1 /**************************************************************************/
3 @file pn532_mifare_classic.c
5 /**************************************************************************/
8 ==========================
10 MIFARE Classic cards come in 1K and 4K varieties. While several
11 varieties of chips exist, the two main chipsets used are described
12 in the following publicly accessible documents:
14 MF1S503x Mifare Classic 1K data sheet:
15 http://www.nxp.com/documents/data_sheet/MF1S503x.pdf
17 MF1S70yyX MIFARE Classic 4K data sheet:
18 http://www.nxp.com/documents/data_sheet/MF1S70YYX.pdf
20 Mifare Classic cards typically have a a 4-byte NUID, though you may
21 find cards with 7 byte IDs as well
25 Mifare Classic cards have either 1K or 4K of EEPROM memory. Each
26 memory block can be configured with different access conditions,
27 with two seperate authentication keys present in each block.
29 The two main Mifare Classic card types are organised as follows:
31 1K Cards: 16 sectors of 4 blocks (0..15)
32 4K Cards: 32 sectors of 4 blocks (0..31) and
33 8 sectors of 16 blocks (32..39)
37 Sector Block Bytes Description
38 ------ ----- ----- -----------
39 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
41 1 3 [-------KEY A-------] [Access Bits] [-------KEY A-------] Sector Trailer 1
46 0 3 [-------KEY A-------] [Access Bits] [-------KEY A-------] Sector Trailer 1
49 0 [ Manufacturer Data ] Manufacturer Block
51 Sector Trailer (Block 3)
52 ------------------------
53 The sector trailer block contains the two secret keys (Key A and Key B), as well
54 as the access conditions for the four blocks. It has the following structure:
57 --------------------------------------------------------------
58 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
59 [ Key A ] [Access Bits] [ Key B ]
61 For more information in using Keys to access the clock contents, see
62 Accessing Data Blocks further below.
64 Data Blocks (Blocks 0..2)
65 -------------------------
66 Data blocks are 16 bytes wide and, depending on the permissions set in the
67 access bits, can be read from and written to. You are free to use the 16 data
68 bytes in any way you wish. You can easily store text input, store four 32-bit
69 integer values, a 16 character uri, etc.
71 Data Blocks as "Value Blocks"
72 -----------------------------
73 An alternative to storing random data in the 16 byte-wide blocks is to
74 configure them as "Value Blocks". Value blocks allow performing electronic
75 purse functions (valid commands are: read, write, increment, decrement,
78 Each Value block contains a single signed 32-bit value, and this value is
79 stored 3 times for data integrity and security reasons. It is stored twice
80 non-inverted, and once inverted. The last 4 bytes are used for a 1-byte
81 address, which is stored 4 times (twice non-inverted, and twice inverted).
83 Data blocks configured as "Value Blocks" have the following structure:
86 --------------------------------------------------------------
87 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
88 [ Value ] [ ~Value ] [ Value ] [A ~A A ~A]
90 Manufacturer Block (Sector 0, Block 0)
91 --------------------------------------
92 Sector 0 is special since it contains the Manufacturer Block. This block
93 contains the manufacturer data, and is read-only. It should be avoided
94 unless you know what you are doing.
98 16 block sectors are identical to 4 block sectors, but with more data blocks. The same
99 structure described in the 4 block sectors above applies.
101 Sector Block Bytes Description
102 ------ ----- ----- ----------
103 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
105 32 15 [-------KEY A-------] [Access Bits] [-------KEY B-------] Sector Trailer 32
114 =====================
116 Before you can access the cards, you must following two steps:
118 1.) You must retrieve the 7 byte UID or the 4-byte NUID of the card.
119 This can be done using pn532_mifareclassic_WaitForPassiveTarget()
120 below, which will return the appropriate ID.
122 2.) You must authenticate the sector you wish to access according to the
123 access rules defined in the Sector Trailer block for that sector.
124 This can be done using pn532_mifareclassic_AuthenticateBlock(),
125 passing in the appropriate key value.
127 Most new cards have a default Key A of 0xFF 0xFF 0xFF 0xFF 0xFF 0xFF,
128 but some common values worth trying are:
131 0XD3 0XF7 0XD3 0XF7 0XD3 0XF7
132 0XA0 0XA1 0XA2 0XA3 0XA4 0XA5
133 0XB0 0XB1 0XB2 0XB3 0XB4 0XB5
134 0X4D 0X3A 0X99 0XC3 0X51 0XDD
135 0X1A 0X98 0X2C 0X7E 0X45 0X9A
137 0X00 0X00 0X00 0X00 0X00 0X00
138 0XAB 0XCD 0XEF 0X12 0X34 0X56
140 3.) Once authenication has succeeded, and depending on the sector
141 permissions, you can then read/write/increment/decrement the
142 contents of the specific block, using one of the helper functions
143 included in this module.
149 #include "../pn532.h"
150 #include "../pn532_bus.h"
151 #include "pn532_mifare.h"
152 #include "pn532_mifare_classic.h"
154 #include "core/systick/systick.h"
156 /**************************************************************************/
158 Indicates whether the specified block number is the first block
159 in the sector (block 0 relative to the current sector)
161 /**************************************************************************/
162 bool is_first_block (uint32_t uiBlock
164 // Test if we are in the small or big sectors
166 return ((uiBlock
) % 4 == 0);
168 return ((uiBlock
) % 16 == 0);
171 /**************************************************************************/
173 Indicates whether the specified block number is the sector trailer
175 /**************************************************************************/
176 bool is_trailer_block (uint32_t uiBlock
178 // Test if we are in the small or big sectors
180 return ((uiBlock
+ 1) % 4 == 0);
182 return ((uiBlock
+ 1) % 16 == 0);
185 /**************************************************************************/
187 Tries to detect MIFARE targets in passive mode. This needs to be done
188 before anything useful can be accomplished with a tag since you need
189 the tag's unique UID to communicate with it.
191 @param pbtCUID Pointer to the byte array where the card's UID
192 will be stored once a card is detected
193 @param pszUIDLen Pointer to the size of the card UID in bytes
195 Response for a valid ISO14443A 106KBPS (Mifare Classic, etc.)
196 should be in the following format. See UM0701-02 section
197 7.3.5 for more information
200 ------------- ------------------------------------------
201 b0..6 Frame header and preamble
203 b8 Tag Number (only one used in this example)
209 SENS_RES SEL_RES Manufacturer/Card Type NFCID Len
210 -------- ------- ----------------------- ---------
211 00 04 08 NXP Mifare Classic 1K 4 bytes
212 00 02 18 NXP Mifare Classic 4K 4 bytes
214 @note Possible error messages are:
218 /**************************************************************************/
219 pn532_error_t
pn532_mifareclassic_WaitForPassiveTarget (byte_t
* pbtCUID
, size_t * szCUIDLen
221 byte_t abtResponse
225 #ifdef PN532_DEBUGMODE
226 PN532_DEBUG("Waiting for an ISO14443A Card%s", CFG_PRINTF_NEWLINE
229 /* Try to initialise a single ISO14443A tag at 106KBPS */
230 /* Note: To wait for a card with a known UID, append the four byte */
231 /* UID to the end of the command. */
232 byte_t abtCommand
, 0x01, PN532_MODULATION_ISO14443A_106KBPS
233 error
= pn532Write(abtCommand
, sizeof(abtCommand
237 /* Wait until we get a valid response or a timeout */
241 error
= pn532Read(abtResponse
, &szLen
242 } while (error
246 /* Check SENSE_RES to make sure this is a Mifare Classic card */
247 /* Classic 1K = 00 04 */
248 /* Classic 4K = 00 02 */
249 /* Classic Emulated = 00 08 */
250 if ((abtResponse
[10] == 0x02) ||
251 (abtResponse
[10] == 0x04) ||
252 (abtResponse
[10] == 0x08))
254 /* Card appears to be Mifare Classic */
255 *szCUIDLen
= abtResponse
256 for (uint8_t i
=0; i
< *szCUIDLen
; i
258 pbtCUID
] = abtResponse
260 #ifdef PN532_DEBUGMODE
261 PN532_DEBUG("Card Found: %s", CFG_PRINTF_NEWLINE
262 PN532_DEBUG(" ATQA: ");
263 pn532PrintHex(abtResponse
+9, 2);
264 PN532_DEBUG(" SAK: %02x%s", abtResponse
265 PN532_DEBUG(" UID: ");
266 pn532PrintHex(pbtCUID
, *szCUIDLen
271 /* Card is ISO14443A but doesn't appear to be Mifare Classic */
272 /* Mifare Ultralight = 0x0044 */
273 /* Mifare DESFire = 0x0344 */
274 /* Innovision Jewel = 0x0C00 */
275 #ifdef PN532_DEBUGMODE
276 PN532_DEBUG("Wrong Card Type (Expected ATQA 00 02, 00 04 or 00 08) %s%s", CFG_PRINTF_NEWLINE
277 PN532_DEBUG(" ATQA : ");
278 pn532PrintHex(abtResponse
+9, 2);
279 PN532_DEBUG(" SAK : %02x%s", abtResponse
280 PN532_DEBUG(" UID Length : %d%s", abtResponse
281 PN532_DEBUG(" UID : ");
283 for (pos
=0; pos
< abtResponse
[12]; pos
285 printf("%02x ", abtResponse
[13 + pos
287 printf("%s%s", CFG_PRINTF_NEWLINE
292 return PN532_ERROR_NONE
296 /**************************************************************************/
298 Tries to authenticate a block of memory on a MIFARE card using the
299 INDATAEXCHANGE command. See section 7.3.8 of the PN532 User Manual
300 for more information on sending MIFARE and other commands.
302 @param pbtCUID Pointer to a byte array containing the card UID
303 @param szCUIDLen The length (in bytes) of the card's UID (Should
304 be 4 for MIFARE Classic)
305 @param uiBlockNumber The block number to authenticate. (0..63 for
306 1KB cards, and 0..255 for 4KB cards).
307 @param uiKeyType Which key type to use during authentication
309 @param pbtKeys Pointer to a byte array containing the 6 byte
312 /**************************************************************************/
313 pn532_error_t
pn532_mifareclassic_AuthenticateBlock (byte_t
* pbtCUID
, size_t szCUIDLen
, uint32_t uiBlockNumber
, uint8_t uiKeyType
, byte_t
* pbtKeys
316 byte_t abtCommand
317 byte_t abtResponse
320 #ifdef PN532_DEBUGMODE
321 PN532_DEBUG("Trying to authenticate card ");
322 pn532PrintHex(pbtCUID
, szCUIDLen
325 /* Prepare the authentication command */
326 abtCommand
; /* Data Exchange Header */
327 abtCommand
[1] = 1; /* Max card numbers */
328 abtCommand
[2] = (uiKeyType
329 abtCommand
[3] = uiBlockNumber
; /* Block Number (1K = 0..63, 4K = 0..255 */
330 memcpy (abtCommand
+4, pbtKeys
, 6);
332 for (i
= 0; i
< szCUIDLen
; i
334 abtCommand
] = pbtCUID
]; /* 4 byte card ID */
337 /* Send the command */
338 error
= pn532Write(abtCommand
, 10+szCUIDLen
341 /* Problem with the serial bus, etc. */
342 #ifdef PN532_DEBUGMODE
343 PN532_DEBUG("Authentification failed%s", CFG_PRINTF_NEWLINE
348 /* Read the authentication response */
349 memset(abtResponse
353 error
= pn532Read(abtResponse
, &szLen
355 while (error
358 #ifdef PN532_DEBUGMODE
359 PN532_DEBUG("Authentification failed%s", CFG_PRINTF_NEWLINE
364 // ToDo: How to check if authentification really worked (bad key, etc.)?
366 /* Output the authentification data */
367 #ifdef PN532_DEBUGMODE
368 PN532_DEBUG("Authenticated block %d %s", uiBlockNumber
372 return PN532_ERROR_NONE
375 /**************************************************************************/
377 Tries to read an entire 16-byte data block at the specified block
380 @param uiBlockNumber The block number to authenticate. (0..63 for
381 1KB cards, and 0..255 for 4KB cards).
382 @param pbtData Pointer to the byte array that will hold the
383 retrieved data (if any)
385 @note Possible error messages are:
389 /**************************************************************************/
390 pn532_error_t
pn532_mifareclassic_ReadDataBlock (uint8_t uiBlockNumber
, byte_t
* pbtData
393 byte_t abtCommand
394 byte_t abtResponse
397 #ifdef PN532_DEBUGMODE
398 PN532_DEBUG("Reading 16 bytes at block %03d%s", uiBlockNumber
401 /* Prepare the command */
402 abtCommand
403 abtCommand
[1] = 1; /* Card number */
404 abtCommand
; /* Mifare Read command = 0x30 */
405 abtCommand
[3] = uiBlockNumber
; /* Block Number (0..63 for 1K, 0..255 for 4K) */
407 /* Send the commands */
408 error
= pn532Write(abtCommand
, sizeof(abtCommand
411 /* Bus error, etc. */
412 #ifdef PN532_DEBUGMODE
413 PN532_DEBUG("Read failed%s", CFG_PRINTF_NEWLINE
418 /* Read the response */
419 memset(abtResponse
423 error
= pn532Read(abtResponse
, &szLen
425 while (error
428 #ifdef PN532_DEBUGMODE
429 PN532_DEBUG("Read failed%s", CFG_PRINTF_NEWLINE
434 /* Make sure we have a valid response (should be 26 bytes long) */
437 /* Copy the 16 data bytes to the output buffer */
438 /* Block content starts at byte 9 of a valid response */
439 memcpy (pbtData
, abtResponse
+8, 16);
443 #ifdef PN532_DEBUGMODE
444 PN532_DEBUG("Unexpected response reading block %d. Bad key?%s", uiBlockNumber
449 /* Display data for debug if requested */
450 #ifdef PN532_DEBUGMODE
451 PN532_DEBUG("Block %03d: ", uiBlockNumber
452 pn532PrintHexVerbose(pbtData
, 16);
456 return PN532_ERROR_NONE