Atim ring transmit done interrupt.
- * TXDONE_PRIORING: Priority ring transmit done interrupt.
- * RXDONE: Receive done interrupt.
- * DECRYPTION_DONE: Decryption done interrupt.
- * ENCRYPTION_DONE: Encryption done interrupt.
- * UART1_TX_TRESHOLD: UART1 TX reaches threshold.
- * UART1_RX_TRESHOLD: UART1 RX reaches threshold.
- * UART1_IDLE_TRESHOLD: UART1 IDLE over threshold.
- * UART1_TX_BUFF_ERROR: UART1 TX buffer error.
- * UART1_RX_BUFF_ERROR: UART1 RX buffer error.
- * UART2_TX_TRESHOLD: UART2 TX reaches threshold.
- * UART2_RX_TRESHOLD: UART2 RX reaches threshold.
- * UART2_IDLE_TRESHOLD: UART2 IDLE over threshold.
- * UART2_TX_BUFF_ERROR: UART2 TX buffer error.
- * UART2_RX_BUFF_ERROR: UART2 RX buffer error.
- * TIMER_CSR3_EXPIRE: TIMECSR3 timer expired (802.1H quiet period).
- */
-#define CSR8                           0x0020
-#define CSR8_TBCN_EXPIRE               FIELD32(0x00000001)
-#define CSR8_TWAKE_EXPIRE              FIELD32(0x00000002)
-#define CSR8_TATIMW_EXPIRE             FIELD32(0x00000004)
-#define CSR8_TXDONE_TXRING             FIELD32(0x00000008)
-#define CSR8_TXDONE_ATIMRING           FIELD32(0x00000010)
-#define CSR8_TXDONE_PRIORING           FIELD32(0x00000020)
-#define CSR8_RXDONE                    FIELD32(0x00000040)
-#define CSR8_DECRYPTION_DONE           FIELD32(0x00000080)
-#define CSR8_ENCRYPTION_DONE           FIELD32(0x00000100)
-#define CSR8_UART1_TX_TRESHOLD         FIELD32(0x00000200)
-#define CSR8_UART1_RX_TRESHOLD         FIELD32(0x00000400)
-#define CSR8_UART1_IDLE_TRESHOLD       FIELD32(0x00000800)
-#define CSR8_UART1_TX_BUFF_ERROR       FIELD32(0x00001000)
-#define CSR8_UART1_RX_BUFF_ERROR       FIELD32(0x00002000)
-#define CSR8_UART2_TX_TRESHOLD         FIELD32(0x00004000)
-#define CSR8_UART2_RX_TRESHOLD         FIELD32(0x00008000)
-#define CSR8_UART2_IDLE_TRESHOLD       FIELD32(0x00010000)
-#define CSR8_UART2_TX_BUFF_ERROR       FIELD32(0x00020000)
-#define CSR8_UART2_RX_BUFF_ERROR       FIELD32(0x00040000)
-#define CSR8_TIMER_CSR3_EXPIRE         FIELD32(0x00080000)
- * CSR9: Maximum frame length register.
- * MAX_FRAME_UNIT: Maximum frame length in 128b unit, default: 12.
- */
-#define CSR9                           0x0024
-#define CSR9_MAX_FRAME_UNIT            FIELD32(0x00000f80)
- * SECCSR0: WEP control register.
- * KICK_DECRYPT: Kick decryption engine, self-clear.
- * ONE_SHOT: 0: ring mode, 1: One shot only mode.
- * DESC_ADDRESS: Descriptor physical address of frame.
- */
-#define SECCSR0                                0x0028
-#define SECCSR0_KICK_DECRYPT           FIELD32(0x00000001)
-#define SECCSR0_ONE_SHOT               FIELD32(0x00000002)
-#define SECCSR0_DESC_ADDRESS           FIELD32(0xfffffffc)
- * CSR11: Back-off control register.
- * CWMIN: CWmin. Default cwmin is 31 (2^5 - 1).
- * CWMAX: CWmax. Default cwmax is 1023 (2^10 - 1).
- * SLOT_TIME: Slot time, default is 20us for 802.11b
- * CW_SELECT: CWmin/CWmax selection, 1: Register, 0: TXD.
- * LONG_RETRY: Long retry count.
- * SHORT_RETRY: Short retry count.
- */
-#define CSR11                          0x002c
-#define CSR11_CWMIN                    FIELD32(0x0000000f)
-#define CSR11_CWMAX                    FIELD32(0x000000f0)
-#define CSR11_SLOT_TIME                        FIELD32(0x00001f00)
-#define CSR11_CW_SELECT                        FIELD32(0x00002000)
-#define CSR11_LONG_RETRY               FIELD32(0x00ff0000)
-#define CSR11_SHORT_RETRY              FIELD32(0xff000000)
- * CSR12: Synchronization configuration register 0.
- * All units in 1/16 TU.
- * BEACON_INTERVAL: Beacon interval, default is 100 TU.
- * CFP_MAX_DURATION: Cfp maximum duration, default is 100 TU.
- */
-#define CSR12                          0x0030
-#define CSR12_BEACON_INTERVAL          FIELD32(0x0000ffff)
-#define CSR12_CFP_MAX_DURATION         FIELD32(0xffff0000)
- * CSR13: Synchronization configuration register 1.
- * All units in 1/16 TU.
- * ATIMW_DURATION: Atim window duration.
- * CFP_PERIOD: Cfp period, default is 0 TU.
- */
-#define CSR13                          0x0034
-#define CSR13_ATIMW_DURATION           FIELD32(0x0000ffff)
-#define CSR13_CFP_PERIOD               FIELD32(0x00ff0000)
- * CSR14: Synchronization control register.
- * TSF_COUNT: Enable tsf auto counting.
- * TSF_SYNC: Tsf sync, 0: disable, 1: infra, 2: ad-hoc/master mode.
- * TBCN: Enable tbcn with reload value.
- * TCFP: Enable tcfp & cfp / cp switching.
- * TATIMW: Enable tatimw & atim window switching.
- * BEACON_GEN: Enable beacon generator.
- * CFP_COUNT_PRELOAD: Cfp count preload value.
- * TBCM_PRELOAD: Tbcn preload value in units of 64us.
- */
-#define CSR14                          0x0038
-#define CSR14_TSF_COUNT                        FIELD32(0x00000001)
-#define CSR14_TSF_SYNC                 FIELD32(0x00000006)
-#define CSR14_TBCN                     FIELD32(0x00000008)
-#define CSR14_TCFP                     FIELD32(0x00000010)
-#define CSR14_TATIMW                   FIELD32(0x00000020)
-#define CSR14_BEACON_GEN               FIELD32(0x00000040)
-#define CSR14_CFP_COUNT_PRELOAD                FIELD32(0x0000ff00)
-#define CSR14_TBCM_PRELOAD             FIELD32(0xffff0000)
- * CSR15: Synchronization status register.
- * CFP: ASIC is in contention-free period.
- * ATIMW: ASIC is in ATIM window.
- * BEACON_SENT: Beacon is send.
- */
-#define CSR15                          0x003c
-#define CSR15_CFP                      FIELD32(0x00000001)
-#define CSR15_ATIMW                    FIELD32(0x00000002)
-#define CSR15_BEACON_SENT              FIELD32(0x00000004)
- * CSR16: TSF timer register 0.
- */
-#define CSR16                          0x0040
-#define CSR16_LOW_TSFTIMER             FIELD32(0xffffffff)
- * CSR17: TSF timer register 1.
- */
-#define CSR17                          0x0044
-#define CSR17_HIGH_TSFTIMER            FIELD32(0xffffffff)
- * CSR18: IFS timer register 0.
- * SIFS: Sifs, default is 10 us.
- * PIFS: Pifs, default is 30 us.
- */
-#define CSR18                          0x0048
-#define CSR18_SIFS                     FIELD32(0x000001ff)
-#define CSR18_PIFS                     FIELD32(0x001f0000)
- * CSR19: IFS timer register 1.
- * DIFS: Difs, default is 50 us.
- * EIFS: Eifs, default is 364 us.
- */
-#define CSR19                          0x004c
-#define CSR19_DIFS                     FIELD32(0x0000ffff)
-#define CSR19_EIFS                     FIELD32(0xffff0000)
- * CSR20: Wakeup timer register.
- * DELAY_AFTER_TBCN: Delay after tbcn expired in units of 1/16 TU.
- * TBCN_BEFORE_WAKEUP: Number of beacon before wakeup.
- * AUTOWAKE: Enable auto wakeup / sleep mechanism.
- */
-#define CSR20                          0x0050
-#define CSR20_DELAY_AFTER_TBCN         FIELD32(0x0000ffff)
-#define CSR20_TBCN_BEFORE_WAKEUP       FIELD32(0x00ff0000)
-#define CSR20_AUTOWAKE                 FIELD32(0x01000000)
- * CSR21: EEPROM control register.
- * RELOAD: Write 1 to reload eeprom content.
- * TYPE_93C46: 1: 93c46, 0:93c66.
- */
-#define CSR21                          0x0054
-#define CSR21_RELOAD                   FIELD32(0x00000001)
-#define CSR21_EEPROM_DATA_CLOCK                FIELD32(0x00000002)
-#define CSR21_EEPROM_CHIP_SELECT       FIELD32(0x00000004)
-#define CSR21_EEPROM_DATA_IN           FIELD32(0x00000008)
-#define CSR21_EEPROM_DATA_OUT          FIELD32(0x00000010)
-#define CSR21_TYPE_93C46               FIELD32(0x00000020)
- * CSR22: CFP control register.
- * CFP_DURATION_REMAIN: Cfp duration remain, in units of TU.
- * RELOAD_CFP_DURATION: Write 1 to reload cfp duration remain.
- */
-#define CSR22                          0x0058
-#define CSR22_CFP_DURATION_REMAIN      FIELD32(0x0000ffff)
-#define CSR22_RELOAD_CFP_DURATION      FIELD32(0x00010000)
- * Transmit related CSRs.
- * Some values are set in TU, whereas 1 TU == 1024 us.
- */
- * TXCSR0: TX Control Register.
- * KICK_TX: Kick tx ring.
- * KICK_ATIM: Kick atim ring.
- * KICK_PRIO: Kick priority ring.
- * ABORT: Abort all transmit related ring operation.
- */
-#define TXCSR0                         0x0060
-#define TXCSR0_KICK_TX                 FIELD32(0x00000001)
-#define TXCSR0_KICK_ATIM               FIELD32(0x00000002)
-#define TXCSR0_KICK_PRIO               FIELD32(0x00000004)
-#define TXCSR0_ABORT                   FIELD32(0x00000008)
- * TXCSR1: TX Configuration Register.
- * ACK_TIMEOUT: Ack timeout, default = sifs + 2*slottime + acktime @ 1mbps.
- * ACK_CONSUME_TIME: Ack consume time, default = sifs + acktime @ 1mbps.
- * TSF_OFFSET: Insert tsf offset.
- * AUTORESPONDER: Enable auto responder which include ack & cts.
- */
-#define TXCSR1                         0x0064
-#define TXCSR1_ACK_TIMEOUT             FIELD32(0x000001ff)
-#define TXCSR1_ACK_CONSUME_TIME                FIELD32(0x0003fe00)
-#define TXCSR1_TSF_OFFSET              FIELD32(0x00fc0000)
-#define TXCSR1_AUTORESPONDER           FIELD32(0x01000000)
- * TXCSR2: Tx descriptor configuration register.
- * TXD_SIZE: Tx descriptor size, default is 48.
- * NUM_TXD: Number of tx entries in ring.
- * NUM_ATIM: Number of atim entries in ring.
- * NUM_PRIO: Number of priority entries in ring.
- */
-#define TXCSR2                         0x0068
-#define TXCSR2_TXD_SIZE                        FIELD32(0x000000ff)
-#define TXCSR2_NUM_TXD                 FIELD32(0x0000ff00)
-#define TXCSR2_NUM_ATIM                        FIELD32(0x00ff0000)
-#define TXCSR2_NUM_PRIO                        FIELD32(0xff000000)
- * TXCSR3: TX Ring Base address register.
- */
-#define TXCSR3                         0x006c
-#define TXCSR3_TX_RING_REGISTER                FIELD32(0xffffffff)
- * TXCSR4: TX Atim Ring Base address register.
- */
-#define TXCSR4                         0x0070
-#define TXCSR4_ATIM_RING_REGISTER      FIELD32(0xffffffff)
- * TXCSR5: TX Prio Ring Base address register.
- */
-#define TXCSR5                         0x0074
-#define TXCSR5_PRIO_RING_REGISTER      FIELD32(0xffffffff)
- * TXCSR6: Beacon Base address register.
- */
-#define TXCSR6                         0x0078
-#define TXCSR6_BEACON_RING_REGISTER    FIELD32(0xffffffff)
- * TXCSR7: Auto responder control register.
- * AR_POWERMANAGEMENT: Auto responder power management bit.
- */
-#define TXCSR7                         0x007c
-#define TXCSR7_AR_POWERMANAGEMENT      FIELD32(0x00000001)
- * TXCSR8: CCK Tx BBP register.
- */
-#define TXCSR8                         0x0098
-#define TXCSR8_BBP_ID0                 FIELD32(0x0000007f)
-#define TXCSR8_BBP_ID0_VALID           FIELD32(0x00000080)
-#define TXCSR8_BBP_ID1                 FIELD32(0x00007f00)
-#define TXCSR8_BBP_ID1_VALID           FIELD32(0x00008000)
-#define TXCSR8_BBP_ID2                 FIELD32(0x007f0000)
-#define TXCSR8_BBP_ID2_VALID           FIELD32(0x00800000)
-#define TXCSR8_BBP_ID3                 FIELD32(0x7f000000)
-#define TXCSR8_BBP_ID3_VALID           FIELD32(0x80000000)
- * TXCSR9: OFDM TX BBP registers
- * OFDM_SIGNAL: BBP rate field address for OFDM.
- * OFDM_SERVICE: BBP service field address for OFDM.
- * OFDM_LENGTH_LOW: BBP length low byte address for OFDM.
- * OFDM_LENGTH_HIGH: BBP length high byte address for OFDM.
- */
-#define TXCSR9                         0x0094
-#define TXCSR9_OFDM_RATE               FIELD32(0x000000ff)
-#define TXCSR9_OFDM_SERVICE            FIELD32(0x0000ff00)
-#define TXCSR9_OFDM_LENGTH_LOW         FIELD32(0x00ff0000)
-#define TXCSR9_OFDM_LENGTH_HIGH                FIELD32(0xff000000)
- * Receive related CSRs.
- * Some values are set in TU, whereas 1 TU == 1024 us.
- */
- * RXCSR0: RX Control Register.
- * DISABLE_RX: Disable rx engine.
- * DROP_CRC: Drop crc error.
- * DROP_PHYSICAL: Drop physical error.
- * DROP_CONTROL: Drop control frame.
- * DROP_NOT_TO_ME: Drop not to me unicast frame.
- * DROP_TODS: Drop frame tods bit is true.
- * DROP_VERSION_ERROR: Drop version error frame.
- * PASS_CRC: Pass all packets with crc attached.
- * PASS_CRC: Pass all packets with crc attached.
- * PASS_PLCP: Pass all packets with 4 bytes PLCP attached.
- * DROP_MCAST: Drop multicast frames.
- * DROP_BCAST: Drop broadcast frames.
- * ENABLE_QOS: Accept QOS data frame and parse QOS field.
- */
-#define RXCSR0                         0x0080
-#define RXCSR0_DISABLE_RX              FIELD32(0x00000001)
-#define RXCSR0_DROP_CRC                        FIELD32(0x00000002)
-#define RXCSR0_DROP_PHYSICAL           FIELD32(0x00000004)
-#define RXCSR0_DROP_CONTROL            FIELD32(0x00000008)
-#define RXCSR0_DROP_NOT_TO_ME          FIELD32(0x00000010)
-#define RXCSR0_DROP_TODS               FIELD32(0x00000020)
-#define RXCSR0_DROP_VERSION_ERROR      FIELD32(0x00000040)
-#define RXCSR0_PASS_CRC                        FIELD32(0x00000080)
-#define RXCSR0_PASS_PLCP               FIELD32(0x00000100)
-#define RXCSR0_DROP_MCAST              FIELD32(0x00000200)
-#define RXCSR0_DROP_BCAST              FIELD32(0x00000400)
-#define RXCSR0_ENABLE_QOS              FIELD32(0x00000800)
- * RXCSR1: RX descriptor configuration register.
- * RXD_SIZE: Rx descriptor size, default is 32b.
- * NUM_RXD: Number of rx entries in ring.
- */
-#define RXCSR1                         0x0084
-#define RXCSR1_RXD_SIZE                        FIELD32(0x000000ff)
-#define RXCSR1_NUM_RXD                 FIELD32(0x0000ff00)
- * RXCSR2: RX Ring base address register.
- */
-#define RXCSR2                         0x0088
-#define RXCSR2_RX_RING_REGISTER                FIELD32(0xffffffff)
- * RXCSR3: BBP ID register for Rx operation.
- * BBP_ID#: BBP register # id.
- * BBP_ID#_VALID: BBP register # id is valid or not.
- */
-#define RXCSR3                         0x0090
-#define RXCSR3_BBP_ID0                 FIELD32(0x0000007f)
-#define RXCSR3_BBP_ID0_VALID           FIELD32(0x00000080)
-#define RXCSR3_BBP_ID1                 FIELD32(0x00007f00)
-#define RXCSR3_BBP_ID1_VALID           FIELD32(0x00008000)
-#define RXCSR3_BBP_ID2                 FIELD32(0x007f0000)
-#define RXCSR3_BBP_ID2_VALID           FIELD32(0x00800000)
-#define RXCSR3_BBP_ID3                 FIELD32(0x7f000000)
-#define RXCSR3_BBP_ID3_VALID           FIELD32(0x80000000)
- * ARCSR1: Auto Responder PLCP config register 1.
- * AR_BBP_DATA#: Auto responder BBP register # data.
- * AR_BBP_ID#: Auto responder BBP register # Id.
- */
-#define ARCSR1                         0x009c
-#define ARCSR1_AR_BBP_DATA2            FIELD32(0x000000ff)
-#define ARCSR1_AR_BBP_ID2              FIELD32(0x0000ff00)
-#define ARCSR1_AR_BBP_DATA3            FIELD32(0x00ff0000)
-#define ARCSR1_AR_BBP_ID3              FIELD32(0xff000000)
- * Miscellaneous Registers.
- * Some values are set in TU, whereas 1 TU == 1024 us.
- */
- * PCICSR: PCI control register.
- * BIG_ENDIAN: 1: big endian, 0: little endian.
- * RX_TRESHOLD: Rx threshold in dw to start pci access
- * 0: 16dw (default), 1: 8dw, 2: 4dw, 3: 32dw.
- * TX_TRESHOLD: Tx threshold in dw to start pci access
- * 0: 0dw (default), 1: 1dw, 2: 4dw, 3: forward.
- * BURST_LENTH: Pci burst length 0: 4dw (default, 1: 8dw, 2: 16dw, 3:32dw.
- * ENABLE_CLK: Enable clk_run, pci clock can't going down to non-operational.
- * READ_MULTIPLE: Enable memory read multiple.
- * WRITE_INVALID: Enable memory write & invalid.
- */
-#define PCICSR                         0x008c
-#define PCICSR_BIG_ENDIAN              FIELD32(0x00000001)
-#define PCICSR_RX_TRESHOLD             FIELD32(0x00000006)
-#define PCICSR_TX_TRESHOLD             FIELD32(0x00000018)
-#define PCICSR_BURST_LENTH             FIELD32(0x00000060)
-#define PCICSR_ENABLE_CLK              FIELD32(0x00000080)
-#define PCICSR_READ_MULTIPLE           FIELD32(0x00000100)
-#define PCICSR_WRITE_INVALID           FIELD32(0x00000200)
- * CNT0: FCS error count.
- * FCS_ERROR: FCS error count, cleared when read.
- */
-#define CNT0                           0x00a0
-#define CNT0_FCS_ERROR                 FIELD32(0x0000ffff)
- * Statistic Register.
- * CNT1: PLCP error count.
- * CNT2: Long error count.
- */
-#define TIMECSR2                       0x00a8
-#define CNT1                           0x00ac
-#define CNT2                           0x00b0
-#define TIMECSR3                       0x00b4
- * CNT3: CCA false alarm count.
- */
-#define CNT3                           0x00b8
-#define CNT3_FALSE_CCA                 FIELD32(0x0000ffff)
- * Statistic Register.
- * CNT4: Rx FIFO overflow count.
- * CNT5: Tx FIFO underrun count.
- */
-#define CNT4                           0x00bc
-#define CNT5                           0x00c0
- * Baseband Control Register.
- */
- * PWRCSR0: Power mode configuration register.
- */
-#define PWRCSR0                                0x00c4
- * Power state transition time registers.
- */
-#define PSCSR0                         0x00c8
-#define PSCSR1                         0x00cc
-#define PSCSR2                         0x00d0
-#define PSCSR3                         0x00d4
- * PWRCSR1: Manual power control / status register.
- * Allowed state: 0 deep_sleep, 1: sleep, 2: standby, 3: awake.
- * SET_STATE: Set state. Write 1 to trigger, self cleared.
- * BBP_DESIRE_STATE: BBP desired state.
- * RF_DESIRE_STATE: RF desired state.
- * BBP_CURR_STATE: BBP current state.
- * RF_CURR_STATE: RF current state.
- * PUT_TO_SLEEP: Put to sleep. Write 1 to trigger, self cleared.
- */
-#define PWRCSR1                                0x00d8
-#define PWRCSR1_SET_STATE              FIELD32(0x00000001)
-#define PWRCSR1_BBP_DESIRE_STATE       FIELD32(0x00000006)
-#define PWRCSR1_RF_DESIRE_STATE                FIELD32(0x00000018)
-#define PWRCSR1_BBP_CURR_STATE         FIELD32(0x00000060)
-#define PWRCSR1_RF_CURR_STATE          FIELD32(0x00000180)
-#define PWRCSR1_PUT_TO_SLEEP           FIELD32(0x00000200)
- * TIMECSR: Timer control register.
- * US_COUNT: 1 us timer count in units of clock cycles.
- * US_64_COUNT: 64 us timer count in units of 1 us timer.
- * BEACON_EXPECT: Beacon expect window.
- */
-#define TIMECSR                                0x00dc
-#define TIMECSR_US_COUNT               FIELD32(0x000000ff)
-#define TIMECSR_US_64_COUNT            FIELD32(0x0000ff00)
-#define TIMECSR_BEACON_EXPECT          FIELD32(0x00070000)
- * MACCSR0: MAC configuration register 0.
- */
-#define MACCSR0                                0x00e0
- * MACCSR1: MAC configuration register 1.
- * KICK_RX: Kick one-shot rx in one-shot rx mode.
- * ONESHOT_RXMODE: Enable one-shot rx mode for debugging.
- * BBPRX_RESET_MODE: Ralink bbp rx reset mode.
- * AUTO_TXBBP: Auto tx logic access bbp control register.
- * AUTO_RXBBP: Auto rx logic access bbp control register.
- * LOOPBACK: Loopback mode. 0: normal, 1: internal, 2: external, 3:rsvd.
- * INTERSIL_IF: Intersil if calibration pin.
- */
-#define MACCSR1                                0x00e4
-#define MACCSR1_KICK_RX                        FIELD32(0x00000001)
-#define MACCSR1_ONESHOT_RXMODE         FIELD32(0x00000002)
-#define MACCSR1_BBPRX_RESET_MODE       FIELD32(0x00000004)
-#define MACCSR1_AUTO_TXBBP             FIELD32(0x00000008)
-#define MACCSR1_AUTO_RXBBP             FIELD32(0x00000010)
-#define MACCSR1_LOOPBACK               FIELD32(0x00000060)
-#define MACCSR1_INTERSIL_IF            FIELD32(0x00000080)
- * RALINKCSR: Ralink Rx auto-reset BBCR.
- * AR_BBP_DATA#: Auto reset BBP register # data.
- * AR_BBP_ID#: Auto reset BBP register # id.
- */
-#define RALINKCSR                      0x00e8
-#define RALINKCSR_AR_BBP_DATA0         FIELD32(0x000000ff)
-#define RALINKCSR_AR_BBP_ID0           FIELD32(0x00007f00)
-#define RALINKCSR_AR_BBP_VALID0                FIELD32(0x00008000)
-#define RALINKCSR_AR_BBP_DATA1         FIELD32(0x00ff0000)
-#define RALINKCSR_AR_BBP_ID1           FIELD32(0x7f000000)
-#define RALINKCSR_AR_BBP_VALID1                FIELD32(0x80000000)
- * BCNCSR: Beacon interval control register.
- * CHANGE: Write one to change beacon interval.
- * DELTATIME: The delta time value.
- * NUM_BEACON: Number of beacon according to mode.
- * MODE: Please refer to asic specs.
- * PLUS: Plus or minus delta time value.
- */
-#define BCNCSR                         0x00ec
-#define BCNCSR_CHANGE                  FIELD32(0x00000001)
-#define BCNCSR_DELTATIME               FIELD32(0x0000001e)
-#define BCNCSR_NUM_BEACON              FIELD32(0x00001fe0)
-#define BCNCSR_MODE                    FIELD32(0x00006000)
-#define BCNCSR_PLUS                    FIELD32(0x00008000)
- * BBP / RF / IF Control Register.
- */
- * BBPCSR: BBP serial control register.
- * VALUE: Register value to program into BBP.
- * REGNUM: Selected BBP register.
- * BUSY: 1: asic is busy execute BBP programming.
- * WRITE_CONTROL: 1: write BBP, 0: read BBP.
- */
-#define BBPCSR                         0x00f0
-#define BBPCSR_VALUE                   FIELD32(0x000000ff)
-#define BBPCSR_REGNUM                  FIELD32(0x00007f00)
-#define BBPCSR_BUSY                    FIELD32(0x00008000)
-#define BBPCSR_WRITE_CONTROL           FIELD32(0x00010000)
- * RFCSR: RF serial control register.
- * VALUE: Register value + id to program into rf/if.
- * NUMBER_OF_BITS: Number of bits used in value (i:20, rfmd:22).
- * IF_SELECT: Chip to program: 0: rf, 1: if.
- * PLL_LD: Rf pll_ld status.
- * BUSY: 1: asic is busy execute rf programming.
- */
-#define RFCSR                          0x00f4
-#define RFCSR_VALUE                    FIELD32(0x00ffffff)
-#define RFCSR_NUMBER_OF_BITS           FIELD32(0x1f000000)
-#define RFCSR_IF_SELECT                        FIELD32(0x20000000)
-#define RFCSR_PLL_LD                   FIELD32(0x40000000)
-#define RFCSR_BUSY                     FIELD32(0x80000000)
- * LEDCSR: LED control register.
- * ON_PERIOD: On period, default 70ms.
- * OFF_PERIOD: Off period, default 30ms.
- * LINK: 0: linkoff, 1: linkup.
- * ACTIVITY: 0: idle, 1: active.
- * LINK_POLARITY: 0: active low, 1: active high.
- * ACTIVITY_POLARITY: 0: active low, 1: active high.
- * LED_DEFAULT: LED state for "enable" 0: ON, 1: OFF.
- */
-#define LEDCSR                         0x00f8
-#define LEDCSR_ON_PERIOD               FIELD32(0x000000ff)
-#define LEDCSR_OFF_PERIOD              FIELD32(0x0000ff00)
-#define LEDCSR_LINK                    FIELD32(0x00010000)
-#define LEDCSR_ACTIVITY                        FIELD32(0x00020000)
-#define LEDCSR_LINK_POLARITY           FIELD32(0x00040000)
-#define LEDCSR_ACTIVITY_POLARITY       FIELD32(0x00080000)
-#define LEDCSR_LED_DEFAULT             FIELD32(0x00100000)
- * AES control register.
- */
-#define SECCSR3                                0x00fc
- * ASIC pointer information.
- * RXPTR: Current RX ring address.
- * TXPTR: Current Tx ring address.
- * PRIPTR: Current Priority ring address.
- * ATIMPTR: Current ATIM ring address.
- */
-#define RXPTR                          0x0100
-#define TXPTR                          0x0104
-#define PRIPTR                         0x0108
-#define ATIMPTR                                0x010c
- * TXACKCSR0: TX ACK timeout.
- */
-#define TXACKCSR0                      0x0110
- * ACK timeout count registers.
- * ACKCNT0: TX ACK timeout count.
- * ACKCNT1: RX ACK timeout count.
- */
-#define ACKCNT0                                0x0114
-#define ACKCNT1                                0x0118
- * GPIO and others.
- */
- * GPIOCSR: GPIO control register.
- */
-#define GPIOCSR                                0x0120
-#define GPIOCSR_BIT0                   FIELD32(0x00000001)
-#define GPIOCSR_BIT1                   FIELD32(0x00000002)
-#define GPIOCSR_BIT2                   FIELD32(0x00000004)
-#define GPIOCSR_BIT3                   FIELD32(0x00000008)
-#define GPIOCSR_BIT4                   FIELD32(0x00000010)
-#define GPIOCSR_BIT5                   FIELD32(0x00000020)
-#define GPIOCSR_BIT6                   FIELD32(0x00000040)
-#define GPIOCSR_BIT7                   FIELD32(0x00000080)
-#define GPIOCSR_DIR0                   FIELD32(0x00000100)
-#define GPIOCSR_DIR1                   FIELD32(0x00000200)
-#define GPIOCSR_DIR2                   FIELD32(0x00000400)
-#define GPIOCSR_DIR3                   FIELD32(0x00000800)
-#define GPIOCSR_DIR4                   FIELD32(0x00001000)
-#define GPIOCSR_DIR5                   FIELD32(0x00002000)
-#define GPIOCSR_DIR6                   FIELD32(0x00004000)
-#define GPIOCSR_DIR7                   FIELD32(0x00008000)
- * FIFO pointer registers.
- * FIFOCSR0: TX FIFO pointer.
- * FIFOCSR1: RX FIFO pointer.
- */
-#define FIFOCSR0                       0x0128
-#define FIFOCSR1                       0x012c
- * BCNCSR1: Tx BEACON offset time control register.
- * PRELOAD: Beacon timer offset in units of usec.
- * BEACON_CWMIN: 2^CwMin.
- */
-#define BCNCSR1                                0x0130
-#define BCNCSR1_PRELOAD                        FIELD32(0x0000ffff)
-#define BCNCSR1_BEACON_CWMIN           FIELD32(0x000f0000)
- * MACCSR2: TX_PE to RX_PE turn-around time control register
- * DELAY: RX_PE low width, in units of pci clock cycle.
- */
-#define MACCSR2                                0x0134
-#define MACCSR2_DELAY                  FIELD32(0x000000ff)
- * TESTCSR: TEST mode selection register.
- */
-#define TESTCSR                                0x0138
- * ARCSR2: 1 Mbps ACK/CTS PLCP.
- */
-#define ARCSR2                         0x013c
-#define ARCSR2_SIGNAL                  FIELD32(0x000000ff)
-#define ARCSR2_SERVICE                 FIELD32(0x0000ff00)
-#define ARCSR2_LENGTH                  FIELD32(0xffff0000)
- * ARCSR3: 2 Mbps ACK/CTS PLCP.
- */
-#define ARCSR3                         0x0140
-#define ARCSR3_SIGNAL                  FIELD32(0x000000ff)
-#define ARCSR3_SERVICE                 FIELD32(0x0000ff00)
-#define ARCSR3_LENGTH                  FIELD32(0xffff0000)
- * ARCSR4: 5.5 Mbps ACK/CTS PLCP.
- */
-#define ARCSR4                         0x0144
-#define ARCSR4_SIGNAL                  FIELD32(0x000000ff)
-#define ARCSR4_SERVICE                 FIELD32(0x0000ff00)
-#define ARCSR4_LENGTH                  FIELD32(0xffff0000)
- * ARCSR5: 11 Mbps ACK/CTS PLCP.
- */
-#define ARCSR5                         0x0148
-#define ARCSR5_SIGNAL                  FIELD32(0x000000ff)
-#define ARCSR5_SERVICE                 FIELD32(0x0000ff00)
-#define ARCSR5_LENGTH                  FIELD32(0xffff0000)
- * ARTCSR0: CCK ACK/CTS payload consumed time for 1/2/5.5/11 mbps.
- */
-#define ARTCSR0                                0x014c
-#define ARTCSR0_ACK_CTS_11MBS          FIELD32(0x000000ff)
-#define ARTCSR0_ACK_CTS_5_5MBS         FIELD32(0x0000ff00)
-#define ARTCSR0_ACK_CTS_2MBS           FIELD32(0x00ff0000)
-#define ARTCSR0_ACK_CTS_1MBS           FIELD32(0xff000000)
- * ARTCSR1: OFDM ACK/CTS payload consumed time for 6/9/12/18 mbps.
- */
-#define ARTCSR1                                0x0150
-#define ARTCSR1_ACK_CTS_6MBS           FIELD32(0x000000ff)
-#define ARTCSR1_ACK_CTS_9MBS           FIELD32(0x0000ff00)
-#define ARTCSR1_ACK_CTS_12MBS          FIELD32(0x00ff0000)
-#define ARTCSR1_ACK_CTS_18MBS          FIELD32(0xff000000)
- * ARTCSR2: OFDM ACK/CTS payload consumed time for 24/36/48/54 mbps.
- */
-#define ARTCSR2                                0x0154
-#define ARTCSR2_ACK_CTS_24MBS          FIELD32(0x000000ff)
-#define ARTCSR2_ACK_CTS_36MBS          FIELD32(0x0000ff00)
-#define ARTCSR2_ACK_CTS_48MBS          FIELD32(0x00ff0000)
-#define ARTCSR2_ACK_CTS_54MBS          FIELD32(0xff000000)
- * SECCSR1_RT2509: WEP control register.
- * KICK_ENCRYPT: Kick encryption engine, self-clear.
- * ONE_SHOT: 0: ring mode, 1: One shot only mode.
- * DESC_ADDRESS: Descriptor physical address of frame.
- */
-#define SECCSR1                                0x0158
-#define SECCSR1_KICK_ENCRYPT           FIELD32(0x00000001)
-#define SECCSR1_ONE_SHOT               FIELD32(0x00000002)
-#define SECCSR1_DESC_ADDRESS           FIELD32(0xfffffffc)
- * BBPCSR1: BBP TX configuration.
- */
-#define BBPCSR1                                0x015c
-#define BBPCSR1_CCK                    FIELD32(0x00000003)
-#define BBPCSR1_CCK_FLIP               FIELD32(0x00000004)
-#define BBPCSR1_OFDM                   FIELD32(0x00030000)
-#define BBPCSR1_OFDM_FLIP              FIELD32(0x00040000)
- * Dual band configuration registers.
- * DBANDCSR0: Dual band configuration register 0.
- * DBANDCSR1: Dual band configuration register 1.
- */
-#define DBANDCSR0                      0x0160
-#define DBANDCSR1                      0x0164
- * BBPPCSR: BBP Pin control register.
- */
-#define BBPPCSR                                0x0168
- * MAC special debug mode selection registers.
- * DBGSEL0: MAC special debug mode selection register 0.
- * DBGSEL1: MAC special debug mode selection register 1.
- */
-#define DBGSEL0                                0x016c
-#define DBGSEL1                                0x0170
- * BISTCSR: BBP BIST register.
- */
-#define BISTCSR                                0x0174
- * Multicast filter registers.
- * MCAST0: Multicast filter register 0.
- * MCAST1: Multicast filter register 1.
- */
-#define MCAST0                         0x0178
-#define MCAST1                         0x017c
- * UART registers.
- * UARTCSR0: UART1 TX register.
- * UARTCSR1: UART1 RX register.
- * UARTCSR3: UART1 frame control register.
- * UARTCSR4: UART1 buffer control register.
- * UART2CSR0: UART2 TX register.
- * UART2CSR1: UART2 RX register.
- * UART2CSR3: UART2 frame control register.
- * UART2CSR4: UART2 buffer control register.
- */
-#define UARTCSR0                       0x0180
-#define UARTCSR1                       0x0184
-#define UARTCSR3                       0x0188
-#define UARTCSR4                       0x018c
-#define UART2CSR0                      0x0190
-#define UART2CSR1                      0x0194
-#define UART2CSR3                      0x0198
-#define UART2CSR4                      0x019c
- * BBP registers.
- * The wordsize of the BBP is 8 bits.
- */
- * R2: TX antenna control
- */
-#define BBP_R2_TX_ANTENNA              FIELD8(0x03)
-#define BBP_R2_TX_IQ_FLIP              FIELD8(0x04)
- * R14: RX antenna control
- */
-#define BBP_R14_RX_ANTENNA             FIELD8(0x03)
-#define BBP_R14_RX_IQ_FLIP             FIELD8(0x04)
- * BBP_R70
- */
-#define BBP_R70_JAPAN_FILTER           FIELD8(0x08)
- * RF registers
- */
- * RF 1
- */
-#define RF1_TUNER                      FIELD32(0x00020000)
- * RF 3
- */
-#define RF3_TUNER                      FIELD32(0x00000100)
-#define RF3_TXPOWER                    FIELD32(0x00003e00)
- * EEPROM content.
- * The wordsize of the EEPROM is 16 bits.
- */
- * HW MAC address.
- */
-#define EEPROM_MAC_ADDR_0              0x0002
-#define EEPROM_MAC_ADDR_BYTE0          FIELD16(0x00ff)
-#define EEPROM_MAC_ADDR_BYTE1          FIELD16(0xff00)
-#define EEPROM_MAC_ADDR1               0x0003
-#define EEPROM_MAC_ADDR_BYTE2          FIELD16(0x00ff)
-#define EEPROM_MAC_ADDR_BYTE3          FIELD16(0xff00)
-#define EEPROM_MAC_ADDR_2              0x0004
-#define EEPROM_MAC_ADDR_BYTE4          FIELD16(0x00ff)
-#define EEPROM_MAC_ADDR_BYTE5          FIELD16(0xff00)
- * EEPROM antenna.
- * ANTENNA_NUM: Number of antenna's.
- * TX_DEFAULT: Default antenna 0: diversity, 1: A, 2: B.
- * RX_DEFAULT: Default antenna 0: diversity, 1: A, 2: B.
- * LED_MODE: 0: default, 1: TX/RX activity,2: Single (ignore link), 3: rsvd.
- * DYN_TXAGC: Dynamic TX AGC control.
- * HARDWARE_RADIO: 1: Hardware controlled radio. Read GPIO0.
- * RF_TYPE: Rf_type of this adapter.
- */
-#define EEPROM_ANTENNA                 0x10
-#define EEPROM_ANTENNA_NUM             FIELD16(0x0003)
-#define EEPROM_ANTENNA_TX_DEFAULT      FIELD16(0x000c)
-#define EEPROM_ANTENNA_RX_DEFAULT      FIELD16(0x0030)
-#define EEPROM_ANTENNA_LED_MODE                FIELD16(0x01c0)
-#define EEPROM_ANTENNA_DYN_TXAGC       FIELD16(0x0200)
-#define EEPROM_ANTENNA_RF_TYPE         FIELD16(0xf800)
- * EEPROM NIC config.
- * CARDBUS_ACCEL: 0: enable, 1: disable.
- * DYN_BBP_TUNE: 0: enable, 1: disable.
- * CCK_TX_POWER: CCK TX power compensation.
- */
-#define EEPROM_NIC                     0x11
-#define EEPROM_NIC_CARDBUS_ACCEL       FIELD16(0x0001)
-#define EEPROM_NIC_DYN_BBP_TUNE                FIELD16(0x0002)
-#define EEPROM_NIC_CCK_TX_POWER                FIELD16(0x000c)
- * EEPROM geography.
- * GEO: Default geography setting for device.
- */
-#define EEPROM_GEOGRAPHY               0x12
-#define EEPROM_GEOGRAPHY_GEO           FIELD16(0x0f00)
- */
-#define EEPROM_BBP_START               0x13
-#define EEPROM_BBP_SIZE                        16
-#define EEPROM_BBP_VALUE               FIELD16(0x00ff)
-#define EEPROM_BBP_REG_ID              FIELD16(0xff00)
- */
-#define EEPROM_TXPOWER_START           0x23
-#define EEPROM_TXPOWER_SIZE            7
-#define EEPROM_TXPOWER_1               FIELD16(0x00ff)
-#define EEPROM_TXPOWER_2               FIELD16(0xff00)
- * RSSI <-> dBm offset calibration
- */
-#define EEPROM_CALIBRATE_OFFSET                0x3e
- * DMA descriptor defines.
- */
-#define TXD_DESC_SIZE                  ( 11 * sizeof(struct data_desc) )
-#define RXD_DESC_SIZE                  ( 11 * sizeof(struct data_desc) )
- * TX descriptor format for TX, PRIO, ATIM and Beacon Ring.
- */
- * Word0
- */
-#define TXD_W0_OWNER_NIC               FIELD32(0x00000001)
-#define TXD_W0_VALID                   FIELD32(0x00000002)
-#define TXD_W0_RESULT                  FIELD32(0x0000001c)
-#define TXD_W0_RETRY_COUNT             FIELD32(0x000000e0)
-#define TXD_W0_MORE_FRAG               FIELD32(0x00000100)
-#define TXD_W0_ACK                     FIELD32(0x00000200)
-#define TXD_W0_TIMESTAMP               FIELD32(0x00000400)
-#define TXD_W0_OFDM                    FIELD32(0x00000800)
-#define TXD_W0_CIPHER_OWNER            FIELD32(0x00001000)
-#define TXD_W0_IFS                     FIELD32(0x00006000)
-#define TXD_W0_RETRY_MODE              FIELD32(0x00008000)
-#define TXD_W0_DATABYTE_COUNT          FIELD32(0x0fff0000)
-#define TXD_W0_CIPHER_ALG              FIELD32(0xe0000000)
- * Word1
- */
-#define TXD_W1_BUFFER_ADDRESS          FIELD32(0xffffffff)
- * Word2
- */
-#define TXD_W2_IV_OFFSET               FIELD32(0x0000003f)
-#define TXD_W2_AIFS                    FIELD32(0x000000c0)
-#define TXD_W2_CWMIN                   FIELD32(0x00000f00)
-#define TXD_W2_CWMAX                   FIELD32(0x0000f000)
- * Word3: PLCP information
- */
-#define TXD_W3_PLCP_SIGNAL             FIELD32(0x000000ff)
-#define TXD_W3_PLCP_SERVICE            FIELD32(0x0000ff00)
-#define TXD_W3_PLCP_LENGTH_LOW         FIELD32(0x00ff0000)
-#define TXD_W3_PLCP_LENGTH_HIGH                FIELD32(0xff000000)
- * Word4
- */
-#define TXD_W4_IV                      FIELD32(0xffffffff)
- * Word5
- */
-#define TXD_W5_EIV                     FIELD32(0xffffffff)
- * Word6-9: Key
- */
-#define TXD_W6_KEY                     FIELD32(0xffffffff)
-#define TXD_W7_KEY                     FIELD32(0xffffffff)
-#define TXD_W8_KEY                     FIELD32(0xffffffff)
-#define TXD_W9_KEY                     FIELD32(0xffffffff)
- * Word10
- */
-#define TXD_W10_RTS                    FIELD32(0x00000001)
-#define TXD_W10_TX_RATE                        FIELD32(0x000000fe)
- * RX descriptor format for RX Ring.
- */
- * Word0
- */
-#define RXD_W0_OWNER_NIC               FIELD32(0x00000001)
-#define RXD_W0_UNICAST_TO_ME           FIELD32(0x00000002)
-#define RXD_W0_MULTICAST               FIELD32(0x00000004)
-#define RXD_W0_BROADCAST               FIELD32(0x00000008)
-#define RXD_W0_MY_BSS                  FIELD32(0x00000010)
-#define RXD_W0_CRC_ERROR               FIELD32(0x00000020)
-#define RXD_W0_OFDM                    FIELD32(0x00000040)
-#define RXD_W0_PHYSICAL_ERROR          FIELD32(0x00000080)
-#define RXD_W0_CIPHER_OWNER            FIELD32(0x00000100)
-#define RXD_W0_ICV_ERROR               FIELD32(0x00000200)
-#define RXD_W0_IV_OFFSET               FIELD32(0x0000fc00)
-#define RXD_W0_DATABYTE_COUNT          FIELD32(0x0fff0000)
-#define RXD_W0_CIPHER_ALG              FIELD32(0xe0000000)
- * Word1
- */
-#define RXD_W1_BUFFER_ADDRESS          FIELD32(0xffffffff)
- * Word2
- */
-#define RXD_W2_SIGNAL                  FIELD32(0x000000ff)
-#define RXD_W2_RSSI                    FIELD32(0x0000ff00)
-#define RXD_W2_TA                      FIELD32(0xffff0000)
- * Word3
- */
-#define RXD_W3_TA                      FIELD32(0xffffffff)
- * Word4
- */
-#define RXD_W4_IV                      FIELD32(0xffffffff)
- * Word5
- */
-#define RXD_W5_EIV                     FIELD32(0xffffffff)
- * Word6-9: Key
- */
-#define RXD_W6_KEY                     FIELD32(0xffffffff)
-#define RXD_W7_KEY                     FIELD32(0xffffffff)
-#define RXD_W8_KEY                     FIELD32(0xffffffff)
-#define RXD_W9_KEY                     FIELD32(0xffffffff)
- * Word10
- */
-#define RXD_W10_DROP                   FIELD32(0x00000001)
- * Macro's for converting txpower from EEPROM to dscape value
- * and from dscape value to register value.
- */
-#define MIN_TXPOWER    0
-#define MAX_TXPOWER    31
-#define DEFAULT_TXPOWER        24
-#define TXPOWER_FROM_DEV(__txpower)            \
-({                                             \
-       ((__txpower) > MAX_TXPOWER) ?           \
-               DEFAULT_TXPOWER : (__txpower);  \
-#define TXPOWER_TO_DEV(__txpower)                      \
-({                                                     \
-       ((__txpower) <= MIN_TXPOWER) ? MIN_TXPOWER :    \
-       (((__txpower) >= MAX_TXPOWER) ? MAX_TXPOWER :   \
-       (__txpower));                                   \
-#endif /* RT2500PCI_H */
diff --git a/package/rt2x00/src/rt2500usb.c b/package/rt2x00/src/rt2500usb.c
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 18b1f91..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1831 +0,0 @@
-       Copyright (C) 2004 - 2007 rt2x00 SourceForge Project
-       <http://rt2x00.serialmonkey.com>
-       This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-       it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-       the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-       (at your option) any later version.
-       This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-       but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-       GNU General Public License for more details.
-       You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-       along with this program; if not, write to the
-       Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
-       59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
- */
-       Module: rt2500usb
-       Abstract: rt2500usb device specific routines.
-       Supported chipsets: RT2570.
- */
- * Set enviroment defines for rt2x00.h
- */
-#define DRV_NAME "rt2500usb"
-#include <linux/delay.h>
-#include <linux/etherdevice.h>
-#include <linux/init.h>
-#include <linux/kernel.h>
-#include <linux/module.h>
-#include <linux/usb.h>
-#include "rt2x00.h"
-#include "rt2x00usb.h"
-#include "rt2500usb.h"
- * Register access.
- * All access to the CSR registers will go through the methods
- * rt2500usb_register_read and rt2500usb_register_write.
- * BBP and RF register require indirect register access,
- * and use the CSR registers BBPCSR and RFCSR to achieve this.
- * These indirect registers work with busy bits,
- * and we will try maximal REGISTER_BUSY_COUNT times to access
- * the register while taking a REGISTER_BUSY_DELAY us delay
- * between each attampt. When the busy bit is still set at that time,
- * the access attempt is considered to have failed,
- * and we will print an error.
- */
-static inline void rt2500usb_register_read(const struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev,
-                                          const unsigned int offset,
-                                          u16 *value)
-       __le16 reg;
-       rt2x00usb_vendor_request_buff(rt2x00dev, USB_MULTI_READ,
-                                     USB_VENDOR_REQUEST_IN, offset,
-                                     &reg, sizeof(u16), REGISTER_TIMEOUT);
-       *value = le16_to_cpu(reg);
-static inline void rt2500usb_register_multiread(const struct rt2x00_dev
-                                               *rt2x00dev,
-                                               const unsigned int offset,
-                                               void *value, const u16 length)
-       int timeout = REGISTER_TIMEOUT * (length / sizeof(u16));
-       rt2x00usb_vendor_request_buff(rt2x00dev, USB_MULTI_READ,
-                                     USB_VENDOR_REQUEST_IN, offset,
-                                     value, length, timeout);
-static inline void rt2500usb_register_write(const struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev,
-                                           const unsigned int offset,
-                                           u16 value)
-       __le16 reg = cpu_to_le16(value);
-       rt2x00usb_vendor_request_buff(rt2x00dev, USB_MULTI_WRITE,
-                                     USB_VENDOR_REQUEST_OUT, offset,
-                                     &reg, sizeof(u16), REGISTER_TIMEOUT);
-static inline void rt2500usb_register_multiwrite(const struct rt2x00_dev
-                                                *rt2x00dev,
-                                                const unsigned int offset,
-                                                void *value, const u16 length)
-       int timeout = REGISTER_TIMEOUT * (length / sizeof(u16));
-       rt2x00usb_vendor_request_buff(rt2x00dev, USB_MULTI_WRITE,
-                                     USB_VENDOR_REQUEST_OUT, offset,
-                                     value, length, timeout);
-static u16 rt2500usb_bbp_check(const struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev)
-       u16 reg;
-       unsigned int i;
-       for (i = 0; i < REGISTER_BUSY_COUNT; i++) {
-               rt2500usb_register_read(rt2x00dev, PHY_CSR8, &reg);
-               if (!rt2x00_get_field16(reg, PHY_CSR8_BUSY))
-                       break;
-               udelay(REGISTER_BUSY_DELAY);
-       }
-       return reg;
-static void rt2500usb_bbp_write(const struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev,
-                               const unsigned int word, const u8 value)
-       u16 reg;
-       /*
-        * Wait until the BBP becomes ready.
-        */
-       reg = rt2500usb_bbp_check(rt2x00dev);
-       if (rt2x00_get_field16(reg, PHY_CSR8_BUSY)) {
-               ERROR(rt2x00dev, "PHY_CSR8 register busy. Write failed.\n");
-               return;
-       }
-       /*
-        * Write the data into the BBP.
-        */
-       reg = 0;
-       rt2x00_set_field16(&reg, PHY_CSR7_DATA, value);
-       rt2x00_set_field16(&reg, PHY_CSR7_REG_ID, word);
-       rt2x00_set_field16(&reg, PHY_CSR7_READ_CONTROL, 0);
-       rt2500usb_register_write(rt2x00dev, PHY_CSR7, reg);
-static void rt2500usb_bbp_read(const struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev,
-                              const unsigned int word, u8 *value)
-       u16 reg;
-       /*
-        * Wait until the BBP becomes ready.
-        */
-       reg = rt2500usb_bbp_check(rt2x00dev);
-       if (rt2x00_get_field16(reg, PHY_CSR8_BUSY)) {
-               ERROR(rt2x00dev, "PHY_CSR8 register busy. Read failed.\n");
-               return;
-       }
-       /*
-        * Write the request into the BBP.
-        */
-       reg = 0;
-       rt2x00_set_field16(&reg, PHY_CSR7_REG_ID, word);
-       rt2x00_set_field16(&reg, PHY_CSR7_READ_CONTROL, 1);
-       rt2500usb_register_write(rt2x00dev, PHY_CSR7, reg);
-       /*
-        * Wait until the BBP becomes ready.
-        */
-       reg = rt2500usb_bbp_check(rt2x00dev);
-       if (rt2x00_get_field16(reg, PHY_CSR8_BUSY)) {
-               ERROR(rt2x00dev, "PHY_CSR8 register busy. Read failed.\n");
-               *value = 0xff;
-               return;
-       }
-       rt2500usb_register_read(rt2x00dev, PHY_CSR7, &reg);
-       *value = rt2x00_get_field16(reg, PHY_CSR7_DATA);
-static void rt2500usb_rf_write(const struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev,
-                              const unsigned int word, const u32 value)
-       u16 reg;
-       unsigned int i;
-       if (!word)
-               return;
-       for (i = 0; i < REGISTER_BUSY_COUNT; i++) {
-               rt2500usb_register_read(rt2x00dev, PHY_CSR10, &reg);
-               if (!rt2x00_get_field16(reg, PHY_CSR10_RF_BUSY))
-                       goto rf_write;
-               udelay(REGISTER_BUSY_DELAY);
-       }
-       ERROR(rt2x00dev, "PHY_CSR10 register busy. Write failed.\n");
-       return;
-       reg = 0;
-       rt2x00_set_field16(&reg, PHY_CSR9_RF_VALUE, value);
-       rt2500usb_register_write(rt2x00dev, PHY_CSR9, reg);
-       reg = 0;
-       rt2x00_set_field16(&reg, PHY_CSR10_RF_VALUE, value >> 16);
-       rt2x00_set_field16(&reg, PHY_CSR10_RF_NUMBER_OF_BITS, 20);
-       rt2x00_set_field16(&reg, PHY_CSR10_RF_IF_SELECT, 0);
-       rt2x00_set_field16(&reg, PHY_CSR10_RF_BUSY, 1);
-       rt2500usb_register_write(rt2x00dev, PHY_CSR10, reg);
-       rt2x00_rf_write(rt2x00dev, word, value);
-#define CSR_OFFSET(__word)     ( CSR_REG_BASE + ((__word) * sizeof(u16)) )
-static void rt2500usb_read_csr(const struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev,
-                              const unsigned int word, u32 *data)
-       rt2500usb_register_read(rt2x00dev, CSR_OFFSET(word), (u16 *) data);
-static void rt2500usb_write_csr(const struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev,
-                               const unsigned int word, u32 data)
-       rt2500usb_register_write(rt2x00dev, CSR_OFFSET(word), data);
-static const struct rt2x00debug rt2500usb_rt2x00debug = {
-       .owner  = THIS_MODULE,
-       .csr    = {
-               .read           = rt2500usb_read_csr,
-               .write          = rt2500usb_write_csr,
-               .word_size      = sizeof(u16),
-               .word_count     = CSR_REG_SIZE / sizeof(u16),
-       },
-       .eeprom = {
-               .read           = rt2x00_eeprom_read,
-               .write          = rt2x00_eeprom_write,
-               .word_size      = sizeof(u16),
-               .word_count     = EEPROM_SIZE / sizeof(u16),
-       },
-       .bbp    = {
-               .read           = rt2500usb_bbp_read,
-               .write          = rt2500usb_bbp_write,
-               .word_size      = sizeof(u8),
-               .word_count     = BBP_SIZE / sizeof(u8),
-       },
-       .rf     = {
-               .read           = rt2x00_rf_read,
-               .write          = rt2500usb_rf_write,
-               .word_size      = sizeof(u32),
-               .word_count     = RF_SIZE / sizeof(u32),
-       },
-#endif /* CONFIG_RT2X00_LIB_DEBUGFS */
- * Configuration handlers.
- */
-static void rt2500usb_config_mac_addr(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev,
-                                     __le32 *mac)
-       rt2500usb_register_multiwrite(rt2x00dev, MAC_CSR2, mac,
-                                     (3 * sizeof(__le16)));
-static void rt2500usb_config_bssid(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev,
-                                  __le32 *bssid)
-       rt2500usb_register_multiwrite(rt2x00dev, MAC_CSR5, bssid,
-                                     (3 * sizeof(__le16)));
-static void rt2500usb_config_type(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev, const int type,
-                                 const int tsf_sync)
-       u16 reg;
-       rt2500usb_register_write(rt2x00dev, TXRX_CSR19, 0);
-       /*
-        * Enable beacon config
-        */
-       rt2500usb_register_read(rt2x00dev, TXRX_CSR20, &reg);
-       rt2x00_set_field16(&reg, TXRX_CSR20_OFFSET,
-                          (PREAMBLE + get_duration(IEEE80211_HEADER, 20)) >> 6);
-       if (type == IEEE80211_IF_TYPE_STA)
-               rt2x00_set_field16(&reg, TXRX_CSR20_BCN_EXPECT_WINDOW, 0);
-       else
-               rt2x00_set_field16(&reg, TXRX_CSR20_BCN_EXPECT_WINDOW, 2);
-       rt2500usb_register_write(rt2x00dev, TXRX_CSR20, reg);
-       /*
-        * Enable synchronisation.
-        */
-       rt2500usb_register_read(rt2x00dev, TXRX_CSR18, &reg);
-       rt2x00_set_field16(&reg, TXRX_CSR18_OFFSET, 0);
-       rt2500usb_register_write(rt2x00dev, TXRX_CSR18, reg);
-       rt2500usb_register_read(rt2x00dev, TXRX_CSR19, &reg);
-       rt2x00_set_field16(&reg, TXRX_CSR19_TSF_COUNT, 1);
-       rt2x00_set_field16(&reg, TXRX_CSR19_TBCN, 1);
-       rt2x00_set_field16(&reg, TXRX_CSR19_BEACON_GEN, 0);
-       rt2x00_set_field16(&reg, TXRX_CSR19_TSF_SYNC, tsf_sync);
-       rt2500usb_register_write(rt2x00dev, TXRX_CSR19, reg);
-static void rt2500usb_config_preamble(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev,
-                                     const int short_preamble,
-                                     const int ack_timeout,
-                                     const int ack_consume_time)
-       u16 reg;
-       /*
-        * When in atomic context, reschedule and let rt2x00lib
-        * call this function again.
-        */
-       if (in_atomic()) {
-               queue_work(rt2x00dev->hw->workqueue, &rt2x00dev->config_work);
-               return;
-       }
-       rt2500usb_register_read(rt2x00dev, TXRX_CSR1, &reg);
-       rt2x00_set_field16(&reg, TXRX_CSR1_ACK_TIMEOUT, ack_timeout);
-       rt2500usb_register_write(rt2x00dev, TXRX_CSR1, reg);
-       rt2500usb_register_read(rt2x00dev, TXRX_CSR10, &reg);
-       rt2x00_set_field16(&reg, TXRX_CSR10_AUTORESPOND_PREAMBLE,
-                          !!short_preamble);
-       rt2500usb_register_write(rt2x00dev, TXRX_CSR10, reg);
-static void rt2500usb_config_phymode(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev,
-                                    const int phymode,
-                                    const int basic_rate_mask)
-       rt2500usb_register_write(rt2x00dev, TXRX_CSR11, basic_rate_mask);
-       if (phymode == HWMODE_B) {
-               rt2500usb_register_write(rt2x00dev, MAC_CSR11, 0x000b);
-               rt2500usb_register_write(rt2x00dev, MAC_CSR12, 0x0040);
-       } else {
-               rt2500usb_register_write(rt2x00dev, MAC_CSR11, 0x0005);
-               rt2500usb_register_write(rt2x00dev, MAC_CSR12, 0x016c);
-       }
-static void rt2500usb_config_channel(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev,
-                                    struct rf_channel *rf, const int txpower)
-       /*
-        * Set TXpower.
-        */
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&rf->rf3, RF3_TXPOWER, TXPOWER_TO_DEV(txpower));
-       /*
-        * For RT2525E we should first set the channel to half band higher.
-        */
-       if (rt2x00_rf(&rt2x00dev->chip, RF2525E)) {
-               static const u32 vals[] = {
-                       0x000008aa, 0x000008ae, 0x000008ae, 0x000008b2,
-                       0x000008b2, 0x000008b6, 0x000008b6, 0x000008ba,
-                       0x000008ba, 0x000008be, 0x000008b7, 0x00000902,
-                       0x00000902, 0x00000906
-               };
-               rt2500usb_rf_write(rt2x00dev, 2, vals[rf->channel - 1]);
-               if (rf->rf4)
-                       rt2500usb_rf_write(rt2x00dev, 4, rf->rf4);
-       }
-       rt2500usb_rf_write(rt2x00dev, 1, rf->rf1);
-       rt2500usb_rf_write(rt2x00dev, 2, rf->rf2);
-       rt2500usb_rf_write(rt2x00dev, 3, rf->rf3);
-       if (rf->rf4)
-               rt2500usb_rf_write(rt2x00dev, 4, rf->rf4);
-static void rt2500usb_config_txpower(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev,
-                                    const int txpower)
-       u32 rf3;
-       rt2x00_rf_read(rt2x00dev, 3, &rf3);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&rf3, RF3_TXPOWER, TXPOWER_TO_DEV(txpower));
-       rt2500usb_rf_write(rt2x00dev, 3, rf3);
-static void rt2500usb_config_antenna(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev,
-                                    const int antenna_tx, const int antenna_rx)
-       u8 r2;
-       u8 r14;
-       u16 csr5;
-       u16 csr6;
-       rt2500usb_bbp_read(rt2x00dev, 2, &r2);
-       rt2500usb_bbp_read(rt2x00dev, 14, &r14);
-       rt2500usb_register_read(rt2x00dev, PHY_CSR5, &csr5);
-       rt2500usb_register_read(rt2x00dev, PHY_CSR6, &csr6);
-       /*
-        * Configure the TX antenna.
-        */
-       switch (antenna_tx) {
-               rt2x00_set_field8(&r2, BBP_R2_TX_ANTENNA, 1);
-               rt2x00_set_field16(&csr5, PHY_CSR5_CCK, 1);
-               rt2x00_set_field16(&csr6, PHY_CSR6_OFDM, 1);
-               break;
-       case ANTENNA_A:
-               rt2x00_set_field8(&r2, BBP_R2_TX_ANTENNA, 0);
-               rt2x00_set_field16(&csr5, PHY_CSR5_CCK, 0);
-               rt2x00_set_field16(&csr6, PHY_CSR6_OFDM, 0);
-               break;
-       case ANTENNA_B:
-               rt2x00_set_field8(&r2, BBP_R2_TX_ANTENNA, 2);
-               rt2x00_set_field16(&csr5, PHY_CSR5_CCK, 2);
-               rt2x00_set_field16(&csr6, PHY_CSR6_OFDM, 2);
-               break;
-       }
-       /*
-        * Configure the RX antenna.
-        */
-       switch (antenna_rx) {
-               rt2x00_set_field8(&r14, BBP_R14_RX_ANTENNA, 1);
-               break;
-       case ANTENNA_A:
-               rt2x00_set_field8(&r14, BBP_R14_RX_ANTENNA, 0);
-               break;
-       case ANTENNA_B:
-               rt2x00_set_field8(&r14, BBP_R14_RX_ANTENNA, 2);
-               break;
-       }
-       /*
-        * RT2525E and RT5222 need to flip TX I/Q
-        */
-       if (rt2x00_rf(&rt2x00dev->chip, RF2525E) ||
-           rt2x00_rf(&rt2x00dev->chip, RF5222)) {
-               rt2x00_set_field8(&r2, BBP_R2_TX_IQ_FLIP, 1);
-               rt2x00_set_field16(&csr5, PHY_CSR5_CCK_FLIP, 1);
-               rt2x00_set_field16(&csr6, PHY_CSR6_OFDM_FLIP, 1);
-               /*
-                * RT2525E does not need RX I/Q Flip.
-                */
-               if (rt2x00_rf(&rt2x00dev->chip, RF2525E))
-                       rt2x00_set_field8(&r14, BBP_R14_RX_IQ_FLIP, 0);
-       } else {
-               rt2x00_set_field16(&csr5, PHY_CSR5_CCK_FLIP, 0);
-               rt2x00_set_field16(&csr6, PHY_CSR6_OFDM_FLIP, 0);
-       }
-       rt2500usb_bbp_write(rt2x00dev, 2, r2);
-       rt2500usb_bbp_write(rt2x00dev, 14, r14);
-       rt2500usb_register_write(rt2x00dev, PHY_CSR5, csr5);
-       rt2500usb_register_write(rt2x00dev, PHY_CSR6, csr6);
-static void rt2500usb_config_duration(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev,
-                                     struct rt2x00lib_conf *libconf)
-       u16 reg;
-       rt2500usb_register_write(rt2x00dev, MAC_CSR10, libconf->slot_time);
-       rt2500usb_register_read(rt2x00dev, TXRX_CSR18, &reg);
-       rt2x00_set_field16(&reg, TXRX_CSR18_INTERVAL,
-                          libconf->conf->beacon_int * 4);
-       rt2500usb_register_write(rt2x00dev, TXRX_CSR18, reg);
-static void rt2500usb_config(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev,
-                            const unsigned int flags,
-                            struct rt2x00lib_conf *libconf)
-       if (flags & CONFIG_UPDATE_PHYMODE)
-               rt2500usb_config_phymode(rt2x00dev, libconf->phymode,
-                                        libconf->basic_rates);
-       if (flags & CONFIG_UPDATE_CHANNEL)
-               rt2500usb_config_channel(rt2x00dev, &libconf->rf,
-                                        libconf->conf->power_level);
-       if ((flags & CONFIG_UPDATE_TXPOWER) && !(flags & CONFIG_UPDATE_CHANNEL))
-               rt2500usb_config_txpower(rt2x00dev,
-                                        libconf->conf->power_level);
-       if (flags & CONFIG_UPDATE_ANTENNA)
-               rt2500usb_config_antenna(rt2x00dev,
-                                        libconf->conf->antenna_sel_tx,
-                                        libconf->conf->antenna_sel_rx);
-               rt2500usb_config_duration(rt2x00dev, libconf);
- * LED functions.
- */
-static void rt2500usb_enable_led(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev)
-       u16 reg;
-       rt2500usb_register_read(rt2x00dev, MAC_CSR21, &reg);
-       rt2x00_set_field16(&reg, MAC_CSR21_ON_PERIOD, 70);
-       rt2x00_set_field16(&reg, MAC_CSR21_OFF_PERIOD, 30);
-       rt2500usb_register_write(rt2x00dev, MAC_CSR21, reg);
-       rt2500usb_register_read(rt2x00dev, MAC_CSR20, &reg);
-       if (rt2x00dev->led_mode == LED_MODE_TXRX_ACTIVITY) {
-               rt2x00_set_field16(&reg, MAC_CSR20_LINK, 1);
-               rt2x00_set_field16(&reg, MAC_CSR20_ACTIVITY, 0);
-       } else if (rt2x00dev->led_mode == LED_MODE_ASUS) {
-               rt2x00_set_field16(&reg, MAC_CSR20_LINK, 0);
-               rt2x00_set_field16(&reg, MAC_CSR20_ACTIVITY, 1);
-       } else {
-               rt2x00_set_field16(&reg, MAC_CSR20_LINK, 1);
-               rt2x00_set_field16(&reg, MAC_CSR20_ACTIVITY, 1);
-       }
-       rt2500usb_register_write(rt2x00dev, MAC_CSR20, reg);
-static void rt2500usb_disable_led(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev)
-       u16 reg;
-       rt2500usb_register_read(rt2x00dev, MAC_CSR20, &reg);
-       rt2x00_set_field16(&reg, MAC_CSR20_LINK, 0);
-       rt2x00_set_field16(&reg, MAC_CSR20_ACTIVITY, 0);
-       rt2500usb_register_write(rt2x00dev, MAC_CSR20, reg);
- * Link tuning
- */
-static void rt2500usb_link_stats(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev)
-       u16 reg;
-       /*
-        * Update FCS error count from register.
-        */
-       rt2500usb_register_read(rt2x00dev, STA_CSR0, &reg);
-       rt2x00dev->link.rx_failed = rt2x00_get_field16(reg, STA_CSR0_FCS_ERROR);
-       /*
-        * Update False CCA count from register.
-        */
-       rt2500usb_register_read(rt2x00dev, STA_CSR3, &reg);
-       rt2x00dev->link.false_cca =
-           rt2x00_get_field16(reg, STA_CSR3_FALSE_CCA_ERROR);
-static void rt2500usb_reset_tuner(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev)
-       u16 eeprom;
-       u16 value;
-       rt2x00_eeprom_read(rt2x00dev, EEPROM_BBPTUNE_R24, &eeprom);
-       value = rt2x00_get_field16(eeprom, EEPROM_BBPTUNE_R24_LOW);
-       rt2500usb_bbp_write(rt2x00dev, 24, value);
-       rt2x00_eeprom_read(rt2x00dev, EEPROM_BBPTUNE_R25, &eeprom);
-       value = rt2x00_get_field16(eeprom, EEPROM_BBPTUNE_R25_LOW);
-       rt2500usb_bbp_write(rt2x00dev, 25, value);
-       rt2x00_eeprom_read(rt2x00dev, EEPROM_BBPTUNE_R61, &eeprom);
-       value = rt2x00_get_field16(eeprom, EEPROM_BBPTUNE_R61_LOW);
-       rt2500usb_bbp_write(rt2x00dev, 61, value);
-       rt2x00_eeprom_read(rt2x00dev, EEPROM_BBPTUNE_VGC, &eeprom);
-       value = rt2x00_get_field16(eeprom, EEPROM_BBPTUNE_VGCUPPER);
-       rt2500usb_bbp_write(rt2x00dev, 17, value);
-       rt2x00dev->link.vgc_level = value;
-static void rt2500usb_link_tuner(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev)
-       int rssi = rt2x00_get_link_rssi(&rt2x00dev->link);
-       u16 bbp_thresh;
-       u16 vgc_bound;
-       u16 sens;
-       u16 r24;
-       u16 r25;
-       u16 r61;
-       u16 r17_sens;
-       u8 r17;
-       u8 up_bound;
-       u8 low_bound;
-       /*
-        * Determine the BBP tuning threshold and correctly
-        * set BBP 24, 25 and 61.
-        */
-       rt2x00_eeprom_read(rt2x00dev, EEPROM_BBPTUNE, &bbp_thresh);
-       bbp_thresh = rt2x00_get_field16(bbp_thresh, EEPROM_BBPTUNE_THRESHOLD);
-       rt2x00_eeprom_read(rt2x00dev, EEPROM_BBPTUNE_R24, &r24);
-       rt2x00_eeprom_read(rt2x00dev, EEPROM_BBPTUNE_R25, &r25);
-       rt2x00_eeprom_read(rt2x00dev, EEPROM_BBPTUNE_R61, &r61);
-       if ((rssi + bbp_thresh) > 0) {
-               r24 = rt2x00_get_field16(r24, EEPROM_BBPTUNE_R24_HIGH);
-               r25 = rt2x00_get_field16(r25, EEPROM_BBPTUNE_R25_HIGH);
-               r61 = rt2x00_get_field16(r61, EEPROM_BBPTUNE_R61_HIGH);
-       } else {
-               r24 = rt2x00_get_field16(r24, EEPROM_BBPTUNE_R24_LOW);
-               r25 = rt2x00_get_field16(r25, EEPROM_BBPTUNE_R25_LOW);
-               r61 = rt2x00_get_field16(r61, EEPROM_BBPTUNE_R61_LOW);
-       }
-       rt2500usb_bbp_write(rt2x00dev, 24, r24);
-       rt2500usb_bbp_write(rt2x00dev, 25, r25);
-       rt2500usb_bbp_write(rt2x00dev, 61, r61);
-       /*
-        * Read current r17 value, as well as the sensitivity values
-        * for the r17 register.
-        */
-       rt2500usb_bbp_read(rt2x00dev, 17, &r17);
-       rt2x00_eeprom_read(rt2x00dev, EEPROM_BBPTUNE_R17, &r17_sens);
-       /*
-        * A too low RSSI will cause too much false CCA which will
-        * then corrupt the R17 tuning. To remidy this the tuning should
-        * be stopped (While making sure the R17 value will not exceed limits)
-        */
-       if (rssi >= -40) {
-               if (r17 != 0x60)
-                       rt2500usb_bbp_write(rt2x00dev, 17, 0x60);
-               return;
-       }
-       /*
-        * Special big-R17 for short distance
-        */
-       if (rssi >= -58) {
-               sens = rt2x00_get_field16(r17_sens, EEPROM_BBPTUNE_R17_LOW);
-               if (r17 != sens)
-                       rt2500usb_bbp_write(rt2x00dev, 17, sens);
-               return;
-       }
-       /*
-        * Special mid-R17 for middle distance
-        */
-       if (rssi >= -74) {
-               sens = rt2x00_get_field16(r17_sens, EEPROM_BBPTUNE_R17_HIGH);
-               if (r17 != sens)
-                       rt2500usb_bbp_write(rt2x00dev, 17, sens);
-               return;
-       }
-       /*
-        * Leave short or middle distance condition, restore r17
-        * to the dynamic tuning range.
-        */
-       rt2x00_eeprom_read(rt2x00dev, EEPROM_BBPTUNE_VGC, &vgc_bound);
-       vgc_bound = rt2x00_get_field16(vgc_bound, EEPROM_BBPTUNE_VGCUPPER);
-       low_bound = 0x32;
-       if (rssi >= -77)
-               up_bound = vgc_bound;
-       else
-               up_bound = vgc_bound - (-77 - rssi);
-       if (up_bound < low_bound)
-               up_bound = low_bound;
-       if (r17 > up_bound) {
-               rt2500usb_bbp_write(rt2x00dev, 17, up_bound);
-               rt2x00dev->link.vgc_level = up_bound;
-       } else if (rt2x00dev->link.false_cca > 512 && r17 < up_bound) {
-               rt2500usb_bbp_write(rt2x00dev, 17, ++r17);
-               rt2x00dev->link.vgc_level = r17;
-       } else if (rt2x00dev->link.false_cca < 100 && r17 > low_bound) {
-               rt2500usb_bbp_write(rt2x00dev, 17, --r17);
-               rt2x00dev->link.vgc_level = r17;
-       }
- * Initialization functions.
- */
-static int rt2500usb_init_registers(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev)
-       u16 reg;
-       rt2x00usb_vendor_request_sw(rt2x00dev, USB_DEVICE_MODE, 0x0001,
-                                   USB_MODE_TEST, REGISTER_TIMEOUT);
-       rt2x00usb_vendor_request_sw(rt2x00dev, USB_SINGLE_WRITE, 0x0308,
-                                   0x00f0, REGISTER_TIMEOUT);
-       rt2500usb_register_read(rt2x00dev, TXRX_CSR2, &reg);
-       rt2x00_set_field16(&reg, TXRX_CSR2_DISABLE_RX, 1);
-       rt2500usb_register_write(rt2x00dev, TXRX_CSR2, reg);
-       rt2500usb_register_write(rt2x00dev, MAC_CSR13, 0x1111);
-       rt2500usb_register_write(rt2x00dev, MAC_CSR14, 0x1e11);
-       rt2500usb_register_read(rt2x00dev, MAC_CSR1, &reg);
-       rt2x00_set_field16(&reg, MAC_CSR1_SOFT_RESET, 1);
-       rt2x00_set_field16(&reg, MAC_CSR1_BBP_RESET, 1);
-       rt2x00_set_field16(&reg, MAC_CSR1_HOST_READY, 0);
-       rt2500usb_register_write(rt2x00dev, MAC_CSR1, reg);
-       rt2500usb_register_read(rt2x00dev, MAC_CSR1, &reg);
-       rt2x00_set_field16(&reg, MAC_CSR1_SOFT_RESET, 0);
-       rt2x00_set_field16(&reg, MAC_CSR1_BBP_RESET, 0);
-       rt2x00_set_field16(&reg, MAC_CSR1_HOST_READY, 0);
-       rt2500usb_register_write(rt2x00dev, MAC_CSR1, reg);
-       rt2500usb_register_read(rt2x00dev, TXRX_CSR5, &reg);
-       rt2x00_set_field16(&reg, TXRX_CSR5_BBP_ID0, 13);
-       rt2x00_set_field16(&reg, TXRX_CSR5_BBP_ID0_VALID, 1);
-       rt2x00_set_field16(&reg, TXRX_CSR5_BBP_ID1, 12);
-       rt2x00_set_field16(&reg, TXRX_CSR5_BBP_ID1_VALID, 1);
-       rt2500usb_register_write(rt2x00dev, TXRX_CSR5, reg);
-       rt2500usb_register_read(rt2x00dev, TXRX_CSR6, &reg);
-       rt2x00_set_field16(&reg, TXRX_CSR6_BBP_ID0, 10);
-       rt2x00_set_field16(&reg, TXRX_CSR6_BBP_ID0_VALID, 1);
-       rt2x00_set_field16(&reg, TXRX_CSR6_BBP_ID1, 11);
-       rt2x00_set_field16(&reg, TXRX_CSR6_BBP_ID1_VALID, 1);
-       rt2500usb_register_write(rt2x00dev, TXRX_CSR6, reg);
-       rt2500usb_register_read(rt2x00dev, TXRX_CSR7, &reg);
-       rt2x00_set_field16(&reg, TXRX_CSR7_BBP_ID0, 7);
-       rt2x00_set_field16(&reg, TXRX_CSR7_BBP_ID0_VALID, 1);
-       rt2x00_set_field16(&reg, TXRX_CSR7_BBP_ID1, 6);
-       rt2x00_set_field16(&reg, TXRX_CSR7_BBP_ID1_VALID, 1);
-       rt2500usb_register_write(rt2x00dev, TXRX_CSR7, reg);
-       rt2500usb_register_read(rt2x00dev, TXRX_CSR8, &reg);
-       rt2x00_set_field16(&reg, TXRX_CSR8_BBP_ID0, 5);
-       rt2x00_set_field16(&reg, TXRX_CSR8_BBP_ID0_VALID, 1);
-       rt2x00_set_field16(&reg, TXRX_CSR8_BBP_ID1, 0);
-       rt2x00_set_field16(&reg, TXRX_CSR8_BBP_ID1_VALID, 0);
-       rt2500usb_register_write(rt2x00dev, TXRX_CSR8, reg);
-       rt2500usb_register_write(rt2x00dev, TXRX_CSR21, 0xe78f);
-       rt2500usb_register_write(rt2x00dev, MAC_CSR9, 0xff1d);
-       if (rt2x00dev->ops->lib->set_device_state(rt2x00dev, STATE_AWAKE))
-               return -EBUSY;
-       rt2500usb_register_read(rt2x00dev, MAC_CSR1, &reg);
-       rt2x00_set_field16(&reg, MAC_CSR1_SOFT_RESET, 0);
-       rt2x00_set_field16(&reg, MAC_CSR1_BBP_RESET, 0);
-       rt2x00_set_field16(&reg, MAC_CSR1_HOST_READY, 1);
-       rt2500usb_register_write(rt2x00dev, MAC_CSR1, reg);
-       if (rt2x00_rev(&rt2x00dev->chip) >= RT2570_VERSION_C) {
-               rt2500usb_register_read(rt2x00dev, PHY_CSR2, &reg);
-               reg &= ~0x0002;
-       } else {
-               reg = 0x3002;
-       }
-       rt2500usb_register_write(rt2x00dev, PHY_CSR2, reg);
-       rt2500usb_register_write(rt2x00dev, MAC_CSR11, 0x0002);
-       rt2500usb_register_write(rt2x00dev, MAC_CSR22, 0x0053);
-       rt2500usb_register_write(rt2x00dev, MAC_CSR15, 0x01ee);
-       rt2500usb_register_write(rt2x00dev, MAC_CSR16, 0x0000);
-       rt2500usb_register_read(rt2x00dev, MAC_CSR8, &reg);
-       rt2x00_set_field16(&reg, MAC_CSR8_MAX_FRAME_UNIT,
-                          rt2x00dev->rx->data_size);
-       rt2500usb_register_write(rt2x00dev, MAC_CSR8, reg);
-       rt2500usb_register_read(rt2x00dev, TXRX_CSR0, &reg);
-       rt2x00_set_field16(&reg, TXRX_CSR0_IV_OFFSET, IEEE80211_HEADER);
-       rt2x00_set_field16(&reg, TXRX_CSR0_KEY_ID, 0xff);
-       rt2500usb_register_write(rt2x00dev, TXRX_CSR0, reg);
-       rt2500usb_register_read(rt2x00dev, MAC_CSR18, &reg);
-       rt2x00_set_field16(&reg, MAC_CSR18_DELAY_AFTER_BEACON, 90);
-       rt2500usb_register_write(rt2x00dev, MAC_CSR18, reg);
-       rt2500usb_register_read(rt2x00dev, PHY_CSR4, &reg);
-       rt2x00_set_field16(&reg, PHY_CSR4_LOW_RF_LE, 1);
-       rt2500usb_register_write(rt2x00dev, PHY_CSR4, reg);
-       rt2500usb_register_read(rt2x00dev, TXRX_CSR1, &reg);
-       rt2x00_set_field16(&reg, TXRX_CSR1_AUTO_SEQUENCE, 1);
-       rt2500usb_register_write(rt2x00dev, TXRX_CSR1, reg);
-       return 0;
-static int rt2500usb_init_bbp(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev)
-       unsigned int i;
-       u16 eeprom;
-       u8 value;
-       u8 reg_id;
-       for (i = 0; i < REGISTER_BUSY_COUNT; i++) {
-               rt2500usb_bbp_read(rt2x00dev, 0, &value);
-               if ((value != 0xff) && (value != 0x00))
-                       goto continue_csr_init;
-               NOTICE(rt2x00dev, "Waiting for BBP register.\n");
-               udelay(REGISTER_BUSY_DELAY);
-       }
-       ERROR(rt2x00dev, "BBP register access failed, aborting.\n");
-       return -EACCES;
-       rt2500usb_bbp_write(rt2x00dev, 3, 0x02);
-       rt2500usb_bbp_write(rt2x00dev, 4, 0x19);
-       rt2500usb_bbp_write(rt2x00dev, 14, 0x1c);
-       rt2500usb_bbp_write(rt2x00dev, 15, 0x30);
-       rt2500usb_bbp_write(rt2x00dev, 16, 0xac);
-       rt2500usb_bbp_write(rt2x00dev, 18, 0x18);
-       rt2500usb_bbp_write(rt2x00dev, 19, 0xff);
-       rt2500usb_bbp_write(rt2x00dev, 20, 0x1e);
-       rt2500usb_bbp_write(rt2x00dev, 21, 0x08);
-       rt2500usb_bbp_write(rt2x00dev, 22, 0x08);
-       rt2500usb_bbp_write(rt2x00dev, 23, 0x08);
-       rt2500usb_bbp_write(rt2x00dev, 24, 0x80);
-       rt2500usb_bbp_write(rt2x00dev, 25, 0x50);
-       rt2500usb_bbp_write(rt2x00dev, 26, 0x08);
-       rt2500usb_bbp_write(rt2x00dev, 27, 0x23);
-       rt2500usb_bbp_write(rt2x00dev, 30, 0x10);
-       rt2500usb_bbp_write(rt2x00dev, 31, 0x2b);
-       rt2500usb_bbp_write(rt2x00dev, 32, 0xb9);
-       rt2500usb_bbp_write(rt2x00dev, 34, 0x12);
-       rt2500usb_bbp_write(rt2x00dev, 35, 0x50);
-       rt2500usb_bbp_write(rt2x00dev, 39, 0xc4);
-       rt2500usb_bbp_write(rt2x00dev, 40, 0x02);
-       rt2500usb_bbp_write(rt2x00dev, 41, 0x60);
-       rt2500usb_bbp_write(rt2x00dev, 53, 0x10);
-       rt2500usb_bbp_write(rt2x00dev, 54, 0x18);
-       rt2500usb_bbp_write(rt2x00dev, 56, 0x08);
-       rt2500usb_bbp_write(rt2x00dev, 57, 0x10);
-       rt2500usb_bbp_write(rt2x00dev, 58, 0x08);
-       rt2500usb_bbp_write(rt2x00dev, 61, 0x60);
-       rt2500usb_bbp_write(rt2x00dev, 62, 0x10);
-       rt2500usb_bbp_write(rt2x00dev, 75, 0xff);
-       DEBUG(rt2x00dev, "Start initialization from EEPROM...\n");
-       for (i = 0; i < EEPROM_BBP_SIZE; i++) {
-               rt2x00_eeprom_read(rt2x00dev, EEPROM_BBP_START + i, &eeprom);
-               if (eeprom != 0xffff && eeprom != 0x0000) {
-                       reg_id = rt2x00_get_field16(eeprom, EEPROM_BBP_REG_ID);
-                       value = rt2x00_get_field16(eeprom, EEPROM_BBP_VALUE);
-                       DEBUG(rt2x00dev, "BBP: 0x%02x, value: 0x%02x.\n",
-                             reg_id, value);
-                       rt2500usb_bbp_write(rt2x00dev, reg_id, value);
-               }
-       }
-       DEBUG(rt2x00dev, "...End initialization from EEPROM.\n");
-       return 0;
- * Device state switch handlers.
- */
-static void rt2500usb_toggle_rx(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev,
-                               enum dev_state state)
-       u16 reg;
-       rt2500usb_register_read(rt2x00dev, TXRX_CSR2, &reg);
-       rt2x00_set_field16(&reg, TXRX_CSR2_DISABLE_RX,
-                          state == STATE_RADIO_RX_OFF);
-       rt2500usb_register_write(rt2x00dev, TXRX_CSR2, reg);
-static int rt2500usb_enable_radio(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev)
-       /*
-        * Initialize all registers.
-        */
-       if (rt2500usb_init_registers(rt2x00dev) ||
-           rt2500usb_init_bbp(rt2x00dev)) {
-               ERROR(rt2x00dev, "Register initialization failed.\n");
-               return -EIO;
-       }
-       rt2x00usb_enable_radio(rt2x00dev);
-       /*
-        * Enable LED
-        */
-       rt2500usb_enable_led(rt2x00dev);
-       return 0;
-static void rt2500usb_disable_radio(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev)
-       /*
-        * Disable LED
-        */
-       rt2500usb_disable_led(rt2x00dev);
-       rt2500usb_register_write(rt2x00dev, MAC_CSR13, 0x2121);
-       rt2500usb_register_write(rt2x00dev, MAC_CSR14, 0x2121);
-       /*
-        * Disable synchronisation.
-        */
-       rt2500usb_register_write(rt2x00dev, TXRX_CSR19, 0);
-       rt2x00usb_disable_radio(rt2x00dev);
-static int rt2500usb_set_state(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev,
-                              enum dev_state state)
-       u16 reg;
-       u16 reg2;
-       unsigned int i;
-       char put_to_sleep;
-       char bbp_state;
-       char rf_state;
-       put_to_sleep = (state != STATE_AWAKE);
-       reg = 0;
-       rt2x00_set_field16(&reg, MAC_CSR17_BBP_DESIRE_STATE, state);
-       rt2x00_set_field16(&reg, MAC_CSR17_RF_DESIRE_STATE, state);
-       rt2x00_set_field16(&reg, MAC_CSR17_PUT_TO_SLEEP, put_to_sleep);
-       rt2500usb_register_write(rt2x00dev, MAC_CSR17, reg);
-       rt2x00_set_field16(&reg, MAC_CSR17_SET_STATE, 1);
-       rt2500usb_register_write(rt2x00dev, MAC_CSR17, reg);
-       /*
-        * Device is not guaranteed to be in the requested state yet.
-        * We must wait until the register indicates that the
-        * device has entered the correct state.
-        */
-       for (i = 0; i < REGISTER_BUSY_COUNT; i++) {
-               rt2500usb_register_read(rt2x00dev, MAC_CSR17, &reg2);
-               bbp_state = rt2x00_get_field16(reg2, MAC_CSR17_BBP_CURR_STATE);
-               rf_state = rt2x00_get_field16(reg2, MAC_CSR17_RF_CURR_STATE);
-               if (bbp_state == state && rf_state == state)
-                       return 0;
-               rt2500usb_register_write(rt2x00dev, MAC_CSR17, reg);
-               msleep(30);
-       }
-       NOTICE(rt2x00dev, "Device failed to enter state %d, "
-              "current device state: bbp %d and rf %d.\n",
-              state, bbp_state, rf_state);
-       return -EBUSY;
-static int rt2500usb_set_device_state(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev,
-                                     enum dev_state state)
-       int retval = 0;
-       switch (state) {
-       case STATE_RADIO_ON:
-               retval = rt2500usb_enable_radio(rt2x00dev);
-               break;
-       case STATE_RADIO_OFF:
-               rt2500usb_disable_radio(rt2x00dev);
-               break;
-       case STATE_RADIO_RX_ON:
-       case STATE_RADIO_RX_OFF:
-               rt2500usb_toggle_rx(rt2x00dev, state);
-               break;
-       case STATE_DEEP_SLEEP:
-       case STATE_SLEEP:
-       case STATE_STANDBY:
-       case STATE_AWAKE:
-               retval = rt2500usb_set_state(rt2x00dev, state);
-               break;
-       default:
-               retval = -ENOTSUPP;
-               break;
-       }
-       return retval;
- * TX descriptor initialization
- */
-static void rt2500usb_write_tx_desc(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev,
-                                   struct data_desc *txd,
-                                   struct txdata_entry_desc *desc,
-                                   struct ieee80211_hdr *ieee80211hdr,
-                                   unsigned int length,
-                                   struct ieee80211_tx_control *control)
-       u32 word;
-       /*
-        * Start writing the descriptor words.
-        */
-       rt2x00_desc_read(txd, 1, &word);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&word, TXD_W1_IV_OFFSET, IEEE80211_HEADER);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&word, TXD_W1_AIFS, desc->aifs);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&word, TXD_W1_CWMIN, desc->cw_min);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&word, TXD_W1_CWMAX, desc->cw_max);
-       rt2x00_desc_write(txd, 1, word);
-       rt2x00_desc_read(txd, 2, &word);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&word, TXD_W2_PLCP_SIGNAL, desc->signal);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&word, TXD_W2_PLCP_SERVICE, desc->service);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&word, TXD_W2_PLCP_LENGTH_LOW, desc->length_low);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&word, TXD_W2_PLCP_LENGTH_HIGH, desc->length_high);
-       rt2x00_desc_write(txd, 2, word);
-       rt2x00_desc_read(txd, 0, &word);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&word, TXD_W0_RETRY_LIMIT, control->retry_limit);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&word, TXD_W0_MORE_FRAG,
-                          test_bit(ENTRY_TXD_MORE_FRAG, &desc->flags));
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&word, TXD_W0_ACK,
-                          !(control->flags & IEEE80211_TXCTL_NO_ACK));
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&word, TXD_W0_TIMESTAMP,
-                          test_bit(ENTRY_TXD_REQ_TIMESTAMP, &desc->flags));
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&word, TXD_W0_OFDM,
-                          test_bit(ENTRY_TXD_OFDM_RATE, &desc->flags));
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&word, TXD_W0_NEW_SEQ,
-                          !!(control->flags & IEEE80211_TXCTL_FIRST_FRAGMENT));
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&word, TXD_W0_IFS, desc->ifs);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&word, TXD_W0_DATABYTE_COUNT, length);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&word, TXD_W0_CIPHER, CIPHER_NONE);
-       rt2x00_desc_write(txd, 0, word);
-static int rt2500usb_get_tx_data_len(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev,
-                                    struct sk_buff *skb)
-       int length;
-       /*
-        * The length _must_ be a multiple of 2,
-        * but it must _not_ be a multiple of the USB packet size.
-        */
-       length = roundup(skb->len, 2);
-       length += (2 * !(length % rt2x00dev->usb_maxpacket));
-       return length;
- * TX data initialization
- */
-static void rt2500usb_kick_tx_queue(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev,
-                                   unsigned int queue)
-       u16 reg;
-       if (queue != IEEE80211_TX_QUEUE_BEACON)
-               return;
-       rt2500usb_register_read(rt2x00dev, TXRX_CSR19, &reg);
-       if (!rt2x00_get_field16(reg, TXRX_CSR19_BEACON_GEN)) {
-               rt2x00_set_field16(&reg, TXRX_CSR19_BEACON_GEN, 1);
-               /*
-                * Beacon generation will fail initially.
-                * To prevent this we need to register the TXRX_CSR19
-                * register several times.
-                */
-               rt2500usb_register_write(rt2x00dev, TXRX_CSR19, reg);
-               rt2500usb_register_write(rt2x00dev, TXRX_CSR19, 0);
-               rt2500usb_register_write(rt2x00dev, TXRX_CSR19, reg);
-               rt2500usb_register_write(rt2x00dev, TXRX_CSR19, 0);
-               rt2500usb_register_write(rt2x00dev, TXRX_CSR19, reg);
-       }
- * RX control handlers
- */
-static void rt2500usb_fill_rxdone(struct data_entry *entry,
-                                 struct rxdata_entry_desc *desc)
-       struct urb *urb = entry->priv;
-       struct data_desc *rxd = (struct data_desc *)(entry->skb->data +
-                                                    (urb->actual_length -
-                                                     entry->ring->desc_size));
-       u32 word0;
-       u32 word1;
-       rt2x00_desc_read(rxd, 0, &word0);
-       rt2x00_desc_read(rxd, 1, &word1);
-       desc->flags = 0;
-       if (rt2x00_get_field32(word0, RXD_W0_CRC_ERROR))
-               desc->flags |= RX_FLAG_FAILED_FCS_CRC;
-       if (rt2x00_get_field32(word0, RXD_W0_PHYSICAL_ERROR))
-               desc->flags |= RX_FLAG_FAILED_PLCP_CRC;
-       /*
-        * Obtain the status about this packet.
-        */
-       desc->signal = rt2x00_get_field32(word1, RXD_W1_SIGNAL);
-       desc->rssi = rt2x00_get_field32(word1, RXD_W1_RSSI) -
-           entry->ring->rt2x00dev->rssi_offset;
-       desc->ofdm = rt2x00_get_field32(word0, RXD_W0_OFDM);
-       desc->size = rt2x00_get_field32(word0, RXD_W0_DATABYTE_COUNT);
-       return;
- * Interrupt functions.
- */
-static void rt2500usb_beacondone(struct urb *urb)
-       struct data_entry *entry = (struct data_entry *)urb->context;
-       struct data_ring *ring = entry->ring;
-       if (!test_bit(DEVICE_ENABLED_RADIO, &ring->rt2x00dev->flags))
-               return;
-       /*
-        * Check if this was the guardian beacon,
-        * if that was the case we need to send the real beacon now.
-        * Otherwise we should free the sk_buffer, the device
-        * should be doing the rest of the work now.
-        */
-       if (ring->index == 1) {
-               rt2x00_ring_index_done_inc(ring);
-               entry = rt2x00_get_data_entry(ring);
-               usb_submit_urb(entry->priv, GFP_ATOMIC);
-               rt2x00_ring_index_inc(ring);
-       } else if (ring->index_done == 1) {
-               entry = rt2x00_get_data_entry_done(ring);
-               if (entry->skb) {
-                       dev_kfree_skb(entry->skb);
-                       entry->skb = NULL;
-               }
-               rt2x00_ring_index_done_inc(ring);
-       }
- * Device probe functions.
- */
-static int rt2500usb_validate_eeprom(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev)
-       u16 word;
-       u8 *mac;
-       rt2x00usb_eeprom_read(rt2x00dev, rt2x00dev->eeprom, EEPROM_SIZE);
-       /*
-        * Start validation of the data that has been read.
-        */
-       mac = rt2x00_eeprom_addr(rt2x00dev, EEPROM_MAC_ADDR_0);
-       if (!is_valid_ether_addr(mac)) {
-               DECLARE_MAC_BUF(macbuf);
-               random_ether_addr(mac);
-               EEPROM(rt2x00dev, "MAC: %s\n", print_mac(macbuf, mac));
-       }
-       rt2x00_eeprom_read(rt2x00dev, EEPROM_ANTENNA, &word);
-       if (word == 0xffff) {
-               rt2x00_set_field16(&word, EEPROM_ANTENNA_NUM, 2);
-               rt2x00_set_field16(&word, EEPROM_ANTENNA_TX_DEFAULT, 0);
-               rt2x00_set_field16(&word, EEPROM_ANTENNA_RX_DEFAULT, 0);
-               rt2x00_set_field16(&word, EEPROM_ANTENNA_LED_MODE, 0);
-               rt2x00_set_field16(&word, EEPROM_ANTENNA_DYN_TXAGC, 0);
-               rt2x00_set_field16(&word, EEPROM_ANTENNA_HARDWARE_RADIO, 0);
-               rt2x00_set_field16(&word, EEPROM_ANTENNA_RF_TYPE, RF2522);
-               rt2x00_eeprom_write(rt2x00dev, EEPROM_ANTENNA, word);
-               EEPROM(rt2x00dev, "Antenna: 0x%04x\n", word);
-       }
-       rt2x00_eeprom_read(rt2x00dev, EEPROM_NIC, &word);
-       if (word == 0xffff) {
-               rt2x00_set_field16(&word, EEPROM_NIC_CARDBUS_ACCEL, 0);
-               rt2x00_set_field16(&word, EEPROM_NIC_DYN_BBP_TUNE, 0);
-               rt2x00_set_field16(&word, EEPROM_NIC_CCK_TX_POWER, 0);
-               rt2x00_eeprom_write(rt2x00dev, EEPROM_NIC, word);
-               EEPROM(rt2x00dev, "NIC: 0x%04x\n", word);
-       }
-       rt2x00_eeprom_read(rt2x00dev, EEPROM_CALIBRATE_OFFSET, &word);
-       if (word == 0xffff) {
-               rt2x00_set_field16(&word, EEPROM_CALIBRATE_OFFSET_RSSI,
-                                  DEFAULT_RSSI_OFFSET);
-               rt2x00_eeprom_write(rt2x00dev, EEPROM_CALIBRATE_OFFSET, word);
-               EEPROM(rt2x00dev, "Calibrate offset: 0x%04x\n", word);
-       }
-       rt2x00_eeprom_read(rt2x00dev, EEPROM_BBPTUNE, &word);
-       if (word == 0xffff) {
-               rt2x00_set_field16(&word, EEPROM_BBPTUNE_THRESHOLD, 45);
-               rt2x00_eeprom_write(rt2x00dev, EEPROM_BBPTUNE, word);
-               EEPROM(rt2x00dev, "BBPtune: 0x%04x\n", word);
-       }
-       rt2x00_eeprom_read(rt2x00dev, EEPROM_BBPTUNE_VGC, &word);
-       if (word == 0xffff) {
-               rt2x00_set_field16(&word, EEPROM_BBPTUNE_VGCUPPER, 0x40);
-               rt2x00_eeprom_write(rt2x00dev, EEPROM_BBPTUNE_VGC, word);
-               EEPROM(rt2x00dev, "BBPtune vgc: 0x%04x\n", word);
-       }
-       rt2x00_eeprom_read(rt2x00dev, EEPROM_BBPTUNE_R17, &word);
-       if (word == 0xffff) {
-               rt2x00_set_field16(&word, EEPROM_BBPTUNE_R17_LOW, 0x48);
-               rt2x00_set_field16(&word, EEPROM_BBPTUNE_R17_HIGH, 0x41);
-               rt2x00_eeprom_write(rt2x00dev, EEPROM_BBPTUNE_R17, word);
-               EEPROM(rt2x00dev, "BBPtune r17: 0x%04x\n", word);
-       }
-       rt2x00_eeprom_read(rt2x00dev, EEPROM_BBPTUNE_R24, &word);
-       if (word == 0xffff) {
-               rt2x00_set_field16(&word, EEPROM_BBPTUNE_R24_LOW, 0x40);
-               rt2x00_set_field16(&word, EEPROM_BBPTUNE_R24_HIGH, 0x80);
-               rt2x00_eeprom_write(rt2x00dev, EEPROM_BBPTUNE_R24, word);
-               EEPROM(rt2x00dev, "BBPtune r24: 0x%04x\n", word);
-       }
-       rt2x00_eeprom_read(rt2x00dev, EEPROM_BBPTUNE_R25, &word);
-       if (word == 0xffff) {
-               rt2x00_set_field16(&word, EEPROM_BBPTUNE_R25_LOW, 0x40);
-               rt2x00_set_field16(&word, EEPROM_BBPTUNE_R25_HIGH, 0x50);
-               rt2x00_eeprom_write(rt2x00dev, EEPROM_BBPTUNE_R25, word);
-               EEPROM(rt2x00dev, "BBPtune r25: 0x%04x\n", word);
-       }
-       rt2x00_eeprom_read(rt2x00dev, EEPROM_BBPTUNE_R61, &word);
-       if (word == 0xffff) {
-               rt2x00_set_field16(&word, EEPROM_BBPTUNE_R61_LOW, 0x60);
-               rt2x00_set_field16(&word, EEPROM_BBPTUNE_R61_HIGH, 0x6d);
-               rt2x00_eeprom_write(rt2x00dev, EEPROM_BBPTUNE_R61, word);
-               EEPROM(rt2x00dev, "BBPtune r61: 0x%04x\n", word);
-       }
-       return 0;
-static int rt2500usb_init_eeprom(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev)
-       u16 reg;
-       u16 value;
-       u16 eeprom;
-       /*
-        * Read EEPROM word for configuration.
-        */
-       rt2x00_eeprom_read(rt2x00dev, EEPROM_ANTENNA, &eeprom);
-       /*
-        * Identify RF chipset.
-        */
-       value = rt2x00_get_field16(eeprom, EEPROM_ANTENNA_RF_TYPE);
-       rt2500usb_register_read(rt2x00dev, MAC_CSR0, &reg);
-       rt2x00_set_chip(rt2x00dev, RT2570, value, reg);
-       if (!rt2x00_check_rev(&rt2x00dev->chip, 0)) {
-               ERROR(rt2x00dev, "Invalid RT chipset detected.\n");
-               return -ENODEV;
-       }
-       if (!rt2x00_rf(&rt2x00dev->chip, RF2522) &&
-           !rt2x00_rf(&rt2x00dev->chip, RF2523) &&
-           !rt2x00_rf(&rt2x00dev->chip, RF2524) &&
-           !rt2x00_rf(&rt2x00dev->chip, RF2525) &&
-           !rt2x00_rf(&rt2x00dev->chip, RF2525E) &&
-           !rt2x00_rf(&rt2x00dev->chip, RF5222)) {
-               ERROR(rt2x00dev, "Invalid RF chipset detected.\n");
-               return -ENODEV;
-       }
-       /*
-        * Identify default antenna configuration.
-        */
-       rt2x00dev->hw->conf.antenna_sel_tx =
-           rt2x00_get_field16(eeprom, EEPROM_ANTENNA_TX_DEFAULT);
-       rt2x00dev->hw->conf.antenna_sel_rx =
-           rt2x00_get_field16(eeprom, EEPROM_ANTENNA_RX_DEFAULT);
-       /*
-        * Store led mode, for correct led behaviour.
-        */
-       rt2x00dev->led_mode =
-           rt2x00_get_field16(eeprom, EEPROM_ANTENNA_LED_MODE);
-       /*
-        * Check if the BBP tuning should be disabled.
-        */
-       rt2x00_eeprom_read(rt2x00dev, EEPROM_NIC, &eeprom);
-       if (rt2x00_get_field16(eeprom, EEPROM_NIC_DYN_BBP_TUNE))
-               __set_bit(CONFIG_DISABLE_LINK_TUNING, &rt2x00dev->flags);
-       /*
-        * Read the RSSI <-> dBm offset information.
-        */
-       rt2x00_eeprom_read(rt2x00dev, EEPROM_CALIBRATE_OFFSET, &eeprom);
-       rt2x00dev->rssi_offset =
-           rt2x00_get_field16(eeprom, EEPROM_CALIBRATE_OFFSET_RSSI);
-       return 0;
- * RF value list for RF2522
- * Supports: 2.4 GHz
- */
-static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg_2522[] = {
-       { 1,  0x00002050, 0x000c1fda, 0x00000101, 0 },
-       { 2,  0x00002050, 0x000c1fee, 0x00000101, 0 },
-       { 3,  0x00002050, 0x000c2002, 0x00000101, 0 },
-       { 4,  0x00002050, 0x000c2016, 0x00000101, 0 },
-       { 5,  0x00002050, 0x000c202a, 0x00000101, 0 },
-       { 6,  0x00002050, 0x000c203e, 0x00000101, 0 },
-       { 7,  0x00002050, 0x000c2052, 0x00000101, 0 },
-       { 8,  0x00002050, 0x000c2066, 0x00000101, 0 },
-       { 9,  0x00002050, 0x000c207a, 0x00000101, 0 },
-       { 10, 0x00002050, 0x000c208e, 0x00000101, 0 },
-       { 11, 0x00002050, 0x000c20a2, 0x00000101, 0 },
-       { 12, 0x00002050, 0x000c20b6, 0x00000101, 0 },
-       { 13, 0x00002050, 0x000c20ca, 0x00000101, 0 },
-       { 14, 0x00002050, 0x000c20fa, 0x00000101, 0 },
- * RF value list for RF2523
- * Supports: 2.4 GHz
- */
-static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg_2523[] = {
-       { 1,  0x00022010, 0x00000c9e, 0x000e0111, 0x00000a1b },
-       { 2,  0x00022010, 0x00000ca2, 0x000e0111, 0x00000a1b },
-       { 3,  0x00022010, 0x00000ca6, 0x000e0111, 0x00000a1b },
-       { 4,  0x00022010, 0x00000caa, 0x000e0111, 0x00000a1b },
-       { 5,  0x00022010, 0x00000cae, 0x000e0111, 0x00000a1b },
-       { 6,  0x00022010, 0x00000cb2, 0x000e0111, 0x00000a1b },
-       { 7,  0x00022010, 0x00000cb6, 0x000e0111, 0x00000a1b },
-       { 8,  0x00022010, 0x00000cba, 0x000e0111, 0x00000a1b },
-       { 9,  0x00022010, 0x00000cbe, 0x000e0111, 0x00000a1b },
-       { 10, 0x00022010, 0x00000d02, 0x000e0111, 0x00000a1b },
-       { 11, 0x00022010, 0x00000d06, 0x000e0111, 0x00000a1b },
-       { 12, 0x00022010, 0x00000d0a, 0x000e0111, 0x00000a1b },
-       { 13, 0x00022010, 0x00000d0e, 0x000e0111, 0x00000a1b },
-       { 14, 0x00022010, 0x00000d1a, 0x000e0111, 0x00000a03 },
- * RF value list for RF2524
- * Supports: 2.4 GHz
- */
-static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg_2524[] = {
-       { 1,  0x00032020, 0x00000c9e, 0x00000101, 0x00000a1b },
-       { 2,  0x00032020, 0x00000ca2, 0x00000101, 0x00000a1b },
-       { 3,  0x00032020, 0x00000ca6, 0x00000101, 0x00000a1b },
-       { 4,  0x00032020, 0x00000caa, 0x00000101, 0x00000a1b },
-       { 5,  0x00032020, 0x00000cae, 0x00000101, 0x00000a1b },
-       { 6,  0x00032020, 0x00000cb2, 0x00000101, 0x00000a1b },
-       { 7,  0x00032020, 0x00000cb6, 0x00000101, 0x00000a1b },
-       { 8,  0x00032020, 0x00000cba, 0x00000101, 0x00000a1b },
-       { 9,  0x00032020, 0x00000cbe, 0x00000101, 0x00000a1b },
-       { 10, 0x00032020, 0x00000d02, 0x00000101, 0x00000a1b },
-       { 11, 0x00032020, 0x00000d06, 0x00000101, 0x00000a1b },
-       { 12, 0x00032020, 0x00000d0a, 0x00000101, 0x00000a1b },
-       { 13, 0x00032020, 0x00000d0e, 0x00000101, 0x00000a1b },
-       { 14, 0x00032020, 0x00000d1a, 0x00000101, 0x00000a03 },
- * RF value list for RF2525
- * Supports: 2.4 GHz
- */
-static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg_2525[] = {
-       { 1,  0x00022020, 0x00080c9e, 0x00060111, 0x00000a1b },
-       { 2,  0x00022020, 0x00080ca2, 0x00060111, 0x00000a1b },
-       { 3,  0x00022020, 0x00080ca6, 0x00060111, 0x00000a1b },
-       { 4,  0x00022020, 0x00080caa, 0x00060111, 0x00000a1b },
-       { 5,  0x00022020, 0x00080cae, 0x00060111, 0x00000a1b },
-       { 6,  0x00022020, 0x00080cb2, 0x00060111, 0x00000a1b },
-       { 7,  0x00022020, 0x00080cb6, 0x00060111, 0x00000a1b },
-       { 8,  0x00022020, 0x00080cba, 0x00060111, 0x00000a1b },
-       { 9,  0x00022020, 0x00080cbe, 0x00060111, 0x00000a1b },
-       { 10, 0x00022020, 0x00080d02, 0x00060111, 0x00000a1b },
-       { 11, 0x00022020, 0x00080d06, 0x00060111, 0x00000a1b },
-       { 12, 0x00022020, 0x00080d0a, 0x00060111, 0x00000a1b },
-       { 13, 0x00022020, 0x00080d0e, 0x00060111, 0x00000a1b },
-       { 14, 0x00022020, 0x00080d1a, 0x00060111, 0x00000a03 },
- * RF value list for RF2525e
- * Supports: 2.4 GHz
- */
-static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg_2525e[] = {
-       { 1,  0x00022010, 0x0000089a, 0x00060111, 0x00000e1b },
-       { 2,  0x00022010, 0x0000089e, 0x00060111, 0x00000e07 },
-       { 3,  0x00022010, 0x0000089e, 0x00060111, 0x00000e1b },
-       { 4,  0x00022010, 0x000008a2, 0x00060111, 0x00000e07 },
-       { 5,  0x00022010, 0x000008a2, 0x00060111, 0x00000e1b },
-       { 6,  0x00022010, 0x000008a6, 0x00060111, 0x00000e07 },
-       { 7,  0x00022010, 0x000008a6, 0x00060111, 0x00000e1b },
-       { 8,  0x00022010, 0x000008aa, 0x00060111, 0x00000e07 },
-       { 9,  0x00022010, 0x000008aa, 0x00060111, 0x00000e1b },
-       { 10, 0x00022010, 0x000008ae, 0x00060111, 0x00000e07 },
-       { 11, 0x00022010, 0x000008ae, 0x00060111, 0x00000e1b },
-       { 12, 0x00022010, 0x000008b2, 0x00060111, 0x00000e07 },
-       { 13, 0x00022010, 0x000008b2, 0x00060111, 0x00000e1b },
-       { 14, 0x00022010, 0x000008b6, 0x00060111, 0x00000e23 },
- * RF value list for RF5222
- * Supports: 2.4 GHz & 5.2 GHz
- */
-static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_5222[] = {
-       { 1,  0x00022020, 0x00001136, 0x00000101, 0x00000a0b },
-       { 2,  0x00022020, 0x0000113a, 0x00000101, 0x00000a0b },
-       { 3,  0x00022020, 0x0000113e, 0x00000101, 0x00000a0b },
-       { 4,  0x00022020, 0x00001182, 0x00000101, 0x00000a0b },
-       { 5,  0x00022020, 0x00001186, 0x00000101, 0x00000a0b },
-       { 6,  0x00022020, 0x0000118a, 0x00000101, 0x00000a0b },
-       { 7,  0x00022020, 0x0000118e, 0x00000101, 0x00000a0b },
-       { 8,  0x00022020, 0x00001192, 0x00000101, 0x00000a0b },
-       { 9,  0x00022020, 0x00001196, 0x00000101, 0x00000a0b },
-       { 10, 0x00022020, 0x0000119a, 0x00000101, 0x00000a0b },
-       { 11, 0x00022020, 0x0000119e, 0x00000101, 0x00000a0b },
-       { 12, 0x00022020, 0x000011a2, 0x00000101, 0x00000a0b },
-       { 13, 0x00022020, 0x000011a6, 0x00000101, 0x00000a0b },
-       { 14, 0x00022020, 0x000011ae, 0x00000101, 0x00000a1b },
-       /* 802.11 UNI / HyperLan 2 */
-       { 36, 0x00022010, 0x00018896, 0x00000101, 0x00000a1f },
-       { 40, 0x00022010, 0x0001889a, 0x00000101, 0x00000a1f },
-       { 44, 0x00022010, 0x0001889e, 0x00000101, 0x00000a1f },
-       { 48, 0x00022010, 0x000188a2, 0x00000101, 0x00000a1f },
-       { 52, 0x00022010, 0x000188a6, 0x00000101, 0x00000a1f },
-       { 66, 0x00022010, 0x000188aa, 0x00000101, 0x00000a1f },
-       { 60, 0x00022010, 0x000188ae, 0x00000101, 0x00000a1f },
-       { 64, 0x00022010, 0x000188b2, 0x00000101, 0x00000a1f },
-       /* 802.11 HyperLan 2 */
-       { 100, 0x00022010, 0x00008802, 0x00000101, 0x00000a0f },
-       { 104, 0x00022010, 0x00008806, 0x00000101, 0x00000a0f },
-       { 108, 0x00022010, 0x0000880a, 0x00000101, 0x00000a0f },
-       { 112, 0x00022010, 0x0000880e, 0x00000101, 0x00000a0f },
-       { 116, 0x00022010, 0x00008812, 0x00000101, 0x00000a0f },
-       { 120, 0x00022010, 0x00008816, 0x00000101, 0x00000a0f },
-       { 124, 0x00022010, 0x0000881a, 0x00000101, 0x00000a0f },
-       { 128, 0x00022010, 0x0000881e, 0x00000101, 0x00000a0f },
-       { 132, 0x00022010, 0x00008822, 0x00000101, 0x00000a0f },
-       { 136, 0x00022010, 0x00008826, 0x00000101, 0x00000a0f },
-       /* 802.11 UNII */
-       { 140, 0x00022010, 0x0000882a, 0x00000101, 0x00000a0f },
-       { 149, 0x00022020, 0x000090a6, 0x00000101, 0x00000a07 },
-       { 153, 0x00022020, 0x000090ae, 0x00000101, 0x00000a07 },
-       { 157, 0x00022020, 0x000090b6, 0x00000101, 0x00000a07 },
-       { 161, 0x00022020, 0x000090be, 0x00000101, 0x00000a07 },
-static void rt2500usb_probe_hw_mode(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev)
-       struct hw_mode_spec *spec = &rt2x00dev->spec;
-       u8 *txpower;
-       unsigned int i;
-       /*
-        * Initialize all hw fields.
-        */
-       rt2x00dev->hw->flags =
-           IEEE80211_HW_RX_INCLUDES_FCS |
-       rt2x00dev->hw->extra_tx_headroom = TXD_DESC_SIZE;
-       rt2x00dev->hw->max_signal = MAX_SIGNAL;
-       rt2x00dev->hw->max_rssi = MAX_RX_SSI;
-       rt2x00dev->hw->queues = 2;
-       SET_IEEE80211_DEV(rt2x00dev->hw, &rt2x00dev_usb(rt2x00dev)->dev);
-       SET_IEEE80211_PERM_ADDR(rt2x00dev->hw,
-                               rt2x00_eeprom_addr(rt2x00dev,
-                                                  EEPROM_MAC_ADDR_0));
-       /*
-        * Convert tx_power array in eeprom.
-        */
-       txpower = rt2x00_eeprom_addr(rt2x00dev, EEPROM_TXPOWER_START);
-       for (i = 0; i < 14; i++)
-               txpower[i] = TXPOWER_FROM_DEV(txpower[i]);
-       /*
-        * Initialize hw_mode information.
-        */
-       spec->num_modes = 2;
-       spec->num_rates = 12;
-       spec->tx_power_a = NULL;
-       spec->tx_power_bg = txpower;
-       spec->tx_power_default = DEFAULT_TXPOWER;
-       if (rt2x00_rf(&rt2x00dev->chip, RF2522)) {
-               spec->num_channels = ARRAY_SIZE(rf_vals_bg_2522);
-               spec->channels = rf_vals_bg_2522;
-       } else if (rt2x00_rf(&rt2x00dev->chip, RF2523)) {
-               spec->num_channels = ARRAY_SIZE(rf_vals_bg_2523);
-               spec->channels = rf_vals_bg_2523;
-       } else if (rt2x00_rf(&rt2x00dev->chip, RF2524)) {
-               spec->num_channels = ARRAY_SIZE(rf_vals_bg_2524);
-               spec->channels = rf_vals_bg_2524;
-       } else if (rt2x00_rf(&rt2x00dev->chip, RF2525)) {
-               spec->num_channels = ARRAY_SIZE(rf_vals_bg_2525);
-               spec->channels = rf_vals_bg_2525;
-       } else if (rt2x00_rf(&rt2x00dev->chip, RF2525E)) {
-               spec->num_channels = ARRAY_SIZE(rf_vals_bg_2525e);
-               spec->channels = rf_vals_bg_2525e;
-       } else if (rt2x00_rf(&rt2x00dev->chip, RF5222)) {
-               spec->num_channels = ARRAY_SIZE(rf_vals_5222);
-               spec->channels = rf_vals_5222;
-               spec->num_modes = 3;
-       }
-static int rt2500usb_probe_hw(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev)
-       int retval;
-       /*
-        * Allocate eeprom data.
-        */
-       retval = rt2500usb_validate_eeprom(rt2x00dev);
-       if (retval)
-               return retval;
-       retval = rt2500usb_init_eeprom(rt2x00dev);
-       if (retval)
-               return retval;
-       /*
-        * Initialize hw specifications.
-        */
-       rt2500usb_probe_hw_mode(rt2x00dev);
-       /*
-        * This device requires the beacon ring
-        */
-       __set_bit(DRIVER_REQUIRE_BEACON_RING, &rt2x00dev->flags);
-       /*
-        * Set the rssi offset.
-        */
-       rt2x00dev->rssi_offset = DEFAULT_RSSI_OFFSET;
-       return 0;
- * IEEE80211 stack callback functions.
- */
-static void rt2500usb_configure_filter(struct ieee80211_hw *hw,
-                                      unsigned int changed_flags,
-                                      unsigned int *total_flags,
-                                      int mc_count,
-                                      struct dev_addr_list *mc_list)
-       struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev = hw->priv;
-       struct interface *intf = &rt2x00dev->interface;
-       u16 reg;
-       /*
-        * Mask off any flags we are going to ignore from
-        * the total_flags field.
-        */
-       *total_flags &=
-           FIF_ALLMULTI |
-           FIF_FCSFAIL |
-           FIF_PLCPFAIL |
-           FIF_CONTROL |
-           FIF_OTHER_BSS |
-           FIF_PROMISC_IN_BSS;
-       /*
-        * Apply some rules to the filters:
-        * - Some filters imply different filters to be set.
-        * - Some things we can't filter out at all.
-        * - Some filters are set based on interface type.
-        */
-       if (mc_count)
-               *total_flags |= FIF_ALLMULTI;
-       if (*total_flags & FIF_OTHER_BSS ||
-           *total_flags & FIF_PROMISC_IN_BSS)
-               *total_flags |= FIF_PROMISC_IN_BSS | FIF_OTHER_BSS;
-       if (is_interface_type(intf, IEEE80211_IF_TYPE_AP))
-               *total_flags |= FIF_PROMISC_IN_BSS;
-       /*
-        * Check if there is any work left for us.
-        */
-       if (intf->filter == *total_flags)
-               return;
-       intf->filter = *total_flags;
-       /*
-        * When in atomic context, reschedule and let rt2x00lib
-        * call this function again.
-        */
-       if (in_atomic()) {
-               queue_work(rt2x00dev->hw->workqueue, &rt2x00dev->filter_work);
-               return;
-       }
-       /*
-        * Start configuration steps.
-        * Note that the version error will always be dropped
-        * and broadcast frames will always be accepted since
-        * there is no filter for it at this time.
-        */
-       rt2500usb_register_read(rt2x00dev, TXRX_CSR2, &reg);
-       rt2x00_set_field16(&reg, TXRX_CSR2_DROP_CRC,
-                          !(*total_flags & FIF_FCSFAIL));
-       rt2x00_set_field16(&reg, TXRX_CSR2_DROP_PHYSICAL,
-                          !(*total_flags & FIF_PLCPFAIL));
-       rt2x00_set_field16(&reg, TXRX_CSR2_DROP_CONTROL,
-                          !(*total_flags & FIF_CONTROL));
-       rt2x00_set_field16(&reg, TXRX_CSR2_DROP_NOT_TO_ME,
-                          !(*total_flags & FIF_PROMISC_IN_BSS));
-       rt2x00_set_field16(&reg, TXRX_CSR2_DROP_TODS,
-                          !(*total_flags & FIF_PROMISC_IN_BSS));
-       rt2x00_set_field16(&reg, TXRX_CSR2_DROP_VERSION_ERROR, 1);
-       rt2x00_set_field16(&reg, TXRX_CSR2_DROP_MULTICAST,
-                          !(*total_flags & FIF_ALLMULTI));
-       rt2x00_set_field16(&reg, TXRX_CSR2_DROP_BROADCAST, 0);
-       rt2500usb_register_write(rt2x00dev, TXRX_CSR2, reg);
-static int rt2500usb_beacon_update(struct ieee80211_hw *hw,
-                                  struct sk_buff *skb,
-                                  struct ieee80211_tx_control *control)
-       struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev = hw->priv;
-       struct usb_device *usb_dev =
-           interface_to_usbdev(rt2x00dev_usb(rt2x00dev));
-       struct data_ring *ring =
-           rt2x00lib_get_ring(rt2x00dev, IEEE80211_TX_QUEUE_BEACON);
-       struct data_entry *beacon;
-       struct data_entry *guardian;
-       int pipe = usb_sndbulkpipe(usb_dev, 1);
-       int length;
-       /*
-        * Just in case the ieee80211 doesn't set this,
-        * but we need this queue set for the descriptor
-        * initialization.
-        */
-       control->queue = IEEE80211_TX_QUEUE_BEACON;
-       /*
-        * Obtain 2 entries, one for the guardian byte,
-        * the second for the actual beacon.
-        */
-       guardian = rt2x00_get_data_entry(ring);
-       rt2x00_ring_index_inc(ring);
-       beacon = rt2x00_get_data_entry(ring);
-       /*
-        * First we create the beacon.
-        */
-       skb_push(skb, ring->desc_size);
-       memset(skb->data, 0, ring->desc_size);
-       rt2x00lib_write_tx_desc(rt2x00dev, (struct data_desc *)skb->data,
-                               (struct ieee80211_hdr *)(skb->data +
-                                                        ring->desc_size),
-                               skb->len - ring->desc_size, control);
-       length = rt2500usb_get_tx_data_len(rt2x00dev, skb);
-       usb_fill_bulk_urb(beacon->priv, usb_dev, pipe,
-                         skb->data, length, rt2500usb_beacondone, beacon);
-       beacon->skb = skb;
-       /*
-        * Second we need to create the guardian byte.
-        * We only need a single byte, so lets recycle
-        * the 'flags' field we are not using for beacons.
-        */
-       guardian->flags = 0;
-       usb_fill_bulk_urb(guardian->priv, usb_dev, pipe,
-                         &guardian->flags, 1, rt2500usb_beacondone, guardian);
-       /*
-        * Send out the guardian byte.
-        */
-       usb_submit_urb(guardian->priv, GFP_ATOMIC);
-       /*
-        * Enable beacon generation.
-        */
-       rt2500usb_kick_tx_queue(rt2x00dev, IEEE80211_TX_QUEUE_BEACON);
-       return 0;
-static const struct ieee80211_ops rt2500usb_mac80211_ops = {
-       .tx                     = rt2x00mac_tx,
-       .start                  = rt2x00mac_start,
-       .stop                   = rt2x00mac_stop,
-       .add_interface          = rt2x00mac_add_interface,
-       .remove_interface       = rt2x00mac_remove_interface,
-       .config                 = rt2x00mac_config,
-       .config_interface       = rt2x00mac_config_interface,
-       .configure_filter       = rt2500usb_configure_filter,
-       .get_stats              = rt2x00mac_get_stats,
-       .erp_ie_changed         = rt2x00mac_erp_ie_changed,
-       .conf_tx                = rt2x00mac_conf_tx,
-       .get_tx_stats           = rt2x00mac_get_tx_stats,
-       .beacon_update          = rt2500usb_beacon_update,
-static const struct rt2x00lib_ops rt2500usb_rt2x00_ops = {
-       .probe_hw               = rt2500usb_probe_hw,
-       .initialize             = rt2x00usb_initialize,
-       .uninitialize           = rt2x00usb_uninitialize,
-       .set_device_state       = rt2500usb_set_device_state,
-       .link_stats             = rt2500usb_link_stats,
-       .reset_tuner            = rt2500usb_reset_tuner,
-       .link_tuner             = rt2500usb_link_tuner,
-       .write_tx_desc          = rt2500usb_write_tx_desc,
-       .write_tx_data          = rt2x00usb_write_tx_data,
-       .get_tx_data_len        = rt2500usb_get_tx_data_len,
-       .kick_tx_queue          = rt2500usb_kick_tx_queue,
-       .fill_rxdone            = rt2500usb_fill_rxdone,
-       .config_mac_addr        = rt2500usb_config_mac_addr,
-       .config_bssid           = rt2500usb_config_bssid,
-       .config_type            = rt2500usb_config_type,
-       .config_preamble        = rt2500usb_config_preamble,
-       .config                 = rt2500usb_config,
-static const struct rt2x00_ops rt2500usb_ops = {
-       .name           = DRV_NAME,
-       .rxd_size       = RXD_DESC_SIZE,
-       .txd_size       = TXD_DESC_SIZE,
-       .eeprom_size    = EEPROM_SIZE,
-       .rf_size        = RF_SIZE,
-       .lib            = &rt2500usb_rt2x00_ops,
-       .hw             = &rt2500usb_mac80211_ops,
-       .debugfs        = &rt2500usb_rt2x00debug,
-#endif /* CONFIG_RT2X00_LIB_DEBUGFS */
- * rt2500usb module information.
- */
-static struct usb_device_id rt2500usb_device_table[] = {
-       /* ASUS */
-       { USB_DEVICE(0x0b05, 0x1706), USB_DEVICE_DATA(&rt2500usb_ops) },
-       { USB_DEVICE(0x0b05, 0x1707), USB_DEVICE_DATA(&rt2500usb_ops) },
-       /* Belkin */
-       { USB_DEVICE(0x050d, 0x7050), USB_DEVICE_DATA(&rt2500usb_ops) },
-       { USB_DEVICE(0x050d, 0x7051), USB_DEVICE_DATA(&rt2500usb_ops) },
-       { USB_DEVICE(0x050d, 0x705a), USB_DEVICE_DATA(&rt2500usb_ops) },
-       /* Cisco Systems */
-       { USB_DEVICE(0x13b1, 0x000d), USB_DEVICE_DATA(&rt2500usb_ops) },
-       { USB_DEVICE(0x13b1, 0x0011), USB_DEVICE_DATA(&rt2500usb_ops) },
-       { USB_DEVICE(0x13b1, 0x001a), USB_DEVICE_DATA(&rt2500usb_ops) },
-       /* Conceptronic */
-       { USB_DEVICE(0x14b2, 0x3c02), USB_DEVICE_DATA(&rt2500usb_ops) },
-       /* D-LINK */
-       { USB_DEVICE(0x2001, 0x3c00), USB_DEVICE_DATA(&rt2500usb_ops) },
-       /* Gigabyte */
-       { USB_DEVICE(0x1044, 0x8001), USB_DEVICE_DATA(&rt2500usb_ops) },
-       { USB_DEVICE(0x1044, 0x8007), USB_DEVICE_DATA(&rt2500usb_ops) },
-       /* Hercules */
-       { USB_DEVICE(0x06f8, 0xe000), USB_DEVICE_DATA(&rt2500usb_ops) },
-       /* Melco */
-       { USB_DEVICE(0x0411, 0x0066), USB_DEVICE_DATA(&rt2500usb_ops) },
-       { USB_DEVICE(0x0411, 0x0067), USB_DEVICE_DATA(&rt2500usb_ops) },
-       { USB_DEVICE(0x0411, 0x008b), USB_DEVICE_DATA(&rt2500usb_ops) },
-       { USB_DEVICE(0x0411, 0x0097), USB_DEVICE_DATA(&rt2500usb_ops) },
-       /* MSI */
-       { USB_DEVICE(0x0db0, 0x6861), USB_DEVICE_DATA(&rt2500usb_ops) },
-       { USB_DEVICE(0x0db0, 0x6865), USB_DEVICE_DATA(&rt2500usb_ops) },
-       { USB_DEVICE(0x0db0, 0x6869), USB_DEVICE_DATA(&rt2500usb_ops) },
-       /* Ralink */
-       { USB_DEVICE(0x148f, 0x1706), USB_DEVICE_DATA(&rt2500usb_ops) },
-       { USB_DEVICE(0x148f, 0x2570), USB_DEVICE_DATA(&rt2500usb_ops) },
-       { USB_DEVICE(0x148f, 0x2573), USB_DEVICE_DATA(&rt2500usb_ops) },
-       { USB_DEVICE(0x148f, 0x9020), USB_DEVICE_DATA(&rt2500usb_ops) },
-       /* Siemens */
-       { USB_DEVICE(0x0681, 0x3c06), USB_DEVICE_DATA(&rt2500usb_ops) },
-       /* SMC */
-       { USB_DEVICE(0x0707, 0xee13), USB_DEVICE_DATA(&rt2500usb_ops) },
-       /* Spairon */
-       { USB_DEVICE(0x114b, 0x0110), USB_DEVICE_DATA(&rt2500usb_ops) },
-       /* Trust */
-       { USB_DEVICE(0x0eb0, 0x9020), USB_DEVICE_DATA(&rt2500usb_ops) },
-       /* Zinwell */
-       { USB_DEVICE(0x5a57, 0x0260), USB_DEVICE_DATA(&rt2500usb_ops) },
-       { 0, }
-MODULE_DESCRIPTION("Ralink RT2500 USB Wireless LAN driver.");
-MODULE_SUPPORTED_DEVICE("Ralink RT2570 USB chipset based cards");
-MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE(usb, rt2500usb_device_table);
-static struct usb_driver rt2500usb_driver = {
-       .name           = DRV_NAME,
-       .id_table       = rt2500usb_device_table,
-       .probe          = rt2x00usb_probe,
-       .disconnect     = rt2x00usb_disconnect,
-       .suspend        = rt2x00usb_suspend,
-       .resume         = rt2x00usb_resume,
-static int __init rt2500usb_init(void)
-       return usb_register(&rt2500usb_driver);
-static void __exit rt2500usb_exit(void)
-       usb_deregister(&rt2500usb_driver);
diff --git a/package/rt2x00/src/rt2500usb.h b/package/rt2x00/src/rt2500usb.h
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index b18d56e..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,798 +0,0 @@
-       Copyright (C) 2004 - 2007 rt2x00 SourceForge Project
-       <http://rt2x00.serialmonkey.com>
-       This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-       it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-       the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-       (at your option) any later version.
-       This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-       but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-       GNU General Public License for more details.
-       You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-       along with this program; if not, write to the
-       Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
-       59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
- */
-       Module: rt2500usb
-       Abstract: Data structures and registers for the rt2500usb module.
-       Supported chipsets: RT2570.
- */
-#ifndef RT2500USB_H
-#define RT2500USB_H
- * RF chip defines.
- */
-#define RF2522                         0x0000
-#define RF2523                         0x0001
-#define RF2524                         0x0002
-#define RF2525                         0x0003
-#define RF2525E                                0x0005
-#define RF5222                         0x0010
- * RT2570 version
- */
-#define RT2570_VERSION_B               2
-#define RT2570_VERSION_C               3
-#define RT2570_VERSION_D               4
- * Signal information.
- * Defaul offset is required for RSSI <-> dBm conversion.
- */
-#define MAX_SIGNAL                     100
-#define MAX_RX_SSI                     -1
-#define DEFAULT_RSSI_OFFSET            120
- * Register layout information.
- */
-#define CSR_REG_BASE                   0x0400
-#define CSR_REG_SIZE                   0x0100
-#define EEPROM_BASE                    0x0000
-#define EEPROM_SIZE                    0x006a
-#define BBP_SIZE                       0x0060
-#define RF_SIZE                                0x0014
- * Control/Status Registers(CSR).
- * Some values are set in TU, whereas 1 TU == 1024 us.
- */
- * MAC_CSR0: ASIC revision number.
- */
-#define MAC_CSR0                       0x0400
- * MAC_CSR1: System control.
- * SOFT_RESET: Software reset, 1: reset, 0: normal.
- * BBP_RESET: Hardware reset, 1: reset, 0, release.
- * HOST_READY: Host ready after initialization.
- */
-#define MAC_CSR1                       0x0402
-#define MAC_CSR1_SOFT_RESET            FIELD16(0x00000001)
-#define MAC_CSR1_BBP_RESET             FIELD16(0x00000002)
-#define MAC_CSR1_HOST_READY            FIELD16(0x00000004)
- * MAC_CSR2: STA MAC register 0.
- */
-#define MAC_CSR2                       0x0404
-#define MAC_CSR2_BYTE0                 FIELD16(0x00ff)
-#define MAC_CSR2_BYTE1                 FIELD16(0xff00)
- * MAC_CSR3: STA MAC register 1.
- */
-#define MAC_CSR3                       0x0406
-#define MAC_CSR3_BYTE2                 FIELD16(0x00ff)
-#define MAC_CSR3_BYTE3                 FIELD16(0xff00)
- * MAC_CSR4: STA MAC register 2.
- */
-#define MAC_CSR4                       0X0408
-#define MAC_CSR4_BYTE4                 FIELD16(0x00ff)
-#define MAC_CSR4_BYTE5                 FIELD16(0xff00)
- * MAC_CSR5: BSSID register 0.
- */
-#define MAC_CSR5                       0x040a
-#define MAC_CSR5_BYTE0                 FIELD16(0x00ff)
-#define MAC_CSR5_BYTE1                 FIELD16(0xff00)
- * MAC_CSR6: BSSID register 1.
- */
-#define MAC_CSR6                       0x040c
-#define MAC_CSR6_BYTE2                 FIELD16(0x00ff)
-#define MAC_CSR6_BYTE3                 FIELD16(0xff00)
- * MAC_CSR7: BSSID register 2.
- */
-#define MAC_CSR7                       0x040e
-#define MAC_CSR7_BYTE4                 FIELD16(0x00ff)
-#define MAC_CSR7_BYTE5                 FIELD16(0xff00)
- * MAC_CSR8: Max frame length.
- */
-#define MAC_CSR8                       0x0410
-#define MAC_CSR8_MAX_FRAME_UNIT                FIELD16(0x0fff)
- * Misc MAC_CSR registers.
- * MAC_CSR9: Timer control.
- * MAC_CSR10: Slot time.
- * MAC_CSR11: IFS.
- * MAC_CSR12: EIFS.
- * MAC_CSR13: Power mode0.
- * MAC_CSR14: Power mode1.
- * MAC_CSR15: Power saving transition0
- * MAC_CSR16: Power saving transition1
- */
-#define MAC_CSR9                       0x0412
-#define MAC_CSR10                      0x0414
-#define MAC_CSR11                      0x0416
-#define MAC_CSR12                      0x0418
-#define MAC_CSR13                      0x041a
-#define MAC_CSR14                      0x041c
-#define MAC_CSR15                      0x041e
-#define MAC_CSR16                      0x0420
- * MAC_CSR17: Manual power control / status register.
- * Allowed state: 0 deep_sleep, 1: sleep, 2: standby, 3: awake.
- * SET_STATE: Set state. Write 1 to trigger, self cleared.
- * BBP_DESIRE_STATE: BBP desired state.
- * RF_DESIRE_STATE: RF desired state.
- * BBP_CURRENT_STATE: BBP current state.
- * RF_CURRENT_STATE: RF current state.
- * PUT_TO_SLEEP: Put to sleep. Write 1 to trigger, self cleared.
- */
-#define MAC_CSR17                      0x0422
-#define MAC_CSR17_SET_STATE            FIELD16(0x0001)
-#define MAC_CSR17_BBP_DESIRE_STATE     FIELD16(0x0006)
-#define MAC_CSR17_RF_DESIRE_STATE      FIELD16(0x0018)
-#define MAC_CSR17_BBP_CURR_STATE       FIELD16(0x0060)
-#define MAC_CSR17_RF_CURR_STATE                FIELD16(0x0180)
-#define MAC_CSR17_PUT_TO_SLEEP         FIELD16(0x0200)
- * MAC_CSR18: Wakeup timer register.
- * DELAY_AFTER_BEACON: Delay after Tbcn expired in units of 1/16 TU.
- * BEACONS_BEFORE_WAKEUP: Number of beacon before wakeup.
- * AUTO_WAKE: Enable auto wakeup / sleep mechanism.
- */
-#define MAC_CSR18                      0x0424
-#define MAC_CSR18_DELAY_AFTER_BEACON   FIELD16(0x00ff)
-#define MAC_CSR18_BEACONS_BEFORE_WAKEUP        FIELD16(0x7f00)
-#define MAC_CSR18_AUTO_WAKE            FIELD16(0x8000)
- * MAC_CSR19: GPIO control register.
- */
-#define MAC_CSR19                      0x0426
- * MAC_CSR20: LED control register.
- * ACTIVITY: 0: idle, 1: active.
- * LINK: 0: linkoff, 1: linkup.
- * ACTIVITY_POLARITY: 0: active low, 1: active high.
- */
-#define MAC_CSR20                      0x0428
-#define MAC_CSR20_ACTIVITY             FIELD16(0x0001)
-#define MAC_CSR20_LINK                 FIELD16(0x0002)
-#define MAC_CSR20_ACTIVITY_POLARITY    FIELD16(0x0004)
- * MAC_CSR21: LED control register.
- * ON_PERIOD: On period, default 70ms.
- * OFF_PERIOD: Off period, default 30ms.
- */
-#define MAC_CSR21                      0x042a
-#define MAC_CSR21_ON_PERIOD            FIELD16(0x00ff)
-#define MAC_CSR21_OFF_PERIOD           FIELD16(0xff00)
- * Collision window control register.
- */
-#define MAC_CSR22                      0x042c
- * Transmit related CSRs.
- * Some values are set in TU, whereas 1 TU == 1024 us.
- */
- * TXRX_CSR0: Security control register.
- */
-#define TXRX_CSR0                      0x0440
-#define TXRX_CSR0_ALGORITHM            FIELD16(0x0007)
-#define TXRX_CSR0_IV_OFFSET            FIELD16(0x01f8)
-#define TXRX_CSR0_KEY_ID               FIELD16(0x1e00)
- * TXRX_CSR1: TX configuration.
- * ACK_TIMEOUT: ACK Timeout in unit of 1-us.
- * TSF_OFFSET: TSF offset in MAC header.
- * AUTO_SEQUENCE: Let ASIC control frame sequence number.
- */
-#define TXRX_CSR1                      0x0442
-#define TXRX_CSR1_ACK_TIMEOUT          FIELD16(0x00ff)
-#define TXRX_CSR1_TSF_OFFSET           FIELD16(0x7f00)
-#define TXRX_CSR1_AUTO_SEQUENCE                FIELD16(0x8000)
- * TXRX_CSR2: RX control.
- * DISABLE_RX: Disable rx engine.
- * DROP_CRC: Drop crc error.
- * DROP_PHYSICAL: Drop physical error.
- * DROP_CONTROL: Drop control frame.
- * DROP_NOT_TO_ME: Drop not to me unicast frame.
- * DROP_TODS: Drop frame tods bit is true.
- * DROP_VERSION_ERROR: Drop version error frame.
- * DROP_MCAST: Drop multicast frames.
- * DROP_BCAST: Drop broadcast frames.
- */
-#define TXRX_CSR2                      0x0444
-#define        TXRX_CSR2_DISABLE_RX            FIELD16(0x0001)
-#define TXRX_CSR2_DROP_CRC             FIELD16(0x0002)
-#define TXRX_CSR2_DROP_PHYSICAL                FIELD16(0x0004)
-#define TXRX_CSR2_DROP_CONTROL         FIELD16(0x0008)
-#define TXRX_CSR2_DROP_NOT_TO_ME       FIELD16(0x0010)
-#define TXRX_CSR2_DROP_TODS            FIELD16(0x0020)
-#define TXRX_CSR2_DROP_MULTICAST       FIELD16(0x0200)
-#define TXRX_CSR2_DROP_BROADCAST       FIELD16(0x0400)
- * RX BBP ID registers
- */
-#define TXRX_CSR3                      0x0446
-#define TXRX_CSR4                      0x0448
- */
-#define TXRX_CSR5                      0x044a
-#define TXRX_CSR5_BBP_ID0              FIELD16(0x007f)
-#define TXRX_CSR5_BBP_ID0_VALID                FIELD16(0x0080)
-#define TXRX_CSR5_BBP_ID1              FIELD16(0x7f00)
-#define TXRX_CSR5_BBP_ID1_VALID                FIELD16(0x8000)
- */
-#define TXRX_CSR6                      0x044c
-#define TXRX_CSR6_BBP_ID0              FIELD16(0x007f)
-#define TXRX_CSR6_BBP_ID0_VALID                FIELD16(0x0080)
-#define TXRX_CSR6_BBP_ID1              FIELD16(0x7f00)
-#define TXRX_CSR6_BBP_ID1_VALID                FIELD16(0x8000)
- */
-#define TXRX_CSR7                      0x044e
-#define TXRX_CSR7_BBP_ID0              FIELD16(0x007f)
-#define TXRX_CSR7_BBP_ID0_VALID                FIELD16(0x0080)
-#define TXRX_CSR7_BBP_ID1              FIELD16(0x7f00)
-#define TXRX_CSR7_BBP_ID1_VALID                FIELD16(0x8000)
- */
-#define TXRX_CSR8                      0x0450
-#define TXRX_CSR8_BBP_ID0              FIELD16(0x007f)
-#define TXRX_CSR8_BBP_ID0_VALID                FIELD16(0x0080)
-#define TXRX_CSR8_BBP_ID1              FIELD16(0x7f00)
-#define TXRX_CSR8_BBP_ID1_VALID                FIELD16(0x8000)
- * TXRX_CSR9: TX ACK time-out.
- */
-#define TXRX_CSR9                      0x0452
- * TXRX_CSR10: Auto responder control.
- */
-#define TXRX_CSR10                     0x0454
- * TXRX_CSR11: Auto responder basic rate.
- */
-#define TXRX_CSR11                     0x0456
- * ACK/CTS time registers.
- */
-#define TXRX_CSR12                     0x0458
-#define TXRX_CSR13                     0x045a
-#define TXRX_CSR14                     0x045c
-#define TXRX_CSR15                     0x045e
-#define TXRX_CSR16                     0x0460
-#define TXRX_CSR17                     0x0462
- * TXRX_CSR18: Synchronization control register.
- */
-#define TXRX_CSR18                     0x0464
-#define TXRX_CSR18_OFFSET              FIELD16(0x000f)
-#define TXRX_CSR18_INTERVAL            FIELD16(0xfff0)
- * TXRX_CSR19: Synchronization control register.
- * TSF_COUNT: Enable TSF auto counting.
- * TSF_SYNC: Tsf sync, 0: disable, 1: infra, 2: ad-hoc/master mode.
- * TBCN: Enable Tbcn with reload value.
- * BEACON_GEN: Enable beacon generator.
- */
-#define TXRX_CSR19                     0x0466
-#define TXRX_CSR19_TSF_COUNT           FIELD16(0x0001)
-#define TXRX_CSR19_TSF_SYNC            FIELD16(0x0006)
-#define TXRX_CSR19_TBCN                        FIELD16(0x0008)
-#define TXRX_CSR19_BEACON_GEN          FIELD16(0x0010)
- * TXRX_CSR20: Tx BEACON offset time control register.
- * OFFSET: In units of usec.
- * BCN_EXPECT_WINDOW: Default: 2^CWmin
- */
-#define TXRX_CSR20                     0x0468
-#define TXRX_CSR20_OFFSET              FIELD16(0x1fff)
-#define TXRX_CSR20_BCN_EXPECT_WINDOW   FIELD16(0xe000)
- * TXRX_CSR21
- */
-#define TXRX_CSR21                     0x046a
- * Encryption related CSRs.
- *
- */
- * SEC_CSR0-SEC_CSR7: Shared key 0, word 0-7
- */
-#define SEC_CSR0                       0x0480
-#define SEC_CSR1                       0x0482
-#define SEC_CSR2                       0x0484
-#define SEC_CSR3                       0x0486
-#define SEC_CSR4                       0x0488
-#define SEC_CSR5                       0x048a
-#define SEC_CSR6                       0x048c
-#define SEC_CSR7                       0x048e
- * SEC_CSR8-SEC_CSR15: Shared key 1, word 0-7
- */
-#define SEC_CSR8                       0x0490
-#define SEC_CSR9                       0x0492
-#define SEC_CSR10                      0x0494
-#define SEC_CSR11                      0x0496
-#define SEC_CSR12                      0x0498
-#define SEC_CSR13                      0x049a
-#define SEC_CSR14                      0x049c
-#define SEC_CSR15                      0x049e
- * SEC_CSR16-SEC_CSR23: Shared key 2, word 0-7
- */
-#define SEC_CSR16                      0x04a0
-#define SEC_CSR17                      0x04a2
-#define SEC_CSR18                      0X04A4
-#define SEC_CSR19                      0x04a6
-#define SEC_CSR20                      0x04a8
-#define SEC_CSR21                      0x04aa
-#define SEC_CSR22                      0x04ac
-#define SEC_CSR23                      0x04ae
- * SEC_CSR24-SEC_CSR31: Shared key 3, word 0-7
- */
-#define SEC_CSR24                      0x04b0
-#define SEC_CSR25                      0x04b2
-#define SEC_CSR26                      0x04b4
-#define SEC_CSR27                      0x04b6
-#define SEC_CSR28                      0x04b8
-#define SEC_CSR29                      0x04ba
-#define SEC_CSR30                      0x04bc
-#define SEC_CSR31                      0x04be
- * PHY control registers.
- */
- * PHY_CSR0: RF switching timing control.
- */
-#define PHY_CSR0                       0x04c0
- * PHY_CSR1: TX PA configuration.
- */
-#define PHY_CSR1                       0x04c2
- * MAC configuration registers.
- * PHY_CSR2: TX MAC configuration.
- * PHY_CSR3: RX MAC configuration.
- */
-#define PHY_CSR2                       0x04c4
-#define PHY_CSR3                       0x04c6
- * PHY_CSR4: Interface configuration.
- */
-#define PHY_CSR4                       0x04c8
-#define PHY_CSR4_LOW_RF_LE             FIELD16(0x0001)
- * BBP pre-TX registers.
- * PHY_CSR5: BBP pre-TX CCK.
- */
-#define PHY_CSR5                       0x04ca
-#define PHY_CSR5_CCK                   FIELD16(0x0003)
-#define PHY_CSR5_CCK_FLIP              FIELD16(0x0004)
- * BBP pre-TX registers.
- * PHY_CSR6: BBP pre-TX OFDM.
- */
-#define PHY_CSR6                       0x04cc
-#define PHY_CSR6_OFDM                  FIELD16(0x0003)
-#define PHY_CSR6_OFDM_FLIP             FIELD16(0x0004)
- * PHY_CSR7: BBP access register 0.
- * BBP_DATA: BBP data.
- * BBP_REG_ID: BBP register ID.
- * BBP_READ_CONTROL: 0: write, 1: read.
- */
-#define PHY_CSR7                       0x04ce
-#define PHY_CSR7_DATA                  FIELD16(0x00ff)
-#define PHY_CSR7_REG_ID                        FIELD16(0x7f00)
-#define PHY_CSR7_READ_CONTROL          FIELD16(0x8000)
- * PHY_CSR8: BBP access register 1.
- * BBP_BUSY: ASIC is busy execute BBP programming.
- */
-#define PHY_CSR8                       0x04d0
-#define PHY_CSR8_BUSY                  FIELD16(0x0001)
- * PHY_CSR9: RF access register.
- * RF_VALUE: Register value + id to program into rf/if.
- */
-#define PHY_CSR9                       0x04d2
-#define PHY_CSR9_RF_VALUE              FIELD16(0xffff)
- * PHY_CSR10: RF access register.
- * RF_VALUE: Register value + id to program into rf/if.
- * RF_NUMBER_OF_BITS: Number of bits used in value (i:20, rfmd:22).
- * RF_IF_SELECT: Chip to program: 0: rf, 1: if.
- * RF_PLL_LD: Rf pll_ld status.
- * RF_BUSY: 1: asic is busy execute rf programming.
- */
-#define PHY_CSR10                      0x04d4
-#define PHY_CSR10_RF_VALUE             FIELD16(0x00ff)
-#define PHY_CSR10_RF_NUMBER_OF_BITS    FIELD16(0x1f00)
-#define PHY_CSR10_RF_IF_SELECT         FIELD16(0x2000)
-#define PHY_CSR10_RF_PLL_LD            FIELD16(0x4000)
-#define PHY_CSR10_RF_BUSY              FIELD16(0x8000)
- * STA_CSR0: FCS error count.
- * FCS_ERROR: FCS error count, cleared when read.
- */
-#define STA_CSR0                       0x04e0
-#define STA_CSR0_FCS_ERROR             FIELD16(0xffff)
- * STA_CSR1: PLCP error count.
- */
-#define STA_CSR1                       0x04e2
- * STA_CSR2: LONG error count.
- */
-#define STA_CSR2                       0x04e4
- * STA_CSR3: CCA false alarm.
- * FALSE_CCA_ERROR: False CCA error count, cleared when read.
- */
-#define STA_CSR3                       0x04e6
-#define STA_CSR3_FALSE_CCA_ERROR       FIELD16(0xffff)
- * STA_CSR4: RX FIFO overflow.
- */
-#define STA_CSR4                       0x04e8
- * STA_CSR5: Beacon sent counter.
- */
-#define STA_CSR5                       0x04ea
- *  Statistics registers
- */
-#define STA_CSR6                       0x04ec
-#define STA_CSR7                       0x04ee
-#define STA_CSR8                       0x04f0
-#define STA_CSR9                       0x04f2
-#define STA_CSR10                      0x04f4
- * BBP registers.
- * The wordsize of the BBP is 8 bits.
- */
- * R2: TX antenna control
- */
-#define BBP_R2_TX_ANTENNA              FIELD8(0x03)
-#define BBP_R2_TX_IQ_FLIP              FIELD8(0x04)
- * R14: RX antenna control
- */
-#define BBP_R14_RX_ANTENNA             FIELD8(0x03)
-#define BBP_R14_RX_IQ_FLIP             FIELD8(0x04)
- * RF registers.
- */
- * RF 1
- */
-#define RF1_TUNER                      FIELD32(0x00020000)
- * RF 3
- */
-#define RF3_TUNER                      FIELD32(0x00000100)
-#define RF3_TXPOWER                    FIELD32(0x00003e00)
- * EEPROM contents.
- */
- * HW MAC address.
- */
-#define EEPROM_MAC_ADDR_0              0x0002
-#define EEPROM_MAC_ADDR_BYTE0          FIELD16(0x00ff)
-#define EEPROM_MAC_ADDR_BYTE1          FIELD16(0xff00)
-#define EEPROM_MAC_ADDR1               0x0003
-#define EEPROM_MAC_ADDR_BYTE2          FIELD16(0x00ff)
-#define EEPROM_MAC_ADDR_BYTE3          FIELD16(0xff00)
-#define EEPROM_MAC_ADDR_2              0x0004
-#define EEPROM_MAC_ADDR_BYTE4          FIELD16(0x00ff)
-#define EEPROM_MAC_ADDR_BYTE5          FIELD16(0xff00)
- * EEPROM antenna.
- * ANTENNA_NUM: Number of antenna's.
- * TX_DEFAULT: Default antenna 0: diversity, 1: A, 2: B.
- * RX_DEFAULT: Default antenna 0: diversity, 1: A, 2: B.
- * LED_MODE: 0: default, 1: TX/RX activity, 2: Single (ignore link), 3: rsvd.
- * DYN_TXAGC: Dynamic TX AGC control.
- * HARDWARE_RADIO: 1: Hardware controlled radio. Read GPIO0.
- * RF_TYPE: Rf_type of this adapter.
- */
-#define EEPROM_ANTENNA                 0x000b
-#define EEPROM_ANTENNA_NUM             FIELD16(0x0003)
-#define EEPROM_ANTENNA_TX_DEFAULT      FIELD16(0x000c)
-#define EEPROM_ANTENNA_RX_DEFAULT      FIELD16(0x0030)
-#define EEPROM_ANTENNA_LED_MODE                FIELD16(0x01c0)
-#define EEPROM_ANTENNA_DYN_TXAGC       FIELD16(0x0200)
-#define EEPROM_ANTENNA_RF_TYPE         FIELD16(0xf800)
- * EEPROM NIC config.
- * CARDBUS_ACCEL: 0: enable, 1: disable.
- * DYN_BBP_TUNE: 0: enable, 1: disable.
- * CCK_TX_POWER: CCK TX power compensation.
- */
-#define EEPROM_NIC                     0x000c
-#define EEPROM_NIC_CARDBUS_ACCEL       FIELD16(0x0001)
-#define EEPROM_NIC_DYN_BBP_TUNE                FIELD16(0x0002)
-#define EEPROM_NIC_CCK_TX_POWER                FIELD16(0x000c)
- * EEPROM geography.
- * GEO: Default geography setting for device.
- */
-#define EEPROM_GEOGRAPHY               0x000d
-#define EEPROM_GEOGRAPHY_GEO           FIELD16(0x0f00)
- */
-#define EEPROM_BBP_START               0x000e
-#define EEPROM_BBP_SIZE                        16
-#define EEPROM_BBP_VALUE               FIELD16(0x00ff)
-#define EEPROM_BBP_REG_ID              FIELD16(0xff00)
- */
-#define EEPROM_TXPOWER_START           0x001e
-#define EEPROM_TXPOWER_SIZE            7
-#define EEPROM_TXPOWER_1               FIELD16(0x00ff)
-#define EEPROM_TXPOWER_2               FIELD16(0xff00)
- * EEPROM Tuning threshold
- */
-#define EEPROM_BBPTUNE                 0x0030
-#define EEPROM_BBPTUNE_THRESHOLD       FIELD16(0x00ff)
- * EEPROM BBP R24 Tuning.
- */
-#define EEPROM_BBPTUNE_R24             0x0031
-#define EEPROM_BBPTUNE_R24_LOW         FIELD16(0x00ff)
-#define EEPROM_BBPTUNE_R24_HIGH                FIELD16(0xff00)
- * EEPROM BBP R25 Tuning.
- */
-#define EEPROM_BBPTUNE_R25             0x0032
-#define EEPROM_BBPTUNE_R25_LOW         FIELD16(0x00ff)
-#define EEPROM_BBPTUNE_R25_HIGH                FIELD16(0xff00)
- * EEPROM BBP R24 Tuning.
- */
-#define EEPROM_BBPTUNE_R61             0x0033
-#define EEPROM_BBPTUNE_R61_LOW         FIELD16(0x00ff)
-#define EEPROM_BBPTUNE_R61_HIGH                FIELD16(0xff00)
- * EEPROM BBP VGC Tuning.
- */
-#define EEPROM_BBPTUNE_VGC             0x0034
-#define EEPROM_BBPTUNE_VGCUPPER                FIELD16(0x00ff)
- * EEPROM BBP R17 Tuning.
- */
-#define EEPROM_BBPTUNE_R17             0x0035
-#define EEPROM_BBPTUNE_R17_LOW         FIELD16(0x00ff)
-#define EEPROM_BBPTUNE_R17_HIGH                FIELD16(0xff00)
- * RSSI <-> dBm offset calibration
- */
-#define EEPROM_CALIBRATE_OFFSET                0x0036
- * DMA descriptor defines.
- */
-#define TXD_DESC_SIZE                  ( 5 * sizeof(struct data_desc) )
-#define RXD_DESC_SIZE                  ( 4 * sizeof(struct data_desc) )
- * TX descriptor format for TX, PRIO, ATIM and Beacon Ring.
- */
- * Word0
- */
-#define TXD_W0_PACKET_ID               FIELD32(0x0000000f)
-#define TXD_W0_RETRY_LIMIT             FIELD32(0x000000f0)
-#define TXD_W0_MORE_FRAG               FIELD32(0x00000100)
-#define TXD_W0_ACK                     FIELD32(0x00000200)
-#define TXD_W0_TIMESTAMP               FIELD32(0x00000400)
-#define TXD_W0_OFDM                    FIELD32(0x00000800)
-#define TXD_W0_NEW_SEQ                 FIELD32(0x00001000)
-#define TXD_W0_IFS                     FIELD32(0x00006000)
-#define TXD_W0_DATABYTE_COUNT          FIELD32(0x0fff0000)
-#define TXD_W0_CIPHER                  FIELD32(0x20000000)
-#define TXD_W0_KEY_ID                  FIELD32(0xc0000000)
- * Word1
- */
-#define TXD_W1_IV_OFFSET               FIELD32(0x0000003f)
-#define TXD_W1_AIFS                    FIELD32(0x000000c0)
-#define TXD_W1_CWMIN                   FIELD32(0x00000f00)
-#define TXD_W1_CWMAX                   FIELD32(0x0000f000)
- * Word2: PLCP information
- */
-#define TXD_W2_PLCP_SIGNAL             FIELD32(0x000000ff)
-#define TXD_W2_PLCP_SERVICE            FIELD32(0x0000ff00)
-#define TXD_W2_PLCP_LENGTH_LOW         FIELD32(0x00ff0000)
-#define TXD_W2_PLCP_LENGTH_HIGH                FIELD32(0xff000000)
- * Word3
- */
-#define TXD_W3_IV                      FIELD32(0xffffffff)
- * Word4
- */
-#define TXD_W4_EIV                     FIELD32(0xffffffff)
- * RX descriptor format for RX Ring.
- */
- * Word0
- */
-#define RXD_W0_UNICAST_TO_ME           FIELD32(0x00000002)
-#define RXD_W0_MULTICAST               FIELD32(0x00000004)
-#define RXD_W0_BROADCAST               FIELD32(0x00000008)
-#define RXD_W0_MY_BSS                  FIELD32(0x00000010)
-#define RXD_W0_CRC_ERROR               FIELD32(0x00000020)
-#define RXD_W0_OFDM                    FIELD32(0x00000040)
-#define RXD_W0_PHYSICAL_ERROR          FIELD32(0x00000080)
-#define RXD_W0_CIPHER                  FIELD32(0x00000100)
-#define RXD_W0_CIPHER_ERROR            FIELD32(0x00000200)
-#define RXD_W0_DATABYTE_COUNT          FIELD32(0x0fff0000)
- * Word1
- */
-#define RXD_W1_RSSI                    FIELD32(0x000000ff)
-#define RXD_W1_SIGNAL                  FIELD32(0x0000ff00)
- * Word2
- */
-#define RXD_W2_IV                      FIELD32(0xffffffff)
- * Word3
- */
-#define RXD_W3_EIV                     FIELD32(0xffffffff)
- * Macro's for converting txpower from EEPROM to dscape value
- * and from dscape value to register value.
- */
-#define MIN_TXPOWER    0
-#define MAX_TXPOWER    31
-#define DEFAULT_TXPOWER        24
-#define TXPOWER_FROM_DEV(__txpower)            \
-({                                             \
-       ((__txpower) > MAX_TXPOWER) ?           \
-               DEFAULT_TXPOWER : (__txpower);  \
-#define TXPOWER_TO_DEV(__txpower)                      \
-({                                                     \
-       ((__txpower) <= MIN_TXPOWER) ? MIN_TXPOWER :    \
-       (((__txpower) >= MAX_TXPOWER) ? MAX_TXPOWER :   \
-       (__txpower));                                   \
-#endif /* RT2500USB_H */
diff --git a/package/rt2x00/src/rt2x00.h b/package/rt2x00/src/rt2x00.h
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index c8f16f1..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,845 +0,0 @@
-       Copyright (C) 2004 - 2007 rt2x00 SourceForge Project
-       <http://rt2x00.serialmonkey.com>
-       This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-       it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-       the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-       (at your option) any later version.
-       This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-       but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-       GNU General Public License for more details.
-       You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-       along with this program; if not, write to the
-       Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
-       59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
- */
-       Module: rt2x00
-       Abstract: rt2x00 global information.
- */
-#ifndef RT2X00_H
-#define RT2X00_H
-#include <linux/bitops.h>
-#include <linux/prefetch.h>
-#include <linux/skbuff.h>
-#include <linux/workqueue.h>
-#include <linux/firmware.h>
-#include <net/mac80211.h>
-#include "rt2x00debug.h"
-#include "rt2x00reg.h"
-#include "rt2x00ring.h"
- * Module information.
- * DRV_NAME should be set within the individual module source files.
- */
-#define DRV_VERSION    "2.0.10"
-#define DRV_PROJECT    "http://rt2x00.serialmonkey.com"
- * Debug definitions.
- * Debug output has to be enabled during compile time.
- */
-#define DEBUG_PRINTK_MSG(__dev, __kernlvl, __lvl, __msg, __args...)    \
-       printk(__kernlvl "%s -> %s: %s - " __msg,                       \
-              wiphy_name((__dev)->hw->wiphy), __FUNCTION__, __lvl, ##__args)
-#define DEBUG_PRINTK_PROBE(__kernlvl, __lvl, __msg, __args...) \
-       printk(__kernlvl "%s -> %s: %s - " __msg,               \
-              DRV_NAME, __FUNCTION__, __lvl, ##__args)
-#define DEBUG_PRINTK(__dev, __kernlvl, __lvl, __msg, __args...)        \
-       DEBUG_PRINTK_MSG(__dev, __kernlvl, __lvl, __msg, ##__args);
-#define DEBUG_PRINTK(__dev, __kernlvl, __lvl, __msg, __args...)        \
-       do { } while (0)
-#endif /* CONFIG_RT2X00_DEBUG */
- * Various debug levels.
- * The debug levels PANIC and ERROR both indicate serious problems,
- * for this reason they should never be ignored.
- * The special ERROR_PROBE message is for messages that are generated
- * when the rt2x00_dev is not yet initialized.
- */
-#define PANIC(__dev, __msg, __args...) \
-       DEBUG_PRINTK_MSG(__dev, KERN_CRIT, "Panic", __msg, ##__args)
-#define ERROR(__dev, __msg, __args...) \
-       DEBUG_PRINTK_MSG(__dev, KERN_ERR, "Error", __msg, ##__args)
-#define ERROR_PROBE(__msg, __args...) \
-       DEBUG_PRINTK_PROBE(KERN_ERR, "Error", __msg, ##__args)
-#define WARNING(__dev, __msg, __args...) \
-       DEBUG_PRINTK(__dev, KERN_WARNING, "Warning", __msg, ##__args)
-#define NOTICE(__dev, __msg, __args...) \
-       DEBUG_PRINTK(__dev, KERN_NOTICE, "Notice", __msg, ##__args)
-#define INFO(__dev, __msg, __args...) \
-       DEBUG_PRINTK(__dev, KERN_INFO, "Info", __msg, ##__args)
-#define DEBUG(__dev, __msg, __args...) \
-       DEBUG_PRINTK(__dev, KERN_DEBUG, "Debug", __msg, ##__args)
-#define EEPROM(__dev, __msg, __args...) \
-       DEBUG_PRINTK(__dev, KERN_DEBUG, "EEPROM recovery", __msg, ##__args)
- * Ring sizes.
- * Ralink PCI devices demand the Frame size to be a multiple of 128 bytes.
- * DATA_FRAME_SIZE is used for TX, RX, ATIM and PRIO rings.
- * MGMT_FRAME_SIZE is used for the BEACON ring.
- */
-#define DATA_FRAME_SIZE        2432
-#define MGMT_FRAME_SIZE        256
- * Number of entries in a packet ring.
- * PCI devices only need 1 Beacon entry,
- * but USB devices require a second because they
- * have to send a Guardian byte first.
- */
-#define RX_ENTRIES     12
-#define TX_ENTRIES     12
-#define ATIM_ENTRIES   1
- * Standard timing and size defines.
- * These values should follow the ieee80211 specifications.
- */
-#define ACK_SIZE               14
-#define IEEE80211_HEADER       24
-#define PLCP                   48
-#define BEACON                 100
-#define PREAMBLE               144
-#define SHORT_PREAMBLE         72
-#define SLOT_TIME              20
-#define SHORT_SLOT_TIME                9
-#define SIFS                   10
-#define PIFS                   ( SIFS + SLOT_TIME )
-#define SHORT_PIFS             ( SIFS + SHORT_SLOT_TIME )
-#define DIFS                   ( PIFS + SLOT_TIME )
-#define SHORT_DIFS             ( SHORT_PIFS + SHORT_SLOT_TIME )
-#define EIFS                   ( SIFS + (8 * (IEEE80211_HEADER + ACK_SIZE)) )
- * IEEE802.11 header defines
- */
-static inline int is_rts_frame(u16 fc)
-       return !!(((fc & IEEE80211_FCTL_FTYPE) == IEEE80211_FTYPE_CTL) &&
-                 ((fc & IEEE80211_FCTL_STYPE) == IEEE80211_STYPE_RTS));
-static inline int is_cts_frame(u16 fc)
-       return !!(((fc & IEEE80211_FCTL_FTYPE) == IEEE80211_FTYPE_CTL) &&
-                 ((fc & IEEE80211_FCTL_STYPE) == IEEE80211_STYPE_CTS));
-static inline int is_probe_resp(u16 fc)
-       return !!(((fc & IEEE80211_FCTL_FTYPE) == IEEE80211_FTYPE_MGMT) &&
-                 ((fc & IEEE80211_FCTL_STYPE) == IEEE80211_STYPE_PROBE_RESP));
- * Chipset identification
- * The chipset on the device is composed of a RT and RF chip.
- * The chipset combination is important for determining device capabilities.
- */
-struct rt2x00_chip {
-       u16 rt;
-#define RT2460         0x0101
-#define RT2560         0x0201
-#define RT2570         0x1201
-#define RT2561s                0x0301  /* Turbo */
-#define RT2561         0x0302
-#define RT2661         0x0401
-#define RT2571         0x1300
-       u16 rf;
-       u32 rev;
- * RF register values that belong to a particular channel.
- */
-struct rf_channel {
-       int channel;
-       u32 rf1;
-       u32 rf2;
-       u32 rf3;
-       u32 rf4;
- * To optimize the quality of the link we need to store
- * the quality of received frames and periodically
- * optimize the link.
- */
-struct link {
-       /*
-        * Link tuner counter
-        * The number of times the link has been tuned
-        * since the radio has been switched on.
-        */
-       u32 count;
-       /*
-        * Statistics required for Link tuning.
-        * For the average RSSI value we use the "Walking average" approach.
-        * When adding RSSI to the average value the following calculation
-        * is needed:
-        *
-        *        avg_rssi = ((avg_rssi * 7) + rssi) / 8;
-        *
-        * The advantage of this approach is that we only need 1 variable
-        * to store the average in (No need for a count and a total).
-        * But more importantly, normal average values will over time
-        * move less and less towards newly added values this results
-        * that with link tuning, the device can have a very good RSSI
-        * for a few minutes but when the device is moved away from the AP
-        * the average will not decrease fast enough to compensate.
-        * The walking average compensates this and will move towards
-        * the new values correctly allowing a effective link tuning.
-        */
-       int avg_rssi;
-       int vgc_level;
-       int false_cca;
-       /*
-        * Statistics required for Signal quality calculation.
-        * For calculating the Signal quality we have to determine
-        * the total number of success and failed RX and TX frames.
-        * After that we also use the average RSSI value to help
-        * determining the signal quality.
-        * For the calculation we will use the following algorithm:
-        *
-        *         rssi_percentage = (avg_rssi * 100) / rssi_offset
-        *         rx_percentage = (rx_success * 100) / rx_total
-        *         tx_percentage = (tx_success * 100) / tx_total
-        *         avg_signal = ((WEIGHT_RSSI * avg_rssi) +
-        *                       (WEIGHT_TX * tx_percentage) +
-        *                       (WEIGHT_RX * rx_percentage)) / 100
-        *
-        * This value should then be checked to not be greated then 100.
-        */
-       int rx_percentage;
-       int rx_success;
-       int rx_failed;
-       int tx_percentage;
-       int tx_success;
-       int tx_failed;
-#define WEIGHT_RSSI    20
-#define WEIGHT_RX      40
-#define WEIGHT_TX      40
-       /*
-        * Work structure for scheduling periodic link tuning.
-        */
-       struct delayed_work work;
- * Clear all counters inside the link structure.
- * This can be easiest achieved by memsetting everything
- * except for the work structure at the end.
- */
-static inline void rt2x00_clear_link(struct link *link)
-       memset(link, 0x00, sizeof(*link) - sizeof(link->work));
-       link->rx_percentage = 50;
-       link->tx_percentage = 50;
- * Update the rssi using the walking average approach.
- */
-static inline void rt2x00_update_link_rssi(struct link *link, int rssi)
-       if (!link->avg_rssi)
-               link->avg_rssi = rssi;
-       else
-               link->avg_rssi = ((link->avg_rssi * 7) + rssi) / 8;
- * When the avg_rssi is unset or no frames  have been received),
- * we need to return the default value which needs to be less
- * than -80 so the device will select the maximum sensitivity.
- */
-static inline int rt2x00_get_link_rssi(struct link *link)
-       return (link->avg_rssi && link->rx_success) ? link->avg_rssi : -128;
- * Interface structure
- * Configuration details about the current interface.
- */
-struct interface {
-       /*
-        * Interface identification. The value is assigned
-        * to us by the 80211 stack, and is used to request
-        * new beacons.
-        */
-       int id;
-       /*
-        * Current working type (IEEE80211_IF_TYPE_*).
-        * When set to INVALID_INTERFACE, no interface is configured.
-        */
-       int type;
-       /*
-        * MAC of the device.
-        */
-       u8 mac[ETH_ALEN];
-       /*
-        * BBSID of the AP to associate with.
-        */
-       u8 bssid[ETH_ALEN];
-       /*
-        * Store the packet filter mode for the current interface.
-        */
-       unsigned int filter;
-static inline int is_interface_present(struct interface *intf)
-       return !!intf->id;
-static inline int is_interface_type(struct interface *intf, int type)
-       return intf->type == type;
- * Details about the supported modes, rates and channels
- * of a particular chipset. This is used by rt2x00lib
- * to build the ieee80211_hw_mode array for mac80211.
- */
-struct hw_mode_spec {
-       /*
-        * Number of modes, rates and channels.
-        */
-       int num_modes;
-       int num_rates;
-       int num_channels;
-       /*
-        * txpower values.
-        */
-       const u8 *tx_power_a;
-       const u8 *tx_power_bg;
-       u8 tx_power_default;
-       /*
-        * Device/chipset specific value.
-        */
-       const struct rf_channel *channels;
- * Configuration structure wrapper around the
- * mac80211 configuration structure.
- * When mac80211 configures the driver, rt2x00lib
- * can precalculate values which are equal for all
- * rt2x00 drivers. Those values can be stored in here.
- */
-struct rt2x00lib_conf {
-       struct ieee80211_conf *conf;
-       struct rf_channel rf;
-       int phymode;
-       int basic_rates;
-       int slot_time;
-       short sifs;
-       short pifs;
-       short difs;
-       short eifs;
- * rt2x00lib callback functions.
- */
-struct rt2x00lib_ops {
-       /*
-        * Interrupt handlers.
-        */
-       irq_handler_t irq_handler;
-       /*
-        * Device init handlers.
-        */
-       int (*probe_hw) (struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev);
-       char *(*get_firmware_name) (struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev);
-       int (*load_firmware) (struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev, void *data,
-                             const size_t len);
-       /*
-        * Device initialization/deinitialization handlers.
-        */
-       int (*initialize) (struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev);
-       void (*uninitialize) (struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev);
-       /*
-        * Radio control handlers.
-        */
-       int (*set_device_state) (struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev,
-                                enum dev_state state);
-       int (*rfkill_poll) (struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev);
-       void (*link_stats) (struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev);
-       void (*reset_tuner) (struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev);
-       void (*link_tuner) (struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev);
-       /*
-        * TX control handlers
-        */
-       void (*write_tx_desc) (struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev,
-                              struct data_desc *txd,
-                              struct txdata_entry_desc *desc,
-                              struct ieee80211_hdr *ieee80211hdr,
-                              unsigned int length,
-                              struct ieee80211_tx_control *control);
-       int (*write_tx_data) (struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev,
-                             struct data_ring *ring, struct sk_buff *skb,
-                             struct ieee80211_tx_control *control);
-       int (*get_tx_data_len) (struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev,
-                               struct sk_buff *skb);
-       void (*kick_tx_queue) (struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev,
-                              unsigned int queue);
-       /*
-        * RX control handlers
-        */
-       void (*fill_rxdone) (struct data_entry *entry,
-                            struct rxdata_entry_desc *desc);
-       /*
-        * Configuration handlers.
-        */
-       void (*config_mac_addr) (struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev, __le32 *mac);
-       void (*config_bssid) (struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev, __le32 *bssid);
-       void (*config_type) (struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev, const int type,
-                                                          const int tsf_sync);
-       void (*config_preamble) (struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev,
-                                const int short_preamble,
-                                const int ack_timeout,
-                                const int ack_consume_time);
-       void (*config) (struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev, const unsigned int flags,
-                       struct rt2x00lib_conf *libconf);
-#define CONFIG_UPDATE_PHYMODE          ( 1 << 1 )
-#define CONFIG_UPDATE_CHANNEL          ( 1 << 2 )
-#define CONFIG_UPDATE_TXPOWER          ( 1 << 3 )
-#define CONFIG_UPDATE_ANTENNA          ( 1 << 4 )
-#define CONFIG_UPDATE_SLOT_TIME        ( 1 << 5 )
-#define CONFIG_UPDATE_BEACON_INT       ( 1 << 6 )
-#define CONFIG_UPDATE_ALL              0xffff
- * rt2x00 driver callback operation structure.
- */
-struct rt2x00_ops {
-       const char *name;
-       const unsigned int rxd_size;
-       const unsigned int txd_size;
-       const unsigned int eeprom_size;
-       const unsigned int rf_size;
-       const struct rt2x00lib_ops *lib;
-       const struct ieee80211_ops *hw;
-       const struct rt2x00debug *debugfs;
-#endif /* CONFIG_RT2X00_LIB_DEBUGFS */
- * rt2x00 device flags
- */
-enum rt2x00_flags {
-       /*
-        * Device state flags
-        */
-       /*
-        * Driver features
-        */
-       /*
-        * Driver configuration
-        */
- * rt2x00 device structure.
- */
-struct rt2x00_dev {
-       /*
-        * Device structure.
-        * The structure stored in here depends on the
-        * system bus (PCI or USB).
-        * When accessing this variable, the rt2x00dev_{pci,usb}
-        * macro's should be used for correct typecasting.
-        */
-       void *dev;
-#define rt2x00dev_pci(__dev)   ( (struct pci_dev*)(__dev)->dev )
-#define rt2x00dev_usb(__dev)   ( (struct usb_interface*)(__dev)->dev )
-       /*
-        * Callback functions.
-        */
-       const struct rt2x00_ops *ops;
-       /*
-        * IEEE80211 control structure.
-        */
-       struct ieee80211_hw *hw;
-       struct ieee80211_hw_mode *hwmodes;
-       unsigned int curr_hwmode;
-#define HWMODE_B       0
-#define HWMODE_G       1
-#define HWMODE_A       2
-       /*
-        * rfkill structure for RF state switching support.
-        * This will only be compiled in when required.
-        */
-       struct rfkill *rfkill;
-       struct input_polled_dev *poll_dev;
-#endif /* CONFIG_RT2X00_LIB_RFKILL */
-       /*
-        * If enabled, the debugfs interface structures
-        * required for deregistration of debugfs.
-        */
-       const struct rt2x00debug_intf *debugfs_intf;
-#endif /* CONFIG_RT2X00_LIB_DEBUGFS */
-       /*
-        * Device flags.
-        * In these flags the current status and some
-        * of the device capabilities are stored.
-        */
-       unsigned long flags;
-       /*
-        * Chipset identification.
-        */
-       struct rt2x00_chip chip;
-       /*
-        * hw capability specifications.
-        */
-       struct hw_mode_spec spec;
-       /*
-        * Register pointers
-        * csr_addr: Base register address. (PCI)
-        * csr_cache: CSR cache for usb_control_msg. (USB)
-        */
-       void __iomem *csr_addr;
-       void *csr_cache;
-       /*
-        * Interface configuration.
-        */
-       struct interface interface;
-       /*
-        * Link quality
-        */
-       struct link link;
-       /*
-        * EEPROM data.
-        */
-       __le16 *eeprom;
-       /*
-        * Active RF register values.
-        * These are stored here so we don't need
-        * to read the rf registers and can directly
-        * use this value instead.
-        * This field should be accessed by using
-        * rt2x00_rf_read() and rt2x00_rf_write().
-        */
-       u32 *rf;
-       /*
-        * USB Max frame size (for rt2500usb & rt73usb).
-        */
-       u16 usb_maxpacket;
-       /*
-        * Current TX power value.
-        */
-       u16 tx_power;
-       /*
-        * LED register (for rt61pci & rt73usb).
-        */
-       u16 led_reg;
-       /*
-        * Led mode (LED_MODE_*)
-        */
-       u8 led_mode;
-       /*
-        * Rssi <-> Dbm offset
-        */
-       u8 rssi_offset;
-       /*
-        * Frequency offset (for rt61pci & rt73usb).
-        */
-       u8 freq_offset;
-       /*
-        * Low level statistics which will have
-        * to be kept up to date while device is running.
-        */
-       struct ieee80211_low_level_stats low_level_stats;
-       /*
-        * RX configuration information.
-        */
-       struct ieee80211_rx_status rx_status;
-       /*
-        * Scheduled work.
-        */
-       struct work_struct beacon_work;
-       struct work_struct filter_work;
-       struct work_struct config_work;
-       /*
-        * Data ring arrays for RX, TX and Beacon.
-        * The Beacon array also contains the Atim ring
-        * if that is supported by the device.
-        */
-       int data_rings;
-       struct data_ring *rx;
-       struct data_ring *tx;
-       struct data_ring *bcn;
-       /*
-        * Firmware image.
-        */
-       const struct firmware *fw;
- * For-each loop for the ring array.
- * All rings have been allocated as a single array,
- * this means we can create a very simply loop macro
- * that is capable of looping through all rings.
- * ring_end(), txring_end() and ring_loop() are helper macro's which
- * should not be used directly. Instead the following should be used:
- * ring_for_each() - Loops through all rings (RX, TX, Beacon & Atim)
- * txring_for_each() - Loops through TX data rings (TX only)
- * txringall_for_each() - Loops through all TX rings (TX, Beacon & Atim)
- */
-#define ring_end(__dev) \
-       &(__dev)->rx[(__dev)->data_rings]
-#define txring_end(__dev) \
-       &(__dev)->tx[(__dev)->hw->queues]
-#define ring_loop(__entry, __start, __end)                     \
-       for ((__entry) = (__start);                             \
-            prefetch(&(__entry)[1]), (__entry) != (__end);     \
-            (__entry) = &(__entry)[1])
-#define ring_for_each(__dev, __entry) \
-       ring_loop(__entry, (__dev)->rx, ring_end(__dev))
-#define txring_for_each(__dev, __entry) \
-       ring_loop(__entry, (__dev)->tx, txring_end(__dev))
-#define txringall_for_each(__dev, __entry) \
-       ring_loop(__entry, (__dev)->tx, ring_end(__dev))
- * Generic RF access.
- * The RF is being accessed by word index.
- */
-static inline void rt2x00_rf_read(const struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev,
-                                 const unsigned int word, u32 *data)
-       *data = rt2x00dev->rf[word];
-static inline void rt2x00_rf_write(const struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev,
-                                  const unsigned int word, u32 data)
-       rt2x00dev->rf[word] = data;
- *  Generic EEPROM access.
- * The EEPROM is being accessed by word index.
- */
-static inline void *rt2x00_eeprom_addr(const struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev,
-                                      const unsigned int word)
-       return (void *)&rt2x00dev->eeprom[word];
-static inline void rt2x00_eeprom_read(const struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev,
-                                     const unsigned int word, u16 *data)
-       *data = le16_to_cpu(rt2x00dev->eeprom[word]);
-static inline void rt2x00_eeprom_write(const struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev,
-                                      const unsigned int word, u16 data)
-       rt2x00dev->eeprom[word] = cpu_to_le16(data);
- * Chipset handlers
- */
-static inline void rt2x00_set_chip(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev,
-                                  const u16 rt, const u16 rf, const u32 rev)
-       INFO(rt2x00dev,
-            "Chipset detected - rt: %04x, rf: %04x, rev: %08x.\n",
-            rt, rf, rev);
-       rt2x00dev->chip.rt = rt;
-       rt2x00dev->chip.rf = rf;
-       rt2x00dev->chip.rev = rev;
-static inline char rt2x00_rt(const struct rt2x00_chip *chipset, const u16 chip)
-       return (chipset->rt == chip);
-static inline char rt2x00_rf(const struct rt2x00_chip *chipset, const u16 chip)
-       return (chipset->rf == chip);
-static inline u16 rt2x00_rev(const struct rt2x00_chip *chipset)
-       return chipset->rev;
-static inline u16 rt2x00_check_rev(const struct rt2x00_chip *chipset,
-                                  const u32 rev)
-       return (((chipset->rev & 0xffff0) == rev) &&
-               !!(chipset->rev & 0x0000f));
- * Duration calculations
- * The rate variable passed is: 100kbs.
- * To convert from bytes to bits we multiply size with 8,
- * then the size is multiplied with 10 to make the
- * real rate -> rate argument correction.
- */
-static inline u16 get_duration(const unsigned int size, const u8 rate)
-       return ((size * 8 * 10) / rate);
-static inline u16 get_duration_res(const unsigned int size, const u8 rate)
-       return ((size * 8 * 10) % rate);
- * Library functions.
- */
-struct data_ring *rt2x00lib_get_ring(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev,
-                                    const unsigned int queue);
- * Interrupt context handlers.
- */
-void rt2x00lib_beacondone(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev);
-void rt2x00lib_txdone(struct data_entry *entry,
-                     const int status, const int retry);
-void rt2x00lib_rxdone(struct data_entry *entry, struct sk_buff *skb,
-                     struct rxdata_entry_desc *desc);
- * TX descriptor initializer
- */
-void rt2x00lib_write_tx_desc(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev,
-                            struct data_desc *txd,
-                            struct ieee80211_hdr *ieee80211hdr,
-                            unsigned int length,
-                            struct ieee80211_tx_control *control);
- * mac80211 handlers.
- */
-int rt2x00mac_tx(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, struct sk_buff *skb,
-                struct ieee80211_tx_control *control);
-int rt2x00mac_start(struct ieee80211_hw *hw);
-void rt2x00mac_stop(struct ieee80211_hw *hw);
-int rt2x00mac_add_interface(struct ieee80211_hw *hw,
-                           struct ieee80211_if_init_conf *conf);
-void rt2x00mac_remove_interface(struct ieee80211_hw *hw,
-                               struct ieee80211_if_init_conf *conf);
-int rt2x00mac_config(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, struct ieee80211_conf *conf);
-int rt2x00mac_config_interface(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, int if_id,
-                              struct ieee80211_if_conf *conf);
-int rt2x00mac_get_stats(struct ieee80211_hw *hw,
-                       struct ieee80211_low_level_stats *stats);
-int rt2x00mac_get_tx_stats(struct ieee80211_hw *hw,
-                          struct ieee80211_tx_queue_stats *stats);
-void rt2x00mac_erp_ie_changed(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, u8 changes,
-                             int cts_protection, int preamble);
-int rt2x00mac_conf_tx(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, int queue,
-                     const struct ieee80211_tx_queue_params *params);
- * Driver allocation handlers.
- */
-int rt2x00lib_probe_dev(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev);
-void rt2x00lib_remove_dev(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev);
-#ifdef CONFIG_PM
-int rt2x00lib_suspend(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev, pm_message_t state);
-int rt2x00lib_resume(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev);
-#endif /* CONFIG_PM */
-#endif /* RT2X00_H */
diff --git a/package/rt2x00/src/rt2x00_compat.h b/package/rt2x00/src/rt2x00_compat.h
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 83d4f99..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
- * RT2X00 Compatability fixes for specific kernels.
- */
-#ifndef RT2X00_COMPAT_H
-#define RT2X00_COMPAT_H
- * First include the 2 config headers.
- * The rt2x00_config.h should overrule
- * the kernel configuration.
- */
-#include <linux/autoconf.h>
-#include "rt2x00_config.h"
-#include <linux/kernel.h>
-#include <linux/module.h>
-#include <linux/version.h>
- * Check minimal requirements.
- */
-#if (!defined(CONFIG_MAC80211) && !defined(CONFIG_MAC80211_MODULE))
-#error mac80211 support not enabled in kernel!
-#if !defined(CONFIG_WLAN_80211)
-#error 802.11 wlan card support not enabled in kernel!
-#if (defined(CONFIG_RT2400PCI) || defined(CONFIG_RT2500PCI) || defined(CONFIG_RT61PCI))
-#if (!defined(CONFIG_PCI) && !defined(CONFIG_PCI_MODULE))
-#error PCI has been disabled in your kernel!
-#if (!defined(CONFIG_EEPROM_93CX6) && !defined(CONFIG_EEPROM_93CX6_MODULE))
-#error EEPROM_93CX6 has been disabled in your kernel!
-#if (defined(CONFIG_RT2500USB) || defined(CONFIG_RT73USB))
-#if (!defined(CONFIG_USB) && !defined(CONFIG_USB_MODULE))
-#error USB has been disabled in your kernel!
-#if (defined(CONFIG_RT61PCI) || defined(CONFIG_RT73USB))
-#if (!defined(CONFIG_FW_LOADER) && !defined(CONFIG_FW_LOADER_MODULE))
-#error Firmware loading has been disabled in your kernel!
-#if (!defined(CONFIG_CRC_ITU_T) && !defined(CONFIG_CRC_ITU_T_MODULE))
-#error CRC_ITU_T loading has been disabled in your kernel!
-#if (defined(CONFIG_RT2X00_DEBUGFS))
-#if (!defined(CONFIG_MAC80211_DEBUGFS) && !defined(CONFIG_MAC80211_DEBUGFS_MODULE))
-#error mac80211 debugfs support has been disabled in your kernel!
-#if (defined(CONFIG_RT2400PCI_BUTTON) || defined(CONFIG_RT2500PCI_BUTTON) || defined(CONFIG_RT61PCI_BUTTON))
-#if (!defined(CONFIG_RFKILL) && !defined (CONFIG_RFKILL_MODULE))
-#error RFKILL has been disabled in your kernel!
-#endif /* RT2X00_COMPAT_H */
diff --git a/package/rt2x00/src/rt2x00config.c b/package/rt2x00/src/rt2x00config.c
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 12914cf..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,205 +0,0 @@
-       Copyright (C) 2004 - 2007 rt2x00 SourceForge Project
-       <http://rt2x00.serialmonkey.com>
-       This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-       it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-       the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-       (at your option) any later version.
-       This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-       but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-       GNU General Public License for more details.
-       You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-       along with this program; if not, write to the
-       Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
-       59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
- */
-       Module: rt2x00lib
-       Abstract: rt2x00 generic configuration routines.
- */
- * Set enviroment defines for rt2x00.h
- */
-#define DRV_NAME "rt2x00lib"
-#include <linux/kernel.h>
-#include <linux/module.h>
-#include "rt2x00.h"
-#include "rt2x00lib.h"
- * The MAC and BSSID addressess are simple array of bytes,
- * these arrays are little endian, so when sending the addressess
- * to the drivers, copy the it into a endian-signed variable.
- *
- * Note that all devices (except rt2500usb) have 32 bits
- * register word sizes. This means that whatever variable we
- * pass _must_ be a multiple of 32 bits. Otherwise the device
- * might not accept what we are sending to it.
- * This will also make it easier for the driver to write
- * the data to the device.
- *
- * Also note that when NULL is passed as address the
- * we will send 00:00:00:00:00 to the device to clear the address.
- * This will prevent the device being confused when it wants
- * to ACK frames or consideres itself associated.
- */
-void rt2x00lib_config_mac_addr(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev, u8 *mac)
-       __le32 reg[2];
-       memset(&reg, 0, sizeof(reg));
-       if (mac)
-               memcpy(&reg, mac, ETH_ALEN);
-       rt2x00dev->ops->lib->config_mac_addr(rt2x00dev, &reg[0]);
-void rt2x00lib_config_bssid(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev, u8 *bssid)
-       __le32 reg[2];
-       memset(&reg, 0, sizeof(reg));
-       if (bssid)
-               memcpy(&reg, bssid, ETH_ALEN);
-       rt2x00dev->ops->lib->config_bssid(rt2x00dev, &reg[0]);
-void rt2x00lib_config_type(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev, const int type)
-       int tsf_sync;
-       switch (type) {
-       case IEEE80211_IF_TYPE_IBSS:
-       case IEEE80211_IF_TYPE_AP:
-               tsf_sync = TSF_SYNC_BEACON;
-               break;
-       case IEEE80211_IF_TYPE_STA:
-               tsf_sync = TSF_SYNC_INFRA;
-               break;
-       default:
-               tsf_sync = TSF_SYNC_NONE;
-               break;
-       }
-       rt2x00dev->ops->lib->config_type(rt2x00dev, type, tsf_sync);
-void rt2x00lib_config(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev,
-                     struct ieee80211_conf *conf, const int force_config)
-       struct rt2x00lib_conf libconf;
-       struct ieee80211_hw_mode *mode;
-       struct ieee80211_rate *rate;
-       int flags = 0;
-       int short_slot_time;
-       /*
-        * In some situations we want to force all configurations
-        * to be reloaded (When resuming for instance).
-        */
-       if (force_config) {
-               flags = CONFIG_UPDATE_ALL;
-               goto config;
-       }
-       /*
-        * Check which configuration options have been
-        * updated and should be send to the device.
-        */
-       if (rt2x00dev->rx_status.phymode != conf->phymode)
-               flags |= CONFIG_UPDATE_PHYMODE;
-       if (rt2x00dev->rx_status.channel != conf->channel)
-               flags |= CONFIG_UPDATE_CHANNEL;
-       if (rt2x00dev->tx_power != conf->power_level)
-               flags |= CONFIG_UPDATE_TXPOWER;
-       if (rt2x00dev->rx_status.antenna == conf->antenna_sel_rx)
-               flags |= CONFIG_UPDATE_ANTENNA;
-       /*
-        * The following configuration options are never
-        * stored anywhere and will always be updated.
-        */
-       flags |= CONFIG_UPDATE_SLOT_TIME;
-       flags |= CONFIG_UPDATE_BEACON_INT;
-       /*
-        * We have determined what options should be updated,
-        * now precalculate device configuration values depending
-        * on what configuration options need to be updated.
-        */
-       memset(&libconf, 0, sizeof(libconf));
-       if (flags & CONFIG_UPDATE_PHYMODE) {
-               switch (conf->phymode) {
-               case MODE_IEEE80211A:
-                       libconf.phymode = HWMODE_A;
-                       break;
-               case MODE_IEEE80211B:
-                       libconf.phymode = HWMODE_B;
-                       break;
-               case MODE_IEEE80211G:
-                       libconf.phymode = HWMODE_G;
-                       break;
-               default:
-                       ERROR(rt2x00dev,
-                             "Attempt to configure unsupported mode (%d)"
-                             "Defaulting to 802.11b", conf->phymode);
-                       libconf.phymode = HWMODE_B;
-               }
-               mode = &rt2x00dev->hwmodes[libconf.phymode];
-               rate = &mode->rates[mode->num_rates - 1];
-               libconf.basic_rates =
-                   DEVICE_GET_RATE_FIELD(rate->val, RATEMASK) & DEV_BASIC_RATEMASK;
-       }
-       if (flags & CONFIG_UPDATE_CHANNEL) {
-               memcpy(&libconf.rf,
-                      &rt2x00dev->spec.channels[conf->channel_val],
-                      sizeof(libconf.rf));
-       }
-       if (flags & CONFIG_UPDATE_SLOT_TIME) {
-               short_slot_time = conf->flags & IEEE80211_CONF_SHORT_SLOT_TIME;
-               libconf.slot_time =
-                   short_slot_time ? SHORT_SLOT_TIME : SLOT_TIME;
-               libconf.sifs = SIFS;
-               libconf.pifs = short_slot_time ? SHORT_PIFS : PIFS;
-               libconf.difs = short_slot_time ? SHORT_DIFS : DIFS;
-               libconf.eifs = EIFS;
-       }
-       libconf.conf = conf;
-       /*
-        * Start configuration.
-        */
-       rt2x00dev->ops->lib->config(rt2x00dev, flags, &libconf);
-       /*
-        * Some configuration changes affect the link quality
-        * which means we need to reset the link tuner.
-        */
-               rt2x00lib_reset_link_tuner(rt2x00dev);
-       rt2x00dev->curr_hwmode = libconf.phymode;
-       rt2x00dev->rx_status.phymode = conf->phymode;
-       rt2x00dev->rx_status.freq = conf->freq;
-       rt2x00dev->rx_status.channel = conf->channel;
-       rt2x00dev->tx_power = conf->power_level;
-       rt2x00dev->rx_status.antenna = conf->antenna_sel_rx;
diff --git a/package/rt2x00/src/rt2x00debug.c b/package/rt2x00/src/rt2x00debug.c
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 9275d6f..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,368 +0,0 @@
-       Copyright (C) 2004 - 2007 rt2x00 SourceForge Project
-       <http://rt2x00.serialmonkey.com>
-       This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-       it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-       the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-       (at your option) any later version.
-       This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-       but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-       GNU General Public License for more details.
-       You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-       along with this program; if not, write to the
-       Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
-       59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
- */
-       Module: rt2x00lib
-       Abstract: rt2x00 debugfs specific routines.
- */
- * Set enviroment defines for rt2x00.h
- */
-#define DRV_NAME "rt2x00lib"
-#include <linux/debugfs.h>
-#include <linux/kernel.h>
-#include <linux/module.h>
-#include <linux/uaccess.h>
-#include "rt2x00.h"
-#include "rt2x00lib.h"
-#define PRINT_LINE_LEN_MAX 32
-struct rt2x00debug_intf {
-       /*
-        * Pointer to driver structure where
-        * this debugfs entry belongs to.
-        */
-       struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev;
-       /*
-        * Reference to the rt2x00debug structure
-        * which can be used to communicate with
-        * the registers.
-        */
-       const struct rt2x00debug *debug;
-       /*
-        * Debugfs entries for:
-        * - driver folder
-        * - driver file
-        * - chipset file
-        * - device flags file
-        * - register offset/value files
-        * - eeprom offset/value files
-        * - bbp offset/value files
-        * - rf offset/value files
-        */
-       struct dentry *driver_folder;
-       struct dentry *driver_entry;
-       struct dentry *chipset_entry;
-       struct dentry *dev_flags;
-       struct dentry *csr_off_entry;
-       struct dentry *csr_val_entry;
-       struct dentry *eeprom_off_entry;
-       struct dentry *eeprom_val_entry;
-       struct dentry *bbp_off_entry;
-       struct dentry *bbp_val_entry;
-       struct dentry *rf_off_entry;
-       struct dentry *rf_val_entry;
-       /*
-        * Driver and chipset files will use a data buffer
-        * that has been created in advance. This will simplify
-        * the code since we can use the debugfs functions.
-        */
-       struct debugfs_blob_wrapper driver_blob;
-       struct debugfs_blob_wrapper chipset_blob;
-       /*
-        * Requested offset for each register type.
-        */
-       unsigned int offset_csr;
-       unsigned int offset_eeprom;
-       unsigned int offset_bbp;
-       unsigned int offset_rf;
-static int rt2x00debug_file_open(struct inode *inode, struct file *file)
-       struct rt2x00debug_intf *intf = inode->i_private;
-       file->private_data = inode->i_private;
-       if (!try_module_get(intf->debug->owner))
-               return -EBUSY;
-       return 0;
-static int rt2x00debug_file_release(struct inode *inode, struct file *file)
-       struct rt2x00debug_intf *intf = file->private_data;
-       module_put(intf->debug->owner);
-       return 0;
-#define RT2X00DEBUGFS_OPS_READ(__name, __format, __type)       \
-static ssize_t rt2x00debug_read_##__name(struct file *file,    \
-                                        char __user *buf,      \
-                                        size_t length,         \
-                                        loff_t *offset)        \
-{                                                              \
-       struct rt2x00debug_intf *intf = file->private_data;     \
-       const struct rt2x00debug *debug = intf->debug;          \
-       char line[16];                                          \
-       size_t size;                                            \
-       __type value;                                           \
-                                                               \
-       if (*offset)                                            \
-               return 0;                                       \
-                                                               \
-       if (intf->offset_##__name >= debug->__name.word_count)  \
-               return -EINVAL;                                 \
-                                                               \
-       debug->__name.read(intf->rt2x00dev,                     \
-                          intf->offset_##__name, &value);      \
-                                                               \
-       size = sprintf(line, __format, value);                  \
-                                                               \
-       if (copy_to_user(buf, line, size))                      \
-               return -EFAULT;                                 \
-                                                               \
-       *offset += size;                                        \
-       return size;                                            \
-#define RT2X00DEBUGFS_OPS_WRITE(__name, __type)                        \
-static ssize_t rt2x00debug_write_##__name(struct file *file,   \
-                                         const char __user *buf,\
-                                         size_t length,        \
-                                         loff_t *offset)       \
-{                                                              \
-       struct rt2x00debug_intf *intf = file->private_data;     \
-       const struct rt2x00debug *debug = intf->debug;          \
-       char line[16];                                          \
-       size_t size;                                            \
-       __type value;                                           \
-                                                               \
-       if (*offset)                                            \
-               return 0;                                       \
-                                                               \
-       if (!capable(CAP_NET_ADMIN))                            \
-               return -EPERM;                                  \
-                                                               \
-       if (intf->offset_##__name >= debug->__name.word_count)  \
-               return -EINVAL;                                 \
-                                                               \
-       if (copy_from_user(line, buf, length))                  \
-               return -EFAULT;                                 \
-                                                               \
-       size = strlen(line);                                    \
-       value = simple_strtoul(line, NULL, 0);                  \
-                                                               \
-       debug->__name.write(intf->rt2x00dev,                    \
-                           intf->offset_##__name, value);      \
-                                                               \
-       *offset += size;                                        \
-       return size;                                            \
-#define RT2X00DEBUGFS_OPS(__name, __format, __type)            \
-RT2X00DEBUGFS_OPS_READ(__name, __format, __type);              \
-RT2X00DEBUGFS_OPS_WRITE(__name, __type);                       \
-                                                               \
-static const struct file_operations rt2x00debug_fop_##__name = {\
-       .owner          = THIS_MODULE,                          \
-       .read           = rt2x00debug_read_##__name,            \
-       .write          = rt2x00debug_write_##__name,           \
-       .open           = rt2x00debug_file_open,                \
-       .release        = rt2x00debug_file_release,             \
-RT2X00DEBUGFS_OPS(csr, "0x%.8x\n", u32);
-RT2X00DEBUGFS_OPS(eeprom, "0x%.4x\n", u16);
-RT2X00DEBUGFS_OPS(bbp, "0x%.2x\n", u8);
-RT2X00DEBUGFS_OPS(rf, "0x%.8x\n", u32);
-static ssize_t rt2x00debug_read_dev_flags(struct file *file,
-                                         char __user *buf,
-                                         size_t length,
-                                         loff_t *offset)
-       struct rt2x00debug_intf *intf = file->private_data;
-       char line[16];
-       size_t size;
-       if (*offset)
-               return 0;
-       size = sprintf(line, "0x%.8x\n", (unsigned int)intf->rt2x00dev->flags);
-       if (copy_to_user(buf, line, size))
-               return -EFAULT;
-       *offset += size;
-       return size;
-static const struct file_operations rt2x00debug_fop_dev_flags = {
-       .owner          = THIS_MODULE,
-       .read           = rt2x00debug_read_dev_flags,
-       .open           = rt2x00debug_file_open,
-       .release        = rt2x00debug_file_release,
-static struct dentry *rt2x00debug_create_file_driver(const char *name,
-                                                    struct rt2x00debug_intf
-                                                    *intf,
-                                                    struct debugfs_blob_wrapper
-                                                    *blob)
-       char *data;
-       data = kzalloc(3 * PRINT_LINE_LEN_MAX, GFP_KERNEL);
-       if (!data)
-               return NULL;
-       blob->data = data;
-       data += sprintf(data, "driver: %s\n", intf->rt2x00dev->ops->name);
-       data += sprintf(data, "version: %s\n", DRV_VERSION);
-       data += sprintf(data, "compiled: %s %s\n", __DATE__, __TIME__);
-       blob->size = strlen(blob->data);
-       return debugfs_create_blob(name, S_IRUGO, intf->driver_folder, blob);
-static struct dentry *rt2x00debug_create_file_chipset(const char *name,
-                                                     struct rt2x00debug_intf
-                                                     *intf,
-                                                     struct
-                                                     debugfs_blob_wrapper
-                                                     *blob)
-       const struct rt2x00debug *debug = intf->debug;
-       char *data;
-       data = kzalloc(4 * PRINT_LINE_LEN_MAX, GFP_KERNEL);
-       if (!data)
-               return NULL;
-       blob->data = data;
-       data += sprintf(data, "csr length: %d\n", debug->csr.word_count);
-       data += sprintf(data, "eeprom length: %d\n", debug->eeprom.word_count);
-       data += sprintf(data, "bbp length: %d\n", debug->bbp.word_count);
-       data += sprintf(data, "rf length: %d\n", debug->rf.word_count);
-       blob->size = strlen(blob->data);
-       return debugfs_create_blob(name, S_IRUGO, intf->driver_folder, blob);
-void rt2x00debug_register(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev)
-       const struct rt2x00debug *debug = rt2x00dev->ops->debugfs;
-       struct rt2x00debug_intf *intf;
-       intf = kzalloc(sizeof(struct rt2x00debug_intf), GFP_KERNEL);
-       if (!intf) {
-               ERROR(rt2x00dev, "Failed to allocate debug handler.\n");
-               return;
-       }
-       intf->debug = debug;
-       intf->rt2x00dev = rt2x00dev;
-       rt2x00dev->debugfs_intf = intf;
-       intf->driver_folder =
-           debugfs_create_dir(intf->rt2x00dev->ops->name,
-                              rt2x00dev->hw->wiphy->debugfsdir);
-       if (IS_ERR(intf->driver_folder))
-               goto exit;
-       intf->driver_entry =
-           rt2x00debug_create_file_driver("driver", intf, &intf->driver_blob);
-       if (IS_ERR(intf->driver_entry))
-               goto exit;
-       intf->chipset_entry =
-           rt2x00debug_create_file_chipset("chipset",
-                                           intf, &intf->chipset_blob);
-       if (IS_ERR(intf->chipset_entry))
-               goto exit;
-       intf->dev_flags = debugfs_create_file("dev_flags", S_IRUGO,
-                                             intf->driver_folder, intf,
-                                             &rt2x00debug_fop_dev_flags);
-       if (IS_ERR(intf->dev_flags))
-               goto exit;
-#define RT2X00DEBUGFS_CREATE_ENTRY(__intf, __name)             \
-({                                                             \
-       (__intf)->__name##_off_entry =                          \
-           debugfs_create_u32(__stringify(__name) "_offset",   \
-                              S_IRUGO | S_IWUSR,               \
-                              (__intf)->driver_folder,         \
-                              &(__intf)->offset_##__name);     \
-       if (IS_ERR((__intf)->__name##_off_entry))               \
-               goto exit;                                      \
-                                                               \
-       (__intf)->__name##_val_entry =                          \
-           debugfs_create_file(__stringify(__name) "_value",   \
-                               S_IRUGO | S_IWUSR,              \
-                               (__intf)->driver_folder,        \
-                               (__intf), &rt2x00debug_fop_##__name);\
-       if (IS_ERR((__intf)->__name##_val_entry))               \
-               goto exit;                                      \
-       RT2X00DEBUGFS_CREATE_ENTRY(intf, csr);
-       RT2X00DEBUGFS_CREATE_ENTRY(intf, eeprom);
-       RT2X00DEBUGFS_CREATE_ENTRY(intf, bbp);
-       RT2X00DEBUGFS_CREATE_ENTRY(intf, rf);
-       return;
-       rt2x00debug_deregister(rt2x00dev);
-       ERROR(rt2x00dev, "Failed to register debug handler.\n");
-       return;
-void rt2x00debug_deregister(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev)
-       const struct rt2x00debug_intf *intf = rt2x00dev->debugfs_intf;
-       if (unlikely(!intf))
-               return;
-       debugfs_remove(intf->rf_val_entry);
-       debugfs_remove(intf->rf_off_entry);
-       debugfs_remove(intf->bbp_val_entry);
-       debugfs_remove(intf->bbp_off_entry);
-       debugfs_remove(intf->eeprom_val_entry);
-       debugfs_remove(intf->eeprom_off_entry);
-       debugfs_remove(intf->csr_val_entry);
-       debugfs_remove(intf->csr_off_entry);
-       debugfs_remove(intf->dev_flags);
-       debugfs_remove(intf->chipset_entry);
-       debugfs_remove(intf->driver_entry);
-       debugfs_remove(intf->driver_folder);
-       kfree(intf->chipset_blob.data);
-       kfree(intf->driver_blob.data);
-       kfree(intf);
-       rt2x00dev->debugfs_intf = NULL;
diff --git a/package/rt2x00/src/rt2x00debug.h b/package/rt2x00/src/rt2x00debug.h
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 860e8fa..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
-       Copyright (C) 2004 - 2007 rt2x00 SourceForge Project
-       <http://rt2x00.serialmonkey.com>
-       This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-       it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-       the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-       (at your option) any later version.
-       This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-       but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-       GNU General Public License for more details.
-       You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-       along with this program; if not, write to the
-       Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
-       59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
- */
-       Module: rt2x00debug
-       Abstract: Data structures for the rt2x00debug.
- */
-#ifndef RT2X00DEBUG_H
-#define RT2X00DEBUG_H
-struct rt2x00_dev;
-#define RT2X00DEBUGFS_REGISTER_ENTRY(__name, __type)           \
-struct reg##__name {                                           \
-       void (*read)(const struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev,        \
-                    const unsigned int word, __type *data);    \
-       void (*write)(const struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev,       \
-                     const unsigned int word, __type data);    \
-                                                               \
-       unsigned int word_size;                                 \
-       unsigned int word_count;                                \
-} __name
-struct rt2x00debug {
-       /*
-        * Reference to the modules structure.
-        */
-       struct module *owner;
-       /*
-        * Register access entries.
-        */
-       RT2X00DEBUGFS_REGISTER_ENTRY(csr, u32);
-       RT2X00DEBUGFS_REGISTER_ENTRY(eeprom, u16);
-       RT2X00DEBUGFS_REGISTER_ENTRY(bbp, u8);
-       RT2X00DEBUGFS_REGISTER_ENTRY(rf, u32);
-#endif /* RT2X00DEBUG_H */
diff --git a/package/rt2x00/src/rt2x00dev.c b/package/rt2x00/src/rt2x00dev.c
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index ff399f8..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1202 +0,0 @@
-       Copyright (C) 2004 - 2007 rt2x00 SourceForge Project
-       <http://rt2x00.serialmonkey.com>
-       This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-       it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-       the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-       (at your option) any later version.
-       This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-       but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-       GNU General Public License for more details.
-       You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-       along with this program; if not, write to the
-       Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
-       59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
- */
-       Module: rt2x00lib
-       Abstract: rt2x00 generic device routines.
- */
- * Set enviroment defines for rt2x00.h
- */
-#define DRV_NAME "rt2x00lib"
-#include <linux/kernel.h>
-#include <linux/module.h>
-#include "rt2x00.h"
-#include "rt2x00lib.h"
- * Ring handler.
- */
-struct data_ring *rt2x00lib_get_ring(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev,
-                                    const unsigned int queue)
-       int beacon = test_bit(DRIVER_REQUIRE_BEACON_RING, &rt2x00dev->flags);
-       /*
-        * Check if we are requesting a reqular TX ring,
-        * or if we are requesting a Beacon or Atim ring.
-        * For Atim rings, we should check if it is supported.
-        */
-       if (queue < rt2x00dev->hw->queues && rt2x00dev->tx)
-               return &rt2x00dev->tx[queue];
-       if (!rt2x00dev->bcn || !beacon)
-               return NULL;
-       if (queue == IEEE80211_TX_QUEUE_BEACON)
-               return &rt2x00dev->bcn[0];
-       else if (queue == IEEE80211_TX_QUEUE_AFTER_BEACON)
-               return &rt2x00dev->bcn[1];
-       return NULL;
- * Link tuning handlers
- */
-static void rt2x00lib_start_link_tuner(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev)
-       rt2x00_clear_link(&rt2x00dev->link);
-       /*
-        * Reset the link tuner.
-        */
-       rt2x00dev->ops->lib->reset_tuner(rt2x00dev);
-       queue_delayed_work(rt2x00dev->hw->workqueue,
-                          &rt2x00dev->link.work, LINK_TUNE_INTERVAL);
-static void rt2x00lib_stop_link_tuner(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev)
-       cancel_delayed_work_sync(&rt2x00dev->link.work);
-void rt2x00lib_reset_link_tuner(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev)
-       if (!test_bit(DEVICE_ENABLED_RADIO, &rt2x00dev->flags))
-               return;
-       rt2x00lib_stop_link_tuner(rt2x00dev);
-       rt2x00lib_start_link_tuner(rt2x00dev);
- * Radio control handlers.
- */
-int rt2x00lib_enable_radio(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev)
-       int status;
-       /*
-        * Don't enable the radio twice.
-        * And check if the hardware button has been disabled.
-        */
-       if (test_bit(DEVICE_ENABLED_RADIO, &rt2x00dev->flags) ||
-           test_bit(DEVICE_DISABLED_RADIO_HW, &rt2x00dev->flags))
-               return 0;
-       /*
-        * Enable radio.
-        */
-       status = rt2x00dev->ops->lib->set_device_state(rt2x00dev,
-                                                      STATE_RADIO_ON);
-       if (status)
-               return status;
-       __set_bit(DEVICE_ENABLED_RADIO, &rt2x00dev->flags);
-       /*
-        * Enable RX.
-        */
-       rt2x00lib_toggle_rx(rt2x00dev, STATE_RADIO_RX_ON);
-       /*
-        * Start the TX queues.
-        */
-       ieee80211_start_queues(rt2x00dev->hw);
-       return 0;
-void rt2x00lib_disable_radio(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev)
-       if (!__test_and_clear_bit(DEVICE_ENABLED_RADIO, &rt2x00dev->flags))
-               return;
-       /*
-        * Stop all scheduled work.
-        */
-       if (work_pending(&rt2x00dev->beacon_work))
-               cancel_work_sync(&rt2x00dev->beacon_work);
-       if (work_pending(&rt2x00dev->filter_work))
-               cancel_work_sync(&rt2x00dev->filter_work);
-       if (work_pending(&rt2x00dev->config_work))
-               cancel_work_sync(&rt2x00dev->config_work);
-       /*
-        * Stop the TX queues.
-        */
-       ieee80211_stop_queues(rt2x00dev->hw);
-       /*
-        * Disable RX.
-        */
-       rt2x00lib_toggle_rx(rt2x00dev, STATE_RADIO_RX_OFF);
-       /*
-        * Disable radio.
-        */
-       rt2x00dev->ops->lib->set_device_state(rt2x00dev, STATE_RADIO_OFF);
-void rt2x00lib_toggle_rx(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev, enum dev_state state)
-       /*
-        * When we are disabling the RX, we should also stop the link tuner.
-        */
-       if (state == STATE_RADIO_RX_OFF)
-               rt2x00lib_stop_link_tuner(rt2x00dev);
-       rt2x00dev->ops->lib->set_device_state(rt2x00dev, state);
-       /*
-        * When we are enabling the RX, we should also start the link tuner.
-        */
-       if (state == STATE_RADIO_RX_ON &&
-           is_interface_present(&rt2x00dev->interface))
-               rt2x00lib_start_link_tuner(rt2x00dev);
-static void rt2x00lib_precalculate_link_signal(struct link *link)
-       if (link->rx_failed || link->rx_success)
-               link->rx_percentage =
-                   (link->rx_success * 100) /
-                   (link->rx_failed + link->rx_success);
-       else
-               link->rx_percentage = 50;
-       if (link->tx_failed || link->tx_success)
-               link->tx_percentage =
-                   (link->tx_success * 100) /
-                   (link->tx_failed + link->tx_success);
-       else
-               link->tx_percentage = 50;
-       link->rx_success = 0;
-       link->rx_failed = 0;
-       link->tx_success = 0;
-       link->tx_failed = 0;
-static int rt2x00lib_calculate_link_signal(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev,
-                                          int rssi)
-       int rssi_percentage = 0;
-       int signal;
-       /*
-        * We need a positive value for the RSSI.
-        */
-       if (rssi < 0)
-               rssi += rt2x00dev->rssi_offset;
-       /*
-        * Calculate the different percentages,
-        * which will be used for the signal.
-        */
-       if (rt2x00dev->rssi_offset)
-               rssi_percentage = (rssi * 100) / rt2x00dev->rssi_offset;
-       /*
-        * Add the individual percentages and use the WEIGHT
-        * defines to calculate the current link signal.
-        */
-       signal = ((WEIGHT_RSSI * rssi_percentage) +
-                 (WEIGHT_TX * rt2x00dev->link.tx_percentage) +
-                 (WEIGHT_RX * rt2x00dev->link.rx_percentage)) / 100;
-       return (signal > 100) ? 100 : signal;
-static void rt2x00lib_link_tuner(struct work_struct *work)
-       struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev =
-           container_of(work, struct rt2x00_dev, link.work.work);
-       /*
-        * When the radio is shutting down we should
-        * immediately cease all link tuning.
-        */
-       if (!test_bit(DEVICE_ENABLED_RADIO, &rt2x00dev->flags))
-               return;
-       /*
-        * Update statistics.
-        */
-       rt2x00dev->ops->lib->link_stats(rt2x00dev);
-       rt2x00dev->low_level_stats.dot11FCSErrorCount +=
-           rt2x00dev->link.rx_failed;
-       /*
-        * Only perform the link tuning when Link tuning
-        * has been enabled (This could have been disabled from the EEPROM).
-        */
-       if (!test_bit(CONFIG_DISABLE_LINK_TUNING, &rt2x00dev->flags))
-               rt2x00dev->ops->lib->link_tuner(rt2x00dev);
-       /*
-        * Precalculate a portion of the link signal which is
-        * in based on the tx/rx success/failure counters.
-        */
-       rt2x00lib_precalculate_link_signal(&rt2x00dev->link);
-       /*
-        * Increase tuner counter, and reschedule the next link tuner run.
-        */
-       rt2x00dev->link.count++;
-       queue_delayed_work(rt2x00dev->hw->workqueue, &rt2x00dev->link.work,
-                          LINK_TUNE_INTERVAL);
-static void rt2x00lib_packetfilter_scheduled(struct work_struct *work)
-       struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev =
-           container_of(work, struct rt2x00_dev, filter_work);
-       unsigned int filter = rt2x00dev->interface.filter;
-       /*
-        * Since we had stored the filter inside interface.filter,
-        * we should now clear that field. Otherwise the driver will
-        * assume nothing has changed (*total_flags will be compared
-        * to interface.filter to determine if any action is required).
-        */
-       rt2x00dev->interface.filter = 0;
-       rt2x00dev->ops->hw->configure_filter(rt2x00dev->hw,
-                                            filter, &filter, 0, NULL);
-static void rt2x00lib_configuration_scheduled(struct work_struct *work)
-       struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev =
-           container_of(work, struct rt2x00_dev, config_work);
-       int preamble = !test_bit(CONFIG_SHORT_PREAMBLE, &rt2x00dev->flags);
-       rt2x00mac_erp_ie_changed(rt2x00dev->hw,
-                                IEEE80211_ERP_CHANGE_PREAMBLE, 0, preamble);
- * Interrupt context handlers.
- */
-static void rt2x00lib_beacondone_scheduled(struct work_struct *work)
-       struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev =
-           container_of(work, struct rt2x00_dev, beacon_work);
-       struct data_ring *ring =
-           rt2x00lib_get_ring(rt2x00dev, IEEE80211_TX_QUEUE_BEACON);
-       struct data_entry *entry = rt2x00_get_data_entry(ring);
-       struct sk_buff *skb;
-       skb = ieee80211_beacon_get(rt2x00dev->hw,
-                                  rt2x00dev->interface.id,
-                                  &entry->tx_status.control);
-       if (!skb)
-               return;
-       rt2x00dev->ops->hw->beacon_update(rt2x00dev->hw, skb,
-                                         &entry->tx_status.control);
-       dev_kfree_skb(skb);
-void rt2x00lib_beacondone(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev)
-       if (!test_bit(DEVICE_ENABLED_RADIO, &rt2x00dev->flags))
-               return;
-       queue_work(rt2x00dev->hw->workqueue, &rt2x00dev->beacon_work);
-void rt2x00lib_txdone(struct data_entry *entry,
-                     const int status, const int retry)
-       struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev = entry->ring->rt2x00dev;
-       struct ieee80211_tx_status *tx_status = &entry->tx_status;
-       struct ieee80211_low_level_stats *stats = &rt2x00dev->low_level_stats;
-       int success = !!(status == TX_SUCCESS || status == TX_SUCCESS_RETRY);
-       int fail = !!(status == TX_FAIL_RETRY || status == TX_FAIL_INVALID ||
-                     status == TX_FAIL_OTHER);
-       /*
-        * Update TX statistics.
-        */
-       tx_status->flags = 0;
-       tx_status->ack_signal = 0;
-       tx_status->excessive_retries = (status == TX_FAIL_RETRY);
-       tx_status->retry_count = retry;
-       rt2x00dev->link.tx_success += success;
-       rt2x00dev->link.tx_failed += retry + fail;
-       if (!(tx_status->control.flags & IEEE80211_TXCTL_NO_ACK)) {
-               if (success)
-                       tx_status->flags |= IEEE80211_TX_STATUS_ACK;
-               else
-                       stats->dot11ACKFailureCount++;
-       }
-       tx_status->queue_length = entry->ring->stats.limit;
-       tx_status->queue_number = tx_status->control.queue;
-       if (tx_status->control.flags & IEEE80211_TXCTL_USE_RTS_CTS) {
-               if (success)
-                       stats->dot11RTSSuccessCount++;
-               else
-                       stats->dot11RTSFailureCount++;
-       }
-       /*
-        * Send the tx_status to mac80211,
-        * that method also cleans up the skb structure.
-        */
-       ieee80211_tx_status_irqsafe(rt2x00dev->hw, entry->skb, tx_status);
-       entry->skb = NULL;
-void rt2x00lib_rxdone(struct data_entry *entry, struct sk_buff *skb,
-                     struct rxdata_entry_desc *desc)
-       struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev = entry->ring->rt2x00dev;
-       struct ieee80211_rx_status *rx_status = &rt2x00dev->rx_status;
-       struct ieee80211_hw_mode *mode;
-       struct ieee80211_rate *rate;
-       unsigned int i;
-       int val = 0;
-       /*
-        * Update RX statistics.
-        */
-       mode = &rt2x00dev->hwmodes[rt2x00dev->curr_hwmode];
-       for (i = 0; i < mode->num_rates; i++) {
-               rate = &mode->rates[i];
-               /*
-                * When frame was received with an OFDM bitrate,
-                * the signal is the PLCP value. If it was received with
-                * a CCK bitrate the signal is the rate in 0.5kbit/s.
-                */
-               if (!desc->ofdm)
-                       val = DEVICE_GET_RATE_FIELD(rate->val, RATE);
-               else
-                       val = DEVICE_GET_RATE_FIELD(rate->val, PLCP);
-               if (val == desc->signal) {
-                       val = rate->val;
-                       break;
-               }
-       }
-       rt2x00_update_link_rssi(&rt2x00dev->link, desc->rssi);
-       rt2x00dev->link.rx_success++;
-       rx_status->rate = val;
-       rx_status->signal =
-           rt2x00lib_calculate_link_signal(rt2x00dev, desc->rssi);
-       rx_status->ssi = desc->rssi;
-       rx_status->flag = desc->flags;
-       /*
-        * Send frame to mac80211
-        */
-       ieee80211_rx_irqsafe(rt2x00dev->hw, skb, rx_status);
- * TX descriptor initializer
- */
-void rt2x00lib_write_tx_desc(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev,
-                            struct data_desc *txd,
-                            struct ieee80211_hdr *ieee80211hdr,
-                            unsigned int length,
-                            struct ieee80211_tx_control *control)
-       struct txdata_entry_desc desc;
-       struct data_ring *ring;
-       int tx_rate;
-       int bitrate;
-       int duration;
-       int residual;
-       u16 frame_control;
-       u16 seq_ctrl;
-       /*
-        * Make sure the descriptor is properly cleared.
-        */
-       memset(&desc, 0x00, sizeof(desc));
-       /*
-        * Get ring pointer, if we fail to obtain the
-        * correct ring, then use the first TX ring.
-        */
-       ring = rt2x00lib_get_ring(rt2x00dev, control->queue);
-       if (!ring)
-               ring = rt2x00lib_get_ring(rt2x00dev, IEEE80211_TX_QUEUE_DATA0);
-       desc.cw_min = ring->tx_params.cw_min;
-       desc.cw_max = ring->tx_params.cw_max;
-       desc.aifs = ring->tx_params.aifs;
-       /*
-        * Identify queue
-        */
-       if (control->queue < rt2x00dev->hw->queues)
-               desc.queue = control->queue;
-       else if (control->queue == IEEE80211_TX_QUEUE_BEACON ||
-                control->queue == IEEE80211_TX_QUEUE_AFTER_BEACON)
-               desc.queue = QUEUE_MGMT;
-       else
-               desc.queue = QUEUE_OTHER;
-       /*
-        * Read required fields from ieee80211 header.
-        */
-       frame_control = le16_to_cpu(ieee80211hdr->frame_control);
-       seq_ctrl = le16_to_cpu(ieee80211hdr->seq_ctrl);
-       tx_rate = control->tx_rate;
-       /*
-        * Check if this is a RTS/CTS frame
-        */
-       if (is_rts_frame(frame_control) || is_cts_frame(frame_control)) {
-               __set_bit(ENTRY_TXD_BURST, &desc.flags);
-               if (is_rts_frame(frame_control))
-                       __set_bit(ENTRY_TXD_RTS_FRAME, &desc.flags);
-               if (control->rts_cts_rate)
-                       tx_rate = control->rts_cts_rate;
-       }
-       /*
-        * Check for OFDM
-        */
-               __set_bit(ENTRY_TXD_OFDM_RATE, &desc.flags);
-       /*
-        * Check if more fragments are pending
-        */
-       if (ieee80211_get_morefrag(ieee80211hdr)) {
-               __set_bit(ENTRY_TXD_BURST, &desc.flags);
-               __set_bit(ENTRY_TXD_MORE_FRAG, &desc.flags);
-       }
-       /*
-        * Beacons and probe responses require the tsf timestamp
-        * to be inserted into the frame.
-        */
-       if (control->queue == IEEE80211_TX_QUEUE_BEACON ||
-           is_probe_resp(frame_control))
-               __set_bit(ENTRY_TXD_REQ_TIMESTAMP, &desc.flags);
-       /*
-        * Determine with what IFS priority this frame should be send.
-        * Set ifs to IFS_SIFS when the this is not the first fragment,
-        * or this fragment came after RTS/CTS.
-        */
-       if ((seq_ctrl & IEEE80211_SCTL_FRAG) > 0 ||
-           test_bit(ENTRY_TXD_RTS_FRAME, &desc.flags))
-               desc.ifs = IFS_SIFS;
-       else
-               desc.ifs = IFS_BACKOFF;
-       /*
-        * PLCP setup
-        * Length calculation depends on OFDM/CCK rate.
-        */
-       desc.signal = DEVICE_GET_RATE_FIELD(tx_rate, PLCP);
-       desc.service = 0x04;
-       if (test_bit(ENTRY_TXD_OFDM_RATE, &desc.flags)) {
-               desc.length_high = ((length + FCS_LEN) >> 6) & 0x3f;
-               desc.length_low = ((length + FCS_LEN) & 0x3f);
-       } else {
-               bitrate = DEVICE_GET_RATE_FIELD(tx_rate, RATE);
-               /*
-                * Convert length to microseconds.
-                */
-               residual = get_duration_res(length + FCS_LEN, bitrate);
-               duration = get_duration(length + FCS_LEN, bitrate);
-               if (residual != 0) {
-                       duration++;
-                       /*
-                        * Check if we need to set the Length Extension
-                        */
-                       if (bitrate == 110 && residual <= 30)
-                               desc.service |= 0x80;
-               }
-               desc.length_high = (duration >> 8) & 0xff;
-               desc.length_low = duration & 0xff;
-               /*
-                * When preamble is enabled we should set the
-                * preamble bit for the signal.
-                */
-               if (DEVICE_GET_RATE_FIELD(tx_rate, PREAMBLE))
-                       desc.signal |= 0x08;
-       }
-       rt2x00dev->ops->lib->write_tx_desc(rt2x00dev, txd, &desc,
-                                          ieee80211hdr, length, control);
- * Driver initialization handlers.
- */
-static void rt2x00lib_channel(struct ieee80211_channel *entry,
-                             const int channel, const int tx_power,
-                             const int value)
-       entry->chan = channel;
-       if (channel <= 14)
-               entry->freq = 2407 + (5 * channel);
-       else
-               entry->freq = 5000 + (5 * channel);
-       entry->val = value;
-       entry->flag =
-           IEEE80211_CHAN_W_IBSS |
-           IEEE80211_CHAN_W_ACTIVE_SCAN |
-           IEEE80211_CHAN_W_SCAN;
-       entry->power_level = tx_power;
-       entry->antenna_max = 0xff;
-static void rt2x00lib_rate(struct ieee80211_rate *entry,
-                          const int rate, const int mask,
-                          const int plcp, const int flags)
-       entry->rate = rate;
-       entry->val =
-           DEVICE_SET_RATE_FIELD(rate, RATE) |
-           DEVICE_SET_RATE_FIELD(plcp, PLCP);
-       entry->flags = flags;
-       entry->val2 = entry->val;
-       if (entry->flags & IEEE80211_RATE_PREAMBLE2)
-               entry->val2 |= DEVICE_SET_RATE_FIELD(1, PREAMBLE);
-       entry->min_rssi_ack = 0;
-       entry->min_rssi_ack_delta = 0;
-static int rt2x00lib_probe_hw_modes(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev,
-                                   struct hw_mode_spec *spec)
-       struct ieee80211_hw *hw = rt2x00dev->hw;
-       struct ieee80211_hw_mode *hwmodes;
-       struct ieee80211_channel *channels;
-       struct ieee80211_rate *rates;
-       unsigned int i;
-       unsigned char tx_power;
-       hwmodes = kzalloc(sizeof(*hwmodes) * spec->num_modes, GFP_KERNEL);
-       if (!hwmodes)
-               goto exit;
-       channels = kzalloc(sizeof(*channels) * spec->num_channels, GFP_KERNEL);
-       if (!channels)
-               goto exit_free_modes;
-       rates = kzalloc(sizeof(*rates) * spec->num_rates, GFP_KERNEL);
-       if (!rates)
-               goto exit_free_channels;
-       /*
-        * Initialize Rate list.
-        */
-       rt2x00lib_rate(&rates[0], 10, DEV_RATEMASK_1MB,
-                      0x00, IEEE80211_RATE_CCK);
-       rt2x00lib_rate(&rates[1], 20, DEV_RATEMASK_2MB,
-                      0x01, IEEE80211_RATE_CCK_2);
-       rt2x00lib_rate(&rates[2], 55, DEV_RATEMASK_5_5MB,
-                      0x02, IEEE80211_RATE_CCK_2);
-       rt2x00lib_rate(&rates[3], 110, DEV_RATEMASK_11MB,
-                      0x03, IEEE80211_RATE_CCK_2);
-       if (spec->num_rates > 4) {
-               rt2x00lib_rate(&rates[4], 60, DEV_RATEMASK_6MB,
-                              0x0b, IEEE80211_RATE_OFDM);
-               rt2x00lib_rate(&rates[5], 90, DEV_RATEMASK_9MB,
-                              0x0f, IEEE80211_RATE_OFDM);
-               rt2x00lib_rate(&rates[6], 120, DEV_RATEMASK_12MB,
-                              0x0a, IEEE80211_RATE_OFDM);
-               rt2x00lib_rate(&rates[7], 180, DEV_RATEMASK_18MB,
-                              0x0e, IEEE80211_RATE_OFDM);
-               rt2x00lib_rate(&rates[8], 240, DEV_RATEMASK_24MB,
-                              0x09, IEEE80211_RATE_OFDM);
-               rt2x00lib_rate(&rates[9], 360, DEV_RATEMASK_36MB,
-                              0x0d, IEEE80211_RATE_OFDM);
-               rt2x00lib_rate(&rates[10], 480, DEV_RATEMASK_48MB,
-                              0x08, IEEE80211_RATE_OFDM);
-               rt2x00lib_rate(&rates[11], 540, DEV_RATEMASK_54MB,
-                              0x0c, IEEE80211_RATE_OFDM);
-       }
-       /*
-        * Initialize Channel list.
-        */
-       for (i = 0; i < spec->num_channels; i++) {
-               if (spec->channels[i].channel <= 14)
-                       tx_power = spec->tx_power_bg[i];
-               else if (spec->tx_power_a)
-                       tx_power = spec->tx_power_a[i];
-               else
-                       tx_power = spec->tx_power_default;
-               rt2x00lib_channel(&channels[i],
-                                 spec->channels[i].channel, tx_power, i);
-       }
-       /*
-        * Intitialize 802.11b
-        * Rates: CCK.
-        * Channels: OFDM.
-        */
-       if (spec->num_modes > HWMODE_B) {
-               hwmodes[HWMODE_B].mode = MODE_IEEE80211B;
-               hwmodes[HWMODE_B].num_channels = 14;
-               hwmodes[HWMODE_B].num_rates = 4;
-               hwmodes[HWMODE_B].channels = channels;
-               hwmodes[HWMODE_B].rates = rates;
-       }
-       /*
-        * Intitialize 802.11g
-        * Rates: CCK, OFDM.
-        * Channels: OFDM.
-        */
-       if (spec->num_modes > HWMODE_G) {
-               hwmodes[HWMODE_G].mode = MODE_IEEE80211G;
-               hwmodes[HWMODE_G].num_channels = 14;
-               hwmodes[HWMODE_G].num_rates = spec->num_rates;
-               hwmodes[HWMODE_G].channels = channels;
-               hwmodes[HWMODE_G].rates = rates;
-       }
-       /*
-        * Intitialize 802.11a
-        * Rates: OFDM.
-        * Channels: OFDM, UNII, HiperLAN2.
-        */
-       if (spec->num_modes > HWMODE_A) {
-               hwmodes[HWMODE_A].mode = MODE_IEEE80211A;
-               hwmodes[HWMODE_A].num_channels = spec->num_channels - 14;
-               hwmodes[HWMODE_A].num_rates = spec->num_rates - 4;
-               hwmodes[HWMODE_A].channels = &channels[14];
-               hwmodes[HWMODE_A].rates = &rates[4];
-       }
-       if (spec->num_modes > HWMODE_G &&
-           ieee80211_register_hwmode(hw, &hwmodes[HWMODE_G]))
-               goto exit_free_rates;
-       if (spec->num_modes > HWMODE_B &&
-           ieee80211_register_hwmode(hw, &hwmodes[HWMODE_B]))
-               goto exit_free_rates;
-       if (spec->num_modes > HWMODE_A &&
-           ieee80211_register_hwmode(hw, &hwmodes[HWMODE_A]))
-               goto exit_free_rates;
-       rt2x00dev->hwmodes = hwmodes;
-       return 0;
-       kfree(rates);
-       kfree(channels);
-       kfree(hwmodes);
-       ERROR(rt2x00dev, "Allocation ieee80211 modes failed.\n");
-       return -ENOMEM;
-static void rt2x00lib_remove_hw(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev)
-       if (test_bit(DEVICE_REGISTERED_HW, &rt2x00dev->flags))
-               ieee80211_unregister_hw(rt2x00dev->hw);
-       if (likely(rt2x00dev->hwmodes)) {
-               kfree(rt2x00dev->hwmodes->channels);
-               kfree(rt2x00dev->hwmodes->rates);
-               kfree(rt2x00dev->hwmodes);
-               rt2x00dev->hwmodes = NULL;
-       }
-static int rt2x00lib_probe_hw(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev)
-       struct hw_mode_spec *spec = &rt2x00dev->spec;
-       int status;
-       /*
-        * Initialize HW modes.
-        */
-       status = rt2x00lib_probe_hw_modes(rt2x00dev, spec);
-       if (status)
-               return status;
-       /*
-        * Register HW.
-        */
-       status = ieee80211_register_hw(rt2x00dev->hw);
-       if (status) {
-               rt2x00lib_remove_hw(rt2x00dev);
-               return status;
-       }
-       __set_bit(DEVICE_REGISTERED_HW, &rt2x00dev->flags);
-       return 0;
- * Initialization/uninitialization handlers.
- */
-static int rt2x00lib_alloc_entries(struct data_ring *ring,
-                                  const u16 max_entries, const u16 data_size,
-                                  const u16 desc_size)
-       struct data_entry *entry;
-       unsigned int i;
-       ring->stats.limit = max_entries;
-       ring->data_size = data_size;
-       ring->desc_size = desc_size;
-       /*
-        * Allocate all ring entries.
-        */
-       entry = kzalloc(ring->stats.limit * sizeof(*entry), GFP_KERNEL);
-       if (!entry)
-               return -ENOMEM;
-       for (i = 0; i < ring->stats.limit; i++) {
-               entry[i].flags = 0;
-               entry[i].ring = ring;
-               entry[i].skb = NULL;
-       }
-       ring->entry = entry;
-       return 0;
-static int rt2x00lib_alloc_ring_entries(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev)
-       struct data_ring *ring;
-       /*
-        * Allocate the RX ring.
-        */
-       if (rt2x00lib_alloc_entries(rt2x00dev->rx, RX_ENTRIES, DATA_FRAME_SIZE,
-                                   rt2x00dev->ops->rxd_size))
-               return -ENOMEM;
-       /*
-        * First allocate the TX rings.
-        */
-       txring_for_each(rt2x00dev, ring) {
-               if (rt2x00lib_alloc_entries(ring, TX_ENTRIES, DATA_FRAME_SIZE,
-                                           rt2x00dev->ops->txd_size))
-                       return -ENOMEM;
-       }
-       if (!test_bit(DRIVER_REQUIRE_BEACON_RING, &rt2x00dev->flags))
-               return 0;
-       /*
-        * Allocate the BEACON ring.
-        */
-       if (rt2x00lib_alloc_entries(&rt2x00dev->bcn[0], BEACON_ENTRIES,
-                                   MGMT_FRAME_SIZE, rt2x00dev->ops->txd_size))
-               return -ENOMEM;
-       /*
-        * Allocate the Atim ring.
-        */
-       if (rt2x00lib_alloc_entries(&rt2x00dev->bcn[1], ATIM_ENTRIES,
-                                   DATA_FRAME_SIZE, rt2x00dev->ops->txd_size))
-               return -ENOMEM;
-       return 0;
-static void rt2x00lib_free_ring_entries(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev)
-       struct data_ring *ring;
-       ring_for_each(rt2x00dev, ring) {
-               kfree(ring->entry);
-               ring->entry = NULL;
-       }
-void rt2x00lib_uninitialize(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev)
-       if (!__test_and_clear_bit(DEVICE_INITIALIZED, &rt2x00dev->flags))
-               return;
-       /*
-        * Unregister rfkill.
-        */
-       rt2x00rfkill_unregister(rt2x00dev);
-       /*
-        * Allow the HW to uninitialize.
-        */
-       rt2x00dev->ops->lib->uninitialize(rt2x00dev);
-       /*
-        * Free allocated ring entries.
-        */
-       rt2x00lib_free_ring_entries(rt2x00dev);
-int rt2x00lib_initialize(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev)
-       int status;
-       if (test_bit(DEVICE_INITIALIZED, &rt2x00dev->flags))
-               return 0;
-       /*
-        * Allocate all ring entries.
-        */
-       status = rt2x00lib_alloc_ring_entries(rt2x00dev);
-       if (status) {
-               ERROR(rt2x00dev, "Ring entries allocation failed.\n");
-               return status;
-       }
-       /*
-        * Initialize the device.
-        */
-       status = rt2x00dev->ops->lib->initialize(rt2x00dev);
-       if (status)
-               goto exit;
-       __set_bit(DEVICE_INITIALIZED, &rt2x00dev->flags);
-       /*
-        * Register the rfkill handler.
-        */
-       status = rt2x00rfkill_register(rt2x00dev);
-       if (status)
-               goto exit_unitialize;
-       return 0;
-       rt2x00lib_uninitialize(rt2x00dev);
-       rt2x00lib_free_ring_entries(rt2x00dev);
-       return status;
- * driver allocation handlers.
- */
-static int rt2x00lib_alloc_rings(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev)
-       struct data_ring *ring;
-       /*
-        * We need the following rings:
-        * RX: 1
-        * TX: hw->queues
-        * Beacon: 1 (if required)
-        * Atim: 1 (if required)
-        */
-       rt2x00dev->data_rings = 1 + rt2x00dev->hw->queues +
-           (2 * test_bit(DRIVER_REQUIRE_BEACON_RING, &rt2x00dev->flags));
-       ring = kzalloc(rt2x00dev->data_rings * sizeof(*ring), GFP_KERNEL);
-       if (!ring) {
-               ERROR(rt2x00dev, "Ring allocation failed.\n");
-               return -ENOMEM;
-       }
-       /*
-        * Initialize pointers
-        */
-       rt2x00dev->rx = ring;
-       rt2x00dev->tx = &rt2x00dev->rx[1];
-       if (test_bit(DRIVER_REQUIRE_BEACON_RING, &rt2x00dev->flags))
-               rt2x00dev->bcn = &rt2x00dev->tx[rt2x00dev->hw->queues];
-       /*
-        * Initialize ring parameters.
-        * cw_min: 2^5 = 32.
-        * cw_max: 2^10 = 1024.
-        */
-       ring_for_each(rt2x00dev, ring) {
-               ring->rt2x00dev = rt2x00dev;
-               ring->tx_params.aifs = 2;
-               ring->tx_params.cw_min = 5;
-               ring->tx_params.cw_max = 10;
-       }
-       return 0;
-static void rt2x00lib_free_rings(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev)
-       kfree(rt2x00dev->rx);
-       rt2x00dev->rx = NULL;
-       rt2x00dev->tx = NULL;
-       rt2x00dev->bcn = NULL;
-int rt2x00lib_probe_dev(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev)
-       int retval = -ENOMEM;
-       /*
-        * Let the driver probe the device to detect the capabilities.
-        */
-       retval = rt2x00dev->ops->lib->probe_hw(rt2x00dev);
-       if (retval) {
-               ERROR(rt2x00dev, "Failed to allocate device.\n");
-               goto exit;
-       }
-       /*
-        * Initialize configuration work.
-        */
-       INIT_WORK(&rt2x00dev->beacon_work, rt2x00lib_beacondone_scheduled);
-       INIT_WORK(&rt2x00dev->filter_work, rt2x00lib_packetfilter_scheduled);
-       INIT_WORK(&rt2x00dev->config_work, rt2x00lib_configuration_scheduled);
-       INIT_DELAYED_WORK(&rt2x00dev->link.work, rt2x00lib_link_tuner);
-       /*
-        * Reset current working type.
-        */
-       rt2x00dev->interface.type = INVALID_INTERFACE;
-       /*
-        * Allocate ring array.
-        */
-       retval = rt2x00lib_alloc_rings(rt2x00dev);
-       if (retval)
-               goto exit;
-       /*
-        * Initialize ieee80211 structure.
-        */
-       retval = rt2x00lib_probe_hw(rt2x00dev);
-       if (retval) {
-               ERROR(rt2x00dev, "Failed to initialize hw.\n");
-               goto exit;
-       }
-       /*
-        * Allocatie rfkill.
-        */
-       retval = rt2x00rfkill_allocate(rt2x00dev);
-       if (retval)
-               goto exit;
-       /*
-        * Open the debugfs entry.
-        */
-       rt2x00debug_register(rt2x00dev);
-       __set_bit(DEVICE_PRESENT, &rt2x00dev->flags);
-       return 0;
-       rt2x00lib_remove_dev(rt2x00dev);
-       return retval;
-void rt2x00lib_remove_dev(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev)
-       __clear_bit(DEVICE_PRESENT, &rt2x00dev->flags);
-       /*
-        * Disable radio.
-        */
-       rt2x00lib_disable_radio(rt2x00dev);
-       /*
-        * Uninitialize device.
-        */
-       rt2x00lib_uninitialize(rt2x00dev);
-       /*
-        * Close debugfs entry.
-        */
-       rt2x00debug_deregister(rt2x00dev);
-       /*
-        * Free rfkill
-        */
-       rt2x00rfkill_free(rt2x00dev);
-       /*
-        * Free ieee80211_hw memory.
-        */
-       rt2x00lib_remove_hw(rt2x00dev);
-       /*
-        * Free firmware image.
-        */
-       rt2x00lib_free_firmware(rt2x00dev);
-       /*
-        * Free ring structures.
-        */
-       rt2x00lib_free_rings(rt2x00dev);
- * Device state handlers
- */
-#ifdef CONFIG_PM
-int rt2x00lib_suspend(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev, pm_message_t state)
-       int retval;
-       NOTICE(rt2x00dev, "Going to sleep.\n");
-       __clear_bit(DEVICE_PRESENT, &rt2x00dev->flags);
-       /*
-        * Only continue if mac80211 has open interfaces.
-        */
-       if (!test_bit(DEVICE_STARTED, &rt2x00dev->flags))
-               goto exit;
-       __set_bit(DEVICE_STARTED_SUSPEND, &rt2x00dev->flags);
-       /*
-        * Disable radio and unitialize all items
-        * that must be recreated on resume.
-        */
-       rt2x00mac_stop(rt2x00dev->hw);
-       rt2x00lib_uninitialize(rt2x00dev);
-       rt2x00debug_deregister(rt2x00dev);
-       /*
-        * Set device mode to sleep for power management.
-        */
-       retval = rt2x00dev->ops->lib->set_device_state(rt2x00dev, STATE_SLEEP);
-       if (retval)
-               return retval;
-       return 0;
-int rt2x00lib_resume(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev)
-       struct interface *intf = &rt2x00dev->interface;
-       int retval;
-       NOTICE(rt2x00dev, "Waking up.\n");
-       __set_bit(DEVICE_PRESENT, &rt2x00dev->flags);
-       /*
-        * Open the debugfs entry.
-        */
-       rt2x00debug_register(rt2x00dev);
-       /*
-        * Only continue if mac80211 had open interfaces.
-        */
-       if (!__test_and_clear_bit(DEVICE_STARTED_SUSPEND, &rt2x00dev->flags))
-               return 0;
-       /*
-        * Reinitialize device and all active interfaces.
-        */
-       retval = rt2x00mac_start(rt2x00dev->hw);
-       if (retval)
-               goto exit;
-       /*
-        * Reconfigure device.
-        */
-       rt2x00lib_config(rt2x00dev, &rt2x00dev->hw->conf, 1);
-       if (!rt2x00dev->hw->conf.radio_enabled)
-               rt2x00lib_disable_radio(rt2x00dev);
-       rt2x00lib_config_mac_addr(rt2x00dev, intf->mac);
-       rt2x00lib_config_bssid(rt2x00dev, intf->bssid);
-       rt2x00lib_config_type(rt2x00dev, intf->type);
-       /*
-        * It is possible that during that mac80211 has attempted
-        * to send frames while we were suspending or resuming.
-        * In that case we have disabled the TX queue and should
-        * now enable it again
-        */
-       ieee80211_start_queues(rt2x00dev->hw);
-       /*
-        * When in Master or Ad-hoc mode,
-        * restart Beacon transmitting by faking a beacondone event.
-        */
-       if (intf->type == IEEE80211_IF_TYPE_AP ||
-           intf->type == IEEE80211_IF_TYPE_IBSS)
-               rt2x00lib_beacondone(rt2x00dev);
-       return 0;
-       rt2x00lib_disable_radio(rt2x00dev);
-       rt2x00lib_uninitialize(rt2x00dev);
-       rt2x00debug_deregister(rt2x00dev);
-       return retval;
-#endif /* CONFIG_PM */
- * rt2x00lib module information.
- */
-MODULE_DESCRIPTION("rt2x00 library");
diff --git a/package/rt2x00/src/rt2x00dev.h b/package/rt2x00/src/rt2x00dev.h
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index ee0bbfe..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
-       Copyright (C) 2004 - 2007 rt2x00 SourceForge Project
-       <http://rt2x00.serialmonkey.com>
-       This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-       it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-       the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-       (at your option) any later version.
-       This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-       but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-       GNU General Public License for more details.
-       You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-       along with this program; if not, write to the
-       Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
-       59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
- */
-       Module: rt2x00lib
-       Abstract: Data structures for the rt2x00lib module.
-       Supported chipsets: RT2460, RT2560, RT2570,
-       rt2561, rt2561s, rt2661, rt2571W & rt2671.
- */
-#ifndef RT2X00DEV_H
-#define RT2X00DEV_H
-#include "rt2x00debug.h"
-#include "rt2x00firmware.h"
-#include "rt2x00rfkill.h"
- * Radio control.
- */
-int rt2x00lib_enable_radio(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev);
-void rt2x00lib_disable_radio(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev);
-void rt2x00lib_toggle_rx(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev, int enable);
- * Initialization/uninitialization handlers.
- */
-int rt2x00lib_initialize(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev);
-void rt2x00lib_uninitialize(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev);
- * Config handlers.
- */
-void rt2x00lib_config_type(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev, const int type);
-void rt2x00lib_config_phymode(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev, const int phymode);
-void rt2x00lib_config_channel(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev, const int value,
-       const int channel, const int freq, const int txpower);
-void rt2x00lib_config_promisc(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev, const int promisc);
-void rt2x00lib_config_txpower(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev, const int txpower);
-void rt2x00lib_config_antenna(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev,
-       const int antenna_tx, const int antenna_rx);
-#endif /* RT2X00DEV_H */
diff --git a/package/rt2x00/src/rt2x00firmware.c b/package/rt2x00/src/rt2x00firmware.c
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 236025f..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,124 +0,0 @@
-       Copyright (C) 2004 - 2007 rt2x00 SourceForge Project
-       <http://rt2x00.serialmonkey.com>
-       This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-       it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-       the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-       (at your option) any later version.
-       This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-       but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-       GNU General Public License for more details.
-       You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-       along with this program; if not, write to the
-       Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
-       59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
- */
-       Module: rt2x00lib
-       Abstract: rt2x00 firmware loading routines.
- */
- * Set enviroment defines for rt2x00.h
- */
-#define DRV_NAME "rt2x00lib"
-#include <linux/crc-itu-t.h>
-#include <linux/kernel.h>
-#include <linux/module.h>
-#include "rt2x00.h"
-#include "rt2x00lib.h"
-static int rt2x00lib_request_firmware(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev)
-       struct device *device = wiphy_dev(rt2x00dev->hw->wiphy);
-       const struct firmware *fw;
-       char *fw_name;
-       int retval;
-       u16 crc;
-       u16 tmp;
-       /*
-        * Read correct firmware from harddisk.
-        */
-       fw_name = rt2x00dev->ops->lib->get_firmware_name(rt2x00dev);
-       if (!fw_name) {
-               ERROR(rt2x00dev,
-                     "Invalid firmware filename.\n"
-                     "Please file bug report to %s.\n", DRV_PROJECT);
-               return -EINVAL;
-       }
-       INFO(rt2x00dev, "Loading firmware file '%s'.\n", fw_name);
-       retval = request_firmware(&fw, fw_name, device);
-       if (retval) {
-               ERROR(rt2x00dev, "Failed to request Firmware.\n");
-               return retval;
-       }
-       if (!fw || !fw->size || !fw->data) {
-               ERROR(rt2x00dev, "Failed to read Firmware.\n");
-               return -ENOENT;
-       }
-       /*
-        * Validate the firmware using 16 bit CRC.
-        * The last 2 bytes of the firmware are the CRC
-        * so substract those 2 bytes from the CRC checksum,
-        * and set those 2 bytes to 0 when calculating CRC.
-        */
-       tmp = 0;
-       crc = crc_itu_t(0, fw->data, fw->size - 2);
-       crc = crc_itu_t(crc, (u8 *)&tmp, 2);
-       if (crc != (fw->data[fw->size - 2] << 8 | fw->data[fw->size - 1])) {
-               ERROR(rt2x00dev, "Firmware CRC error.\n");
-               retval = -ENOENT;
-               goto exit;
-       }
-       INFO(rt2x00dev, "Firmware detected - version: %d.%d.\n",
-            fw->data[fw->size - 4], fw->data[fw->size - 3]);
-       rt2x00dev->fw = fw;
-       return 0;
-       release_firmware(fw);
-       return retval;
-int rt2x00lib_load_firmware(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev)
-       int retval;
-       if (!rt2x00dev->fw) {
-               retval = rt2x00lib_request_firmware(rt2x00dev);
-               if (retval)
-                       return retval;
-       }
-       /*
-        * Send firmware to the device.
-        */
-       retval = rt2x00dev->ops->lib->load_firmware(rt2x00dev,
-                                                   rt2x00dev->fw->data,
-                                                   rt2x00dev->fw->size);
-       return retval;
-void rt2x00lib_free_firmware(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev)
-       release_firmware(rt2x00dev->fw);
-       rt2x00dev->fw = NULL;
diff --git a/package/rt2x00/src/rt2x00firmware.h b/package/rt2x00/src/rt2x00firmware.h
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index adba9c2..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
-       Copyright (C) 2004 - 2007 rt2x00 SourceForge Project
-       <http://rt2x00.serialmonkey.com>
-       This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-       it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-       the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-       (at your option) any later version.
-       This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-       but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-       GNU General Public License for more details.
-       You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-       along with this program; if not, write to the
-       Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
-       59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
- */
-       Module: rt2x00lib
-       Abstract: Data structures for the firmware loader.
-       Supported chipsets: rt2561, rt2561s, rt2661, rt2571W & rt2671.
- */
-#ifndef RT2X00FIRMWARE_H
-#define RT2X00FIRMWARE_H
-int rt2x00lib_load_firmware(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev);
-int rt2x00lib_load_firmware_wait(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev);
-static inline int rt2x00lib_load_firmware(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev)
-       /*
-        * This shouldn't happen.
-        */
-       BUG();
-       return 0;
-static inline int rt2x00lib_load_firmware_wait(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev)
-       return 0;
-#endif /* CONFIG_RT2X00_LIB_FIRMWARE */
-#endif /* RT2X00FIRMWARE_H */
diff --git a/package/rt2x00/src/rt2x00lib.h b/package/rt2x00/src/rt2x00lib.h
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 06d9bc0..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,119 +0,0 @@
-       Copyright (C) 2004 - 2007 rt2x00 SourceForge Project
-       <http://rt2x00.serialmonkey.com>
-       This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-       it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-       the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-       (at your option) any later version.
-       This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-       but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-       GNU General Public License for more details.
-       You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-       along with this program; if not, write to the
-       Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
-       59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
- */
-       Module: rt2x00lib
-       Abstract: Data structures and definitions for the rt2x00lib module.
- */
-#ifndef RT2X00LIB_H
-#define RT2X00LIB_H
- * Interval defines
- * Both the link tuner as the rfkill will be called once per second.
- */
-#define LINK_TUNE_INTERVAL     ( round_jiffies_relative(HZ) )
-#define RFKILL_POLL_INTERVAL   ( 1000 )
- * Radio control handlers.
- */
-int rt2x00lib_enable_radio(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev);
-void rt2x00lib_disable_radio(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev);
-void rt2x00lib_toggle_rx(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev, enum dev_state state);
-void rt2x00lib_reset_link_tuner(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev);
- * Initialization handlers.
- */
-int rt2x00lib_initialize(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev);
-void rt2x00lib_uninitialize(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev);
- * Configuration handlers.
- */
-void rt2x00lib_config_mac_addr(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev, u8 *mac);
-void rt2x00lib_config_bssid(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev, u8 *bssid);
-void rt2x00lib_config_type(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev, const int type);
-void rt2x00lib_config(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev,
-                     struct ieee80211_conf *conf, const int force_config);
- * Firmware handlers.
- */
-int rt2x00lib_load_firmware(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev);
-void rt2x00lib_free_firmware(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev);
-static inline int rt2x00lib_load_firmware(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev)
-       return 0;
-static inline void rt2x00lib_free_firmware(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev)
-#endif /* CONFIG_RT2X00_LIB_FIRMWARE */
- * Debugfs handlers.
- */
-void rt2x00debug_register(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev);
-void rt2x00debug_deregister(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev);
-static inline void rt2x00debug_register(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev)
-static inline void rt2x00debug_deregister(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev)
-#endif /* CONFIG_RT2X00_LIB_DEBUGFS */
- * RFkill handlers.
- */
-int rt2x00rfkill_register(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev);
-void rt2x00rfkill_unregister(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev);
-int rt2x00rfkill_allocate(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev);
-void rt2x00rfkill_free(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev);
-static inline int rt2x00rfkill_register(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev)
-       return 0;
-static inline void rt2x00rfkill_unregister(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev)
-static inline int rt2x00rfkill_allocate(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev)
-       return 0;
-static inline void rt2x00rfkill_free(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev)
-#endif /* CONFIG_RT2X00_LIB_RFKILL */
-#endif /* RT2X00LIB_H */
diff --git a/package/rt2x00/src/rt2x00mac.c b/package/rt2x00/src/rt2x00mac.c
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 85ea8a8..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,446 +0,0 @@
-       Copyright (C) 2004 - 2007 rt2x00 SourceForge Project
-       <http://rt2x00.serialmonkey.com>
-       This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-       it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-       the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-       (at your option) any later version.
-       This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-       but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-       GNU General Public License for more details.
-       You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-       along with this program; if not, write to the
-       Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
-       59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
- */
-       Module: rt2x00mac
-       Abstract: rt2x00 generic mac80211 routines.
- */
- * Set enviroment defines for rt2x00.h
- */
-#define DRV_NAME "rt2x00lib"
-#include <linux/kernel.h>
-#include <linux/module.h>
-#include "rt2x00.h"
-#include "rt2x00lib.h"
-static int rt2x00mac_tx_rts_cts(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev,
-                               struct data_ring *ring,
-                               struct sk_buff *frag_skb,
-                               struct ieee80211_tx_control *control)
-       struct sk_buff *skb;
-       int size;
-       if (control->flags & IEEE80211_TXCTL_USE_CTS_PROTECT)
-               size = sizeof(struct ieee80211_cts);
-       else
-               size = sizeof(struct ieee80211_rts);
-       skb = dev_alloc_skb(size + rt2x00dev->hw->extra_tx_headroom);
-       if (!skb) {
-               WARNING(rt2x00dev, "Failed to create RTS/CTS frame.\n");
-               return NETDEV_TX_BUSY;
-       }
-       skb_reserve(skb, rt2x00dev->hw->extra_tx_headroom);
-       skb_put(skb, size);
-       if (control->flags & IEEE80211_TXCTL_USE_CTS_PROTECT)
-               ieee80211_ctstoself_get(rt2x00dev->hw, rt2x00dev->interface.id,
-                                       frag_skb->data, frag_skb->len, control,
-                                       (struct ieee80211_cts *)(skb->data));
-       else
-               ieee80211_rts_get(rt2x00dev->hw, rt2x00dev->interface.id,
-                                 frag_skb->data, frag_skb->len, control,
-                                 (struct ieee80211_rts *)(skb->data));
-       if (rt2x00dev->ops->lib->write_tx_data(rt2x00dev, ring, skb, control)) {
-               WARNING(rt2x00dev, "Failed to send RTS/CTS frame.\n");
-               return NETDEV_TX_BUSY;
-       }
-       return NETDEV_TX_OK;
-int rt2x00mac_tx(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, struct sk_buff *skb,
-                struct ieee80211_tx_control *control)
-       struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev = hw->priv;
-       struct ieee80211_hdr *ieee80211hdr = (struct ieee80211_hdr *)skb->data;
-       struct data_ring *ring;
-       u16 frame_control;
-       /*
-        * Mac80211 might be calling this function while we are trying
-        * to remove the device or perhaps suspending it.
-        * Note that we can only stop the TX queues inside the TX path
-        * due to possible race conditions in mac80211.
-        */
-       if (!test_bit(DEVICE_PRESENT, &rt2x00dev->flags)) {
-               ieee80211_stop_queues(hw);
-               return 0;
-       }
-       /*
-        * Determine which ring to put packet on.
-        */
-       ring = rt2x00lib_get_ring(rt2x00dev, control->queue);
-       if (unlikely(!ring)) {
-               ERROR(rt2x00dev,
-                     "Attempt to send packet over invalid queue %d.\n"
-                     "Please file bug report to %s.\n",
-                     control->queue, DRV_PROJECT);
-               dev_kfree_skb_any(skb);
-               return NETDEV_TX_OK;
-       }
-       /*
-        * If CTS/RTS is required. and this frame is not CTS or RTS,
-        * create and queue that frame first. But make sure we have
-        * at least enough entries available to send this CTS/RTS
-        * frame as well as the data frame.
-        */
-       frame_control = le16_to_cpu(ieee80211hdr->frame_control);
-       if (!is_rts_frame(frame_control) && !is_cts_frame(frame_control) &&
-           (control->flags & (IEEE80211_TXCTL_USE_RTS_CTS |
-                              IEEE80211_TXCTL_USE_CTS_PROTECT))) {
-               if (rt2x00_ring_free(ring) <= 1)
-                       return NETDEV_TX_BUSY;
-               if (rt2x00mac_tx_rts_cts(rt2x00dev, ring, skb, control))
-                       return NETDEV_TX_BUSY;
-       }
-       if (rt2x00dev->ops->lib->write_tx_data(rt2x00dev, ring, skb, control))
-               return NETDEV_TX_BUSY;
-       if (rt2x00dev->ops->lib->kick_tx_queue)
-               rt2x00dev->ops->lib->kick_tx_queue(rt2x00dev, control->queue);
-       return NETDEV_TX_OK;
-int rt2x00mac_start(struct ieee80211_hw *hw)
-       struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev = hw->priv;
-       int status;
-       if (!test_bit(DEVICE_PRESENT, &rt2x00dev->flags) ||
-           test_bit(DEVICE_STARTED, &rt2x00dev->flags))
-               return 0;
-       /*
-        * If this is the first interface which is added,
-        * we should load the firmware now.
-        */
-       if (test_bit(DRIVER_REQUIRE_FIRMWARE, &rt2x00dev->flags)) {
-               status = rt2x00lib_load_firmware(rt2x00dev);
-               if (status)
-                       return status;
-       }
-       /*
-        * Initialize the device.
-        */
-       status = rt2x00lib_initialize(rt2x00dev);
-       if (status)
-               return status;
-       /*
-        * Enable radio.
-        */
-       status = rt2x00lib_enable_radio(rt2x00dev);
-       if (status) {
-               rt2x00lib_uninitialize(rt2x00dev);
-               return status;
-       }
-       __set_bit(DEVICE_STARTED, &rt2x00dev->flags);
-       return 0;
-void rt2x00mac_stop(struct ieee80211_hw *hw)
-       struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev = hw->priv;
-       if (!test_bit(DEVICE_PRESENT, &rt2x00dev->flags))
-               return;
-       /*
-        * Perhaps we can add something smarter here,
-        * but for now just disabling the radio should do.
-        */
-       rt2x00lib_disable_radio(rt2x00dev);
-       __clear_bit(DEVICE_STARTED, &rt2x00dev->flags);
-int rt2x00mac_add_interface(struct ieee80211_hw *hw,
-                           struct ieee80211_if_init_conf *conf)
-       struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev = hw->priv;
-       struct interface *intf = &rt2x00dev->interface;
-       /* FIXME: Beaconing is broken in rt2x00. */
-       if (conf->type == IEEE80211_IF_TYPE_IBSS ||
-           conf->type == IEEE80211_IF_TYPE_AP) {
-               ERROR(rt2x00dev,
-                     "rt2x00 does not support Adhoc or Master mode");
-               return -EOPNOTSUPP;
-       }
-       /*
-        * Don't allow interfaces to be added while
-        * either the device has disappeared or when
-        * another interface is already present.
-        */
-       if (!test_bit(DEVICE_PRESENT, &rt2x00dev->flags) ||
-           is_interface_present(intf))
-               return -ENOBUFS;
-       intf->id = conf->if_id;
-       intf->type = conf->type;
-       if (conf->type == IEEE80211_IF_TYPE_AP)
-               memcpy(&intf->bssid, conf->mac_addr, ETH_ALEN);
-       memcpy(&intf->mac, conf->mac_addr, ETH_ALEN);
-       /*
-        * The MAC adddress must be configured after the device
-        * has been initialized. Otherwise the device can reset
-        * the MAC registers.
-        */
-       rt2x00lib_config_mac_addr(rt2x00dev, intf->mac);
-       rt2x00lib_config_type(rt2x00dev, conf->type);
-       return 0;
-void rt2x00mac_remove_interface(struct ieee80211_hw *hw,
-                               struct ieee80211_if_init_conf *conf)
-       struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev = hw->priv;
-       struct interface *intf = &rt2x00dev->interface;
-       /*
-        * Don't allow interfaces to be remove while
-        * either the device has disappeared or when
-        * no interface is present.
-        */
-       if (!test_bit(DEVICE_PRESENT, &rt2x00dev->flags) ||
-           !is_interface_present(intf))
-               return;
-       intf->id = 0;
-       intf->type = INVALID_INTERFACE;
-       memset(&intf->bssid, 0x00, ETH_ALEN);
-       memset(&intf->mac, 0x00, ETH_ALEN);
-       /*
-        * Make sure the bssid and mac address registers
-        * are cleared to prevent false ACKing of frames.
-        */
-       rt2x00lib_config_mac_addr(rt2x00dev, intf->mac);
-       rt2x00lib_config_bssid(rt2x00dev, intf->bssid);
-       rt2x00lib_config_type(rt2x00dev, intf->type);
-int rt2x00mac_config(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, struct ieee80211_conf *conf)
-       struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev = hw->priv;
-       /*
-        * Mac80211 might be calling this function while we are trying
-        * to remove the device or perhaps suspending it.
-        */
-       if (!test_bit(DEVICE_PRESENT, &rt2x00dev->flags))
-               return 0;
-       /*
-        * Check if we need to disable the radio,
-        * if this is not the case, at least the RX must be disabled.
-        */
-       if (test_bit(DEVICE_ENABLED_RADIO, &rt2x00dev->flags)) {
-               if (!conf->radio_enabled)
-                       rt2x00lib_disable_radio(rt2x00dev);
-               else
-                       rt2x00lib_toggle_rx(rt2x00dev, STATE_RADIO_RX_OFF);
-       }
-       rt2x00lib_config(rt2x00dev, conf, 0);
-       /*
-        * Reenable RX only if the radio should be on.
-        */
-       if (test_bit(DEVICE_ENABLED_RADIO, &rt2x00dev->flags))
-               rt2x00lib_toggle_rx(rt2x00dev, STATE_RADIO_RX_ON);
-       else if (conf->radio_enabled)
-               return rt2x00lib_enable_radio(rt2x00dev);
-       return 0;
-int rt2x00mac_config_interface(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, int if_id,
-                              struct ieee80211_if_conf *conf)
-       struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev = hw->priv;
-       struct interface *intf = &rt2x00dev->interface;
-       int status;
-       /*
-        * Mac80211 might be calling this function while we are trying
-        * to remove the device or perhaps suspending it.
-        */
-       if (!test_bit(DEVICE_PRESENT, &rt2x00dev->flags))
-               return 0;
-       /*
-        * If the given type does not match the configured type,
-        * there has been a problem.
-        */
-       if (conf->type != intf->type)
-               return -EINVAL;
-       /*
-        * If the interface does not work in master mode,
-        * then the bssid value in the interface structure
-        * should now be set.
-        */
-       if (conf->type != IEEE80211_IF_TYPE_AP)
-               memcpy(&intf->bssid, conf->bssid, ETH_ALEN);
-       rt2x00lib_config_bssid(rt2x00dev, intf->bssid);
-       /*
-        * We only need to initialize the beacon when master mode is enabled.
-        */
-       if (conf->type != IEEE80211_IF_TYPE_AP || !conf->beacon)
-               return 0;
-       status = rt2x00dev->ops->hw->beacon_update(rt2x00dev->hw,
-                                                  conf->beacon,
-                                                  conf->beacon_control);
-       if (status)
-               dev_kfree_skb(conf->beacon);
-       return status;
-int rt2x00mac_get_stats(struct ieee80211_hw *hw,
-                       struct ieee80211_low_level_stats *stats)
-       struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev = hw->priv;
-       /*
-        * The dot11ACKFailureCount, dot11RTSFailureCount and
-        * dot11RTSSuccessCount are updated in interrupt time.
-        * dot11FCSErrorCount is updated in the link tuner.
-        */
-       memcpy(stats, &rt2x00dev->low_level_stats, sizeof(*stats));
-       return 0;
-int rt2x00mac_get_tx_stats(struct ieee80211_hw *hw,
-                          struct ieee80211_tx_queue_stats *stats)
-       struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev = hw->priv;
-       unsigned int i;
-       for (i = 0; i < hw->queues; i++)
-               memcpy(&stats->data[i], &rt2x00dev->tx[i].stats,
-                      sizeof(rt2x00dev->tx[i].stats));
-       return 0;
-void rt2x00mac_erp_ie_changed(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, u8 changes,
-                             int cts_protection, int preamble)
-       struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev = hw->priv;
-       int short_preamble;
-       int ack_timeout;
-       int ack_consume_time;
-       int difs;
-       /*
-        * We only support changing preamble mode.
-        */
-       if (!(changes & IEEE80211_ERP_CHANGE_PREAMBLE))
-               return;
-       short_preamble = !preamble;
-       preamble = !!(preamble) ? PREAMBLE : SHORT_PREAMBLE;
-       difs = (hw->conf.flags & IEEE80211_CONF_SHORT_SLOT_TIME) ?
-               SHORT_DIFS : DIFS;
-       ack_timeout = difs + PLCP + preamble + get_duration(ACK_SIZE, 10);
-       ack_consume_time = SIFS + PLCP + preamble + get_duration(ACK_SIZE, 10);
-       if (short_preamble)
-               __set_bit(CONFIG_SHORT_PREAMBLE, &rt2x00dev->flags);
-       else
-               __clear_bit(CONFIG_SHORT_PREAMBLE, &rt2x00dev->flags);
-       rt2x00dev->ops->lib->config_preamble(rt2x00dev, short_preamble,
-                                            ack_timeout, ack_consume_time);
-int rt2x00mac_conf_tx(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, int queue,
-                     const struct ieee80211_tx_queue_params *params)
-       struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev = hw->priv;
-       struct data_ring *ring;
-       ring = rt2x00lib_get_ring(rt2x00dev, queue);
-       if (unlikely(!ring))
-               return -EINVAL;
-       /*
-        * The passed variables are stored as real value ((2^n)-1).
-        * Ralink registers require to know the bit number 'n'.
-        */
-       if (params->cw_min)
-               ring->tx_params.cw_min = fls(params->cw_min);
-       else
-               ring->tx_params.cw_min = 5; /* cw_min: 2^5 = 32. */
-       if (params->cw_max)
-               ring->tx_params.cw_max = fls(params->cw_max);
-       else
-               ring->tx_params.cw_max = 10; /* cw_min: 2^10 = 1024. */
-       if (params->aifs)
-               ring->tx_params.aifs = params->aifs;
-       else
-               ring->tx_params.aifs = 2;
-       INFO(rt2x00dev,
-            "Configured TX ring %d - CWmin: %d, CWmax: %d, Aifs: %d.\n",
-            queue, ring->tx_params.cw_min, ring->tx_params.cw_max,
-            ring->tx_params.aifs);
-       return 0;
diff --git a/package/rt2x00/src/rt2x00pci.c b/package/rt2x00/src/rt2x00pci.c
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 04663eb..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,486 +0,0 @@
-       Copyright (C) 2004 - 2007 rt2x00 SourceForge Project
-       <http://rt2x00.serialmonkey.com>
-       This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-       it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-       the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-       (at your option) any later version.
-       This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-       but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-       GNU General Public License for more details.
-       You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-       along with this program; if not, write to the
-       Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
-       59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
- */
-       Module: rt2x00pci
-       Abstract: rt2x00 generic pci device routines.
- */
- * Set enviroment defines for rt2x00.h
- */
-#define DRV_NAME "rt2x00pci"
-#include <linux/dma-mapping.h>
-#include <linux/kernel.h>
-#include <linux/module.h>
-#include <linux/pci.h>
-#include "rt2x00.h"
-#include "rt2x00pci.h"
- * Beacon handlers.
- */
-int rt2x00pci_beacon_update(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, struct sk_buff *skb,
-                           struct ieee80211_tx_control *control)
-       struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev = hw->priv;
-       struct data_ring *ring =
-           rt2x00lib_get_ring(rt2x00dev, IEEE80211_TX_QUEUE_BEACON);
-       struct data_entry *entry = rt2x00_get_data_entry(ring);
-       /*
-        * Just in case mac80211 doesn't set this correctly,
-        * but we need this queue set for the descriptor
-        * initialization.
-        */
-       control->queue = IEEE80211_TX_QUEUE_BEACON;
-       /*
-        * Update the beacon entry.
-        */
-       memcpy(entry->data_addr, skb->data, skb->len);
-       rt2x00lib_write_tx_desc(rt2x00dev, entry->priv,
-                               (struct ieee80211_hdr *)skb->data,
-                               skb->len, control);
-       /*
-        * Enable beacon generation.
-        */
-       rt2x00dev->ops->lib->kick_tx_queue(rt2x00dev, control->queue);
-       return 0;
- * TX data handlers.
- */
-int rt2x00pci_write_tx_data(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev,
-                           struct data_ring *ring, struct sk_buff *skb,
-                           struct ieee80211_tx_control *control)
-       struct ieee80211_hdr *ieee80211hdr = (struct ieee80211_hdr *)skb->data;
-       struct data_entry *entry = rt2x00_get_data_entry(ring);
-       struct data_desc *txd = entry->priv;
-       u32 word;
-       if (rt2x00_ring_full(ring)) {
-               ieee80211_stop_queue(rt2x00dev->hw, control->queue);
-               return -EINVAL;
-       }
-       rt2x00_desc_read(txd, 0, &word);
-       if (rt2x00_get_field32(word, TXD_ENTRY_OWNER_NIC) ||
-           rt2x00_get_field32(word, TXD_ENTRY_VALID)) {
-               ERROR(rt2x00dev,
-                     "Arrived at non-free entry in the non-full queue %d.\n"
-                     "Please file bug report to %s.\n",
-                     control->queue, DRV_PROJECT);
-               ieee80211_stop_queue(rt2x00dev->hw, control->queue);
-               return -EINVAL;
-       }
-       entry->skb = skb;
-       memcpy(&entry->tx_status.control, control, sizeof(*control));
-       memcpy(entry->data_addr, skb->data, skb->len);
-       rt2x00lib_write_tx_desc(rt2x00dev, txd, ieee80211hdr,
-                               skb->len, control);
-       rt2x00_ring_index_inc(ring);
-       if (rt2x00_ring_full(ring))
-               ieee80211_stop_queue(rt2x00dev->hw, control->queue);
-       return 0;
- * RX data handlers.
- */
-void rt2x00pci_rxdone(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev)
-       struct data_ring *ring = rt2x00dev->rx;
-       struct data_entry *entry;
-       struct data_desc *rxd;
-       struct sk_buff *skb;
-       struct ieee80211_hdr *hdr;
-       struct rxdata_entry_desc desc;
-       int header_size;
-       int align;
-       u32 word;
-       while (1) {
-               entry = rt2x00_get_data_entry(ring);
-               rxd = entry->priv;
-               rt2x00_desc_read(rxd, 0, &word);
-               if (rt2x00_get_field32(word, RXD_ENTRY_OWNER_NIC))
-                       break;
-               memset(&desc, 0x00, sizeof(desc));
-               rt2x00dev->ops->lib->fill_rxdone(entry, &desc);
-               hdr = (struct ieee80211_hdr *)entry->data_addr;
-               header_size =
-                   ieee80211_get_hdrlen(le16_to_cpu(hdr->frame_control));
-               /*
-                * The data behind the ieee80211 header must be
-                * aligned on a 4 byte boundary.
-                */
-               align = header_size % 4;
-               /*
-                * Allocate the sk_buffer, initialize it and copy
-                * all data into it.
-                */
-               skb = dev_alloc_skb(desc.size + align);
-               if (!skb)
-                       return;
-               skb_reserve(skb, align);
-               memcpy(skb_put(skb, desc.size), entry->data_addr, desc.size);
-               /*
-                * Send the frame to rt2x00lib for further processing.
-                */
-               rt2x00lib_rxdone(entry, skb, &desc);
-               if (test_bit(DEVICE_ENABLED_RADIO, &ring->rt2x00dev->flags)) {
-                       rt2x00_set_field32(&word, RXD_ENTRY_OWNER_NIC, 1);
-                       rt2x00_desc_write(rxd, 0, word);
-               }
-               rt2x00_ring_index_inc(ring);
-       }
- * Device initialization handlers.
- */
-#define priv_offset(__ring, __i)                               \
-({                                                             \
-       ring->data_addr + (i * ring->desc_size);                \
-#define data_addr_offset(__ring, __i)                          \
-({                                                             \
-       (__ring)->data_addr +                                   \
-           ((__ring)->stats.limit * (__ring)->desc_size) +     \
-           ((__i) * (__ring)->data_size);                      \
-#define data_dma_offset(__ring, __i)                           \
-({                                                             \
-       (__ring)->data_dma +                                    \
-           ((__ring)->stats.limit * (__ring)->desc_size) +     \
-           ((__i) * (__ring)->data_size);                      \
-static int rt2x00pci_alloc_dma(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev,
-                              struct data_ring *ring)
-       unsigned int i;
-       /*
-        * Allocate DMA memory for descriptor and buffer.
-        */
-       ring->data_addr = pci_alloc_consistent(rt2x00dev_pci(rt2x00dev),
-                                              rt2x00_get_ring_size(ring),
-                                              &ring->data_dma);
-       if (!ring->data_addr)
-               return -ENOMEM;
-       /*
-        * Initialize all ring entries to contain valid
-        * addresses.
-        */
-       for (i = 0; i < ring->stats.limit; i++) {
-               ring->entry[i].priv = priv_offset(ring, i);
-               ring->entry[i].data_addr = data_addr_offset(ring, i);
-               ring->entry[i].data_dma = data_dma_offset(ring, i);
-       }
-       return 0;
-static void rt2x00pci_free_dma(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev,
-                              struct data_ring *ring)
-       if (ring->data_addr)
-               pci_free_consistent(rt2x00dev_pci(rt2x00dev),
-                                   rt2x00_get_ring_size(ring),
-                                   ring->data_addr, ring->data_dma);
-       ring->data_addr = NULL;
-int rt2x00pci_initialize(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev)
-       struct pci_dev *pci_dev = rt2x00dev_pci(rt2x00dev);
-       struct data_ring *ring;
-       int status;
-       /*
-        * Allocate DMA
-        */
-       ring_for_each(rt2x00dev, ring) {
-               status = rt2x00pci_alloc_dma(rt2x00dev, ring);
-               if (status)
-                       goto exit;
-       }
-       /*
-        * Register interrupt handler.
-        */
-       status = request_irq(pci_dev->irq, rt2x00dev->ops->lib->irq_handler,
-                            IRQF_SHARED, pci_name(pci_dev), rt2x00dev);
-       if (status) {
-               ERROR(rt2x00dev, "IRQ %d allocation failed (error %d).\n",
-                     pci_dev->irq, status);
-               return status;
-       }
-       return 0;
-       rt2x00pci_uninitialize(rt2x00dev);
-       return status;
-void rt2x00pci_uninitialize(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev)
-       struct data_ring *ring;
-       /*
-        * Free irq line.
-        */
-       free_irq(rt2x00dev_pci(rt2x00dev)->irq, rt2x00dev);
-       /*
-        * Free DMA
-        */
-       ring_for_each(rt2x00dev, ring)
-               rt2x00pci_free_dma(rt2x00dev, ring);
- * PCI driver handlers.
- */
-static void rt2x00pci_free_reg(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev)
-       kfree(rt2x00dev->rf);
-       rt2x00dev->rf = NULL;
-       kfree(rt2x00dev->eeprom);
-       rt2x00dev->eeprom = NULL;
-       if (rt2x00dev->csr_addr) {
-               iounmap(rt2x00dev->csr_addr);
-               rt2x00dev->csr_addr = NULL;
-       }
-static int rt2x00pci_alloc_reg(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev)
-       struct pci_dev *pci_dev = rt2x00dev_pci(rt2x00dev);
-       rt2x00dev->csr_addr = ioremap(pci_resource_start(pci_dev, 0),
-                                     pci_resource_len(pci_dev, 0));
-       if (!rt2x00dev->csr_addr)
-               goto exit;
-       rt2x00dev->eeprom = kzalloc(rt2x00dev->ops->eeprom_size, GFP_KERNEL);
-       if (!rt2x00dev->eeprom)
-               goto exit;
-       rt2x00dev->rf = kzalloc(rt2x00dev->ops->rf_size, GFP_KERNEL);
-       if (!rt2x00dev->rf)
-               goto exit;
-       return 0;
-       ERROR_PROBE("Failed to allocate registers.\n");
-       rt2x00pci_free_reg(rt2x00dev);
-       return -ENOMEM;
-int rt2x00pci_probe(struct pci_dev *pci_dev, const struct pci_device_id *id)
-       struct rt2x00_ops *ops = (struct rt2x00_ops *)id->driver_data;
-       struct ieee80211_hw *hw;
-       struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev;
-       int retval;
-       retval = pci_request_regions(pci_dev, pci_name(pci_dev));
-       if (retval) {
-               ERROR_PROBE("PCI request regions failed.\n");
-               return retval;
-       }
-       retval = pci_enable_device(pci_dev);
-       if (retval) {
-               ERROR_PROBE("Enable device failed.\n");
-               goto exit_release_regions;
-       }
-       pci_set_master(pci_dev);
-       if (pci_set_mwi(pci_dev))
-               ERROR_PROBE("MWI not available.\n");
-       if (pci_set_dma_mask(pci_dev, DMA_64BIT_MASK) &&
-           pci_set_dma_mask(pci_dev, DMA_32BIT_MASK)) {
-               ERROR_PROBE("PCI DMA not supported.\n");
-               retval = -EIO;
-               goto exit_disable_device;
-       }
-       hw = ieee80211_alloc_hw(sizeof(struct rt2x00_dev), ops->hw);
-       if (!hw) {
-               ERROR_PROBE("Failed to allocate hardware.\n");
-               retval = -ENOMEM;
-               goto exit_disable_device;
-       }
-       pci_set_drvdata(pci_dev, hw);
-       rt2x00dev = hw->priv;
-       rt2x00dev->dev = pci_dev;
-       rt2x00dev->ops = ops;
-       rt2x00dev->hw = hw;
-       retval = rt2x00pci_alloc_reg(rt2x00dev);
-       if (retval)
-               goto exit_free_device;
-       retval = rt2x00lib_probe_dev(rt2x00dev);
-       if (retval)
-               goto exit_free_reg;
-       return 0;
-       rt2x00pci_free_reg(rt2x00dev);
-       ieee80211_free_hw(hw);
-       if (retval != -EBUSY)
-               pci_disable_device(pci_dev);
-       pci_release_regions(pci_dev);
-       pci_set_drvdata(pci_dev, NULL);
-       return retval;
-void rt2x00pci_remove(struct pci_dev *pci_dev)
-       struct ieee80211_hw *hw = pci_get_drvdata(pci_dev);
-       struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev = hw->priv;
-       /*
-        * Free all allocated data.
-        */
-       rt2x00lib_remove_dev(rt2x00dev);
-       rt2x00pci_free_reg(rt2x00dev);
-       ieee80211_free_hw(hw);
-       /*
-        * Free the PCI device data.
-        */
-       pci_set_drvdata(pci_dev, NULL);
-       pci_disable_device(pci_dev);
-       pci_release_regions(pci_dev);
-#ifdef CONFIG_PM
-int rt2x00pci_suspend(struct pci_dev *pci_dev, pm_message_t state)
-       struct ieee80211_hw *hw = pci_get_drvdata(pci_dev);
-       struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev = hw->priv;
-       int retval;
-       retval = rt2x00lib_suspend(rt2x00dev, state);
-       if (retval)
-               return retval;
-       rt2x00pci_free_reg(rt2x00dev);
-       pci_save_state(pci_dev);
-       pci_disable_device(pci_dev);
-       return pci_set_power_state(pci_dev, pci_choose_state(pci_dev, state));
-int rt2x00pci_resume(struct pci_dev *pci_dev)
-       struct ieee80211_hw *hw = pci_get_drvdata(pci_dev);
-       struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev = hw->priv;
-       int retval;
-       if (pci_set_power_state(pci_dev, PCI_D0) ||
-           pci_enable_device(pci_dev) ||
-           pci_restore_state(pci_dev)) {
-               ERROR(rt2x00dev, "Failed to resume device.\n");
-               return -EIO;
-       }
-       retval = rt2x00pci_alloc_reg(rt2x00dev);
-       if (retval)
-               return retval;
-       retval = rt2x00lib_resume(rt2x00dev);
-       if (retval)
-               goto exit_free_reg;
-       return 0;
-       rt2x00pci_free_reg(rt2x00dev);
-       return retval;
-#endif /* CONFIG_PM */
- * rt2x00pci module information.
- */
-MODULE_DESCRIPTION("rt2x00 library");
diff --git a/package/rt2x00/src/rt2x00pci.h b/package/rt2x00/src/rt2x00pci.h
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 82adeac..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,127 +0,0 @@
-       Copyright (C) 2004 - 2007 rt2x00 SourceForge Project
-       <http://rt2x00.serialmonkey.com>
-       This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-       it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-       the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-       (at your option) any later version.
-       This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-       but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-       GNU General Public License for more details.
-       You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-       along with this program; if not, write to the
-       Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
-       59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
- */
-       Module: rt2x00pci
-       Abstract: Data structures for the rt2x00pci module.
- */
-#ifndef RT2X00PCI_H
-#define RT2X00PCI_H
-#include <linux/io.h>
- * This variable should be used with the
- * pci_driver structure initialization.
- */
-#define PCI_DEVICE_DATA(__ops) .driver_data = (kernel_ulong_t)(__ops)
- * Register defines.
- * Some registers require multiple attempts before success,
- * in those cases REGISTER_BUSY_COUNT attempts should be
- * taken with a REGISTER_BUSY_DELAY interval.
- */
-#define REGISTER_BUSY_DELAY    100
- * Descriptor availability flags.
- * All PCI device descriptors have these 2 flags
- * with the exact same definition.
- * By storing them here we can use them inside rt2x00pci
- * for some simple entry availability checking.
- */
-#define TXD_ENTRY_OWNER_NIC    FIELD32(0x00000001)
-#define TXD_ENTRY_VALID                FIELD32(0x00000002)
-#define RXD_ENTRY_OWNER_NIC    FIELD32(0x00000001)
- * Register access.
- */
-static inline void rt2x00pci_register_read(const struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev,
-                                          const unsigned long offset,
-                                          u32 *value)
-       *value = readl(rt2x00dev->csr_addr + offset);
-static inline void
-rt2x00pci_register_multiread(const struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev,
-                            const unsigned long offset,
-                            void *value, const u16 length)
-       memcpy_fromio(value, rt2x00dev->csr_addr + offset, length);
-static inline void rt2x00pci_register_write(const struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev,
-                                           const unsigned long offset,
-                                           u32 value)
-       writel(value, rt2x00dev->csr_addr + offset);
-static inline void
-rt2x00pci_register_multiwrite(const struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev,
-                             const unsigned long offset,
-                             void *value, const u16 length)
-       memcpy_toio(rt2x00dev->csr_addr + offset, value, length);
- * Beacon handlers.
- */
-int rt2x00pci_beacon_update(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, struct sk_buff *skb,
-                           struct ieee80211_tx_control *control);
- * TX data handlers.
- */
-int rt2x00pci_write_tx_data(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev,
-                           struct data_ring *ring, struct sk_buff *skb,
-                           struct ieee80211_tx_control *control);
- * RX data handlers.
- */
-void rt2x00pci_rxdone(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev);
- * Device initialization handlers.
- */
-int rt2x00pci_initialize(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev);
-void rt2x00pci_uninitialize(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev);
- * PCI driver handlers.
- */
-int rt2x00pci_probe(struct pci_dev *pci_dev, const struct pci_device_id *id);
-void rt2x00pci_remove(struct pci_dev *pci_dev);
-#ifdef CONFIG_PM
-int rt2x00pci_suspend(struct pci_dev *pci_dev, pm_message_t state);
-int rt2x00pci_resume(struct pci_dev *pci_dev);
-#define rt2x00pci_suspend      NULL
-#define rt2x00pci_resume       NULL
-#endif /* CONFIG_PM */
-#endif /* RT2X00PCI_H */
diff --git a/package/rt2x00/src/rt2x00reg.h b/package/rt2x00/src/rt2x00reg.h
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 8384212..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,292 +0,0 @@
-       Copyright (C) 2004 - 2007 rt2x00 SourceForge Project
-       <http://rt2x00.serialmonkey.com>
-       This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-       it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-       the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-       (at your option) any later version.
-       This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-       but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-       GNU General Public License for more details.
-       You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-       along with this program; if not, write to the
-       Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
-       59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
- */
-       Module: rt2x00
-       Abstract: rt2x00 generic register information.
- */
-#ifndef RT2X00REG_H
-#define RT2X00REG_H
- * TX result flags.
- */
-enum TX_STATUS {
-       TX_SUCCESS = 0,
-       TX_SUCCESS_RETRY = 1,
-       TX_FAIL_RETRY = 2,
-       TX_FAIL_INVALID = 3,
-       TX_FAIL_OTHER = 4,
- * Antenna values
- */
-enum antenna {
-       ANTENNA_A = 1,
-       ANTENNA_B = 2,
- * Led mode values.
- */
-enum led_mode {
-       LED_MODE_DEFAULT = 0,
-       LED_MODE_ASUS = 3,
-       LED_MODE_ALPHA = 4,
- * TSF sync values
- */
-enum tsf_sync {
-       TSF_SYNC_NONE = 0,
-       TSF_SYNC_INFRA = 1,
-       TSF_SYNC_BEACON = 2,
- * Device states
- */
-enum dev_state {
-       STATE_DEEP_SLEEP = 0,
-       STATE_SLEEP = 1,
-       STATE_STANDBY = 2,
-       STATE_AWAKE = 3,
- * Additional device states, these values are
- * not strict since they are not directly passed
- * into the device.
- */
- * IFS backoff values
- */
-enum ifs {
-       IFS_BACKOFF = 0,
-       IFS_SIFS = 1,
-       IFS_NEW_BACKOFF = 2,
-       IFS_NONE = 3,
- * Cipher types for hardware encryption
- */
-enum cipher {
-       CIPHER_NONE = 0,
-       CIPHER_WEP64 = 1,
-       CIPHER_WEP128 = 2,
-       CIPHER_TKIP = 3,
-       CIPHER_AES = 4,
- * The following fields were added by rt61pci and rt73usb.
- */
-       CIPHER_CKIP64 = 5,
-       CIPHER_CKIP128 = 6,
-       CIPHER_TKIP_NO_MIC = 7,
- * Register handlers.
- * We store the position of a register field inside a field structure,
- * This will simplify the process of setting and reading a certain field
- * inside the register while making sure the process remains byte order safe.
- */
-struct rt2x00_field8 {
-       u8 bit_offset;
-       u8 bit_mask;
-struct rt2x00_field16 {
-       u16 bit_offset;
-       u16 bit_mask;
-struct rt2x00_field32 {
-       u32 bit_offset;
-       u32 bit_mask;
- * Power of two check, this will check
- * if the mask that has been given contains
- * and contiguous set of bits.
- */
-#define is_power_of_two(x)     ( !((x) & ((x)-1)) )
-#define low_bit_mask(x)                ( ((x)-1) & ~(x) )
-#define is_valid_mask(x)       is_power_of_two(1 + (x) + low_bit_mask(x))
-#define FIELD8(__mask)                         \
-({                                             \
-       BUILD_BUG_ON(!(__mask) ||               \
-                    !is_valid_mask(__mask) ||  \
-                    (__mask) != (u8)(__mask)); \
-       (struct rt2x00_field8) {                \
-               __ffs(__mask), (__mask)         \
-       };                                      \
-#define FIELD16(__mask)                                \
-({                                             \
-       BUILD_BUG_ON(!(__mask) ||               \
-                    !is_valid_mask(__mask) ||  \
-                    (__mask) != (u16)(__mask));\
-       (struct rt2x00_field16) {               \
-               __ffs(__mask), (__mask)         \
-       };                                      \
-#define FIELD32(__mask)                                \
-({                                             \
-       BUILD_BUG_ON(!(__mask) ||               \
-                    !is_valid_mask(__mask) ||  \
-                    (__mask) != (u32)(__mask));\
-       (struct rt2x00_field32) {               \
-               __ffs(__mask), (__mask)         \
-       };                                      \
-static inline void rt2x00_set_field32(u32 *reg,
-                                     const struct rt2x00_field32 field,
-                                     const u32 value)
-       *reg &= ~(field.bit_mask);
-       *reg |= (value << field.bit_offset) & field.bit_mask;
-static inline u32 rt2x00_get_field32(const u32 reg,
-                                    const struct rt2x00_field32 field)
-       return (reg & field.bit_mask) >> field.bit_offset;
-static inline void rt2x00_set_field16(u16 *reg,
-                                     const struct rt2x00_field16 field,
-                                     const u16 value)
-       *reg &= ~(field.bit_mask);
-       *reg |= (value << field.bit_offset) & field.bit_mask;
-static inline u16 rt2x00_get_field16(const u16 reg,
-                                    const struct rt2x00_field16 field)
-       return (reg & field.bit_mask) >> field.bit_offset;
-static inline void rt2x00_set_field8(u8 *reg,
-                                    const struct rt2x00_field8 field,
-                                    const u8 value)
-       *reg &= ~(field.bit_mask);
-       *reg |= (value << field.bit_offset) & field.bit_mask;
-static inline u8 rt2x00_get_field8(const u8 reg,
-                                  const struct rt2x00_field8 field)
-       return (reg & field.bit_mask) >> field.bit_offset;
- * Device specific rate value.
- * We will have to create the device specific rate value
- * passed to the ieee80211 kernel. We need to make it a consist of
- * multiple fields because we want to store more then 1 device specific
- * values inside the value.
- *     1 - rate, stored as 100 kbit/s.
- *     2 - preamble, short_preamble enabled flag.
- *     3 - MASK_RATE, which rates are enabled in this mode, this mask
- *     corresponds with the TX register format for the current device.
- *     4 - plcp, 802.11b rates are device specific,
- *     802.11g rates are set according to the ieee802.11a-1999 p.14.
- * The bit to enable preamble is set in a seperate define.
- */
-#define DEV_RATE       FIELD32(0x000007ff)
-#define DEV_PREAMBLE   FIELD32(0x00000800)
-#define DEV_RATEMASK   FIELD32(0x00fff000)
-#define DEV_PLCP       FIELD32(0xff000000)
- * Bitfields
- */
-#define DEV_RATEBIT_1MB                ( 1 << 0 )
-#define DEV_RATEBIT_2MB                ( 1 << 1 )
-#define DEV_RATEBIT_5_5MB      ( 1 << 2 )
-#define DEV_RATEBIT_11MB       ( 1 << 3 )
-#define DEV_RATEBIT_6MB                ( 1 << 4 )
-#define DEV_RATEBIT_9MB                ( 1 << 5 )
-#define DEV_RATEBIT_12MB       ( 1 << 6 )
-#define DEV_RATEBIT_18MB       ( 1 << 7 )
-#define DEV_RATEBIT_24MB       ( 1 << 8 )
-#define DEV_RATEBIT_36MB       ( 1 << 9 )
-#define DEV_RATEBIT_48MB       ( 1 << 10 )
-#define DEV_RATEBIT_54MB       ( 1 << 11 )
- * Bitmasks for DEV_RATEMASK
- */
-#define DEV_RATEMASK_1MB       ( (DEV_RATEBIT_1MB << 1) -1 )
-#define DEV_RATEMASK_2MB       ( (DEV_RATEBIT_2MB << 1) -1 )
-#define DEV_RATEMASK_5_5MB     ( (DEV_RATEBIT_5_5MB << 1) -1 )
-#define DEV_RATEMASK_11MB      ( (DEV_RATEBIT_11MB << 1) -1 )
-#define DEV_RATEMASK_6MB       ( (DEV_RATEBIT_6MB << 1) -1 )
-#define DEV_RATEMASK_9MB       ( (DEV_RATEBIT_9MB << 1) -1 )
-#define DEV_RATEMASK_12MB      ( (DEV_RATEBIT_12MB << 1) -1 )
-#define DEV_RATEMASK_18MB      ( (DEV_RATEBIT_18MB << 1) -1 )
-#define DEV_RATEMASK_24MB      ( (DEV_RATEBIT_24MB << 1) -1 )
-#define DEV_RATEMASK_36MB      ( (DEV_RATEBIT_36MB << 1) -1 )
-#define DEV_RATEMASK_48MB      ( (DEV_RATEBIT_48MB << 1) -1 )
-#define DEV_RATEMASK_54MB      ( (DEV_RATEBIT_54MB << 1) -1 )
- * Bitmask groups of bitrates
- */
-       ( DEV_RATEMASK_11MB | \
- * Macro's to set and get specific fields from the device specific val and val2
- * fields inside the ieee80211_rate entry.
- */
-#define DEVICE_SET_RATE_FIELD(__value, __mask) \
-       (int)( ((__value) << DEV_##__mask.bit_offset) & DEV_##__mask.bit_mask )
-#define DEVICE_GET_RATE_FIELD(__value, __mask) \
-       (int)( ((__value) & DEV_##__mask.bit_mask) >> DEV_##__mask.bit_offset )
-#endif /* RT2X00REG_H */
diff --git a/package/rt2x00/src/rt2x00rfkill.c b/package/rt2x00/src/rt2x00rfkill.c
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index a0f8b8e..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,146 +0,0 @@
-       Copyright (C) 2004 - 2007 rt2x00 SourceForge Project
-       <http://rt2x00.serialmonkey.com>
-       This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-       it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-       the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-       (at your option) any later version.
-       This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-       but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-       GNU General Public License for more details.
-       You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-       along with this program; if not, write to the
-       Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
-       59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
- */
-       Module: rt2x00rfkill
-       Abstract: rt2x00 rfkill routines.
- */
- * Set enviroment defines for rt2x00.h
- */
-#define DRV_NAME "rt2x00lib"
-#include <linux/input-polldev.h>
-#include <linux/kernel.h>
-#include <linux/module.h>
-#include <linux/rfkill.h>
-#include "rt2x00.h"
-#include "rt2x00lib.h"
-static int rt2x00rfkill_toggle_radio(void *data, enum rfkill_state state)
-       struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev = data;
-       int retval = 0;
-       if (unlikely(!rt2x00dev))
-               return 0;
-       /*
-        * Only continue if there are enabled interfaces.
-        */
-       if (!test_bit(DEVICE_STARTED, &rt2x00dev->flags))
-               return 0;
-       if (state == RFKILL_STATE_ON) {
-               INFO(rt2x00dev, "Hardware button pressed, enabling radio.\n");
-               __clear_bit(DEVICE_DISABLED_RADIO_HW, &rt2x00dev->flags);
-               retval = rt2x00lib_enable_radio(rt2x00dev);
-       } else if (state == RFKILL_STATE_OFF) {
-               INFO(rt2x00dev, "Hardware button pressed, disabling radio.\n");
-               __set_bit(DEVICE_DISABLED_RADIO_HW, &rt2x00dev->flags);
-               rt2x00lib_disable_radio(rt2x00dev);
-       }
-       return retval;
-static void rt2x00rfkill_poll(struct input_polled_dev *poll_dev)
-       struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev = poll_dev->private;
-       int state = rt2x00dev->ops->lib->rfkill_poll(rt2x00dev);
-       if (rt2x00dev->rfkill->state != state)
-               input_report_key(poll_dev->input, KEY_WLAN, 1);
-int rt2x00rfkill_register(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev)
-       int retval;
-       if (!test_bit(CONFIG_SUPPORT_HW_BUTTON, &rt2x00dev->flags))
-               return 0;
-       retval = rfkill_register(rt2x00dev->rfkill);
-       if (retval) {
-               ERROR(rt2x00dev, "Failed to register rfkill handler.\n");
-               return retval;
-       }
-       retval = input_register_polled_device(rt2x00dev->poll_dev);
-       if (retval) {
-               ERROR(rt2x00dev, "Failed to register polled device.\n");
-               rfkill_unregister(rt2x00dev->rfkill);
-               return retval;
-       }
-       return 0;
-void rt2x00rfkill_unregister(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev)
-       if (!test_bit(CONFIG_SUPPORT_HW_BUTTON, &rt2x00dev->flags))
-               return;
-       input_unregister_polled_device(rt2x00dev->poll_dev);
-       rfkill_unregister(rt2x00dev->rfkill);
-int rt2x00rfkill_allocate(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev)
-       struct device *device = wiphy_dev(rt2x00dev->hw->wiphy);
-       if (!test_bit(CONFIG_SUPPORT_HW_BUTTON, &rt2x00dev->flags))
-               return 0;
-       rt2x00dev->rfkill = rfkill_allocate(device, RFKILL_TYPE_WLAN);
-       if (!rt2x00dev->rfkill) {
-               ERROR(rt2x00dev, "Failed to allocate rfkill handler.\n");
-               return -ENOMEM;
-       }
-       rt2x00dev->rfkill->name = rt2x00dev->ops->name;
-       rt2x00dev->rfkill->data = rt2x00dev;
-       rt2x00dev->rfkill->state = rt2x00dev->ops->lib->rfkill_poll(rt2x00dev);
-       rt2x00dev->rfkill->toggle_radio = rt2x00rfkill_toggle_radio;
-       rt2x00dev->poll_dev = input_allocate_polled_device();
-       if (!rt2x00dev->poll_dev) {
-               ERROR(rt2x00dev, "Failed to allocate polled device.\n");
-               rfkill_free(rt2x00dev->rfkill);
-               return -ENOMEM;
-       }
-       rt2x00dev->poll_dev->private = rt2x00dev;
-       rt2x00dev->poll_dev->poll = rt2x00rfkill_poll;
-       rt2x00dev->poll_dev->poll_interval = RFKILL_POLL_INTERVAL;
-       return 0;
-void rt2x00rfkill_free(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev)
-       if (!test_bit(CONFIG_SUPPORT_HW_BUTTON, &rt2x00dev->flags))
-               return;
-       input_free_polled_device(rt2x00dev->poll_dev);
-       rfkill_free(rt2x00dev->rfkill);
diff --git a/package/rt2x00/src/rt2x00rfkill.h b/package/rt2x00/src/rt2x00rfkill.h
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 1bd619d..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
-       Copyright (C) 2004 - 2007 rt2x00 SourceForge Project
-       <http://rt2x00.serialmonkey.com>
-       This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-       it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-       the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-       (at your option) any later version.
-       This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-       but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-       GNU General Public License for more details.
-       You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-       along with this program; if not, write to the
-       Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
-       59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
- */
-       Module: rt2x00lib
-       Abstract: Data structures for the rfkill.
-       Supported chipsets: RT2460, RT2560, rt2561, rt2561s, rt2661.
- */
-#ifndef RT2X00RFKILL_H
-#define RT2X00RFKILL_H
-int rt2x00lib_register_rfkill(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev);
-void rt2x00lib_unregister_rfkill(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev);
-int rt2x00lib_allocate_rfkill(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev);
-void rt2x00lib_free_rfkill(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev);
-#else /* CONFIG_RT2X00_LIB_RFKILL */
-static inline int rt2x00lib_register_rfkill(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev)
-       return 0;
-static inline void rt2x00lib_unregister_rfkill(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev){}
-static inline int rt2x00lib_allocate_rfkill(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev)
-       return 0;
-static inline void rt2x00lib_free_rfkill(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev){}
-#endif /* CONFIG_RT2X00_LIB_RFKILL */
-#endif /* RT2X00RFKILL_H */
diff --git a/package/rt2x00/src/rt2x00ring.h b/package/rt2x00/src/rt2x00ring.h
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 1a864d3..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,268 +0,0 @@
-       Copyright (C) 2004 - 2007 rt2x00 SourceForge Project
-       <http://rt2x00.serialmonkey.com>
-       This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-       it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-       the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-       (at your option) any later version.
-       This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-       but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-       GNU General Public License for more details.
-       You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-       along with this program; if not, write to the
-       Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
-       59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
- */
-       Module: rt2x00
-       Abstract: rt2x00 ring datastructures and routines
- */
-#ifndef RT2X00RING_H
-#define RT2X00RING_H
- * data_desc
- * Each data entry also contains a descriptor which is used by the
- * device to determine what should be done with the packet and
- * what the current status is.
- * This structure is greatly simplified, but the descriptors
- * are basically a list of little endian 32 bit values.
- * Make the array by default 1 word big, this will allow us
- * to use sizeof() correctly.
- */
-struct data_desc {
-       __le32 word[1];
- * rxdata_entry_desc
- * Summary of information that has been read from the
- * RX frame descriptor.
- */
-struct rxdata_entry_desc {
-       int signal;
-       int rssi;
-       int ofdm;
-       int size;
-       int flags;
- * txdata_entry_desc
- * Summary of information that should be written into the
- * descriptor for sending a TX frame.
- */
-struct txdata_entry_desc {
-       unsigned long flags;
-#define ENTRY_TXDONE           1
-#define ENTRY_TXD_RTS_FRAME    2
-#define ENTRY_TXD_OFDM_RATE    3
-#define ENTRY_TXD_MORE_FRAG    4
-#define ENTRY_TXD_REQ_TIMESTAMP        5
-#define ENTRY_TXD_BURST                6
- * Queue ID. ID's 0-4 are data TX rings
- */
-       int queue;
-#define QUEUE_MGMT             13
-#define QUEUE_RX               14
-#define QUEUE_OTHER            15
-       /*
-        * PLCP values.
-        */
-       u16 length_high;
-       u16 length_low;
-       u16 signal;
-       u16 service;
-       /*
-        * Timing information
-        */
-       int aifs;
-       int ifs;
-       int cw_min;
-       int cw_max;
- * data_entry
- * The data ring is a list of data entries.
- * Each entry holds a reference to the descriptor
- * and the data buffer. For TX rings the reference to the
- * sk_buff of the packet being transmitted is also stored here.
- */
-struct data_entry {
-       /*
-        * Status flags
-        */
-       unsigned long flags;
-#define ENTRY_OWNER_NIC                1
-       /*
-        * Ring we belong to.
-        */
-       struct data_ring *ring;
-       /*
-        * sk_buff for the packet which is being transmitted
-        * in this entry (Only used with TX related rings).
-        */
-       struct sk_buff *skb;
-       /*
-        * Store a ieee80211_tx_status structure in each
-        * ring entry, this will optimize the txdone
-        * handler.
-        */
-       struct ieee80211_tx_status tx_status;
-       /*
-        * private pointer specific to driver.
-        */
-       void *priv;
-       /*
-        * Data address for this entry.
-        */
-       void *data_addr;
-       dma_addr_t data_dma;
- * data_ring
- * Data rings are used by the device to send and receive packets.
- * The data_addr is the base address of the data memory.
- * To determine at which point in the ring we are,
- * have to use the rt2x00_ring_index_*() functions.
- */
-struct data_ring {
-       /*
-        * Pointer to main rt2x00dev structure where this
-        * ring belongs to.
-        */
-       struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev;
-       /*
-        * Base address for the device specific data entries.
-        */
-       struct data_entry *entry;
-       /*
-        * TX queue statistic info.
-        */
-       struct ieee80211_tx_queue_stats_data stats;
-       /*
-        * TX Queue parameters.
-        */
-       struct ieee80211_tx_queue_params tx_params;
-       /*
-        * Base address for data ring.
-        */
-       dma_addr_t data_dma;
-       void *data_addr;
-       /*
-        * Index variables.
-        */
-       u16 index;
-       u16 index_done;
-       /*
-        * Size of packet and descriptor in bytes.
-        */
-       u16 data_size;
-       u16 desc_size;
- * Handlers to determine the address of the current device specific
- * data entry, where either index or index_done points to.
- */
-static inline struct data_entry *rt2x00_get_data_entry(struct data_ring *ring)
-       return &ring->entry[ring->index];
-static inline struct data_entry *rt2x00_get_data_entry_done(struct data_ring
-                                                           *ring)
-       return &ring->entry[ring->index_done];
- * Total ring memory
- */
-static inline int rt2x00_get_ring_size(struct data_ring *ring)
-       return ring->stats.limit * (ring->desc_size + ring->data_size);
- * Ring index manipulation functions.
- */
-static inline void rt2x00_ring_index_inc(struct data_ring *ring)
-       ring->index++;
-       if (ring->index >= ring->stats.limit)
-               ring->index = 0;
-       ring->stats.len++;
-static inline void rt2x00_ring_index_done_inc(struct data_ring *ring)
-       ring->index_done++;
-       if (ring->index_done >= ring->stats.limit)
-               ring->index_done = 0;
-       ring->stats.len--;
-       ring->stats.count++;
-static inline void rt2x00_ring_index_clear(struct data_ring *ring)
-       ring->index = 0;
-       ring->index_done = 0;
-       ring->stats.len = 0;
-       ring->stats.count = 0;
-static inline int rt2x00_ring_empty(struct data_ring *ring)
-       return ring->stats.len == 0;
-static inline int rt2x00_ring_full(struct data_ring *ring)
-       return ring->stats.len == ring->stats.limit;
-static inline int rt2x00_ring_free(struct data_ring *ring)
-       return ring->stats.limit - ring->stats.len;
- * TX/RX Descriptor access functions.
- */
-static inline void rt2x00_desc_read(struct data_desc *desc,
-                                   const u8 word, u32 *value)
-       *value = le32_to_cpu(desc->word[word]);
-static inline void rt2x00_desc_write(struct data_desc *desc,
-                                    const u8 word, const u32 value)
-       desc->word[word] = cpu_to_le32(value);
-#endif /* RT2X00RING_H */
diff --git a/package/rt2x00/src/rt2x00usb.c b/package/rt2x00/src/rt2x00usb.c
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 568d738..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,615 +0,0 @@
-       Copyright (C) 2004 - 2007 rt2x00 SourceForge Project
-       <http://rt2x00.serialmonkey.com>
-       This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-       it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-       the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-       (at your option) any later version.
-       This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-       but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-       GNU General Public License for more details.
-       You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-       along with this program; if not, write to the
-       Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
-       59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
- */
-       Module: rt2x00usb
-       Abstract: rt2x00 generic usb device routines.
- */
- * Set enviroment defines for rt2x00.h
- */
-#define DRV_NAME "rt2x00usb"
-#include <linux/kernel.h>
-#include <linux/module.h>
-#include <linux/usb.h>
-#include "rt2x00.h"
-#include "rt2x00usb.h"
- * Interfacing with the HW.
- */
-int rt2x00usb_vendor_request(const struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev,
-                            const u8 request, const u8 requesttype,
-                            const u16 offset, const u16 value,
-                            void *buffer, const u16 buffer_length,
-                            const int timeout)
-       struct usb_device *usb_dev =
-           interface_to_usbdev(rt2x00dev_usb(rt2x00dev));
-       int status;
-       unsigned int i;
-       unsigned int pipe =
-           (requesttype == USB_VENDOR_REQUEST_IN) ?
-           usb_rcvctrlpipe(usb_dev, 0) : usb_sndctrlpipe(usb_dev, 0);
-       for (i = 0; i < REGISTER_BUSY_COUNT; i++) {
-               status = usb_control_msg(usb_dev, pipe, request, requesttype,
-                                        value, offset, buffer, buffer_length,
-                                        timeout);
-               if (status >= 0)
-                       return 0;
-               /*
-                * Check for errors
-                * -ENODEV: Device has disappeared, no point continuing.
-                * All other errors: Try again.
-                */
-               else if (status == -ENODEV)
-                       break;
-       }
-       ERROR(rt2x00dev,
-             "Vendor Request 0x%02x failed for offset 0x%04x with error %d.\n",
-             request, offset, status);
-       return status;
-int rt2x00usb_vendor_request_buff(const struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev,
-                                 const u8 request, const u8 requesttype,
-                                 const u16 offset, void *buffer,
-                                 const u16 buffer_length, const int timeout)
-       int status;
-       /*
-        * Check for Cache availability.
-        */
-       if (unlikely(!rt2x00dev->csr_cache || buffer_length > CSR_CACHE_SIZE)) {
-               ERROR(rt2x00dev, "CSR cache not available.\n");
-               return -ENOMEM;
-       }
-       if (requesttype == USB_VENDOR_REQUEST_OUT)
-               memcpy(rt2x00dev->csr_cache, buffer, buffer_length);
-       status = rt2x00usb_vendor_request(rt2x00dev, request, requesttype,
-                                         offset, 0, rt2x00dev->csr_cache,
-                                         buffer_length, timeout);
-       if (!status && requesttype == USB_VENDOR_REQUEST_IN)
-               memcpy(buffer, rt2x00dev->csr_cache, buffer_length);
-       return status;
- * TX data handlers.
- */
-static void rt2x00usb_interrupt_txdone(struct urb *urb)
-       struct data_entry *entry = (struct data_entry *)urb->context;
-       struct data_ring *ring = entry->ring;
-       struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev = ring->rt2x00dev;
-       struct data_desc *txd = (struct data_desc *)entry->skb->data;
-       u32 word;
-       int tx_status;
-       if (!test_bit(DEVICE_ENABLED_RADIO, &rt2x00dev->flags) ||
-           !__test_and_clear_bit(ENTRY_OWNER_NIC, &entry->flags))
-               return;
-       rt2x00_desc_read(txd, 0, &word);
-       /*
-        * Remove the descriptor data from the buffer.
-        */
-       skb_pull(entry->skb, ring->desc_size);
-       /*
-        * Obtain the status about this packet.
-        */
-       tx_status = !urb->status ? TX_SUCCESS : TX_FAIL_RETRY;
-       rt2x00lib_txdone(entry, tx_status, 0);
-       /*
-        * Make this entry available for reuse.
-        */
-       entry->flags = 0;
-       rt2x00_ring_index_done_inc(entry->ring);
-       /*
-        * If the data ring was full before the txdone handler
-        * we must make sure the packet queue in the mac80211 stack
-        * is reenabled when the txdone handler has finished.
-        */
-       if (!rt2x00_ring_full(ring))
-               ieee80211_wake_queue(rt2x00dev->hw,
-                                    entry->tx_status.control.queue);
-int rt2x00usb_write_tx_data(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev,
-                           struct data_ring *ring, struct sk_buff *skb,
-                           struct ieee80211_tx_control *control)
-       struct usb_device *usb_dev =
-           interface_to_usbdev(rt2x00dev_usb(rt2x00dev));
-       struct data_entry *entry = rt2x00_get_data_entry(ring);
-       int pipe = usb_sndbulkpipe(usb_dev, 1);
-       u32 length;
-       if (rt2x00_ring_full(ring)) {
-               ieee80211_stop_queue(rt2x00dev->hw, control->queue);
-               return -EINVAL;
-       }
-       if (test_bit(ENTRY_OWNER_NIC, &entry->flags)) {
-               ERROR(rt2x00dev,
-                     "Arrived at non-free entry in the non-full queue %d.\n"
-                     "Please file bug report to %s.\n",
-                     control->queue, DRV_PROJECT);
-               ieee80211_stop_queue(rt2x00dev->hw, control->queue);
-               return -EINVAL;
-       }
-       /*
-        * Add the descriptor in front of the skb.
-        */
-       skb_push(skb, ring->desc_size);
-       memset(skb->data, 0, ring->desc_size);
-       rt2x00lib_write_tx_desc(rt2x00dev, (struct data_desc *)skb->data,
-                               (struct ieee80211_hdr *)(skb->data +
-                                                        ring->desc_size),
-                               skb->len - ring->desc_size, control);
-       memcpy(&entry->tx_status.control, control, sizeof(*control));
-       entry->skb = skb;
-       /*
-        * USB devices cannot blindly pass the skb->len as the
-        * length of the data to usb_fill_bulk_urb. Pass the skb
-        * to the driver to determine what the length should be.
-        */
-       length = rt2x00dev->ops->lib->get_tx_data_len(rt2x00dev, skb);
-       /*
-        * Initialize URB and send the frame to the device.
-        */
-       __set_bit(ENTRY_OWNER_NIC, &entry->flags);
-       usb_fill_bulk_urb(entry->priv, usb_dev, pipe,
-                         skb->data, length, rt2x00usb_interrupt_txdone, entry);
-       usb_submit_urb(entry->priv, GFP_ATOMIC);
-       rt2x00_ring_index_inc(ring);
-       if (rt2x00_ring_full(ring))
-               ieee80211_stop_queue(rt2x00dev->hw, control->queue);
-       return 0;
- * RX data handlers.
- */
-static void rt2x00usb_interrupt_rxdone(struct urb *urb)
-       struct data_entry *entry = (struct data_entry *)urb->context;
-       struct data_ring *ring = entry->ring;
-       struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev = ring->rt2x00dev;
-       struct sk_buff *skb;
-       struct ieee80211_hdr *hdr;
-       struct rxdata_entry_desc desc;
-       int header_size;
-       int frame_size;
-       if (!test_bit(DEVICE_ENABLED_RADIO, &rt2x00dev->flags) ||
-           !test_and_clear_bit(ENTRY_OWNER_NIC, &entry->flags))
-               return;
-       /*
-        * Check if the received data is simply too small
-        * to be actually valid, or if the urb is signaling
-        * a problem.
-        */
-       if (urb->actual_length < entry->ring->desc_size || urb->status)
-               goto skip_entry;
-       memset(&desc, 0x00, sizeof(desc));
-       rt2x00dev->ops->lib->fill_rxdone(entry, &desc);
-       /*
-        * Allocate a new sk buffer to replace the current one.
-        * If allocation fails, we should drop the current frame
-        * so we can recycle the existing sk buffer for the new frame.
-        * As alignment we use 2 and not NET_IP_ALIGN because we need
-        * to be sure we have 2 bytes room in the head. (NET_IP_ALIGN
-        * can be 0 on some hardware). We use these 2 bytes for frame
-        * alignment later, we assume that the chance that
-        * header_size % 4 == 2 is bigger then header_size % 2 == 0
-        * and thus optimize alignment by reserving the 2 bytes in
-        * advance.
-        */
-       frame_size = entry->ring->data_size + entry->ring->desc_size;
-       skb = dev_alloc_skb(frame_size + 2);
-       if (!skb)
-               goto skip_entry;
-       skb_reserve(skb, 2);
-       skb_put(skb, frame_size);
-       /*
-        * The data behind the ieee80211 header must be
-        * aligned on a 4 byte boundary.
-        * After that trim the entire buffer down to only
-        * contain the valid frame data excluding the device
-        * descriptor.
-        */
-       hdr = (struct ieee80211_hdr *)entry->skb->data;
-       header_size =
-           ieee80211_get_hdrlen(le16_to_cpu(hdr->frame_control));
-       if (header_size % 4 == 0) {
-               skb_push(entry->skb, 2);
-               memmove(entry->skb->data, entry->skb->data + 2, skb->len - 2);
-       }
-       skb_trim(entry->skb, desc.size);
-       /*
-        * Send the frame to rt2x00lib for further processing.
-        */
-       rt2x00lib_rxdone(entry, entry->skb, &desc);
-       /*
-        * Replace current entry's skb with the newly allocated one,
-        * and reinitialize the urb.
-        */
-       entry->skb = skb;
-       urb->transfer_buffer = entry->skb->data;
-       urb->transfer_buffer_length = entry->skb->len;
-       if (test_bit(DEVICE_ENABLED_RADIO, &ring->rt2x00dev->flags)) {
-               __set_bit(ENTRY_OWNER_NIC, &entry->flags);
-               usb_submit_urb(urb, GFP_ATOMIC);
-       }
-       rt2x00_ring_index_inc(ring);
- * Radio handlers
- */
-void rt2x00usb_enable_radio(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev)
-       struct usb_device *usb_dev =
-           interface_to_usbdev(rt2x00dev_usb(rt2x00dev));
-       struct data_ring *ring;
-       struct data_entry *entry;
-       unsigned int i;
-       /*
-        * Initialize the TX rings
-        */
-       txringall_for_each(rt2x00dev, ring) {
-               for (i = 0; i < ring->stats.limit; i++)
-                       ring->entry[i].flags = 0;
-               rt2x00_ring_index_clear(ring);
-       }
-       /*
-        * Initialize and start the RX ring.
-        */
-       rt2x00_ring_index_clear(rt2x00dev->rx);
-       for (i = 0; i < rt2x00dev->rx->stats.limit; i++) {
-               entry = &rt2x00dev->rx->entry[i];
-               usb_fill_bulk_urb(entry->priv, usb_dev,
-                                 usb_rcvbulkpipe(usb_dev, 1),
-                                 entry->skb->data, entry->skb->len,
-                                 rt2x00usb_interrupt_rxdone, entry);
-               __set_bit(ENTRY_OWNER_NIC, &entry->flags);
-               usb_submit_urb(entry->priv, GFP_ATOMIC);
-       }
-void rt2x00usb_disable_radio(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev)
-       struct data_ring *ring;
-       unsigned int i;
-       rt2x00usb_vendor_request_sw(rt2x00dev, USB_RX_CONTROL, 0x0000, 0x0000,
-                                   REGISTER_TIMEOUT);
-       /*
-        * Cancel all rings.
-        */
-       ring_for_each(rt2x00dev, ring) {
-               for (i = 0; i < ring->stats.limit; i++)
-                       usb_kill_urb(ring->entry[i].priv);
-       }
- * Device initialization handlers.
- */
-static int rt2x00usb_alloc_urb(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev,
-                              struct data_ring *ring)
-       unsigned int i;
-       /*
-        * Allocate the URB's
-        */
-       for (i = 0; i < ring->stats.limit; i++) {
-               ring->entry[i].priv = usb_alloc_urb(0, GFP_KERNEL);
-               if (!ring->entry[i].priv)
-                       return -ENOMEM;
-       }
-       return 0;
-static void rt2x00usb_free_urb(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev,
-                              struct data_ring *ring)
-       unsigned int i;
-       if (!ring->entry)
-               return;
-       for (i = 0; i < ring->stats.limit; i++) {
-               usb_kill_urb(ring->entry[i].priv);
-               usb_free_urb(ring->entry[i].priv);
-               if (ring->entry[i].skb)
-                       kfree_skb(ring->entry[i].skb);
-       }
-int rt2x00usb_initialize(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev)
-       struct data_ring *ring;
-       struct sk_buff *skb;
-       unsigned int entry_size;
-       unsigned int i;
-       int status;
-       /*
-        * Allocate DMA
-        */
-       ring_for_each(rt2x00dev, ring) {
-               status = rt2x00usb_alloc_urb(rt2x00dev, ring);
-               if (status)
-                       goto exit;
-       }
-       /*
-        * For the RX ring, skb's should be allocated.
-        */
-       entry_size = rt2x00dev->rx->data_size + rt2x00dev->rx->desc_size;
-       for (i = 0; i < rt2x00dev->rx->stats.limit; i++) {
-               skb = dev_alloc_skb(NET_IP_ALIGN + entry_size);
-               if (!skb)
-                       goto exit;
-               skb_reserve(skb, NET_IP_ALIGN);
-               skb_put(skb, entry_size);
-               rt2x00dev->rx->entry[i].skb = skb;
-       }
-       return 0;
-       rt2x00usb_uninitialize(rt2x00dev);
-       return status;
-void rt2x00usb_uninitialize(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev)
-       struct data_ring *ring;
-       ring_for_each(rt2x00dev, ring)
-               rt2x00usb_free_urb(rt2x00dev, ring);
- * USB driver handlers.
- */
-static void rt2x00usb_free_reg(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev)
-       kfree(rt2x00dev->rf);
-       rt2x00dev->rf = NULL;
-       kfree(rt2x00dev->eeprom);
-       rt2x00dev->eeprom = NULL;
-       kfree(rt2x00dev->csr_cache);
-       rt2x00dev->csr_cache = NULL;
-static int rt2x00usb_alloc_reg(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev)
-       rt2x00dev->csr_cache = kzalloc(CSR_CACHE_SIZE, GFP_KERNEL);
-       if (!rt2x00dev->csr_cache)
-               goto exit;
-       rt2x00dev->eeprom = kzalloc(rt2x00dev->ops->eeprom_size, GFP_KERNEL);
-       if (!rt2x00dev->eeprom)
-               goto exit;
-       rt2x00dev->rf = kzalloc(rt2x00dev->ops->rf_size, GFP_KERNEL);
-       if (!rt2x00dev->rf)
-               goto exit;
-       return 0;
-       ERROR_PROBE("Failed to allocate registers.\n");
-       rt2x00usb_free_reg(rt2x00dev);
-       return -ENOMEM;
-int rt2x00usb_probe(struct usb_interface *usb_intf,
-                   const struct usb_device_id *id)
-       struct usb_device *usb_dev = interface_to_usbdev(usb_intf);
-       struct rt2x00_ops *ops = (struct rt2x00_ops *)id->driver_info;
-       struct ieee80211_hw *hw;
-       struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev;
-       int retval;
-       usb_dev = usb_get_dev(usb_dev);
-       hw = ieee80211_alloc_hw(sizeof(struct rt2x00_dev), ops->hw);
-       if (!hw) {
-               ERROR_PROBE("Failed to allocate hardware.\n");
-               retval = -ENOMEM;
-               goto exit_put_device;
-       }
-       usb_set_intfdata(usb_intf, hw);
-       rt2x00dev = hw->priv;
-       rt2x00dev->dev = usb_intf;
-       rt2x00dev->ops = ops;
-       rt2x00dev->hw = hw;
-       rt2x00dev->usb_maxpacket =
-           usb_maxpacket(usb_dev, usb_sndbulkpipe(usb_dev, 1), 1);
-       if (!rt2x00dev->usb_maxpacket)
-               rt2x00dev->usb_maxpacket = 1;
-       retval = rt2x00usb_alloc_reg(rt2x00dev);
-       if (retval)
-               goto exit_free_device;
-       retval = rt2x00lib_probe_dev(rt2x00dev);
-       if (retval)
-               goto exit_free_reg;
-       return 0;
-       rt2x00usb_free_reg(rt2x00dev);
-       ieee80211_free_hw(hw);
-       usb_put_dev(usb_dev);
-       usb_set_intfdata(usb_intf, NULL);
-       return retval;
-void rt2x00usb_disconnect(struct usb_interface *usb_intf)
-       struct ieee80211_hw *hw = usb_get_intfdata(usb_intf);
-       struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev = hw->priv;
-       /*
-        * Free all allocated data.
-        */
-       rt2x00lib_remove_dev(rt2x00dev);
-       rt2x00usb_free_reg(rt2x00dev);
-       ieee80211_free_hw(hw);
-       /*
-        * Free the USB device data.
-        */
-       usb_set_intfdata(usb_intf, NULL);
-       usb_put_dev(interface_to_usbdev(usb_intf));
-#ifdef CONFIG_PM
-int rt2x00usb_suspend(struct usb_interface *usb_intf, pm_message_t state)
-       struct ieee80211_hw *hw = usb_get_intfdata(usb_intf);
-       struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev = hw->priv;
-       int retval;
-       retval = rt2x00lib_suspend(rt2x00dev, state);
-       if (retval)
-               return retval;
-       rt2x00usb_free_reg(rt2x00dev);
-       /*
-        * Decrease usbdev refcount.
-        */
-       usb_put_dev(interface_to_usbdev(usb_intf));
-       return 0;
-int rt2x00usb_resume(struct usb_interface *usb_intf)
-       struct ieee80211_hw *hw = usb_get_intfdata(usb_intf);
-       struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev = hw->priv;
-       int retval;
-       usb_get_dev(interface_to_usbdev(usb_intf));
-       retval = rt2x00usb_alloc_reg(rt2x00dev);
-       if (retval)
-               return retval;
-       retval = rt2x00lib_resume(rt2x00dev);
-       if (retval)
-               goto exit_free_reg;
-       return 0;
-       rt2x00usb_free_reg(rt2x00dev);
-       return retval;
-#endif /* CONFIG_PM */
- * rt2x00pci module information.
- */
-MODULE_DESCRIPTION("rt2x00 library");
diff --git a/package/rt2x00/src/rt2x00usb.h b/package/rt2x00/src/rt2x00usb.h
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 2681abe..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,180 +0,0 @@
-       Copyright (C) 2004 - 2007 rt2x00 SourceForge Project
-       <http://rt2x00.serialmonkey.com>
-       This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-       it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-       the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-       (at your option) any later version.
-       This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-       but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-       GNU General Public License for more details.
-       You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-       along with this program; if not, write to the
-       Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
-       59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
- */
-       Module: rt2x00usb
-       Abstract: Data structures for the rt2x00usb module.
- */
-#ifndef RT2X00USB_H
-#define RT2X00USB_H
- * This variable should be used with the
- * usb_driver structure initialization.
- */
-#define USB_DEVICE_DATA(__ops) .driver_info = (kernel_ulong_t)(__ops)
- * Register defines.
- * Some registers require multiple attempts before success,
- * in those cases REGISTER_BUSY_COUNT attempts should be
- * taken with a REGISTER_BUSY_DELAY interval.
- * For USB vendor requests we need to pass a timeout
- * time in ms, for this we use the REGISTER_TIMEOUT,
- * however when loading firmware a higher value is
- * required. In that case we use the REGISTER_TIMEOUT_FIRMWARE.
- */
-#define REGISTER_BUSY_COUNT            5
-#define REGISTER_BUSY_DELAY            100
-#define REGISTER_TIMEOUT               500
- * Cache size
- */
-#define CSR_CACHE_SIZE                 8
-#define CSR_CACHE_SIZE_FIRMWARE                64
- * USB request types.
- */
- * USB vendor commands.
- */
-#define USB_DEVICE_MODE                0x01
-#define USB_SINGLE_WRITE       0x02
-#define USB_SINGLE_READ                0x03
-#define USB_MULTI_WRITE                0x06
-#define USB_MULTI_READ         0x07
-#define USB_EEPROM_WRITE       0x08
-#define USB_EEPROM_READ                0x09
-#define USB_LED_CONTROL                0x0a    /* RT73USB */
-#define USB_RX_CONTROL         0x0c
- * Device modes offset
- */
-#define USB_MODE_RESET         0x01
-#define USB_MODE_UNPLUG                0x02
-#define USB_MODE_FUNCTION      0x03
-#define USB_MODE_TEST          0x04
-#define USB_MODE_SLEEP         0x07    /* RT73USB */
-#define USB_MODE_FIRMWARE      0x08    /* RT73USB */
-#define USB_MODE_WAKEUP                0x09    /* RT73USB */
- * Used to read/write from/to the device.
- * This is the main function to communicate with the device,
- * the buffer argument _must_ either be NULL or point to
- * a buffer allocated by kmalloc. Failure to do so can lead
- * to unexpected behavior depending on the architecture.
- */
-int rt2x00usb_vendor_request(const struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev,
-                            const u8 request, const u8 requesttype,
-                            const u16 offset, const u16 value,
-                            void *buffer, const u16 buffer_length,
-                            const int timeout);
- * Used to read/write from/to the device.
- * This function will use a previously with kmalloc allocated cache
- * to communicate with the device. The contents of the buffer pointer
- * will be copied to this cache when writing, or read from the cache
- * when reading.
- * Buffers send to rt2x00usb_vendor_request _must_ be allocated with
- * kmalloc. Hence the reason for using a previously allocated cache
- * which has been allocated properly.
- */
-int rt2x00usb_vendor_request_buff(const struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev,
-                                 const u8 request, const u8 requesttype,
-                                 const u16 offset, void *buffer,
-                                 const u16 buffer_length, const int timeout);
- * Simple wrapper around rt2x00usb_vendor_request to write a single
- * command to the device. Since we don't use the buffer argument we
- * don't have to worry about kmalloc here.
- */
-static inline int rt2x00usb_vendor_request_sw(const struct rt2x00_dev
-                                             *rt2x00dev,
-                                             const u8 request,
-                                             const u16 offset,
-                                             const u16 value,
-                                             const int timeout)
-       return rt2x00usb_vendor_request(rt2x00dev, request,
-                                       USB_VENDOR_REQUEST_OUT, offset,
-                                       value, NULL, 0, timeout);
- * Simple wrapper around rt2x00usb_vendor_request to read the eeprom
- * from the device. Note that the eeprom argument _must_ be allocated using
- * kmalloc for correct handling inside the kernel USB layer.
- */
-static inline int rt2x00usb_eeprom_read(const struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev,
-                                        __le16 *eeprom, const u16 lenght)
-       int timeout = REGISTER_TIMEOUT * (lenght / sizeof(u16));
-       return rt2x00usb_vendor_request(rt2x00dev, USB_EEPROM_READ,
-                                       USB_VENDOR_REQUEST_IN, 0x0000,
-                                       0x0000, eeprom, lenght, timeout);
- * Radio handlers
- */
-void rt2x00usb_enable_radio(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev);
-void rt2x00usb_disable_radio(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev);
- * TX data handlers.
- */
-int rt2x00usb_write_tx_data(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev,
-                           struct data_ring *ring, struct sk_buff *skb,
-                           struct ieee80211_tx_control *control);
- * Device initialization handlers.
- */
-int rt2x00usb_initialize(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev);
-void rt2x00usb_uninitialize(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev);
- * USB driver handlers.
- */
-int rt2x00usb_probe(struct usb_interface *usb_intf,
-                   const struct usb_device_id *id);
-void rt2x00usb_disconnect(struct usb_interface *usb_intf);
-#ifdef CONFIG_PM
-int rt2x00usb_suspend(struct usb_interface *usb_intf, pm_message_t state);
-int rt2x00usb_resume(struct usb_interface *usb_intf);
-#define rt2x00usb_suspend      NULL
-#define rt2x00usb_resume       NULL
-#endif /* CONFIG_PM */
-#endif /* RT2X00USB_H */
diff --git a/package/rt2x00/src/rt61pci.c b/package/rt2x00/src/rt61pci.c
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index ecae968..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2569 +0,0 @@
-       Copyright (C) 2004 - 2007 rt2x00 SourceForge Project
-       <http://rt2x00.serialmonkey.com>
-       This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-       it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-       the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-       (at your option) any later version.
-       This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-       but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-       GNU General Public License for more details.
-       You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-       along with this program; if not, write to the
-       Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
-       59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
- */
-       Module: rt61pci
-       Abstract: rt61pci device specific routines.
-       Supported chipsets: RT2561, RT2561s, RT2661.
- */
- * Set enviroment defines for rt2x00.h
- */
-#define DRV_NAME "rt61pci"
-#include <linux/delay.h>
-#include <linux/etherdevice.h>
-#include <linux/init.h>
-#include <linux/kernel.h>
-#include <linux/module.h>
-#include <linux/pci.h>
-#include <linux/eeprom_93cx6.h>
-#include "rt2x00.h"
-#include "rt2x00pci.h"
-#include "rt61pci.h"
- * Register access.
- * BBP and RF register require indirect register access,
- * and use the CSR registers PHY_CSR3 and PHY_CSR4 to achieve this.
- * These indirect registers work with busy bits,
- * and we will try maximal REGISTER_BUSY_COUNT times to access
- * the register while taking a REGISTER_BUSY_DELAY us delay
- * between each attampt. When the busy bit is still set at that time,
- * the access attempt is considered to have failed,
- * and we will print an error.
- */
-static u32 rt61pci_bbp_check(const struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev)
-       u32 reg;
-       unsigned int i;
-       for (i = 0; i < REGISTER_BUSY_COUNT; i++) {
-               rt2x00pci_register_read(rt2x00dev, PHY_CSR3, &reg);
-               if (!rt2x00_get_field32(reg, PHY_CSR3_BUSY))
-                       break;
-               udelay(REGISTER_BUSY_DELAY);
-       }
-       return reg;
-static void rt61pci_bbp_write(const struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev,
-                             const unsigned int word, const u8 value)
-       u32 reg;
-       /*
-        * Wait until the BBP becomes ready.
-        */
-       reg = rt61pci_bbp_check(rt2x00dev);
-       if (rt2x00_get_field32(reg, PHY_CSR3_BUSY)) {
-               ERROR(rt2x00dev, "PHY_CSR3 register busy. Write failed.\n");
-               return;
-       }
-       /*
-        * Write the data into the BBP.
-        */
-       reg = 0;
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, PHY_CSR3_VALUE, value);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, PHY_CSR3_REGNUM, word);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, PHY_CSR3_BUSY, 1);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, PHY_CSR3_READ_CONTROL, 0);
-       rt2x00pci_register_write(rt2x00dev, PHY_CSR3, reg);
-static void rt61pci_bbp_read(const struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev,
-                            const unsigned int word, u8 *value)
-       u32 reg;
-       /*
-        * Wait until the BBP becomes ready.
-        */
-       reg = rt61pci_bbp_check(rt2x00dev);
-       if (rt2x00_get_field32(reg, PHY_CSR3_BUSY)) {
-               ERROR(rt2x00dev, "PHY_CSR3 register busy. Read failed.\n");
-               return;
-       }
-       /*
-        * Write the request into the BBP.
-        */
-       reg = 0;
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, PHY_CSR3_REGNUM, word);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, PHY_CSR3_BUSY, 1);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, PHY_CSR3_READ_CONTROL, 1);
-       rt2x00pci_register_write(rt2x00dev, PHY_CSR3, reg);
-       /*
-        * Wait until the BBP becomes ready.
-        */
-       reg = rt61pci_bbp_check(rt2x00dev);
-       if (rt2x00_get_field32(reg, PHY_CSR3_BUSY)) {
-               ERROR(rt2x00dev, "PHY_CSR3 register busy. Read failed.\n");
-               *value = 0xff;
-               return;
-       }
-       *value = rt2x00_get_field32(reg, PHY_CSR3_VALUE);
-static void rt61pci_rf_write(const struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev,
-                            const unsigned int word, const u32 value)
-       u32 reg;
-       unsigned int i;
-       if (!word)
-               return;
-       for (i = 0; i < REGISTER_BUSY_COUNT; i++) {
-               rt2x00pci_register_read(rt2x00dev, PHY_CSR4, &reg);
-               if (!rt2x00_get_field32(reg, PHY_CSR4_BUSY))
-                       goto rf_write;
-               udelay(REGISTER_BUSY_DELAY);
-       }
-       ERROR(rt2x00dev, "PHY_CSR4 register busy. Write failed.\n");
-       return;
-       reg = 0;
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, PHY_CSR4_VALUE, value);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, PHY_CSR4_NUMBER_OF_BITS, 21);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, PHY_CSR4_IF_SELECT, 0);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, PHY_CSR4_BUSY, 1);
-       rt2x00pci_register_write(rt2x00dev, PHY_CSR4, reg);
-       rt2x00_rf_write(rt2x00dev, word, value);
-static void rt61pci_mcu_request(const struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev,
-                               const u8 command, const u8 token,
-                               const u8 arg0, const u8 arg1)
-       u32 reg;
-       rt2x00pci_register_read(rt2x00dev, H2M_MAILBOX_CSR, &reg);
-       if (rt2x00_get_field32(reg, H2M_MAILBOX_CSR_OWNER)) {
-               ERROR(rt2x00dev, "mcu request error. "
-                     "Request 0x%02x failed for token 0x%02x.\n",
-                     command, token);
-               return;
-       }
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, H2M_MAILBOX_CSR_OWNER, 1);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, H2M_MAILBOX_CSR_CMD_TOKEN, token);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, H2M_MAILBOX_CSR_ARG0, arg0);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, H2M_MAILBOX_CSR_ARG1, arg1);
-       rt2x00pci_register_write(rt2x00dev, H2M_MAILBOX_CSR, reg);
-       rt2x00pci_register_read(rt2x00dev, HOST_CMD_CSR, &reg);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, HOST_CMD_CSR_HOST_COMMAND, command);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, HOST_CMD_CSR_INTERRUPT_MCU, 1);
-       rt2x00pci_register_write(rt2x00dev, HOST_CMD_CSR, reg);
-static void rt61pci_eepromregister_read(struct eeprom_93cx6 *eeprom)
-       struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev = eeprom->data;
-       u32 reg;
-       rt2x00pci_register_read(rt2x00dev, E2PROM_CSR, &reg);
-       eeprom->reg_data_in = !!rt2x00_get_field32(reg, E2PROM_CSR_DATA_IN);
-       eeprom->reg_data_out = !!rt2x00_get_field32(reg, E2PROM_CSR_DATA_OUT);
-       eeprom->reg_data_clock =
-           !!rt2x00_get_field32(reg, E2PROM_CSR_DATA_CLOCK);
-       eeprom->reg_chip_select =
-           !!rt2x00_get_field32(reg, E2PROM_CSR_CHIP_SELECT);
-static void rt61pci_eepromregister_write(struct eeprom_93cx6 *eeprom)
-       struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev = eeprom->data;
-       u32 reg = 0;
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, E2PROM_CSR_DATA_IN, !!eeprom->reg_data_in);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, E2PROM_CSR_DATA_OUT, !!eeprom->reg_data_out);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, E2PROM_CSR_DATA_CLOCK,
-                          !!eeprom->reg_data_clock);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, E2PROM_CSR_CHIP_SELECT,
-                          !!eeprom->reg_chip_select);
-       rt2x00pci_register_write(rt2x00dev, E2PROM_CSR, reg);
-#define CSR_OFFSET(__word)     ( CSR_REG_BASE + ((__word) * sizeof(u32)) )
-static void rt61pci_read_csr(const struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev,
-                            const unsigned int word, u32 *data)
-       rt2x00pci_register_read(rt2x00dev, CSR_OFFSET(word), data);
-static void rt61pci_write_csr(const struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev,
-                             const unsigned int word, u32 data)
-       rt2x00pci_register_write(rt2x00dev, CSR_OFFSET(word), data);
-static const struct rt2x00debug rt61pci_rt2x00debug = {
-       .owner  = THIS_MODULE,
-       .csr    = {
-               .read           = rt61pci_read_csr,
-               .write          = rt61pci_write_csr,
-               .word_size      = sizeof(u32),
-               .word_count     = CSR_REG_SIZE / sizeof(u32),
-       },
-       .eeprom = {
-               .read           = rt2x00_eeprom_read,
-               .write          = rt2x00_eeprom_write,
-               .word_size      = sizeof(u16),
-               .word_count     = EEPROM_SIZE / sizeof(u16),
-       },
-       .bbp    = {
-               .read           = rt61pci_bbp_read,
-               .write          = rt61pci_bbp_write,
-               .word_size      = sizeof(u8),
-               .word_count     = BBP_SIZE / sizeof(u8),
-       },
-       .rf     = {
-               .read           = rt2x00_rf_read,
-               .write          = rt61pci_rf_write,
-               .word_size      = sizeof(u32),
-               .word_count     = RF_SIZE / sizeof(u32),
-       },
-#endif /* CONFIG_RT2X00_LIB_DEBUGFS */
-static int rt61pci_rfkill_poll(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev)
-       u32 reg;
-       rt2x00pci_register_read(rt2x00dev, MAC_CSR13, &reg);
-       return rt2x00_get_field32(reg, MAC_CSR13_BIT5);;
-#define rt61pci_rfkill_poll    NULL
-#endif /* CONFIG_RT61PCI_RFKILL */
- * Configuration handlers.
- */
-static void rt61pci_config_mac_addr(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev, __le32 *mac)
-       u32 tmp;
-       tmp = le32_to_cpu(mac[1]);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&tmp, MAC_CSR3_UNICAST_TO_ME_MASK, 0xff);
-       mac[1] = cpu_to_le32(tmp);
-       rt2x00pci_register_multiwrite(rt2x00dev, MAC_CSR2, mac,
-                                     (2 * sizeof(__le32)));
-static void rt61pci_config_bssid(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev, __le32 *bssid)
-       u32 tmp;
-       tmp = le32_to_cpu(bssid[1]);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&tmp, MAC_CSR5_BSS_ID_MASK, 3);
-       bssid[1] = cpu_to_le32(tmp);
-       rt2x00pci_register_multiwrite(rt2x00dev, MAC_CSR4, bssid,
-                                     (2 * sizeof(__le32)));
-static void rt61pci_config_type(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev, const int type,
-                               const int tsf_sync)
-       u32 reg;
-       /*
-        * Clear current synchronisation setup.
-        * For the Beacon base registers we only need to clear
-        * the first byte since that byte contains the VALID and OWNER
-        * bits which (when set to 0) will invalidate the entire beacon.
-        */
-       rt2x00pci_register_write(rt2x00dev, TXRX_CSR9, 0);
-       rt2x00pci_register_write(rt2x00dev, HW_BEACON_BASE0, 0);
-       rt2x00pci_register_write(rt2x00dev, HW_BEACON_BASE1, 0);
-       rt2x00pci_register_write(rt2x00dev, HW_BEACON_BASE2, 0);
-       rt2x00pci_register_write(rt2x00dev, HW_BEACON_BASE3, 0);
-       /*
-        * Enable synchronisation.
-        */
-       rt2x00pci_register_read(rt2x00dev, TXRX_CSR9, &reg);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, TXRX_CSR9_TSF_TICKING, 1);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, TXRX_CSR9_TBTT_ENABLE, 1);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, TXRX_CSR9_BEACON_GEN, 0);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, TXRX_CSR9_TSF_SYNC, tsf_sync);
-       rt2x00pci_register_write(rt2x00dev, TXRX_CSR9, reg);
-static void rt61pci_config_preamble(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev,
-                                   const int short_preamble,
-                                   const int ack_timeout,
-                                   const int ack_consume_time)
-       u32 reg;
-       rt2x00pci_register_read(rt2x00dev, TXRX_CSR0, &reg);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, TXRX_CSR0_RX_ACK_TIMEOUT, ack_timeout);
-       rt2x00pci_register_write(rt2x00dev, TXRX_CSR0, reg);
-       rt2x00pci_register_read(rt2x00dev, TXRX_CSR4, &reg);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, TXRX_CSR4_AUTORESPOND_PREAMBLE,
-                          !!short_preamble);
-       rt2x00pci_register_write(rt2x00dev, TXRX_CSR4, reg);
-static void rt61pci_config_phymode(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev,
-                                  const int basic_rate_mask)
-       rt2x00pci_register_write(rt2x00dev, TXRX_CSR5, basic_rate_mask);
-static void rt61pci_config_channel(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev,
-                                  struct rf_channel *rf, const int txpower)
-       u8 r3;
-       u8 r94;
-       u8 smart;
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&rf->rf3, RF3_TXPOWER, TXPOWER_TO_DEV(txpower));
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&rf->rf4, RF4_FREQ_OFFSET, rt2x00dev->freq_offset);
-       smart = !(rt2x00_rf(&rt2x00dev->chip, RF5225) ||
-                 rt2x00_rf(&rt2x00dev->chip, RF2527));
-       rt61pci_bbp_read(rt2x00dev, 3, &r3);
-       rt2x00_set_field8(&r3, BBP_R3_SMART_MODE, smart);
-       rt61pci_bbp_write(rt2x00dev, 3, r3);
-       r94 = 6;
-       if (txpower > MAX_TXPOWER && txpower <= (MAX_TXPOWER + r94))
-               r94 += txpower - MAX_TXPOWER;
-       else if (txpower < MIN_TXPOWER && txpower >= (MIN_TXPOWER - r94))
-               r94 += txpower;
-       rt61pci_bbp_write(rt2x00dev, 94, r94);
-       rt61pci_rf_write(rt2x00dev, 1, rf->rf1);
-       rt61pci_rf_write(rt2x00dev, 2, rf->rf2);
-       rt61pci_rf_write(rt2x00dev, 3, rf->rf3 & ~0x00000004);
-       rt61pci_rf_write(rt2x00dev, 4, rf->rf4);
-       udelay(200);
-       rt61pci_rf_write(rt2x00dev, 1, rf->rf1);
-       rt61pci_rf_write(rt2x00dev, 2, rf->rf2);
-       rt61pci_rf_write(rt2x00dev, 3, rf->rf3 | 0x00000004);
-       rt61pci_rf_write(rt2x00dev, 4, rf->rf4);
-       udelay(200);
-       rt61pci_rf_write(rt2x00dev, 1, rf->rf1);
-       rt61pci_rf_write(rt2x00dev, 2, rf->rf2);
-       rt61pci_rf_write(rt2x00dev, 3, rf->rf3 & ~0x00000004);
-       rt61pci_rf_write(rt2x00dev, 4, rf->rf4);
-       msleep(1);
-static void rt61pci_config_txpower(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev,
-                                  const int txpower)
-       struct rf_channel rf;
-       rt2x00_rf_read(rt2x00dev, 1, &rf.rf1);
-       rt2x00_rf_read(rt2x00dev, 2, &rf.rf2);
-       rt2x00_rf_read(rt2x00dev, 3, &rf.rf3);
-       rt2x00_rf_read(rt2x00dev, 4, &rf.rf4);
-       rt61pci_config_channel(rt2x00dev, &rf, txpower);
-static void rt61pci_config_antenna_5x(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev,
-                                     const int antenna_tx,
-                                     const int antenna_rx)
-       u8 r3;
-       u8 r4;
-       u8 r77;
-       rt61pci_bbp_read(rt2x00dev, 3, &r3);
-       rt61pci_bbp_read(rt2x00dev, 4, &r4);
-       rt61pci_bbp_read(rt2x00dev, 77, &r77);
-       rt2x00_set_field8(&r3, BBP_R3_SMART_MODE,
-                         !rt2x00_rf(&rt2x00dev->chip, RF5225));
-       switch (antenna_rx) {
-               rt2x00_set_field8(&r4, BBP_R4_RX_ANTENNA, 2);
-               rt2x00_set_field8(&r4, BBP_R4_RX_FRAME_END,
-                                 !!(rt2x00dev->curr_hwmode != HWMODE_A));
-               break;
-       case ANTENNA_A:
-               rt2x00_set_field8(&r4, BBP_R4_RX_ANTENNA, 1);
-               rt2x00_set_field8(&r4, BBP_R4_RX_FRAME_END, 0);
-               if (rt2x00dev->curr_hwmode == HWMODE_A)
-                       rt2x00_set_field8(&r77, BBP_R77_PAIR, 0);
-               else
-                       rt2x00_set_field8(&r77, BBP_R77_PAIR, 3);
-               break;
-       case ANTENNA_B:
-               rt2x00_set_field8(&r4, BBP_R4_RX_ANTENNA, 1);
-               rt2x00_set_field8(&r4, BBP_R4_RX_FRAME_END, 0);
-               if (rt2x00dev->curr_hwmode == HWMODE_A)
-                       rt2x00_set_field8(&r77, BBP_R77_PAIR, 3);
-               else
-                       rt2x00_set_field8(&r77, BBP_R77_PAIR, 0);
-               break;
-       }
-       rt61pci_bbp_write(rt2x00dev, 77, r77);
-       rt61pci_bbp_write(rt2x00dev, 3, r3);
-       rt61pci_bbp_write(rt2x00dev, 4, r4);
-static void rt61pci_config_antenna_2x(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev,
-                                     const int antenna_tx,
-                                     const int antenna_rx)
-       u8 r3;
-       u8 r4;
-       u8 r77;
-       rt61pci_bbp_read(rt2x00dev, 3, &r3);
-       rt61pci_bbp_read(rt2x00dev, 4, &r4);
-       rt61pci_bbp_read(rt2x00dev, 77, &r77);
-       rt2x00_set_field8(&r3, BBP_R3_SMART_MODE,
-                         !rt2x00_rf(&rt2x00dev->chip, RF2527));
-       rt2x00_set_field8(&r4, BBP_R4_RX_FRAME_END,
-                         !test_bit(CONFIG_FRAME_TYPE, &rt2x00dev->flags));
-       switch (antenna_rx) {
-               rt2x00_set_field8(&r4, BBP_R4_RX_ANTENNA, 2);
-               break;
-       case ANTENNA_A:
-               rt2x00_set_field8(&r4, BBP_R4_RX_ANTENNA, 1);
-               rt2x00_set_field8(&r77, BBP_R77_PAIR, 3);
-               break;
-       case ANTENNA_B:
-               rt2x00_set_field8(&r4, BBP_R4_RX_ANTENNA, 1);
-               rt2x00_set_field8(&r77, BBP_R77_PAIR, 0);
-               break;
-       }
-       rt61pci_bbp_write(rt2x00dev, 77, r77);
-       rt61pci_bbp_write(rt2x00dev, 3, r3);
-       rt61pci_bbp_write(rt2x00dev, 4, r4);
-static void rt61pci_config_antenna_2529_rx(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev,
-                                          const int p1, const int p2)
-       u32 reg;
-       rt2x00pci_register_read(rt2x00dev, MAC_CSR13, &reg);
-       if (p1 != 0xff) {
-               rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, MAC_CSR13_BIT4, !!p1);
-               rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, MAC_CSR13_BIT12, 0);
-               rt2x00pci_register_write(rt2x00dev, MAC_CSR13, reg);
-       }
-       if (p2 != 0xff) {
-               rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, MAC_CSR13_BIT3, !p2);
-               rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, MAC_CSR13_BIT11, 0);
-               rt2x00pci_register_write(rt2x00dev, MAC_CSR13, reg);
-       }
-static void rt61pci_config_antenna_2529(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev,
-                                       const int antenna_tx,
-                                       const int antenna_rx)
-       u16 eeprom;
-       u8 r3;
-       u8 r4;
-       u8 r77;
-       rt61pci_bbp_read(rt2x00dev, 3, &r3);
-       rt61pci_bbp_read(rt2x00dev, 4, &r4);
-       rt61pci_bbp_read(rt2x00dev, 77, &r77);
-       rt2x00_eeprom_read(rt2x00dev, EEPROM_NIC, &eeprom);
-       rt2x00_set_field8(&r3, BBP_R3_SMART_MODE, 0);
-       if (rt2x00_get_field16(eeprom, EEPROM_NIC_ENABLE_DIVERSITY) &&
-           rt2x00_get_field16(eeprom, EEPROM_NIC_TX_DIVERSITY)) {
-               rt2x00_set_field8(&r4, BBP_R4_RX_ANTENNA, 2);
-               rt2x00_set_field8(&r4, BBP_R4_RX_FRAME_END, 1);
-               rt61pci_config_antenna_2529_rx(rt2x00dev, 0, 1);
-       } else if (rt2x00_get_field16(eeprom, EEPROM_NIC_ENABLE_DIVERSITY)) {
-               if (rt2x00_get_field16(eeprom, EEPROM_NIC_TX_RX_FIXED) >= 2) {
-                       rt2x00_set_field8(&r77, BBP_R77_PAIR, 3);
-                       rt61pci_bbp_write(rt2x00dev, 77, r77);
-               }
-               rt2x00_set_field8(&r4, BBP_R4_RX_ANTENNA, 1);
-               rt61pci_config_antenna_2529_rx(rt2x00dev, 1, 1);
-       } else if (!rt2x00_get_field16(eeprom, EEPROM_NIC_ENABLE_DIVERSITY) &&
-                  rt2x00_get_field16(eeprom, EEPROM_NIC_TX_DIVERSITY)) {
-               rt2x00_set_field8(&r4, BBP_R4_RX_ANTENNA, 2);
-               rt2x00_set_field8(&r4, BBP_R4_RX_FRAME_END, 0);
-               switch (rt2x00_get_field16(eeprom, EEPROM_NIC_TX_RX_FIXED)) {
-               case 0:
-                       rt61pci_config_antenna_2529_rx(rt2x00dev, 0, 1);
-                       break;
-               case 1:
-                       rt61pci_config_antenna_2529_rx(rt2x00dev, 1, 0);
-                       break;
-               case 2:
-                       rt61pci_config_antenna_2529_rx(rt2x00dev, 0, 0);
-                       break;
-               case 3:
-                       rt61pci_config_antenna_2529_rx(rt2x00dev, 1, 1);
-                       break;
-               }
-       } else if (!rt2x00_get_field16(eeprom, EEPROM_NIC_ENABLE_DIVERSITY) &&
-                  !rt2x00_get_field16(eeprom, EEPROM_NIC_TX_DIVERSITY)) {
-               rt2x00_set_field8(&r4, BBP_R4_RX_ANTENNA, 1);
-               rt2x00_set_field8(&r4, BBP_R4_RX_FRAME_END, 0);
-               switch (rt2x00_get_field16(eeprom, EEPROM_NIC_TX_RX_FIXED)) {
-               case 0:
-                       rt2x00_set_field8(&r77, BBP_R77_PAIR, 0);
-                       rt61pci_bbp_write(rt2x00dev, 77, r77);
-                       rt61pci_config_antenna_2529_rx(rt2x00dev, 0, 1);
-                       break;
-               case 1:
-                       rt2x00_set_field8(&r77, BBP_R77_PAIR, 0);
-                       rt61pci_bbp_write(rt2x00dev, 77, r77);
-                       rt61pci_config_antenna_2529_rx(rt2x00dev, 1, 0);
-                       break;
-               case 2:
-                       rt2x00_set_field8(&r77, BBP_R77_PAIR, 3);
-                       rt61pci_bbp_write(rt2x00dev, 77, r77);
-                       rt61pci_config_antenna_2529_rx(rt2x00dev, 0, 0);
-                       break;
-               case 3:
-                       rt2x00_set_field8(&r77, BBP_R77_PAIR, 3);
-                       rt61pci_bbp_write(rt2x00dev, 77, r77);
-                       rt61pci_config_antenna_2529_rx(rt2x00dev, 1, 1);
-                       break;
-               }
-       }
-       rt61pci_bbp_write(rt2x00dev, 3, r3);
-       rt61pci_bbp_write(rt2x00dev, 4, r4);
-struct antenna_sel {
-       u8 word;
-       /*
-        * value[0] -> non-LNA
-        * value[1] -> LNA
-        */
-       u8 value[2];
-static const struct antenna_sel antenna_sel_a[] = {
-       { 96,  { 0x58, 0x78 } },
-       { 104, { 0x38, 0x48 } },
-       { 75,  { 0xfe, 0x80 } },
-       { 86,  { 0xfe, 0x80 } },
-       { 88,  { 0xfe, 0x80 } },
-       { 35,  { 0x60, 0x60 } },
-       { 97,  { 0x58, 0x58 } },
-       { 98,  { 0x58, 0x58 } },
-static const struct antenna_sel antenna_sel_bg[] = {
-       { 96,  { 0x48, 0x68 } },
-       { 104, { 0x2c, 0x3c } },
-       { 75,  { 0xfe, 0x80 } },
-       { 86,  { 0xfe, 0x80 } },
-       { 88,  { 0xfe, 0x80 } },
-       { 35,  { 0x50, 0x50 } },
-       { 97,  { 0x48, 0x48 } },
-       { 98,  { 0x48, 0x48 } },
-static void rt61pci_config_antenna(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev,
-                                  const int antenna_tx, const int antenna_rx)
-       const struct antenna_sel *sel;
-       unsigned int lna;
-       unsigned int i;
-       u32 reg;
-       rt2x00pci_register_read(rt2x00dev, PHY_CSR0, &reg);
-       if (rt2x00dev->curr_hwmode == HWMODE_A) {
-               sel = antenna_sel_a;
-               lna = test_bit(CONFIG_EXTERNAL_LNA_A, &rt2x00dev->flags);
-               rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, PHY_CSR0_PA_PE_BG, 0);
-               rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, PHY_CSR0_PA_PE_A, 1);
-       } else {
-               sel = antenna_sel_bg;
-               lna = test_bit(CONFIG_EXTERNAL_LNA_BG, &rt2x00dev->flags);
-               rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, PHY_CSR0_PA_PE_BG, 1);
-               rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, PHY_CSR0_PA_PE_A, 0);
-       }
-       for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(antenna_sel_a); i++)
-               rt61pci_bbp_write(rt2x00dev, sel[i].word, sel[i].value[lna]);
-       rt2x00pci_register_write(rt2x00dev, PHY_CSR0, reg);
-       if (rt2x00_rf(&rt2x00dev->chip, RF5225) ||
-           rt2x00_rf(&rt2x00dev->chip, RF5325))
-               rt61pci_config_antenna_5x(rt2x00dev, antenna_tx, antenna_rx);
-       else if (rt2x00_rf(&rt2x00dev->chip, RF2527))
-               rt61pci_config_antenna_2x(rt2x00dev, antenna_tx, antenna_rx);
-       else if (rt2x00_rf(&rt2x00dev->chip, RF2529)) {
-               if (test_bit(CONFIG_DOUBLE_ANTENNA, &rt2x00dev->flags))
-                       rt61pci_config_antenna_2x(rt2x00dev, antenna_tx,
-                                                 antenna_rx);
-               else
-                       rt61pci_config_antenna_2529(rt2x00dev, antenna_tx,
-                                                   antenna_rx);
-       }
-static void rt61pci_config_duration(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev,
-                                   struct rt2x00lib_conf *libconf)
-       u32 reg;
-       rt2x00pci_register_read(rt2x00dev, MAC_CSR9, &reg);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, MAC_CSR9_SLOT_TIME, libconf->slot_time);
-       rt2x00pci_register_write(rt2x00dev, MAC_CSR9, reg);
-       rt2x00pci_register_read(rt2x00dev, MAC_CSR8, &reg);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, MAC_CSR8_SIFS, libconf->sifs);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, MAC_CSR8_SIFS_AFTER_RX_OFDM, 3);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, MAC_CSR8_EIFS, libconf->eifs);
-       rt2x00pci_register_write(rt2x00dev, MAC_CSR8, reg);
-       rt2x00pci_register_read(rt2x00dev, TXRX_CSR0, &reg);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, TXRX_CSR0_TSF_OFFSET, IEEE80211_HEADER);
-       rt2x00pci_register_write(rt2x00dev, TXRX_CSR0, reg);
-       rt2x00pci_register_read(rt2x00dev, TXRX_CSR4, &reg);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, TXRX_CSR4_AUTORESPOND_ENABLE, 1);
-       rt2x00pci_register_write(rt2x00dev, TXRX_CSR4, reg);
-       rt2x00pci_register_read(rt2x00dev, TXRX_CSR9, &reg);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, TXRX_CSR9_BEACON_INTERVAL,
-                          libconf->conf->beacon_int * 16);
-       rt2x00pci_register_write(rt2x00dev, TXRX_CSR9, reg);
-static void rt61pci_config(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev,
-                          const unsigned int flags,
-                          struct rt2x00lib_conf *libconf)
-       if (flags & CONFIG_UPDATE_PHYMODE)
-               rt61pci_config_phymode(rt2x00dev, libconf->basic_rates);
-       if (flags & CONFIG_UPDATE_CHANNEL)
-               rt61pci_config_channel(rt2x00dev, &libconf->rf,
-                                      libconf->conf->power_level);
-       if ((flags & CONFIG_UPDATE_TXPOWER) && !(flags & CONFIG_UPDATE_CHANNEL))
-               rt61pci_config_txpower(rt2x00dev, libconf->conf->power_level);
-       if (flags & CONFIG_UPDATE_ANTENNA)
-               rt61pci_config_antenna(rt2x00dev, libconf->conf->antenna_sel_tx,
-                                      libconf->conf->antenna_sel_rx);
-               rt61pci_config_duration(rt2x00dev, libconf);
- * LED functions.
- */
-static void rt61pci_enable_led(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev)
-       u32 reg;
-       u16 led_reg;
-       u8 arg0;
-       u8 arg1;
-       rt2x00pci_register_read(rt2x00dev, MAC_CSR14, &reg);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, MAC_CSR14_ON_PERIOD, 70);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, MAC_CSR14_OFF_PERIOD, 30);
-       rt2x00pci_register_write(rt2x00dev, MAC_CSR14, reg);
-       led_reg = rt2x00dev->led_reg;
-       rt2x00_set_field16(&led_reg, MCU_LEDCS_RADIO_STATUS, 1);
-       if (rt2x00dev->rx_status.phymode == MODE_IEEE80211A)
-               rt2x00_set_field16(&led_reg, MCU_LEDCS_LINK_A_STATUS, 1);
-       else
-               rt2x00_set_field16(&led_reg, MCU_LEDCS_LINK_BG_STATUS, 1);
-       arg0 = led_reg & 0xff;
-       arg1 = (led_reg >> 8) & 0xff;
-       rt61pci_mcu_request(rt2x00dev, MCU_LED, 0xff, arg0, arg1);
-static void rt61pci_disable_led(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev)
-       u16 led_reg;
-       u8 arg0;
-       u8 arg1;
-       led_reg = rt2x00dev->led_reg;
-       rt2x00_set_field16(&led_reg, MCU_LEDCS_RADIO_STATUS, 0);
-       rt2x00_set_field16(&led_reg, MCU_LEDCS_LINK_BG_STATUS, 0);
-       rt2x00_set_field16(&led_reg, MCU_LEDCS_LINK_A_STATUS, 0);
-       arg0 = led_reg & 0xff;
-       arg1 = (led_reg >> 8) & 0xff;
-       rt61pci_mcu_request(rt2x00dev, MCU_LED, 0xff, arg0, arg1);
-static void rt61pci_activity_led(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev, int rssi)
-       u8 led;
-       if (rt2x00dev->led_mode != LED_MODE_SIGNAL_STRENGTH)
-               return;
-       /*
-        * Led handling requires a positive value for the rssi,
-        * to do that correctly we need to add the correction.
-        */
-       rssi += rt2x00dev->rssi_offset;
-       if (rssi <= 30)
-               led = 0;
-       else if (rssi <= 39)
-               led = 1;
-       else if (rssi <= 49)
-               led = 2;
-       else if (rssi <= 53)
-               led = 3;
-       else if (rssi <= 63)
-               led = 4;
-       else
-               led = 5;
-       rt61pci_mcu_request(rt2x00dev, MCU_LED_STRENGTH, 0xff, led, 0);
- * Link tuning
- */
-static void rt61pci_link_stats(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev)
-       u32 reg;
-       /*
-        * Update FCS error count from register.
-        */
-       rt2x00pci_register_read(rt2x00dev, STA_CSR0, &reg);
-       rt2x00dev->link.rx_failed = rt2x00_get_field32(reg, STA_CSR0_FCS_ERROR);
-       /*
-        * Update False CCA count from register.
-        */
-       rt2x00pci_register_read(rt2x00dev, STA_CSR1, &reg);
-       rt2x00dev->link.false_cca =
-           rt2x00_get_field32(reg, STA_CSR1_FALSE_CCA_ERROR);
-static void rt61pci_reset_tuner(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev)
-       rt61pci_bbp_write(rt2x00dev, 17, 0x20);
-       rt2x00dev->link.vgc_level = 0x20;
-static void rt61pci_link_tuner(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev)
-       int rssi = rt2x00_get_link_rssi(&rt2x00dev->link);
-       u8 r17;
-       u8 up_bound;
-       u8 low_bound;
-       /*
-        * Update Led strength
-        */
-       rt61pci_activity_led(rt2x00dev, rssi);
-       rt61pci_bbp_read(rt2x00dev, 17, &r17);
-       /*
-        * Determine r17 bounds.
-        */
-       if (rt2x00dev->rx_status.phymode == MODE_IEEE80211A) {
-               low_bound = 0x28;
-               up_bound = 0x48;
-               if (test_bit(CONFIG_EXTERNAL_LNA_A, &rt2x00dev->flags)) {
-                       low_bound += 0x10;
-                       up_bound += 0x10;
-               }
-       } else {
-               low_bound = 0x20;
-               up_bound = 0x40;
-               if (test_bit(CONFIG_EXTERNAL_LNA_BG, &rt2x00dev->flags)) {
-                       low_bound += 0x10;
-                       up_bound += 0x10;
-               }
-       }
-       /*
-        * Special big-R17 for very short distance
-        */
-       if (rssi >= -35) {
-               if (r17 != 0x60)
-                       rt61pci_bbp_write(rt2x00dev, 17, 0x60);
-               return;
-       }
-       /*
-        * Special big-R17 for short distance
-        */
-       if (rssi >= -58) {
-               if (r17 != up_bound)
-                       rt61pci_bbp_write(rt2x00dev, 17, up_bound);
-               return;
-       }
-       /*
-        * Special big-R17 for middle-short distance
-        */
-       if (rssi >= -66) {
-               low_bound += 0x10;
-               if (r17 != low_bound)
-                       rt61pci_bbp_write(rt2x00dev, 17, low_bound);
-               return;
-       }
-       /*
-        * Special mid-R17 for middle distance
-        */
-       if (rssi >= -74) {
-               low_bound += 0x08;
-               if (r17 != low_bound)
-                       rt61pci_bbp_write(rt2x00dev, 17, low_bound);
-               return;
-       }
-       /*
-        * Special case: Change up_bound based on the rssi.
-        * Lower up_bound when rssi is weaker then -74 dBm.
-        */
-       up_bound -= 2 * (-74 - rssi);
-       if (low_bound > up_bound)
-               up_bound = low_bound;
-       if (r17 > up_bound) {
-               rt61pci_bbp_write(rt2x00dev, 17, up_bound);
-               return;
-       }
-       /*
-        * r17 does not yet exceed upper limit, continue and base
-        * the r17 tuning on the false CCA count.
-        */
-       if (rt2x00dev->link.false_cca > 512 && r17 < up_bound) {
-               if (++r17 > up_bound)
-                       r17 = up_bound;
-               rt61pci_bbp_write(rt2x00dev, 17, r17);
-       } else if (rt2x00dev->link.false_cca < 100 && r17 > low_bound) {
-               if (--r17 < low_bound)
-                       r17 = low_bound;
-               rt61pci_bbp_write(rt2x00dev, 17, r17);
-       }
- * Firmware name function.
- */
-static char *rt61pci_get_firmware_name(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev)
-       char *fw_name;
-       switch (rt2x00dev->chip.rt) {
-       case RT2561:
-               fw_name = FIRMWARE_RT2561;
-               break;
-       case RT2561s:
-               fw_name = FIRMWARE_RT2561s;
-               break;
-       case RT2661:
-               fw_name = FIRMWARE_RT2661;
-               break;
-       default:
-               fw_name = NULL;
-               break;
-       }
-       return fw_name;
- * Initialization functions.
- */
-static int rt61pci_load_firmware(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev, void *data,
-                                const size_t len)
-       int i;
-       u32 reg;
-       /*
-        * Wait for stable hardware.
-        */
-       for (i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
-               rt2x00pci_register_read(rt2x00dev, MAC_CSR0, &reg);
-               if (reg)
-                       break;
-               msleep(1);
-       }
-       if (!reg) {
-               ERROR(rt2x00dev, "Unstable hardware.\n");
-               return -EBUSY;
-       }
-       /*
-        * Prepare MCU and mailbox for firmware loading.
-        */
-       reg = 0;
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, MCU_CNTL_CSR_RESET, 1);
-       rt2x00pci_register_write(rt2x00dev, MCU_CNTL_CSR, reg);
-       rt2x00pci_register_write(rt2x00dev, M2H_CMD_DONE_CSR, 0xffffffff);
-       rt2x00pci_register_write(rt2x00dev, H2M_MAILBOX_CSR, 0);
-       rt2x00pci_register_write(rt2x00dev, HOST_CMD_CSR, 0);
-       /*
-        * Write firmware to device.
-        */
-       reg = 0;
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, MCU_CNTL_CSR_RESET, 1);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, MCU_CNTL_CSR_SELECT_BANK, 1);
-       rt2x00pci_register_write(rt2x00dev, MCU_CNTL_CSR, reg);
-       rt2x00pci_register_multiwrite(rt2x00dev, FIRMWARE_IMAGE_BASE,
-                                     data, len);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, MCU_CNTL_CSR_SELECT_BANK, 0);
-       rt2x00pci_register_write(rt2x00dev, MCU_CNTL_CSR, reg);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, MCU_CNTL_CSR_RESET, 0);
-       rt2x00pci_register_write(rt2x00dev, MCU_CNTL_CSR, reg);
-       for (i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
-               rt2x00pci_register_read(rt2x00dev, MCU_CNTL_CSR, &reg);
-               if (rt2x00_get_field32(reg, MCU_CNTL_CSR_READY))
-                       break;
-               msleep(1);
-       }
-       if (i == 100) {
-               ERROR(rt2x00dev, "MCU Control register not ready.\n");
-               return -EBUSY;
-       }
-       /*
-        * Reset MAC and BBP registers.
-        */
-       reg = 0;
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, MAC_CSR1_SOFT_RESET, 1);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, MAC_CSR1_BBP_RESET, 1);
-       rt2x00pci_register_write(rt2x00dev, MAC_CSR1, reg);
-       rt2x00pci_register_read(rt2x00dev, MAC_CSR1, &reg);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, MAC_CSR1_SOFT_RESET, 0);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, MAC_CSR1_BBP_RESET, 0);
-       rt2x00pci_register_write(rt2x00dev, MAC_CSR1, reg);
-       rt2x00pci_register_read(rt2x00dev, MAC_CSR1, &reg);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, MAC_CSR1_HOST_READY, 1);
-       rt2x00pci_register_write(rt2x00dev, MAC_CSR1, reg);
-       return 0;
-static void rt61pci_init_rxring(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev)
-       struct data_ring *ring = rt2x00dev->rx;
-       struct data_desc *rxd;
-       unsigned int i;
-       u32 word;
-       memset(ring->data_addr, 0x00, rt2x00_get_ring_size(ring));
-       for (i = 0; i < ring->stats.limit; i++) {
-               rxd = ring->entry[i].priv;
-               rt2x00_desc_read(rxd, 5, &word);
-               rt2x00_set_field32(&word, RXD_W5_BUFFER_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS,
-                                  ring->entry[i].data_dma);
-               rt2x00_desc_write(rxd, 5, word);
-               rt2x00_desc_read(rxd, 0, &word);
-               rt2x00_set_field32(&word, RXD_W0_OWNER_NIC, 1);
-               rt2x00_desc_write(rxd, 0, word);
-       }
-       rt2x00_ring_index_clear(rt2x00dev->rx);
-static void rt61pci_init_txring(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev, const int queue)
-       struct data_ring *ring = rt2x00lib_get_ring(rt2x00dev, queue);
-       struct data_desc *txd;
-       unsigned int i;
-       u32 word;
-       memset(ring->data_addr, 0x00, rt2x00_get_ring_size(ring));
-       for (i = 0; i < ring->stats.limit; i++) {
-               txd = ring->entry[i].priv;
-               rt2x00_desc_read(txd, 1, &word);
-               rt2x00_set_field32(&word, TXD_W1_BUFFER_COUNT, 1);
-               rt2x00_desc_write(txd, 1, word);
-               rt2x00_desc_read(txd, 5, &word);
-               rt2x00_set_field32(&word, TXD_W5_PID_TYPE, queue);
-               rt2x00_set_field32(&word, TXD_W5_PID_SUBTYPE, i);
-               rt2x00_desc_write(txd, 5, word);
-               rt2x00_desc_read(txd, 6, &word);
-               rt2x00_set_field32(&word, TXD_W6_BUFFER_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS,
-                                  ring->entry[i].data_dma);
-               rt2x00_desc_write(txd, 6, word);
-               rt2x00_desc_read(txd, 0, &word);
-               rt2x00_set_field32(&word, TXD_W0_VALID, 0);
-               rt2x00_set_field32(&word, TXD_W0_OWNER_NIC, 0);
-               rt2x00_desc_write(txd, 0, word);
-       }
-       rt2x00_ring_index_clear(ring);
-static int rt61pci_init_rings(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev)
-       u32 reg;
-       /*
-        * Initialize rings.
-        */
-       rt61pci_init_rxring(rt2x00dev);
-       rt61pci_init_txring(rt2x00dev, IEEE80211_TX_QUEUE_DATA0);
-       rt61pci_init_txring(rt2x00dev, IEEE80211_TX_QUEUE_DATA1);
-       rt61pci_init_txring(rt2x00dev, IEEE80211_TX_QUEUE_DATA2);
-       rt61pci_init_txring(rt2x00dev, IEEE80211_TX_QUEUE_DATA3);
-       rt61pci_init_txring(rt2x00dev, IEEE80211_TX_QUEUE_DATA4);
-       /*
-        * Initialize registers.
-        */
-       rt2x00pci_register_read(rt2x00dev, TX_RING_CSR0, &reg);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, TX_RING_CSR0_AC0_RING_SIZE,
-                          rt2x00dev->tx[IEEE80211_TX_QUEUE_DATA0].stats.limit);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, TX_RING_CSR0_AC1_RING_SIZE,
-                          rt2x00dev->tx[IEEE80211_TX_QUEUE_DATA1].stats.limit);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, TX_RING_CSR0_AC2_RING_SIZE,
-                          rt2x00dev->tx[IEEE80211_TX_QUEUE_DATA2].stats.limit);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, TX_RING_CSR0_AC3_RING_SIZE,
-                          rt2x00dev->tx[IEEE80211_TX_QUEUE_DATA3].stats.limit);
-       rt2x00pci_register_write(rt2x00dev, TX_RING_CSR0, reg);
-       rt2x00pci_register_read(rt2x00dev, TX_RING_CSR1, &reg);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, TX_RING_CSR1_MGMT_RING_SIZE,
-                          rt2x00dev->tx[IEEE80211_TX_QUEUE_DATA4].stats.limit);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, TX_RING_CSR1_TXD_SIZE,
-                          rt2x00dev->tx[IEEE80211_TX_QUEUE_DATA0].desc_size /
-                          4);
-       rt2x00pci_register_write(rt2x00dev, TX_RING_CSR1, reg);
-       rt2x00pci_register_read(rt2x00dev, AC0_BASE_CSR, &reg);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, AC0_BASE_CSR_RING_REGISTER,
-                          rt2x00dev->tx[IEEE80211_TX_QUEUE_DATA0].data_dma);
-       rt2x00pci_register_write(rt2x00dev, AC0_BASE_CSR, reg);
-       rt2x00pci_register_read(rt2x00dev, AC1_BASE_CSR, &reg);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, AC1_BASE_CSR_RING_REGISTER,
-                          rt2x00dev->tx[IEEE80211_TX_QUEUE_DATA1].data_dma);
-       rt2x00pci_register_write(rt2x00dev, AC1_BASE_CSR, reg);
-       rt2x00pci_register_read(rt2x00dev, AC2_BASE_CSR, &reg);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, AC2_BASE_CSR_RING_REGISTER,
-                          rt2x00dev->tx[IEEE80211_TX_QUEUE_DATA2].data_dma);
-       rt2x00pci_register_write(rt2x00dev, AC2_BASE_CSR, reg);
-       rt2x00pci_register_read(rt2x00dev, AC3_BASE_CSR, &reg);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, AC3_BASE_CSR_RING_REGISTER,
-                          rt2x00dev->tx[IEEE80211_TX_QUEUE_DATA3].data_dma);
-       rt2x00pci_register_write(rt2x00dev, AC3_BASE_CSR, reg);
-       rt2x00pci_register_read(rt2x00dev, MGMT_BASE_CSR, &reg);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, MGMT_BASE_CSR_RING_REGISTER,
-                          rt2x00dev->tx[IEEE80211_TX_QUEUE_DATA4].data_dma);
-       rt2x00pci_register_write(rt2x00dev, MGMT_BASE_CSR, reg);
-       rt2x00pci_register_read(rt2x00dev, RX_RING_CSR, &reg);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, RX_RING_CSR_RING_SIZE,
-                          rt2x00dev->rx->stats.limit);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, RX_RING_CSR_RXD_SIZE,
-                          rt2x00dev->rx->desc_size / 4);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, RX_RING_CSR_RXD_WRITEBACK_SIZE, 4);
-       rt2x00pci_register_write(rt2x00dev, RX_RING_CSR, reg);
-       rt2x00pci_register_read(rt2x00dev, RX_BASE_CSR, &reg);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, RX_BASE_CSR_RING_REGISTER,
-                          rt2x00dev->rx->data_dma);
-       rt2x00pci_register_write(rt2x00dev, RX_BASE_CSR, reg);
-       rt2x00pci_register_read(rt2x00dev, TX_DMA_DST_CSR, &reg);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, TX_DMA_DST_CSR_DEST_AC0, 2);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, TX_DMA_DST_CSR_DEST_AC1, 2);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, TX_DMA_DST_CSR_DEST_AC2, 2);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, TX_DMA_DST_CSR_DEST_AC3, 2);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, TX_DMA_DST_CSR_DEST_MGMT, 0);
-       rt2x00pci_register_write(rt2x00dev, TX_DMA_DST_CSR, reg);
-       rt2x00pci_register_read(rt2x00dev, LOAD_TX_RING_CSR, &reg);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, LOAD_TX_RING_CSR_LOAD_TXD_AC0, 1);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, LOAD_TX_RING_CSR_LOAD_TXD_AC1, 1);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, LOAD_TX_RING_CSR_LOAD_TXD_AC2, 1);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, LOAD_TX_RING_CSR_LOAD_TXD_AC3, 1);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, LOAD_TX_RING_CSR_LOAD_TXD_MGMT, 1);
-       rt2x00pci_register_write(rt2x00dev, LOAD_TX_RING_CSR, reg);
-       rt2x00pci_register_read(rt2x00dev, RX_CNTL_CSR, &reg);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, RX_CNTL_CSR_LOAD_RXD, 1);
-       rt2x00pci_register_write(rt2x00dev, RX_CNTL_CSR, reg);
-       return 0;
-static int rt61pci_init_registers(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev)
-       u32 reg;
-       rt2x00pci_register_read(rt2x00dev, TXRX_CSR0, &reg);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, TXRX_CSR0_AUTO_TX_SEQ, 1);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, TXRX_CSR0_DISABLE_RX, 0);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, TXRX_CSR0_TX_WITHOUT_WAITING, 0);
-       rt2x00pci_register_write(rt2x00dev, TXRX_CSR0, reg);
-       rt2x00pci_register_read(rt2x00dev, TXRX_CSR1, &reg);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, TXRX_CSR1_BBP_ID0, 47); /* CCK Signal */
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, TXRX_CSR1_BBP_ID0_VALID, 1);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, TXRX_CSR1_BBP_ID1, 30); /* Rssi */
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, TXRX_CSR1_BBP_ID1_VALID, 1);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, TXRX_CSR1_BBP_ID2, 42); /* OFDM Rate */
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, TXRX_CSR1_BBP_ID2_VALID, 1);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, TXRX_CSR1_BBP_ID3, 30); /* Rssi */
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, TXRX_CSR1_BBP_ID3_VALID, 1);
-       rt2x00pci_register_write(rt2x00dev, TXRX_CSR1, reg);
-       /*
-        * CCK TXD BBP registers
-        */
-       rt2x00pci_register_read(rt2x00dev, TXRX_CSR2, &reg);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, TXRX_CSR2_BBP_ID0, 13);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, TXRX_CSR2_BBP_ID0_VALID, 1);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, TXRX_CSR2_BBP_ID1, 12);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, TXRX_CSR2_BBP_ID1_VALID, 1);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, TXRX_CSR2_BBP_ID2, 11);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, TXRX_CSR2_BBP_ID2_VALID, 1);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, TXRX_CSR2_BBP_ID3, 10);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, TXRX_CSR2_BBP_ID3_VALID, 1);
-       rt2x00pci_register_write(rt2x00dev, TXRX_CSR2, reg);
-       /*
-        * OFDM TXD BBP registers
-        */
-       rt2x00pci_register_read(rt2x00dev, TXRX_CSR3, &reg);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, TXRX_CSR3_BBP_ID0, 7);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, TXRX_CSR3_BBP_ID0_VALID, 1);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, TXRX_CSR3_BBP_ID1, 6);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, TXRX_CSR3_BBP_ID1_VALID, 1);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, TXRX_CSR3_BBP_ID2, 5);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, TXRX_CSR3_BBP_ID2_VALID, 1);
-       rt2x00pci_register_write(rt2x00dev, TXRX_CSR3, reg);
-       rt2x00pci_register_read(rt2x00dev, TXRX_CSR7, &reg);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, TXRX_CSR7_ACK_CTS_6MBS, 59);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, TXRX_CSR7_ACK_CTS_9MBS, 53);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, TXRX_CSR7_ACK_CTS_12MBS, 49);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, TXRX_CSR7_ACK_CTS_18MBS, 46);
-       rt2x00pci_register_write(rt2x00dev, TXRX_CSR7, reg);
-       rt2x00pci_register_read(rt2x00dev, TXRX_CSR8, &reg);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, TXRX_CSR8_ACK_CTS_24MBS, 44);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, TXRX_CSR8_ACK_CTS_36MBS, 42);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, TXRX_CSR8_ACK_CTS_48MBS, 42);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, TXRX_CSR8_ACK_CTS_54MBS, 42);
-       rt2x00pci_register_write(rt2x00dev, TXRX_CSR8, reg);
-       rt2x00pci_register_write(rt2x00dev, TXRX_CSR15, 0x0000000f);
-       rt2x00pci_register_write(rt2x00dev, MAC_CSR6, 0x00000fff);
-       rt2x00pci_register_read(rt2x00dev, MAC_CSR9, &reg);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, MAC_CSR9_CW_SELECT, 0);
-       rt2x00pci_register_write(rt2x00dev, MAC_CSR9, reg);
-       rt2x00pci_register_write(rt2x00dev, MAC_CSR10, 0x0000071c);
-       if (rt2x00dev->ops->lib->set_device_state(rt2x00dev, STATE_AWAKE))
-               return -EBUSY;
-       rt2x00pci_register_write(rt2x00dev, MAC_CSR13, 0x0000e000);
-       /*
-        * Invalidate all Shared Keys (SEC_CSR0),
-        * and clear the Shared key Cipher algorithms (SEC_CSR1 & SEC_CSR5)
-        */
-       rt2x00pci_register_write(rt2x00dev, SEC_CSR0, 0x00000000);
-       rt2x00pci_register_write(rt2x00dev, SEC_CSR1, 0x00000000);
-       rt2x00pci_register_write(rt2x00dev, SEC_CSR5, 0x00000000);
-       rt2x00pci_register_write(rt2x00dev, PHY_CSR1, 0x000023b0);
-       rt2x00pci_register_write(rt2x00dev, PHY_CSR5, 0x060a100c);
-       rt2x00pci_register_write(rt2x00dev, PHY_CSR6, 0x00080606);
-       rt2x00pci_register_write(rt2x00dev, PHY_CSR7, 0x00000a08);
-       rt2x00pci_register_write(rt2x00dev, PCI_CFG_CSR, 0x28ca4404);
-       rt2x00pci_register_write(rt2x00dev, TEST_MODE_CSR, 0x00000200);
-       rt2x00pci_register_write(rt2x00dev, M2H_CMD_DONE_CSR, 0xffffffff);
-       rt2x00pci_register_read(rt2x00dev, AC_TXOP_CSR0, &reg);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, AC_TXOP_CSR0_AC0_TX_OP, 0);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, AC_TXOP_CSR0_AC1_TX_OP, 0);
-       rt2x00pci_register_write(rt2x00dev, AC_TXOP_CSR0, reg);
-       rt2x00pci_register_read(rt2x00dev, AC_TXOP_CSR1, &reg);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, AC_TXOP_CSR1_AC2_TX_OP, 192);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, AC_TXOP_CSR1_AC3_TX_OP, 48);
-       rt2x00pci_register_write(rt2x00dev, AC_TXOP_CSR1, reg);
-       /*
-        * We must clear the error counters.
-        * These registers are cleared on read,
-        * so we may pass a useless variable to store the value.
-        */
-       rt2x00pci_register_read(rt2x00dev, STA_CSR0, &reg);
-       rt2x00pci_register_read(rt2x00dev, STA_CSR1, &reg);
-       rt2x00pci_register_read(rt2x00dev, STA_CSR2, &reg);
-       /*
-        * Reset MAC and BBP registers.
-        */
-       rt2x00pci_register_read(rt2x00dev, MAC_CSR1, &reg);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, MAC_CSR1_SOFT_RESET, 1);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, MAC_CSR1_BBP_RESET, 1);
-       rt2x00pci_register_write(rt2x00dev, MAC_CSR1, reg);
-       rt2x00pci_register_read(rt2x00dev, MAC_CSR1, &reg);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, MAC_CSR1_SOFT_RESET, 0);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, MAC_CSR1_BBP_RESET, 0);
-       rt2x00pci_register_write(rt2x00dev, MAC_CSR1, reg);
-       rt2x00pci_register_read(rt2x00dev, MAC_CSR1, &reg);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, MAC_CSR1_HOST_READY, 1);
-       rt2x00pci_register_write(rt2x00dev, MAC_CSR1, reg);
-       return 0;
-static int rt61pci_init_bbp(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev)
-       unsigned int i;
-       u16 eeprom;
-       u8 reg_id;
-       u8 value;
-       for (i = 0; i < REGISTER_BUSY_COUNT; i++) {
-               rt61pci_bbp_read(rt2x00dev, 0, &value);
-               if ((value != 0xff) && (value != 0x00))
-                       goto continue_csr_init;
-               NOTICE(rt2x00dev, "Waiting for BBP register.\n");
-               udelay(REGISTER_BUSY_DELAY);
-       }
-       ERROR(rt2x00dev, "BBP register access failed, aborting.\n");
-       return -EACCES;
-       rt61pci_bbp_write(rt2x00dev, 3, 0x00);
-       rt61pci_bbp_write(rt2x00dev, 15, 0x30);
-       rt61pci_bbp_write(rt2x00dev, 21, 0xc8);
-       rt61pci_bbp_write(rt2x00dev, 22, 0x38);
-       rt61pci_bbp_write(rt2x00dev, 23, 0x06);
-       rt61pci_bbp_write(rt2x00dev, 24, 0xfe);
-       rt61pci_bbp_write(rt2x00dev, 25, 0x0a);
-       rt61pci_bbp_write(rt2x00dev, 26, 0x0d);
-       rt61pci_bbp_write(rt2x00dev, 34, 0x12);
-       rt61pci_bbp_write(rt2x00dev, 37, 0x07);
-       rt61pci_bbp_write(rt2x00dev, 39, 0xf8);
-       rt61pci_bbp_write(rt2x00dev, 41, 0x60);
-       rt61pci_bbp_write(rt2x00dev, 53, 0x10);
-       rt61pci_bbp_write(rt2x00dev, 54, 0x18);
-       rt61pci_bbp_write(rt2x00dev, 60, 0x10);
-       rt61pci_bbp_write(rt2x00dev, 61, 0x04);
-       rt61pci_bbp_write(rt2x00dev, 62, 0x04);
-       rt61pci_bbp_write(rt2x00dev, 75, 0xfe);
-       rt61pci_bbp_write(rt2x00dev, 86, 0xfe);
-       rt61pci_bbp_write(rt2x00dev, 88, 0xfe);
-       rt61pci_bbp_write(rt2x00dev, 90, 0x0f);
-       rt61pci_bbp_write(rt2x00dev, 99, 0x00);
-       rt61pci_bbp_write(rt2x00dev, 102, 0x16);
-       rt61pci_bbp_write(rt2x00dev, 107, 0x04);
-       DEBUG(rt2x00dev, "Start initialization from EEPROM...\n");
-       for (i = 0; i < EEPROM_BBP_SIZE; i++) {
-               rt2x00_eeprom_read(rt2x00dev, EEPROM_BBP_START + i, &eeprom);
-               if (eeprom != 0xffff && eeprom != 0x0000) {
-                       reg_id = rt2x00_get_field16(eeprom, EEPROM_BBP_REG_ID);
-                       value = rt2x00_get_field16(eeprom, EEPROM_BBP_VALUE);
-                       DEBUG(rt2x00dev, "BBP: 0x%02x, value: 0x%02x.\n",
-                             reg_id, value);
-                       rt61pci_bbp_write(rt2x00dev, reg_id, value);
-               }
-       }
-       DEBUG(rt2x00dev, "...End initialization from EEPROM.\n");
-       return 0;
- * Device state switch handlers.
- */
-static void rt61pci_toggle_rx(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev,
-                             enum dev_state state)
-       u32 reg;
-       rt2x00pci_register_read(rt2x00dev, TXRX_CSR0, &reg);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, TXRX_CSR0_DISABLE_RX,
-                          state == STATE_RADIO_RX_OFF);
-       rt2x00pci_register_write(rt2x00dev, TXRX_CSR0, reg);
-static void rt61pci_toggle_irq(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev,
-                              enum dev_state state)
-       int mask = (state == STATE_RADIO_IRQ_OFF);
-       u32 reg;
-       /*
-        * When interrupts are being enabled, the interrupt registers
-        * should clear the register to assure a clean state.
-        */
-       if (state == STATE_RADIO_IRQ_ON) {
-               rt2x00pci_register_read(rt2x00dev, INT_SOURCE_CSR, &reg);
-               rt2x00pci_register_write(rt2x00dev, INT_SOURCE_CSR, reg);
-               rt2x00pci_register_read(rt2x00dev, MCU_INT_SOURCE_CSR, &reg);
-               rt2x00pci_register_write(rt2x00dev, MCU_INT_SOURCE_CSR, reg);
-       }
-       /*
-        * Only toggle the interrupts bits we are going to use.
-        * Non-checked interrupt bits are disabled by default.
-        */
-       rt2x00pci_register_read(rt2x00dev, INT_MASK_CSR, &reg);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, INT_MASK_CSR_TXDONE, mask);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, INT_MASK_CSR_RXDONE, mask);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, INT_MASK_CSR_ENABLE_MITIGATION, mask);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, INT_MASK_CSR_MITIGATION_PERIOD, 0xff);
-       rt2x00pci_register_write(rt2x00dev, INT_MASK_CSR, reg);
-       rt2x00pci_register_read(rt2x00dev, MCU_INT_MASK_CSR, &reg);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, MCU_INT_MASK_CSR_0, mask);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, MCU_INT_MASK_CSR_1, mask);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, MCU_INT_MASK_CSR_2, mask);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, MCU_INT_MASK_CSR_3, mask);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, MCU_INT_MASK_CSR_4, mask);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, MCU_INT_MASK_CSR_5, mask);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, MCU_INT_MASK_CSR_6, mask);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, MCU_INT_MASK_CSR_7, mask);
-       rt2x00pci_register_write(rt2x00dev, MCU_INT_MASK_CSR, reg);
-static int rt61pci_enable_radio(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev)
-       u32 reg;
-       /*
-        * Initialize all registers.
-        */
-       if (rt61pci_init_rings(rt2x00dev) ||
-           rt61pci_init_registers(rt2x00dev) ||
-           rt61pci_init_bbp(rt2x00dev)) {
-               ERROR(rt2x00dev, "Register initialization failed.\n");
-               return -EIO;
-       }
-       /*
-        * Enable interrupts.
-        */
-       rt61pci_toggle_irq(rt2x00dev, STATE_RADIO_IRQ_ON);
-       /*
-        * Enable RX.
-        */
-       rt2x00pci_register_read(rt2x00dev, RX_CNTL_CSR, &reg);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, RX_CNTL_CSR_ENABLE_RX_DMA, 1);
-       rt2x00pci_register_write(rt2x00dev, RX_CNTL_CSR, reg);
-       /*
-        * Enable LED
-        */
-       rt61pci_enable_led(rt2x00dev);
-       return 0;
-static void rt61pci_disable_radio(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev)
-       u32 reg;
-       /*
-        * Disable LED
-        */
-       rt61pci_disable_led(rt2x00dev);
-       rt2x00pci_register_write(rt2x00dev, MAC_CSR10, 0x00001818);
-       /*
-        * Disable synchronisation.
-        */
-       rt2x00pci_register_write(rt2x00dev, TXRX_CSR9, 0);
-       /*
-        * Cancel RX and TX.
-        */
-       rt2x00pci_register_read(rt2x00dev, TX_CNTL_CSR, &reg);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, TX_CNTL_CSR_ABORT_TX_AC0, 1);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, TX_CNTL_CSR_ABORT_TX_AC1, 1);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, TX_CNTL_CSR_ABORT_TX_AC2, 1);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, TX_CNTL_CSR_ABORT_TX_AC3, 1);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, TX_CNTL_CSR_ABORT_TX_MGMT, 1);
-       rt2x00pci_register_write(rt2x00dev, TX_CNTL_CSR, reg);
-       /*
-        * Disable interrupts.
-        */
-       rt61pci_toggle_irq(rt2x00dev, STATE_RADIO_IRQ_OFF);
-static int rt61pci_set_state(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev, enum dev_state state)
-       u32 reg;
-       unsigned int i;
-       char put_to_sleep;
-       char current_state;
-       put_to_sleep = (state != STATE_AWAKE);
-       rt2x00pci_register_read(rt2x00dev, MAC_CSR12, &reg);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, MAC_CSR12_FORCE_WAKEUP, !put_to_sleep);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, MAC_CSR12_PUT_TO_SLEEP, put_to_sleep);
-       rt2x00pci_register_write(rt2x00dev, MAC_CSR12, reg);
-       /*
-        * Device is not guaranteed to be in the requested state yet.
-        * We must wait until the register indicates that the
-        * device has entered the correct state.
-        */
-       for (i = 0; i < REGISTER_BUSY_COUNT; i++) {
-               rt2x00pci_register_read(rt2x00dev, MAC_CSR12, &reg);
-               current_state =
-                   rt2x00_get_field32(reg, MAC_CSR12_BBP_CURRENT_STATE);
-               if (current_state == !put_to_sleep)
-                       return 0;
-               msleep(10);
-       }
-       NOTICE(rt2x00dev, "Device failed to enter state %d, "
-              "current device state %d.\n", !put_to_sleep, current_state);
-       return -EBUSY;
-static int rt61pci_set_device_state(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev,
-                                   enum dev_state state)
-       int retval = 0;
-       switch (state) {
-       case STATE_RADIO_ON:
-               retval = rt61pci_enable_radio(rt2x00dev);
-               break;
-       case STATE_RADIO_OFF:
-               rt61pci_disable_radio(rt2x00dev);
-               break;
-       case STATE_RADIO_RX_ON:
-       case STATE_RADIO_RX_OFF:
-               rt61pci_toggle_rx(rt2x00dev, state);
-               break;
-       case STATE_DEEP_SLEEP:
-       case STATE_SLEEP:
-       case STATE_STANDBY:
-       case STATE_AWAKE:
-               retval = rt61pci_set_state(rt2x00dev, state);
-               break;
-       default:
-               retval = -ENOTSUPP;
-               break;
-       }
-       return retval;
- * TX descriptor initialization
- */
-static void rt61pci_write_tx_desc(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev,
-                                 struct data_desc *txd,
-                                 struct txdata_entry_desc *desc,
-                                 struct ieee80211_hdr *ieee80211hdr,
-                                 unsigned int length,
-                                 struct ieee80211_tx_control *control)
-       u32 word;
-       /*
-        * Start writing the descriptor words.
-        */
-       rt2x00_desc_read(txd, 1, &word);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&word, TXD_W1_HOST_Q_ID, desc->queue);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&word, TXD_W1_AIFSN, desc->aifs);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&word, TXD_W1_CWMIN, desc->cw_min);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&word, TXD_W1_CWMAX, desc->cw_max);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&word, TXD_W1_IV_OFFSET, IEEE80211_HEADER);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&word, TXD_W1_HW_SEQUENCE, 1);
-       rt2x00_desc_write(txd, 1, word);
-       rt2x00_desc_read(txd, 2, &word);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&word, TXD_W2_PLCP_SIGNAL, desc->signal);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&word, TXD_W2_PLCP_SERVICE, desc->service);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&word, TXD_W2_PLCP_LENGTH_LOW, desc->length_low);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&word, TXD_W2_PLCP_LENGTH_HIGH, desc->length_high);
-       rt2x00_desc_write(txd, 2, word);
-       rt2x00_desc_read(txd, 5, &word);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&word, TXD_W5_TX_POWER,
-                          TXPOWER_TO_DEV(control->power_level));
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&word, TXD_W5_WAITING_DMA_DONE_INT, 1);
-       rt2x00_desc_write(txd, 5, word);
-       rt2x00_desc_read(txd, 11, &word);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&word, TXD_W11_BUFFER_LENGTH0, length);
-       rt2x00_desc_write(txd, 11, word);
-       rt2x00_desc_read(txd, 0, &word);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&word, TXD_W0_OWNER_NIC, 1);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&word, TXD_W0_VALID, 1);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&word, TXD_W0_MORE_FRAG,
-                          test_bit(ENTRY_TXD_MORE_FRAG, &desc->flags));
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&word, TXD_W0_ACK,
-                          !(control->flags & IEEE80211_TXCTL_NO_ACK));
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&word, TXD_W0_TIMESTAMP,
-                          test_bit(ENTRY_TXD_REQ_TIMESTAMP, &desc->flags));
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&word, TXD_W0_OFDM,
-                          test_bit(ENTRY_TXD_OFDM_RATE, &desc->flags));
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&word, TXD_W0_IFS, desc->ifs);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&word, TXD_W0_RETRY_MODE,
-                          !!(control->flags &
-                             IEEE80211_TXCTL_LONG_RETRY_LIMIT));
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&word, TXD_W0_TKIP_MIC, 0);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&word, TXD_W0_DATABYTE_COUNT, length);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&word, TXD_W0_BURST,
-                          test_bit(ENTRY_TXD_BURST, &desc->flags));
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&word, TXD_W0_CIPHER_ALG, CIPHER_NONE);
-       rt2x00_desc_write(txd, 0, word);
- * TX data initialization
- */
-static void rt61pci_kick_tx_queue(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev,
-                                 unsigned int queue)
-       u32 reg;
-       if (queue == IEEE80211_TX_QUEUE_BEACON) {
-               /*
-                * For Wi-Fi faily generated beacons between participating
-                * stations. Set TBTT phase adaptive adjustment step to 8us.
-                */
-               rt2x00pci_register_write(rt2x00dev, TXRX_CSR10, 0x00001008);
-               rt2x00pci_register_read(rt2x00dev, TXRX_CSR9, &reg);
-               if (!rt2x00_get_field32(reg, TXRX_CSR9_BEACON_GEN)) {
-                       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, TXRX_CSR9_BEACON_GEN, 1);
-                       rt2x00pci_register_write(rt2x00dev, TXRX_CSR9, reg);
-               }
-               return;
-       }
-       rt2x00pci_register_read(rt2x00dev, TX_CNTL_CSR, &reg);
-       if (queue == IEEE80211_TX_QUEUE_DATA0)
-               rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, TX_CNTL_CSR_KICK_TX_AC0, 1);
-       else if (queue == IEEE80211_TX_QUEUE_DATA1)
-               rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, TX_CNTL_CSR_KICK_TX_AC1, 1);
-       else if (queue == IEEE80211_TX_QUEUE_DATA2)
-               rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, TX_CNTL_CSR_KICK_TX_AC2, 1);
-       else if (queue == IEEE80211_TX_QUEUE_DATA3)
-               rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, TX_CNTL_CSR_KICK_TX_AC3, 1);
-       else if (queue == IEEE80211_TX_QUEUE_DATA4)
-               rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, TX_CNTL_CSR_KICK_TX_MGMT, 1);
-       rt2x00pci_register_write(rt2x00dev, TX_CNTL_CSR, reg);
- * RX control handlers
- */
-static int rt61pci_agc_to_rssi(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev, int rxd_w1)
-       u16 eeprom;
-       u8 offset;
-       u8 lna;
-       lna = rt2x00_get_field32(rxd_w1, RXD_W1_RSSI_LNA);
-       switch (lna) {
-       case 3:
-               offset = 90;
-               break;
-       case 2:
-               offset = 74;
-               break;
-       case 1:
-               offset = 64;
-               break;
-       default:
-               return 0;
-       }
-       if (rt2x00dev->rx_status.phymode == MODE_IEEE80211A) {
-               if (test_bit(CONFIG_EXTERNAL_LNA_A, &rt2x00dev->flags))
-                       offset += 14;
-               if (lna == 3 || lna == 2)
-                       offset += 10;
-               rt2x00_eeprom_read(rt2x00dev, EEPROM_RSSI_OFFSET_A, &eeprom);
-               offset -= rt2x00_get_field16(eeprom, EEPROM_RSSI_OFFSET_A_1);
-       } else {
-               if (test_bit(CONFIG_EXTERNAL_LNA_BG, &rt2x00dev->flags))
-                       offset += 14;
-               rt2x00_eeprom_read(rt2x00dev, EEPROM_RSSI_OFFSET_BG, &eeprom);
-               offset -= rt2x00_get_field16(eeprom, EEPROM_RSSI_OFFSET_BG_1);
-       }
-       return rt2x00_get_field32(rxd_w1, RXD_W1_RSSI_AGC) * 2 - offset;
-static void rt61pci_fill_rxdone(struct data_entry *entry,
-                               struct rxdata_entry_desc *desc)
-       struct data_desc *rxd = entry->priv;
-       u32 word0;
-       u32 word1;
-       rt2x00_desc_read(rxd, 0, &word0);
-       rt2x00_desc_read(rxd, 1, &word1);
-       desc->flags = 0;
-       if (rt2x00_get_field32(word0, RXD_W0_CRC_ERROR))
-               desc->flags |= RX_FLAG_FAILED_FCS_CRC;
-       /*
-        * Obtain the status about this packet.
-        */
-       desc->signal = rt2x00_get_field32(word1, RXD_W1_SIGNAL);
-       desc->rssi = rt61pci_agc_to_rssi(entry->ring->rt2x00dev, word1);
-       desc->ofdm = rt2x00_get_field32(word0, RXD_W0_OFDM);
-       desc->size = rt2x00_get_field32(word0, RXD_W0_DATABYTE_COUNT);
-       return;
- * Interrupt functions.
- */
-static void rt61pci_txdone(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev)
-       struct data_ring *ring;
-       struct data_entry *entry;
-       struct data_entry *entry_done;
-       struct data_desc *txd;
-       u32 word;
-       u32 reg;
-       u32 old_reg;
-       int type;
-       int index;
-       int tx_status;
-       int retry;
-       /*
-        * During each loop we will compare the freshly read
-        * STA_CSR4 register value with the value read from
-        * the previous loop. If the 2 values are equal then
-        * we should stop processing because the chance it
-        * quite big that the device has been unplugged and
-        * we risk going into an endless loop.
-        */
-       old_reg = 0;
-       while (1) {
-               rt2x00pci_register_read(rt2x00dev, STA_CSR4, &reg);
-               if (!rt2x00_get_field32(reg, STA_CSR4_VALID))
-                       break;
-               if (old_reg == reg)
-                       break;
-               old_reg = reg;
-               /*
-                * Skip this entry when it contains an invalid
-                * ring identication number.
-                */
-               type = rt2x00_get_field32(reg, STA_CSR4_PID_TYPE);
-               ring = rt2x00lib_get_ring(rt2x00dev, type);
-               if (unlikely(!ring))
-                       continue;
-               /*
-                * Skip this entry when it contains an invalid
-                * index number.
-                */
-               index = rt2x00_get_field32(reg, STA_CSR4_PID_SUBTYPE);
-               if (unlikely(index >= ring->stats.limit))
-                       continue;
-               entry = &ring->entry[index];
-               txd = entry->priv;
-               rt2x00_desc_read(txd, 0, &word);
-               if (rt2x00_get_field32(word, TXD_W0_OWNER_NIC) ||
-                   !rt2x00_get_field32(word, TXD_W0_VALID))
-                       return;
-               entry_done = rt2x00_get_data_entry_done(ring);
-               while (entry != entry_done) {
-                       /* Catch up. Just report any entries we missed as
-                        * failed. */
-                       WARNING(rt2x00dev,
-                               "TX status report missed for entry %p\n",
-                               entry_done);
-                       rt2x00lib_txdone(entry_done, TX_FAIL_OTHER, 0);
-                       entry_done = rt2x00_get_data_entry_done(ring);
-               }
-               /*
-                * Obtain the status about this packet.
-                */
-               tx_status = rt2x00_get_field32(reg, STA_CSR4_TX_RESULT);
-               retry = rt2x00_get_field32(reg, STA_CSR4_RETRY_COUNT);
-               rt2x00lib_txdone(entry, tx_status, retry);
-               /*
-                * Make this entry available for reuse.
-                */
-               entry->flags = 0;
-               rt2x00_set_field32(&word, TXD_W0_VALID, 0);
-               rt2x00_desc_write(txd, 0, word);
-               rt2x00_ring_index_done_inc(entry->ring);
-               /*
-                * If the data ring was full before the txdone handler
-                * we must make sure the packet queue in the mac80211 stack
-                * is reenabled when the txdone handler has finished.
-                */
-               if (!rt2x00_ring_full(ring))
-                       ieee80211_wake_queue(rt2x00dev->hw,
-                                            entry->tx_status.control.queue);
-       }
-static irqreturn_t rt61pci_interrupt(int irq, void *dev_instance)
-       struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev = dev_instance;
-       u32 reg_mcu;
-       u32 reg;
-       /*
-        * Get the interrupt sources & saved to local variable.
-        * Write register value back to clear pending interrupts.
-        */
-       rt2x00pci_register_read(rt2x00dev, MCU_INT_SOURCE_CSR, &reg_mcu);
-       rt2x00pci_register_write(rt2x00dev, MCU_INT_SOURCE_CSR, reg_mcu);
-       rt2x00pci_register_read(rt2x00dev, INT_SOURCE_CSR, &reg);
-       rt2x00pci_register_write(rt2x00dev, INT_SOURCE_CSR, reg);
-       if (!reg && !reg_mcu)
-               return IRQ_NONE;
-       if (!test_bit(DEVICE_ENABLED_RADIO, &rt2x00dev->flags))
-               return IRQ_HANDLED;
-       /*
-        * Handle interrupts, walk through all bits
-        * and run the tasks, the bits are checked in order of
-        * priority.
-        */
-       /*
-        * 1 - Rx ring done interrupt.
-        */
-       if (rt2x00_get_field32(reg, INT_SOURCE_CSR_RXDONE))
-               rt2x00pci_rxdone(rt2x00dev);
-       /*
-        * 2 - Tx ring done interrupt.
-        */
-       if (rt2x00_get_field32(reg, INT_SOURCE_CSR_TXDONE))
-               rt61pci_txdone(rt2x00dev);
-       /*
-        * 3 - Handle MCU command done.
-        */
-       if (reg_mcu)
-               rt2x00pci_register_write(rt2x00dev,
-                                        M2H_CMD_DONE_CSR, 0xffffffff);
-       return IRQ_HANDLED;
- * Device probe functions.
- */
-static int rt61pci_validate_eeprom(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev)
-       struct eeprom_93cx6 eeprom;
-       u32 reg;
-       u16 word;
-       u8 *mac;
-       s8 value;
-       rt2x00pci_register_read(rt2x00dev, E2PROM_CSR, &reg);
-       eeprom.data = rt2x00dev;
-       eeprom.register_read = rt61pci_eepromregister_read;
-       eeprom.register_write = rt61pci_eepromregister_write;
-       eeprom.width = rt2x00_get_field32(reg, E2PROM_CSR_TYPE_93C46) ?
-           PCI_EEPROM_WIDTH_93C46 : PCI_EEPROM_WIDTH_93C66;
-       eeprom.reg_data_in = 0;
-       eeprom.reg_data_out = 0;
-       eeprom.reg_data_clock = 0;
-       eeprom.reg_chip_select = 0;
-       eeprom_93cx6_multiread(&eeprom, EEPROM_BASE, rt2x00dev->eeprom,
-                              EEPROM_SIZE / sizeof(u16));
-       /*
-        * Start validation of the data that has been read.
-        */
-       mac = rt2x00_eeprom_addr(rt2x00dev, EEPROM_MAC_ADDR_0);
-       if (!is_valid_ether_addr(mac)) {
-               DECLARE_MAC_BUF(macbuf);
-               random_ether_addr(mac);
-               EEPROM(rt2x00dev, "MAC: %s\n", print_mac(macbuf, mac));
-       }
-       rt2x00_eeprom_read(rt2x00dev, EEPROM_ANTENNA, &word);
-       if (word == 0xffff) {
-               rt2x00_set_field16(&word, EEPROM_ANTENNA_NUM, 2);
-               rt2x00_set_field16(&word, EEPROM_ANTENNA_TX_DEFAULT, 2);
-               rt2x00_set_field16(&word, EEPROM_ANTENNA_RX_DEFAULT, 2);
-               rt2x00_set_field16(&word, EEPROM_ANTENNA_FRAME_TYPE, 0);
-               rt2x00_set_field16(&word, EEPROM_ANTENNA_DYN_TXAGC, 0);
-               rt2x00_set_field16(&word, EEPROM_ANTENNA_HARDWARE_RADIO, 0);
-               rt2x00_set_field16(&word, EEPROM_ANTENNA_RF_TYPE, RF5225);
-               rt2x00_eeprom_write(rt2x00dev, EEPROM_ANTENNA, word);
-               EEPROM(rt2x00dev, "Antenna: 0x%04x\n", word);
-       }
-       rt2x00_eeprom_read(rt2x00dev, EEPROM_NIC, &word);
-       if (word == 0xffff) {
-               rt2x00_set_field16(&word, EEPROM_NIC_ENABLE_DIVERSITY, 0);
-               rt2x00_set_field16(&word, EEPROM_NIC_TX_DIVERSITY, 0);
-               rt2x00_set_field16(&word, EEPROM_NIC_TX_RX_FIXED, 0);
-               rt2x00_set_field16(&word, EEPROM_NIC_EXTERNAL_LNA_BG, 0);
-               rt2x00_set_field16(&word, EEPROM_NIC_CARDBUS_ACCEL, 0);
-               rt2x00_set_field16(&word, EEPROM_NIC_EXTERNAL_LNA_A, 0);
-               rt2x00_eeprom_write(rt2x00dev, EEPROM_NIC, word);
-               EEPROM(rt2x00dev, "NIC: 0x%04x\n", word);
-       }
-       rt2x00_eeprom_read(rt2x00dev, EEPROM_LED, &word);
-       if (word == 0xffff) {
-               rt2x00_set_field16(&word, EEPROM_LED_LED_MODE,
-                                  LED_MODE_DEFAULT);
-               rt2x00_eeprom_write(rt2x00dev, EEPROM_LED, word);
-               EEPROM(rt2x00dev, "Led: 0x%04x\n", word);
-       }
-       rt2x00_eeprom_read(rt2x00dev, EEPROM_FREQ, &word);
-       if (word == 0xffff) {
-               rt2x00_set_field16(&word, EEPROM_FREQ_OFFSET, 0);
-               rt2x00_set_field16(&word, EEPROM_FREQ_SEQ, 0);
-               rt2x00_eeprom_write(rt2x00dev, EEPROM_FREQ, word);
-               EEPROM(rt2x00dev, "Freq: 0x%04x\n", word);
-       }
-       rt2x00_eeprom_read(rt2x00dev, EEPROM_RSSI_OFFSET_BG, &word);
-       if (word == 0xffff) {
-               rt2x00_set_field16(&word, EEPROM_RSSI_OFFSET_BG_1, 0);
-               rt2x00_set_field16(&word, EEPROM_RSSI_OFFSET_BG_2, 0);
-               rt2x00_eeprom_write(rt2x00dev, EEPROM_RSSI_OFFSET_BG, word);
-               EEPROM(rt2x00dev, "RSSI OFFSET BG: 0x%04x\n", word);
-       } else {
-               value = rt2x00_get_field16(word, EEPROM_RSSI_OFFSET_BG_1);
-               if (value < -10 || value > 10)
-                       rt2x00_set_field16(&word, EEPROM_RSSI_OFFSET_BG_1, 0);
-               value = rt2x00_get_field16(word, EEPROM_RSSI_OFFSET_BG_2);
-               if (value < -10 || value > 10)
-                       rt2x00_set_field16(&word, EEPROM_RSSI_OFFSET_BG_2, 0);
-               rt2x00_eeprom_write(rt2x00dev, EEPROM_RSSI_OFFSET_BG, word);
-       }
-       rt2x00_eeprom_read(rt2x00dev, EEPROM_RSSI_OFFSET_A, &word);
-       if (word == 0xffff) {
-               rt2x00_set_field16(&word, EEPROM_RSSI_OFFSET_A_1, 0);
-               rt2x00_set_field16(&word, EEPROM_RSSI_OFFSET_A_2, 0);
-               rt2x00_eeprom_write(rt2x00dev, EEPROM_RSSI_OFFSET_A, word);
-               EEPROM(rt2x00dev, "RSSI OFFSET BG: 0x%04x\n", word);
-       } else {
-               value = rt2x00_get_field16(word, EEPROM_RSSI_OFFSET_A_1);
-               if (value < -10 || value > 10)
-                       rt2x00_set_field16(&word, EEPROM_RSSI_OFFSET_A_1, 0);
-               value = rt2x00_get_field16(word, EEPROM_RSSI_OFFSET_A_2);
-               if (value < -10 || value > 10)
-                       rt2x00_set_field16(&word, EEPROM_RSSI_OFFSET_A_2, 0);
-               rt2x00_eeprom_write(rt2x00dev, EEPROM_RSSI_OFFSET_A, word);
-       }
-       return 0;
-static int rt61pci_init_eeprom(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev)
-       u32 reg;
-       u16 value;
-       u16 eeprom;
-       u16 device;
-       /*
-        * Read EEPROM word for configuration.
-        */
-       rt2x00_eeprom_read(rt2x00dev, EEPROM_ANTENNA, &eeprom);
-       /*
-        * Identify RF chipset.
-        * To determine the RT chip we have to read the
-        * PCI header of the device.
-        */
-       pci_read_config_word(rt2x00dev_pci(rt2x00dev),
-                            PCI_CONFIG_HEADER_DEVICE, &device);
-       value = rt2x00_get_field16(eeprom, EEPROM_ANTENNA_RF_TYPE);
-       rt2x00pci_register_read(rt2x00dev, MAC_CSR0, &reg);
-       rt2x00_set_chip(rt2x00dev, device, value, reg);
-       if (!rt2x00_rf(&rt2x00dev->chip, RF5225) &&
-           !rt2x00_rf(&rt2x00dev->chip, RF5325) &&
-           !rt2x00_rf(&rt2x00dev->chip, RF2527) &&
-           !rt2x00_rf(&rt2x00dev->chip, RF2529)) {
-               ERROR(rt2x00dev, "Invalid RF chipset detected.\n");
-               return -ENODEV;
-       }
-       /*
-        * Identify default antenna configuration.
-        */
-       rt2x00dev->hw->conf.antenna_sel_tx =
-           rt2x00_get_field16(eeprom, EEPROM_ANTENNA_TX_DEFAULT);
-       rt2x00dev->hw->conf.antenna_sel_rx =
-           rt2x00_get_field16(eeprom, EEPROM_ANTENNA_RX_DEFAULT);
-       /*
-        * Read the Frame type.
-        */
-       if (rt2x00_get_field16(eeprom, EEPROM_ANTENNA_FRAME_TYPE))
-               __set_bit(CONFIG_FRAME_TYPE, &rt2x00dev->flags);
-       /*
-        * Determine number of antenna's.
-        */
-       if (rt2x00_get_field16(eeprom, EEPROM_ANTENNA_NUM) == 2)
-               __set_bit(CONFIG_DOUBLE_ANTENNA, &rt2x00dev->flags);
-       /*
-        * Detect if this device has an hardware controlled radio.
-        */
-       if (rt2x00_get_field16(eeprom, EEPROM_ANTENNA_HARDWARE_RADIO))
-               __set_bit(CONFIG_SUPPORT_HW_BUTTON, &rt2x00dev->flags);
-#endif /* CONFIG_RT61PCI_RFKILL */
-       /*
-        * Read frequency offset and RF programming sequence.
-        */
-       rt2x00_eeprom_read(rt2x00dev, EEPROM_FREQ, &eeprom);
-       if (rt2x00_get_field16(eeprom, EEPROM_FREQ_SEQ))
-               __set_bit(CONFIG_RF_SEQUENCE, &rt2x00dev->flags);
-       rt2x00dev->freq_offset = rt2x00_get_field16(eeprom, EEPROM_FREQ_OFFSET);
-       /*
-        * Read external LNA informations.
-        */
-       rt2x00_eeprom_read(rt2x00dev, EEPROM_NIC, &eeprom);
-       if (rt2x00_get_field16(eeprom, EEPROM_NIC_EXTERNAL_LNA_A))
-               __set_bit(CONFIG_EXTERNAL_LNA_A, &rt2x00dev->flags);
-       if (rt2x00_get_field16(eeprom, EEPROM_NIC_EXTERNAL_LNA_BG))
-               __set_bit(CONFIG_EXTERNAL_LNA_BG, &rt2x00dev->flags);
-       /*
-        * Store led settings, for correct led behaviour.
-        * If the eeprom value is invalid,
-        * switch to default led mode.
-        */
-       rt2x00_eeprom_read(rt2x00dev, EEPROM_LED, &eeprom);
-       rt2x00dev->led_mode = rt2x00_get_field16(eeprom, EEPROM_LED_LED_MODE);
-       rt2x00_set_field16(&rt2x00dev->led_reg, MCU_LEDCS_LED_MODE,
-                          rt2x00dev->led_mode);
-       rt2x00_set_field16(&rt2x00dev->led_reg, MCU_LEDCS_POLARITY_GPIO_0,
-                          rt2x00_get_field16(eeprom,
-                                             EEPROM_LED_POLARITY_GPIO_0));
-       rt2x00_set_field16(&rt2x00dev->led_reg, MCU_LEDCS_POLARITY_GPIO_1,
-                          rt2x00_get_field16(eeprom,
-                                             EEPROM_LED_POLARITY_GPIO_1));
-       rt2x00_set_field16(&rt2x00dev->led_reg, MCU_LEDCS_POLARITY_GPIO_2,
-                          rt2x00_get_field16(eeprom,
-                                             EEPROM_LED_POLARITY_GPIO_2));
-       rt2x00_set_field16(&rt2x00dev->led_reg, MCU_LEDCS_POLARITY_GPIO_3,
-                          rt2x00_get_field16(eeprom,
-                                             EEPROM_LED_POLARITY_GPIO_3));
-       rt2x00_set_field16(&rt2x00dev->led_reg, MCU_LEDCS_POLARITY_GPIO_4,
-                          rt2x00_get_field16(eeprom,
-                                             EEPROM_LED_POLARITY_GPIO_4));
-       rt2x00_set_field16(&rt2x00dev->led_reg, MCU_LEDCS_POLARITY_ACT,
-                          rt2x00_get_field16(eeprom, EEPROM_LED_POLARITY_ACT));
-       rt2x00_set_field16(&rt2x00dev->led_reg, MCU_LEDCS_POLARITY_READY_BG,
-                          rt2x00_get_field16(eeprom,
-                                             EEPROM_LED_POLARITY_RDY_G));
-       rt2x00_set_field16(&rt2x00dev->led_reg, MCU_LEDCS_POLARITY_READY_A,
-                          rt2x00_get_field16(eeprom,
-                                             EEPROM_LED_POLARITY_RDY_A));
-       return 0;
- * RF value list for RF5225 & RF5325
- * Supports: 2.4 GHz & 5.2 GHz, rf_sequence disabled
- */
-static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_noseq[] = {
-       { 1,  0x00002ccc, 0x00004786, 0x00068455, 0x000ffa0b },
-       { 2,  0x00002ccc, 0x00004786, 0x00068455, 0x000ffa1f },
-       { 3,  0x00002ccc, 0x0000478a, 0x00068455, 0x000ffa0b },
-       { 4,  0x00002ccc, 0x0000478a, 0x00068455, 0x000ffa1f },
-       { 5,  0x00002ccc, 0x0000478e, 0x00068455, 0x000ffa0b },
-       { 6,  0x00002ccc, 0x0000478e, 0x00068455, 0x000ffa1f },
-       { 7,  0x00002ccc, 0x00004792, 0x00068455, 0x000ffa0b },
-       { 8,  0x00002ccc, 0x00004792, 0x00068455, 0x000ffa1f },
-       { 9,  0x00002ccc, 0x00004796, 0x00068455, 0x000ffa0b },
-       { 10, 0x00002ccc, 0x00004796, 0x00068455, 0x000ffa1f },
-       { 11, 0x00002ccc, 0x0000479a, 0x00068455, 0x000ffa0b },
-       { 12, 0x00002ccc, 0x0000479a, 0x00068455, 0x000ffa1f },
-       { 13, 0x00002ccc, 0x0000479e, 0x00068455, 0x000ffa0b },
-       { 14, 0x00002ccc, 0x000047a2, 0x00068455, 0x000ffa13 },
-       /* 802.11 UNI / HyperLan 2 */
-       { 36, 0x00002ccc, 0x0000499a, 0x0009be55, 0x000ffa23 },
-       { 40, 0x00002ccc, 0x000049a2, 0x0009be55, 0x000ffa03 },
-       { 44, 0x00002ccc, 0x000049a6, 0x0009be55, 0x000ffa0b },
-       { 48, 0x00002ccc, 0x000049aa, 0x0009be55, 0x000ffa13 },
-       { 52, 0x00002ccc, 0x000049ae, 0x0009ae55, 0x000ffa1b },
-       { 56, 0x00002ccc, 0x000049b2, 0x0009ae55, 0x000ffa23 },
-       { 60, 0x00002ccc, 0x000049ba, 0x0009ae55, 0x000ffa03 },
-       { 64, 0x00002ccc, 0x000049be, 0x0009ae55, 0x000ffa0b },
-       /* 802.11 HyperLan 2 */
-       { 100, 0x00002ccc, 0x00004a2a, 0x000bae55, 0x000ffa03 },
-       { 104, 0x00002ccc, 0x00004a2e, 0x000bae55, 0x000ffa0b },
-       { 108, 0x00002ccc, 0x00004a32, 0x000bae55, 0x000ffa13 },
-       { 112, 0x00002ccc, 0x00004a36, 0x000bae55, 0x000ffa1b },
-       { 116, 0x00002ccc, 0x00004a3a, 0x000bbe55, 0x000ffa23 },
-       { 120, 0x00002ccc, 0x00004a82, 0x000bbe55, 0x000ffa03 },
-       { 124, 0x00002ccc, 0x00004a86, 0x000bbe55, 0x000ffa0b },
-       { 128, 0x00002ccc, 0x00004a8a, 0x000bbe55, 0x000ffa13 },
-       { 132, 0x00002ccc, 0x00004a8e, 0x000bbe55, 0x000ffa1b },
-       { 136, 0x00002ccc, 0x00004a92, 0x000bbe55, 0x000ffa23 },
-       /* 802.11 UNII */
-       { 140, 0x00002ccc, 0x00004a9a, 0x000bbe55, 0x000ffa03 },
-       { 149, 0x00002ccc, 0x00004aa2, 0x000bbe55, 0x000ffa1f },
-       { 153, 0x00002ccc, 0x00004aa6, 0x000bbe55, 0x000ffa27 },
-       { 157, 0x00002ccc, 0x00004aae, 0x000bbe55, 0x000ffa07 },
-       { 161, 0x00002ccc, 0x00004ab2, 0x000bbe55, 0x000ffa0f },
-       { 165, 0x00002ccc, 0x00004ab6, 0x000bbe55, 0x000ffa17 },
-       /* MMAC(Japan)J52 ch 34,38,42,46 */
-       { 34, 0x00002ccc, 0x0000499a, 0x0009be55, 0x000ffa0b },
-       { 38, 0x00002ccc, 0x0000499e, 0x0009be55, 0x000ffa13 },
-       { 42, 0x00002ccc, 0x000049a2, 0x0009be55, 0x000ffa1b },
-       { 46, 0x00002ccc, 0x000049a6, 0x0009be55, 0x000ffa23 },
- * RF value list for RF5225 & RF5325
- * Supports: 2.4 GHz & 5.2 GHz, rf_sequence enabled
- */
-static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_seq[] = {
-       { 1,  0x00002ccc, 0x00004786, 0x00068455, 0x000ffa0b },
-       { 2,  0x00002ccc, 0x00004786, 0x00068455, 0x000ffa1f },
-       { 3,  0x00002ccc, 0x0000478a, 0x00068455, 0x000ffa0b },
-       { 4,  0x00002ccc, 0x0000478a, 0x00068455, 0x000ffa1f },
-       { 5,  0x00002ccc, 0x0000478e, 0x00068455, 0x000ffa0b },
-       { 6,  0x00002ccc, 0x0000478e, 0x00068455, 0x000ffa1f },
-       { 7,  0x00002ccc, 0x00004792, 0x00068455, 0x000ffa0b },
-       { 8,  0x00002ccc, 0x00004792, 0x00068455, 0x000ffa1f },
-       { 9,  0x00002ccc, 0x00004796, 0x00068455, 0x000ffa0b },
-       { 10, 0x00002ccc, 0x00004796, 0x00068455, 0x000ffa1f },
-       { 11, 0x00002ccc, 0x0000479a, 0x00068455, 0x000ffa0b },
-       { 12, 0x00002ccc, 0x0000479a, 0x00068455, 0x000ffa1f },
-       { 13, 0x00002ccc, 0x0000479e, 0x00068455, 0x000ffa0b },
-       { 14, 0x00002ccc, 0x000047a2, 0x00068455, 0x000ffa13 },
-       /* 802.11 UNI / HyperLan 2 */
-       { 36, 0x00002cd4, 0x0004481a, 0x00098455, 0x000c0a03 },
-       { 40, 0x00002cd0, 0x00044682, 0x00098455, 0x000c0a03 },
-       { 44, 0x00002cd0, 0x00044686, 0x00098455, 0x000c0a1b },
-       { 48, 0x00002cd0, 0x0004468e, 0x00098655, 0x000c0a0b },
-       { 52, 0x00002cd0, 0x00044692, 0x00098855, 0x000c0a23 },
-       { 56, 0x00002cd0, 0x0004469a, 0x00098c55, 0x000c0a13 },
-       { 60, 0x00002cd0, 0x000446a2, 0x00098e55, 0x000c0a03 },
-       { 64, 0x00002cd0, 0x000446a6, 0x00099255, 0x000c0a1b },
-       /* 802.11 HyperLan 2 */
-       { 100, 0x00002cd4, 0x0004489a, 0x000b9855, 0x000c0a03 },
-       { 104, 0x00002cd4, 0x000448a2, 0x000b9855, 0x000c0a03 },
-       { 108, 0x00002cd4, 0x000448aa, 0x000b9855, 0x000c0a03 },
-       { 112, 0x00002cd4, 0x000448b2, 0x000b9a55, 0x000c0a03 },
-       { 116, 0x00002cd4, 0x000448ba, 0x000b9a55, 0x000c0a03 },
-       { 120, 0x00002cd0, 0x00044702, 0x000b9a55, 0x000c0a03 },
-       { 124, 0x00002cd0, 0x00044706, 0x000b9a55, 0x000c0a1b },
-       { 128, 0x00002cd0, 0x0004470e, 0x000b9c55, 0x000c0a0b },
-       { 132, 0x00002cd0, 0x00044712, 0x000b9c55, 0x000c0a23 },
-       { 136, 0x00002cd0, 0x0004471a, 0x000b9e55, 0x000c0a13 },
-       /* 802.11 UNII */
-       { 140, 0x00002cd0, 0x00044722, 0x000b9e55, 0x000c0a03 },
-       { 149, 0x00002cd0, 0x0004472e, 0x000ba255, 0x000c0a1b },
-       { 153, 0x00002cd0, 0x00044736, 0x000ba255, 0x000c0a0b },
-       { 157, 0x00002cd4, 0x0004490a, 0x000ba255, 0x000c0a17 },
-       { 161, 0x00002cd4, 0x00044912, 0x000ba255, 0x000c0a17 },
-       { 165, 0x00002cd4, 0x0004491a, 0x000ba255, 0x000c0a17 },
-       /* MMAC(Japan)J52 ch 34,38,42,46 */
-       { 34, 0x00002ccc, 0x0000499a, 0x0009be55, 0x000c0a0b },
-       { 38, 0x00002ccc, 0x0000499e, 0x0009be55, 0x000c0a13 },
-       { 42, 0x00002ccc, 0x000049a2, 0x0009be55, 0x000c0a1b },
-       { 46, 0x00002ccc, 0x000049a6, 0x0009be55, 0x000c0a23 },
-static void rt61pci_probe_hw_mode(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev)
-       struct hw_mode_spec *spec = &rt2x00dev->spec;
-       u8 *txpower;
-       unsigned int i;
-       /*
-        * Initialize all hw fields.
-        */
-       rt2x00dev->hw->flags =
-       rt2x00dev->hw->extra_tx_headroom = 0;
-       rt2x00dev->hw->max_signal = MAX_SIGNAL;
-       rt2x00dev->hw->max_rssi = MAX_RX_SSI;
-       rt2x00dev->hw->queues = 5;
-       SET_IEEE80211_DEV(rt2x00dev->hw, &rt2x00dev_pci(rt2x00dev)->dev);
-       SET_IEEE80211_PERM_ADDR(rt2x00dev->hw,
-                               rt2x00_eeprom_addr(rt2x00dev,
-                                                  EEPROM_MAC_ADDR_0));
-       /*
-        * Convert tx_power array in eeprom.
-        */
-       txpower = rt2x00_eeprom_addr(rt2x00dev, EEPROM_TXPOWER_G_START);
-       for (i = 0; i < 14; i++)
-               txpower[i] = TXPOWER_FROM_DEV(txpower[i]);
-       /*
-        * Initialize hw_mode information.
-        */
-       spec->num_modes = 2;
-       spec->num_rates = 12;
-       spec->tx_power_a = NULL;
-       spec->tx_power_bg = txpower;
-       spec->tx_power_default = DEFAULT_TXPOWER;
-       if (!test_bit(CONFIG_RF_SEQUENCE, &rt2x00dev->flags)) {
-               spec->num_channels = 14;
-               spec->channels = rf_vals_noseq;
-       } else {
-               spec->num_channels = 14;
-               spec->channels = rf_vals_seq;
-       }
-       if (rt2x00_rf(&rt2x00dev->chip, RF5225) ||
-           rt2x00_rf(&rt2x00dev->chip, RF5325)) {
-               spec->num_modes = 3;
-               spec->num_channels = ARRAY_SIZE(rf_vals_seq);
-               txpower = rt2x00_eeprom_addr(rt2x00dev, EEPROM_TXPOWER_A_START);
-               for (i = 0; i < 14; i++)
-                       txpower[i] = TXPOWER_FROM_DEV(txpower[i]);
-               spec->tx_power_a = txpower;
-       }
-static int rt61pci_probe_hw(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev)
-       int retval;
-       /*
-        * Allocate eeprom data.
-        */
-       retval = rt61pci_validate_eeprom(rt2x00dev);
-       if (retval)
-               return retval;
-       retval = rt61pci_init_eeprom(rt2x00dev);
-       if (retval)
-               return retval;
-       /*
-        * Initialize hw specifications.
-        */
-       rt61pci_probe_hw_mode(rt2x00dev);
-       /*
-        * This device requires firmware
-        */
-       __set_bit(DRIVER_REQUIRE_FIRMWARE, &rt2x00dev->flags);
-       /*
-        * Set the rssi offset.
-        */
-       rt2x00dev->rssi_offset = DEFAULT_RSSI_OFFSET;
-       return 0;
- * IEEE80211 stack callback functions.
- */
-static void rt61pci_configure_filter(struct ieee80211_hw *hw,
-                                    unsigned int changed_flags,
-                                    unsigned int *total_flags,
-                                    int mc_count,
-                                    struct dev_addr_list *mc_list)
-       struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev = hw->priv;
-       struct interface *intf = &rt2x00dev->interface;
-       u32 reg;
-       /*
-        * Mask off any flags we are going to ignore from
-        * the total_flags field.
-        */
-       *total_flags &=
-           FIF_ALLMULTI |
-           FIF_FCSFAIL |
-           FIF_PLCPFAIL |
-           FIF_CONTROL |
-           FIF_OTHER_BSS |
-           FIF_PROMISC_IN_BSS;
-       /*
-        * Apply some rules to the filters:
-        * - Some filters imply different filters to be set.
-        * - Some things we can't filter out at all.
-        * - Some filters are set based on interface type.
-        */
-       if (mc_count)
-               *total_flags |= FIF_ALLMULTI;
-       if (*total_flags & FIF_OTHER_BSS ||
-           *total_flags & FIF_PROMISC_IN_BSS)
-               *total_flags |= FIF_PROMISC_IN_BSS | FIF_OTHER_BSS;
-       if (is_interface_type(intf, IEEE80211_IF_TYPE_AP))
-               *total_flags |= FIF_PROMISC_IN_BSS;
-       /*
-        * Check if there is any work left for us.
-        */
-       if (intf->filter == *total_flags)
-               return;
-       intf->filter = *total_flags;
-       /*
-        * Start configuration steps.
-        * Note that the version error will always be dropped
-        * and broadcast frames will always be accepted since
-        * there is no filter for it at this time.
-        */
-       rt2x00pci_register_read(rt2x00dev, TXRX_CSR0, &reg);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, TXRX_CSR0_DROP_CRC,
-                          !(*total_flags & FIF_FCSFAIL));
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, TXRX_CSR0_DROP_PHYSICAL,
-                          !(*total_flags & FIF_PLCPFAIL));
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, TXRX_CSR0_DROP_CONTROL,
-                          !(*total_flags & FIF_CONTROL));
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, TXRX_CSR0_DROP_NOT_TO_ME,
-                          !(*total_flags & FIF_PROMISC_IN_BSS));
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, TXRX_CSR0_DROP_TO_DS,
-                          !(*total_flags & FIF_PROMISC_IN_BSS));
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, TXRX_CSR0_DROP_VERSION_ERROR, 1);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, TXRX_CSR0_DROP_MULTICAST,
-                          !(*total_flags & FIF_ALLMULTI));
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, TXRX_CSR0_DROP_BORADCAST, 0);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, TXRX_CSR0_DROP_ACK_CTS, 1);
-       rt2x00pci_register_write(rt2x00dev, TXRX_CSR0, reg);
-static int rt61pci_set_retry_limit(struct ieee80211_hw *hw,
-                                  u32 short_retry, u32 long_retry)
-       struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev = hw->priv;
-       u32 reg;
-       rt2x00pci_register_read(rt2x00dev, TXRX_CSR4, &reg);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, TXRX_CSR4_LONG_RETRY_LIMIT, long_retry);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, TXRX_CSR4_SHORT_RETRY_LIMIT, short_retry);
-       rt2x00pci_register_write(rt2x00dev, TXRX_CSR4, reg);
-       return 0;
-static u64 rt61pci_get_tsf(struct ieee80211_hw *hw)
-       struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev = hw->priv;
-       u64 tsf;
-       u32 reg;
-       rt2x00pci_register_read(rt2x00dev, TXRX_CSR13, &reg);
-       tsf = (u64) rt2x00_get_field32(reg, TXRX_CSR13_HIGH_TSFTIMER) << 32;
-       rt2x00pci_register_read(rt2x00dev, TXRX_CSR12, &reg);
-       tsf |= rt2x00_get_field32(reg, TXRX_CSR12_LOW_TSFTIMER);
-       return tsf;
-static void rt61pci_reset_tsf(struct ieee80211_hw *hw)
-       struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev = hw->priv;
-       rt2x00pci_register_write(rt2x00dev, TXRX_CSR12, 0);
-       rt2x00pci_register_write(rt2x00dev, TXRX_CSR13, 0);
-static int rt61pci_beacon_update(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, struct sk_buff *skb,
-                         struct ieee80211_tx_control *control)
-       struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev = hw->priv;
-       /*
-        * Just in case the ieee80211 doesn't set this,
-        * but we need this queue set for the descriptor
-        * initialization.
-        */
-       control->queue = IEEE80211_TX_QUEUE_BEACON;
-       /*
-        * We need to append the descriptor in front of the
-        * beacon frame.
-        */
-       if (skb_headroom(skb) < TXD_DESC_SIZE) {
-               if (pskb_expand_head(skb, TXD_DESC_SIZE, 0, GFP_ATOMIC)) {
-                       dev_kfree_skb(skb);
-                       return -ENOMEM;
-               }
-       }
-       /*
-        * First we create the beacon.
-        */
-       skb_push(skb, TXD_DESC_SIZE);
-       memset(skb->data, 0, TXD_DESC_SIZE);
-       rt2x00lib_write_tx_desc(rt2x00dev, (struct data_desc *)skb->data,
-                               (struct ieee80211_hdr *)(skb->data +
-                                                        TXD_DESC_SIZE),
-                               skb->len - TXD_DESC_SIZE, control);
-       /*
-        * Write entire beacon with descriptor to register,
-        * and kick the beacon generator.
-        */
-       rt2x00pci_register_multiwrite(rt2x00dev, HW_BEACON_BASE0,
-                                     skb->data, skb->len);
-       rt61pci_kick_tx_queue(rt2x00dev, IEEE80211_TX_QUEUE_BEACON);
-       return 0;
-static const struct ieee80211_ops rt61pci_mac80211_ops = {
-       .tx                     = rt2x00mac_tx,
-       .start                  = rt2x00mac_start,
-       .stop                   = rt2x00mac_stop,
-       .add_interface          = rt2x00mac_add_interface,
-       .remove_interface       = rt2x00mac_remove_interface,
-       .config                 = rt2x00mac_config,
-       .config_interface       = rt2x00mac_config_interface,
-       .configure_filter       = rt61pci_configure_filter,
-       .get_stats              = rt2x00mac_get_stats,
-       .set_retry_limit        = rt61pci_set_retry_limit,
-       .erp_ie_changed         = rt2x00mac_erp_ie_changed,
-       .conf_tx                = rt2x00mac_conf_tx,
-       .get_tx_stats           = rt2x00mac_get_tx_stats,
-       .get_tsf                = rt61pci_get_tsf,
-       .reset_tsf              = rt61pci_reset_tsf,
-       .beacon_update          = rt61pci_beacon_update,
-static const struct rt2x00lib_ops rt61pci_rt2x00_ops = {
-       .irq_handler            = rt61pci_interrupt,
-       .probe_hw               = rt61pci_probe_hw,
-       .get_firmware_name      = rt61pci_get_firmware_name,
-       .load_firmware          = rt61pci_load_firmware,
-       .initialize             = rt2x00pci_initialize,
-       .uninitialize           = rt2x00pci_uninitialize,
-       .set_device_state       = rt61pci_set_device_state,
-       .rfkill_poll            = rt61pci_rfkill_poll,
-       .link_stats             = rt61pci_link_stats,
-       .reset_tuner            = rt61pci_reset_tuner,
-       .link_tuner             = rt61pci_link_tuner,
-       .write_tx_desc          = rt61pci_write_tx_desc,
-       .write_tx_data          = rt2x00pci_write_tx_data,
-       .kick_tx_queue          = rt61pci_kick_tx_queue,
-       .fill_rxdone            = rt61pci_fill_rxdone,
-       .config_mac_addr        = rt61pci_config_mac_addr,
-       .config_bssid           = rt61pci_config_bssid,
-       .config_type            = rt61pci_config_type,
-       .config_preamble        = rt61pci_config_preamble,
-       .config                 = rt61pci_config,
-static const struct rt2x00_ops rt61pci_ops = {
-       .name           = DRV_NAME,
-       .rxd_size       = RXD_DESC_SIZE,
-       .txd_size       = TXD_DESC_SIZE,
-       .eeprom_size    = EEPROM_SIZE,
-       .rf_size        = RF_SIZE,
-       .lib            = &rt61pci_rt2x00_ops,
-       .hw             = &rt61pci_mac80211_ops,
-       .debugfs        = &rt61pci_rt2x00debug,
-#endif /* CONFIG_RT2X00_LIB_DEBUGFS */
- * RT61pci module information.
- */
-static struct pci_device_id rt61pci_device_table[] = {
-       /* RT2561s */
-       { PCI_DEVICE(0x1814, 0x0301), PCI_DEVICE_DATA(&rt61pci_ops) },
-       /* RT2561 v2 */
-       { PCI_DEVICE(0x1814, 0x0302), PCI_DEVICE_DATA(&rt61pci_ops) },
-       /* RT2661 */
-       { PCI_DEVICE(0x1814, 0x0401), PCI_DEVICE_DATA(&rt61pci_ops) },
-       { 0, }
-MODULE_DESCRIPTION("Ralink RT61 PCI & PCMCIA Wireless LAN driver.");
-MODULE_SUPPORTED_DEVICE("Ralink RT2561, RT2561s & RT2661 "
-                       "PCI & PCMCIA chipset based cards");
-MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE(pci, rt61pci_device_table);
-static struct pci_driver rt61pci_driver = {
-       .name           = DRV_NAME,
-       .id_table       = rt61pci_device_table,
-       .probe          = rt2x00pci_probe,
-       .remove         = __devexit_p(rt2x00pci_remove),
-       .suspend        = rt2x00pci_suspend,
-       .resume         = rt2x00pci_resume,
-static int __init rt61pci_init(void)
-       return pci_register_driver(&rt61pci_driver);
-static void __exit rt61pci_exit(void)
-       pci_unregister_driver(&rt61pci_driver);
diff --git a/package/rt2x00/src/rt61pci.h b/package/rt2x00/src/rt61pci.h
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 6721d7d..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1457 +0,0 @@
-       Copyright (C) 2004 - 2007 rt2x00 SourceForge Project
-       <http://rt2x00.serialmonkey.com>
-       This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-       it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-       the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-       (at your option) any later version.
-       This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-       but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-       GNU General Public License for more details.
-       You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-       along with this program; if not, write to the
-       Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
-       59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
- */
-       Module: rt61pci
-       Abstract: Data structures and registers for the rt61pci module.
-       Supported chipsets: RT2561, RT2561s, RT2661.
- */
-#ifndef RT61PCI_H
-#define RT61PCI_H
- * RF chip defines.
- */
-#define RF5225                         0x0001
-#define RF5325                         0x0002
-#define RF2527                         0x0003
-#define RF2529                         0x0004
- * Signal information.
- * Defaul offset is required for RSSI <-> dBm conversion.
- */
-#define MAX_SIGNAL                     100
-#define MAX_RX_SSI                     -1
-#define DEFAULT_RSSI_OFFSET            120
- * Register layout information.
- */
-#define CSR_REG_BASE                   0x3000
-#define CSR_REG_SIZE                   0x04b0
-#define EEPROM_BASE                    0x0000
-#define EEPROM_SIZE                    0x0100
-#define BBP_SIZE                       0x0080
-#define RF_SIZE                                0x0014
- * PCI registers.
- */
- * PCI Configuration Header
- */
-#define PCI_CONFIG_HEADER_VENDOR       0x0000
-#define PCI_CONFIG_HEADER_DEVICE       0x0002
- * HOST_CMD_CSR: For HOST to interrupt embedded processor
- */
-#define HOST_CMD_CSR                   0x0008
-#define HOST_CMD_CSR_HOST_COMMAND      FIELD32(0x0000007f)
-#define HOST_CMD_CSR_INTERRUPT_MCU     FIELD32(0x00000080)
- * SELECT_BANK: Select 8051 program bank.
- * RESET: Enable 8051 reset state.
- * READY: Ready state for 8051.
- */
-#define MCU_CNTL_CSR                   0x000c
-#define MCU_CNTL_CSR_SELECT_BANK       FIELD32(0x00000001)
-#define MCU_CNTL_CSR_RESET             FIELD32(0x00000002)
-#define MCU_CNTL_CSR_READY             FIELD32(0x00000004)
- */
-#define SOFT_RESET_CSR                 0x0010
- * MCU_INT_SOURCE_CSR: MCU interrupt source/mask register.
- */
-#define MCU_INT_SOURCE_CSR             0x0014
-#define MCU_INT_SOURCE_CSR_0           FIELD32(0x00000001)
-#define MCU_INT_SOURCE_CSR_1           FIELD32(0x00000002)
-#define MCU_INT_SOURCE_CSR_2           FIELD32(0x00000004)
-#define MCU_INT_SOURCE_CSR_3           FIELD32(0x00000008)
-#define MCU_INT_SOURCE_CSR_4           FIELD32(0x00000010)
-#define MCU_INT_SOURCE_CSR_5           FIELD32(0x00000020)
-#define MCU_INT_SOURCE_CSR_6           FIELD32(0x00000040)
-#define MCU_INT_SOURCE_CSR_7           FIELD32(0x00000080)
-#define MCU_INT_SOURCE_CSR_TWAKEUP     FIELD32(0x00000100)
- * MCU_INT_MASK_CSR: MCU interrupt source/mask register.
- */
-#define MCU_INT_MASK_CSR               0x0018
-#define MCU_INT_MASK_CSR_0             FIELD32(0x00000001)
-#define MCU_INT_MASK_CSR_1             FIELD32(0x00000002)
-#define MCU_INT_MASK_CSR_2             FIELD32(0x00000004)
-#define MCU_INT_MASK_CSR_3             FIELD32(0x00000008)
-#define MCU_INT_MASK_CSR_4             FIELD32(0x00000010)
-#define MCU_INT_MASK_CSR_5             FIELD32(0x00000020)
-#define MCU_INT_MASK_CSR_6             FIELD32(0x00000040)
-#define MCU_INT_MASK_CSR_7             FIELD32(0x00000080)
-#define MCU_INT_MASK_CSR_TWAKEUP       FIELD32(0x00000100)
-#define MCU_INT_MASK_CSR_TBTT_EXPIRE   FIELD32(0x00000200)
- */
-#define PCI_USEC_CSR                   0x001c
- * Security key table memory.
- * 16 entries 32-byte for shared key table
- * 64 entries 32-byte for pairwise key table
- * 64 entries 8-byte for pairwise ta key table
- */
-#define SHARED_KEY_TABLE_BASE          0x1000
-#define PAIRWISE_KEY_TABLE_BASE                0x1200
-#define PAIRWISE_TA_TABLE_BASE         0x1a00
-struct hw_key_entry {
-       u8 key[16];
-       u8 tx_mic[8];
-       u8 rx_mic[8];
-} __attribute__ ((packed));
-struct hw_pairwise_ta_entry {
-       u8 address[6];
-       u8 reserved[2];
-} __attribute__ ((packed));
- * Other on-chip shared memory space.
- */
-#define HW_CIS_BASE                    0x2000
-#define HW_NULL_BASE                   0x2b00
- * Since NULL frame won't be that long (256 byte),
- * We steal 16 tail bytes to save debugging settings.
- */
-#define HW_DEBUG_SETTING_BASE          0x2bf0
- * On-chip BEACON frame space.
- */
-#define HW_BEACON_BASE0                        0x2c00
-#define HW_BEACON_BASE1                        0x2d00
-#define HW_BEACON_BASE2                        0x2e00
-#define HW_BEACON_BASE3                        0x2f00
-#define HW_BEACON_OFFSET               0x0100
- * HOST-MCU shared memory.
- */
- * H2M_MAILBOX_CSR: Host-to-MCU Mailbox.
- */
-#define H2M_MAILBOX_CSR                        0x2100
-#define H2M_MAILBOX_CSR_ARG0           FIELD32(0x000000ff)
-#define H2M_MAILBOX_CSR_ARG1           FIELD32(0x0000ff00)
-#define H2M_MAILBOX_CSR_CMD_TOKEN      FIELD32(0x00ff0000)
-#define H2M_MAILBOX_CSR_OWNER          FIELD32(0xff000000)
- * MCU_LEDCS: LED control for MCU Mailbox.
- */
-#define MCU_LEDCS_LED_MODE             FIELD16(0x001f)
-#define MCU_LEDCS_RADIO_STATUS         FIELD16(0x0020)
-#define MCU_LEDCS_LINK_BG_STATUS       FIELD16(0x0040)
-#define MCU_LEDCS_LINK_A_STATUS                FIELD16(0x0080)
-#define MCU_LEDCS_POLARITY_GPIO_0      FIELD16(0x0100)
-#define MCU_LEDCS_POLARITY_GPIO_1      FIELD16(0x0200)
-#define MCU_LEDCS_POLARITY_GPIO_2      FIELD16(0x0400)
-#define MCU_LEDCS_POLARITY_GPIO_3      FIELD16(0x0800)
-#define MCU_LEDCS_POLARITY_GPIO_4      FIELD16(0x1000)
-#define MCU_LEDCS_POLARITY_ACT         FIELD16(0x2000)
-#define MCU_LEDCS_POLARITY_READY_A     FIELD16(0x8000)
- */
-#define M2H_CMD_DONE_CSR               0x2104
- */
-#define MCU_TXOP_ARRAY_BASE            0x2110
- * MAC Control/Status Registers(CSR).
- * Some values are set in TU, whereas 1 TU == 1024 us.
- */
- * MAC_CSR0: ASIC revision number.
- */
-#define MAC_CSR0                       0x3000
- * MAC_CSR1: System control register.
- * SOFT_RESET: Software reset bit, 1: reset, 0: normal.
- * BBP_RESET: Hardware reset BBP.
- * HOST_READY: Host is ready after initialization, 1: ready.
- */
-#define MAC_CSR1                       0x3004
-#define MAC_CSR1_SOFT_RESET            FIELD32(0x00000001)
-#define MAC_CSR1_BBP_RESET             FIELD32(0x00000002)
-#define MAC_CSR1_HOST_READY            FIELD32(0x00000004)
- * MAC_CSR2: STA MAC register 0.
- */
-#define MAC_CSR2                       0x3008
-#define MAC_CSR2_BYTE0                 FIELD32(0x000000ff)
-#define MAC_CSR2_BYTE1                 FIELD32(0x0000ff00)
-#define MAC_CSR2_BYTE2                 FIELD32(0x00ff0000)
-#define MAC_CSR2_BYTE3                 FIELD32(0xff000000)
- * MAC_CSR3: STA MAC register 1.
- */
-#define MAC_CSR3                       0x300c
-#define MAC_CSR3_BYTE4                 FIELD32(0x000000ff)
-#define MAC_CSR3_BYTE5                 FIELD32(0x0000ff00)
-#define MAC_CSR3_UNICAST_TO_ME_MASK    FIELD32(0x00ff0000)
- * MAC_CSR4: BSSID register 0.
- */
-#define MAC_CSR4                       0x3010
-#define MAC_CSR4_BYTE0                 FIELD32(0x000000ff)
-#define MAC_CSR4_BYTE1                 FIELD32(0x0000ff00)
-#define MAC_CSR4_BYTE2                 FIELD32(0x00ff0000)
-#define MAC_CSR4_BYTE3                 FIELD32(0xff000000)
- * MAC_CSR5: BSSID register 1.
- * BSS_ID_MASK: 3: one BSSID, 0: 4 BSSID, 2 or 1: 2 BSSID.
- */
-#define MAC_CSR5                       0x3014
-#define MAC_CSR5_BYTE4                 FIELD32(0x000000ff)
-#define MAC_CSR5_BYTE5                 FIELD32(0x0000ff00)
-#define MAC_CSR5_BSS_ID_MASK           FIELD32(0x00ff0000)
- * MAC_CSR6: Maximum frame length register.
- */
-#define MAC_CSR6                       0x3018
-#define MAC_CSR6_MAX_FRAME_UNIT                FIELD32(0x00000fff)
- * MAC_CSR7: Reserved
- */
-#define MAC_CSR7                       0x301c
- * MAC_CSR8: SIFS/EIFS register.
- * All units are in US.
- */
-#define MAC_CSR8                       0x3020
-#define MAC_CSR8_SIFS                  FIELD32(0x000000ff)
-#define MAC_CSR8_SIFS_AFTER_RX_OFDM    FIELD32(0x0000ff00)
-#define MAC_CSR8_EIFS                  FIELD32(0xffff0000)
- * MAC_CSR9: Back-Off control register.
- * SLOT_TIME: Slot time, default is 20us for 802.11BG.
- * CWMIN: Bit for Cwmin. default Cwmin is 31 (2^5 - 1).
- * CWMAX: Bit for Cwmax, default Cwmax is 1023 (2^10 - 1).
- * CW_SELECT: 1: CWmin/Cwmax select from register, 0:select from TxD.
- */
-#define MAC_CSR9                       0x3024
-#define MAC_CSR9_SLOT_TIME             FIELD32(0x000000ff)
-#define MAC_CSR9_CWMIN                 FIELD32(0x00000f00)
-#define MAC_CSR9_CWMAX                 FIELD32(0x0000f000)
-#define MAC_CSR9_CW_SELECT             FIELD32(0x00010000)
- * MAC_CSR10: Power state configuration.
- */
-#define MAC_CSR10                      0x3028
- * MAC_CSR11: Power saving transition time register.
- * DELAY_AFTER_TBCN: Delay after Tbcn expired in units of TU.
- * TBCN_BEFORE_WAKEUP: Number of beacon before wakeup.
- * WAKEUP_LATENCY: In unit of TU.
- */
-#define MAC_CSR11                      0x302c
-#define MAC_CSR11_DELAY_AFTER_TBCN     FIELD32(0x000000ff)
-#define MAC_CSR11_TBCN_BEFORE_WAKEUP   FIELD32(0x00007f00)
-#define MAC_CSR11_AUTOWAKE             FIELD32(0x00008000)
-#define MAC_CSR11_WAKEUP_LATENCY       FIELD32(0x000f0000)
- * MAC_CSR12: Manual power control / status register (merge CSR20 & PWRCSR1).
- * CURRENT_STATE: 0:sleep, 1:awake.
- * FORCE_WAKEUP: This has higher priority than PUT_TO_SLEEP.
- * BBP_CURRENT_STATE: 0: BBP sleep, 1: BBP awake.
- */
-#define MAC_CSR12                      0x3030
-#define MAC_CSR12_CURRENT_STATE                FIELD32(0x00000001)
-#define MAC_CSR12_PUT_TO_SLEEP         FIELD32(0x00000002)
-#define MAC_CSR12_FORCE_WAKEUP         FIELD32(0x00000004)
-#define MAC_CSR12_BBP_CURRENT_STATE    FIELD32(0x00000008)
- * MAC_CSR13: GPIO.
- */
-#define MAC_CSR13                      0x3034
-#define MAC_CSR13_BIT0                 FIELD32(0x00000001)
-#define MAC_CSR13_BIT1                 FIELD32(0x00000002)
-#define MAC_CSR13_BIT2                 FIELD32(0x00000004)
-#define MAC_CSR13_BIT3                 FIELD32(0x00000008)
-#define MAC_CSR13_BIT4                 FIELD32(0x00000010)
-#define MAC_CSR13_BIT5                 FIELD32(0x00000020)
-#define MAC_CSR13_BIT6                 FIELD32(0x00000040)
-#define MAC_CSR13_BIT7                 FIELD32(0x00000080)
-#define MAC_CSR13_BIT8                 FIELD32(0x00000100)
-#define MAC_CSR13_BIT9                 FIELD32(0x00000200)
-#define MAC_CSR13_BIT10                        FIELD32(0x00000400)
-#define MAC_CSR13_BIT11                        FIELD32(0x00000800)
-#define MAC_CSR13_BIT12                        FIELD32(0x00001000)
- * MAC_CSR14: LED control register.
- * ON_PERIOD: On period, default 70ms.
- * OFF_PERIOD: Off period, default 30ms.
- * HW_LED: HW TX activity, 1: normal OFF, 0: normal ON.
- * SW_LED: s/w LED, 1: ON, 0: OFF.
- * HW_LED_POLARITY: 0: active low, 1: active high.
- */
-#define MAC_CSR14                      0x3038
-#define MAC_CSR14_ON_PERIOD            FIELD32(0x000000ff)
-#define MAC_CSR14_OFF_PERIOD           FIELD32(0x0000ff00)
-#define MAC_CSR14_HW_LED               FIELD32(0x00010000)
-#define MAC_CSR14_SW_LED               FIELD32(0x00020000)
-#define MAC_CSR14_HW_LED_POLARITY      FIELD32(0x00040000)
-#define MAC_CSR14_SW_LED2              FIELD32(0x00080000)
- * MAC_CSR15: NAV control.
- */
-#define MAC_CSR15                      0x303c
- * TXRX control registers.
- * Some values are set in TU, whereas 1 TU == 1024 us.
- */
- * TXRX_CSR0: TX/RX configuration register.
- * TSF_OFFSET: Default is 24.
- * AUTO_TX_SEQ: 1: ASIC auto replace sequence nr in outgoing frame.
- * DISABLE_RX: Disable Rx engine.
- * DROP_CRC: Drop CRC error.
- * DROP_PHYSICAL: Drop physical error.
- * DROP_CONTROL: Drop control frame.
- * DROP_NOT_TO_ME: Drop not to me unicast frame.
- * DROP_TO_DS: Drop fram ToDs bit is true.
- * DROP_VERSION_ERROR: Drop version error frame.
- * DROP_MULTICAST: Drop multicast frames.
- * DROP_BORADCAST: Drop broadcast frames.
- * ROP_ACK_CTS: Drop received ACK and CTS.
- */
-#define TXRX_CSR0                      0x3040
-#define TXRX_CSR0_RX_ACK_TIMEOUT       FIELD32(0x000001ff)
-#define TXRX_CSR0_TSF_OFFSET           FIELD32(0x00007e00)
-#define TXRX_CSR0_AUTO_TX_SEQ          FIELD32(0x00008000)
-#define TXRX_CSR0_DISABLE_RX           FIELD32(0x00010000)
-#define TXRX_CSR0_DROP_CRC             FIELD32(0x00020000)
-#define TXRX_CSR0_DROP_PHYSICAL                FIELD32(0x00040000)
-#define TXRX_CSR0_DROP_CONTROL         FIELD32(0x00080000)
-#define TXRX_CSR0_DROP_NOT_TO_ME       FIELD32(0x00100000)
-#define TXRX_CSR0_DROP_TO_DS           FIELD32(0x00200000)
-#define TXRX_CSR0_DROP_VERSION_ERROR   FIELD32(0x00400000)
-#define TXRX_CSR0_DROP_MULTICAST       FIELD32(0x00800000)
-#define TXRX_CSR0_DROP_BORADCAST       FIELD32(0x01000000)
-#define TXRX_CSR0_DROP_ACK_CTS         FIELD32(0x02000000)
-#define TXRX_CSR0_TX_WITHOUT_WAITING   FIELD32(0x04000000)
- */
-#define TXRX_CSR1                      0x3044
-#define TXRX_CSR1_BBP_ID0              FIELD32(0x0000007f)
-#define TXRX_CSR1_BBP_ID0_VALID                FIELD32(0x00000080)
-#define TXRX_CSR1_BBP_ID1              FIELD32(0x00007f00)
-#define TXRX_CSR1_BBP_ID1_VALID                FIELD32(0x00008000)
-#define TXRX_CSR1_BBP_ID2              FIELD32(0x007f0000)
-#define TXRX_CSR1_BBP_ID2_VALID                FIELD32(0x00800000)
-#define TXRX_CSR1_BBP_ID3              FIELD32(0x7f000000)
-#define TXRX_CSR1_BBP_ID3_VALID                FIELD32(0x80000000)
- */
-#define TXRX_CSR2                      0x3048
-#define TXRX_CSR2_BBP_ID0              FIELD32(0x0000007f)
-#define TXRX_CSR2_BBP_ID0_VALID                FIELD32(0x00000080)
-#define TXRX_CSR2_BBP_ID1              FIELD32(0x00007f00)
-#define TXRX_CSR2_BBP_ID1_VALID                FIELD32(0x00008000)
-#define TXRX_CSR2_BBP_ID2              FIELD32(0x007f0000)
-#define TXRX_CSR2_BBP_ID2_VALID                FIELD32(0x00800000)
-#define TXRX_CSR2_BBP_ID3              FIELD32(0x7f000000)
-#define TXRX_CSR2_BBP_ID3_VALID                FIELD32(0x80000000)
- */
-#define TXRX_CSR3                      0x304c
-#define TXRX_CSR3_BBP_ID0              FIELD32(0x0000007f)
-#define TXRX_CSR3_BBP_ID0_VALID                FIELD32(0x00000080)
-#define TXRX_CSR3_BBP_ID1              FIELD32(0x00007f00)
-#define TXRX_CSR3_BBP_ID1_VALID                FIELD32(0x00008000)
-#define TXRX_CSR3_BBP_ID2              FIELD32(0x007f0000)
-#define TXRX_CSR3_BBP_ID2_VALID                FIELD32(0x00800000)
-#define TXRX_CSR3_BBP_ID3              FIELD32(0x7f000000)
-#define TXRX_CSR3_BBP_ID3_VALID                FIELD32(0x80000000)
- * TXRX_CSR4: Auto-Responder/Tx-retry register.
- * AUTORESPOND_PREAMBLE: 0:long, 1:short preamble.
- * OFDM_TX_RATE_DOWN: 1:enable.
- * OFDM_TX_RATE_STEP: 0:1-step, 1: 2-step, 2:3-step, 3:4-step.
- * OFDM_TX_FALLBACK_CCK: 0: Fallback to OFDM 6M only, 1: Fallback to CCK 1M,2M.
- */
-#define TXRX_CSR4                      0x3050
-#define TXRX_CSR4_TX_ACK_TIMEOUT       FIELD32(0x000000ff)
-#define TXRX_CSR4_CNTL_ACK_POLICY      FIELD32(0x00000700)
-#define TXRX_CSR4_ACK_CTS_PSM          FIELD32(0x00010000)
-#define TXRX_CSR4_AUTORESPOND_ENABLE   FIELD32(0x00020000)
-#define TXRX_CSR4_OFDM_TX_RATE_DOWN    FIELD32(0x00080000)
-#define TXRX_CSR4_OFDM_TX_RATE_STEP    FIELD32(0x00300000)
-#define TXRX_CSR4_OFDM_TX_FALLBACK_CCK FIELD32(0x00400000)
-#define TXRX_CSR4_LONG_RETRY_LIMIT     FIELD32(0x0f000000)
-#define TXRX_CSR4_SHORT_RETRY_LIMIT    FIELD32(0xf0000000)
- */
-#define TXRX_CSR5                      0x3054
- * TXRX_CSR6: ACK/CTS payload consumed time
- */
-#define TXRX_CSR6                      0x3058
- * TXRX_CSR7: OFDM ACK/CTS payload consumed time for 6/9/12/18 mbps.
- */
-#define TXRX_CSR7                      0x305c
-#define TXRX_CSR7_ACK_CTS_6MBS         FIELD32(0x000000ff)
-#define TXRX_CSR7_ACK_CTS_9MBS         FIELD32(0x0000ff00)
-#define TXRX_CSR7_ACK_CTS_12MBS                FIELD32(0x00ff0000)
-#define TXRX_CSR7_ACK_CTS_18MBS                FIELD32(0xff000000)
- * TXRX_CSR8: OFDM ACK/CTS payload consumed time for 24/36/48/54 mbps.
- */
-#define TXRX_CSR8                      0x3060
-#define TXRX_CSR8_ACK_CTS_24MBS                FIELD32(0x000000ff)
-#define TXRX_CSR8_ACK_CTS_36MBS                FIELD32(0x0000ff00)
-#define TXRX_CSR8_ACK_CTS_48MBS                FIELD32(0x00ff0000)
-#define TXRX_CSR8_ACK_CTS_54MBS                FIELD32(0xff000000)
- * TXRX_CSR9: Synchronization control register.
- * BEACON_INTERVAL: In unit of 1/16 TU.
- * TSF_TICKING: Enable TSF auto counting.
- * TSF_SYNC: Tsf sync, 0: disable, 1: infra, 2: ad-hoc/master mode.
- * BEACON_GEN: Enable beacon generator.
- */
-#define TXRX_CSR9                      0x3064
-#define TXRX_CSR9_BEACON_INTERVAL      FIELD32(0x0000ffff)
-#define TXRX_CSR9_TSF_TICKING          FIELD32(0x00010000)
-#define TXRX_CSR9_TSF_SYNC             FIELD32(0x00060000)
-#define TXRX_CSR9_TBTT_ENABLE          FIELD32(0x00080000)
-#define TXRX_CSR9_BEACON_GEN           FIELD32(0x00100000)
- * TXRX_CSR10: BEACON alignment.
- */
-#define TXRX_CSR10                     0x3068
- * TXRX_CSR11: AES mask.
- */
-#define TXRX_CSR11                     0x306c
- * TXRX_CSR12: TSF low 32.
- */
-#define TXRX_CSR12                     0x3070
-#define TXRX_CSR12_LOW_TSFTIMER                FIELD32(0xffffffff)
- * TXRX_CSR13: TSF high 32.
- */
-#define TXRX_CSR13                     0x3074
-#define TXRX_CSR13_HIGH_TSFTIMER       FIELD32(0xffffffff)
- * TXRX_CSR14: TBTT timer.
- */
-#define TXRX_CSR14                     0x3078
- * TXRX_CSR15: TKIP MIC priority byte "AND" mask.
- */
-#define TXRX_CSR15                     0x307c
- * PHY control registers.
- * Some values are set in TU, whereas 1 TU == 1024 us.
- */
- * PHY_CSR0: RF/PS control.
- */
-#define PHY_CSR0                       0x3080
-#define PHY_CSR0_PA_PE_BG              FIELD32(0x00010000)
-#define PHY_CSR0_PA_PE_A               FIELD32(0x00020000)
- * PHY_CSR1
- */
-#define PHY_CSR1                       0x3084
- * PHY_CSR2: Pre-TX BBP control.
- */
-#define PHY_CSR2                       0x3088
- * PHY_CSR3: BBP serial control register.
- * VALUE: Register value to program into BBP.
- * REG_NUM: Selected BBP register.
- * READ_CONTROL: 0: Write BBP, 1: Read BBP.
- * BUSY: 1: ASIC is busy execute BBP programming.
- */
-#define PHY_CSR3                       0x308c
-#define PHY_CSR3_VALUE                 FIELD32(0x000000ff)
-#define PHY_CSR3_REGNUM                        FIELD32(0x00007f00)
-#define PHY_CSR3_READ_CONTROL          FIELD32(0x00008000)
-#define PHY_CSR3_BUSY                  FIELD32(0x00010000)
- * PHY_CSR4: RF serial control register
- * VALUE: Register value (include register id) serial out to RF/IF chip.
- * NUMBER_OF_BITS: Number of bits used in RFRegValue (I:20, RFMD:22).
- * IF_SELECT: 1: select IF to program, 0: select RF to program.
- * PLL_LD: RF PLL_LD status.
- * BUSY: 1: ASIC is busy execute RF programming.
- */
-#define PHY_CSR4                       0x3090
-#define PHY_CSR4_VALUE                 FIELD32(0x00ffffff)
-#define PHY_CSR4_NUMBER_OF_BITS                FIELD32(0x1f000000)
-#define PHY_CSR4_IF_SELECT             FIELD32(0x20000000)
-#define PHY_CSR4_PLL_LD                        FIELD32(0x40000000)
-#define PHY_CSR4_BUSY                  FIELD32(0x80000000)
- * PHY_CSR5: RX to TX signal switch timing control.
- */
-#define PHY_CSR5                       0x3094
-#define PHY_CSR5_IQ_FLIP               FIELD32(0x00000004)
- * PHY_CSR6: TX to RX signal timing control.
- */
-#define PHY_CSR6                       0x3098
-#define PHY_CSR6_IQ_FLIP               FIELD32(0x00000004)
- * PHY_CSR7: TX DAC switching timing control.
- */
-#define PHY_CSR7                       0x309c
- * Security control register.
- */
- * SEC_CSR0: Shared key table control.
- */
-#define SEC_CSR0                       0x30a0
-#define SEC_CSR0_BSS0_KEY0_VALID       FIELD32(0x00000001)
-#define SEC_CSR0_BSS0_KEY1_VALID       FIELD32(0x00000002)
-#define SEC_CSR0_BSS0_KEY2_VALID       FIELD32(0x00000004)
-#define SEC_CSR0_BSS0_KEY3_VALID       FIELD32(0x00000008)
-#define SEC_CSR0_BSS1_KEY0_VALID       FIELD32(0x00000010)
-#define SEC_CSR0_BSS1_KEY1_VALID       FIELD32(0x00000020)
-#define SEC_CSR0_BSS1_KEY2_VALID       FIELD32(0x00000040)
-#define SEC_CSR0_BSS1_KEY3_VALID       FIELD32(0x00000080)
-#define SEC_CSR0_BSS2_KEY0_VALID       FIELD32(0x00000100)
-#define SEC_CSR0_BSS2_KEY1_VALID       FIELD32(0x00000200)
-#define SEC_CSR0_BSS2_KEY2_VALID       FIELD32(0x00000400)
-#define SEC_CSR0_BSS2_KEY3_VALID       FIELD32(0x00000800)
-#define SEC_CSR0_BSS3_KEY0_VALID       FIELD32(0x00001000)
-#define SEC_CSR0_BSS3_KEY1_VALID       FIELD32(0x00002000)
-#define SEC_CSR0_BSS3_KEY2_VALID       FIELD32(0x00004000)
-#define SEC_CSR0_BSS3_KEY3_VALID       FIELD32(0x00008000)
- * SEC_CSR1: Shared key table security mode register.
- */
-#define SEC_CSR1                       0x30a4
-#define SEC_CSR1_BSS0_KEY0_CIPHER_ALG  FIELD32(0x00000007)
-#define SEC_CSR1_BSS0_KEY1_CIPHER_ALG  FIELD32(0x00000070)
-#define SEC_CSR1_BSS0_KEY2_CIPHER_ALG  FIELD32(0x00000700)
-#define SEC_CSR1_BSS0_KEY3_CIPHER_ALG  FIELD32(0x00007000)
-#define SEC_CSR1_BSS1_KEY0_CIPHER_ALG  FIELD32(0x00070000)
-#define SEC_CSR1_BSS1_KEY1_CIPHER_ALG  FIELD32(0x00700000)
-#define SEC_CSR1_BSS1_KEY2_CIPHER_ALG  FIELD32(0x07000000)
-#define SEC_CSR1_BSS1_KEY3_CIPHER_ALG  FIELD32(0x70000000)
- * Pairwise key table valid bitmap registers.
- * SEC_CSR2: pairwise key table valid bitmap 0.
- * SEC_CSR3: pairwise key table valid bitmap 1.
- */
-#define SEC_CSR2                       0x30a8
-#define SEC_CSR3                       0x30ac
- * SEC_CSR4: Pairwise key table lookup control.
- */
-#define SEC_CSR4                       0x30b0
- * SEC_CSR5: shared key table security mode register.
- */
-#define SEC_CSR5                       0x30b4
-#define SEC_CSR5_BSS2_KEY0_CIPHER_ALG  FIELD32(0x00000007)
-#define SEC_CSR5_BSS2_KEY1_CIPHER_ALG  FIELD32(0x00000070)
-#define SEC_CSR5_BSS2_KEY2_CIPHER_ALG  FIELD32(0x00000700)
-#define SEC_CSR5_BSS2_KEY3_CIPHER_ALG  FIELD32(0x00007000)
-#define SEC_CSR5_BSS3_KEY0_CIPHER_ALG  FIELD32(0x00070000)
-#define SEC_CSR5_BSS3_KEY1_CIPHER_ALG  FIELD32(0x00700000)
-#define SEC_CSR5_BSS3_KEY2_CIPHER_ALG  FIELD32(0x07000000)
-#define SEC_CSR5_BSS3_KEY3_CIPHER_ALG  FIELD32(0x70000000)
- * STA control registers.
- */
- * STA_CSR0: RX PLCP error count & RX FCS error count.
- */
-#define STA_CSR0                       0x30c0
-#define STA_CSR0_FCS_ERROR             FIELD32(0x0000ffff)
-#define STA_CSR0_PLCP_ERROR            FIELD32(0xffff0000)
- * STA_CSR1: RX False CCA count & RX LONG frame count.
- */
-#define STA_CSR1                       0x30c4
-#define STA_CSR1_PHYSICAL_ERROR                FIELD32(0x0000ffff)
-#define STA_CSR1_FALSE_CCA_ERROR       FIELD32(0xffff0000)
- * STA_CSR2: TX Beacon count and RX FIFO overflow count.
- */
-#define STA_CSR2                       0x30c8
-#define STA_CSR2_RX_FIFO_OVERFLOW_COUNT        FIELD32(0x0000ffff)
-#define STA_CSR2_RX_OVERFLOW_COUNT     FIELD32(0xffff0000)
- * STA_CSR3: TX Beacon count.
- */
-#define STA_CSR3                       0x30cc
-#define STA_CSR3_TX_BEACON_COUNT       FIELD32(0x0000ffff)
- * STA_CSR4: TX Result status register.
- * VALID: 1:This register contains a valid TX result.
- */
-#define STA_CSR4                       0x30d0
-#define STA_CSR4_VALID                 FIELD32(0x00000001)
-#define STA_CSR4_TX_RESULT             FIELD32(0x0000000e)
-#define STA_CSR4_RETRY_COUNT           FIELD32(0x000000f0)
-#define STA_CSR4_PID_SUBTYPE           FIELD32(0x00001f00)
-#define STA_CSR4_PID_TYPE              FIELD32(0x0000e000)
-#define STA_CSR4_TXRATE                        FIELD32(0x000f0000)
- * QOS control registers.
- */
- * QOS_CSR0: TXOP holder MAC address register.
- */
-#define QOS_CSR0                       0x30e0
-#define QOS_CSR0_BYTE0                 FIELD32(0x000000ff)
-#define QOS_CSR0_BYTE1                 FIELD32(0x0000ff00)
-#define QOS_CSR0_BYTE2                 FIELD32(0x00ff0000)
-#define QOS_CSR0_BYTE3                 FIELD32(0xff000000)
- * QOS_CSR1: TXOP holder MAC address register.
- */
-#define QOS_CSR1                       0x30e4
-#define QOS_CSR1_BYTE4                 FIELD32(0x000000ff)
-#define QOS_CSR1_BYTE5                 FIELD32(0x0000ff00)
- * QOS_CSR2: TXOP holder timeout register.
- */
-#define QOS_CSR2                       0x30e8
- * RX QOS-CFPOLL MAC address register.
- * QOS_CSR3: RX QOS-CFPOLL MAC address 0.
- * QOS_CSR4: RX QOS-CFPOLL MAC address 1.
- */
-#define QOS_CSR3                       0x30ec
-#define QOS_CSR4                       0x30f0
- * QOS_CSR5: "QosControl" field of the RX QOS-CFPOLL.
- */
-#define QOS_CSR5                       0x30f4
- * Host DMA registers.
- */
- * AC0_BASE_CSR: AC_BK base address.
- */
-#define AC0_BASE_CSR                   0x3400
-#define AC0_BASE_CSR_RING_REGISTER     FIELD32(0xffffffff)
- * AC1_BASE_CSR: AC_BE base address.
- */
-#define AC1_BASE_CSR                   0x3404
-#define AC1_BASE_CSR_RING_REGISTER     FIELD32(0xffffffff)
- * AC2_BASE_CSR: AC_VI base address.
- */
-#define AC2_BASE_CSR                   0x3408
-#define AC2_BASE_CSR_RING_REGISTER     FIELD32(0xffffffff)
- * AC3_BASE_CSR: AC_VO base address.
- */
-#define AC3_BASE_CSR                   0x340c
-#define AC3_BASE_CSR_RING_REGISTER     FIELD32(0xffffffff)
- * MGMT_BASE_CSR: MGMT ring base address.
- */
-#define MGMT_BASE_CSR                  0x3410
-#define MGMT_BASE_CSR_RING_REGISTER    FIELD32(0xffffffff)
- * TX_RING_CSR0: TX Ring size for AC_BK, AC_BE, AC_VI, AC_VO.
- */
-#define TX_RING_CSR0                   0x3418
-#define TX_RING_CSR0_AC0_RING_SIZE     FIELD32(0x000000ff)
-#define TX_RING_CSR0_AC1_RING_SIZE     FIELD32(0x0000ff00)
-#define TX_RING_CSR0_AC2_RING_SIZE     FIELD32(0x00ff0000)
-#define TX_RING_CSR0_AC3_RING_SIZE     FIELD32(0xff000000)
- * TX_RING_CSR1: TX Ring size for MGMT Ring, HCCA Ring
- * TXD_SIZE: In unit of 32-bit.
- */
-#define TX_RING_CSR1                   0x341c
-#define TX_RING_CSR1_MGMT_RING_SIZE    FIELD32(0x000000ff)
-#define TX_RING_CSR1_HCCA_RING_SIZE    FIELD32(0x0000ff00)
-#define TX_RING_CSR1_TXD_SIZE          FIELD32(0x003f0000)
- * AIFSN_CSR: AIFSN for each EDCA AC.
- * AIFSN0: For AC_BK.
- * AIFSN1: For AC_BE.
- * AIFSN2: For AC_VI.
- * AIFSN3: For AC_VO.
- */
-#define AIFSN_CSR                      0x3420
-#define AIFSN_CSR_AIFSN0               FIELD32(0x0000000f)
-#define AIFSN_CSR_AIFSN1               FIELD32(0x000000f0)
-#define AIFSN_CSR_AIFSN2               FIELD32(0x00000f00)
-#define AIFSN_CSR_AIFSN3               FIELD32(0x0000f000)
- * CWMIN_CSR: CWmin for each EDCA AC.
- * CWMIN0: For AC_BK.
- * CWMIN1: For AC_BE.
- * CWMIN2: For AC_VI.
- * CWMIN3: For AC_VO.
- */
-#define CWMIN_CSR                      0x3424
-#define CWMIN_CSR_CWMIN0               FIELD32(0x0000000f)
-#define CWMIN_CSR_CWMIN1               FIELD32(0x000000f0)
-#define CWMIN_CSR_CWMIN2               FIELD32(0x00000f00)
-#define CWMIN_CSR_CWMIN3               FIELD32(0x0000f000)
- * CWMAX_CSR: CWmax for each EDCA AC.
- * CWMAX0: For AC_BK.
- * CWMAX1: For AC_BE.
- * CWMAX2: For AC_VI.
- * CWMAX3: For AC_VO.
- */
-#define CWMAX_CSR                      0x3428
-#define CWMAX_CSR_CWMAX0               FIELD32(0x0000000f)
-#define CWMAX_CSR_CWMAX1               FIELD32(0x000000f0)
-#define CWMAX_CSR_CWMAX2               FIELD32(0x00000f00)
-#define CWMAX_CSR_CWMAX3               FIELD32(0x0000f000)
- * TX_DMA_DST_CSR: TX DMA destination
- * 0: TX ring0, 1: TX ring1, 2: TX ring2 3: invalid
- */
-#define TX_DMA_DST_CSR                 0x342c
-#define TX_DMA_DST_CSR_DEST_AC0                FIELD32(0x00000003)
-#define TX_DMA_DST_CSR_DEST_AC1                FIELD32(0x0000000c)
-#define TX_DMA_DST_CSR_DEST_AC2                FIELD32(0x00000030)
-#define TX_DMA_DST_CSR_DEST_AC3                FIELD32(0x000000c0)
-#define TX_DMA_DST_CSR_DEST_MGMT       FIELD32(0x00000300)
- * KICK_TX_AC0: For AC_BK.
- * KICK_TX_AC1: For AC_BE.
- * KICK_TX_AC2: For AC_VI.
- * KICK_TX_AC3: For AC_VO.
- * ABORT_TX_AC0: For AC_BK.
- * ABORT_TX_AC1: For AC_BE.
- * ABORT_TX_AC2: For AC_VI.
- * ABORT_TX_AC3: For AC_VO.
- */
-#define TX_CNTL_CSR                    0x3430
-#define TX_CNTL_CSR_KICK_TX_AC0                FIELD32(0x00000001)
-#define TX_CNTL_CSR_KICK_TX_AC1                FIELD32(0x00000002)
-#define TX_CNTL_CSR_KICK_TX_AC2                FIELD32(0x00000004)
-#define TX_CNTL_CSR_KICK_TX_AC3                FIELD32(0x00000008)
-#define TX_CNTL_CSR_KICK_TX_MGMT       FIELD32(0x00000010)
-#define TX_CNTL_CSR_ABORT_TX_AC0       FIELD32(0x00010000)
-#define TX_CNTL_CSR_ABORT_TX_AC1       FIELD32(0x00020000)
-#define TX_CNTL_CSR_ABORT_TX_AC2       FIELD32(0x00040000)
-#define TX_CNTL_CSR_ABORT_TX_AC3       FIELD32(0x00080000)
-#define TX_CNTL_CSR_ABORT_TX_MGMT      FIELD32(0x00100000)
- * LOAD_TX_RING_CSR: Load RX de
- */
-#define LOAD_TX_RING_CSR               0x3434
-#define LOAD_TX_RING_CSR_LOAD_TXD_AC0  FIELD32(0x00000001)
-#define LOAD_TX_RING_CSR_LOAD_TXD_AC1  FIELD32(0x00000002)
-#define LOAD_TX_RING_CSR_LOAD_TXD_AC2  FIELD32(0x00000004)
-#define LOAD_TX_RING_CSR_LOAD_TXD_AC3  FIELD32(0x00000008)
-#define LOAD_TX_RING_CSR_LOAD_TXD_MGMT FIELD32(0x00000010)
- * Several read-only registers, for debugging.
- */
-#define AC0_TXPTR_CSR                  0x3438
-#define AC1_TXPTR_CSR                  0x343c
-#define AC2_TXPTR_CSR                  0x3440
-#define AC3_TXPTR_CSR                  0x3444
-#define MGMT_TXPTR_CSR                 0x3448
- */
-#define RX_BASE_CSR                    0x3450
-#define RX_BASE_CSR_RING_REGISTER      FIELD32(0xffffffff)
- * RXD_SIZE: In unit of 32-bit.
- */
-#define RX_RING_CSR                    0x3454
-#define RX_RING_CSR_RING_SIZE          FIELD32(0x000000ff)
-#define RX_RING_CSR_RXD_SIZE           FIELD32(0x00003f00)
- */
-#define RX_CNTL_CSR                    0x3458
-#define RX_CNTL_CSR_ENABLE_RX_DMA      FIELD32(0x00000001)
-#define RX_CNTL_CSR_LOAD_RXD           FIELD32(0x00000002)
- * RXPTR_CSR: Read-only, for debugging.
- */
-#define RXPTR_CSR                      0x345c
- */
-#define PCI_CFG_CSR                    0x3460
- */
-#define BUF_FORMAT_CSR                 0x3464
- * INT_SOURCE_CSR: Interrupt source register.
- * Write one to clear corresponding bit.
- */
-#define INT_SOURCE_CSR                 0x3468
-#define INT_SOURCE_CSR_TXDONE          FIELD32(0x00000001)
-#define INT_SOURCE_CSR_RXDONE          FIELD32(0x00000002)
-#define INT_SOURCE_CSR_BEACON_DONE     FIELD32(0x00000004)
-#define INT_SOURCE_CSR_TX_ABORT_DONE   FIELD32(0x00000010)
-#define INT_SOURCE_CSR_AC0_DMA_DONE    FIELD32(0x00010000)
-#define INT_SOURCE_CSR_AC1_DMA_DONE    FIELD32(0x00020000)
-#define INT_SOURCE_CSR_AC2_DMA_DONE    FIELD32(0x00040000)
-#define INT_SOURCE_CSR_AC3_DMA_DONE    FIELD32(0x00080000)
-#define INT_SOURCE_CSR_MGMT_DMA_DONE   FIELD32(0x00100000)
-#define INT_SOURCE_CSR_HCCA_DMA_DONE   FIELD32(0x00200000)
- * INT_MASK_CSR: Interrupt MASK register. 1: the interrupt is mask OFF.
- * MITIGATION_PERIOD: Interrupt mitigation in unit of 32 PCI clock.
- */
-#define INT_MASK_CSR                   0x346c
-#define INT_MASK_CSR_TXDONE            FIELD32(0x00000001)
-#define INT_MASK_CSR_RXDONE            FIELD32(0x00000002)
-#define INT_MASK_CSR_BEACON_DONE       FIELD32(0x00000004)
-#define INT_MASK_CSR_TX_ABORT_DONE     FIELD32(0x00000010)
-#define INT_MASK_CSR_AC0_DMA_DONE      FIELD32(0x00010000)
-#define INT_MASK_CSR_AC1_DMA_DONE      FIELD32(0x00020000)
-#define INT_MASK_CSR_AC2_DMA_DONE      FIELD32(0x00040000)
-#define INT_MASK_CSR_AC3_DMA_DONE      FIELD32(0x00080000)
-#define INT_MASK_CSR_MGMT_DMA_DONE     FIELD32(0x00100000)
-#define INT_MASK_CSR_HCCA_DMA_DONE     FIELD32(0x00200000)
- * E2PROM_CSR: EEPROM control register.
- * RELOAD: Write 1 to reload eeprom content.
- * TYPE_93C46: 1: 93c46, 0:93c66.
- * LOAD_STATUS: 1:loading, 0:done.
- */
-#define E2PROM_CSR                     0x3470
-#define E2PROM_CSR_RELOAD              FIELD32(0x00000001)
-#define E2PROM_CSR_DATA_CLOCK          FIELD32(0x00000002)
-#define E2PROM_CSR_CHIP_SELECT         FIELD32(0x00000004)
-#define E2PROM_CSR_DATA_IN             FIELD32(0x00000008)
-#define E2PROM_CSR_DATA_OUT            FIELD32(0x00000010)
-#define E2PROM_CSR_TYPE_93C46          FIELD32(0x00000020)
-#define E2PROM_CSR_LOAD_STATUS         FIELD32(0x00000040)
- * AC_TXOP_CSR0: AC_BK/AC_BE TXOP register.
- * AC0_TX_OP: For AC_BK, in unit of 32us.
- * AC1_TX_OP: For AC_BE, in unit of 32us.
- */
-#define AC_TXOP_CSR0                   0x3474
-#define AC_TXOP_CSR0_AC0_TX_OP         FIELD32(0x0000ffff)
-#define AC_TXOP_CSR0_AC1_TX_OP         FIELD32(0xffff0000)
- * AC_TXOP_CSR1: AC_VO/AC_VI TXOP register.
- * AC2_TX_OP: For AC_VI, in unit of 32us.
- * AC3_TX_OP: For AC_VO, in unit of 32us.
- */
-#define AC_TXOP_CSR1                   0x3478
-#define AC_TXOP_CSR1_AC2_TX_OP         FIELD32(0x0000ffff)
-#define AC_TXOP_CSR1_AC3_TX_OP         FIELD32(0xffff0000)
- */
-#define DMA_STATUS_CSR                 0x3480
- */
-#define TEST_MODE_CSR                  0x3484
- */
-#define UART0_TX_CSR                   0x3488
- */
-#define UART0_RX_CSR                   0x348c
- */
-#define UART0_FRAME_CSR                        0x3490
- */
-#define UART0_BUFFER_CSR               0x3494
- */
-#define IO_CNTL_CSR                    0x3498
- */
-#define UART_INT_SOURCE_CSR            0x34a8
- */
-#define UART_INT_MASK_CSR              0x34ac
- */
-#define PBF_QUEUE_CSR                  0x34b0
- * Firmware DMA registers.
- * Firmware DMA registers are dedicated for MCU usage
- * and should not be touched by host driver.
- * Therefore we skip the definition of these registers.
- */
-#define FW_TX_BASE_CSR                 0x34c0
-#define FW_TX_START_CSR                        0x34c4
-#define FW_TX_LAST_CSR                 0x34c8
-#define FW_MODE_CNTL_CSR               0x34cc
-#define FW_TXPTR_CSR                   0x34d0
- * 8051 firmware image.
- */
-#define FIRMWARE_RT2561                        "rt2561.bin"
-#define FIRMWARE_RT2561s               "rt2561s.bin"
-#define FIRMWARE_RT2661                        "rt2661.bin"
-#define FIRMWARE_IMAGE_BASE            0x4000
- * BBP registers.
- * The wordsize of the BBP is 8 bits.
- */
- * R2
- */
-#define BBP_R2_BG_MODE                 FIELD8(0x20)
- * R3
- */
-#define BBP_R3_SMART_MODE              FIELD8(0x01)
- * R4: RX antenna control
- * FRAME_END: 1 - DPDT, 0 - SPDT (Only valid for 802.11G, RF2527 & RF2529)
- */
-#define BBP_R4_RX_ANTENNA              FIELD8(0x03)
-#define BBP_R4_RX_FRAME_END            FIELD8(0x20)
- * R77
- */
-#define BBP_R77_PAIR                   FIELD8(0x03)
- * RF registers
- */
- * RF 3
- */
-#define RF3_TXPOWER                    FIELD32(0x00003e00)
- * RF 4
- */
-#define RF4_FREQ_OFFSET                        FIELD32(0x0003f000)
- * EEPROM content.
- * The wordsize of the EEPROM is 16 bits.
- */
- * HW MAC address.
- */
-#define EEPROM_MAC_ADDR_0              0x0002
-#define EEPROM_MAC_ADDR_BYTE0          FIELD16(0x00ff)
-#define EEPROM_MAC_ADDR_BYTE1          FIELD16(0xff00)
-#define EEPROM_MAC_ADDR1               0x0004
-#define EEPROM_MAC_ADDR_BYTE2          FIELD16(0x00ff)
-#define EEPROM_MAC_ADDR_BYTE3          FIELD16(0xff00)
-#define EEPROM_MAC_ADDR_2              0x0006
-#define EEPROM_MAC_ADDR_BYTE4          FIELD16(0x00ff)
-#define EEPROM_MAC_ADDR_BYTE5          FIELD16(0xff00)
- * EEPROM antenna.
- * ANTENNA_NUM: Number of antenna's.
- * TX_DEFAULT: Default antenna 0: diversity, 1: A, 2: B.
- * RX_DEFAULT: Default antenna 0: diversity, 1: A, 2: B.
- * FRAME_TYPE: 0: DPDT , 1: SPDT , noted this bit is valid for g only.
- * DYN_TXAGC: Dynamic TX AGC control.
- * HARDWARE_RADIO: 1: Hardware controlled radio. Read GPIO0.
- * RF_TYPE: Rf_type of this adapter.
- */
-#define EEPROM_ANTENNA                 0x0010
-#define EEPROM_ANTENNA_NUM             FIELD16(0x0003)
-#define EEPROM_ANTENNA_TX_DEFAULT      FIELD16(0x000c)
-#define EEPROM_ANTENNA_RX_DEFAULT      FIELD16(0x0030)
-#define EEPROM_ANTENNA_FRAME_TYPE      FIELD16(0x0040)
-#define EEPROM_ANTENNA_DYN_TXAGC       FIELD16(0x0200)
-#define EEPROM_ANTENNA_RF_TYPE         FIELD16(0xf800)
- * EEPROM NIC config.
- * ENABLE_DIVERSITY: 1:enable, 0:disable.
- * EXTERNAL_LNA_BG: External LNA enable for 2.4G.
- * CARDBUS_ACCEL: 0:enable, 1:disable.
- * EXTERNAL_LNA_A: External LNA enable for 5G.
- */
-#define EEPROM_NIC                     0x0011
-#define EEPROM_NIC_TX_DIVERSITY                FIELD16(0x0002)
-#define EEPROM_NIC_TX_RX_FIXED         FIELD16(0x000c)
-#define EEPROM_NIC_EXTERNAL_LNA_BG     FIELD16(0x0010)
-#define EEPROM_NIC_CARDBUS_ACCEL       FIELD16(0x0020)
-#define EEPROM_NIC_EXTERNAL_LNA_A      FIELD16(0x0040)
- * EEPROM geography.
- * GEO_A: Default geographical setting for 5GHz band
- * GEO: Default geographical setting.
- */
-#define EEPROM_GEOGRAPHY               0x0012
-#define EEPROM_GEOGRAPHY_GEO_A         FIELD16(0x00ff)
-#define EEPROM_GEOGRAPHY_GEO           FIELD16(0xff00)
- */
-#define EEPROM_BBP_START               0x0013
-#define EEPROM_BBP_SIZE                        16
-#define EEPROM_BBP_VALUE               FIELD16(0x00ff)
-#define EEPROM_BBP_REG_ID              FIELD16(0xff00)
- */
-#define EEPROM_TXPOWER_G_START         0x0023
-#define EEPROM_TXPOWER_G_SIZE          7
-#define EEPROM_TXPOWER_G_1             FIELD16(0x00ff)
-#define EEPROM_TXPOWER_G_2             FIELD16(0xff00)
- * EEPROM Frequency
- */
-#define EEPROM_FREQ                    0x002f
-#define EEPROM_FREQ_OFFSET             FIELD16(0x00ff)
-#define EEPROM_FREQ_SEQ_MASK           FIELD16(0xff00)
-#define EEPROM_FREQ_SEQ                        FIELD16(0x0300)
- * POLARITY_RDY_G: Polarity RDY_G setting.
- * POLARITY_RDY_A: Polarity RDY_A setting.
- * POLARITY_ACT: Polarity ACT setting.
- * POLARITY_GPIO_0: Polarity GPIO0 setting.
- * POLARITY_GPIO_1: Polarity GPIO1 setting.
- * POLARITY_GPIO_2: Polarity GPIO2 setting.
- * POLARITY_GPIO_3: Polarity GPIO3 setting.
- * POLARITY_GPIO_4: Polarity GPIO4 setting.
- * LED_MODE: Led mode.
- */
-#define EEPROM_LED                     0x0030
-#define EEPROM_LED_POLARITY_RDY_G      FIELD16(0x0001)
-#define EEPROM_LED_POLARITY_RDY_A      FIELD16(0x0002)
-#define EEPROM_LED_POLARITY_ACT                FIELD16(0x0004)
-#define EEPROM_LED_POLARITY_GPIO_0     FIELD16(0x0008)
-#define EEPROM_LED_POLARITY_GPIO_1     FIELD16(0x0010)
-#define EEPROM_LED_POLARITY_GPIO_2     FIELD16(0x0020)
-#define EEPROM_LED_POLARITY_GPIO_3     FIELD16(0x0040)
-#define EEPROM_LED_POLARITY_GPIO_4     FIELD16(0x0080)
-#define EEPROM_LED_LED_MODE            FIELD16(0x1f00)
- */
-#define EEPROM_TXPOWER_A_START         0x0031
-#define EEPROM_TXPOWER_A_SIZE          12
-#define EEPROM_TXPOWER_A_1             FIELD16(0x00ff)
-#define EEPROM_TXPOWER_A_2             FIELD16(0xff00)
- * EEPROM RSSI offset 802.11BG
- */
-#define EEPROM_RSSI_OFFSET_BG          0x004d
-#define EEPROM_RSSI_OFFSET_BG_1                FIELD16(0x00ff)
-#define EEPROM_RSSI_OFFSET_BG_2                FIELD16(0xff00)
- * EEPROM RSSI offset 802.11A
- */
-#define EEPROM_RSSI_OFFSET_A           0x004e
-#define EEPROM_RSSI_OFFSET_A_1         FIELD16(0x00ff)
-#define EEPROM_RSSI_OFFSET_A_2         FIELD16(0xff00)
- * MCU mailbox commands.
- */
-#define MCU_SLEEP                      0x30
-#define MCU_WAKEUP                     0x31
-#define MCU_LED                                0x50
-#define MCU_LED_STRENGTH               0x52
- * DMA descriptor defines.
- */
-#define TXD_DESC_SIZE                  ( 16 * sizeof(struct data_desc) )
-#define RXD_DESC_SIZE                  ( 16 * sizeof(struct data_desc) )
- * TX descriptor format for TX, PRIO and Beacon Ring.
- */
- * Word0
- * TKIP_MIC: ASIC appends TKIP MIC if TKIP is used.
- * KEY_TABLE: Use per-client pairwise KEY table.
- * Key index (0~31) to the pairwise KEY table.
- * 0~3 to shared KEY table 0 (BSS0).
- * 4~7 to shared KEY table 1 (BSS1).
- * 8~11 to shared KEY table 2 (BSS2).
- * 12~15 to shared KEY table 3 (BSS3).
- * BURST: Next frame belongs to same "burst" event.
- */
-#define TXD_W0_OWNER_NIC               FIELD32(0x00000001)
-#define TXD_W0_VALID                   FIELD32(0x00000002)
-#define TXD_W0_MORE_FRAG               FIELD32(0x00000004)
-#define TXD_W0_ACK                     FIELD32(0x00000008)
-#define TXD_W0_TIMESTAMP               FIELD32(0x00000010)
-#define TXD_W0_OFDM                    FIELD32(0x00000020)
-#define TXD_W0_IFS                     FIELD32(0x00000040)
-#define TXD_W0_RETRY_MODE              FIELD32(0x00000080)
-#define TXD_W0_TKIP_MIC                        FIELD32(0x00000100)
-#define TXD_W0_KEY_TABLE               FIELD32(0x00000200)
-#define TXD_W0_KEY_INDEX               FIELD32(0x0000fc00)
-#define TXD_W0_DATABYTE_COUNT          FIELD32(0x0fff0000)
-#define TXD_W0_BURST                   FIELD32(0x10000000)
-#define TXD_W0_CIPHER_ALG              FIELD32(0xe0000000)
- * Word1
- * HOST_Q_ID: EDCA/HCCA queue ID.
- * HW_SEQUENCE: MAC overwrites the frame sequence number.
- * BUFFER_COUNT: Number of buffers in this TXD.
- */
-#define TXD_W1_HOST_Q_ID               FIELD32(0x0000000f)
-#define TXD_W1_AIFSN                   FIELD32(0x000000f0)
-#define TXD_W1_CWMIN                   FIELD32(0x00000f00)
-#define TXD_W1_CWMAX                   FIELD32(0x0000f000)
-#define TXD_W1_IV_OFFSET               FIELD32(0x003f0000)
-#define TXD_W1_PIGGY_BACK              FIELD32(0x01000000)
-#define TXD_W1_HW_SEQUENCE             FIELD32(0x10000000)
-#define TXD_W1_BUFFER_COUNT            FIELD32(0xe0000000)
- * Word2: PLCP information
- */
-#define TXD_W2_PLCP_SIGNAL             FIELD32(0x000000ff)
-#define TXD_W2_PLCP_SERVICE            FIELD32(0x0000ff00)
-#define TXD_W2_PLCP_LENGTH_LOW         FIELD32(0x00ff0000)
-#define TXD_W2_PLCP_LENGTH_HIGH                FIELD32(0xff000000)
- * Word3
- */
-#define TXD_W3_IV                      FIELD32(0xffffffff)
- * Word4
- */
-#define TXD_W4_EIV                     FIELD32(0xffffffff)
- * Word5
- * FRAME_OFFSET: Frame start offset inside ASIC TXFIFO (after TXINFO field).
- * TXD_W5_PID_SUBTYPE: Driver assigned packet ID index for txdone handler.
- * TXD_W5_PID_TYPE: Driver assigned packet ID type for txdone handler.
- * WAITING_DMA_DONE_INT: TXD been filled with data
- * and waiting for TxDoneISR housekeeping.
- */
-#define TXD_W5_FRAME_OFFSET            FIELD32(0x000000ff)
-#define TXD_W5_PID_SUBTYPE             FIELD32(0x00001f00)
-#define TXD_W5_PID_TYPE                        FIELD32(0x0000e000)
-#define TXD_W5_TX_POWER                        FIELD32(0x00ff0000)
-#define TXD_W5_WAITING_DMA_DONE_INT    FIELD32(0x01000000)
- * the above 24-byte is called TXINFO and will be DMAed to MAC block
- * through TXFIFO. MAC block use this TXINFO to control the transmission
- * behavior of this frame.
- * The following fields are not used by MAC block.
- * They are used by DMA block and HOST driver only.
- * Once a frame has been DMA to ASIC, all the following fields are useless
- * to ASIC.
- */
- * Word6-10: Buffer physical address
- */
-#define TXD_W10_BUFFER_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS        FIELD32(0xffffffff)
- * Word11-13: Buffer length
- */
-#define TXD_W11_BUFFER_LENGTH0         FIELD32(0x00000fff)
-#define TXD_W11_BUFFER_LENGTH1         FIELD32(0x0fff0000)
-#define TXD_W12_BUFFER_LENGTH2         FIELD32(0x00000fff)
-#define TXD_W12_BUFFER_LENGTH3         FIELD32(0x0fff0000)
-#define TXD_W13_BUFFER_LENGTH4         FIELD32(0x00000fff)
- * Word14
- */
-#define TXD_W14_SK_BUFFER              FIELD32(0xffffffff)
- * Word15
- */
-#define TXD_W15_NEXT_SK_BUFFER         FIELD32(0xffffffff)
- * RX descriptor format for RX Ring.
- */
- * Word0
- * CIPHER_ERROR: 1:ICV error, 2:MIC error, 3:invalid key.
- * KEY_INDEX: Decryption key actually used.
- */
-#define RXD_W0_OWNER_NIC               FIELD32(0x00000001)
-#define RXD_W0_DROP                    FIELD32(0x00000002)
-#define RXD_W0_UNICAST_TO_ME           FIELD32(0x00000004)
-#define RXD_W0_MULTICAST               FIELD32(0x00000008)
-#define RXD_W0_BROADCAST               FIELD32(0x00000010)
-#define RXD_W0_MY_BSS                  FIELD32(0x00000020)
-#define RXD_W0_CRC_ERROR               FIELD32(0x00000040)
-#define RXD_W0_OFDM                    FIELD32(0x00000080)
-#define RXD_W0_CIPHER_ERROR            FIELD32(0x00000300)
-#define RXD_W0_KEY_INDEX               FIELD32(0x0000fc00)
-#define RXD_W0_DATABYTE_COUNT          FIELD32(0x0fff0000)
-#define RXD_W0_CIPHER_ALG              FIELD32(0xe0000000)
- * Word1
- * SIGNAL: RX raw data rate reported by BBP.
- */
-#define RXD_W1_SIGNAL                  FIELD32(0x000000ff)
-#define RXD_W1_RSSI_AGC                        FIELD32(0x00001f00)
-#define RXD_W1_RSSI_LNA                        FIELD32(0x00006000)
-#define RXD_W1_FRAME_OFFSET            FIELD32(0x7f000000)
- * Word2
- * IV: Received IV of originally encrypted.
- */
-#define RXD_W2_IV                      FIELD32(0xffffffff)
- * Word3
- * EIV: Received EIV of originally encrypted.
- */
-#define RXD_W3_EIV                     FIELD32(0xffffffff)
- * Word4
- */
-#define RXD_W4_RESERVED                        FIELD32(0xffffffff)
- * the above 20-byte is called RXINFO and will be DMAed to MAC RX block
- * and passed to the HOST driver.
- * The following fields are for DMA block and HOST usage only.
- * Can't be touched by ASIC MAC block.
- */
- * Word5
- */
- * Word6-15: Reserved
- */
-#define RXD_W6_RESERVED                        FIELD32(0xffffffff)
-#define RXD_W7_RESERVED                        FIELD32(0xffffffff)
-#define RXD_W8_RESERVED                        FIELD32(0xffffffff)
-#define RXD_W9_RESERVED                        FIELD32(0xffffffff)
-#define RXD_W10_RESERVED               FIELD32(0xffffffff)
-#define RXD_W11_RESERVED               FIELD32(0xffffffff)
-#define RXD_W12_RESERVED               FIELD32(0xffffffff)
-#define RXD_W13_RESERVED               FIELD32(0xffffffff)
-#define RXD_W14_RESERVED               FIELD32(0xffffffff)
-#define RXD_W15_RESERVED               FIELD32(0xffffffff)
- * Macro's for converting txpower from EEPROM to dscape value
- * and from dscape value to register value.
- */
-#define MIN_TXPOWER    0
-#define MAX_TXPOWER    31
-#define DEFAULT_TXPOWER        24
-#define TXPOWER_FROM_DEV(__txpower)            \
-({                                             \
-       ((__txpower) > MAX_TXPOWER) ?           \
-               DEFAULT_TXPOWER : (__txpower);  \
-#define TXPOWER_TO_DEV(__txpower)                      \
-({                                                     \
-       ((__txpower) <= MIN_TXPOWER) ? MIN_TXPOWER :    \
-       (((__txpower) >= MAX_TXPOWER) ? MAX_TXPOWER :   \
-       (__txpower));                                   \
-#endif /* RT61PCI_H */
diff --git a/package/rt2x00/src/rt73usb.c b/package/rt2x00/src/rt73usb.c
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index c0671c2..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2111 +0,0 @@
-       Copyright (C) 2004 - 2007 rt2x00 SourceForge Project
-       <http://rt2x00.serialmonkey.com>
-       This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-       it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-       the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-       (at your option) any later version.
-       This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-       but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-       GNU General Public License for more details.
-       You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-       along with this program; if not, write to the
-       Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
-       59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
- */
-       Module: rt73usb
-       Abstract: rt73usb device specific routines.
-       Supported chipsets: rt2571W & rt2671.
- */
- * Set enviroment defines for rt2x00.h
- */
-#define DRV_NAME "rt73usb"
-#include <linux/delay.h>
-#include <linux/etherdevice.h>
-#include <linux/init.h>
-#include <linux/kernel.h>
-#include <linux/module.h>
-#include <linux/usb.h>
-#include "rt2x00.h"
-#include "rt2x00usb.h"
-#include "rt73usb.h"
- * Register access.
- * All access to the CSR registers will go through the methods
- * rt73usb_register_read and rt73usb_register_write.
- * BBP and RF register require indirect register access,
- * and use the CSR registers BBPCSR and RFCSR to achieve this.
- * These indirect registers work with busy bits,
- * and we will try maximal REGISTER_BUSY_COUNT times to access
- * the register while taking a REGISTER_BUSY_DELAY us delay
- * between each attampt. When the busy bit is still set at that time,
- * the access attempt is considered to have failed,
- * and we will print an error.
- */
-static inline void rt73usb_register_read(const struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev,
-                                        const unsigned int offset, u32 *value)
-       __le32 reg;
-       rt2x00usb_vendor_request_buff(rt2x00dev, USB_MULTI_READ,
-                                     USB_VENDOR_REQUEST_IN, offset,
-                                     &reg, sizeof(u32), REGISTER_TIMEOUT);
-       *value = le32_to_cpu(reg);
-static inline void rt73usb_register_multiread(const struct rt2x00_dev
-                                             *rt2x00dev,
-                                             const unsigned int offset,
-                                             void *value, const u32 length)
-       int timeout = REGISTER_TIMEOUT * (length / sizeof(u32));
-       rt2x00usb_vendor_request_buff(rt2x00dev, USB_MULTI_READ,
-                                     USB_VENDOR_REQUEST_IN, offset,
-                                     value, length, timeout);
-static inline void rt73usb_register_write(const struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev,
-                                         const unsigned int offset, u32 value)
-       __le32 reg = cpu_to_le32(value);
-       rt2x00usb_vendor_request_buff(rt2x00dev, USB_MULTI_WRITE,
-                                     USB_VENDOR_REQUEST_OUT, offset,
-                                     &reg, sizeof(u32), REGISTER_TIMEOUT);
-static inline void rt73usb_register_multiwrite(const struct rt2x00_dev
-                                              *rt2x00dev,
-                                              const unsigned int offset,
-                                              void *value, const u32 length)
-       int timeout = REGISTER_TIMEOUT * (length / sizeof(u32));
-       rt2x00usb_vendor_request_buff(rt2x00dev, USB_MULTI_WRITE,
-                                     USB_VENDOR_REQUEST_OUT, offset,
-                                     value, length, timeout);
-static u32 rt73usb_bbp_check(const struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev)
-       u32 reg;
-       unsigned int i;
-       for (i = 0; i < REGISTER_BUSY_COUNT; i++) {
-               rt73usb_register_read(rt2x00dev, PHY_CSR3, &reg);
-               if (!rt2x00_get_field32(reg, PHY_CSR3_BUSY))
-                       break;
-               udelay(REGISTER_BUSY_DELAY);
-       }
-       return reg;
-static void rt73usb_bbp_write(const struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev,
-                             const unsigned int word, const u8 value)
-       u32 reg;
-       /*
-        * Wait until the BBP becomes ready.
-        */
-       reg = rt73usb_bbp_check(rt2x00dev);
-       if (rt2x00_get_field32(reg, PHY_CSR3_BUSY)) {
-               ERROR(rt2x00dev, "PHY_CSR3 register busy. Write failed.\n");
-               return;
-       }
-       /*
-        * Write the data into the BBP.
-        */
-       reg = 0;
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, PHY_CSR3_VALUE, value);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, PHY_CSR3_REGNUM, word);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, PHY_CSR3_BUSY, 1);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, PHY_CSR3_READ_CONTROL, 0);
-       rt73usb_register_write(rt2x00dev, PHY_CSR3, reg);
-static void rt73usb_bbp_read(const struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev,
-                            const unsigned int word, u8 *value)
-       u32 reg;
-       /*
-        * Wait until the BBP becomes ready.
-        */
-       reg = rt73usb_bbp_check(rt2x00dev);
-       if (rt2x00_get_field32(reg, PHY_CSR3_BUSY)) {
-               ERROR(rt2x00dev, "PHY_CSR3 register busy. Read failed.\n");
-               return;
-       }
-       /*
-        * Write the request into the BBP.
-        */
-       reg = 0;
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, PHY_CSR3_REGNUM, word);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, PHY_CSR3_BUSY, 1);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, PHY_CSR3_READ_CONTROL, 1);
-       rt73usb_register_write(rt2x00dev, PHY_CSR3, reg);
-       /*
-        * Wait until the BBP becomes ready.
-        */
-       reg = rt73usb_bbp_check(rt2x00dev);
-       if (rt2x00_get_field32(reg, PHY_CSR3_BUSY)) {
-               ERROR(rt2x00dev, "PHY_CSR3 register busy. Read failed.\n");
-               *value = 0xff;
-               return;
-       }
-       *value = rt2x00_get_field32(reg, PHY_CSR3_VALUE);
-static void rt73usb_rf_write(const struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev,
-                            const unsigned int word, const u32 value)
-       u32 reg;
-       unsigned int i;
-       if (!word)
-               return;
-       for (i = 0; i < REGISTER_BUSY_COUNT; i++) {
-               rt73usb_register_read(rt2x00dev, PHY_CSR4, &reg);
-               if (!rt2x00_get_field32(reg, PHY_CSR4_BUSY))
-                       goto rf_write;
-               udelay(REGISTER_BUSY_DELAY);
-       }
-       ERROR(rt2x00dev, "PHY_CSR4 register busy. Write failed.\n");
-       return;
-       reg = 0;
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, PHY_CSR4_VALUE, value);
-       /*
-        * RF5225 and RF2527 contain 21 bits per RF register value,
-        * all others contain 20 bits.
-        */
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, PHY_CSR4_NUMBER_OF_BITS,
-                          20 + !!(rt2x00_rf(&rt2x00dev->chip, RF5225) ||
-                                  rt2x00_rf(&rt2x00dev->chip, RF2527)));
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, PHY_CSR4_IF_SELECT, 0);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, PHY_CSR4_BUSY, 1);
-       rt73usb_register_write(rt2x00dev, PHY_CSR4, reg);
-       rt2x00_rf_write(rt2x00dev, word, value);
-#define CSR_OFFSET(__word)     ( CSR_REG_BASE + ((__word) * sizeof(u32)) )
-static void rt73usb_read_csr(const struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev,
-                            const unsigned int word, u32 *data)
-       rt73usb_register_read(rt2x00dev, CSR_OFFSET(word), data);
-static void rt73usb_write_csr(const struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev,
-                             const unsigned int word, u32 data)
-       rt73usb_register_write(rt2x00dev, CSR_OFFSET(word), data);
-static const struct rt2x00debug rt73usb_rt2x00debug = {
-       .owner  = THIS_MODULE,
-       .csr    = {
-               .read           = rt73usb_read_csr,
-               .write          = rt73usb_write_csr,
-               .word_size      = sizeof(u32),
-               .word_count     = CSR_REG_SIZE / sizeof(u32),
-       },
-       .eeprom = {
-               .read           = rt2x00_eeprom_read,
-               .write          = rt2x00_eeprom_write,
-               .word_size      = sizeof(u16),
-               .word_count     = EEPROM_SIZE / sizeof(u16),
-       },
-       .bbp    = {
-               .read           = rt73usb_bbp_read,
-               .write          = rt73usb_bbp_write,
-               .word_size      = sizeof(u8),
-               .word_count     = BBP_SIZE / sizeof(u8),
-       },
-       .rf     = {
-               .read           = rt2x00_rf_read,
-               .write          = rt73usb_rf_write,
-               .word_size      = sizeof(u32),
-               .word_count     = RF_SIZE / sizeof(u32),
-       },
-#endif /* CONFIG_RT2X00_LIB_DEBUGFS */
- * Configuration handlers.
- */
-static void rt73usb_config_mac_addr(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev, __le32 *mac)
-       u32 tmp;
-       tmp = le32_to_cpu(mac[1]);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&tmp, MAC_CSR3_UNICAST_TO_ME_MASK, 0xff);
-       mac[1] = cpu_to_le32(tmp);
-       rt73usb_register_multiwrite(rt2x00dev, MAC_CSR2, mac,
-                                   (2 * sizeof(__le32)));
-static void rt73usb_config_bssid(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev, __le32 *bssid)
-       u32 tmp;
-       tmp = le32_to_cpu(bssid[1]);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&tmp, MAC_CSR5_BSS_ID_MASK, 3);
-       bssid[1] = cpu_to_le32(tmp);
-       rt73usb_register_multiwrite(rt2x00dev, MAC_CSR4, bssid,
-                                   (2 * sizeof(__le32)));
-static void rt73usb_config_type(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev, const int type,
-                               const int tsf_sync)
-       u32 reg;
-       /*
-        * Clear current synchronisation setup.
-        * For the Beacon base registers we only need to clear
-        * the first byte since that byte contains the VALID and OWNER
-        * bits which (when set to 0) will invalidate the entire beacon.
-        */
-       rt73usb_register_write(rt2x00dev, TXRX_CSR9, 0);
-       rt73usb_register_write(rt2x00dev, HW_BEACON_BASE0, 0);
-       rt73usb_register_write(rt2x00dev, HW_BEACON_BASE1, 0);
-       rt73usb_register_write(rt2x00dev, HW_BEACON_BASE2, 0);
-       rt73usb_register_write(rt2x00dev, HW_BEACON_BASE3, 0);
-       /*
-        * Enable synchronisation.
-        */
-       rt73usb_register_read(rt2x00dev, TXRX_CSR9, &reg);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, TXRX_CSR9_TSF_TICKING, 1);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, TXRX_CSR9_TBTT_ENABLE, 1);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, TXRX_CSR9_BEACON_GEN, 0);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, TXRX_CSR9_TSF_SYNC, tsf_sync);
-       rt73usb_register_write(rt2x00dev, TXRX_CSR9, reg);
-static void rt73usb_config_preamble(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev,
-                                     const int short_preamble,
-                                     const int ack_timeout,
-                                     const int ack_consume_time)
-       u32 reg;
-       /*
-        * When in atomic context, reschedule and let rt2x00lib
-        * call this function again.
-        */
-       if (in_atomic()) {
-               queue_work(rt2x00dev->hw->workqueue, &rt2x00dev->config_work);
-               return;
-       }
-       rt73usb_register_read(rt2x00dev, TXRX_CSR0, &reg);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, TXRX_CSR0_RX_ACK_TIMEOUT, ack_timeout);
-       rt73usb_register_write(rt2x00dev, TXRX_CSR0, reg);
-       rt73usb_register_read(rt2x00dev, TXRX_CSR4, &reg);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, TXRX_CSR4_AUTORESPOND_PREAMBLE,
-                          !!short_preamble);
-       rt73usb_register_write(rt2x00dev, TXRX_CSR4, reg);
-static void rt73usb_config_phymode(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev,
-                                  const int basic_rate_mask)
-       rt73usb_register_write(rt2x00dev, TXRX_CSR5, basic_rate_mask);
-static void rt73usb_config_channel(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev,
-                                  struct rf_channel *rf, const int txpower)
-       u8 r3;
-       u8 r94;
-       u8 smart;
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&rf->rf3, RF3_TXPOWER, TXPOWER_TO_DEV(txpower));
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&rf->rf4, RF4_FREQ_OFFSET, rt2x00dev->freq_offset);
-       smart = !(rt2x00_rf(&rt2x00dev->chip, RF5225) ||
-                 rt2x00_rf(&rt2x00dev->chip, RF2527));
-       rt73usb_bbp_read(rt2x00dev, 3, &r3);
-       rt2x00_set_field8(&r3, BBP_R3_SMART_MODE, smart);
-       rt73usb_bbp_write(rt2x00dev, 3, r3);
-       r94 = 6;
-       if (txpower > MAX_TXPOWER && txpower <= (MAX_TXPOWER + r94))
-               r94 += txpower - MAX_TXPOWER;
-       else if (txpower < MIN_TXPOWER && txpower >= (MIN_TXPOWER - r94))
-               r94 += txpower;
-       rt73usb_bbp_write(rt2x00dev, 94, r94);
-       rt73usb_rf_write(rt2x00dev, 1, rf->rf1);
-       rt73usb_rf_write(rt2x00dev, 2, rf->rf2);
-       rt73usb_rf_write(rt2x00dev, 3, rf->rf3 & ~0x00000004);
-       rt73usb_rf_write(rt2x00dev, 4, rf->rf4);
-       rt73usb_rf_write(rt2x00dev, 1, rf->rf1);
-       rt73usb_rf_write(rt2x00dev, 2, rf->rf2);
-       rt73usb_rf_write(rt2x00dev, 3, rf->rf3 | 0x00000004);
-       rt73usb_rf_write(rt2x00dev, 4, rf->rf4);
-       rt73usb_rf_write(rt2x00dev, 1, rf->rf1);
-       rt73usb_rf_write(rt2x00dev, 2, rf->rf2);
-       rt73usb_rf_write(rt2x00dev, 3, rf->rf3 & ~0x00000004);
-       rt73usb_rf_write(rt2x00dev, 4, rf->rf4);
-       udelay(10);
-static void rt73usb_config_txpower(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev,
-                                  const int txpower)
-       struct rf_channel rf;
-       rt2x00_rf_read(rt2x00dev, 1, &rf.rf1);
-       rt2x00_rf_read(rt2x00dev, 2, &rf.rf2);
-       rt2x00_rf_read(rt2x00dev, 3, &rf.rf3);
-       rt2x00_rf_read(rt2x00dev, 4, &rf.rf4);
-       rt73usb_config_channel(rt2x00dev, &rf, txpower);
-static void rt73usb_config_antenna_5x(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev,
-                                     const int antenna_tx,
-                                     const int antenna_rx)
-       u8 r3;
-       u8 r4;
-       u8 r77;
-       rt73usb_bbp_read(rt2x00dev, 3, &r3);
-       rt73usb_bbp_read(rt2x00dev, 4, &r4);
-       rt73usb_bbp_read(rt2x00dev, 77, &r77);
-       rt2x00_set_field8(&r3, BBP_R3_SMART_MODE, 0);
-       switch (antenna_rx) {
-               rt2x00_set_field8(&r4, BBP_R4_RX_ANTENNA, 2);
-               rt2x00_set_field8(&r4, BBP_R4_RX_FRAME_END,
-                                 !!(rt2x00dev->curr_hwmode != HWMODE_A));
-               break;
-       case ANTENNA_A:
-               rt2x00_set_field8(&r4, BBP_R4_RX_ANTENNA, 1);
-               rt2x00_set_field8(&r4, BBP_R4_RX_FRAME_END, 0);
-               if (rt2x00dev->curr_hwmode == HWMODE_A)
-                       rt2x00_set_field8(&r77, BBP_R77_PAIR, 0);
-               else
-                       rt2x00_set_field8(&r77, BBP_R77_PAIR, 3);
-               break;
-       case ANTENNA_B:
-               rt2x00_set_field8(&r4, BBP_R4_RX_ANTENNA, 1);
-               rt2x00_set_field8(&r4, BBP_R4_RX_FRAME_END, 0);
-               if (rt2x00dev->curr_hwmode == HWMODE_A)
-                       rt2x00_set_field8(&r77, BBP_R77_PAIR, 3);
-               else
-                       rt2x00_set_field8(&r77, BBP_R77_PAIR, 0);
-               break;
-       }
-       rt73usb_bbp_write(rt2x00dev, 77, r77);
-       rt73usb_bbp_write(rt2x00dev, 3, r3);
-       rt73usb_bbp_write(rt2x00dev, 4, r4);
-static void rt73usb_config_antenna_2x(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev,
-                                     const int antenna_tx,
-                                     const int antenna_rx)
-       u8 r3;
-       u8 r4;
-       u8 r77;
-       rt73usb_bbp_read(rt2x00dev, 3, &r3);
-       rt73usb_bbp_read(rt2x00dev, 4, &r4);
-       rt73usb_bbp_read(rt2x00dev, 77, &r77);
-       rt2x00_set_field8(&r3, BBP_R3_SMART_MODE, 0);
-       rt2x00_set_field8(&r4, BBP_R4_RX_FRAME_END,
-                         !test_bit(CONFIG_FRAME_TYPE, &rt2x00dev->flags));
-       switch (antenna_rx) {
-               rt2x00_set_field8(&r4, BBP_R4_RX_ANTENNA, 2);
-               break;
-       case ANTENNA_A:
-               rt2x00_set_field8(&r4, BBP_R4_RX_ANTENNA, 1);
-               rt2x00_set_field8(&r77, BBP_R77_PAIR, 3);
-               break;
-       case ANTENNA_B:
-               rt2x00_set_field8(&r4, BBP_R4_RX_ANTENNA, 1);
-               rt2x00_set_field8(&r77, BBP_R77_PAIR, 0);
-               break;
-       }
-       rt73usb_bbp_write(rt2x00dev, 77, r77);
-       rt73usb_bbp_write(rt2x00dev, 3, r3);
-       rt73usb_bbp_write(rt2x00dev, 4, r4);
-struct antenna_sel {
-       u8 word;
-       /*
-        * value[0] -> non-LNA
-        * value[1] -> LNA
-        */
-       u8 value[2];
-static const struct antenna_sel antenna_sel_a[] = {
-       { 96,  { 0x58, 0x78 } },
-       { 104, { 0x38, 0x48 } },
-       { 75,  { 0xfe, 0x80 } },
-       { 86,  { 0xfe, 0x80 } },
-       { 88,  { 0xfe, 0x80 } },
-       { 35,  { 0x60, 0x60 } },
-       { 97,  { 0x58, 0x58 } },
-       { 98,  { 0x58, 0x58 } },
-static const struct antenna_sel antenna_sel_bg[] = {
-       { 96,  { 0x48, 0x68 } },
-       { 104, { 0x2c, 0x3c } },
-       { 75,  { 0xfe, 0x80 } },
-       { 86,  { 0xfe, 0x80 } },
-       { 88,  { 0xfe, 0x80 } },
-       { 35,  { 0x50, 0x50 } },
-       { 97,  { 0x48, 0x48 } },
-       { 98,  { 0x48, 0x48 } },
-static void rt73usb_config_antenna(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev,
-                                  const int antenna_tx, const int antenna_rx)
-       const struct antenna_sel *sel;
-       unsigned int lna;
-       unsigned int i;
-       u32 reg;
-       rt73usb_register_read(rt2x00dev, PHY_CSR0, &reg);
-       if (rt2x00dev->curr_hwmode == HWMODE_A) {
-               sel = antenna_sel_a;
-               lna = test_bit(CONFIG_EXTERNAL_LNA_A, &rt2x00dev->flags);
-               rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, PHY_CSR0_PA_PE_BG, 0);
-               rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, PHY_CSR0_PA_PE_A, 1);
-       } else {
-               sel = antenna_sel_bg;
-               lna = test_bit(CONFIG_EXTERNAL_LNA_BG, &rt2x00dev->flags);
-               rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, PHY_CSR0_PA_PE_BG, 1);
-               rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, PHY_CSR0_PA_PE_A, 0);
-       }
-       for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(antenna_sel_a); i++)
-               rt73usb_bbp_write(rt2x00dev, sel[i].word, sel[i].value[lna]);
-       rt73usb_register_write(rt2x00dev, PHY_CSR0, reg);
-       if (rt2x00_rf(&rt2x00dev->chip, RF5226) ||
-           rt2x00_rf(&rt2x00dev->chip, RF5225))
-               rt73usb_config_antenna_5x(rt2x00dev, antenna_tx, antenna_rx);
-       else if (rt2x00_rf(&rt2x00dev->chip, RF2528) ||
-                rt2x00_rf(&rt2x00dev->chip, RF2527))
-               rt73usb_config_antenna_2x(rt2x00dev, antenna_tx, antenna_rx);
-static void rt73usb_config_duration(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev,
-                                   struct rt2x00lib_conf *libconf)
-       u32 reg;
-       rt73usb_register_read(rt2x00dev, MAC_CSR9, &reg);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, MAC_CSR9_SLOT_TIME, libconf->slot_time);
-       rt73usb_register_write(rt2x00dev, MAC_CSR9, reg);
-       rt73usb_register_read(rt2x00dev, MAC_CSR8, &reg);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, MAC_CSR8_SIFS, libconf->sifs);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, MAC_CSR8_SIFS_AFTER_RX_OFDM, 3);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, MAC_CSR8_EIFS, libconf->eifs);
-       rt73usb_register_write(rt2x00dev, MAC_CSR8, reg);
-       rt73usb_register_read(rt2x00dev, TXRX_CSR0, &reg);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, TXRX_CSR0_TSF_OFFSET, IEEE80211_HEADER);
-       rt73usb_register_write(rt2x00dev, TXRX_CSR0, reg);
-       rt73usb_register_read(rt2x00dev, TXRX_CSR4, &reg);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, TXRX_CSR4_AUTORESPOND_ENABLE, 1);
-       rt73usb_register_write(rt2x00dev, TXRX_CSR4, reg);
-       rt73usb_register_read(rt2x00dev, TXRX_CSR9, &reg);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, TXRX_CSR9_BEACON_INTERVAL,
-                          libconf->conf->beacon_int * 16);
-       rt73usb_register_write(rt2x00dev, TXRX_CSR9, reg);
-static void rt73usb_config(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev,
-                          const unsigned int flags,
-                          struct rt2x00lib_conf *libconf)
-       if (flags & CONFIG_UPDATE_PHYMODE)
-               rt73usb_config_phymode(rt2x00dev, libconf->basic_rates);
-       if (flags & CONFIG_UPDATE_CHANNEL)
-               rt73usb_config_channel(rt2x00dev, &libconf->rf,
-                                      libconf->conf->power_level);
-       if ((flags & CONFIG_UPDATE_TXPOWER) && !(flags & CONFIG_UPDATE_CHANNEL))
-               rt73usb_config_txpower(rt2x00dev, libconf->conf->power_level);
-       if (flags & CONFIG_UPDATE_ANTENNA)
-               rt73usb_config_antenna(rt2x00dev, libconf->conf->antenna_sel_tx,
-                                      libconf->conf->antenna_sel_rx);
-               rt73usb_config_duration(rt2x00dev, libconf);
- * LED functions.
- */
-static void rt73usb_enable_led(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev)
-       u32 reg;
-       rt73usb_register_read(rt2x00dev, MAC_CSR14, &reg);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, MAC_CSR14_ON_PERIOD, 70);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, MAC_CSR14_OFF_PERIOD, 30);
-       rt73usb_register_write(rt2x00dev, MAC_CSR14, reg);
-       rt2x00_set_field16(&rt2x00dev->led_reg, MCU_LEDCS_RADIO_STATUS, 1);
-       if (rt2x00dev->rx_status.phymode == MODE_IEEE80211A)
-               rt2x00_set_field16(&rt2x00dev->led_reg,
-                                  MCU_LEDCS_LINK_A_STATUS, 1);
-       else
-               rt2x00_set_field16(&rt2x00dev->led_reg,
-                                  MCU_LEDCS_LINK_BG_STATUS, 1);
-       rt2x00usb_vendor_request_sw(rt2x00dev, USB_LED_CONTROL, 0x0000,
-                                   rt2x00dev->led_reg, REGISTER_TIMEOUT);
-static void rt73usb_disable_led(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev)
-       rt2x00_set_field16(&rt2x00dev->led_reg, MCU_LEDCS_RADIO_STATUS, 0);
-       rt2x00_set_field16(&rt2x00dev->led_reg, MCU_LEDCS_LINK_BG_STATUS, 0);
-       rt2x00_set_field16(&rt2x00dev->led_reg, MCU_LEDCS_LINK_A_STATUS, 0);
-       rt2x00usb_vendor_request_sw(rt2x00dev, USB_LED_CONTROL, 0x0000,
-                                   rt2x00dev->led_reg, REGISTER_TIMEOUT);
-static void rt73usb_activity_led(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev, int rssi)
-       u32 led;
-       if (rt2x00dev->led_mode != LED_MODE_SIGNAL_STRENGTH)
-               return;
-       /*
-        * Led handling requires a positive value for the rssi,
-        * to do that correctly we need to add the correction.
-        */
-       rssi += rt2x00dev->rssi_offset;
-       if (rssi <= 30)
-               led = 0;
-       else if (rssi <= 39)
-               led = 1;
-       else if (rssi <= 49)
-               led = 2;
-       else if (rssi <= 53)
-               led = 3;
-       else if (rssi <= 63)
-               led = 4;
-       else
-               led = 5;
-       rt2x00usb_vendor_request_sw(rt2x00dev, USB_LED_CONTROL, led,
-                                   rt2x00dev->led_reg, REGISTER_TIMEOUT);
- * Link tuning
- */
-static void rt73usb_link_stats(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev)
-       u32 reg;
-       /*
-        * Update FCS error count from register.
-        */
-       rt73usb_register_read(rt2x00dev, STA_CSR0, &reg);
-       rt2x00dev->link.rx_failed = rt2x00_get_field32(reg, STA_CSR0_FCS_ERROR);
-       /*
-        * Update False CCA count from register.
-        */
-       rt73usb_register_read(rt2x00dev, STA_CSR1, &reg);
-       reg = rt2x00_get_field32(reg, STA_CSR1_FALSE_CCA_ERROR);
-       rt2x00dev->link.false_cca =
-           rt2x00_get_field32(reg, STA_CSR1_FALSE_CCA_ERROR);
-static void rt73usb_reset_tuner(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev)
-       rt73usb_bbp_write(rt2x00dev, 17, 0x20);
-       rt2x00dev->link.vgc_level = 0x20;
-static void rt73usb_link_tuner(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev)
-       int rssi = rt2x00_get_link_rssi(&rt2x00dev->link);
-       u8 r17;
-       u8 up_bound;
-       u8 low_bound;
-       /*
-        * Update Led strength
-        */
-       rt73usb_activity_led(rt2x00dev, rssi);
-       rt73usb_bbp_read(rt2x00dev, 17, &r17);
-       /*
-        * Determine r17 bounds.
-        */
-       if (rt2x00dev->rx_status.phymode == MODE_IEEE80211A) {
-               low_bound = 0x28;
-               up_bound = 0x48;
-               if (test_bit(CONFIG_EXTERNAL_LNA_A, &rt2x00dev->flags)) {
-                       low_bound += 0x10;
-                       up_bound += 0x10;
-               }
-       } else {
-               if (rssi > -82) {
-                       low_bound = 0x1c;
-                       up_bound = 0x40;
-               } else if (rssi > -84) {
-                       low_bound = 0x1c;
-                       up_bound = 0x20;
-               } else {
-                       low_bound = 0x1c;
-                       up_bound = 0x1c;
-               }
-               if (test_bit(CONFIG_EXTERNAL_LNA_BG, &rt2x00dev->flags)) {
-                       low_bound += 0x14;
-                       up_bound += 0x10;
-               }
-       }
-       /*
-        * Special big-R17 for very short distance
-        */
-       if (rssi > -35) {
-               if (r17 != 0x60)
-                       rt73usb_bbp_write(rt2x00dev, 17, 0x60);
-               return;
-       }
-       /*
-        * Special big-R17 for short distance
-        */
-       if (rssi >= -58) {
-               if (r17 != up_bound)
-                       rt73usb_bbp_write(rt2x00dev, 17, up_bound);
-               return;
-       }
-       /*
-        * Special big-R17 for middle-short distance
-        */
-       if (rssi >= -66) {
-               low_bound += 0x10;
-               if (r17 != low_bound)
-                       rt73usb_bbp_write(rt2x00dev, 17, low_bound);
-               return;
-       }
-       /*
-        * Special mid-R17 for middle distance
-        */
-       if (rssi >= -74) {
-               if (r17 != (low_bound + 0x10))
-                       rt73usb_bbp_write(rt2x00dev, 17, low_bound + 0x08);
-               return;
-       }
-       /*
-        * Special case: Change up_bound based on the rssi.
-        * Lower up_bound when rssi is weaker then -74 dBm.
-        */
-       up_bound -= 2 * (-74 - rssi);
-       if (low_bound > up_bound)
-               up_bound = low_bound;
-       if (r17 > up_bound) {
-               rt73usb_bbp_write(rt2x00dev, 17, up_bound);
-               return;
-       }
-       /*
-        * r17 does not yet exceed upper limit, continue and base
-        * the r17 tuning on the false CCA count.
-        */
-       if (rt2x00dev->link.false_cca > 512 && r17 < up_bound) {
-               r17 += 4;
-               if (r17 > up_bound)
-                       r17 = up_bound;
-               rt73usb_bbp_write(rt2x00dev, 17, r17);
-       } else if (rt2x00dev->link.false_cca < 100 && r17 > low_bound) {
-               r17 -= 4;
-               if (r17 < low_bound)
-                       r17 = low_bound;
-               rt73usb_bbp_write(rt2x00dev, 17, r17);
-       }
- * Firmware name function.
- */
-static char *rt73usb_get_firmware_name(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev)
-       return FIRMWARE_RT2571;
- * Initialization functions.
- */
-static int rt73usb_load_firmware(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev, void *data,
-                                const size_t len)
-       unsigned int i;
-       int status;
-       u32 reg;
-       char *ptr = data;
-       char *cache;
-       int buflen;
-       int timeout;
-       /*
-        * Wait for stable hardware.
-        */
-       for (i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
-               rt73usb_register_read(rt2x00dev, MAC_CSR0, &reg);
-               if (reg)
-                       break;
-               msleep(1);
-       }
-       if (!reg) {
-               ERROR(rt2x00dev, "Unstable hardware.\n");
-               return -EBUSY;
-       }
-       /*
-        * Write firmware to device.
-        * We setup a seperate cache for this action,
-        * since we are going to write larger chunks of data
-        * then normally used cache size.
-        */
-       cache = kmalloc(CSR_CACHE_SIZE_FIRMWARE, GFP_KERNEL);
-       if (!cache) {
-               ERROR(rt2x00dev, "Failed to allocate firmware cache.\n");
-               return -ENOMEM;
-       }
-       for (i = 0; i < len; i += CSR_CACHE_SIZE_FIRMWARE) {
-               buflen = min_t(int, len - i, CSR_CACHE_SIZE_FIRMWARE);
-               timeout = REGISTER_TIMEOUT * (buflen / sizeof(u32));
-               memcpy(cache, ptr, buflen);
-               rt2x00usb_vendor_request(rt2x00dev, USB_MULTI_WRITE,
-                                        USB_VENDOR_REQUEST_OUT,
-                                        FIRMWARE_IMAGE_BASE + i, 0x0000,
-                                        cache, buflen, timeout);
-               ptr += buflen;
-       }
-       kfree(cache);
-       /*
-        * Send firmware request to device to load firmware,
-        * we need to specify a long timeout time.
-        */
-       status = rt2x00usb_vendor_request_sw(rt2x00dev, USB_DEVICE_MODE,
-                                            0x0000, USB_MODE_FIRMWARE,
-                                            REGISTER_TIMEOUT_FIRMWARE);
-       if (status < 0) {
-               ERROR(rt2x00dev, "Failed to write Firmware to device.\n");
-               return status;
-       }
-       rt73usb_disable_led(rt2x00dev);
-       return 0;
-static int rt73usb_init_registers(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev)
-       u32 reg;
-       rt73usb_register_read(rt2x00dev, TXRX_CSR0, &reg);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, TXRX_CSR0_AUTO_TX_SEQ, 1);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, TXRX_CSR0_DISABLE_RX, 0);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, TXRX_CSR0_TX_WITHOUT_WAITING, 0);
-       rt73usb_register_write(rt2x00dev, TXRX_CSR0, reg);
-       rt73usb_register_read(rt2x00dev, TXRX_CSR1, &reg);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, TXRX_CSR1_BBP_ID0, 47); /* CCK Signal */
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, TXRX_CSR1_BBP_ID0_VALID, 1);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, TXRX_CSR1_BBP_ID1, 30); /* Rssi */
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, TXRX_CSR1_BBP_ID1_VALID, 1);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, TXRX_CSR1_BBP_ID2, 42); /* OFDM Rate */
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, TXRX_CSR1_BBP_ID2_VALID, 1);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, TXRX_CSR1_BBP_ID3, 30); /* Rssi */
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, TXRX_CSR1_BBP_ID3_VALID, 1);
-       rt73usb_register_write(rt2x00dev, TXRX_CSR1, reg);
-       /*
-        * CCK TXD BBP registers
-        */
-       rt73usb_register_read(rt2x00dev, TXRX_CSR2, &reg);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, TXRX_CSR2_BBP_ID0, 13);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, TXRX_CSR2_BBP_ID0_VALID, 1);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, TXRX_CSR2_BBP_ID1, 12);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, TXRX_CSR2_BBP_ID1_VALID, 1);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, TXRX_CSR2_BBP_ID2, 11);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, TXRX_CSR2_BBP_ID2_VALID, 1);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, TXRX_CSR2_BBP_ID3, 10);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, TXRX_CSR2_BBP_ID3_VALID, 1);
-       rt73usb_register_write(rt2x00dev, TXRX_CSR2, reg);
-       /*
-        * OFDM TXD BBP registers
-        */
-       rt73usb_register_read(rt2x00dev, TXRX_CSR3, &reg);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, TXRX_CSR3_BBP_ID0, 7);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, TXRX_CSR3_BBP_ID0_VALID, 1);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, TXRX_CSR3_BBP_ID1, 6);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, TXRX_CSR3_BBP_ID1_VALID, 1);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, TXRX_CSR3_BBP_ID2, 5);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, TXRX_CSR3_BBP_ID2_VALID, 1);
-       rt73usb_register_write(rt2x00dev, TXRX_CSR3, reg);
-       rt73usb_register_read(rt2x00dev, TXRX_CSR7, &reg);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, TXRX_CSR7_ACK_CTS_6MBS, 59);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, TXRX_CSR7_ACK_CTS_9MBS, 53);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, TXRX_CSR7_ACK_CTS_12MBS, 49);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, TXRX_CSR7_ACK_CTS_18MBS, 46);
-       rt73usb_register_write(rt2x00dev, TXRX_CSR7, reg);
-       rt73usb_register_read(rt2x00dev, TXRX_CSR8, &reg);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, TXRX_CSR8_ACK_CTS_24MBS, 44);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, TXRX_CSR8_ACK_CTS_36MBS, 42);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, TXRX_CSR8_ACK_CTS_48MBS, 42);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, TXRX_CSR8_ACK_CTS_54MBS, 42);
-       rt73usb_register_write(rt2x00dev, TXRX_CSR8, reg);
-       rt73usb_register_write(rt2x00dev, TXRX_CSR15, 0x0000000f);
-       rt73usb_register_read(rt2x00dev, MAC_CSR6, &reg);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, MAC_CSR6_MAX_FRAME_UNIT, 0xfff);
-       rt73usb_register_write(rt2x00dev, MAC_CSR6, reg);
-       rt73usb_register_write(rt2x00dev, MAC_CSR10, 0x00000718);
-       if (rt2x00dev->ops->lib->set_device_state(rt2x00dev, STATE_AWAKE))
-               return -EBUSY;
-       rt73usb_register_write(rt2x00dev, MAC_CSR13, 0x00007f00);
-       /*
-        * Invalidate all Shared Keys (SEC_CSR0),
-        * and clear the Shared key Cipher algorithms (SEC_CSR1 & SEC_CSR5)
-        */
-       rt73usb_register_write(rt2x00dev, SEC_CSR0, 0x00000000);
-       rt73usb_register_write(rt2x00dev, SEC_CSR1, 0x00000000);
-       rt73usb_register_write(rt2x00dev, SEC_CSR5, 0x00000000);
-       reg = 0x000023b0;
-       if (rt2x00_rf(&rt2x00dev->chip, RF5225) ||
-           rt2x00_rf(&rt2x00dev->chip, RF2527))
-               rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, PHY_CSR1_RF_RPI, 1);
-       rt73usb_register_write(rt2x00dev, PHY_CSR1, reg);
-       rt73usb_register_write(rt2x00dev, PHY_CSR5, 0x00040a06);
-       rt73usb_register_write(rt2x00dev, PHY_CSR6, 0x00080606);
-       rt73usb_register_write(rt2x00dev, PHY_CSR7, 0x00000408);
-       rt73usb_register_read(rt2x00dev, AC_TXOP_CSR0, &reg);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, AC_TXOP_CSR0_AC0_TX_OP, 0);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, AC_TXOP_CSR0_AC1_TX_OP, 0);
-       rt73usb_register_write(rt2x00dev, AC_TXOP_CSR0, reg);
-       rt73usb_register_read(rt2x00dev, AC_TXOP_CSR1, &reg);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, AC_TXOP_CSR1_AC2_TX_OP, 192);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, AC_TXOP_CSR1_AC3_TX_OP, 48);
-       rt73usb_register_write(rt2x00dev, AC_TXOP_CSR1, reg);
-       rt73usb_register_read(rt2x00dev, MAC_CSR9, &reg);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, MAC_CSR9_CW_SELECT, 0);
-       rt73usb_register_write(rt2x00dev, MAC_CSR9, reg);
-       /*
-        * We must clear the error counters.
-        * These registers are cleared on read,
-        * so we may pass a useless variable to store the value.
-        */
-       rt73usb_register_read(rt2x00dev, STA_CSR0, &reg);
-       rt73usb_register_read(rt2x00dev, STA_CSR1, &reg);
-       rt73usb_register_read(rt2x00dev, STA_CSR2, &reg);
-       /*
-        * Reset MAC and BBP registers.
-        */
-       rt73usb_register_read(rt2x00dev, MAC_CSR1, &reg);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, MAC_CSR1_SOFT_RESET, 1);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, MAC_CSR1_BBP_RESET, 1);
-       rt73usb_register_write(rt2x00dev, MAC_CSR1, reg);
-       rt73usb_register_read(rt2x00dev, MAC_CSR1, &reg);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, MAC_CSR1_SOFT_RESET, 0);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, MAC_CSR1_BBP_RESET, 0);
-       rt73usb_register_write(rt2x00dev, MAC_CSR1, reg);
-       rt73usb_register_read(rt2x00dev, MAC_CSR1, &reg);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, MAC_CSR1_HOST_READY, 1);
-       rt73usb_register_write(rt2x00dev, MAC_CSR1, reg);
-       return 0;
-static int rt73usb_init_bbp(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev)
-       unsigned int i;
-       u16 eeprom;
-       u8 reg_id;
-       u8 value;
-       for (i = 0; i < REGISTER_BUSY_COUNT; i++) {
-               rt73usb_bbp_read(rt2x00dev, 0, &value);
-               if ((value != 0xff) && (value != 0x00))
-                       goto continue_csr_init;
-               NOTICE(rt2x00dev, "Waiting for BBP register.\n");
-               udelay(REGISTER_BUSY_DELAY);
-       }
-       ERROR(rt2x00dev, "BBP register access failed, aborting.\n");
-       return -EACCES;
-       rt73usb_bbp_write(rt2x00dev, 3, 0x80);
-       rt73usb_bbp_write(rt2x00dev, 15, 0x30);
-       rt73usb_bbp_write(rt2x00dev, 21, 0xc8);
-       rt73usb_bbp_write(rt2x00dev, 22, 0x38);
-       rt73usb_bbp_write(rt2x00dev, 23, 0x06);
-       rt73usb_bbp_write(rt2x00dev, 24, 0xfe);
-       rt73usb_bbp_write(rt2x00dev, 25, 0x0a);
-       rt73usb_bbp_write(rt2x00dev, 26, 0x0d);
-       rt73usb_bbp_write(rt2x00dev, 32, 0x0b);
-       rt73usb_bbp_write(rt2x00dev, 34, 0x12);
-       rt73usb_bbp_write(rt2x00dev, 37, 0x07);
-       rt73usb_bbp_write(rt2x00dev, 39, 0xf8);
-       rt73usb_bbp_write(rt2x00dev, 41, 0x60);
-       rt73usb_bbp_write(rt2x00dev, 53, 0x10);
-       rt73usb_bbp_write(rt2x00dev, 54, 0x18);
-       rt73usb_bbp_write(rt2x00dev, 60, 0x10);
-       rt73usb_bbp_write(rt2x00dev, 61, 0x04);
-       rt73usb_bbp_write(rt2x00dev, 62, 0x04);
-       rt73usb_bbp_write(rt2x00dev, 75, 0xfe);
-       rt73usb_bbp_write(rt2x00dev, 86, 0xfe);
-       rt73usb_bbp_write(rt2x00dev, 88, 0xfe);
-       rt73usb_bbp_write(rt2x00dev, 90, 0x0f);
-       rt73usb_bbp_write(rt2x00dev, 99, 0x00);
-       rt73usb_bbp_write(rt2x00dev, 102, 0x16);
-       rt73usb_bbp_write(rt2x00dev, 107, 0x04);
-       DEBUG(rt2x00dev, "Start initialization from EEPROM...\n");
-       for (i = 0; i < EEPROM_BBP_SIZE; i++) {
-               rt2x00_eeprom_read(rt2x00dev, EEPROM_BBP_START + i, &eeprom);
-               if (eeprom != 0xffff && eeprom != 0x0000) {
-                       reg_id = rt2x00_get_field16(eeprom, EEPROM_BBP_REG_ID);
-                       value = rt2x00_get_field16(eeprom, EEPROM_BBP_VALUE);
-                       DEBUG(rt2x00dev, "BBP: 0x%02x, value: 0x%02x.\n",
-                             reg_id, value);
-                       rt73usb_bbp_write(rt2x00dev, reg_id, value);
-               }
-       }
-       DEBUG(rt2x00dev, "...End initialization from EEPROM.\n");
-       return 0;
- * Device state switch handlers.
- */
-static void rt73usb_toggle_rx(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev,
-                             enum dev_state state)
-       u32 reg;
-       rt73usb_register_read(rt2x00dev, TXRX_CSR0, &reg);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, TXRX_CSR0_DISABLE_RX,
-                          state == STATE_RADIO_RX_OFF);
-       rt73usb_register_write(rt2x00dev, TXRX_CSR0, reg);
-static int rt73usb_enable_radio(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev)
-       /*
-        * Initialize all registers.
-        */
-       if (rt73usb_init_registers(rt2x00dev) ||
-           rt73usb_init_bbp(rt2x00dev)) {
-               ERROR(rt2x00dev, "Register initialization failed.\n");
-               return -EIO;
-       }
-       rt2x00usb_enable_radio(rt2x00dev);
-       /*
-        * Enable LED
-        */
-       rt73usb_enable_led(rt2x00dev);
-       return 0;
-static void rt73usb_disable_radio(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev)
-       /*
-        * Disable LED
-        */
-       rt73usb_disable_led(rt2x00dev);
-       rt73usb_register_write(rt2x00dev, MAC_CSR10, 0x00001818);
-       /*
-        * Disable synchronisation.
-        */
-       rt73usb_register_write(rt2x00dev, TXRX_CSR9, 0);
-       rt2x00usb_disable_radio(rt2x00dev);
-static int rt73usb_set_state(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev, enum dev_state state)
-       u32 reg;
-       unsigned int i;
-       char put_to_sleep;
-       char current_state;
-       put_to_sleep = (state != STATE_AWAKE);
-       rt73usb_register_read(rt2x00dev, MAC_CSR12, &reg);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, MAC_CSR12_FORCE_WAKEUP, !put_to_sleep);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, MAC_CSR12_PUT_TO_SLEEP, put_to_sleep);
-       rt73usb_register_write(rt2x00dev, MAC_CSR12, reg);
-       /*
-        * Device is not guaranteed to be in the requested state yet.
-        * We must wait until the register indicates that the
-        * device has entered the correct state.
-        */
-       for (i = 0; i < REGISTER_BUSY_COUNT; i++) {
-               rt73usb_register_read(rt2x00dev, MAC_CSR12, &reg);
-               current_state =
-                   rt2x00_get_field32(reg, MAC_CSR12_BBP_CURRENT_STATE);
-               if (current_state == !put_to_sleep)
-                       return 0;
-               msleep(10);
-       }
-       NOTICE(rt2x00dev, "Device failed to enter state %d, "
-              "current device state %d.\n", !put_to_sleep, current_state);
-       return -EBUSY;
-static int rt73usb_set_device_state(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev,
-                                   enum dev_state state)
-       int retval = 0;
-       switch (state) {
-       case STATE_RADIO_ON:
-               retval = rt73usb_enable_radio(rt2x00dev);
-               break;
-       case STATE_RADIO_OFF:
-               rt73usb_disable_radio(rt2x00dev);
-               break;
-       case STATE_RADIO_RX_ON:
-       case STATE_RADIO_RX_OFF:
-               rt73usb_toggle_rx(rt2x00dev, state);
-               break;
-       case STATE_DEEP_SLEEP:
-       case STATE_SLEEP:
-       case STATE_STANDBY:
-       case STATE_AWAKE:
-               retval = rt73usb_set_state(rt2x00dev, state);
-               break;
-       default:
-               retval = -ENOTSUPP;
-               break;
-       }
-       return retval;
- * TX descriptor initialization
- */
-static void rt73usb_write_tx_desc(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev,
-                                 struct data_desc *txd,
-                                 struct txdata_entry_desc *desc,
-                                 struct ieee80211_hdr *ieee80211hdr,
-                                 unsigned int length,
-                                 struct ieee80211_tx_control *control)
-       u32 word;
-       /*
-        * Start writing the descriptor words.
-        */
-       rt2x00_desc_read(txd, 1, &word);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&word, TXD_W1_HOST_Q_ID, desc->queue);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&word, TXD_W1_AIFSN, desc->aifs);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&word, TXD_W1_CWMIN, desc->cw_min);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&word, TXD_W1_CWMAX, desc->cw_max);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&word, TXD_W1_IV_OFFSET, IEEE80211_HEADER);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&word, TXD_W1_HW_SEQUENCE, 1);
-       rt2x00_desc_write(txd, 1, word);
-       rt2x00_desc_read(txd, 2, &word);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&word, TXD_W2_PLCP_SIGNAL, desc->signal);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&word, TXD_W2_PLCP_SERVICE, desc->service);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&word, TXD_W2_PLCP_LENGTH_LOW, desc->length_low);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&word, TXD_W2_PLCP_LENGTH_HIGH, desc->length_high);
-       rt2x00_desc_write(txd, 2, word);
-       rt2x00_desc_read(txd, 5, &word);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&word, TXD_W5_TX_POWER,
-                          TXPOWER_TO_DEV(control->power_level));
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&word, TXD_W5_WAITING_DMA_DONE_INT, 1);
-       rt2x00_desc_write(txd, 5, word);
-       rt2x00_desc_read(txd, 0, &word);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&word, TXD_W0_BURST,
-                          test_bit(ENTRY_TXD_BURST, &desc->flags));
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&word, TXD_W0_VALID, 1);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&word, TXD_W0_MORE_FRAG,
-                          test_bit(ENTRY_TXD_MORE_FRAG, &desc->flags));
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&word, TXD_W0_ACK,
-                          !(control->flags & IEEE80211_TXCTL_NO_ACK));
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&word, TXD_W0_TIMESTAMP,
-                          test_bit(ENTRY_TXD_REQ_TIMESTAMP, &desc->flags));
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&word, TXD_W0_OFDM,
-                          test_bit(ENTRY_TXD_OFDM_RATE, &desc->flags));
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&word, TXD_W0_IFS, desc->ifs);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&word, TXD_W0_RETRY_MODE,
-                          !!(control->flags &
-                             IEEE80211_TXCTL_LONG_RETRY_LIMIT));
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&word, TXD_W0_TKIP_MIC, 0);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&word, TXD_W0_DATABYTE_COUNT, length);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&word, TXD_W0_BURST2,
-                          test_bit(ENTRY_TXD_BURST, &desc->flags));
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&word, TXD_W0_CIPHER_ALG, CIPHER_NONE);
-       rt2x00_desc_write(txd, 0, word);
-static int rt73usb_get_tx_data_len(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev,
-                                  struct sk_buff *skb)
-       int length;
-       /*
-        * The length _must_ be a multiple of 4,
-        * but it must _not_ be a multiple of the USB packet size.
-        */
-       length = roundup(skb->len, 4);
-       length += (4 * !(length % rt2x00dev->usb_maxpacket));
-       return length;
- * TX data initialization
- */
-static void rt73usb_kick_tx_queue(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev,
-                                 unsigned int queue)
-       u32 reg;
-       if (queue != IEEE80211_TX_QUEUE_BEACON)
-               return;
-       /*
-        * For Wi-Fi faily generated beacons between participating stations.
-        * Set TBTT phase adaptive adjustment step to 8us (default 16us)
-        */
-       rt73usb_register_write(rt2x00dev, TXRX_CSR10, 0x00001008);
-       rt73usb_register_read(rt2x00dev, TXRX_CSR9, &reg);
-       if (!rt2x00_get_field32(reg, TXRX_CSR9_BEACON_GEN)) {
-               rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, TXRX_CSR9_BEACON_GEN, 1);
-               rt73usb_register_write(rt2x00dev, TXRX_CSR9, reg);
-       }
- * RX control handlers
- */
-static int rt73usb_agc_to_rssi(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev, int rxd_w1)
-       u16 eeprom;
-       u8 offset;
-       u8 lna;
-       lna = rt2x00_get_field32(rxd_w1, RXD_W1_RSSI_LNA);
-       switch (lna) {
-       case 3:
-               offset = 90;
-               break;
-       case 2:
-               offset = 74;
-               break;
-       case 1:
-               offset = 64;
-               break;
-       default:
-               return 0;
-       }
-       if (rt2x00dev->rx_status.phymode == MODE_IEEE80211A) {
-               if (test_bit(CONFIG_EXTERNAL_LNA_A, &rt2x00dev->flags)) {
-                       if (lna == 3 || lna == 2)
-                               offset += 10;
-               } else {
-                       if (lna == 3)
-                               offset += 6;
-                       else if (lna == 2)
-                               offset += 8;
-               }
-               rt2x00_eeprom_read(rt2x00dev, EEPROM_RSSI_OFFSET_A, &eeprom);
-               offset -= rt2x00_get_field16(eeprom, EEPROM_RSSI_OFFSET_A_1);
-       } else {
-               if (test_bit(CONFIG_EXTERNAL_LNA_BG, &rt2x00dev->flags))
-                       offset += 14;
-               rt2x00_eeprom_read(rt2x00dev, EEPROM_RSSI_OFFSET_BG, &eeprom);
-               offset -= rt2x00_get_field16(eeprom, EEPROM_RSSI_OFFSET_BG_1);
-       }
-       return rt2x00_get_field32(rxd_w1, RXD_W1_RSSI_AGC) * 2 - offset;
-static void rt73usb_fill_rxdone(struct data_entry *entry,
-                               struct rxdata_entry_desc *desc)
-       struct data_desc *rxd = (struct data_desc *)entry->skb->data;
-       u32 word0;
-       u32 word1;
-       rt2x00_desc_read(rxd, 0, &word0);
-       rt2x00_desc_read(rxd, 1, &word1);
-       desc->flags = 0;
-       if (rt2x00_get_field32(word0, RXD_W0_CRC_ERROR))
-               desc->flags |= RX_FLAG_FAILED_FCS_CRC;
-       /*
-        * Obtain the status about this packet.
-        */
-       desc->signal = rt2x00_get_field32(word1, RXD_W1_SIGNAL);
-       desc->rssi = rt73usb_agc_to_rssi(entry->ring->rt2x00dev, word1);
-       desc->ofdm = rt2x00_get_field32(word0, RXD_W0_OFDM);
-       desc->size = rt2x00_get_field32(word0, RXD_W0_DATABYTE_COUNT);
-       /*
-        * Pull the skb to clear the descriptor area.
-        */
-       skb_pull(entry->skb, entry->ring->desc_size);
-       return;
- * Device probe functions.
- */
-static int rt73usb_validate_eeprom(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev)
-       u16 word;
-       u8 *mac;
-       s8 value;
-       rt2x00usb_eeprom_read(rt2x00dev, rt2x00dev->eeprom, EEPROM_SIZE);
-       /*
-        * Start validation of the data that has been read.
-        */
-       mac = rt2x00_eeprom_addr(rt2x00dev, EEPROM_MAC_ADDR_0);
-       if (!is_valid_ether_addr(mac)) {
-               DECLARE_MAC_BUF(macbuf);
-               random_ether_addr(mac);
-               EEPROM(rt2x00dev, "MAC: %s\n", print_mac(macbuf, mac));
-       }
-       rt2x00_eeprom_read(rt2x00dev, EEPROM_ANTENNA, &word);
-       if (word == 0xffff) {
-               rt2x00_set_field16(&word, EEPROM_ANTENNA_NUM, 2);
-               rt2x00_set_field16(&word, EEPROM_ANTENNA_TX_DEFAULT, 2);
-               rt2x00_set_field16(&word, EEPROM_ANTENNA_RX_DEFAULT, 2);
-               rt2x00_set_field16(&word, EEPROM_ANTENNA_FRAME_TYPE, 0);
-               rt2x00_set_field16(&word, EEPROM_ANTENNA_DYN_TXAGC, 0);
-               rt2x00_set_field16(&word, EEPROM_ANTENNA_HARDWARE_RADIO, 0);
-               rt2x00_set_field16(&word, EEPROM_ANTENNA_RF_TYPE, RF5226);
-               rt2x00_eeprom_write(rt2x00dev, EEPROM_ANTENNA, word);
-               EEPROM(rt2x00dev, "Antenna: 0x%04x\n", word);
-       }
-       rt2x00_eeprom_read(rt2x00dev, EEPROM_NIC, &word);
-       if (word == 0xffff) {
-               rt2x00_set_field16(&word, EEPROM_NIC_EXTERNAL_LNA, 0);
-               rt2x00_eeprom_write(rt2x00dev, EEPROM_NIC, word);
-               EEPROM(rt2x00dev, "NIC: 0x%04x\n", word);
-       }
-       rt2x00_eeprom_read(rt2x00dev, EEPROM_LED, &word);
-       if (word == 0xffff) {
-               rt2x00_set_field16(&word, EEPROM_LED_POLARITY_RDY_G, 0);
-               rt2x00_set_field16(&word, EEPROM_LED_POLARITY_RDY_A, 0);
-               rt2x00_set_field16(&word, EEPROM_LED_POLARITY_ACT, 0);
-               rt2x00_set_field16(&word, EEPROM_LED_POLARITY_GPIO_0, 0);
-               rt2x00_set_field16(&word, EEPROM_LED_POLARITY_GPIO_1, 0);
-               rt2x00_set_field16(&word, EEPROM_LED_POLARITY_GPIO_2, 0);
-               rt2x00_set_field16(&word, EEPROM_LED_POLARITY_GPIO_3, 0);
-               rt2x00_set_field16(&word, EEPROM_LED_POLARITY_GPIO_4, 0);
-               rt2x00_set_field16(&word, EEPROM_LED_LED_MODE,
-                                  LED_MODE_DEFAULT);
-               rt2x00_eeprom_write(rt2x00dev, EEPROM_LED, word);
-               EEPROM(rt2x00dev, "Led: 0x%04x\n", word);
-       }
-       rt2x00_eeprom_read(rt2x00dev, EEPROM_FREQ, &word);
-       if (word == 0xffff) {
-               rt2x00_set_field16(&word, EEPROM_FREQ_OFFSET, 0);
-               rt2x00_set_field16(&word, EEPROM_FREQ_SEQ, 0);
-               rt2x00_eeprom_write(rt2x00dev, EEPROM_FREQ, word);
-               EEPROM(rt2x00dev, "Freq: 0x%04x\n", word);
-       }
-       rt2x00_eeprom_read(rt2x00dev, EEPROM_RSSI_OFFSET_BG, &word);
-       if (word == 0xffff) {
-               rt2x00_set_field16(&word, EEPROM_RSSI_OFFSET_BG_1, 0);
-               rt2x00_set_field16(&word, EEPROM_RSSI_OFFSET_BG_2, 0);
-               rt2x00_eeprom_write(rt2x00dev, EEPROM_RSSI_OFFSET_BG, word);
-               EEPROM(rt2x00dev, "RSSI OFFSET BG: 0x%04x\n", word);
-       } else {
-               value = rt2x00_get_field16(word, EEPROM_RSSI_OFFSET_BG_1);
-               if (value < -10 || value > 10)
-                       rt2x00_set_field16(&word, EEPROM_RSSI_OFFSET_BG_1, 0);
-               value = rt2x00_get_field16(word, EEPROM_RSSI_OFFSET_BG_2);
-               if (value < -10 || value > 10)
-                       rt2x00_set_field16(&word, EEPROM_RSSI_OFFSET_BG_2, 0);
-               rt2x00_eeprom_write(rt2x00dev, EEPROM_RSSI_OFFSET_BG, word);
-       }
-       rt2x00_eeprom_read(rt2x00dev, EEPROM_RSSI_OFFSET_A, &word);
-       if (word == 0xffff) {
-               rt2x00_set_field16(&word, EEPROM_RSSI_OFFSET_A_1, 0);
-               rt2x00_set_field16(&word, EEPROM_RSSI_OFFSET_A_2, 0);
-               rt2x00_eeprom_write(rt2x00dev, EEPROM_RSSI_OFFSET_A, word);
-               EEPROM(rt2x00dev, "RSSI OFFSET BG: 0x%04x\n", word);
-       } else {
-               value = rt2x00_get_field16(word, EEPROM_RSSI_OFFSET_A_1);
-               if (value < -10 || value > 10)
-                       rt2x00_set_field16(&word, EEPROM_RSSI_OFFSET_A_1, 0);
-               value = rt2x00_get_field16(word, EEPROM_RSSI_OFFSET_A_2);
-               if (value < -10 || value > 10)
-                       rt2x00_set_field16(&word, EEPROM_RSSI_OFFSET_A_2, 0);
-               rt2x00_eeprom_write(rt2x00dev, EEPROM_RSSI_OFFSET_A, word);
-       }
-       return 0;
-static int rt73usb_init_eeprom(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev)
-       u32 reg;
-       u16 value;
-       u16 eeprom;
-       /*
-        * Read EEPROM word for configuration.
-        */
-       rt2x00_eeprom_read(rt2x00dev, EEPROM_ANTENNA, &eeprom);
-       /*
-        * Identify RF chipset.
-        */
-       value = rt2x00_get_field16(eeprom, EEPROM_ANTENNA_RF_TYPE);
-       rt73usb_register_read(rt2x00dev, MAC_CSR0, &reg);
-       rt2x00_set_chip(rt2x00dev, RT2571, value, reg);
-       if (!rt2x00_check_rev(&rt2x00dev->chip, 0x25730)) {
-               ERROR(rt2x00dev, "Invalid RT chipset detected.\n");
-               return -ENODEV;
-       }
-       if (!rt2x00_rf(&rt2x00dev->chip, RF5226) &&
-           !rt2x00_rf(&rt2x00dev->chip, RF2528) &&
-           !rt2x00_rf(&rt2x00dev->chip, RF5225) &&
-           !rt2x00_rf(&rt2x00dev->chip, RF2527)) {
-               ERROR(rt2x00dev, "Invalid RF chipset detected.\n");
-               return -ENODEV;
-       }
-       /*
-        * Identify default antenna configuration.
-        */
-       rt2x00dev->hw->conf.antenna_sel_tx =
-           rt2x00_get_field16(eeprom, EEPROM_ANTENNA_TX_DEFAULT);
-       rt2x00dev->hw->conf.antenna_sel_rx =
-           rt2x00_get_field16(eeprom, EEPROM_ANTENNA_RX_DEFAULT);
-       /*
-        * Read the Frame type.
-        */
-       if (rt2x00_get_field16(eeprom, EEPROM_ANTENNA_FRAME_TYPE))
-               __set_bit(CONFIG_FRAME_TYPE, &rt2x00dev->flags);
-       /*
-        * Read frequency offset.
-        */
-       rt2x00_eeprom_read(rt2x00dev, EEPROM_FREQ, &eeprom);
-       rt2x00dev->freq_offset = rt2x00_get_field16(eeprom, EEPROM_FREQ_OFFSET);
-       /*
-        * Read external LNA informations.
-        */
-       rt2x00_eeprom_read(rt2x00dev, EEPROM_NIC, &eeprom);
-       if (rt2x00_get_field16(eeprom, EEPROM_NIC_EXTERNAL_LNA)) {
-               __set_bit(CONFIG_EXTERNAL_LNA_A, &rt2x00dev->flags);
-               __set_bit(CONFIG_EXTERNAL_LNA_BG, &rt2x00dev->flags);
-       }
-       /*
-        * Store led settings, for correct led behaviour.
-        */
-       rt2x00_eeprom_read(rt2x00dev, EEPROM_LED, &eeprom);
-       rt2x00_set_field16(&rt2x00dev->led_reg, MCU_LEDCS_LED_MODE,
-                          rt2x00dev->led_mode);
-       rt2x00_set_field16(&rt2x00dev->led_reg, MCU_LEDCS_POLARITY_GPIO_0,
-                          rt2x00_get_field16(eeprom,
-                                             EEPROM_LED_POLARITY_GPIO_0));
-       rt2x00_set_field16(&rt2x00dev->led_reg, MCU_LEDCS_POLARITY_GPIO_1,
-                          rt2x00_get_field16(eeprom,
-                                             EEPROM_LED_POLARITY_GPIO_1));
-       rt2x00_set_field16(&rt2x00dev->led_reg, MCU_LEDCS_POLARITY_GPIO_2,
-                          rt2x00_get_field16(eeprom,
-                                             EEPROM_LED_POLARITY_GPIO_2));
-       rt2x00_set_field16(&rt2x00dev->led_reg, MCU_LEDCS_POLARITY_GPIO_3,
-                          rt2x00_get_field16(eeprom,
-                                             EEPROM_LED_POLARITY_GPIO_3));
-       rt2x00_set_field16(&rt2x00dev->led_reg, MCU_LEDCS_POLARITY_GPIO_4,
-                          rt2x00_get_field16(eeprom,
-                                             EEPROM_LED_POLARITY_GPIO_4));
-       rt2x00_set_field16(&rt2x00dev->led_reg, MCU_LEDCS_POLARITY_ACT,
-                          rt2x00_get_field16(eeprom, EEPROM_LED_POLARITY_ACT));
-       rt2x00_set_field16(&rt2x00dev->led_reg, MCU_LEDCS_POLARITY_READY_BG,
-                          rt2x00_get_field16(eeprom,
-                                             EEPROM_LED_POLARITY_RDY_G));
-       rt2x00_set_field16(&rt2x00dev->led_reg, MCU_LEDCS_POLARITY_READY_A,
-                          rt2x00_get_field16(eeprom,
-                                             EEPROM_LED_POLARITY_RDY_A));
-       return 0;
- * RF value list for RF2528
- * Supports: 2.4 GHz
- */
-static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_bg_2528[] = {
-       { 1,  0x00002c0c, 0x00000786, 0x00068255, 0x000fea0b },
-       { 2,  0x00002c0c, 0x00000786, 0x00068255, 0x000fea1f },
-       { 3,  0x00002c0c, 0x0000078a, 0x00068255, 0x000fea0b },
-       { 4,  0x00002c0c, 0x0000078a, 0x00068255, 0x000fea1f },
-       { 5,  0x00002c0c, 0x0000078e, 0x00068255, 0x000fea0b },
-       { 6,  0x00002c0c, 0x0000078e, 0x00068255, 0x000fea1f },
-       { 7,  0x00002c0c, 0x00000792, 0x00068255, 0x000fea0b },
-       { 8,  0x00002c0c, 0x00000792, 0x00068255, 0x000fea1f },
-       { 9,  0x00002c0c, 0x00000796, 0x00068255, 0x000fea0b },
-       { 10, 0x00002c0c, 0x00000796, 0x00068255, 0x000fea1f },
-       { 11, 0x00002c0c, 0x0000079a, 0x00068255, 0x000fea0b },
-       { 12, 0x00002c0c, 0x0000079a, 0x00068255, 0x000fea1f },
-       { 13, 0x00002c0c, 0x0000079e, 0x00068255, 0x000fea0b },
-       { 14, 0x00002c0c, 0x000007a2, 0x00068255, 0x000fea13 },
- * RF value list for RF5226
- * Supports: 2.4 GHz & 5.2 GHz
- */
-static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_5226[] = {
-       { 1,  0x00002c0c, 0x00000786, 0x00068255, 0x000fea0b },
-       { 2,  0x00002c0c, 0x00000786, 0x00068255, 0x000fea1f },
-       { 3,  0x00002c0c, 0x0000078a, 0x00068255, 0x000fea0b },
-       { 4,  0x00002c0c, 0x0000078a, 0x00068255, 0x000fea1f },
-       { 5,  0x00002c0c, 0x0000078e, 0x00068255, 0x000fea0b },
-       { 6,  0x00002c0c, 0x0000078e, 0x00068255, 0x000fea1f },
-       { 7,  0x00002c0c, 0x00000792, 0x00068255, 0x000fea0b },
-       { 8,  0x00002c0c, 0x00000792, 0x00068255, 0x000fea1f },
-       { 9,  0x00002c0c, 0x00000796, 0x00068255, 0x000fea0b },
-       { 10, 0x00002c0c, 0x00000796, 0x00068255, 0x000fea1f },
-       { 11, 0x00002c0c, 0x0000079a, 0x00068255, 0x000fea0b },
-       { 12, 0x00002c0c, 0x0000079a, 0x00068255, 0x000fea1f },
-       { 13, 0x00002c0c, 0x0000079e, 0x00068255, 0x000fea0b },
-       { 14, 0x00002c0c, 0x000007a2, 0x00068255, 0x000fea13 },
-       /* 802.11 UNI / HyperLan 2 */
-       { 36, 0x00002c0c, 0x0000099a, 0x00098255, 0x000fea23 },
-       { 40, 0x00002c0c, 0x000009a2, 0x00098255, 0x000fea03 },
-       { 44, 0x00002c0c, 0x000009a6, 0x00098255, 0x000fea0b },
-       { 48, 0x00002c0c, 0x000009aa, 0x00098255, 0x000fea13 },
-       { 52, 0x00002c0c, 0x000009ae, 0x00098255, 0x000fea1b },
-       { 56, 0x00002c0c, 0x000009b2, 0x00098255, 0x000fea23 },
-       { 60, 0x00002c0c, 0x000009ba, 0x00098255, 0x000fea03 },
-       { 64, 0x00002c0c, 0x000009be, 0x00098255, 0x000fea0b },
-       /* 802.11 HyperLan 2 */
-       { 100, 0x00002c0c, 0x00000a2a, 0x000b8255, 0x000fea03 },
-       { 104, 0x00002c0c, 0x00000a2e, 0x000b8255, 0x000fea0b },
-       { 108, 0x00002c0c, 0x00000a32, 0x000b8255, 0x000fea13 },
-       { 112, 0x00002c0c, 0x00000a36, 0x000b8255, 0x000fea1b },
-       { 116, 0x00002c0c, 0x00000a3a, 0x000b8255, 0x000fea23 },
-       { 120, 0x00002c0c, 0x00000a82, 0x000b8255, 0x000fea03 },
-       { 124, 0x00002c0c, 0x00000a86, 0x000b8255, 0x000fea0b },
-       { 128, 0x00002c0c, 0x00000a8a, 0x000b8255, 0x000fea13 },
-       { 132, 0x00002c0c, 0x00000a8e, 0x000b8255, 0x000fea1b },
-       { 136, 0x00002c0c, 0x00000a92, 0x000b8255, 0x000fea23 },
-       /* 802.11 UNII */
-       { 140, 0x00002c0c, 0x00000a9a, 0x000b8255, 0x000fea03 },
-       { 149, 0x00002c0c, 0x00000aa2, 0x000b8255, 0x000fea1f },
-       { 153, 0x00002c0c, 0x00000aa6, 0x000b8255, 0x000fea27 },
-       { 157, 0x00002c0c, 0x00000aae, 0x000b8255, 0x000fea07 },
-       { 161, 0x00002c0c, 0x00000ab2, 0x000b8255, 0x000fea0f },
-       { 165, 0x00002c0c, 0x00000ab6, 0x000b8255, 0x000fea17 },
-       /* MMAC(Japan)J52 ch 34,38,42,46 */
-       { 34, 0x00002c0c, 0x0008099a, 0x000da255, 0x000d3a0b },
-       { 38, 0x00002c0c, 0x0008099e, 0x000da255, 0x000d3a13 },
-       { 42, 0x00002c0c, 0x000809a2, 0x000da255, 0x000d3a1b },
-       { 46, 0x00002c0c, 0x000809a6, 0x000da255, 0x000d3a23 },
- * RF value list for RF5225 & RF2527
- * Supports: 2.4 GHz & 5.2 GHz
- */
-static const struct rf_channel rf_vals_5225_2527[] = {
-       { 1,  0x00002ccc, 0x00004786, 0x00068455, 0x000ffa0b },
-       { 2,  0x00002ccc, 0x00004786, 0x00068455, 0x000ffa1f },
-       { 3,  0x00002ccc, 0x0000478a, 0x00068455, 0x000ffa0b },
-       { 4,  0x00002ccc, 0x0000478a, 0x00068455, 0x000ffa1f },
-       { 5,  0x00002ccc, 0x0000478e, 0x00068455, 0x000ffa0b },
-       { 6,  0x00002ccc, 0x0000478e, 0x00068455, 0x000ffa1f },
-       { 7,  0x00002ccc, 0x00004792, 0x00068455, 0x000ffa0b },
-       { 8,  0x00002ccc, 0x00004792, 0x00068455, 0x000ffa1f },
-       { 9,  0x00002ccc, 0x00004796, 0x00068455, 0x000ffa0b },
-       { 10, 0x00002ccc, 0x00004796, 0x00068455, 0x000ffa1f },
-       { 11, 0x00002ccc, 0x0000479a, 0x00068455, 0x000ffa0b },
-       { 12, 0x00002ccc, 0x0000479a, 0x00068455, 0x000ffa1f },
-       { 13, 0x00002ccc, 0x0000479e, 0x00068455, 0x000ffa0b },
-       { 14, 0x00002ccc, 0x000047a2, 0x00068455, 0x000ffa13 },
-       /* 802.11 UNI / HyperLan 2 */
-       { 36, 0x00002ccc, 0x0000499a, 0x0009be55, 0x000ffa23 },
-       { 40, 0x00002ccc, 0x000049a2, 0x0009be55, 0x000ffa03 },
-       { 44, 0x00002ccc, 0x000049a6, 0x0009be55, 0x000ffa0b },
-       { 48, 0x00002ccc, 0x000049aa, 0x0009be55, 0x000ffa13 },
-       { 52, 0x00002ccc, 0x000049ae, 0x0009ae55, 0x000ffa1b },
-       { 56, 0x00002ccc, 0x000049b2, 0x0009ae55, 0x000ffa23 },
-       { 60, 0x00002ccc, 0x000049ba, 0x0009ae55, 0x000ffa03 },
-       { 64, 0x00002ccc, 0x000049be, 0x0009ae55, 0x000ffa0b },
-       /* 802.11 HyperLan 2 */
-       { 100, 0x00002ccc, 0x00004a2a, 0x000bae55, 0x000ffa03 },
-       { 104, 0x00002ccc, 0x00004a2e, 0x000bae55, 0x000ffa0b },
-       { 108, 0x00002ccc, 0x00004a32, 0x000bae55, 0x000ffa13 },
-       { 112, 0x00002ccc, 0x00004a36, 0x000bae55, 0x000ffa1b },
-       { 116, 0x00002ccc, 0x00004a3a, 0x000bbe55, 0x000ffa23 },
-       { 120, 0x00002ccc, 0x00004a82, 0x000bbe55, 0x000ffa03 },
-       { 124, 0x00002ccc, 0x00004a86, 0x000bbe55, 0x000ffa0b },
-       { 128, 0x00002ccc, 0x00004a8a, 0x000bbe55, 0x000ffa13 },
-       { 132, 0x00002ccc, 0x00004a8e, 0x000bbe55, 0x000ffa1b },
-       { 136, 0x00002ccc, 0x00004a92, 0x000bbe55, 0x000ffa23 },
-       /* 802.11 UNII */
-       { 140, 0x00002ccc, 0x00004a9a, 0x000bbe55, 0x000ffa03 },
-       { 149, 0x00002ccc, 0x00004aa2, 0x000bbe55, 0x000ffa1f },
-       { 153, 0x00002ccc, 0x00004aa6, 0x000bbe55, 0x000ffa27 },
-       { 157, 0x00002ccc, 0x00004aae, 0x000bbe55, 0x000ffa07 },
-       { 161, 0x00002ccc, 0x00004ab2, 0x000bbe55, 0x000ffa0f },
-       { 165, 0x00002ccc, 0x00004ab6, 0x000bbe55, 0x000ffa17 },
-       /* MMAC(Japan)J52 ch 34,38,42,46 */
-       { 34, 0x00002ccc, 0x0000499a, 0x0009be55, 0x000ffa0b },
-       { 38, 0x00002ccc, 0x0000499e, 0x0009be55, 0x000ffa13 },
-       { 42, 0x00002ccc, 0x000049a2, 0x0009be55, 0x000ffa1b },
-       { 46, 0x00002ccc, 0x000049a6, 0x0009be55, 0x000ffa23 },
-static void rt73usb_probe_hw_mode(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev)
-       struct hw_mode_spec *spec = &rt2x00dev->spec;
-       u8 *txpower;
-       unsigned int i;
-       /*
-        * Initialize all hw fields.
-        */
-       rt2x00dev->hw->flags =
-       rt2x00dev->hw->extra_tx_headroom = TXD_DESC_SIZE;
-       rt2x00dev->hw->max_signal = MAX_SIGNAL;
-       rt2x00dev->hw->max_rssi = MAX_RX_SSI;
-       rt2x00dev->hw->queues = 5;
-       SET_IEEE80211_DEV(rt2x00dev->hw, &rt2x00dev_usb(rt2x00dev)->dev);
-       SET_IEEE80211_PERM_ADDR(rt2x00dev->hw,
-                               rt2x00_eeprom_addr(rt2x00dev,
-                                                  EEPROM_MAC_ADDR_0));
-       /*
-        * Convert tx_power array in eeprom.
-        */
-       txpower = rt2x00_eeprom_addr(rt2x00dev, EEPROM_TXPOWER_G_START);
-       for (i = 0; i < 14; i++)
-               txpower[i] = TXPOWER_FROM_DEV(txpower[i]);
-       /*
-        * Initialize hw_mode information.
-        */
-       spec->num_modes = 2;
-       spec->num_rates = 12;
-       spec->tx_power_a = NULL;
-       spec->tx_power_bg = txpower;
-       spec->tx_power_default = DEFAULT_TXPOWER;
-       if (rt2x00_rf(&rt2x00dev->chip, RF2528)) {
-               spec->num_channels = ARRAY_SIZE(rf_vals_bg_2528);
-               spec->channels = rf_vals_bg_2528;
-       } else if (rt2x00_rf(&rt2x00dev->chip, RF5226)) {
-               spec->num_channels = ARRAY_SIZE(rf_vals_5226);
-               spec->channels = rf_vals_5226;
-       } else if (rt2x00_rf(&rt2x00dev->chip, RF2527)) {
-               spec->num_channels = 14;
-               spec->channels = rf_vals_5225_2527;
-       } else if (rt2x00_rf(&rt2x00dev->chip, RF5225)) {
-               spec->num_channels = ARRAY_SIZE(rf_vals_5225_2527);
-               spec->channels = rf_vals_5225_2527;
-       }
-       if (rt2x00_rf(&rt2x00dev->chip, RF5225) ||
-           rt2x00_rf(&rt2x00dev->chip, RF5226)) {
-               spec->num_modes = 3;
-               txpower = rt2x00_eeprom_addr(rt2x00dev, EEPROM_TXPOWER_A_START);
-               for (i = 0; i < 14; i++)
-                       txpower[i] = TXPOWER_FROM_DEV(txpower[i]);
-               spec->tx_power_a = txpower;
-       }
-static int rt73usb_probe_hw(struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev)
-       int retval;
-       /*
-        * Allocate eeprom data.
-        */
-       retval = rt73usb_validate_eeprom(rt2x00dev);
-       if (retval)
-               return retval;
-       retval = rt73usb_init_eeprom(rt2x00dev);
-       if (retval)
-               return retval;
-       /*
-        * Initialize hw specifications.
-        */
-       rt73usb_probe_hw_mode(rt2x00dev);
-       /*
-        * This device requires firmware
-        */
-       __set_bit(DRIVER_REQUIRE_FIRMWARE, &rt2x00dev->flags);
-       /*
-        * Set the rssi offset.
-        */
-       rt2x00dev->rssi_offset = DEFAULT_RSSI_OFFSET;
-       return 0;
- * IEEE80211 stack callback functions.
- */
-static void rt73usb_configure_filter(struct ieee80211_hw *hw,
-                                    unsigned int changed_flags,
-                                    unsigned int *total_flags,
-                                    int mc_count,
-                                    struct dev_addr_list *mc_list)
-       struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev = hw->priv;
-       struct interface *intf = &rt2x00dev->interface;
-       u32 reg;
-       /*
-        * Mask off any flags we are going to ignore from
-        * the total_flags field.
-        */
-       *total_flags &=
-           FIF_ALLMULTI |
-           FIF_FCSFAIL |
-           FIF_PLCPFAIL |
-           FIF_CONTROL |
-           FIF_OTHER_BSS |
-           FIF_PROMISC_IN_BSS;
-       /*
-        * Apply some rules to the filters:
-        * - Some filters imply different filters to be set.
-        * - Some things we can't filter out at all.
-        * - Some filters are set based on interface type.
-        */
-       if (mc_count)
-               *total_flags |= FIF_ALLMULTI;
-       if (*total_flags & FIF_OTHER_BSS ||
-           *total_flags & FIF_PROMISC_IN_BSS)
-               *total_flags |= FIF_PROMISC_IN_BSS | FIF_OTHER_BSS;
-       if (is_interface_type(intf, IEEE80211_IF_TYPE_AP))
-               *total_flags |= FIF_PROMISC_IN_BSS;
-       /*
-        * Check if there is any work left for us.
-        */
-       if (intf->filter == *total_flags)
-               return;
-       intf->filter = *total_flags;
-       /*
-        * When in atomic context, reschedule and let rt2x00lib
-        * call this function again.
-        */
-       if (in_atomic()) {
-               queue_work(rt2x00dev->hw->workqueue, &rt2x00dev->filter_work);
-               return;
-       }
-       /*
-        * Start configuration steps.
-        * Note that the version error will always be dropped
-        * and broadcast frames will always be accepted since
-        * there is no filter for it at this time.
-        */
-       rt73usb_register_read(rt2x00dev, TXRX_CSR0, &reg);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, TXRX_CSR0_DROP_CRC,
-                          !(*total_flags & FIF_FCSFAIL));
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, TXRX_CSR0_DROP_PHYSICAL,
-                          !(*total_flags & FIF_PLCPFAIL));
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, TXRX_CSR0_DROP_CONTROL,
-                          !(*total_flags & FIF_CONTROL));
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, TXRX_CSR0_DROP_NOT_TO_ME,
-                          !(*total_flags & FIF_PROMISC_IN_BSS));
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, TXRX_CSR0_DROP_TO_DS,
-                          !(*total_flags & FIF_PROMISC_IN_BSS));
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, TXRX_CSR0_DROP_VERSION_ERROR, 1);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, TXRX_CSR0_DROP_MULTICAST,
-                          !(*total_flags & FIF_ALLMULTI));
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, TXRX_CSR0_DROP_BROADCAST, 0);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, TXRX_CSR0_DROP_ACK_CTS, 1);
-       rt73usb_register_write(rt2x00dev, TXRX_CSR0, reg);
-static int rt73usb_set_retry_limit(struct ieee80211_hw *hw,
-                                  u32 short_retry, u32 long_retry)
-       struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev = hw->priv;
-       u32 reg;
-       rt73usb_register_read(rt2x00dev, TXRX_CSR4, &reg);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, TXRX_CSR4_LONG_RETRY_LIMIT, long_retry);
-       rt2x00_set_field32(&reg, TXRX_CSR4_SHORT_RETRY_LIMIT, short_retry);
-       rt73usb_register_write(rt2x00dev, TXRX_CSR4, reg);
-       return 0;
-#if 0
- * Mac80211 demands get_tsf must be atomic.
- * This is not possible for rt73usb since all register access
- * functions require sleeping. Untill mac80211 no longer needs
- * get_tsf to be atomic, this function should be disabled.
- */
-static u64 rt73usb_get_tsf(struct ieee80211_hw *hw)
-       struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev = hw->priv;
-       u64 tsf;
-       u32 reg;
-       rt73usb_register_read(rt2x00dev, TXRX_CSR13, &reg);
-       tsf = (u64) rt2x00_get_field32(reg, TXRX_CSR13_HIGH_TSFTIMER) << 32;
-       rt73usb_register_read(rt2x00dev, TXRX_CSR12, &reg);
-       tsf |= rt2x00_get_field32(reg, TXRX_CSR12_LOW_TSFTIMER);
-       return tsf;
-#define rt73usb_get_tsf        NULL
-static void rt73usb_reset_tsf(struct ieee80211_hw *hw)
-       struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev = hw->priv;
-       rt73usb_register_write(rt2x00dev, TXRX_CSR12, 0);
-       rt73usb_register_write(rt2x00dev, TXRX_CSR13, 0);
-static int rt73usb_beacon_update(struct ieee80211_hw *hw, struct sk_buff *skb,
-                         struct ieee80211_tx_control *control)
-       struct rt2x00_dev *rt2x00dev = hw->priv;
-       int timeout;
-       /*
-        * Just in case the ieee80211 doesn't set this,
-        * but we need this queue set for the descriptor
-        * initialization.
-        */
-       control->queue = IEEE80211_TX_QUEUE_BEACON;
-       /*
-        * First we create the beacon.
-        */
-       skb_push(skb, TXD_DESC_SIZE);
-       memset(skb->data, 0, TXD_DESC_SIZE);
-       rt2x00lib_write_tx_desc(rt2x00dev, (struct data_desc *)skb->data,
-                               (struct ieee80211_hdr *)(skb->data +
-                                                        TXD_DESC_SIZE),
-                               skb->len - TXD_DESC_SIZE, control);
-       /*
-        * Write entire beacon with descriptor to register,
-        * and kick the beacon generator.
-        */
-       timeout = REGISTER_TIMEOUT * (skb->len / sizeof(u32));
-       rt2x00usb_vendor_request(rt2x00dev, USB_MULTI_WRITE,
-                                USB_VENDOR_REQUEST_OUT,
-                                HW_BEACON_BASE0, 0x0000,
-                                skb->data, skb->len, timeout);
-       rt73usb_kick_tx_queue(rt2x00dev, IEEE80211_TX_QUEUE_BEACON);
-       return 0;
-static const struct ieee80211_ops rt73usb_mac80211_ops = {
-       .tx                     = rt2x00mac_tx,
-       .start                  = rt2x00mac_start,
-       .stop                   = rt2x00mac_stop,
-       .add_interface          = rt2x00mac_add_interface,
-       .remove_interface       = rt2x00mac_remove_interface,
-       .config                 = rt2x00mac_config,
-       .config_interface       = rt2x00mac_config_interface,
-       .configure_filter       = rt73usb_configure_filter,
-       .get_stats              = rt2x00mac_get_stats,
-       .set_retry_limit        = rt73usb_set_retry_limit,
-       .erp_ie_changed         = rt2x00mac_erp_ie_changed,
-       .conf_tx                = rt2x00mac_conf_tx,
-       .get_tx_stats           = rt2x00mac_get_tx_stats,
-       .get_tsf                = rt73usb_get_tsf,
-       .reset_tsf              = rt73usb_reset_tsf,
-       .beacon_update          = rt73usb_beacon_update,
-static const struct rt2x00lib_ops rt73usb_rt2x00_ops = {
-       .probe_hw               = rt73usb_probe_hw,
-       .get_firmware_name      = rt73usb_get_firmware_name,
-       .load_firmware          = rt73usb_load_firmware,
-       .initialize             = rt2x00usb_initialize,
-       .uninitialize           = rt2x00usb_uninitialize,
-       .set_device_state       = rt73usb_set_device_state,
-       .link_stats             = rt73usb_link_stats,
-       .reset_tuner            = rt73usb_reset_tuner,
-       .link_tuner             = rt73usb_link_tuner,
-       .write_tx_desc          = rt73usb_write_tx_desc,
-       .write_tx_data          = rt2x00usb_write_tx_data,
-       .get_tx_data_len        = rt73usb_get_tx_data_len,
-       .kick_tx_queue          = rt73usb_kick_tx_queue,
-       .fill_rxdone            = rt73usb_fill_rxdone,
-       .config_mac_addr        = rt73usb_config_mac_addr,
-       .config_bssid           = rt73usb_config_bssid,
-       .config_type            = rt73usb_config_type,
-       .config_preamble        = rt73usb_config_preamble,
-       .config                 = rt73usb_config,
-static const struct rt2x00_ops rt73usb_ops = {
-       .name           = DRV_NAME,
-       .rxd_size       = RXD_DESC_SIZE,
-       .txd_size       = TXD_DESC_SIZE,
-       .eeprom_size    = EEPROM_SIZE,
-       .rf_size        = RF_SIZE,
-       .lib            = &rt73usb_rt2x00_ops,
-       .hw             = &rt73usb_mac80211_ops,
-       .debugfs        = &rt73usb_rt2x00debug,
-#endif /* CONFIG_RT2X00_LIB_DEBUGFS */
- * rt73usb module information.
- */
-static struct usb_device_id rt73usb_device_table[] = {
-       /* AboCom */
-       { USB_DEVICE(0x07b8, 0xb21d), USB_DEVICE_DATA(&rt73usb_ops) },
-       /* Askey */
-       { USB_DEVICE(0x1690, 0x0722), USB_DEVICE_DATA(&rt73usb_ops) },
-       /* ASUS */
-       { USB_DEVICE(0x0b05, 0x1723), USB_DEVICE_DATA(&rt73usb_ops) },
-       { USB_DEVICE(0x0b05, 0x1724), USB_DEVICE_DATA(&rt73usb_ops) },
-       /* Belkin */
-       { USB_DEVICE(0x050d, 0x7050), USB_DEVICE_DATA(&rt73usb_ops) },
-       { USB_DEVICE(0x050d, 0x705a), USB_DEVICE_DATA(&rt73usb_ops) },
-       { USB_DEVICE(0x050d, 0x905b), USB_DEVICE_DATA(&rt73usb_ops) },
-       { USB_DEVICE(0x050d, 0x905c), USB_DEVICE_DATA(&rt73usb_ops) },
-       /* Billionton */
-       { USB_DEVICE(0x1631, 0xc019), USB_DEVICE_DATA(&rt73usb_ops) },
-       /* Buffalo */
-       { USB_DEVICE(0x0411, 0x00f4), USB_DEVICE_DATA(&rt73usb_ops) },
-       /* CNet */
-       { USB_DEVICE(0x1371, 0x9022), USB_DEVICE_DATA(&rt73usb_ops) },
-       { USB_DEVICE(0x1371, 0x9032), USB_DEVICE_DATA(&rt73usb_ops) },
-       /* Conceptronic */
-       { USB_DEVICE(0x14b2, 0x3c22), USB_DEVICE_DATA(&rt73usb_ops) },
-       /* D-Link */
-       { USB_DEVICE(0x07d1, 0x3c03), USB_DEVICE_DATA(&rt73usb_ops) },
-       { USB_DEVICE(0x07d1, 0x3c04), USB_DEVICE_DATA(&rt73usb_ops) },
-       /* Gemtek */
-       { USB_DEVICE(0x15a9, 0x0004), USB_DEVICE_DATA(&rt73usb_ops) },
-       /* Gigabyte */
-       { USB_DEVICE(0x1044, 0x8008), USB_DEVICE_DATA(&rt73usb_ops) },
-       { USB_DEVICE(0x1044, 0x800a), USB_DEVICE_DATA(&rt73usb_ops) },
-       /* Huawei-3Com */
-       { USB_DEVICE(0x1472, 0x0009), USB_DEVICE_DATA(&rt73usb_ops) },
-       /* Hercules */
-       { USB_DEVICE(0x06f8, 0xe010), USB_DEVICE_DATA(&rt73usb_ops) },
-       { USB_DEVICE(0x06f8, 0xe020), USB_DEVICE_DATA(&rt73usb_ops) },
-       /* Linksys */
-       { USB_DEVICE(0x13b1, 0x0020), USB_DEVICE_DATA(&rt73usb_ops) },
-       { USB_DEVICE(0x13b1, 0x0023), USB_DEVICE_DATA(&rt73usb_ops) },
-       /* MSI */
-       { USB_DEVICE(0x0db0, 0x6877), USB_DEVICE_DATA(&rt73usb_ops) },
-       { USB_DEVICE(0x0db0, 0x6874), USB_DEVICE_DATA(&rt73usb_ops) },
-       { USB_DEVICE(0x0db0, 0xa861), USB_DEVICE_DATA(&rt73usb_ops) },
-       { USB_DEVICE(0x0db0, 0xa874), USB_DEVICE_DATA(&rt73usb_ops) },
-       /* Ralink */
-       { USB_DEVICE(0x148f, 0x2573), USB_DEVICE_DATA(&rt73usb_ops) },
-       { USB_DEVICE(0x148f, 0x2671), USB_DEVICE_DATA(&rt73usb_ops) },
-       /* Qcom */
-       { USB_DEVICE(0x18e8, 0x6196), USB_DEVICE_DATA(&rt73usb_ops) },
-       { USB_DEVICE(0x18e8, 0x6229), USB_DEVICE_DATA(&rt73usb_ops) },
-       { USB_DEVICE(0x18e8, 0x6238), USB_DEVICE_DATA(&rt73usb_ops) },
-       /* Senao */
-       { USB_DEVICE(0x1740, 0x7100), USB_DEVICE_DATA(&rt73usb_ops) },
-       /* Sitecom */
-       { USB_DEVICE(0x0df6, 0x9712), USB_DEVICE_DATA(&rt73usb_ops) },
-       { USB_DEVICE(0x0df6, 0x90ac), USB_DEVICE_DATA(&rt73usb_ops) },
-       /* Surecom */
-       { USB_DEVICE(0x0769, 0x31f3), USB_DEVICE_DATA(&rt73usb_ops) },
-       /* Planex */
-       { USB_DEVICE(0x2019, 0xab01), USB_DEVICE_DATA(&rt73usb_ops) },
-       { USB_DEVICE(0x2019, 0xab50), USB_DEVICE_DATA(&rt73usb_ops) },
-       { 0, }
-MODULE_DESCRIPTION("Ralink RT73 USB Wireless LAN driver.");
-MODULE_SUPPORTED_DEVICE("Ralink RT2571W & RT2671 USB chipset based cards");
-MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE(usb, rt73usb_device_table);
-static struct usb_driver rt73usb_driver = {
-       .name           = DRV_NAME,
-       .id_table       = rt73usb_device_table,
-       .probe          = rt2x00usb_probe,
-       .disconnect     = rt2x00usb_disconnect,
-       .suspend        = rt2x00usb_suspend,
-       .resume         = rt2x00usb_resume,
-static int __init rt73usb_init(void)
-       return usb_register(&rt73usb_driver);
-static void __exit rt73usb_exit(void)
-       usb_deregister(&rt73usb_driver);
diff --git a/package/rt2x00/src/rt73usb.h b/package/rt2x00/src/rt73usb.h
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index f095151..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1024 +0,0 @@
-       Copyright (C) 2004 - 2007 rt2x00 SourceForge Project
-       <http://rt2x00.serialmonkey.com>
-       This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-       it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-       the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-       (at your option) any later version.
-       This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-       but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-       GNU General Public License for more details.
-       You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-       along with this program; if not, write to the
-       Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
-       59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
- */
-       Module: rt73usb
-       Abstract: Data structures and registers for the rt73usb module.
-       Supported chipsets: rt2571W & rt2671.
- */
-#ifndef RT73USB_H
-#define RT73USB_H
- * RF chip defines.
- */
-#define RF5226                         0x0001
-#define RF2528                         0x0002
-#define RF5225                         0x0003
-#define RF2527                         0x0004
- * Signal information.
- * Defaul offset is required for RSSI <-> dBm conversion.
- */
-#define MAX_SIGNAL                     100
-#define MAX_RX_SSI                     -1
-#define DEFAULT_RSSI_OFFSET            120
- * Register layout information.
- */
-#define CSR_REG_BASE                   0x3000
-#define CSR_REG_SIZE                   0x04b0
-#define EEPROM_BASE                    0x0000
-#define EEPROM_SIZE                    0x0100
-#define BBP_SIZE                       0x0080
-#define RF_SIZE                                0x0014
- * USB registers.
- */
- * MCU_LEDCS: LED control for MCU Mailbox.
- */
-#define MCU_LEDCS_LED_MODE             FIELD16(0x001f)
-#define MCU_LEDCS_RADIO_STATUS         FIELD16(0x0020)
-#define MCU_LEDCS_LINK_BG_STATUS       FIELD16(0x0040)
-#define MCU_LEDCS_LINK_A_STATUS                FIELD16(0x0080)
-#define MCU_LEDCS_POLARITY_GPIO_0      FIELD16(0x0100)
-#define MCU_LEDCS_POLARITY_GPIO_1      FIELD16(0x0200)
-#define MCU_LEDCS_POLARITY_GPIO_2      FIELD16(0x0400)
-#define MCU_LEDCS_POLARITY_GPIO_3      FIELD16(0x0800)
-#define MCU_LEDCS_POLARITY_GPIO_4      FIELD16(0x1000)
-#define MCU_LEDCS_POLARITY_ACT         FIELD16(0x2000)
-#define MCU_LEDCS_POLARITY_READY_A     FIELD16(0x8000)
- * 8051 firmware image.
- */
-#define FIRMWARE_RT2571                        "rt73.bin"
-#define FIRMWARE_IMAGE_BASE            0x0800
- * Security key table memory.
- * 16 entries 32-byte for shared key table
- * 64 entries 32-byte for pairwise key table
- * 64 entries 8-byte for pairwise ta key table
- */
-#define SHARED_KEY_TABLE_BASE          0x1000
-#define PAIRWISE_KEY_TABLE_BASE                0x1200
-#define PAIRWISE_TA_TABLE_BASE         0x1a00
-struct hw_key_entry {
-       u8 key[16];
-       u8 tx_mic[8];
-       u8 rx_mic[8];
-} __attribute__ ((packed));
-struct hw_pairwise_ta_entry {
-       u8 address[6];
-       u8 reserved[2];
-} __attribute__ ((packed));
- * Since NULL frame won't be that long (256 byte),
- * We steal 16 tail bytes to save debugging settings.
- */
-#define HW_DEBUG_SETTING_BASE          0x2bf0
- * On-chip BEACON frame space.
- */
-#define HW_BEACON_BASE0                        0x2400
-#define HW_BEACON_BASE1                        0x2500
-#define HW_BEACON_BASE2                        0x2600
-#define HW_BEACON_BASE3                        0x2700
- * MAC Control/Status Registers(CSR).
- * Some values are set in TU, whereas 1 TU == 1024 us.
- */
- * MAC_CSR0: ASIC revision number.
- */
-#define MAC_CSR0                       0x3000
- * MAC_CSR1: System control register.
- * SOFT_RESET: Software reset bit, 1: reset, 0: normal.
- * BBP_RESET: Hardware reset BBP.
- * HOST_READY: Host is ready after initialization, 1: ready.
- */
-#define MAC_CSR1                       0x3004
-#define MAC_CSR1_SOFT_RESET            FIELD32(0x00000001)
-#define MAC_CSR1_BBP_RESET             FIELD32(0x00000002)
-#define MAC_CSR1_HOST_READY            FIELD32(0x00000004)
- * MAC_CSR2: STA MAC register 0.
- */
-#define MAC_CSR2                       0x3008
-#define MAC_CSR2_BYTE0                 FIELD32(0x000000ff)
-#define MAC_CSR2_BYTE1                 FIELD32(0x0000ff00)
-#define MAC_CSR2_BYTE2                 FIELD32(0x00ff0000)
-#define MAC_CSR2_BYTE3                 FIELD32(0xff000000)
- * MAC_CSR3: STA MAC register 1.
- */
-#define MAC_CSR3                       0x300c
-#define MAC_CSR3_BYTE4                 FIELD32(0x000000ff)
-#define MAC_CSR3_BYTE5                 FIELD32(0x0000ff00)
-#define MAC_CSR3_UNICAST_TO_ME_MASK    FIELD32(0x00ff0000)
- * MAC_CSR4: BSSID register 0.
- */
-#define MAC_CSR4                       0x3010
-#define MAC_CSR4_BYTE0                 FIELD32(0x000000ff)
-#define MAC_CSR4_BYTE1                 FIELD32(0x0000ff00)
-#define MAC_CSR4_BYTE2                 FIELD32(0x00ff0000)
-#define MAC_CSR4_BYTE3                 FIELD32(0xff000000)
- * MAC_CSR5: BSSID register 1.
- * BSS_ID_MASK: 3: one BSSID, 0: 4 BSSID, 2 or 1: 2 BSSID.
- */
-#define MAC_CSR5                       0x3014
-#define MAC_CSR5_BYTE4                 FIELD32(0x000000ff)
-#define MAC_CSR5_BYTE5                 FIELD32(0x0000ff00)
-#define MAC_CSR5_BSS_ID_MASK           FIELD32(0x00ff0000)
- * MAC_CSR6: Maximum frame length register.
- */
-#define MAC_CSR6                       0x3018
-#define MAC_CSR6_MAX_FRAME_UNIT                FIELD32(0x00000fff)
- * MAC_CSR7: Reserved
- */
-#define MAC_CSR7                       0x301c
- * MAC_CSR8: SIFS/EIFS register.
- * All units are in US.
- */
-#define MAC_CSR8                       0x3020
-#define MAC_CSR8_SIFS                  FIELD32(0x000000ff)
-#define MAC_CSR8_SIFS_AFTER_RX_OFDM    FIELD32(0x0000ff00)
-#define MAC_CSR8_EIFS                  FIELD32(0xffff0000)
- * MAC_CSR9: Back-Off control register.
- * SLOT_TIME: Slot time, default is 20us for 802.11BG.
- * CWMIN: Bit for Cwmin. default Cwmin is 31 (2^5 - 1).
- * CWMAX: Bit for Cwmax, default Cwmax is 1023 (2^10 - 1).
- * CW_SELECT: 1: CWmin/Cwmax select from register, 0:select from TxD.
- */
-#define MAC_CSR9                       0x3024
-#define MAC_CSR9_SLOT_TIME             FIELD32(0x000000ff)
-#define MAC_CSR9_CWMIN                 FIELD32(0x00000f00)
-#define MAC_CSR9_CWMAX                 FIELD32(0x0000f000)
-#define MAC_CSR9_CW_SELECT             FIELD32(0x00010000)
- * MAC_CSR10: Power state configuration.
- */
-#define MAC_CSR10                      0x3028
- * MAC_CSR11: Power saving transition time register.
- * DELAY_AFTER_TBCN: Delay after Tbcn expired in units of TU.
- * TBCN_BEFORE_WAKEUP: Number of beacon before wakeup.
- * WAKEUP_LATENCY: In unit of TU.
- */
-#define MAC_CSR11                      0x302c
-#define MAC_CSR11_DELAY_AFTER_TBCN     FIELD32(0x000000ff)
-#define MAC_CSR11_TBCN_BEFORE_WAKEUP   FIELD32(0x00007f00)
-#define MAC_CSR11_AUTOWAKE             FIELD32(0x00008000)
-#define MAC_CSR11_WAKEUP_LATENCY       FIELD32(0x000f0000)
- * MAC_CSR12: Manual power control / status register (merge CSR20 & PWRCSR1).
- * CURRENT_STATE: 0:sleep, 1:awake.
- * FORCE_WAKEUP: This has higher priority than PUT_TO_SLEEP.
- * BBP_CURRENT_STATE: 0: BBP sleep, 1: BBP awake.
- */
-#define MAC_CSR12                      0x3030
-#define MAC_CSR12_CURRENT_STATE                FIELD32(0x00000001)
-#define MAC_CSR12_PUT_TO_SLEEP         FIELD32(0x00000002)
-#define MAC_CSR12_FORCE_WAKEUP         FIELD32(0x00000004)
-#define MAC_CSR12_BBP_CURRENT_STATE    FIELD32(0x00000008)
- * MAC_CSR13: GPIO.
- */
-#define MAC_CSR13                      0x3034
- * MAC_CSR14: LED control register.
- * ON_PERIOD: On period, default 70ms.
- * OFF_PERIOD: Off period, default 30ms.
- * HW_LED: HW TX activity, 1: normal OFF, 0: normal ON.
- * SW_LED: s/w LED, 1: ON, 0: OFF.
- * HW_LED_POLARITY: 0: active low, 1: active high.
- */
-#define MAC_CSR14                      0x3038
-#define MAC_CSR14_ON_PERIOD            FIELD32(0x000000ff)
-#define MAC_CSR14_OFF_PERIOD           FIELD32(0x0000ff00)
-#define MAC_CSR14_HW_LED               FIELD32(0x00010000)
-#define MAC_CSR14_SW_LED               FIELD32(0x00020000)
-#define MAC_CSR14_HW_LED_POLARITY      FIELD32(0x00040000)
-#define MAC_CSR14_SW_LED2              FIELD32(0x00080000)
- * MAC_CSR15: NAV control.
- */
-#define MAC_CSR15                      0x303c
- * TXRX control registers.
- * Some values are set in TU, whereas 1 TU == 1024 us.
- */
- * TXRX_CSR0: TX/RX configuration register.
- * TSF_OFFSET: Default is 24.
- * AUTO_TX_SEQ: 1: ASIC auto replace sequence nr in outgoing frame.
- * DISABLE_RX: Disable Rx engine.
- * DROP_CRC: Drop CRC error.
- * DROP_PHYSICAL: Drop physical error.
- * DROP_CONTROL: Drop control frame.
- * DROP_NOT_TO_ME: Drop not to me unicast frame.
- * DROP_TO_DS: Drop fram ToDs bit is true.
- * DROP_VERSION_ERROR: Drop version error frame.
- * DROP_MULTICAST: Drop multicast frames.
- * DROP_BORADCAST: Drop broadcast frames.
- * ROP_ACK_CTS: Drop received ACK and CTS.
- */
-#define TXRX_CSR0                      0x3040
-#define TXRX_CSR0_RX_ACK_TIMEOUT       FIELD32(0x000001ff)
-#define TXRX_CSR0_TSF_OFFSET           FIELD32(0x00007e00)
-#define TXRX_CSR0_AUTO_TX_SEQ          FIELD32(0x00008000)
-#define TXRX_CSR0_DISABLE_RX           FIELD32(0x00010000)
-#define TXRX_CSR0_DROP_CRC             FIELD32(0x00020000)
-#define TXRX_CSR0_DROP_PHYSICAL                FIELD32(0x00040000)
-#define TXRX_CSR0_DROP_CONTROL         FIELD32(0x00080000)
-#define TXRX_CSR0_DROP_NOT_TO_ME       FIELD32(0x00100000)
-#define TXRX_CSR0_DROP_TO_DS           FIELD32(0x00200000)
-#define TXRX_CSR0_DROP_VERSION_ERROR   FIELD32(0x00400000)
-#define TXRX_CSR0_DROP_MULTICAST       FIELD32(0x00800000)
-#define TXRX_CSR0_DROP_BROADCAST       FIELD32(0x01000000)
-#define TXRX_CSR0_DROP_ACK_CTS         FIELD32(0x02000000)
-#define TXRX_CSR0_TX_WITHOUT_WAITING   FIELD32(0x04000000)
- */
-#define TXRX_CSR1                      0x3044
-#define TXRX_CSR1_BBP_ID0              FIELD32(0x0000007f)
-#define TXRX_CSR1_BBP_ID0_VALID                FIELD32(0x00000080)
-#define TXRX_CSR1_BBP_ID1              FIELD32(0x00007f00)
-#define TXRX_CSR1_BBP_ID1_VALID                FIELD32(0x00008000)
-#define TXRX_CSR1_BBP_ID2              FIELD32(0x007f0000)
-#define TXRX_CSR1_BBP_ID2_VALID                FIELD32(0x00800000)
-#define TXRX_CSR1_BBP_ID3              FIELD32(0x7f000000)
-#define TXRX_CSR1_BBP_ID3_VALID                FIELD32(0x80000000)
- */
-#define TXRX_CSR2                      0x3048
-#define TXRX_CSR2_BBP_ID0              FIELD32(0x0000007f)
-#define TXRX_CSR2_BBP_ID0_VALID                FIELD32(0x00000080)
-#define TXRX_CSR2_BBP_ID1              FIELD32(0x00007f00)
-#define TXRX_CSR2_BBP_ID1_VALID                FIELD32(0x00008000)
-#define TXRX_CSR2_BBP_ID2              FIELD32(0x007f0000)
-#define TXRX_CSR2_BBP_ID2_VALID                FIELD32(0x00800000)
-#define TXRX_CSR2_BBP_ID3              FIELD32(0x7f000000)
-#define TXRX_CSR2_BBP_ID3_VALID                FIELD32(0x80000000)
- */
-#define TXRX_CSR3                      0x304c
-#define TXRX_CSR3_BBP_ID0              FIELD32(0x0000007f)
-#define TXRX_CSR3_BBP_ID0_VALID                FIELD32(0x00000080)
-#define TXRX_CSR3_BBP_ID1              FIELD32(0x00007f00)
-#define TXRX_CSR3_BBP_ID1_VALID                FIELD32(0x00008000)
-#define TXRX_CSR3_BBP_ID2              FIELD32(0x007f0000)
-#define TXRX_CSR3_BBP_ID2_VALID                FIELD32(0x00800000)
-#define TXRX_CSR3_BBP_ID3              FIELD32(0x7f000000)
-#define TXRX_CSR3_BBP_ID3_VALID                FIELD32(0x80000000)
- * TXRX_CSR4: Auto-Responder/Tx-retry register.
- * AUTORESPOND_PREAMBLE: 0:long, 1:short preamble.
- * OFDM_TX_RATE_DOWN: 1:enable.
- * OFDM_TX_RATE_STEP: 0:1-step, 1: 2-step, 2:3-step, 3:4-step.
- * OFDM_TX_FALLBACK_CCK: 0: Fallback to OFDM 6M only, 1: Fallback to CCK 1M,2M.
- */
-#define TXRX_CSR4                      0x3050
-#define TXRX_CSR4_TX_ACK_TIMEOUT       FIELD32(0x000000ff)
-#define TXRX_CSR4_CNTL_ACK_POLICY      FIELD32(0x00000700)
-#define TXRX_CSR4_ACK_CTS_PSM          FIELD32(0x00010000)
-#define TXRX_CSR4_AUTORESPOND_ENABLE   FIELD32(0x00020000)
-#define TXRX_CSR4_OFDM_TX_RATE_DOWN    FIELD32(0x00080000)
-#define TXRX_CSR4_OFDM_TX_RATE_STEP    FIELD32(0x00300000)
-#define TXRX_CSR4_OFDM_TX_FALLBACK_CCK FIELD32(0x00400000)
-#define TXRX_CSR4_LONG_RETRY_LIMIT     FIELD32(0x0f000000)
-#define TXRX_CSR4_SHORT_RETRY_LIMIT    FIELD32(0xf0000000)
- */
-#define TXRX_CSR5                      0x3054
- * TXRX_CSR6: ACK/CTS payload consumed time
- */
-#define TXRX_CSR6                      0x3058
- * TXRX_CSR7: OFDM ACK/CTS payload consumed time for 6/9/12/18 mbps.
- */
-#define TXRX_CSR7                      0x305c
-#define TXRX_CSR7_ACK_CTS_6MBS         FIELD32(0x000000ff)
-#define TXRX_CSR7_ACK_CTS_9MBS         FIELD32(0x0000ff00)
-#define TXRX_CSR7_ACK_CTS_12MBS                FIELD32(0x00ff0000)
-#define TXRX_CSR7_ACK_CTS_18MBS                FIELD32(0xff000000)
- * TXRX_CSR8: OFDM ACK/CTS payload consumed time for 24/36/48/54 mbps.
- */
-#define TXRX_CSR8                      0x3060
-#define TXRX_CSR8_ACK_CTS_24MBS                FIELD32(0x000000ff)
-#define TXRX_CSR8_ACK_CTS_36MBS                FIELD32(0x0000ff00)
-#define TXRX_CSR8_ACK_CTS_48MBS                FIELD32(0x00ff0000)
-#define TXRX_CSR8_ACK_CTS_54MBS                FIELD32(0xff000000)
- * TXRX_CSR9: Synchronization control register.
- * BEACON_INTERVAL: In unit of 1/16 TU.
- * TSF_TICKING: Enable TSF auto counting.
- * TSF_SYNC: Tsf sync, 0: disable, 1: infra, 2: ad-hoc/master mode.
- * BEACON_GEN: Enable beacon generator.
- */
-#define TXRX_CSR9                      0x3064
-#define TXRX_CSR9_BEACON_INTERVAL      FIELD32(0x0000ffff)
-#define TXRX_CSR9_TSF_TICKING          FIELD32(0x00010000)
-#define TXRX_CSR9_TSF_SYNC             FIELD32(0x00060000)
-#define TXRX_CSR9_TBTT_ENABLE          FIELD32(0x00080000)
-#define TXRX_CSR9_BEACON_GEN           FIELD32(0x00100000)
- * TXRX_CSR10: BEACON alignment.
- */
-#define TXRX_CSR10                     0x3068
- * TXRX_CSR11: AES mask.
- */
-#define TXRX_CSR11                     0x306c
- * TXRX_CSR12: TSF low 32.
- */
-#define TXRX_CSR12                     0x3070
-#define TXRX_CSR12_LOW_TSFTIMER                FIELD32(0xffffffff)
- * TXRX_CSR13: TSF high 32.
- */
-#define TXRX_CSR13                     0x3074
-#define TXRX_CSR13_HIGH_TSFTIMER       FIELD32(0xffffffff)
- * TXRX_CSR14: TBTT timer.
- */
-#define TXRX_CSR14                     0x3078
- * TXRX_CSR15: TKIP MIC priority byte "AND" mask.
- */
-#define TXRX_CSR15                     0x307c
- * PHY control registers.
- * Some values are set in TU, whereas 1 TU == 1024 us.
- */
- * PHY_CSR0: RF/PS control.
- */
-#define PHY_CSR0                       0x3080
-#define PHY_CSR0_PA_PE_BG              FIELD32(0x00010000)
-#define PHY_CSR0_PA_PE_A               FIELD32(0x00020000)
- * PHY_CSR1
- */
-#define PHY_CSR1                       0x3084
-#define PHY_CSR1_RF_RPI                        FIELD32(0x00010000)
- * PHY_CSR2: Pre-TX BBP control.
- */
-#define PHY_CSR2                       0x3088
- * PHY_CSR3: BBP serial control register.
- * VALUE: Register value to program into BBP.
- * REG_NUM: Selected BBP register.
- * READ_CONTROL: 0: Write BBP, 1: Read BBP.
- * BUSY: 1: ASIC is busy execute BBP programming.
- */
-#define PHY_CSR3                       0x308c
-#define PHY_CSR3_VALUE                 FIELD32(0x000000ff)
-#define PHY_CSR3_REGNUM                        FIELD32(0x00007f00)
-#define PHY_CSR3_READ_CONTROL          FIELD32(0x00008000)
-#define PHY_CSR3_BUSY                  FIELD32(0x00010000)
- * PHY_CSR4: RF serial control register
- * VALUE: Register value (include register id) serial out to RF/IF chip.
- * NUMBER_OF_BITS: Number of bits used in RFRegValue (I:20, RFMD:22).
- * IF_SELECT: 1: select IF to program, 0: select RF to program.
- * PLL_LD: RF PLL_LD status.
- * BUSY: 1: ASIC is busy execute RF programming.
- */
-#define PHY_CSR4                       0x3090
-#define PHY_CSR4_VALUE                 FIELD32(0x00ffffff)
-#define PHY_CSR4_NUMBER_OF_BITS                FIELD32(0x1f000000)
-#define PHY_CSR4_IF_SELECT             FIELD32(0x20000000)
-#define PHY_CSR4_PLL_LD                        FIELD32(0x40000000)
-#define PHY_CSR4_BUSY                  FIELD32(0x80000000)
- * PHY_CSR5: RX to TX signal switch timing control.
- */
-#define PHY_CSR5                       0x3094
-#define PHY_CSR5_IQ_FLIP               FIELD32(0x00000004)
- * PHY_CSR6: TX to RX signal timing control.
- */
-#define PHY_CSR6                       0x3098
-#define PHY_CSR6_IQ_FLIP               FIELD32(0x00000004)
- * PHY_CSR7: TX DAC switching timing control.
- */
-#define PHY_CSR7                       0x309c
- * Security control register.
- */
- * SEC_CSR0: Shared key table control.
- */
-#define SEC_CSR0                       0x30a0
-#define SEC_CSR0_BSS0_KEY0_VALID       FIELD32(0x00000001)
-#define SEC_CSR0_BSS0_KEY1_VALID       FIELD32(0x00000002)
-#define SEC_CSR0_BSS0_KEY2_VALID       FIELD32(0x00000004)
-#define SEC_CSR0_BSS0_KEY3_VALID       FIELD32(0x00000008)
-#define SEC_CSR0_BSS1_KEY0_VALID       FIELD32(0x00000010)
-#define SEC_CSR0_BSS1_KEY1_VALID       FIELD32(0x00000020)
-#define SEC_CSR0_BSS1_KEY2_VALID       FIELD32(0x00000040)
-#define SEC_CSR0_BSS1_KEY3_VALID       FIELD32(0x00000080)
-#define SEC_CSR0_BSS2_KEY0_VALID       FIELD32(0x00000100)
-#define SEC_CSR0_BSS2_KEY1_VALID       FIELD32(0x00000200)
-#define SEC_CSR0_BSS2_KEY2_VALID       FIELD32(0x00000400)
-#define SEC_CSR0_BSS2_KEY3_VALID       FIELD32(0x00000800)
-#define SEC_CSR0_BSS3_KEY0_VALID       FIELD32(0x00001000)
-#define SEC_CSR0_BSS3_KEY1_VALID       FIELD32(0x00002000)
-#define SEC_CSR0_BSS3_KEY2_VALID       FIELD32(0x00004000)
-#define SEC_CSR0_BSS3_KEY3_VALID       FIELD32(0x00008000)
- * SEC_CSR1: Shared key table security mode register.
- */
-#define SEC_CSR1                       0x30a4
-#define SEC_CSR1_BSS0_KEY0_CIPHER_ALG  FIELD32(0x00000007)
-#define SEC_CSR1_BSS0_KEY1_CIPHER_ALG  FIELD32(0x00000070)
-#define SEC_CSR1_BSS0_KEY2_CIPHER_ALG  FIELD32(0x00000700)
-#define SEC_CSR1_BSS0_KEY3_CIPHER_ALG  FIELD32(0x00007000)
-#define SEC_CSR1_BSS1_KEY0_CIPHER_ALG  FIELD32(0x00070000)
-#define SEC_CSR1_BSS1_KEY1_CIPHER_ALG  FIELD32(0x00700000)
-#define SEC_CSR1_BSS1_KEY2_CIPHER_ALG  FIELD32(0x07000000)
-#define SEC_CSR1_BSS1_KEY3_CIPHER_ALG  FIELD32(0x70000000)
- * Pairwise key table valid bitmap registers.
- * SEC_CSR2: pairwise key table valid bitmap 0.
- * SEC_CSR3: pairwise key table valid bitmap 1.
- */
-#define SEC_CSR2                       0x30a8
-#define SEC_CSR3                       0x30ac
- * SEC_CSR4: Pairwise key table lookup control.
- */
-#define SEC_CSR4                       0x30b0
- * SEC_CSR5: shared key table security mode register.
- */
-#define SEC_CSR5                       0x30b4
-#define SEC_CSR5_BSS2_KEY0_CIPHER_ALG  FIELD32(0x00000007)
-#define SEC_CSR5_BSS2_KEY1_CIPHER_ALG  FIELD32(0x00000070)
-#define SEC_CSR5_BSS2_KEY2_CIPHER_ALG  FIELD32(0x00000700)
-#define SEC_CSR5_BSS2_KEY3_CIPHER_ALG  FIELD32(0x00007000)
-#define SEC_CSR5_BSS3_KEY0_CIPHER_ALG  FIELD32(0x00070000)
-#define SEC_CSR5_BSS3_KEY1_CIPHER_ALG  FIELD32(0x00700000)
-#define SEC_CSR5_BSS3_KEY2_CIPHER_ALG  FIELD32(0x07000000)
-#define SEC_CSR5_BSS3_KEY3_CIPHER_ALG  FIELD32(0x70000000)
- * STA control registers.
- */
- * STA_CSR0: RX PLCP error count & RX FCS error count.
- */
-#define STA_CSR0                       0x30c0
-#define STA_CSR0_FCS_ERROR             FIELD32(0x0000ffff)
-#define STA_CSR0_PLCP_ERROR            FIELD32(0xffff0000)
- * STA_CSR1: RX False CCA count & RX LONG frame count.
- */
-#define STA_CSR1                       0x30c4
-#define STA_CSR1_PHYSICAL_ERROR                FIELD32(0x0000ffff)
-#define STA_CSR1_FALSE_CCA_ERROR       FIELD32(0xffff0000)
- * STA_CSR2: TX Beacon count and RX FIFO overflow count.
- */
-#define STA_CSR2                       0x30c8
-#define STA_CSR2_RX_FIFO_OVERFLOW_COUNT        FIELD32(0x0000ffff)
-#define STA_CSR2_RX_OVERFLOW_COUNT     FIELD32(0xffff0000)
- * STA_CSR3: TX Beacon count.
- */
-#define STA_CSR3                       0x30cc
-#define STA_CSR3_TX_BEACON_COUNT       FIELD32(0x0000ffff)
- * STA_CSR4: TX Retry count.
- */
-#define STA_CSR4                       0x30d0
-#define STA_CSR4_TX_NO_RETRY_COUNT     FIELD32(0x0000ffff)
-#define STA_CSR4_TX_ONE_RETRY_COUNT    FIELD32(0xffff0000)
- * STA_CSR5: TX Retry count.
- */
-#define STA_CSR5                       0x30d4
-#define STA_CSR4_TX_MULTI_RETRY_COUNT  FIELD32(0x0000ffff)
-#define STA_CSR4_TX_RETRY_FAIL_COUNT   FIELD32(0xffff0000)
- * QOS control registers.
- */
- * QOS_CSR1: TXOP holder MAC address register.
- */
-#define QOS_CSR1                       0x30e4
-#define QOS_CSR1_BYTE4                 FIELD32(0x000000ff)
-#define QOS_CSR1_BYTE5                 FIELD32(0x0000ff00)
- * QOS_CSR2: TXOP holder timeout register.
- */
-#define QOS_CSR2                       0x30e8
- * RX QOS-CFPOLL MAC address register.
- * QOS_CSR3: RX QOS-CFPOLL MAC address 0.
- * QOS_CSR4: RX QOS-CFPOLL MAC address 1.
- */
-#define QOS_CSR3                       0x30ec
-#define QOS_CSR4                       0x30f0
- * QOS_CSR5: "QosControl" field of the RX QOS-CFPOLL.
- */
-#define QOS_CSR5                       0x30f4
- * WMM Scheduler Register
- */
- * AIFSN_CSR: AIFSN for each EDCA AC.
- * AIFSN0: For AC_BK.
- * AIFSN1: For AC_BE.
- * AIFSN2: For AC_VI.
- * AIFSN3: For AC_VO.
- */
-#define AIFSN_CSR                      0x0400
-#define AIFSN_CSR_AIFSN0               FIELD32(0x0000000f)
-#define AIFSN_CSR_AIFSN1               FIELD32(0x000000f0)
-#define AIFSN_CSR_AIFSN2               FIELD32(0x00000f00)
-#define AIFSN_CSR_AIFSN3               FIELD32(0x0000f000)
- * CWMIN_CSR: CWmin for each EDCA AC.
- * CWMIN0: For AC_BK.
- * CWMIN1: For AC_BE.
- * CWMIN2: For AC_VI.
- * CWMIN3: For AC_VO.
- */
-#define CWMIN_CSR                      0x0404
-#define CWMIN_CSR_CWMIN0               FIELD32(0x0000000f)
-#define CWMIN_CSR_CWMIN1               FIELD32(0x000000f0)
-#define CWMIN_CSR_CWMIN2               FIELD32(0x00000f00)
-#define CWMIN_CSR_CWMIN3               FIELD32(0x0000f000)
- * CWMAX_CSR: CWmax for each EDCA AC.
- * CWMAX0: For AC_BK.
- * CWMAX1: For AC_BE.
- * CWMAX2: For AC_VI.
- * CWMAX3: For AC_VO.
- */
-#define CWMAX_CSR                      0x0408
-#define CWMAX_CSR_CWMAX0               FIELD32(0x0000000f)
-#define CWMAX_CSR_CWMAX1               FIELD32(0x000000f0)
-#define CWMAX_CSR_CWMAX2               FIELD32(0x00000f00)
-#define CWMAX_CSR_CWMAX3               FIELD32(0x0000f000)
- * AC_TXOP_CSR0: AC_BK/AC_BE TXOP register.
- * AC0_TX_OP: For AC_BK, in unit of 32us.
- * AC1_TX_OP: For AC_BE, in unit of 32us.
- */
-#define AC_TXOP_CSR0                   0x040c
-#define AC_TXOP_CSR0_AC0_TX_OP         FIELD32(0x0000ffff)
-#define AC_TXOP_CSR0_AC1_TX_OP         FIELD32(0xffff0000)
- * AC_TXOP_CSR1: AC_VO/AC_VI TXOP register.
- * AC2_TX_OP: For AC_VI, in unit of 32us.
- * AC3_TX_OP: For AC_VO, in unit of 32us.
- */
-#define AC_TXOP_CSR1                   0x0410
-#define AC_TXOP_CSR1_AC2_TX_OP         FIELD32(0x0000ffff)
-#define AC_TXOP_CSR1_AC3_TX_OP         FIELD32(0xffff0000)
- * BBP registers.
- * The wordsize of the BBP is 8 bits.
- */
- * R2
- */
-#define BBP_R2_BG_MODE                 FIELD8(0x20)
- * R3
- */
-#define BBP_R3_SMART_MODE              FIELD8(0x01)
- * R4: RX antenna control
- * FRAME_END: 1 - DPDT, 0 - SPDT (Only valid for 802.11G, RF2527 & RF2529)
- */
-#define BBP_R4_RX_ANTENNA              FIELD8(0x03)
-#define BBP_R4_RX_FRAME_END            FIELD8(0x20)
- * R77
- */
-#define BBP_R77_PAIR                   FIELD8(0x03)
- * RF registers
- */
- * RF 3
- */
-#define RF3_TXPOWER                    FIELD32(0x00003e00)
- * RF 4
- */
-#define RF4_FREQ_OFFSET                        FIELD32(0x0003f000)
- * EEPROM content.
- * The wordsize of the EEPROM is 16 bits.
- */
- * HW MAC address.
- */
-#define EEPROM_MAC_ADDR_0              0x0002
-#define EEPROM_MAC_ADDR_BYTE0          FIELD16(0x00ff)
-#define EEPROM_MAC_ADDR_BYTE1          FIELD16(0xff00)
-#define EEPROM_MAC_ADDR1               0x0003
-#define EEPROM_MAC_ADDR_BYTE2          FIELD16(0x00ff)
-#define EEPROM_MAC_ADDR_BYTE3          FIELD16(0xff00)
-#define EEPROM_MAC_ADDR_2              0x0004
-#define EEPROM_MAC_ADDR_BYTE4          FIELD16(0x00ff)
-#define EEPROM_MAC_ADDR_BYTE5          FIELD16(0xff00)
- * EEPROM antenna.
- * ANTENNA_NUM: Number of antenna's.
- * TX_DEFAULT: Default antenna 0: diversity, 1: A, 2: B.
- * RX_DEFAULT: Default antenna 0: diversity, 1: A, 2: B.
- * FRAME_TYPE: 0: DPDT , 1: SPDT , noted this bit is valid for g only.
- * DYN_TXAGC: Dynamic TX AGC control.
- * HARDWARE_RADIO: 1: Hardware controlled radio. Read GPIO0.
- * RF_TYPE: Rf_type of this adapter.
- */
-#define EEPROM_ANTENNA                 0x0010
-#define EEPROM_ANTENNA_NUM             FIELD16(0x0003)
-#define EEPROM_ANTENNA_TX_DEFAULT      FIELD16(0x000c)
-#define EEPROM_ANTENNA_RX_DEFAULT      FIELD16(0x0030)
-#define EEPROM_ANTENNA_FRAME_TYPE      FIELD16(0x0040)
-#define EEPROM_ANTENNA_DYN_TXAGC       FIELD16(0x0200)
-#define EEPROM_ANTENNA_RF_TYPE         FIELD16(0xf800)
- * EEPROM NIC config.
- * EXTERNAL_LNA: External LNA.
- */
-#define EEPROM_NIC                     0x0011
-#define EEPROM_NIC_EXTERNAL_LNA                FIELD16(0x0010)
- * EEPROM geography.
- * GEO_A: Default geographical setting for 5GHz band
- * GEO: Default geographical setting.
- */
-#define EEPROM_GEOGRAPHY               0x0012
-#define EEPROM_GEOGRAPHY_GEO_A         FIELD16(0x00ff)
-#define EEPROM_GEOGRAPHY_GEO           FIELD16(0xff00)
- */
-#define EEPROM_BBP_START               0x0013
-#define EEPROM_BBP_SIZE                        16
-#define EEPROM_BBP_VALUE               FIELD16(0x00ff)
-#define EEPROM_BBP_REG_ID              FIELD16(0xff00)
- */
-#define EEPROM_TXPOWER_G_START         0x0023
-#define EEPROM_TXPOWER_G_SIZE          7
-#define EEPROM_TXPOWER_G_1             FIELD16(0x00ff)
-#define EEPROM_TXPOWER_G_2             FIELD16(0xff00)
- * EEPROM Frequency
- */
-#define EEPROM_FREQ                    0x002f
-#define EEPROM_FREQ_OFFSET             FIELD16(0x00ff)
-#define EEPROM_FREQ_SEQ_MASK           FIELD16(0xff00)
-#define EEPROM_FREQ_SEQ                        FIELD16(0x0300)
- * POLARITY_RDY_G: Polarity RDY_G setting.
- * POLARITY_RDY_A: Polarity RDY_A setting.
- * POLARITY_ACT: Polarity ACT setting.
- * POLARITY_GPIO_0: Polarity GPIO0 setting.
- * POLARITY_GPIO_1: Polarity GPIO1 setting.
- * POLARITY_GPIO_2: Polarity GPIO2 setting.
- * POLARITY_GPIO_3: Polarity GPIO3 setting.
- * POLARITY_GPIO_4: Polarity GPIO4 setting.
- * LED_MODE: Led mode.
- */
-#define EEPROM_LED                     0x0030
-#define EEPROM_LED_POLARITY_RDY_G      FIELD16(0x0001)
-#define EEPROM_LED_POLARITY_RDY_A      FIELD16(0x0002)
-#define EEPROM_LED_POLARITY_ACT                FIELD16(0x0004)
-#define EEPROM_LED_POLARITY_GPIO_0     FIELD16(0x0008)
-#define EEPROM_LED_POLARITY_GPIO_1     FIELD16(0x0010)
-#define EEPROM_LED_POLARITY_GPIO_2     FIELD16(0x0020)
-#define EEPROM_LED_POLARITY_GPIO_3     FIELD16(0x0040)
-#define EEPROM_LED_POLARITY_GPIO_4     FIELD16(0x0080)
-#define EEPROM_LED_LED_MODE            FIELD16(0x1f00)
- */
-#define EEPROM_TXPOWER_A_START         0x0031
-#define EEPROM_TXPOWER_A_SIZE          12
-#define EEPROM_TXPOWER_A_1             FIELD16(0x00ff)
-#define EEPROM_TXPOWER_A_2             FIELD16(0xff00)
- * EEPROM RSSI offset 802.11BG
- */
-#define EEPROM_RSSI_OFFSET_BG          0x004d
-#define EEPROM_RSSI_OFFSET_BG_1                FIELD16(0x00ff)
-#define EEPROM_RSSI_OFFSET_BG_2                FIELD16(0xff00)
- * EEPROM RSSI offset 802.11A
- */
-#define EEPROM_RSSI_OFFSET_A           0x004e
-#define EEPROM_RSSI_OFFSET_A_1         FIELD16(0x00ff)
-#define EEPROM_RSSI_OFFSET_A_2         FIELD16(0xff00)
- * DMA descriptor defines.
- */
-#define TXD_DESC_SIZE                  ( 6 * sizeof(struct data_desc) )
-#define RXD_DESC_SIZE                  ( 6 * sizeof(struct data_desc) )
- * TX descriptor format for TX, PRIO and Beacon Ring.
- */
- * Word0
- * BURST: Next frame belongs to same "burst" event.
- * TKIP_MIC: ASIC appends TKIP MIC if TKIP is used.
- * KEY_TABLE: Use per-client pairwise KEY table.
- * Key index (0~31) to the pairwise KEY table.
- * 0~3 to shared KEY table 0 (BSS0).
- * 4~7 to shared KEY table 1 (BSS1).
- * 8~11 to shared KEY table 2 (BSS2).
- * 12~15 to shared KEY table 3 (BSS3).
- * BURST2: For backward compatibility, set to same value as BURST.
- */
-#define TXD_W0_BURST                   FIELD32(0x00000001)
-#define TXD_W0_VALID                   FIELD32(0x00000002)
-#define TXD_W0_MORE_FRAG               FIELD32(0x00000004)
-#define TXD_W0_ACK                     FIELD32(0x00000008)
-#define TXD_W0_TIMESTAMP               FIELD32(0x00000010)
-#define TXD_W0_OFDM                    FIELD32(0x00000020)
-#define TXD_W0_IFS                     FIELD32(0x00000040)
-#define TXD_W0_RETRY_MODE              FIELD32(0x00000080)
-#define TXD_W0_TKIP_MIC                        FIELD32(0x00000100)
-#define TXD_W0_KEY_TABLE               FIELD32(0x00000200)
-#define TXD_W0_KEY_INDEX               FIELD32(0x0000fc00)
-#define TXD_W0_DATABYTE_COUNT          FIELD32(0x0fff0000)
-#define TXD_W0_BURST2                  FIELD32(0x10000000)
-#define TXD_W0_CIPHER_ALG              FIELD32(0xe0000000)
- * Word1
- * HOST_Q_ID: EDCA/HCCA queue ID.
- * HW_SEQUENCE: MAC overwrites the frame sequence number.
- * BUFFER_COUNT: Number of buffers in this TXD.
- */
-#define TXD_W1_HOST_Q_ID               FIELD32(0x0000000f)
-#define TXD_W1_AIFSN                   FIELD32(0x000000f0)
-#define TXD_W1_CWMIN                   FIELD32(0x00000f00)
-#define TXD_W1_CWMAX                   FIELD32(0x0000f000)
-#define TXD_W1_IV_OFFSET               FIELD32(0x003f0000)
-#define TXD_W1_HW_SEQUENCE             FIELD32(0x10000000)
-#define TXD_W1_BUFFER_COUNT            FIELD32(0xe0000000)
- * Word2: PLCP information
- */
-#define TXD_W2_PLCP_SIGNAL             FIELD32(0x000000ff)
-#define TXD_W2_PLCP_SERVICE            FIELD32(0x0000ff00)
-#define TXD_W2_PLCP_LENGTH_LOW         FIELD32(0x00ff0000)
-#define TXD_W2_PLCP_LENGTH_HIGH                FIELD32(0xff000000)
- * Word3
- */
-#define TXD_W3_IV                      FIELD32(0xffffffff)
- * Word4
- */
-#define TXD_W4_EIV                     FIELD32(0xffffffff)
- * Word5
- * FRAME_OFFSET: Frame start offset inside ASIC TXFIFO (after TXINFO field).
- * PACKET_ID: Driver assigned packet ID to categorize TXResult in interrupt.
- * WAITING_DMA_DONE_INT: TXD been filled with data
- * and waiting for TxDoneISR housekeeping.
- */
-#define TXD_W5_FRAME_OFFSET            FIELD32(0x000000ff)
-#define TXD_W5_PACKET_ID               FIELD32(0x0000ff00)
-#define TXD_W5_TX_POWER                        FIELD32(0x00ff0000)
-#define TXD_W5_WAITING_DMA_DONE_INT    FIELD32(0x01000000)
- * RX descriptor format for RX Ring.
- */
- * Word0
- * CIPHER_ERROR: 1:ICV error, 2:MIC error, 3:invalid key.
- * KEY_INDEX: Decryption key actually used.
- */
-#define RXD_W0_OWNER_NIC               FIELD32(0x00000001)
-#define RXD_W0_DROP                    FIELD32(0x00000002)
-#define RXD_W0_UNICAST_TO_ME           FIELD32(0x00000004)
-#define RXD_W0_MULTICAST               FIELD32(0x00000008)
-#define RXD_W0_BROADCAST               FIELD32(0x00000010)
-#define RXD_W0_MY_BSS                  FIELD32(0x00000020)
-#define RXD_W0_CRC_ERROR               FIELD32(0x00000040)
-#define RXD_W0_OFDM                    FIELD32(0x00000080)
-#define RXD_W0_CIPHER_ERROR            FIELD32(0x00000300)
-#define RXD_W0_KEY_INDEX               FIELD32(0x0000fc00)
-#define RXD_W0_DATABYTE_COUNT          FIELD32(0x0fff0000)
-#define RXD_W0_CIPHER_ALG              FIELD32(0xe0000000)
- * WORD1
- * SIGNAL: RX raw data rate reported by BBP.
- * RSSI: RSSI reported by BBP.
- */
-#define RXD_W1_SIGNAL                  FIELD32(0x000000ff)
-#define RXD_W1_RSSI_AGC                        FIELD32(0x00001f00)
-#define RXD_W1_RSSI_LNA                        FIELD32(0x00006000)
-#define RXD_W1_FRAME_OFFSET            FIELD32(0x7f000000)
- * Word2
- * IV: Received IV of originally encrypted.
- */
-#define RXD_W2_IV                      FIELD32(0xffffffff)
- * Word3
- * EIV: Received EIV of originally encrypted.
- */
-#define RXD_W3_EIV                     FIELD32(0xffffffff)
- * Word4
- */
-#define RXD_W4_RESERVED                        FIELD32(0xffffffff)
- * the above 20-byte is called RXINFO and will be DMAed to MAC RX block
- * and passed to the HOST driver.
- * The following fields are for DMA block and HOST usage only.
- * Can't be touched by ASIC MAC block.
- */
- * Word5
- */
-#define RXD_W5_RESERVED                        FIELD32(0xffffffff)
- * Macro's for converting txpower from EEPROM to dscape value
- * and from dscape value to register value.
- */
-#define MIN_TXPOWER    0
-#define MAX_TXPOWER    31
-#define DEFAULT_TXPOWER        24
-#define TXPOWER_FROM_DEV(__txpower)            \
-({                                             \
-       ((__txpower) > MAX_TXPOWER) ?           \
-               DEFAULT_TXPOWER : (__txpower);  \
-#define TXPOWER_TO_DEV(__txpower)                      \
-({                                                     \
-       ((__txpower) <= MIN_TXPOWER) ? MIN_TXPOWER :    \
-       (((__txpower) >= MAX_TXPOWER) ? MAX_TXPOWER :   \
-       (__txpower));                                   \
-#endif /* RT73USB_H */
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