--- /dev/null
+#include <contiki.h>
+#include <contiki-lib.h>
+#include <contiki-net.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <dev/leds.h>
+#include <dev/button-sensor.h>
+#include <settings.h>
+//#include <net/uip.h>
+//#include <net/psock.h>
+#include <string.h>
+////////////////// DEBUGGING STUFF
+#include "net/uip-debug.h"
+//extern struct uip_eth_addr uip_ethaddr;
+PROCESS(led_remote_control, "binary LED counter via button over UDP");
+/** node address */
+static uint16_t node_addr;
+static uip_ipaddr_t ipaddr;
+/** UDP connection object */
+static struct uip_udp_conn * udp_conn;
+/** Port used for the connection */
+#define UDP_PORT 1337
+#define MAX_PAYLOAD_LEN 40
+#define UIP_IP_BUF ((struct uip_ip_hdr *)&uip_buf[UIP_LLH_LEN])
+/** somehow these need to be defined... */
+static void
+ int i;
+ uint8_t state;
+ PRINTF("Server IPv6 addresses: ");
+ for(i = 0; i < UIP_DS6_ADDR_NB; i++) {
+ state = uip_ds6_if.addr_list[i].state;
+ if(uip_ds6_if.addr_list[i].isused &&
+ (state == ADDR_TENTATIVE || state == ADDR_PREFERRED)) {
+ PRINT6ADDR(&uip_ds6_if.addr_list[i].ipaddr);
+ PRINTF("\n");
+ }
+ }
+//PT_THREAD(recv(struct psock * ps)) {
+// PSOCK_BEGIN(ps);
+// printf("node %d: recv from %d: %d\n", /* FIXME */ 0, 0, buffer);
+// // FIXME
+// if(buffer % 2) {
+// leds_toggle(LEDS_GREEN);
+// }
+// leds_toggle(LEDS_YELLOW);
+// printf("toggled LEDs\n");
+// PSOCK_END(ps);
+PROCESS_THREAD(led_remote_control, ev, data) {
+ leds_init();
+ leds_off(LEDS_ALL);
+ SENSORS_ACTIVATE(button_sensor);
+ // get node address
+ node_addr = settings_get_uint16(SETTINGS_KEY_PAN_ADDR, 0);
+ printf("node address is %d\n", node_addr);
+ // set MAC address
+// uip_lladdr.addr[4] = 0xfe;
+// uip_lladdr.addr[5] = 0x33;
+// uip_lladdr.addr[6] = (node_addr >> 8) & 0xff;
+// uip_lladdr.addr[7] = node_addr & 0xff;
+// settings_set(SETTINGS_KEY_EUI64, &uip_lladdr.addr, sizeof(uip_lladdr));
+ // set up IP stack
+// uip_ds6_init();
+ print_local_addresses();
+// static struct uip_eth_addr eth_addr = {{0x00, 0x06, 0x98, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00}};
+// uip_setethaddr(eth_addr);
+// uip_ip6addr(&ipaddr, 0xfe80, 0x1234, 0x5678, 0x90ab, 0xcdef, 0x1357, 0x9ace,
+// node_addr);
+// uip_sethostaddr(&ipaddr);
+// uip_ipaddr(&ipaddr, 255, 255, 0, 0);
+// uip_setnetmask(&ipaddr);
+// uip_gethostaddr(&ipaddr);
+// PRINTF("IP address is ");
+// PRINT6ADDR(&ipaddr);
+// PRINTF("\n");
+ // udp_conn = udp_broadcast_new(uip_htons(UDP_PORT), 0);
+ uip_ip6addr(&ipaddr, 0xfe80, 0, 0, 0, 0x1d00, 0x22ff, 0xfe33, 0x001f);
+ udp_conn = udp_new(&ipaddr, uip_htons(UDP_PORT), 0);
+ udp_bind(udp_conn, UIP_HTONS(UDP_PORT));
+ static struct etimer timer;
+ while(1) {
+ (ev == sensors_event && data == &button_sensor) ||
+ ev == tcpip_event);
+ printf("event detected\n");
+ if(ev == sensors_event) {
+ printf("surprise, it's a button event!\n");
+ // debounce for 250 ms
+ etimer_set(&timer, CLOCK_SECOND * 0.25);
+ PROCESS_WAIT_EVENT_UNTIL(etimer_expired(&timer));
+ static int seq_id;
+ char buf[MAX_PAYLOAD_LEN];
+ //uip_create_linklocal_allnodes_mcast(&udp_conn->ripaddr);
+ //uip_ipaddr_copy(&udp_conn->ripaddr, &ipaddr);
+ PRINTF("Sending message from ");
+ PRINT6ADDR(&UIP_IP_BUF->srcipaddr);
+ PRINTF(" to ");
+ PRINT6ADDR(&udp_conn->ripaddr);
+ sprintf(buf, "Hello! (%d)", ++seq_id);
+ PRINTF(": %s\n", buf);
+ uip_udp_packet_send(udp_conn, buf, strlen(buf));
+ } else if(ev == tcpip_event) {
+ PRINTF("tcpip_event detected\n");
+ if(uip_newdata()) {
+ ((char *)uip_appdata)[uip_datalen()] = 0;
+ PRINTF("Received: '%s' from ", (char *)uip_appdata);
+ PRINT6ADDR(&UIP_IP_BUF->srcipaddr);
+ PRINTF("\n");
+ /* Restore server connection to allow data from any node */
+ //memset(&udp_conn->ripaddr, 0, sizeof(udp_conn->ripaddr));
+ }
+ }
+ }
--- /dev/null
+#include <contiki.h>
+#include <contiki-lib.h>
+#include <contiki-net.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <dev/leds.h>
+#include <dev/button-sensor.h>
+#include <settings.h>
+//#include <net/uip.h>
+//#include <net/psock.h>
+#include <string.h>
+////////////////// DEBUGGING STUFF
+#include "net/uip-debug.h"
+//extern struct uip_eth_addr uip_ethaddr;
+PROCESS(led_remote_control, "binary LED counter via button over UDP");
+/** node address */
+static uint16_t node_addr;
+static uip_ipaddr_t ipaddr;
+/** UDP connection object */
+static struct uip_udp_conn * udp_conn;
+/** Port used for the connection */
+#define UDP_PORT 1337
+#define MAX_PAYLOAD_LEN 40
+#define UIP_IP_BUF ((struct uip_ip_hdr *)&uip_buf[UIP_LLH_LEN])
+static void
+ int i;
+ uint8_t state;
+ PRINTF("Server IPv6 addresses: ");
+ for(i = 0; i < UIP_DS6_ADDR_NB; i++) {
+ state = uip_ds6_if.addr_list[i].state;
+ if(uip_ds6_if.addr_list[i].isused &&
+ (state == ADDR_TENTATIVE || state == ADDR_PREFERRED)) {
+ PRINT6ADDR(&uip_ds6_if.addr_list[i].ipaddr);
+ PRINTF("\n");
+ }
+ }
+//PT_THREAD(recv(struct psock * ps)) {
+// PSOCK_BEGIN(ps);
+// printf("node %d: recv from %d: %d\n", /* FIXME */ 0, 0, buffer);
+// // FIXME
+// if(buffer % 2) {
+// leds_toggle(LEDS_GREEN);
+// }
+// leds_toggle(LEDS_YELLOW);
+// printf("toggled LEDs\n");
+// PSOCK_END(ps);
+PROCESS_THREAD(led_remote_control, ev, data) {
+ leds_init();
+ leds_off(LEDS_ALL);
+ SENSORS_ACTIVATE(button_sensor);
+ // get node address
+ node_addr = settings_get_uint16(SETTINGS_KEY_PAN_ADDR, 0);
+ printf("node address is %d\n", node_addr);
+ // set MAC address
+// uip_lladdr.addr[4] = 0xfe;
+// uip_lladdr.addr[5] = 0x33;
+// uip_lladdr.addr[6] = (node_addr >> 8) & 0xff;
+// uip_lladdr.addr[7] = node_addr & 0xff;
+// settings_set(SETTINGS_KEY_EUI64, &uip_lladdr.addr, sizeof(uip_lladdr));
+ // set up IP stack
+// static struct uip_eth_addr eth_addr = {{0x00, 0x06, 0x98, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00}};
+// uip_setethaddr(eth_addr);
+ uip_ipaddr(&ipaddr, 169, 254, (node_addr >> 8) & 0xFF, node_addr & 0xFF);
+ uip_sethostaddr(&ipaddr);
+ uip_ipaddr(&ipaddr, 255, 255, 0, 0);
+ uip_setnetmask(&ipaddr);
+// uip_gethostaddr(&ipaddr);
+// PRINTF("IP address is ");
+// PRINT6ADDR(&ipaddr);
+// PRINTF("\n");
+ udp_conn = udp_broadcast_new(uip_htons(UDP_PORT), 0);
+// udp_bind(udp_conn, UIP_HTONS(UDP_PORT));
+ static struct etimer timer;
+ while(1) {
+ (ev == sensors_event && data == &button_sensor) ||
+ ev == tcpip_event);
+ if(ev == sensors_event) {
+ // debounce for 250 ms
+ etimer_set(&timer, CLOCK_SECOND * 0.25);
+ PROCESS_WAIT_EVENT_UNTIL(etimer_expired(&timer));
+ static int seq_id;
+ char buf[MAX_PAYLOAD_LEN];
+ //uip_ipaddr_copy(&udp_conn->ripaddr, &UIP_IP_BUF->srcipaddr);
+ PRINTF("Sending message from ");
+ PRINT6ADDR(&UIP_IP_BUF->srcipaddr);
+ PRINTF(" to ");
+ PRINT6ADDR(&udp_conn->ripaddr);
+ sprintf(buf, "Hello! (%d)", ++seq_id);
+ PRINTF(": %s\n", buf);
+ uip_udp_packet_send(udp_conn, buf, strlen(buf));
+ /* Restore server connection to allow data from any node */
+ //memset(&udp_conn->ripaddr, 0, sizeof(udp_conn->ripaddr));
+ } else if(ev == tcpip_event) {
+ if(uip_newdata()) {
+ ((char *)uip_appdata)[uip_datalen()] = 0;
+ PRINTF("Received: '%s' from ", (char *)uip_appdata);
+ PRINT6ADDR(&UIP_IP_BUF->srcipaddr);
+ PRINTF("\n");
+ /* Restore server connection to allow data from any node */
+ memset(&udp_conn->ripaddr, 0, sizeof(udp_conn->ripaddr));
+ }
+ }
+ }