Levelreihenfolge, -fixes.
[hackover2013-badge-firmware.git] / core / usbcdc / usbcfg.h
1 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------
2 * U S B - K e r n e l
3 *----------------------------------------------------------------------------
4 * Name: usbcfg.h
5 * Purpose: USB Custom Configuration
6 * Version: V1.20
7 *----------------------------------------------------------------------------
8 * This software is supplied "AS IS" without any warranties, express,
9 * implied or statutory, including but not limited to the implied
10 * warranties of fitness for purpose, satisfactory quality and
11 * noninfringement. Keil extends you a royalty-free right to reproduce
12 * and distribute executable files created using this software for use
13 * on NXP Semiconductors LPC microcontroller devices only. Nothing else
14 * gives you the right to use this software.
15 *
16 * Copyright (c) 2009 Keil - An ARM Company. All rights reserved.
17 *----------------------------------------------------------------------------
18 * History:
19 * V1.20 Added vendor specific support
20 * V1.00 Initial Version
21 *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
23 #ifndef __USBCFG_H__
24 #define __USBCFG_H__
27 //*** <<< Use Configuration Wizard in Context Menu >>> ***
30 /*
31 // <h> USB Configuration
32 // <o0> USB Power
33 // <i> Default Power Setting
34 // <0=> Bus-powered
35 // <1=> Self-powered
36 // <o1> Max Number of Interfaces <1-256>
37 // <o2> Max Number of Endpoints <1-32>
38 // <o3> Max Endpoint 0 Packet Size
39 // <8=> 8 Bytes <16=> 16 Bytes <32=> 32 Bytes <64=> 64 Bytes
40 // <e4> DMA Transfer
41 // <i> Use DMA for selected Endpoints
42 // <o5.0> Endpoint 0 Out
43 // <o5.1> Endpoint 0 In
44 // <o5.2> Endpoint 1 Out
45 // <o5.3> Endpoint 1 In
46 // <o5.4> Endpoint 2 Out
47 // <o5.5> Endpoint 2 In
48 // <o5.6> Endpoint 3 Out
49 // <o5.7> Endpoint 3 In
50 // <o5.8> Endpoint 4 Out
51 // <o5.9> Endpoint 4 In
52 // </e>
53 // </h>
54 */
56 #define USB_POWER 0
57 #define USB_IF_NUM 1
58 #define USB_LOGIC_EP_NUM 5
59 #define USB_EP_NUM 10
60 #define USB_MAX_PACKET0 64
62 /*
63 // <h> USB Event Handlers
64 // <h> Device Events
65 // <o0.0> Power Event
66 // <o1.0> Reset Event
67 // <o2.0> Suspend Event
68 // <o3.0> Resume Event
69 // <o4.0> Remote Wakeup Event
70 // <o5.0> Start of Frame Event
71 // <o6.0> Error Event
72 // </h>
73 // <h> Endpoint Events
74 // <o7.0> Endpoint 0 Event
75 // <o7.1> Endpoint 1 Event
76 // <o7.2> Endpoint 2 Event
77 // <o7.3> Endpoint 3 Event
78 // <o7.4> Endpoint 4 Event
79 // <o7.5> Endpoint 5 Event
80 // <o7.6> Endpoint 6 Event
81 // <o7.7> Endpoint 7 Event
82 // <o7.8> Endpoint 8 Event
83 // <o7.9> Endpoint 9 Event
84 // <o7.10> Endpoint 10 Event
85 // <o7.11> Endpoint 11 Event
86 // <o7.12> Endpoint 12 Event
87 // <o7.13> Endpoint 13 Event
88 // <o7.14> Endpoint 14 Event
89 // <o7.15> Endpoint 15 Event
90 // </h>
91 // <h> USB Core Events
92 // <o8.0> Set Configuration Event
93 // <o9.0> Set Interface Event
94 // <o10.0> Set/Clear Feature Event
95 // </h>
96 // </h>
97 */
99 #define USB_POWER_EVENT 0
100 #define USB_RESET_EVENT 1
101 #define USB_SUSPEND_EVENT 1
102 #define USB_RESUME_EVENT 1
103 #define USB_WAKEUP_EVENT 0
104 #define USB_SOF_EVENT 0
105 #define USB_ERROR_EVENT 0
106 #define USB_EP_EVENT 0x000B
109 #define USB_FEATURE_EVENT 0
112 /*
113 // <e0> USB Class Support
114 // <i> enables USB Class specific Requests
115 // <e1> Human Interface Device (HID)
116 // <o2> Interface Number <0-255>
117 // </e>
118 // <e3> Mass Storage
119 // <o4> Interface Number <0-255>
120 // </e>
121 // <e5> Audio Device
122 // <o6> Control Interface Number <0-255>
123 // <o7> Streaming Interface 1 Number <0-255>
124 // <o8> Streaming Interface 2 Number <0-255>
125 // </e>
126 // <e9> Communication Device
127 // <o10> Control Interface Number <0-255>
128 // <o11> Bulk Interface Number <0-255>
129 // <o12> Max Communication Device Buffer Size
130 // <8=> 8 Bytes <16=> 16 Bytes <32=> 32 Bytes <64=> 64 Bytes
131 // </e>
132 // </e>
133 */
135 #define USB_CLASS 1
136 #define USB_HID 0
137 #define USB_HID_IF_NUM 0
138 #define USB_MSC 0
139 #define USB_MSC_IF_NUM 0
140 #define USB_AUDIO 0
141 #define USB_ADC_CIF_NUM 0
142 #define USB_ADC_SIF1_NUM 1
143 #define USB_ADC_SIF2_NUM 2
144 #define USB_CDC 1
145 #define USB_CDC_CIF_NUM 0
146 #define USB_CDC_DIF_NUM 1
149 /*
150 // <e0> USB Vendor Support
151 // <i> enables USB Vendor specific Requests
152 // </e>
153 */
154 #define USB_VENDOR 0
157 #endif /* __USBCFG_H__ */
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