#include "drivers/displays/tft/lcd.h"
#include "drivers/displays/tft/drawing.h"
+// Common color lookup tables for AA2 (4-color anti-aliased) fonts
+static const uint16_t COLORTABLE_AA2_WHITEONBLACK[4] = { 0x0000, 0x52AA, 0xAD55, 0xFFFF};
+static const uint16_t COLORTABLE_AA2_BLACKONWHITE[4] = { 0xFFFF, 0xAD55, 0x52AA, 0x0000};
+// Common color lookup tables for AA4 (16-color anti-aliased) fonts
+static const uint16_t COLORTABLE_AA4_WHITEONBLACK[16] = { 0x0000, 0x1082, 0x2104, 0x3186, 0x4208, 0x528A, 0x630C, 0x738E, 0x8410, 0x9492, 0xA514, 0xB596, 0xC618, 0xD69A, 0xE71C, 0xFFFF};
+static const uint16_t COLORTABLE_AA4_BLACKONWHITE[16] = { 0xFFFF, 0xE71C, 0xD69A, 0xC618, 0xB596, 0xA514, 0x9492, 0x8410, 0x738E, 0x630C, 0x528A, 0x4208, 0x3186, 0x2104, 0x1082, 0x0000};
/* */
/* ----------------------- Private Methods ------------------------------ */
Pointer to the 4 element color lookup table
-int aafontsDrawCharAA2( uint16_t x, uint16_t y, uint16_t height, aafontsCharInfo_t character, const uint16_t * colorTable)
+void aafontsDrawCharAA2( uint16_t x, uint16_t y, uint16_t height, aafontsCharInfo_t character, const uint16_t * colorTable)
- uint16_t w, h, xp, yp, pos;
+ uint16_t w, h, pos;
uint8_t color;
for (h = 0; h < height; h++)
Pointer to the 16 element color lookup table
-int aafontsDrawCharAA4( uint16_t x, uint16_t y, uint16_t height, aafontsCharInfo_t character, const uint16_t * colorTable)
+void aafontsDrawCharAA4( uint16_t x, uint16_t y, uint16_t height, aafontsCharInfo_t character, const uint16_t * colorTable)
- uint16_t w, h, xp, yp;
+ uint16_t w, h;
uint8_t color;
for (h = 0; h < height; h++)
uint16_t currentX, charWidth, characterToOutput;
const aafontsCharInfo_t *charInfo;
- uint16_t charOffset;
// set current x, y to that of requested
currentX = x;
// get character to output
characterToOutput = *str;
- uint16_t last = font->lastChar;
// Check if the character is within the font boundaries
if ((characterToOutput > font->lastChar) || (characterToOutput < font->firstChar))
uint16_t width = 0;
const aafontsCharInfo_t *charInfo;
uint32_t currChar;
- uint32_t startChar = font->firstChar;
// until termination
for (currChar = *str; currChar; currChar = *(++str))
const aafontsCharInfo_t *charTable; /* Pointer to the aafontsCharInfo_t array containing the char data */
} aafontsFont_t;
-// Common color lookup tables for AA2 (4-color anti-aliased) fonts
-const uint16_t COLORTABLE_AA2_WHITEONBLACK[4] = { 0x0000, 0x52AA, 0xAD55, 0xFFFF};
-const uint16_t COLORTABLE_AA2_BLACKONWHITE[4] = { 0xFFFF, 0xAD55, 0x52AA, 0x0000};
-// Common color lookup tables for AA4 (16-color anti-aliased) fonts
-const uint16_t COLORTABLE_AA4_WHITEONBLACK[16] = { 0x0000, 0x1082, 0x2104, 0x3186, 0x4208, 0x528A, 0x630C, 0x738E, 0x8410, 0x9492, 0xA514, 0xB596, 0xC618, 0xD69A, 0xE71C, 0xFFFF};
-const uint16_t COLORTABLE_AA4_BLACKONWHITE[16] = { 0xFFFF, 0xE71C, 0xD69A, 0xC618, 0xB596, 0xA514, 0x9492, 0x8410, 0x738E, 0x630C, 0x528A, 0x4208, 0x3186, 0x2104, 0x1082, 0x0000};
uint16_t aafontsBlendColor ( uint16_t bgColor, uint16_t foreColor, uint8_t intensity );
void aafontsDrawString( uint16_t x, uint16_t y, const uint16_t * colorTable, const aafontsFont_t *font, char *str );
uint16_t aafontsGetStringWidth( const aafontsFont_t *font, char *str );
// Render pixel
// ToDo: This is a brutally slow way of rendering bitmaps ...
// update to pass one row of data at a time
- drawPixel(x + px, y + py - 1, drawRGB24toRGB565(buffer[(px * 3) + 2], buffer[(px * 3) + 1], buffer[(px * 3)]));
+ drawPixel(x + px, y + py - 1, colorsRGB24toRGB565(buffer[(px * 3) + 2], buffer[(px * 3) + 1], buffer[(px * 3)]));
for (x = 0; x < lcdWidth; x++)
rgb565 = lcdGetPixel(x, y - 1); // Get RGB565 pixel
- bgra32 = drawRGB565toBGRA32(rgb565); // Convert RGB565 to 24-bit color
+ bgra32 = colorsRGB565toBGRA32(rgb565); // Convert RGB565 to 24-bit color
r = (bgra32 & 0x00FF0000) >> 16;
g = (bgra32 & 0x0000FF00) >> 8;
b = (bgra32 & 0x000000FF);
+uint16_t colorsRGB24toRGB565 ( uint8_t r, uint8_t g, uint8_t b );
+uint32_t colorsRGB565toBGRA32 ( uint16_t color );
+uint16_t colorsBGR2RGB ( uint16_t color );
+uint16_t colorsDim ( uint16_t color, uint8_t intensity );
+uint16_t colorsBlend ( uint16_t bgColor, uint16_t foreColor, uint8_t intensity );
case '<':
// Backspace
- drawButton (alphaBtnX[col], alphaBtnY[row], ALPHA_BTN_WIDTH, &dejaVuSans9ptFontInfo, 7, border, fill, font, NULL);
+ drawButton (alphaBtnX[col], alphaBtnY[row], ALPHA_BTN_WIDTH, ALPHA_BTN_HEIGHT, &dejaVuSans9ptFontInfo, border, fill, font, NULL);
drawArrow (alphaBtnX[col] + ALPHA_BTN_WIDTH / 2 - 3, alphaBtnY[row] + ALPHA_BTN_HEIGHT / 2, 7, DRAW_DIRECTION_LEFT, font);
case '*':
// Page Shift
- drawButton (alphaBtnX[col], alphaBtnY[row], ALPHA_BTN_WIDTH, &dejaVuSans9ptFontInfo, 7, border, fill, font, NULL);
+ drawButton (alphaBtnX[col], alphaBtnY[row], ALPHA_BTN_WIDTH, ALPHA_BTN_HEIGHT, &dejaVuSans9ptFontInfo, border, fill, font, NULL);
drawArrow (alphaBtnX[col] + ALPHA_BTN_WIDTH / 2, (alphaBtnY[row] + ALPHA_BTN_HEIGHT / 2) - 3, 7, DRAW_DIRECTION_UP, font);
case '>':
// OK
- drawButton (alphaBtnX[col], alphaBtnY[row], ALPHA_BTN_WIDTH, &dejaVuSans9ptFontInfo, 7, border, fill, font, "OK");
+ drawButton (alphaBtnX[col], alphaBtnY[row], ALPHA_BTN_WIDTH, ALPHA_BTN_HEIGHT, &dejaVuSans9ptFontInfo, border, fill, font, "OK");
// Standard character
- drawButton (alphaBtnX[col], alphaBtnY[row], ALPHA_BTN_WIDTH, &dejaVuSans9ptFontInfo, 7, border, fill, font, key);
+ drawButton (alphaBtnX[col], alphaBtnY[row], ALPHA_BTN_WIDTH, ALPHA_BTN_HEIGHT, &dejaVuSans9ptFontInfo, border, fill, font, key);
/* Render Text */
- drawString(ALPHA_BTN_SPACING * 3, ALPHA_BTN_SPACING * 3, ALPHA_COLOR_INPUTTEXT, &dejaVuSans9ptFontInfo, (char *)&alphaString);
+ fontsDrawString(ALPHA_BTN_SPACING * 3, ALPHA_BTN_SPACING * 3, ALPHA_COLOR_INPUTTEXT, &dejaVuSans9ptFontInfo, (char *)&alphaString);
drawLine and drawCircle adapted from a tutorial by Leonard McMillan:
- drawString based on an example from Eran Duchan:
- http://www.pavius.net/downloads/tools/53-the-dot-factory
@section LICENSE
Software License Agreement (BSD License)
b = t;
- @brief Draws a single bitmap character
-void drawCharBitmap(const uint16_t xPixel, const uint16_t yPixel, uint16_t color, const char *glyph, uint8_t cols, uint8_t rows)
- uint16_t currentY, currentX, indexIntoGlyph;
- uint16_t _row, _col, _colPages;
- // set initial current y
- currentY = yPixel;
- currentX = xPixel;
- // Figure out how many columns worth of data we have
- if (cols % 8)
- _colPages = cols / 8 + 1;
- else
- _colPages = cols / 8;
- for (_row = 0; _row < rows; _row++)
- {
- for (_col = 0; _col < _colPages; _col++)
- {
- if (_row == 0)
- indexIntoGlyph = _col;
- else
- indexIntoGlyph = (_row * _colPages) + _col;
- currentY = yPixel + _row;
- currentX = xPixel + (_col*8);
- // send the data byte
- if (glyph[indexIntoGlyph] & (0X80)) drawPixel(currentX, currentY, color);
- if (glyph[indexIntoGlyph] & (0X40)) drawPixel(currentX+1, currentY, color);
- if (glyph[indexIntoGlyph] & (0X20)) drawPixel(currentX+2, currentY, color);
- if (glyph[indexIntoGlyph] & (0X10)) drawPixel(currentX+3, currentY, color);
- if (glyph[indexIntoGlyph] & (0X08)) drawPixel(currentX+4, currentY, color);
- if (glyph[indexIntoGlyph] & (0X04)) drawPixel(currentX+5, currentY, color);
- if (glyph[indexIntoGlyph] & (0X02)) drawPixel(currentX+6, currentY, color);
- if (glyph[indexIntoGlyph] & (0X01)) drawPixel(currentX+7, currentY, color);
- }
- }
- @brief Draws a string using the supplied font
- @param[in] x
- Starting x co-ordinate
- @param[in] y
- Starting y co-ordinate
- @param[in] color
- Color to use when rendering the font
- @param[in] fontInfo
- Pointer to the FONT_INFO to use when drawing the string
- @param[in] str
- The string to render
- @section Example
- @code
- #include "drivers/displays/tft/fonts/dejavusans9.h"
- drawString(0, 90, COLOR_BLACK, &dejaVuSans9ptFontInfo, "DejaVu Sans 9");
- drawString(0, 105, COLOR_BLACK, &dejaVuSans9ptFontInfo, "123456789012345678901234567890");
- @endcode
-void drawString(uint16_t x, uint16_t y, uint16_t color, const FONT_INFO *fontInfo, char *str)
- uint16_t currentX, charWidth, characterToOutput;
- const FONT_CHAR_INFO *charInfo;
- uint16_t charOffset;
- // set current x, y to that of requested
- currentX = x;
- // while not NULL
- while (*str != '\0')
- {
- // get character to output
- characterToOutput = *str;
- // get char info
- charInfo = fontInfo->charInfo;
- // some fonts have character descriptors, some don't
- if (charInfo != NULL)
- {
- // get correct char offset
- charInfo += (characterToOutput - fontInfo->startChar);
- // get width from char info
- charWidth = charInfo->widthBits;
- // get offset from char info
- charOffset = charInfo->offset;
- }
- else
- {
- // if no char info, char width is always 5
- charWidth = 5;
- // char offset - assume 5 * letter offset
- charOffset = (characterToOutput - fontInfo->startChar) * 5;
- }
- // Send individual characters
- // We need to manually calculate width in pages since this is screwy with variable width fonts
- //uint8_t heightPages = charWidth % 8 ? charWidth / 8 : charWidth / 8 + 1;
- drawCharBitmap(currentX, y, color, (const char *)(&fontInfo->data[charOffset]), charWidth, fontInfo->height);
- // next char X
- currentX += charWidth + 1;
- // next char
- str++;
- }
- @brief Returns the width in pixels of a string when it is rendered
- This method can be used to determine whether a string will fit
- inside a specific area, or if it needs to be broken up into multiple
- lines to be properly rendered on the screen.
- This function only applied to bitmap fonts (which can have variable
- widths). All smallfonts (if available) are fixed width and can
- easily have their width calculated without costly functions like
- this one.
- @param[in] fontInfo
- Pointer to the FONT_INFO for the font that will be used
- @param[in] str
- The string that will be rendered
-uint16_t drawGetStringWidth(const FONT_INFO *fontInfo, char *str)
- uint16_t width = 0;
- uint32_t currChar;
- uint32_t startChar = fontInfo->startChar;
- // until termination
- for (currChar = *str; currChar; currChar = *(++str))
- {
- // if char info exists for the font, use width from there
- if (fontInfo->charInfo != NULL)
- {
- width += fontInfo->charInfo[currChar - startChar].widthBits + 1;
- }
- else
- {
- width += 5 + 1;
- }
- }
- /* return the width */
- return width > 0 ? width - 1 : width;
@brief Draws a bresenham line
+ @brief Draws a gradient-filled rectangle
+ @param[in] x0
+ Starting x co-ordinate
+ @param[in] y0
+ Starting y co-ordinate
+ @param[in] x1
+ Ending x co-ordinate
+ @param[in] y1
+ Ending y co-ordinate
+ @param[in] startColor
+ The color at the start of the gradient
+ @param[in] endColor
+ The color at the end of the gradient
+ @section EXAMPLE
+ @code
+ #include "drivers/displays/tft/drawing.h"
+ #include "drivers/displays/tft/aafonts.h"
+ #include "drivers/displays/tft/aafonts/aa2/DejaVuSansCondensed14_AA2.h"
+ // Draw a gradient-filled rectangle with anti-aliased text inside it
+ uint16_t btnWidth, btnHeight, btnX, btnY;
+ uint16_t fntX, fntY;
+ btnWidth = 200;
+ btnHeight = 20;
+ btnX = 10;
+ btnY = 30;
+ lcdFillRGB(0xFFFF);
+ drawRectangle(btnX-1, btnY-1, btnX+btnWidth+1, btnY+btnHeight+1, COLOR_GRAY_80);
+ drawGradient(btnX, btnY, btnX+btnWidth, btnY+btnHeight, COLOR_WHITE, COLOR_GRAY_128);
+ // Center text vertically and horizontally
+ fntY = btnY + ((btnHeight - DejaVuSansCondensed14_AA2.fontHeight) / 2);
+ fntX = btnX + ((btnWidth - aafontsGetStringWidth(&DejaVuSansCondensed14_AA2, "Click to continue"))/2);
+ aafontsDrawString(fntX, fntY, COLORTABLE_AA2_BLACKONWHITE, &DejaVuSansCondensed14_AA2, "Click to continue");
+ @endcode
+void drawGradient ( uint16_t x0, uint16_t y0, uint16_t x1, uint16_t y1, uint16_t startColor, uint16_t endColor)
+ int height;
+ uint16_t x, y;
+ uint8_t r, g, b;
+ int16_t rDelta, gDelta, bDelta;
+ // Clear gradient steps, etc.
+ r = g = b = 0;
+ rDelta = gDelta = bDelta = 0;
+ if (y1 < y0)
+ {
+ // Switch y1 and y0
+ y = y1;
+ y1 = y0;
+ y0 = y;
+ }
+ if (x1 < x0)
+ {
+ // Switch x1 and x0
+ x = x1;
+ x1 = x0;
+ x0 = x;
+ }
+ height = y1 - y0;
+ // Calculate global r/g/b changes between start and end colors
+ rDelta = ((endColor >> 11) & 0x1F) - ((startColor >> 11) & 0x1F);
+ gDelta = ((endColor >> 5) & 0x3F) - ((startColor >> 5) & 0x3F);
+ bDelta = (endColor & 0x1F) - (startColor & 0x1F);
+ // Calculate interpolation deltas to 2 decimal places (fixed point)
+ rDelta = (rDelta * 100) / height;
+ gDelta = (gDelta * 100) / height;
+ bDelta = (bDelta * 100) / height;
+ // Draw individual lines
+ for (height = y0; y1 > height - 1; ++height)
+ {
+ // Calculate new rgb values based on: start color + (line number * interpolation delta)
+ r = ((startColor >> 11) & 0x1F) + ((rDelta * (height - y0)) / 100);
+ g = ((startColor >> 5) & 0x3F) + ((gDelta * (height - y0)) / 100);
+ b = (startColor & 0x1F) + ((bDelta * (height - y0)) / 100);
+ drawLine(x0, height, x1, height, ((r & 0x1F) << 11) | ((g & 0x3F) << 5) | (b & 0x1F));
+ }
@brief Draws a triangle
- @brief Converts a 24-bit RGB color to an equivalent 16-bit RGB565 value
- @param[in] r
- 8-bit red
- @param[in] g
- 8-bit green
- @param[in] b
- 8-bit blue
- @section Example
- @code
- // Get 16-bit equivalent of 24-bit color
- uint16_t gray = drawRGB24toRGB565(0x33, 0x33, 0x33);
- @endcode
-uint16_t drawRGB24toRGB565(uint8_t r, uint8_t g, uint8_t b)
- return ((r / 8) << 11) | ((g / 4) << 5) | (b / 8);
- @brief Converts a 16-bit RGB565 color to a standard 32-bit BGRA32
- color (with alpha set to 0xFF)
- @param[in] color
- 16-bit rgb565 color
- @section Example
- @code
- // First convert 24-bit color to RGB565
- uint16_t rgb565 = drawRGB24toRGB565(0xFF, 0x00, 0x00);
- // Convert RGB565 color back to BGRA32
- uint32_t bgra32 = drawRGB565toBGRA32(rgb565);
- // Display results
- printf("BGRA32: 0x%08X R: %u G: %u B: %u A: %u \r\n",
- bgra32,
- (bgra32 & 0x000000FF), // Blue
- (bgra32 & 0x0000FF00) >> 8, // Green
- (bgra32 & 0x00FF0000) >> 16, // Red
- (bgra32 & 0xFF000000) >> 24); // Alpha
- @endcode
-uint32_t drawRGB565toBGRA32(uint16_t color)
- uint32_t bits = (uint32_t)color;
- uint32_t blue = bits & 0x001F; // 5 bits blue
- uint32_t green = bits & 0x07E0; // 6 bits green
- uint32_t red = bits & 0xF800; // 5 bits red
- // Return shifted bits with alpha set to 0xFF
- return (red << 8) | (green << 5) | (blue << 3) | 0xFF000000;
- @brief Reverses a 16-bit color from BGR to RGB
-uint16_t drawBGR2RGB(uint16_t color)
- uint16_t r, g, b;
- b = (color>>0) & 0x1f;
- g = (color>>5) & 0x3f;
- r = (color>>11) & 0x1f;
- return( (b<<11) + (g<<5) + (r<<0) );
@brief Draws a progress bar with rounded corners
#include "drivers/displays/tft/drawing.h"
#include "drivers/displays/tft/fonts/dejavusans9.h"
- // Draw two buttons using Vera Sans Bold 9
+ // Draw two buttons using DejaVu Sans 9
drawButton(20, 195, 200, 35, &dejaVuSans9ptFontInfo, COLOR_GRAY_80, COLOR_GRAY_80, COLOR_WHITE, "System Settings");
drawButton(20, 235, 200, 35, &dejaVuSans9ptFontInfo, COLOR_THEME_LIMEGREEN_DARKER, COLOR_THEME_LIMEGREEN_BASE, COLOR_BLACK, "System Settings");
// Render text
if (text != NULL)
- uint16_t textWidth = drawGetStringWidth(&*fontInfo, text);
+ uint16_t textWidth = fontsGetStringWidth(&*fontInfo, text);
uint16_t xStart = x + (width / 2) - (textWidth / 2);
uint16_t yStart = y + (height / 2) - (fontInfo->height / 2) + 1;
- drawString(xStart, yStart, fontclr, &*fontInfo, text);
+ fontsDrawString(xStart, yStart, fontclr, &*fontInfo, text);
@file drawing.h
@author K. Townsend (microBuilder.eu)
- @date 22 March 2010
- @version 0.10
@section LICENSE
Software License Agreement (BSD License)
- Copyright (c) 2010, microBuilder SARL
+ Copyright (c) 2012, microBuilder SARL
All rights reserved.
Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
#include "projectconfig.h"
#include "lcd.h"
#include "colors.h"
-#include "drivers/displays/tft/fonts/bitmapfonts.h"
+#include "fonts.h"
#include "drivers/displays/smallfonts.h"
void drawRectangle ( uint16_t x0, uint16_t y0, uint16_t x1, uint16_t y1, uint16_t color );
void drawRectangleFilled ( uint16_t x0, uint16_t y0, uint16_t x1, uint16_t y1, uint16_t color );
void drawRectangleRounded ( uint16_t x0, uint16_t y0, uint16_t x1, uint16_t y1, uint16_t color, uint16_t radius, drawRoundedCorners_t corners );
-void drawTriangle ( uint16_t x0, uint16_t y0, uint16_t x1, uint16_t y1, uint16_t x2, uint16_t y2, uint16_t color);
-void drawTriangleFilled ( uint16_t x0, uint16_t y0, uint16_t x1, uint16_t y1, uint16_t x2, uint16_t y2, uint16_t color);
-void drawString ( uint16_t x, uint16_t y, uint16_t color, const FONT_INFO *fontInfo, char *str );
-uint16_t drawGetStringWidth ( const FONT_INFO *fontInfo, char *str );
+void drawGradient ( uint16_t x0, uint16_t y0, uint16_t x1, uint16_t y1, uint16_t startColor, uint16_t endColor );
+void drawTriangle ( uint16_t x0, uint16_t y0, uint16_t x1, uint16_t y1, uint16_t x2, uint16_t y2, uint16_t color );
+void drawTriangleFilled ( uint16_t x0, uint16_t y0, uint16_t x1, uint16_t y1, uint16_t x2, uint16_t y2, uint16_t color );
void drawProgressBar ( uint16_t x, uint16_t y, uint16_t width, uint16_t height, drawRoundedCorners_t borderCorners, drawRoundedCorners_t progressCorners, uint16_t borderColor, uint16_t borderFillColor, uint16_t progressBorderColor, uint16_t progressFillColor, uint8_t progress );
void drawButton ( uint16_t x, uint16_t y, uint16_t width, uint16_t height, const FONT_INFO *fontInfo, uint16_t borderclr, uint16_t fillclr, uint16_t fontclr, char* text );
void drawIcon16 ( uint16_t x, uint16_t y, uint16_t color, uint16_t icon[] );
-uint16_t drawRGB24toRGB565 ( uint8_t r, uint8_t g, uint8_t b );
-uint32_t drawRGB565toBGRA32 ( uint16_t color );
-uint16_t drawBGR2RGB ( uint16_t color );
void drawStringSmall ( uint16_t x, uint16_t y, uint16_t color, char* text, struct FONT_DEF font );
#ifndef __DEJA_VU_SANS_9__
#define __DEJA_VU_SANS_9__
-#include "bitmapfonts.h"
+#include "../fonts.h"
extern const uint8_t dejaVuSans9ptCharBitmaps[];
extern const FONT_CHAR_INFO dejaVuSans9ptCharDescriptors[];
#ifndef __DEJA_VU_SANS_BOLD_9__
#define __DEJA_VU_SANS_BOLD_9__
-#include "bitmapfonts.h"
+#include "../fonts.h"
extern const uint8_t dejaVuSansBold9ptCharBitmaps[];
extern const FONT_CHAR_INFO dejaVuSansBold9ptCharDescriptors[];
-#include "bitmapfonts.h"
+#include "../fonts.h"
extern const uint8_t dejaVuSansCondensed9ptCharBitmaps[];
extern const FONT_CHAR_INFO dejaVuSansCondensed9ptCharDescriptors[];
#ifndef __DEJA_VU_SANS_MONO_8__
#define __DEJA_VU_SANS_MONO_8__
-#include "bitmapfonts.h"
+#include "../fonts.h"
extern const uint8_t dejaVuSansMono8ptCharBitmaps[];
extern const FONT_CHAR_INFO dejaVuSansMono8ptCharDescriptors[];
#ifndef __DEJA_VU_SANS_MONO_BOLD_8__
#define __DEJA_VU_SANS_MONO_BOLD_8__
-#include "bitmapfonts.h"
+#include "../fonts.h"
extern const uint8_t dejaVuSansMonoBold8ptCharBitmaps[];
extern const FONT_CHAR_INFO dejaVuSansMonoBold8ptCharDescriptors[];
#ifndef __VERDANA_14__
#define __VERDANA_14__
-#include "bitmapfonts.h"
+#include "../fonts.h"
/* Font data for Verdana 14pt */
extern const uint8_t verdana14ptBitmaps[];
#ifndef __VERDANA_9__
#define __VERDANA_9__
-#include "bitmapfonts.h"
+#include "../fonts.h"
/* Font data for Verdana 9pt */
extern const uint8_t verdana9ptBitmaps[];
#ifndef __VERDANA_BOLD_14__
#define __VERDANA_BOLD_14__
-#include "bitmapfonts.h"
+#include "../fonts.h"
/* Font data for Verdana Bold 14pt */
extern const uint8_t verdanabold14ptBitmaps[];
Pin Function Notes
=== ============== ===============================
void tsCalibCenterText(char* text, uint16_t y, uint16_t color)
- drawString((lcdGetWidth() - drawGetStringWidth(&dejaVuSans9ptFontInfo, text)) / 2, y, color, &dejaVuSans9ptFontInfo, text);
+ fontsDrawString((lcdGetWidth() - fontsGetStringWidth(&dejaVuSans9ptFontInfo, text)) / 2, y, color, &dejaVuSans9ptFontInfo, text);