+The actual travelled distance of the straight drive tests were determined using
+a measuring tape with an accuracy of 1~mm. Only the distance in the Roomba's
+original viewing direction was considered, as the offset perpendicular to the
+viewing direction and a possible shift in orientation were too small to be
+measured precisely.
+The actual turn angles of the turn tests were determined using a DIN~A0 sheet
+of paper with a printed polar coordinate system in which a circular hole was cut
+in the center to let the Roomba's wheels touch the floor. The sheet was fixed
+on the floor, and the Roomba was aligned in the center of the paper. A laser
+pointer attached to the Roomba pointed to the current orientation on the paper,
+as shown in fig.~\ref{fig:laserpointer}. The accuracy for these tests was
+After the initial setup, the application \definition{\cmd{roomba\_tests}} (see
+section~\ref{sec:impl:measuring}) was started on the netbook for half-automatic
+testing. It used a predefined array of nominal distances, angles and velocities
+and for each pair of distance (for straight drive tests) or angle (for turn
+tests) and velocity it used the Wiselib implementation to move the Roomba. Then
+it asked the user to input the measured distance or angle the Roomba had moved
+and repeated the process until each combination of distance/angle and velocity
+was used. The nominal and input values were written to a log file, as well as
+the floor type, the Roomba ID, the \ac{SVN} revision the program was built
+from, the battery status, and other internal implementation-specific values.
+For the straight drive tests, the arrays with predefined values were:\\
+ Distances: & 20, 50, 100, 200, 500, 1000, 2000, and 4000~mm \\
+ Velocities: & 20, 50, 70, 100, 150, 200, 300, and 400~mm/s \\
+For the turn tests, the arrays with predefined values were:\\
+ Turn angles: & 5, 15, 30, 45, 90, 120, 180, 360, 530, and 720~degree \\
+ Velocities: & 20, 50, 70, 100, 150, 200, 300, and 400~mm/s \\
+According to the implementation of the Wiselib Roomba control, the velocities
+were given in mm/sec and referred to the distance the wheels travelled when
+the Roomba turned on the spot, which was a circle of 230~mm in diameter.