-first introduced by Apple as part of their \term{Bonjour}\footnote{see
-\url{https://developer.apple.com/bonjour/}} project, and nowadays it is also
-available in many other XMPP clients.
-With XMPP Serverless Messaging, XMPP clients simply open a port on the host, and
-then rely on mDNS and DNS-SD (see Section~\ref{sec:dns})
-to publish instance names in the domain \code{\_presence.\_tcp.local}. For
-example, if Juliet uses her machine (named \code{capulet}) with serverless
-messaging, her client would publish the following four mDNS records:
+first introduced by Apple as part of their \term{Bonjour} project, and nowadays
+it is also available in many other XMPP clients.
+ %\tikzstyle{iconlabel}=[text width=2cm, align=center, font=\footnotesize]
+ %\tikzstyle{label}=[font=\footnotesize]
+ %\begin{tikzpicture}[node distance=0pt,scale=1.2,>=stealth,thick]
+ %\def\nodelist{
+ %juliet/{(-1,-1)}/\code{juliet@\ balcony.local}/below/computer,
+ %tybalt/{(-1,1)}/\code{tybalt@\ montague.local}/above/computer,
+ %mercutio/{(1,1)}/\code{mercutio@\ capulet.local}/above/computer,
+ %romeo/{(1,-1)}/\code{romeo@\ romeo.local}/below/computer%
+ %}
+ %\foreach \name/\pos/\text/\tpos/\icon in \nodelist {
+ %\node (\name) at \pos { \includegraphics[width=1cm]{icon-\icon.pdf} };
+ %\node[\tpos=of \name,iconlabel] (\name text) { \text };
+ %}
+ %\draw[<->,dashed] (juliet) -- (tybalt);
+ %\draw[<->,dashed] (juliet) -- (romeo);
+ %\draw[<->,dashed] (juliet) -- (mercutio);
+ %\draw[<->,dashed] (romeo) -- (mercutio);
+ %\draw[<->,dashed] (romeo) -- (tybalt);
+ %\draw[<->,dashed] (mercutio) -- (tybalt);
+ %\end{tikzpicture}
+ %\centering
+ %\caption{XMPP architecture with Serverless Messaging}
+ %\label{fig:xmpparch2}
+With XMPP Serverless Messaging, XMPP clients simply open a port on their host,
+and then rely on mDNS and DNS-SD (see Section~\ref{sec:dns}) to publish instance
+names in the domain \code{\_presence.\_tcp.local}. For example, if Juliet uses
+her machine (named \code{capulet}) with serverless messaging, her client would
+publish the following four mDNS records: