/* Logbuch */ Link zum parent logbuch angepasst
[stratum0-wiki.git] / RepRap%2FModelle.mw
1 ==Keycap==
2 Basierend auf shoragans version, Schlitze jetzt an der Seite und insgesamt etwas höher.
3 Benötigt die stratum0-lowres.dxf der matetags.
5 <pre style="max-height:300px;overflow:scroll;">
6 $fs=0.5;
7 $fa=1;
8 height=24.5;
9 width=26.5;
10 rotate([90,0,0])
11 intersection() {
12 scale([width/height,1,1])
13 translate([0, 3.5, 0])
14 difference() {
15 union() {
16 cylinder(h=5, r=height/2+1, center=true);
17 scale([height/width, 1,1 ]) translate([0,-6.5,0]) linear_extrude(height=7, center=true) scale(0.2) translate([-25,0,0]) import("stratum0-lowres.dxf");
18 }
19 cylinder(h=2.4, r=height/2, center=true);
20 translate([0, 6.8, 0]) cylinder(h=10, r=5/2, center=true);
21 translate([0,-10,0])rotate([0,0,0])cube([40,24,1],center=true);
22 }
23 translate([0,11.5,-10]) cube(size=[100,30,100], center=true);
24 }
25 </pre>
27 == Schnurverstelldingsi ==
28 <pre style="max-height:300px;overflow:scroll;">
29 $fn=30;
31 thread_size=1; // change this, everything other is calculated
33 height=1.5 * thread_size;
34 width=7*thread_size;
35 difference() {
36 hull() {
37 translate([width/2, 0, 0]) cylinder(r=width/2, h=height);
38 translate([-width/2, 0, 0]) cylinder(r=width/2, h=height);
39 }
40 translate([width/2, 0, -1]) cylinder(r=thread_size, h=height+2);
41 translate([-width/2, 0, -1]) cylinder(r=1.5*thread_size, h=height+2);
42 translate([width/2, width/2, height/2])
43 cube([thread_size, width, height+2], center=true);
44 }
45 </pre>
47 ==Kabelrolle==
48 Es werden zwei ungleiche Teile gedruckt(kann man evt. umgehen, wenn man einen Versatz in den Zylinder einbaut.
50 <pre style="max-height:300px;overflow:scroll;">
51 $fs=0.5;
52 $fa=1;
54 //Sollradius 22.5 mm
56 difference(){
57 union(){
58 //Außenteil
59 translate([35,0,0])difference(){
60 union(){
61 translate([0,0,0.5])cylinder(h=1, r=32.5, center=true);
62 translate([0,0,5])cylinder(h=10, r=23, center=true);
63 }
64 translate([0,0,5.5])cylinder(h=12, r=22.5, center=true);
65 }
66 //Innenteil
67 translate([-35,0,0])difference(){
68 union(){
69 translate([0,0,0.5])cylinder(h=1, r=32.5, center=true);
70 translate([0,0,3])cylinder(h=6, r=22.5, center=true);
71 }
72 translate([0,0,5.5])cylinder(h=12, r=22, center=true);
73 }
74 }
75 for(r=[1,-1]){
76 translate([0,0,0])rotate([0,0,r*35])cube([22,1,4],center=true);
77 }
78 }
79 </pre>
81 [[Kategorie:RepRap]]
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